I think GS runs in cycles much more than WD did. We can go for a while with some threads that cover horrifying first-hand accounts and then swing to a period where the threads can be classed as inane at best.
Glad to see you back
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
There is a new member here who has mentioned to me that she is having troubling following the threads and fights here on GS. I'm not sure how to guide her...as I don't frequent the threads much either.
I understand what you're saying...and thank you for saying it.
Perhaps she'll share her story here soon. It's pretty brutal.
I can vouch for Oak's comments. (Not that I was asked) GSC was probably in a "more inane" cycle when I first signed on but I have learned a LOT here. Whether or not I have a full view of events is difficult to say. However, for me, it's been enough.
You have a great point though about forgetting. If I had more firsthand knowledge, it would go into a book. Alas, there is not, to my knowledge, one place with a comprehensive view of all the bad stuff that happened. You have to dig a bit here.
no- Catcup, its not you...since you have been busy like I have...there have been more pro-way or just plain devil's advocate posters....ANd yes those stories should be available...but I saw a lot of more recent newly escaped ex-way people shot down here and it stands to reason ---why post if thats the way you are met....and I got to where I was disgusted with even coming to the forums for a while.
I quit posting regarding the serious atrocities...with first hand accounts ---some of these new posters over the past year have just shot me down...
We let our whole state know everything legally going on and further we let them know what we could document personally.
I am going to school for Speech and Hearing, have 2 very busy kids, a therapy dog, and a husband that works minimum 50 hours a week fixing the phones of the world...and I just cant seem to find pleasure in casting pearl befor swine....now---before any of you think I am calling you swine, I am going to qualify that.
Most of you who have known me and/or my husband and have known of our integrity dealing with the affairs, abortions, coersions, and other vile fruit of the way...you all know it is not you I am referring too...or you can get to know us!
Its those of you who have diluted the evilness of the way behind all kinds of philosophical crap, and I could go on out maneuvering a Philadelphia lawyer on the disclaimers you allow TWI....it's those of you that hide behind free speech (sans Paws' limits-which are not many) and think it is not a big deal and everyone is responsible for themselves blah blah blah---those of you who dont take the time to even think about walking in anothers shoes....you need your own we site..or a stage...
Well, speaking as a relative outsider, I can say that I, for one, appreciate reading this stuff. I was one of those who was a "if Dr. was only here" person for years and laid all the blame on LCM. I read the POP and believed it as gospel. If not for the info I've gotten from Waydale, but mostly from here, I would have continued to be nostalgic for "the good old days," wishing that "Loy hadn't screwed a good thing up." I have learned from reading your experiences and, for that, I am appreciative.
Wachy, my thoughts exactly. GS has been instirmental in getting different perspectives,insites and understanding going in my head other than Waybrain. To read the different abuses and accounts has made me fell "Im not alone" and it wasn't all about me. But at the same time it has stird so much emotion that a little bit of harmless fun on the treads has eased the pain. On occassion I do LOL. As far as the spars and in house fighting that is a part of the human experiance.I persoally hate conflict and to read the on going fuedes reminded me of the one- upmanship that was pevilant at twi among leadership or leadership want-to-bes. Anyway what i NEED to read more of is... How do/did you get to the place that it doesnt hurt as much or what do you beleive now and how is your walk with the creator? I spent an hr. on the phone with Wacky to reconnect with my past and allow for an X-way person to speak their truth. It was what the doctor ordered. I needed to hear that im going to be ok and can get through this. I needed to hear a voice.
I needed to hear what Wacky went throgh and what has been her journey since.Not to get permission for anything but just a little valadation that I am not alone and yes" there is life after twi".I wish there were more postings on the journey that most of you have taken and where it has lead you.
IN recovery groups the wonderful thing about them is... you hear other's storys and they share what works in there lives. Or hear the question" this is what has happened to me ...what can i do do now to change my future." I love to hear what others have done. It provides me with more options and understanding.
well thought I speak my mind and hope to start a diolog on this . Maybe I will.
"How do/did you get to the place that it doesnt hurt as much or what do you beleive now and how is your walk with the creator?"
Now here's a loaded question.
I spent about 3 years sitting in a Quaker Meeting House...probably one built by the pilgrims here.
I sat quietly for these years speaking in tongues (didn't know what else to do) and staring through the rippling antique clear glass windows watching the trees sway...for years.
I didn't know what else to do about god/goddess. I tried a few churches, but wasn't very interested.
I have meditated with the dharma study group (buddhists) for more than 10 years now, and that's the place for me...
I still have visions of a spiritual family...don't see it anywheres, but, I would like to believe it's out there somewhere...
hmmmmmmm...god and I are ok ;)-->...I still deal with childhood issues and my life keeps unfolding like an onion as I continue to peel it and follow my calling...
Hey...up at the top...where it says "New" in the blue....see it? if you left click on that...you can start your very own New Topic :)-->
Welcome to the club here, imbus...
We're all at different places here and at different levels...but, it seems we all tend to understand each other and our bizarre instances in twi...
Imbus said 'As far as the spars and in house fighting that is a part of the human experiance.I persoally hate conflict and to read the on going fuedes reminded me of the one- upmanship that was pevilant at twi among leadership or leadership want-to-bes.'
That's kinda how I see it too, Imbus. How'd they get out of that mess still so convinced that their opinion/belief/thought should be held by everyone else? A way Leadership characteristic-- Minions, bow before my greatness! (IMO)
I admit, I'm not one to wax nostalgic over my years in the Way. I don't have those warm fuzzy memories--I still have nightmares. Don't really care to hear about all the wonderful times. Cuz there's always that big ugly boot about to drop.
I haven't forgotten how bad TWI became. But because I've been around WD and GS for so long I feel like everything has been said. We don't have as many innies here as we used to, so the information about what's going on in TWI is sparse. It just might be that TWI has become so boring (see their website) that there's nothing much to say about it. The current law-suit seems to be in neutral right now - so there isn't much to talk about there either.
The last time we got riled up and joined forces was when Terry Bradshaw's little infomercial aired on MSNBC. It might be my imagination, but when we're discussing TWI, the in-fighting seems to slow down or even stop.
Personally, the pro-VP threads have really turned me off. I don't like to start a new thread just to have it bumped down to page 2 or 3 because of the "praisebedocvic" threads. (I still think they should be elsewhere, but who am I to say?). But maybe they're so popular because we haven't had anything new to discuss for a while - just re-hashing the same old, same old.
I thought about starting some old topics that haven't been discussed in a while - but when I checked - there weren't any!
Hope R. color>size>face>
... there's a star on the far horizon, rising bright in an azure sky,
for the rest of the time that you're given, why walk when you can fly?
I agree with you, Oakspear. Things do go in cycles from what I've seen. That Terry Bradshaw thing you mentioned, Hope, pretty much took the wind away from all the other "sails", and the in-fighting did seem to abate for a while.
I haven't forgotten the harshness, the rules & regs, and all the other crap in twi, but for me personally, it is not something I want to rehash. Having been out for 20 years now, I have found other things to replace what I went thru back then.
Catcup -- you make a very valid point about not forgetting the past, therfore I am with you in advocating that stories be told. Maybe I am "odd man out" here, but when I see the stories, I put that person on my prayer list so I can pray for the peace and inner tranquility they are looking for.
First a fair warning. I just read the 3x5 card thread and I'm ....ed. So ....ed that I probably shouldn't be posting. That said, yes, it goes in cycles, and yes, we've lost the edge. I'm still upset that so many good threads that were on Waydale are gone for good, locked up in a few privileged CD-ROMS. Threads that seriously exposed leadership. A level of exposure that has never been approached here at GS.
If I had had the foresight, I would have backed up as much of Waydale as I could and found a way to meke public the best of the threads.
But alas, we have what we have. If we've lost the edge it's because the years are fading our memories and we're busy growing old. At least TWI is growing old too.
So Paw does what he has to do and we do what we have to do and life goes on.
I agree with Catcup this is a much "tamer "place than it was two years ago. The reality is TWI stil exists. TWI still Needs money from Believers and they need to restock on those real soon. So I fully expect that they are going to come out with a new truth and a new spin and start recruitung again.
I think we need to remember that GS is not only for those now and formerly associated with TWI but most importabt those who have been approached by TWI (and yes I believe they are out there) This is the first site that comes up on most search engines. So some "straight from the horses mouth stories" might not be a bad idea
Me I came in in 1982 "left" in 1989
Went through Spousal abuse And my children were abused both physically and Sexually by my husband and TC.
Ended up losing my kids--still haven't reconciled with my daughter and its been 15 years.
A poster asked
quote: "How do/did you get to the place that it doesnt hurt as much or what do you beleive now and how is your walk with the creator?"
It's always there not a raw open sore but somedays the ache is still very heavy--partially because the relationships with my children, or lack thereof, is a daily walk.
As for my walk with Christ it has become closer and sweeter I joined the LDS Church and for the firstime in my life finally know what it means to be a BELOVED child of GOd. Everywhere else I wnet, not just TWI although TWI did the most damage, I was never Good enough.
quote: But I get the distinct impression that people may have forgotten exactly how harsh TWI has gotten over the years, and are not acquainted with many of the issues brought forward and which used to be specifically kept in front of people's minds regarding TWI's exact doctrines, and first hand accounts of the evils people specifically suffered at their hands.
i agree.
What I notice is, I think more people who saw the abuses first hand posted on Waydale. And, of course, some who have posted our first hand stories over and over are tired of the same idiots objecting to anything we share and calling us liars or a friend of Satan (I think that is what I was called.) or I am already in hell (because I did not worship PFAL as God breathed.) It wears ya down.
I am seeing more and more people here who seem to want to believe in "the fantasy". They are not here to find out what happened but to share how much they loved TWIG when the Doctor was alive. Then, when you mention the good Doc wasn't so great -- it all starts all over again.
quote: But I get the impression folks have forgotten how bad it was.... and still is. Things haven't changed there.
I just want to make the point, that if your stories have faded off the site or have been deeply archived, people aren't reading them anymore. And history tells us that if we do not remember, people will forget. And if they forget, new folks will never know. And history will tragically be repeated.
Just a friendly reminder.
Pls come by more often. You can write your story and just post it now and then for new people. (You write so well)
Do any of the present "way followers" ever wonder why hq is not packed with people from the area?
I mean if twi was so great why aren't there hundreds of people from new bremen, new knoxville, st. marys and the rest of the area?
Why do you have to recruit? You should be living in such a way that I would want to go without being recruited.
These are just a few things to jog your thoughts. I am not trying to be rude but having lived in nk for my whole life I have always wondered why those who attende twi did not ask themselves these questions.
Not only was that thread a riot, but it was incredibly informative to me as I was trying to grasp what happened to twi, and why things happened to me.
Newbies, like imbus, seem to pop in here and there as they are unfolding in their life growth process...looking to piece together and understand the broken pieces of their lives.
Hope and Catcup. When I first got to waydale it was your passion about twi that really woke me up to what was going on. My experiences were not that profound...but your info/anger/insight really filled in the blanks of the "whys" for me.
Nice to see you posting again. I hope school is going well for you.
Some of the better information on GS of late has been the "Child Abuse in TWI" thread (I see CW has just brought it back up -- thanks!). Pedophiles in TWI leadership -- they get moved, whistleblowers get attacked. Not only can you hear some pretty hairy stories there, but you can see what Dot was talking about when nay-sayers come into a thread to say "it wasn't really that bad, now, was it." It can wear a person down, especially when it is an event that they emotionally suffered from.
I also like Raf's "Actual Errors" thread. And Greasespot has looked at VP's plagiarism pretty closely. Also some stuff on the Peeler lawsuit and the personality disorders of the MOGs.
But I agree -- the best work we do is when we can recount first-hand the evils of TWI. I would not want some of you who were witnesses to those things to be stuck re-living the past. I hope that you are able to go on and live a great life, because that is the best revenge for being called a "greasespot at midnight," and because it is best for you. But I welcome you guys coming back here every now and then to tell it like it was, because there are newbies and seekers who need to know.
I noticed that CW just brought her thread back up, on the child molestations that happened in Alaska. Are there any facts that you would like to add? I think it is one of the more important things that has been discussed of late.
quote:I'm still upset that so many good threads that were on Waydale are gone for good, locked up in a few privileged CD-ROMS. Threads that seriously exposed leadership. A level of exposure that has never been approached here at GS.
Paw, perhaps there could be a place (either in the documents section or as a "reference thread" here in the forums for these postings? Informational kind of stuff...
IF folks want or need to go and read the testimonies of folks, they can go there... as well as scan the current open threads...
We all lived through, and survived different things with this cult... reading about other's experiences often helps with the healing process and lessens the sense of lonliness for the victims...
(I know I'm not saying anything new here... just thought I'd re-mention it)
It's hard to make that change, When life and love turns strange. And old.
To give a love, you gotta live a love. To live a love, you gotta be "part of". When will I see you again?
The ones I talk to think that the bad situations in the way in the past was because
WE WERE THE EVIL ONES! do you not get this? now it is like the new and so much more improved twi!
all the bad evil followers who had problems are gone because God cleaned it up for them. God loves them more than He ever did us .
They will freely admit to problems (they can not deny or out right lie anymore) they will tell you how it was bad because of those who are now on site like GS, and the off shoots those people have/had problems.. now the household is clean . I thought I saw arrogance before but now it is unbelievable they honestly believe they are so much better and improved for God and God loves them so much better than He ever did the previous believers. (unbelieving believers) .
yes they do still lose some to sites such as Gs when a new person gets a look BUT it does not stop the mind set that the household is so much better and sweeeter now than then.
they are still good decent folks thinking they are serving God , they are no more evil than we were when we thought twi held God in its power and control..
maybe you do not want to hear that because your bitter or full of rage , ok then I understand. But to say something that happened twenty years ago applies today just doesnt cut it when the sell is a new and improved and we learned from the wrongs they did and they are gone now .
The plea is still love for one another and God the fact that those here who think what happened decades ago still concerns them is just niave sp. it is not approached that way at all.
they openly speak of the problems (of the past of course) as the very reason twi is persecuted today and so much smaller.
They will tell you very quickly the evil leaders and followers who did wrong and how it is all different today! the household is clean guys. the posters on Gs and the off shoots are the dirty rats who caused the problems is the concept applied.
do you not get that? that is how they sell and think.
just like it was many years ago , you may have had a valid point but the love and excitement of doing the best for God blinded what others may say about something you felt you belonged to.
a higher purpose for God is a pretty solid selling point even today and even after all the lessons posted by the very ones who failed .
it is a cult .
I do not believe it is a news flash that things went wrong in the way , everyone knows it and those who stuck through those hard times feel even more self righteous and powerful,today not less.
It is good to write storys on the internet but realize and think about how much is done with pure hate and bitterness and well is it effective ? for those who think they have found a source of love and true concern for God and His people (think and remember truly think and remember) does it add to their life and information? No it sounds like the household had problems and they are glad it is so much better now... without them.
What GS offers is alot of people agreeing with one another that TWi was an evil cult. What twi sells is a place where God lives and breathes among its people, I have to tell ya (even if ya do not want to hear it) they are great and wonderfull people for the most part just like those who post here they do not get involved because they want to hurt one another any more than anyone at GS got involved and knew how it would end up.
I would not approach this as an us and them thing, I am them I was them and forever we all happen to be us. To seek vengence clearly is not working for anyone . It just proves that those gone out of twi are bitter and mean spirited and "off" the bible verse. giving more fuel to the fire that God would indeed love them more.
When did other christians become the enemy for you?
When did hate and bitterness replace understanding and Love for one another?
It is a cult because people chose to believe the idea they are better and more able than others which twists the mind and is a lie.
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I think GS runs in cycles much more than WD did. We can go for a while with some threads that cover horrifying first-hand accounts and then swing to a period where the threads can be classed as inane at best.
Glad to see you back
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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Wacky Funster
Thanks for those words, catcup.
There is a new member here who has mentioned to me that she is having troubling following the threads and fights here on GS. I'm not sure how to guide her...as I don't frequent the threads much either.
I understand what you're saying...and thank you for saying it.
Perhaps she'll share her story here soon. It's pretty brutal.
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You are right it has not changed they are more sneaky now.my wife is still in I should know
One thing To all that will hear
MY LIFE IS MUCH BETTER being out of the insane cult
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Very good point, Catcup.
I think that this kind of stuff gets lost in the R*cky vs. whoever wars, and the Mike "I am docvic's(praise be his name) biggest supporter" noise.
But there IS *some* wheat among all that chaff.
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I can vouch for Oak's comments. (Not that I was asked) GSC was probably in a "more inane" cycle when I first signed on but I have learned a LOT here. Whether or not I have a full view of events is difficult to say. However, for me, it's been enough.
You have a great point though about forgetting. If I had more firsthand knowledge, it would go into a book. Alas, there is not, to my knowledge, one place with a comprehensive view of all the bad stuff that happened. You have to dig a bit here.
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no- Catcup, its not you...since you have been busy like I have...there have been more pro-way or just plain devil's advocate posters....ANd yes those stories should be available...but I saw a lot of more recent newly escaped ex-way people shot down here and it stands to reason ---why post if thats the way you are met....and I got to where I was disgusted with even coming to the forums for a while.
I quit posting regarding the serious atrocities...with first hand accounts ---some of these new posters over the past year have just shot me down...
We let our whole state know everything legally going on and further we let them know what we could document personally.
I am going to school for Speech and Hearing, have 2 very busy kids, a therapy dog, and a husband that works minimum 50 hours a week fixing the phones of the world...and I just cant seem to find pleasure in casting pearl befor swine....now---before any of you think I am calling you swine, I am going to qualify that.
Most of you who have known me and/or my husband and have known of our integrity dealing with the affairs, abortions, coersions, and other vile fruit of the way...you all know it is not you I am referring too...or you can get to know us!
Its those of you who have diluted the evilness of the way behind all kinds of philosophical crap, and I could go on out maneuvering a Philadelphia lawyer on the disclaimers you allow TWI....it's those of you that hide behind free speech (sans Paws' limits-which are not many) and think it is not a big deal and everyone is responsible for themselves blah blah blah---those of you who dont take the time to even think about walking in anothers shoes....you need your own we site..or a stage...
well, now you know my opinion...never luke warm
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Well, speaking as a relative outsider, I can say that I, for one, appreciate reading this stuff. I was one of those who was a "if Dr. was only here" person for years and laid all the blame on LCM. I read the POP and believed it as gospel. If not for the info I've gotten from Waydale, but mostly from here, I would have continued to be nostalgic for "the good old days," wishing that "Loy hadn't screwed a good thing up." I have learned from reading your experiences and, for that, I am appreciative.
"Fear the Turtle"
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Wachy, my thoughts exactly. GS has been instirmental in getting different perspectives,insites and understanding going in my head other than Waybrain. To read the different abuses and accounts has made me fell "Im not alone" and it wasn't all about me. But at the same time it has stird so much emotion that a little bit of harmless fun on the treads has eased the pain. On occassion I do LOL. As far as the spars and in house fighting that is a part of the human experiance.I persoally hate conflict and to read the on going fuedes reminded me of the one- upmanship that was pevilant at twi among leadership or leadership want-to-bes. Anyway what i NEED to read more of is... How do/did you get to the place that it doesnt hurt as much or what do you beleive now and how is your walk with the creator? I spent an hr. on the phone with Wacky to reconnect with my past and allow for an X-way person to speak their truth. It was what the doctor ordered. I needed to hear that im going to be ok and can get through this. I needed to hear a voice.
I needed to hear what Wacky went throgh and what has been her journey since.Not to get permission for anything but just a little valadation that I am not alone and yes" there is life after twi".I wish there were more postings on the journey that most of you have taken and where it has lead you.
IN recovery groups the wonderful thing about them is... you hear other's storys and they share what works in there lives. Or hear the question" this is what has happened to me ...what can i do do now to change my future." I love to hear what others have done. It provides me with more options and understanding.
well thought I speak my mind and hope to start a diolog on this . Maybe I will.
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Wacky Funster
"How do/did you get to the place that it doesnt hurt as much or what do you beleive now and how is your walk with the creator?"
Now here's a loaded question.
I spent about 3 years sitting in a Quaker Meeting House...probably one built by the pilgrims here.
I sat quietly for these years speaking in tongues (didn't know what else to do) and staring through the rippling antique clear glass windows watching the trees sway...for years.
I didn't know what else to do about god/goddess. I tried a few churches, but wasn't very interested.
I have meditated with the dharma study group (buddhists) for more than 10 years now, and that's the place for me...
I still have visions of a spiritual family...don't see it anywheres, but, I would like to believe it's out there somewhere...
hmmmmmmm...god and I are ok
;)-->...I still deal with childhood issues and my life keeps unfolding like an onion as I continue to peel it and follow my calling...
Hey...up at the top...where it says "New" in the blue....see it? if you left click on that...you can start your very own New Topic
Welcome to the club here, imbus...
We're all at different places here and at different levels...but, it seems we all tend to understand each other and our bizarre instances in twi...
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What she said!
Imbus said 'As far as the spars and in house fighting that is a part of the human experiance.I persoally hate conflict and to read the on going fuedes reminded me of the one- upmanship that was pevilant at twi among leadership or leadership want-to-bes.'
That's kinda how I see it too, Imbus. How'd they get out of that mess still so convinced that their opinion/belief/thought should be held by everyone else? A way Leadership characteristic-- Minions, bow before my greatness! (IMO)
I admit, I'm not one to wax nostalgic over my years in the Way. I don't have those warm fuzzy memories--I still have nightmares. Don't really care to hear about all the wonderful times. Cuz there's always that big ugly boot about to drop.
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Hope R.
Kitty-cup! Hi there! Good to "see" you! xoxox
You're right.
I haven't forgotten how bad TWI became. But because I've been around WD and GS for so long I feel like everything has been said. We don't have as many innies here as we used to, so the information about what's going on in TWI is sparse. It just might be that TWI has become so boring (see their website) that there's nothing much to say about it. The current law-suit seems to be in neutral right now - so there isn't much to talk about there either.
The last time we got riled up and joined forces was when Terry Bradshaw's little infomercial aired on MSNBC. It might be my imagination, but when we're discussing TWI, the in-fighting seems to slow down or even stop.
Personally, the pro-VP threads have really turned me off. I don't like to start a new thread just to have it bumped down to page 2 or 3 because of the "praisebedocvic" threads. (I still think they should be elsewhere, but who am I to say?). But maybe they're so popular because we haven't had anything new to discuss for a while - just re-hashing the same old, same old.
I thought about starting some old topics that haven't been discussed in a while - but when I checked - there weren't any!
Hope R. color>size>face>
... there's a star on the far horizon, rising bright in an azure sky,
for the rest of the time that you're given, why walk when you can fly?
Mary Chapin Carpentersize>color>
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I agree with you, Oakspear. Things do go in cycles from what I've seen. That Terry Bradshaw thing you mentioned, Hope, pretty much took the wind away from all the other "sails", and the in-fighting did seem to abate for a while.
I haven't forgotten the harshness, the rules & regs, and all the other crap in twi, but for me personally, it is not something I want to rehash. Having been out for 20 years now, I have found other things to replace what I went thru back then.
Catcup -- you make a very valid point about not forgetting the past, therfore I am with you in advocating that stories be told. Maybe I am "odd man out" here, but when I see the stories, I put that person on my prayer list so I can pray for the peace and inner tranquility they are looking for.
THANKS! for reminding us of this.
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First a fair warning. I just read the 3x5 card thread and I'm ....ed. So ....ed that I probably shouldn't be posting. That said, yes, it goes in cycles, and yes, we've lost the edge. I'm still upset that so many good threads that were on Waydale are gone for good, locked up in a few privileged CD-ROMS. Threads that seriously exposed leadership. A level of exposure that has never been approached here at GS.
If I had had the foresight, I would have backed up as much of Waydale as I could and found a way to meke public the best of the threads.
But alas, we have what we have. If we've lost the edge it's because the years are fading our memories and we're busy growing old. At least TWI is growing old too.
So Paw does what he has to do and we do what we have to do and life goes on.
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Perhaps many have also moved on to join new forums, like, for internet addiction.
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I agree with Catcup this is a much "tamer "place than it was two years ago. The reality is TWI stil exists. TWI still Needs money from Believers and they need to restock on those real soon. So I fully expect that they are going to come out with a new truth and a new spin and start recruitung again.
I think we need to remember that GS is not only for those now and formerly associated with TWI but most importabt those who have been approached by TWI (and yes I believe they are out there) This is the first site that comes up on most search engines. So some "straight from the horses mouth stories" might not be a bad idea
Me I came in in 1982 "left" in 1989
Went through Spousal abuse And my children were abused both physically and Sexually by my husband and TC.
Ended up losing my kids--still haven't reconciled with my daughter and its been 15 years.
A poster asked
It's always there not a raw open sore but somedays the ache is still very heavy--partially because the relationships with my children, or lack thereof, is a daily walk.
As for my walk with Christ it has become closer and sweeter I joined the LDS Church and for the firstime in my life finally know what it means to be a BELOVED child of GOd. Everywhere else I wnet, not just TWI although TWI did the most damage, I was never Good enough.
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Dot Matrix
i agree.
What I notice is, I think more people who saw the abuses first hand posted on Waydale. And, of course, some who have posted our first hand stories over and over are tired of the same idiots objecting to anything we share and calling us liars or a friend of Satan (I think that is what I was called.) or I am already in hell (because I did not worship PFAL as God breathed.) It wears ya down.
I am seeing more and more people here who seem to want to believe in "the fantasy". They are not here to find out what happened but to share how much they loved TWIG when the Doctor was alive. Then, when you mention the good Doc wasn't so great -- it all starts all over again.
Over and over and over.

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Dot Matrix
Pls come by more often. You can write your story and just post it now and then for new people. (You write so well)
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Here's my usual friendly reminder....
New arrivals should review the Greasespot Cafe's main page.
It's got a menu that includes GSC Editorials and lots of documents in
various formats, like Schonheit's Adultery paper.
I prefer to review everything once or twice a year, just to refresh my
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Do any of the present "way followers" ever wonder why hq is not packed with people from the area?
I mean if twi was so great why aren't there hundreds of people from new bremen, new knoxville, st. marys and the rest of the area?
Why do you have to recruit? You should be living in such a way that I would want to go without being recruited.
These are just a few things to jog your thoughts. I am not trying to be rude but having lived in nk for my whole life I have always wondered why those who attende twi did not ask themselves these questions.
loving life and trying to help others love it too
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Wacky Funster
Remember Ralph's thread TWI 1,2,3 ???
Not only was that thread a riot, but it was incredibly informative to me as I was trying to grasp what happened to twi, and why things happened to me.
Newbies, like imbus, seem to pop in here and there as they are unfolding in their life growth process...looking to piece together and understand the broken pieces of their lives.
Hope and Catcup. When I first got to waydale it was your passion about twi that really woke me up to what was going on. My experiences were not that profound...but your info/anger/insight really filled in the blanks of the "whys" for me.
Please keep telling the story.
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Hi, Catcup!
Nice to see you posting again. I hope school is going well for you.
Some of the better information on GS of late has been the "Child Abuse in TWI" thread (I see CW has just brought it back up -- thanks!). Pedophiles in TWI leadership -- they get moved, whistleblowers get attacked. Not only can you hear some pretty hairy stories there, but you can see what Dot was talking about when nay-sayers come into a thread to say "it wasn't really that bad, now, was it." It can wear a person down, especially when it is an event that they emotionally suffered from.
I also like Raf's "Actual Errors" thread. And Greasespot has looked at VP's plagiarism pretty closely. Also some stuff on the Peeler lawsuit and the personality disorders of the MOGs.
But I agree -- the best work we do is when we can recount first-hand the evils of TWI. I would not want some of you who were witnesses to those things to be stuck re-living the past. I hope that you are able to go on and live a great life, because that is the best revenge for being called a "greasespot at midnight," and because it is best for you. But I welcome you guys coming back here every now and then to tell it like it was, because there are newbies and seekers who need to know.
"Tell it again, for someone needs it..."
(ROFL, I couldn't help it!)
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Dear Mo,
I noticed that CW just brought her thread back up, on the child molestations that happened in Alaska. Are there any facts that you would like to add? I think it is one of the more important things that has been discussed of late.
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Tom Strange
Jim said:
Paw, perhaps there could be a place (either in the documents section or as a "reference thread" here in the forums for these postings? Informational kind of stuff...IF folks want or need to go and read the testimonies of folks, they can go there... as well as scan the current open threads...
We all lived through, and survived different things with this cult... reading about other's experiences often helps with the healing process and lessens the sense of lonliness for the victims...
(I know I'm not saying anything new here... just thought I'd re-mention it)
It's hard to make that change, When life and love turns strange. And old.
To give a love, you gotta live a love. To live a love, you gotta be "part of". When will I see you again?
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The ones I talk to think that the bad situations in the way in the past was because
WE WERE THE EVIL ONES! do you not get this? now it is like the new and so much more improved twi!
all the bad evil followers who had problems are gone because God cleaned it up for them. God loves them more than He ever did us .
They will freely admit to problems (they can not deny or out right lie anymore) they will tell you how it was bad because of those who are now on site like GS, and the off shoots those people have/had problems.. now the household is clean . I thought I saw arrogance before but now it is unbelievable they honestly believe they are so much better and improved for God and God loves them so much better than He ever did the previous believers. (unbelieving believers) .
yes they do still lose some to sites such as Gs when a new person gets a look BUT it does not stop the mind set that the household is so much better and sweeeter now than then.
they are still good decent folks thinking they are serving God , they are no more evil than we were when we thought twi held God in its power and control..
maybe you do not want to hear that because your bitter or full of rage , ok then I understand. But to say something that happened twenty years ago applies today just doesnt cut it when the sell is a new and improved and we learned from the wrongs they did and they are gone now .
The plea is still love for one another and God the fact that those here who think what happened decades ago still concerns them is just niave sp. it is not approached that way at all.
they openly speak of the problems (of the past of course) as the very reason twi is persecuted today and so much smaller.
They will tell you very quickly the evil leaders and followers who did wrong and how it is all different today! the household is clean guys. the posters on Gs and the off shoots are the dirty rats who caused the problems is the concept applied.
do you not get that? that is how they sell and think.
just like it was many years ago , you may have had a valid point but the love and excitement of doing the best for God blinded what others may say about something you felt you belonged to.
a higher purpose for God is a pretty solid selling point even today and even after all the lessons posted by the very ones who failed .
it is a cult .
I do not believe it is a news flash that things went wrong in the way , everyone knows it and those who stuck through those hard times feel even more self righteous and powerful,today not less.
It is good to write storys on the internet but realize and think about how much is done with pure hate and bitterness and well is it effective ? for those who think they have found a source of love and true concern for God and His people (think and remember truly think and remember) does it add to their life and information? No it sounds like the household had problems and they are glad it is so much better now... without them.
What GS offers is alot of people agreeing with one another that TWi was an evil cult. What twi sells is a place where God lives and breathes among its people, I have to tell ya (even if ya do not want to hear it) they are great and wonderfull people for the most part just like those who post here they do not get involved because they want to hurt one another any more than anyone at GS got involved and knew how it would end up.
I would not approach this as an us and them thing, I am them I was them and forever we all happen to be us. To seek vengence clearly is not working for anyone . It just proves that those gone out of twi are bitter and mean spirited and "off" the bible verse. giving more fuel to the fire that God would indeed love them more.
When did other christians become the enemy for you?
When did hate and bitterness replace understanding and Love for one another?
It is a cult because people chose to believe the idea they are better and more able than others which twists the mind and is a lie.
are you still in a cult?
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