This woman knows absolutely NOTHING about "doing good" to the household.
She is a gutless wonder of a weak-minded low life who couldn't stand up for the truth if it picked her up by the collar.
When this couple moved to Cleveland, before I even met them, I arranged for them to have a key to my home, sight unseen, so they would have a place to "land" when they hit town, even though I wouldn't be home until several hours after they arrived-- I had previously promised a dying believer I would be there with her for her first chemotherapy treatment.
When I got home, only J*se*hine was there with her daughter, (who at the time I had found actually inside the rabbit cage in the back yard). After introducting myself, the very first thing I did was inform her of a particular medication my daughter needed to take-- because I knew that is what was expected of me. I told her my former Limb Coordinator also knew and had told me that if that is what her doctor felt she needed, then maybe I should listen to the doctor. She thanked me for telling her and said she understood why it was prescribed. Then we went on to discuss other pressing matters of "ministry business."
A couple of months later while talking to M*rK on the phone, I mentioned purchasing the medication my daughter was on, and he went ballistic. He screamed at me and wanted to know why I never informed him.
I told him I had informed his wife the very first day and moment I met her. I suppose this embarassed him. Significantly, because it highlighted a lack of communication between the two of them. From that moment on, W*ll*ce had it in for me.
Several months after that, in an inquisition with the clergy in Ohio (The same one in which L*rry* P*n*r*ll*'s wife C*nn*e said that my ankle had not healed because my husband didn't love me enough) M*rk W*ll*ce angrily accused us in front of the clergy for the strangest things in order to justify our removal from The Way Corps. But this one illustrates J*s*ph*ne's spineless dishonesty:
Ma*k W*ll*ce, in this inquisition with the P*n*r*llos and the state clergy, accused me of HIDING THE FACT MY DAUGHTER WAS ON MEDICATION. He railed on me for about a good half hour about it.
I sat there the entire time staring at J*sep*ine, waiting for her to speak up and tell everyone in the room that I had in fact spoken to her immediately about it.
Instead, J*sep*ine sat there looking down at her hands in her lap. She couldnt bear to look me in they eye while those accusations were being made. I just silently stared at her the entire time, waiting for her to look up and catch her gaze. She refused to look at me.
Such a friggin WUSS. I got the sense she is afraid of her husband. Maybe he is abusive to her privately, I don't know. I DO know he is abusive to others publicly.
But his woman had no guts to stand up and tell the truth. Where was her "goodness" on that day? Where was her commitment to truth, to honesty, to integrity?
She has no idea what any of those things are.
Then when I told the inquisition that I had informed Josephine, other clergy stepped in and began to call me a liar. Every time I would nail them on stuff, they would change the subject or become infuriated that I had challenged them.
Then when I told them my former Limb Coordinator had supported my decision, they tried for a good 45 minutes to twist my words when I quoted him. They were trying to get me to say he said something I know he did not say and I refused. I know now they were looking for ammunition to use against him, because later they threw him out as well.
Other reasons they tossed us out of The Corpse:
We had "chapped P*nar*llo's @$$" because my husband had dared to answer a question posed to him by other Way Corps people who were preparing presentations on the Star of Bethlehem... not that he gave the wrong answer, but that he did not refer them to P*nare**o in order to get it.
They were upset that when my husband was invited by Cleveland's Natural Museum to do a presentation in their planetarium that "guests" from Rome City were not publicly introduced (They WERE privately introduced to the curator after the program). --It was the Museum's gig, not ours....we didn't tell them how to run a show my husband was a guest speaker in....
They were apparently upset also that at the HoHo party for the Way Corps, that my daughter showed up in a dress that was bought at (gasp!) K-MART, and that my husband had bought it instead of me. Hell, I trusted my husband to do it, thought it looked nice and was appropriate for what everyone else wore... black velvet knee length skirt with a white silk top and pink waist ribbon....
These people know NOTHING about honesty, integrity, truth, and especially goodness...
Oh, yes, lets talk some more about doing good and blessing the household.
The last fellowship I attended, when I decided I would not ever return:
Jos*ph*ne ran the meeting and her right hand bitch taught on how to nail evil where you find it....
This chick used this incident to illustrate her point. She turned in a little old lady who lived in the same apartment building for having a cat when it was not in her lease. --AND WAS PROUD OF IT!!!!!
However, it did not bother this chick to cut our hair in her apartment and charge us money, even though her lease said she could not run a business out of her home.
When she used that incident in her teaching, my 11 year old daughter and I looked at each other and were appalled at the hypocrisy and cruelty of this chick and the woman who endorsed such a thing---J*se*hine.
J*se*phine also has no sense of overstepping parental bounds. After I had forbidden my daughter from taking any more candy out of a dish, she contradicted me right in front of my daughter and said she could have as much as she wanted.
I left that night and informed my daughter we would never attend another Way function. The people were too corrupt and had no sense of responsibility, decency, humanity, equity, or ethics.
You know, just when I think I've heard every moronic thing these people did, I get surprised. There's always one more thing that's just floors me.
What possible freaking reason was there for any twi "leader" to know what medication anybody was taking? Why on God's earth would that be any of their business whatsoever?
Did any of them ever stop and think, "Maybe I really don't need to know this?" I guess that's giving them too much credit. That would involve actually having to think for yourself.
That's what I was wondering. What was the big deal if your daughter was on medication? Why was it their business? And why the big huge deal over who you told and when and who told who.
I guess Jesus should have turned that lady over to be stoned for adultry, so he could "nail evil where he found it". -->
Oh no wait adultry is OK, I forgot.
How's about some of you Christian folk come up with some biblical examples of where "believers" did good to the average person who wasn't going to believe or where it wasn't a benifit to the believer or a control show the innie lurkers what it is REALLY talking about.
I might be interested too.
I love these retarded WayRag articles, they are sooooo deep. lol
quote:I wonder if they announce over the PA system at HQ:
... "Its medication time."
I'm giggling here :D-->
I can just hear it ... a soft stepford voice comes over the intercom system ... with that soft 'ding' at the beginning to get your attention with soul zapping WAYMUZAK playing in the background. Then a woman's voice announces oh so softly,
"Attention all followers, it's time for your medication. Please meet at the front foyer of the Outreach Services Center for your daily dosage. God Bless You and thank you for working at The Way ... there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like ..."
then it fades into the sounds of birds chirpin', bees buzzin' and lonely loon calls in the distance.
How they found out where the dress came from and who bought it? Ch*ryl W*ts*n, Way Corps fashion plate of Akron who was always asking "Where did you buy that and how much did you pay," thought I had paid a lot of dough at some expensive store. She asked me and I told her. I am assuming she mentioned it to either P*n*rello or W*ll*ce and that's how they found out.
Not much I did ever pleased Ch*r*l. She (and the W*ll*ces) felt I wasn't taking the advice of the household when I told her I didn't want to go on her rice diet (eat nothing but rice for several weeks!) because I was already following a well-balanced one my doctor had given me.
While the P*n*rell*s felt my ankle wasn't healing because my husband didn't love me enough, Ch*r*l and the W*ll*ces felt if I only would lose weight, my ankle would heal-- that's the injury I got when I fell into an uncovered unmarked trench during ROA 95 and was prevented from seeking professional medical attention for several hours before being allowed to go to the hospital. (It was misdiagnosed as a sprain when it was actually broken).
Ch*r*l dropped off a stationary bicycle at my house and the W*ll*ces insisted I use it to lose weight and "rehab" my broken ankle, even after I told them I was reluctant to use it without medical advice. Being a good little Corpse person that I was and not wanting to appear disobedient, I tried to use the stationary bicycle.
Much later I found that their insistance for me to do this actually was the cause for a later surgery I had to have, to remove countless splinters of bone that had been ground into the surrounding tissue using that bike, before the break had been properly diagnosed and treated. The surgeon told me in recovery that he "picked out as much bone as he could" but there were so many pieces of tiny shattered bone that he could not get them all.
And as for telling them about medication? Why, for the ministry to be able to move into the land of milk and honey, the land of the prevailing household, to cross over into their "promised land," there could be "no feeble knee among them." So the hunt was on for anyone who might be holding them back from their "goal". If you were sick, or hurt, buddy you were the problem, you were holding back the entire ministry, and you were not "living sanctified."
In other words, if you had any kind, and I mean any kind of illness or physical abnormalty, you were immediately suspect
You were expected to be up front and honest about every little thing going on. If they found out anything you had not told them about, they would hold that up as proof of your dishonesty and unfitness to be allowed to remain within the precious boundaries of their household.
BTW, speaking of dishonesty and with holding the truth, the Way Corps were told they had to be totally debt free by ROA 95 if they wanted to remain Corps. The W*ts*ns were NOT debt free, still owned property they were trying desperately to sell even after the ROA, and conspired with other believers to sell their property and NOT TELL the W*ll*ces... oh, but we just don't apply our standards evenly, do we?
I have to tell you another part of this inquisition meeting to illustrate the back door politicking and underhanded schemes and lies that occur when people in TWI want to get rid of someone, and they can't find a legitimate reason.
Before the inquisition began, after the teaching and during a break, I was in the dining room looking out the window when I overheard a conversation on the basement stairs behind me. It was M*rK W*ll*ce and L*rr* P*n*r*ll*, discussing my husband and myself. M*rk said, "The Nessles have to go." And L*rry said, "I'll back you up on whatever you say."
Then as soon as the break was over and all the Corps were assembled for the inquisition, L*rr* opened the meeting by saying that they had not yet determined our status and that "Nothing is a foregone conclusion."
I knew immediately I was dealing with a basket of snakes.
What big f***ing liars they are.
These people, M*r* and J*s*ph*ne W*ll*ce, the P*n*r*ll*s, and the W*ts*ns, who could not stand us, and were jealous of and intimidated by my husband and I, could not find any genuine flaw and legitimate reason to dismiss us from The Way Corps, so they came up with anything they could to do it, and this is what they came up with.
***L*rr* was insulted that my husband answered questions other Way Corps came up and asked him about biblical astronomy, instead of telling them to ask L*rry?
***They thought that in a public event run by the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, we should have had prayer, manifestations, and introduced guests, even though my husband was an invited guest speaker to an event The Way International did neither sponsor nor control?
***My ankle didn't heal because my husband doesn't love me enough?
***My ankle didn't heal because I wasn't following Ch*r*l's rice diet?
***They didn't like my daughter's dress because my husband bought it at K Mart?
Oh, yeah, and...
***My husband didn't "have a passion for the truth."
When I talked to my still-in brother in law about how dishonestly we had been handled by the P*n*r*ll*s, he proudly pointed out that they no longer are in The Way Ministry.
But what I want to know is:
How come M*rK and J*sePh*ne W*ll*ce are still allowed to be in TWI and serve as REGION COORDINATORS?
These are people who do NOT have good communication between themselves concerning apparently very important ministry business.
J*seph*ne obviously has no sense of taking personal responsibility for her own actions, nor does she understand the boundaries involving parental instruction.
She also has no ability to judge ethics with regards to whom she allows to teach in her fellowship or ability to comprehend inequities and hypocrisy when it's right under her nose. But then again, I am told that most people are not offended by the smell of their own fecal matter.
M*rk W*ll*ce desperately did everything he could from 1995 to 1997 to get me to leave my husband, to whom I had been married for several decades, for no other concrete reason than "he does not have a passion for the truth."
This is a man who insisted I threaten a believer with "Who do you want next in your family to die!" when the poor widowed man wanted to continue to allow his stepdaughter to see her unbelieving grandmother.
This is a man who screamed at the top of his lungs, loud enough for my little daughter to hear, that if we left The Way Ministry, my husband would die, I would be crippled, and my daughter would go insane.
These are people who will lie through their teeth and threaten people with DEATH to accomplish their goals, and don't care how many lives they destroy in the process.
But I suppose to succeed at being a region coordinator for The Way International, Machiavelian traits are a high priority.
These are people The Way International is proud to say represent them and their interests to that region. They are proud to use your abundant sharing and their magazine to support people who lie,gutstrip, and destroy innocent families in order to look good to their superiors.
You innies that still pay a cursed dime to that organization, are you outraged that your abundant sharing supports these people?
I am still astounded by these things. Just unfreakinbelievable. How perverse. How could TWI become so totally the opposite of what God's Word really says, meanwhile claiming to be oh so holy.
How can anybody even be in this anymore? Even if they're being "nicer" now.
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Hope R.
They still haven't learned how to step outside of "the household" in order to do good works.
Of course, smiling and maintaining a positive attitude is all you have to do to "bless" someone.
I'm really looking forward to the re-make of "The Stepford Wives".
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sorry---- I am laughing here....
they wouldn't know what doing good to all was if it jumped out and bit them in the foot!
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Only the extremely warped call white-gloving peoples homes A JOY
Oh please come visit my cabin in the woods..... don't pack........ you won't be needing any thing where I'll send ya!!!!!
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Doesn't matter WHAT subject they cover-each article is just variations
on the same few things....
A) we're supposed to circle the wagons in the household,
f* everyone else
B) we're supposed to give money to the organization
C) we're supposed to do whatever the boss tells us to do
D) tack on a few terms like "promised land", "prevailing",
"prevailing in the household", "prevailing household", etc.
Doesn't matter what the subject is. Work those in, stir, and you've got
a waymag article.
Anybody remember "gmir"? Didn't there actually used to be information
in there once, and not just a handful of buzzwords?
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This woman knows absolutely NOTHING about "doing good" to the household.
She is a gutless wonder of a weak-minded low life who couldn't stand up for the truth if it picked her up by the collar.
When this couple moved to Cleveland, before I even met them, I arranged for them to have a key to my home, sight unseen, so they would have a place to "land" when they hit town, even though I wouldn't be home until several hours after they arrived-- I had previously promised a dying believer I would be there with her for her first chemotherapy treatment.
When I got home, only J*se*hine was there with her daughter, (who at the time I had found actually inside the rabbit cage in the back yard). After introducting myself, the very first thing I did was inform her of a particular medication my daughter needed to take-- because I knew that is what was expected of me. I told her my former Limb Coordinator also knew and had told me that if that is what her doctor felt she needed, then maybe I should listen to the doctor. She thanked me for telling her and said she understood why it was prescribed. Then we went on to discuss other pressing matters of "ministry business."
A couple of months later while talking to M*rK on the phone, I mentioned purchasing the medication my daughter was on, and he went ballistic. He screamed at me and wanted to know why I never informed him.
I told him I had informed his wife the very first day and moment I met her. I suppose this embarassed him. Significantly, because it highlighted a lack of communication between the two of them. From that moment on, W*ll*ce had it in for me.
Several months after that, in an inquisition with the clergy in Ohio (The same one in which L*rry* P*n*r*ll*'s wife C*nn*e said that my ankle had not healed because my husband didn't love me enough) M*rk W*ll*ce angrily accused us in front of the clergy for the strangest things in order to justify our removal from The Way Corps. But this one illustrates J*s*ph*ne's spineless dishonesty:
Ma*k W*ll*ce, in this inquisition with the P*n*r*llos and the state clergy, accused me of HIDING THE FACT MY DAUGHTER WAS ON MEDICATION. He railed on me for about a good half hour about it.
I sat there the entire time staring at J*sep*ine, waiting for her to speak up and tell everyone in the room that I had in fact spoken to her immediately about it.
Instead, J*sep*ine sat there looking down at her hands in her lap. She couldnt bear to look me in they eye while those accusations were being made. I just silently stared at her the entire time, waiting for her to look up and catch her gaze. She refused to look at me.
Such a friggin WUSS. I got the sense she is afraid of her husband. Maybe he is abusive to her privately, I don't know. I DO know he is abusive to others publicly.
But his woman had no guts to stand up and tell the truth. Where was her "goodness" on that day? Where was her commitment to truth, to honesty, to integrity?
She has no idea what any of those things are.
Then when I told the inquisition that I had informed Josephine, other clergy stepped in and began to call me a liar. Every time I would nail them on stuff, they would change the subject or become infuriated that I had challenged them.
Then when I told them my former Limb Coordinator had supported my decision, they tried for a good 45 minutes to twist my words when I quoted him. They were trying to get me to say he said something I know he did not say and I refused. I know now they were looking for ammunition to use against him, because later they threw him out as well.
Other reasons they tossed us out of The Corpse:
We had "chapped P*nar*llo's @$$" because my husband had dared to answer a question posed to him by other Way Corps people who were preparing presentations on the Star of Bethlehem... not that he gave the wrong answer, but that he did not refer them to P*nare**o in order to get it.
They were upset that when my husband was invited by Cleveland's Natural Museum to do a presentation in their planetarium that "guests" from Rome City were not publicly introduced (They WERE privately introduced to the curator after the program). --It was the Museum's gig, not ours....we didn't tell them how to run a show my husband was a guest speaker in....
They were apparently upset also that at the HoHo party for the Way Corps, that my daughter showed up in a dress that was bought at (gasp!) K-MART, and that my husband had bought it instead of me. Hell, I trusted my husband to do it, thought it looked nice and was appropriate for what everyone else wore... black velvet knee length skirt with a white silk top and pink waist ribbon....
These people know NOTHING about honesty, integrity, truth, and especially goodness...
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Oh, yes, lets talk some more about doing good and blessing the household.
The last fellowship I attended, when I decided I would not ever return:
Jos*ph*ne ran the meeting and her right hand bitch taught on how to nail evil where you find it....
This chick used this incident to illustrate her point. She turned in a little old lady who lived in the same apartment building for having a cat when it was not in her lease. --AND WAS PROUD OF IT!!!!!
However, it did not bother this chick to cut our hair in her apartment and charge us money, even though her lease said she could not run a business out of her home.
When she used that incident in her teaching, my 11 year old daughter and I looked at each other and were appalled at the hypocrisy and cruelty of this chick and the woman who endorsed such a thing---J*se*hine.
J*se*phine also has no sense of overstepping parental bounds. After I had forbidden my daughter from taking any more candy out of a dish, she contradicted me right in front of my daughter and said she could have as much as she wanted.
I left that night and informed my daughter we would never attend another Way function. The people were too corrupt and had no sense of responsibility, decency, humanity, equity, or ethics.
Jos*ph*ne teaching on goodness?
That's like letting Hitler speak about tolerance.
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why is k-mart a gasp ? and how the heck did they know where it came from and who bought it ?
oh and for turning that lady in about the cat, what a mean person
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Watered Garden
Turn the lady in about the cat then operate a business out of her apartment...
I swear, if these people are the prime example of what it means to be a Christian, I'd rather go to hell.
But they are not. They are counterfeit. They are hypocrits. They are disgusting. I am so happy to not have ever met them.
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TWI leaders...
They were standing in the gap,
We were standing in their crap.
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You know, just when I think I've heard every moronic thing these people did, I get surprised. There's always one more thing that's just floors me.
What possible freaking reason was there for any twi "leader" to know what medication anybody was taking? Why on God's earth would that be any of their business whatsoever?
Did any of them ever stop and think, "Maybe I really don't need to know this?" I guess that's giving them too much credit. That would involve actually having to think for yourself.
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you're right. you have to report it immediately and then you get in trouble.... WHAT ?
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Does anyone ever stop to think that these folks were not just liars, mean, hypocrites...
They are WACKOS.
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I wonder if they announce over the PA system at HQ:
... "Its medication time."
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That's what I was wondering. What was the big deal if your daughter was on medication? Why was it their business? And why the big huge deal over who you told and when and who told who.
Geeeesh! Glad I got out in '88.
And I agree with the above - WACKOS!!!!!!
Any Catcup, you go girl. I love your recountings.
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Dot Matrix
Wahington Weather
Laughing with you!
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I guess Jesus should have turned that lady over to be stoned for adultry, so he could "nail evil where he found it".
Oh no wait adultry is OK, I forgot.
How's about some of you Christian folk come up with some biblical examples of where "believers" did good to the average person who wasn't going to believe or where it wasn't a benifit to the believer or a control show the innie lurkers what it is REALLY talking about.
I might be interested too.
I love these retarded WayRag articles, they are sooooo deep. lol
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A la prochaine
It's Still The Word,
I'm giggling here
I can just hear it ... a soft stepford voice comes over the intercom system ... with that soft 'ding' at the beginning to get your attention with soul zapping WAYMUZAK playing in the background. Then a woman's voice announces oh so softly,
"Attention all followers, it's time for your medication. Please meet at the front foyer of the Outreach Services Center for your daily dosage. God Bless You and thank you for working at The Way ... there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like ..."
then it fades into the sounds of birds chirpin', bees buzzin' and lonely loon calls in the distance.
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How they found out where the dress came from and who bought it? Ch*ryl W*ts*n, Way Corps fashion plate of Akron who was always asking "Where did you buy that and how much did you pay," thought I had paid a lot of dough at some expensive store. She asked me and I told her. I am assuming she mentioned it to either P*n*rello or W*ll*ce and that's how they found out.
Not much I did ever pleased Ch*r*l. She (and the W*ll*ces) felt I wasn't taking the advice of the household when I told her I didn't want to go on her rice diet (eat nothing but rice for several weeks!) because I was already following a well-balanced one my doctor had given me.
While the P*n*rell*s felt my ankle wasn't healing because my husband didn't love me enough, Ch*r*l and the W*ll*ces felt if I only would lose weight, my ankle would heal-- that's the injury I got when I fell into an uncovered unmarked trench during ROA 95 and was prevented from seeking professional medical attention for several hours before being allowed to go to the hospital. (It was misdiagnosed as a sprain when it was actually broken).
Ch*r*l dropped off a stationary bicycle at my house and the W*ll*ces insisted I use it to lose weight and "rehab" my broken ankle, even after I told them I was reluctant to use it without medical advice. Being a good little Corpse person that I was and not wanting to appear disobedient, I tried to use the stationary bicycle.
Much later I found that their insistance for me to do this actually was the cause for a later surgery I had to have, to remove countless splinters of bone that had been ground into the surrounding tissue using that bike, before the break had been properly diagnosed and treated. The surgeon told me in recovery that he "picked out as much bone as he could" but there were so many pieces of tiny shattered bone that he could not get them all.
And as for telling them about medication? Why, for the ministry to be able to move into the land of milk and honey, the land of the prevailing household, to cross over into their "promised land," there could be "no feeble knee among them." So the hunt was on for anyone who might be holding them back from their "goal". If you were sick, or hurt, buddy you were the problem, you were holding back the entire ministry, and you were not "living sanctified."
In other words, if you had any kind, and I mean any kind of illness or physical abnormalty, you were immediately suspect
You were expected to be up front and honest about every little thing going on. If they found out anything you had not told them about, they would hold that up as proof of your dishonesty and unfitness to be allowed to remain within the precious boundaries of their household.
BTW, speaking of dishonesty and with holding the truth, the Way Corps were told they had to be totally debt free by ROA 95 if they wanted to remain Corps. The W*ts*ns were NOT debt free, still owned property they were trying desperately to sell even after the ROA, and conspired with other believers to sell their property and NOT TELL the W*ll*ces... oh, but we just don't apply our standards evenly, do we?
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That is so wrong on so many different levels it's hard to know where to start.
The people in charge of that Ohio nut house defintely need some medication.
In suppository form
A very large one
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I have to tell you another part of this inquisition meeting to illustrate the back door politicking and underhanded schemes and lies that occur when people in TWI want to get rid of someone, and they can't find a legitimate reason.
Before the inquisition began, after the teaching and during a break, I was in the dining room looking out the window when I overheard a conversation on the basement stairs behind me. It was M*rK W*ll*ce and L*rr* P*n*r*ll*, discussing my husband and myself. M*rk said, "The Nessles have to go." And L*rry said, "I'll back you up on whatever you say."
Then as soon as the break was over and all the Corps were assembled for the inquisition, L*rr* opened the meeting by saying that they had not yet determined our status and that "Nothing is a foregone conclusion."
I knew immediately I was dealing with a basket of snakes.
What big f***ing liars they are.
These people, M*r* and J*s*ph*ne W*ll*ce, the P*n*r*ll*s, and the W*ts*ns, who could not stand us, and were jealous of and intimidated by my husband and I, could not find any genuine flaw and legitimate reason to dismiss us from The Way Corps, so they came up with anything they could to do it, and this is what they came up with.
***L*rr* was insulted that my husband answered questions other Way Corps came up and asked him about biblical astronomy, instead of telling them to ask L*rry?
***They thought that in a public event run by the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, we should have had prayer, manifestations, and introduced guests, even though my husband was an invited guest speaker to an event The Way International did neither sponsor nor control?
***My ankle didn't heal because my husband doesn't love me enough?
***My ankle didn't heal because I wasn't following Ch*r*l's rice diet?
***They didn't like my daughter's dress because my husband bought it at K Mart?
Oh, yeah, and...
***My husband didn't "have a passion for the truth."
Uh, yeah, that's why.
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When I talked to my still-in brother in law about how dishonestly we had been handled by the P*n*r*ll*s, he proudly pointed out that they no longer are in The Way Ministry.
But what I want to know is:
How come M*rK and J*sePh*ne W*ll*ce are still allowed to be in TWI and serve as REGION COORDINATORS?
These are people who do NOT have good communication between themselves concerning apparently very important ministry business.
J*seph*ne obviously has no sense of taking personal responsibility for her own actions, nor does she understand the boundaries involving parental instruction.
She also has no ability to judge ethics with regards to whom she allows to teach in her fellowship or ability to comprehend inequities and hypocrisy when it's right under her nose. But then again, I am told that most people are not offended by the smell of their own fecal matter.
M*rk W*ll*ce desperately did everything he could from 1995 to 1997 to get me to leave my husband, to whom I had been married for several decades, for no other concrete reason than "he does not have a passion for the truth."
This is a man who insisted I threaten a believer with "Who do you want next in your family to die!" when the poor widowed man wanted to continue to allow his stepdaughter to see her unbelieving grandmother.
This is a man who screamed at the top of his lungs, loud enough for my little daughter to hear, that if we left The Way Ministry, my husband would die, I would be crippled, and my daughter would go insane.
These are people who will lie through their teeth and threaten people with DEATH to accomplish their goals, and don't care how many lives they destroy in the process.
But I suppose to succeed at being a region coordinator for The Way International, Machiavelian traits are a high priority.
These are people The Way International is proud to say represent them and their interests to that region. They are proud to use your abundant sharing and their magazine to support people who lie,gutstrip, and destroy innocent families in order to look good to their superiors.
You innies that still pay a cursed dime to that organization, are you outraged that your abundant sharing supports these people?
You should be.
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I am still astounded by these things. Just unfreakinbelievable. How perverse. How could TWI become so totally the opposite of what God's Word really says, meanwhile claiming to be oh so holy.
How can anybody even be in this anymore? Even if they're being "nicer" now.
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