A GOOD use of 3X5 cards was in place during 1982-83 and 1984-85 when I was in the 13th Corps ... Twig coordinators of the in-residence Corps gave us a 3X5 card to write a NICE thing about each of the folks in our Twig, what we had learned from them, how they had blessed us, etc. at the end of the block ... I still have some of the best ones.
I don't remember whether it was on a 3X5 card, but I do remember being TAKEN without explanation to JAL's office at Emporia during the first month or so I was there in the 13th Corps by my 11th Corps a**hole twig coordinator with information he had received from my "room steward," L*nda Ev*ns of the 11th Corps. He would give me no explanation. I was terrified. Once in JAL's office, he read the "accusations" in a fatherly way ... they consisted of two great "sins" of mine: that my mother had given my address at Emporia to the church I belonged to and had not attended since age 13 (I was 27 at the time) and I received a church bulletin from them so that I could know who was sick, getting married, etc. from my small NC town; and that I talked in my sleep ... JAL read them, then looked at the a**shole and asked, "Is this all?" Proud of himself, he responded yes. JAL looked at me kindly and said, "If this is the worst problem you have while you are in-residence in the Corps, you can consider yourself very fortunate." Then, turning with disgust to the guy who had dragged me in, he told us to get out of his office ... not in a mean way, just in a "what in the hell were you thinking, subjecting her to this?" way. I scarce hid my smirk.
Well... never saw any 3x5 cards... but i was read many things that were written about me in my file by JAL.
upon my arrival back from LEAD... i was called into THE office and JAL told me that this was the worse LEAD appraisal he had ever read.
It was said of me on that appraisal that I had lied to the leaders...because I told them I had to go to the washroom but in reality, it really was an excuse to sit down and rest.
The second time I was read something from THE file was when it was discussed I should leave the corps.
He read that this part written by my country coordinator saying that he (country coordinator) did NOT recommend me for the way corps. NEVER ONCE...EVER EVER EVER did this snake ever tell me this.. or was this even hinted at.
HA!!!!!! This guy even gave me 50$ to help me with my Advance Class payment (which was a pre-requisite for entering the Way Corps).
Maybe he believed that the girls he was screwing were better fit, since I never took him up on any of his advances.
I don't know about the 3x5 cards but I can trutyhfully say that they either kept very good notes on us or someone was detailed to report back to WC every word that was said or every action we took. I had too many instances where something was discussed at home & then it would come out in fellowship conversations in a sideways manner or by someone in town. Being followed al over was another tactic. If I did not know better, I would swear the house & car were bugged. This has continued, even after splitting. The good part is we have our lives back inspite of this. Fortunately, we have friends who work for one of the federal investigative services who are helping to build up our evidence base for a fight. We are making sure the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed so this one does not get quashed in court.
I didn't have a 3x5 card - I had a whole stinkin' manilla file folder, almost half and inch thick that my dotty HFC accidentally left out on a coffee table, in plain sight, that I found! (We were also roommates, at that time.) In it was her recollections of conversations we had - some of it was just 'girl talk' - or so I had thought. She had disclosed infomation about my family, my ex, and even my cat - by faxing it to the LCs! (It was complete with fax cover sheets and fax confirmation sheets, in good order.) There were copies of my 'permission slips' I had to fill out to visit my mom, and my schedules that I turned it - but the personal conversations going to leadership was just too much!
I was so mad - but I never confronted her about it. I decided to be guarded from then on and never disclose ANYTHING. I had thought she was my friend - we had both confided in each other - but I hadn't turned around a squealed about her to leadership. Good grief! I also decided to dig in a little - I started saying "no" more when I was asked to be a part of everything (i.e. Limb clean up days - they were home all day - what the hell was that all about?!) and went to social events (non-ministry) when I was asked not to go at the last possible moment.
I was gone from there in about 6 months after that - it was an unpleasant awakening, to say the least. This was in 1999 - not that long ago. I bet there's still files on people being kept - what a viper nest that place is, huh?
I didn't know about the early use of 3x5's. By the mid ninties, at least, many of us were asked to use 3x5's and 4x6's for all kinds of things. Teachings at one point were to be on 4x6 cards, witnessing contacts on 3x5's. There was a point when we did door to door with witnessing topics on 3x5's. I know many people used them for taking notes of classes and such. At least that is what I assumed they were doing.
I never thought they would be using them to take notes on me, although it would explain the lists. Whenever something happened (me getting mugged or not ABSing a couple of weeks in a row for example) where they felt they need to confront me, there was always a list of other things that I did or had happened to me brought up used as a link in the chain of every negative thing in my life. This was apparently Since, my parents were FC, my moomate was my FC, and my boss was a FC, no aspect of my life was free from scrutiny. This was apparently done with a positive spin. That being to show me and whoever else in the room how the adversary was trying to get me or how I was slipping in a certain area. I was supposed to help me. Funny, it had the opposite affect. Too bad more people don't have this experience. It would wake them up much quicker.
I always assumed they just had decent memories, but knowing all the other things they used 3x5 cards for and the doctrine of writing everything down so that another could run with it and now your stories it seems like they were probably doing it still right up until I left.
i never got my corps file back! i'd love to see it--UNEDITED.
for the record, i was also called into JAL's office during my first year in residence. i'd just gotten back from LEAD, and was given a scathing evaluation. john read it to me, and asked what i thought. i told him i thought it was bullsh!t, and to his credit, he tore it up, right then and there. (i'd known him for a few years in NY, pre-corps, so i'm sure that helped. but that's the kind of guy i knew him to be.)
i don't remember any 3x5 cards, specifically, but the whole "reporting back to leadership" thing rings one hell of a bell. i remember confiding in a fellow corps grad (i thought we we friends! for 3 years!), and having my words spat back at me by the LC within days. nazi bastards.
A La, your LEAD evaluation was maybe the worst JL ever read, but I had the honor to have LCM and TJ BOTH tell me (quite loudly) that MY evaluation was the worst they had ever seen, all in the wonderful, peaceful setting of Uncle Tom's cabin, with a few expletives thrown in, eyeballs popping, jugular veins engorged, etc.
That day I was more blessed than I already was...
So, to hades with the 3X5 cards. Nothing was as godly as an in-person bless meeting about the greatness of God in Christ in you.
I got another bless meeting once, this time in front of everyone during a corps nite. Dec. 7th, I'll never forget, D-Day, as it were. LCM screaming for 10 minutes at me due to an eff'ed up staff evaluation I got from my LYING dept. terminator. Sure inspired me to be my best before God. Ahhh, the good ole days ...
Okay, now I'm offended! When JAL called me to his office in late May 1985 (after he returned from HQ after VPW's death), he told me MY LEAD appraisal was the worst he had seen in hundreds, no thousands ... my LEAD appraiser Ge***ne McH**ry had accused me of having lying spirits and had said, "I feel sorry for anyone who's ever in YOUR Twig." which haunted me for many years. My sin? Using matches and not speaking up soon enough when given credit for something I had not done ... I wasn't trying to lie, just didn't quite get what she was talking about.
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A GOOD use of 3X5 cards was in place during 1982-83 and 1984-85 when I was in the 13th Corps ... Twig coordinators of the in-residence Corps gave us a 3X5 card to write a NICE thing about each of the folks in our Twig, what we had learned from them, how they had blessed us, etc. at the end of the block ... I still have some of the best ones.
I don't remember whether it was on a 3X5 card, but I do remember being TAKEN without explanation to JAL's office at Emporia during the first month or so I was there in the 13th Corps by my 11th Corps a**hole twig coordinator with information he had received from my "room steward," L*nda Ev*ns of the 11th Corps. He would give me no explanation. I was terrified. Once in JAL's office, he read the "accusations" in a fatherly way ... they consisted of two great "sins" of mine: that my mother had given my address at Emporia to the church I belonged to and had not attended since age 13 (I was 27 at the time) and I received a church bulletin from them so that I could know who was sick, getting married, etc. from my small NC town; and that I talked in my sleep ... JAL read them, then looked at the a**shole and asked, "Is this all?" Proud of himself, he responded yes. JAL looked at me kindly and said, "If this is the worst problem you have while you are in-residence in the Corps, you can consider yourself very fortunate." Then, turning with disgust to the guy who had dragged me in, he told us to get out of his office ... not in a mean way, just in a "what in the hell were you thinking, subjecting her to this?" way. I scarce hid my smirk.
Thanks, JAL.
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Nowadays, I'd be hurt if they didn't have any 3x5 cards on me.
Hi Mr Linder! Hi Meister!
Hi Bobby! Hi Dottie!
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A la prochaine
Well... never saw any 3x5 cards... but i was read many things that were written about me in my file by JAL.
upon my arrival back from LEAD... i was called into THE office and JAL told me that this was the worse LEAD appraisal he had ever read.
It was said of me on that appraisal that I had lied to the leaders...because I told them I had to go to the washroom but in reality, it really was an excuse to sit down and rest.
The second time I was read something from THE file was when it was discussed I should leave the corps.
He read that this part written by my country coordinator saying that he (country coordinator) did NOT recommend me for the way corps. NEVER ONCE...EVER EVER EVER did this snake ever tell me this.. or was this even hinted at.
HA!!!!!! This guy even gave me 50$ to help me with my Advance Class payment (which was a pre-requisite for entering the Way Corps).
Maybe he believed that the girls he was screwing were better fit, since I never took him up on any of his advances.
I'm in a scowly mood.
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railroader II
I don't know about the 3x5 cards but I can trutyhfully say that they either kept very good notes on us or someone was detailed to report back to WC every word that was said or every action we took. I had too many instances where something was discussed at home & then it would come out in fellowship conversations in a sideways manner or by someone in town. Being followed al over was another tactic. If I did not know better, I would swear the house & car were bugged. This has continued, even after splitting. The good part is we have our lives back inspite of this. Fortunately, we have friends who work for one of the federal investigative services who are helping to build up our evidence base for a fight. We are making sure the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed so this one does not get quashed in court.

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I didn't have a 3x5 card - I had a whole stinkin' manilla file folder, almost half and inch thick that my dotty HFC accidentally left out on a coffee table, in plain sight, that I found! (We were also roommates, at that time.) In it was her recollections of conversations we had - some of it was just 'girl talk' - or so I had thought. She had disclosed infomation about my family, my ex, and even my cat - by faxing it to the LCs! (It was complete with fax cover sheets and fax confirmation sheets, in good order.) There were copies of my 'permission slips' I had to fill out to visit my mom, and my schedules that I turned it - but the personal conversations going to leadership was just too much!
I was so mad - but I never confronted her about it. I decided to be guarded from then on and never disclose ANYTHING. I had thought she was my friend - we had both confided in each other - but I hadn't turned around a squealed about her to leadership. Good grief! I also decided to dig in a little - I started saying "no" more when I was asked to be a part of everything (i.e. Limb clean up days - they were home all day - what the hell was that all about?!) and went to social events (non-ministry) when I was asked not to go at the last possible moment.
I was gone from there in about 6 months after that - it was an unpleasant awakening, to say the least. This was in 1999 - not that long ago. I bet there's still files on people being kept - what a viper nest that place is, huh?
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I didn't know about the early use of 3x5's. By the mid ninties, at least, many of us were asked to use 3x5's and 4x6's for all kinds of things. Teachings at one point were to be on 4x6 cards, witnessing contacts on 3x5's. There was a point when we did door to door with witnessing topics on 3x5's. I know many people used them for taking notes of classes and such. At least that is what I assumed they were doing.
I never thought they would be using them to take notes on me, although it would explain the lists. Whenever something happened (me getting mugged or not ABSing a couple of weeks in a row for example) where they felt they need to confront me, there was always a list of other things that I did or had happened to me brought up used as a link in the chain of every negative thing in my life. This was apparently Since, my parents were FC, my moomate was my FC, and my boss was a FC, no aspect of my life was free from scrutiny. This was apparently done with a positive spin. That being to show me and whoever else in the room how the adversary was trying to get me or how I was slipping in a certain area. I was supposed to help me. Funny, it had the opposite affect. Too bad more people don't have this experience. It would wake them up much quicker.
I always assumed they just had decent memories, but knowing all the other things they used 3x5 cards for and the doctrine of writing everything down so that another could run with it and now your stories it seems like they were probably doing it still right up until I left.
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sprawled out
i never got my corps file back! i'd love to see it--UNEDITED.
for the record, i was also called into JAL's office during my first year in residence. i'd just gotten back from LEAD, and was given a scathing evaluation. john read it to me, and asked what i thought. i told him i thought it was bullsh!t, and to his credit, he tore it up, right then and there. (i'd known him for a few years in NY, pre-corps, so i'm sure that helped. but that's the kind of guy i knew him to be.)
i don't remember any 3x5 cards, specifically, but the whole "reporting back to leadership" thing rings one hell of a bell. i remember confiding in a fellow corps grad (i thought we we friends! for 3 years!), and having my words spat back at me by the LC within days. nazi bastards.
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A La, your LEAD evaluation was maybe the worst JL ever read, but I had the honor to have LCM and TJ BOTH tell me (quite loudly) that MY evaluation was the worst they had ever seen, all in the wonderful, peaceful setting of Uncle Tom's cabin, with a few expletives thrown in, eyeballs popping, jugular veins engorged, etc.
That day I was more blessed than I already was...
So, to hades with the 3X5 cards. Nothing was as godly as an in-person bless meeting about the greatness of God in Christ in you.
I got another bless meeting once, this time in front of everyone during a corps nite. Dec. 7th, I'll never forget, D-Day, as it were. LCM screaming for 10 minutes at me due to an eff'ed up staff evaluation I got from my LYING dept. terminator. Sure inspired me to be my best before God. Ahhh, the good ole days ...
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my teddy i love you so much
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A la Prochaine,
Okay, now I'm offended! When JAL called me to his office in late May 1985 (after he returned from HQ after VPW's death), he told me MY LEAD appraisal was the worst he had seen in hundreds, no thousands ... my LEAD appraiser Ge***ne McH**ry had accused me of having lying spirits and had said, "I feel sorry for anyone who's ever in YOUR Twig." which haunted me for many years. My sin? Using matches and not speaking up soon enough when given credit for something I had not done ... I wasn't trying to lie, just didn't quite get what she was talking about.
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A la prochaine
Dog Lover,
Wow... You were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than me!!!
I knew your precious TWIG leader...you didn't mess with her
a lying spirit........ummmmmmmm
well...there ya' go... mom always said...
NEVER player with matches....
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