In 1994 I was diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes. I never formally was shrieked at about it, but...
The sister of the then Mrs. MOGFODAT asked me, "Do you understand what it is that you did that caused this (diabetes) to happen to you?"
I was told not to speak of it to anyone.
When I was in the hospital at diagnosis getting my blood sugar regulated, it was during the ROA. Over a dozen friends visited me. Do you know how many offered to minister to me for healing? Or even pray for me?
quote:"Do you understand what it is that you did that caused this (diabetes) to happen to you?"
Watered Garden, you haven't answered the question. Do you now understand WHY you have it and WHAT you did? Do you see how you need to get your believing up?
It would be interesting to track down all the people who committed suicide because they could not face life outside God's household and being cut off from His fellowship which is what they taught being marked & avoided was all about.
It would be interesting in finding out how many women could not live with what happened to them after being sexually used and abused.
I remember very early after I got into TWI (around 72-73), JL talking about an incident that happened in which a girl committed suicide in VP's "Clubhouse." Made me wonder why anyone who knew "the greatness of the Word" and the love of the ministry would ever do anything like that.
Now I wonder what actually happened to the poor woman in this clubhouse that she could no longer live with herself.
There also used to be (maybe there still is-- haven't seen it in a while) an article on this site regarding the events surrounding a suicide that occurred after LCM took another man's wife to bed. He was publicly defamed and driven to suicide.
I think that counts.
There are probably countless people who if they did not die, suffered physical consequences of not taking their medicine, or tossing away needed appliances trying to "act on their believing."
I personally know of one girl who when she went WOW, threw out her hearing aid to "act on her believing." A few weeks later they sent her home because she could not get a job or communicate with anyone in her family because she could not hear!
Fortunately I have only been insulin dependant for 4 years, long after I left TWI.
But I knew of one guy who decided to drop his insulin whilst with TWI. I didn't know enough about it then to know what effects this could have on him and I don't know what finally happened as he moved back to Ireland. The culture was definitely that healing was "available" and it was all your fault if you didn't receive it. However the denying of necessary medications was not then officially discouraged, at least in the UK.
TWI's attitude sounds like it almost became like that if Christian Science.
But I never heard before of anyone not offering to minister healing.
But I was out by the mid eighties. Before everyone was expected to be some kind of super being.
Yes, Catcup, I'm speaking of the people of whom you speak as well as those that believed sickness was weakness, as taught in twi and didn't tell anyone they were ill because they knew what would happen and whatever was making them ill killed them.
I was ill most of my time with TWI and even before--Various symptoms-- fatigue, tingling, numbness, blurred vision, muscle aches--came and went --no set pattern. This of course was due to my "lack of meekness to receive the word" "practice of witchcraft" "lack of Believing.
THen when I and My ex were arrested along with R*** U*****t for Child Abuse. Things really got bad.
As the trial date came closer TWI wanted me to plead guilty so that S****n, my husband, could go free as he was a "standing member of the household" and It was my "duty as a wife to sustain your husband so he can continue getting the WOrd over the World"
I refused and After St****n was convicted I went to a doctor. I had and still have Multiple Sclerosis.
I got a call from Jail --Seems leadership and My hubby (on the way to being ex-hubby) had had a talk and the following message was to be delivered
"the reason you have Multiple Sclerosis is due to your lack of Obedience and failure to support your husband by pleading guilty to the charges he was convicted of"
TWI and I had officialy parted ways (no pun intended)
I recall LCM preaching about the corps being the cream of the crop and how we should be choosing the "healthy" ones and not allowing the sickly into the corps.
At that point, I remember thinking what about the "spiritually" healthy? Shouldn't that be a factor?
He seemed to think that tall thin atheltic types were able to walk with God. Where shorter rounder people couldn't....
Illness impacts everyone at some point or another and leave it to TWI to punish people
for being human. Of course VPW ,during his illness and after his death, was not held
to the same standard and was spared the
judgement so easily handed out to others who dared get sick especially if they were on the field or running a class.
In all seriousness ,I've always thought that there was lots of mental illness at work in the upper ranks what with people needing to assert their dominance by demanding things and barking
And let’s not forget the people that needed prayed for and ministering that actually asked their full time WC for the help they desired. I knew people that were told that they had a problem because the present truth being taught from HQ was so hot *we* don’t need ministering any more. After all in the promised land of the pervert’s word, Zion was right next to God if not God and the answers and results always happened right now! Unless of course you were weak, then you were the problem and must be removed!
This post on sickness generates alot of pain.(pun intended)
When I left TWI, one of the first things I wanted claifacation on was sickness and its origin. For years I lived with shame because of "my" inability to heal someone or shame-filled cover-up and rationalization as to why others didn't get healed when I did beleive and they didn't. I did't have the meaness to be accusitory and say "it your fault" I certainly did not buy into "what was your sin to cause this?"
------------------------------------------------ I had to go back to Jn.10:10 and ask what is the abundent life? Then ask if what I have been taught realistic? Well to make a long story short I finally figured out........ HAPPENS!.... happens to good and bad alike. And the Law of beleiving is not as powerful as we had been taught. It's all about Gods Goodness and not my narrsistic beleiving. So with that I say this...Like the rest of the world, your born, you live, you get old, you die! And yes we do get sick and that is o.k.
TWI hooked me with promises of abundance, being Gods elite and having Power.Once I was hooked, I tried day-n-day out to make those promises work. And when they didn't happen, it was all about me, never about what I was being taught.
------------------------------------------------There is a book out Titled" The Betrayal Bond" by Patrick Carnes.It talks about betrayal by suduction(promises)and spirit(clergy in positions of power and abusing that position)
well I can ramble on so I guess my point is...Hope all is well with you and if your ever sick GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK.
quote:When I was in the hospital at diagnosis getting my blood sugar regulated, it was during the ROA. Over a dozen friends visited me. Do you know how many offered to minister to me for healing? Or even pray for me?
Not one.
That was a red flag.
It probably meant they knew all that ministering stuff was just hog wash and didn't want to burden themselves or you with it not working and then having to figure out who was to blame.
This is one that I wish someone in NJ could confirm because my recollection is a bit fuzzy.
A couple had a baby die of SIDS. What a heartbreaking thing to happen. I didn't know them that well, and was young and didn't know what to say. I only know that I was very sad for them.
Not too long after that, another Twig Leader told me that the reason this baby died was because the wife hadn't "cleaned her house out from devil spirits."
Apparently, the woman had inherited an antique glass decanter with matching liquor glasses and a tray. According to this TL -this decanter was supposed to have devil spirits housed in it - and she shouldn't have had it in her house. That's what killed her baby.
I don't know who gave this TL that information. But I know I couldn't believe it when I heard it. How awful for some damnable leader to blame this poor mother for losing her child BECAUSE OF AN OBJECT IN HER HOME!
Sick - sick - sick...
Please - someone that was in NJ from around 1978 - 1980 - fill in the blanks if you know them.
Our family decided that we would not, under any circumstances, bring a sick child to fellowship. When we kept someone home, one of us parents would also stay home. We didn't wait until they had bronchitus either, ;)--> - if they had a cold or sniffles, or just felt run down, we figured that bed was the best place for 'em.
At one point the Branch Coordinator told us that we had chronic illness, or some such nonsense, and that we needed to figure out why and get it fixed.
Unknown to him I started tracking on my spiffy Way International "Executive Planner" every time someone in my family missed a fellowship due to illness. I added all the times Mr. Spiritual Branch Coordinator and his wife got sick too.
Several months later he brought it up again. I whipped out my calendar and showed him that considering that there were eight people in my house, we weren't sick any more than anyone else, and actually he and his wife were sick more days per person than anyone in my family.
The gist of his response was that I was rebellious for tracking that stuff on the calendar and that I just should have obeyed him. He ignored the facts that I had compiled.
THe thought that clicked in my brain after the phone call I mentioned earlier in this thread was this:
"Wait a Minute-Dr. Wierwille said that illness was of the devil and GOD never punished any of his children with Illness. Yet here I am being told that GOD has punished me with Multiple Sclerosis."
And odd as it sounds everything I had been taught and struggled with the last 7 years just went POOF.
Didn't know what I was going to do, or what I should believe but I just knew what I'd been believing-- or more acurately --trying to believe just wasn't it.
Not very long after came the tears and the guilt and more pain than I thought possible--BUT GOD and Jesus Christ were there for me even when I didn't realize it -And of course still are
I hesatated to bring this up but I think it might give a different slant on sickness and dying.
My mother was diognoised with terminal lung cancer.(She started smoking when she was 14y/o). She was given 4 live. My brother belieived in her instintanious healing, I did not. I was of the same beleif as my older sister that her cancer was a consquence of smoking and at best could ask God for extention of life. WEll my mother lasted 2 1/2 years. In the 2 1/2 years tremendous healing happened. 1st(miracle #1) my father was put in a nursing home because he fell and broke his hip. He also had dementia. My mother with her cancer ridden body had no buisness taking care of him. With him safly nusttled away my mother had the freedom to do as she pleased, which wasn't much.-
I have to say this in order for you to get the scope of healing my mother recieved.-
My father was an extremly abusive man. He was narrisistic,contolling and verbally abusive. He made Archie Bunker seem like a girl scott. My mother becme the focus of his rage although he never laid a hand on her. There was a constint stream of accustions of infidelity,peversion and women are dirt.-
So until my father got dementia, this was a 40+ years of oppression and abuse. My father tried to ruin every friendship she ever had with mothers in the neiborhood. My mothers friend Joyce was a Godsend and that friendship endured.-
As my mothers cancer progressed she was given a hospics worker that was male. That man loved my mother in to living again. He pampered her,made her feel like a queen.He dotted on her so much that she felt like a women was suppose to feel. Special! She was finally nurtured. (Miracle#2)-
My mother always has taken a back seat to my father. Her life was insignifacant compared to his needs and demands.WELLLLL. The local newspaper was wanting to run an article on "Death and Dying". They found out that my mom was terminally ill and asked if she would volenteer to be the subject. She said yes. So they followed her all the way to her last breath. For 9 mos. she was in the spot light. Those 9 mos. was about her and how she felt. She was front page news and the community followed her journey.(miracle#3) This miracle is self explanitory.-
WEll it so happened that a good friend wanted to come see her. It was Joyce. Joyce was my mothers mentor, sister,soul mate. Joyce hung out with my mother foe 4 mos. My mother laughed again and became child like with the stories of a friendship that could not be smothered. It was not a friendship renewed but a friendship continued. Joyce even got in the news paper.(miracle#4)-
When my mother passed it was very peaceful, contrary to the life she had lived. So I guess there was tremendous healing that happened. It wasn't in the realm that my brother beleived for but in the areas of greatest need. Her soul was restored. What a great way to have your lifes story end.-
My mother was not a perfect mother. She was abusive too. But her stuff was about survival and ignorance. She was partially paralized on her right side and had a learning disability. So I hold no ill feeling twards this women. I'm very happy she was healed even though it was not phisical.-
The final 2 1/2 yrs was the best years of her life, cancer and all.
3 Cents, i doubt very much if my friends thought ministering to people for healing or praying for them was hogwash. I myself have prayed for many, and seen deliverance including from death as a rseult.
My own opinion is that by 1994 sickness had gone from being a result of our living in this present body of corruptible flesh, to a vile and loathsome sin itself, proof of humaness and sin in one's life. Can't ask God for help when we sinned against Him and thereby against tTWI and the MOGFODAT. Healing the heart was no longer important; perfecting the flesh was the present truth of the day.
I do remember a girl in my 16th Corps. Her intials were E.D.. She had worked in the Translations Department prior to joining the WC. I remember that one day, during our first year in-residence in Emporia, Michael Fort and his assistant Wally Mathis (I believe that was the last name) brought us in for a meeting. They talked about poor ED and how she had opened her mind to devil possesion and tried to hurt herself. At that time I had NO clue whatsover what "hurt herself meant" but now Im sure it had to do with commiting suicide. They told us that they had to commit her to the mental hospital in town.
Even now and then I think about E.D. and wonder what happened to her?
Well said, both of you. And...anything less than perfect physical health & and height/weight ratio...was a direct affront on the mogfodat, it was a personal slap in his face...done deliberately to hinder his personal walk and ability to lead the FUNCTIONING HOUSEHOLD into the Promised land of the Prevailing Household or WHATEVER!!!!!!!!
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Watered Garden
In 1994 I was diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes. I never formally was shrieked at about it, but...
The sister of the then Mrs. MOGFODAT asked me, "Do you understand what it is that you did that caused this (diabetes) to happen to you?"
I was told not to speak of it to anyone.
When I was in the hospital at diagnosis getting my blood sugar regulated, it was during the ROA. Over a dozen friends visited me. Do you know how many offered to minister to me for healing? Or even pray for me?
Not one.
That was a red flag.
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This one gets me going, for sure.
I'm interested in twi's guilt trips that ended up causing death.
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Watered Garden, you haven't answered the question. Do you now understand WHY you have it and WHAT you did? Do you see how you need to get your believing up?
Just kidding.
:)--> I have Type 2.
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TWI's guilt trips that caused death?
It would be interesting to track down all the people who committed suicide because they could not face life outside God's household and being cut off from His fellowship which is what they taught being marked & avoided was all about.
It would be interesting in finding out how many women could not live with what happened to them after being sexually used and abused.
I remember very early after I got into TWI (around 72-73), JL talking about an incident that happened in which a girl committed suicide in VP's "Clubhouse." Made me wonder why anyone who knew "the greatness of the Word" and the love of the ministry would ever do anything like that.
Now I wonder what actually happened to the poor woman in this clubhouse that she could no longer live with herself.
There also used to be (maybe there still is-- haven't seen it in a while) an article on this site regarding the events surrounding a suicide that occurred after LCM took another man's wife to bed. He was publicly defamed and driven to suicide.
I think that counts.
There are probably countless people who if they did not die, suffered physical consequences of not taking their medicine, or tossing away needed appliances trying to "act on their believing."
I personally know of one girl who when she went WOW, threw out her hearing aid to "act on her believing." A few weeks later they sent her home because she could not get a job or communicate with anyone in her family because she could not hear!
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Trefor Heywood
Fortunately I have only been insulin dependant for 4 years, long after I left TWI.
But I knew of one guy who decided to drop his insulin whilst with TWI. I didn't know enough about it then to know what effects this could have on him and I don't know what finally happened as he moved back to Ireland. The culture was definitely that healing was "available" and it was all your fault if you didn't receive it. However the denying of necessary medications was not then officially discouraged, at least in the UK.
TWI's attitude sounds like it almost became like that if Christian Science.
But I never heard before of anyone not offering to minister healing.
But I was out by the mid eighties. Before everyone was expected to be some kind of super being.
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Yes, Catcup, I'm speaking of the people of whom you speak as well as those that believed sickness was weakness, as taught in twi and didn't tell anyone they were ill because they knew what would happen and whatever was making them ill killed them.
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I was ill most of my time with TWI and even before--Various symptoms-- fatigue, tingling, numbness, blurred vision, muscle aches--came and went --no set pattern. This of course was due to my "lack of meekness to receive the word" "practice of witchcraft" "lack of Believing.
THen when I and My ex were arrested along with R*** U*****t for Child Abuse. Things really got bad.
As the trial date came closer TWI wanted me to plead guilty so that S****n, my husband, could go free as he was a "standing member of the household" and It was my "duty as a wife to sustain your husband so he can continue getting the WOrd over the World"
I refused and After St****n was convicted I went to a doctor. I had and still have Multiple Sclerosis.
I got a call from Jail --Seems leadership and My hubby (on the way to being ex-hubby) had had a talk and the following message was to be delivered
"the reason you have Multiple Sclerosis is due to your lack of Obedience and failure to support your husband by pleading guilty to the charges he was convicted of"
TWI and I had officialy parted ways (no pun intended)
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Dot Matrix
((((Mo)))) I am speechless...
I recall LCM preaching about the corps being the cream of the crop and how we should be choosing the "healthy" ones and not allowing the sickly into the corps.
At that point, I remember thinking what about the "spiritually" healthy? Shouldn't that be a factor?
He seemed to think that tall thin atheltic types were able to walk with God. Where shorter rounder people couldn't....
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Illness impacts everyone at some point or another and leave it to TWI to punish people
for being human. Of course VPW ,during his illness and after his death, was not held
to the same standard and was spared the
judgement so easily handed out to others who dared get sick especially if they were on the field or running a class.
In all seriousness ,I've always thought that there was lots of mental illness at work in the upper ranks what with people needing to assert their dominance by demanding things and barking
out orders. You can't get people's respect
by demanding it but lord knows those corps guys
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And let’s not forget the people that needed prayed for and ministering that actually asked their full time WC for the help they desired. I knew people that were told that they had a problem because the present truth being taught from HQ was so hot *we* don’t need ministering any more. After all in the promised land of the pervert’s word, Zion was right next to God if not God and the answers and results always happened right now! Unless of course you were weak, then you were the problem and must be removed!
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Watered Garden
actually I DO understand - I was born with a bad set of genes.
I'm a human being.
It's corruptible flesh.
Trefor, I would survive maybe a week without insulin.
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Dearesr Frank,
This post on sickness generates alot of pain.(pun intended)
When I left TWI, one of the first things I wanted claifacation on was sickness and its origin. For years I lived with shame because of "my" inability to heal someone or shame-filled cover-up and rationalization as to why others didn't get healed when I did beleive and they didn't. I did't have the meaness to be accusitory and say "it your fault" I certainly did not buy into "what was your sin to cause this?"
------------------------------------------------ I had to go back to Jn.10:10 and ask what is the abundent life? Then ask if what I have been taught realistic? Well to make a long story short I finally figured out........ HAPPENS!.... happens to good and bad alike. And the Law of beleiving is not as powerful as we had been taught. It's all about Gods Goodness and not my narrsistic beleiving. So with that I say this...Like the rest of the world, your born, you live, you get old, you die! And yes we do get sick and that is o.k.
TWI hooked me with promises of abundance, being Gods elite and having Power.Once I was hooked, I tried day-n-day out to make those promises work. And when they didn't happen, it was all about me, never about what I was being taught.
------------------------------------------------There is a book out Titled" The Betrayal Bond" by Patrick Carnes.It talks about betrayal by suduction(promises)and spirit(clergy in positions of power and abusing that position)
well I can ramble on so I guess my point is...Hope all is well with you and if your ever sick GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK.
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It probably meant they knew all that ministering stuff was just hog wash and didn't want to burden themselves or you with it not working and then having to figure out who was to blame.
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Hope R.
This is one that I wish someone in NJ could confirm because my recollection is a bit fuzzy.
A couple had a baby die of SIDS. What a heartbreaking thing to happen. I didn't know them that well, and was young and didn't know what to say. I only know that I was very sad for them.
Not too long after that, another Twig Leader told me that the reason this baby died was because the wife hadn't "cleaned her house out from devil spirits."
Apparently, the woman had inherited an antique glass decanter with matching liquor glasses and a tray. According to this TL -this decanter was supposed to have devil spirits housed in it - and she shouldn't have had it in her house. That's what killed her baby.
I don't know who gave this TL that information. But I know I couldn't believe it when I heard it. How awful for some damnable leader to blame this poor mother for losing her child BECAUSE OF AN OBJECT IN HER HOME!
Sick - sick - sick...
Please - someone that was in NJ from around 1978 - 1980 - fill in the blanks if you know them.
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Our family decided that we would not, under any circumstances, bring a sick child to fellowship. When we kept someone home, one of us parents would also stay home. We didn't wait until they had bronchitus either,
;)--> - if they had a cold or sniffles, or just felt run down, we figured that bed was the best place for 'em.
At one point the Branch Coordinator told us that we had chronic illness, or some such nonsense, and that we needed to figure out why and get it fixed.
Unknown to him I started tracking on my spiffy Way International "Executive Planner" every time someone in my family missed a fellowship due to illness. I added all the times Mr. Spiritual Branch Coordinator and his wife got sick too.
Several months later he brought it up again. I whipped out my calendar and showed him that considering that there were eight people in my house, we weren't sick any more than anyone else, and actually he and his wife were sick more days per person than anyone in my family.
The gist of his response was that I was rebellious for tracking that stuff on the calendar and that I just should have obeyed him. He ignored the facts that I had compiled.
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THe thought that clicked in my brain after the phone call I mentioned earlier in this thread was this:
"Wait a Minute-Dr. Wierwille said that illness was of the devil and GOD never punished any of his children with Illness. Yet here I am being told that GOD has punished me with Multiple Sclerosis."
And odd as it sounds everything I had been taught and struggled with the last 7 years just went POOF.
Didn't know what I was going to do, or what I should believe but I just knew what I'd been believing-- or more acurately --trying to believe just wasn't it.
Not very long after came the tears and the guilt and more pain than I thought possible--BUT GOD and Jesus Christ were there for me even when I didn't realize it -And of course still are
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I hesatated to bring this up but I think it might give a different slant on sickness and dying.
My mother was diognoised with terminal lung cancer.(She started smoking when she was 14y/o). She was given 4 live. My brother belieived in her instintanious healing, I did not. I was of the same beleif as my older sister that her cancer was a consquence of smoking and at best could ask God for extention of life. WEll my mother lasted 2 1/2 years. In the 2 1/2 years tremendous healing happened. 1st(miracle #1) my father was put in a nursing home because he fell and broke his hip. He also had dementia. My mother with her cancer ridden body had no buisness taking care of him. With him safly nusttled away my mother had the freedom to do as she pleased, which wasn't much.-
I have to say this in order for you to get the scope of healing my mother recieved.-
My father was an extremly abusive man. He was narrisistic,contolling and verbally abusive. He made Archie Bunker seem like a girl scott. My mother becme the focus of his rage although he never laid a hand on her. There was a constint stream of accustions of infidelity,peversion and women are dirt.-
So until my father got dementia, this was a 40+ years of oppression and abuse. My father tried to ruin every friendship she ever had with mothers in the neiborhood. My mothers friend Joyce was a Godsend and that friendship endured.-
As my mothers cancer progressed she was given a hospics worker that was male. That man loved my mother in to living again. He pampered her,made her feel like a queen.He dotted on her so much that she felt like a women was suppose to feel. Special! She was finally nurtured. (Miracle#2)-
My mother always has taken a back seat to my father. Her life was insignifacant compared to his needs and demands.WELLLLL. The local newspaper was wanting to run an article on "Death and Dying". They found out that my mom was terminally ill and asked if she would volenteer to be the subject. She said yes. So they followed her all the way to her last breath. For 9 mos. she was in the spot light. Those 9 mos. was about her and how she felt. She was front page news and the community followed her journey.(miracle#3) This miracle is self explanitory.-
WEll it so happened that a good friend wanted to come see her. It was Joyce. Joyce was my mothers mentor, sister,soul mate. Joyce hung out with my mother foe 4 mos. My mother laughed again and became child like with the stories of a friendship that could not be smothered. It was not a friendship renewed but a friendship continued. Joyce even got in the news paper.(miracle#4)-
When my mother passed it was very peaceful, contrary to the life she had lived. So I guess there was tremendous healing that happened. It wasn't in the realm that my brother beleived for but in the areas of greatest need. Her soul was restored. What a great way to have your lifes story end.-
My mother was not a perfect mother. She was abusive too. But her stuff was about survival and ignorance. She was partially paralized on her right side and had a learning disability. So I hold no ill feeling twards this women. I'm very happy she was healed even though it was not phisical.-
The final 2 1/2 yrs was the best years of her life, cancer and all.
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Kit Sober
Imbus, Really nice story. Thanks for giving it to us.
A most severe consequence of the twi-physical-challenge-guilt-trip I know personally was Doug Simmons, a wonderful guy from California.
From the WOW field to the Rock (? ? circa 1972-3? ?) he was in an automobile accident.
He would be disfigured and crippled, and he gave up living didn't want to live "imperfectly."
And his funeral, no twi people came. (I didn't find out until later, and couldn't ever find his mom to tell her how precious her son was to me.)
Another very sad and bitter memory from the twi years.
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Watered Garden
3 Cents, i doubt very much if my friends thought ministering to people for healing or praying for them was hogwash. I myself have prayed for many, and seen deliverance including from death as a rseult.
My own opinion is that by 1994 sickness had gone from being a result of our living in this present body of corruptible flesh, to a vile and loathsome sin itself, proof of humaness and sin in one's life. Can't ask God for help when we sinned against Him and thereby against tTWI and the MOGFODAT. Healing the heart was no longer important; perfecting the flesh was the present truth of the day.
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Dot Matrix
Well said:
"Healing the heart was no longer important; perfecting the flesh was the present truth of the day."
I love that! It is so true!
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I do remember a girl in my 16th Corps. Her intials were E.D.. She had worked in the Translations Department prior to joining the WC. I remember that one day, during our first year in-residence in Emporia, Michael Fort and his assistant Wally Mathis (I believe that was the last name) brought us in for a meeting. They talked about poor ED and how she had opened her mind to devil possesion and tried to hurt herself. At that time I had NO clue whatsover what "hurt herself meant" but now Im sure it had to do with commiting suicide. They told us that they had to commit her to the mental hospital in town.
Even now and then I think about E.D. and wonder what happened to her?
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Radar OReilly
Watered Garden & Dot,
Well said, both of you. And...anything less than perfect physical health & and height/weight ratio...was a direct affront on the mogfodat, it was a personal slap in his face...done deliberately to hinder his personal walk and ability to lead the FUNCTIONING HOUSEHOLD into the Promised land of the Prevailing Household or WHATEVER!!!!!!!!
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Dot Matrix
I wonder if one of the Moggies got to her... sexual abuse or attempted sexual abuse.
Woman who did not comply were often labeled possessed
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Dot Matrix
Yes, that weight stuff really REALLY bugged LCM.
Wonder if the bald stuff bothered him? (his imperfection)
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