If you have something to say, don't detract from it by not proofreading what you have typed.
Not that I’m an English major, but trying to read posts with sentences that don’t make sense and trying to figure out what the poster really meant is too much. Just read what you have typed and make sure it is coherent before you hit the post button. Please!
HINT: Type it in a word processor first. Let it check your spelling and grammar before you post.
As to this topic, TWI is just jealous that Mel is being successful telling the story of Jesus and they are not. They need to make sure their “innies” have more respect for them instead of Mel.
I have no idea what Mel Gibson's reason for making this movie, other than what I've read.
I just find it interesting that in the midst of all the controversy about Mel's movie, another movie called "The Gospel of John" was released and disappeared, almost unnoticed. Similar cast of mostly unknown actors, same story, same crucifixion, same Jews involved, not as much blood.
So why did "Gospel" play on 14 screens when it opened and Passion played on 3,043? I'm sure one difference is that "Gospel" was directed by Philip Saville, who's career consists mostly of British tv movies, instead of Mel Gibson. Is that the only reason "Gospel" has grossed about $4 million so far while "Passion" has shot past $200 million in barely two weeks?
I just can't help thinking that all the "controversy" that has people flocking to this movie was cooked up by some Hollywood publicity hack. The people who made "Gospel of John" might be kicking themselves for not having thought of that first. Timing is everything.
Don't forget, Pirate, that Mel had two "gimmicks" (for lack of a better word) to propel the word of mouth. First, he filmed it in foreign languages. Second, he went for visceral authenticity. Next to The Passion, "The Gospel of John" can't help but have a "Gee, I've seen this movie before umpteen times" feel to it.
"That's what really stuck out to me. The signifigance of the communion." - corrydj
I am reminded of my last twi communion service before getting the boot. Only the faithful believers,who tithed and gave much more, who were out of debt or trying, could partake of the communion...ONLY IF THEY WERE WORTHY. TWI leader$h1t was so full of themselves that limb leader went to each area to perform the service. He prophesied over each family after they partook.
Last mont a real pastor in a real church that i attended told us about when he was in a church in the south during the 1960s...a black man attended to desegregate it....during the communion service the ushers did not offer the bread and wine to the man....a deacon saw this misdeed and gave the black man communion...then he said to the congregation, "If this man is not included in the communion, then the entire significance the bread and wine was null and void in that congregation that day."
twi failed to understand that the broken bread represents the body of Christ, which includes His church, which is ONE BODY. twi has broken up the Body of Christ for so long, excluded people, saying that you are no longer part of our body, that they LOST the mystery!
twi misses out on blessings by offering communion service only once a year.
Then again, they have done a poor job at it once a year. twi taught that the communion service should have the biggest collection of money...which shows their real motivation.
What you said earlier on this thread is just pure sour grapes. This coming from a denominational member whose denomination demands at least 10% of its followers income. Who are you trying to fool?
For your information I saw "The Passion of the Christ" today. I got in for free through a church group. In contrast, in the 14 years I spent in your denomation nothing was ever free. I have always defended your right to post on this forum. Now though, you are acting like a religious hypocrite.
LLP is entitled to his opinion that Gibson just did it for the money. That would have been my opinion if I hadn't read as much as I have and actually seen the film.
Like LLP, I'm entitled to my more well-informed opinion that there was more to it than that.
Having invested in media businesses before, I can tell you that nobody wanted to touch this production. "Passion" had nothing in common with money-making hits ... THE DIALOGUE WAS IN DEAD LANGUAGES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
I've followed this film since it was originally announced. "Passion" was ridiculed in the industry when the concept was announced. It was criticized when it was in production. It was condemned when it early edits were previewed.
No major studio would distribute the film; he took it to Newmarket, which would not share costs. Gibson bore distribution cost out of his own account. This is unprecedented in recent motion picture history.
Personally, I wouldn't have invested in it if a partnership interest were offered -- "Passion" would be way too risky for my portfolio.
"Passion" did turn out to be successful. But nobody in the business would touch it with a ten-foot pole. Gibson took the risk, and now he gets the return.
It's a great film, and a great depiction of the price that Jesus Christ paid for us all.
Well, I have to say I'm not surprised by the sheer lack of logic that LLP displayed in her post, accusing Mel Gibson of undertaking such a difficult and arduous task "for the money"... Lack of logic is a primary hallmark of longterm involvement in The Way.
Come on, Lolly---THINK FOR JUST ONE MINUTE! Mel Gibson put up 25 million dollars of his own money to make an EXTREMELY RISKY film. TWENTY-FIVE MILLION! That's money he already had---Money he was obviously willing to loose, because this movie's success was in NO WAY assured. In fact, every industry expert predicted that this movie would fail miserably! There was actually little reason to believe that he did it to get rich---Hell, he already WAS rich, by AT LEAST 25 million! Pocket change, right?
Gibson is reputed to be a devoutly religious man. Isn't it even within the realm of possibility (even within the mind of a smug, self-righteous, Way believer) that Mel Gibson's primary motive for making "The Passion of The Christ", is because he believes in the importance of the story it tells?
I went to see "The Passion" with my daughter yesterday. Instead of bringing my TWI brainwashed philosophy with me I brought my Catholic upbringing. I didn't disect every scene for accuracy nor did I question Gibson's motive for the movie.
I went to experience what Christ did for us and I am sure it was much worse then the movie showed. I wish I was a stronger "believer" but I can't handle religion anymore.
I am going to wait for it to come out on DVD. People that have seen it tell me that the whole theater is silent and many walk out looking quite flush.
I am curious about some small flyers I have already read, ones about free screening of Mel’s The Passion at some small churches. Just curious where they are getting their copies, maybe some bootlegs or something?
But I am reminded of a true Christian leader, dude named Paul that said he was just thankful Christ was preached and didn’t care for the motivation behind it.
Despite any motivation, good or bad; the airwaves are full of talk about the movie and guess who always gets mentioned? Not just Mel, but I have heard some pretty normally radical DJ”s spending much of their time talking about this movie and a whole lot of people calling and talking with Christ on their minds! What a cool thing!!!!!!!!!
Of course they (TWI) forgot they were dead in trustpasses and sin and in need of atonement. They forget that they came from crap -
They don't get it that Jesus GAVE his life - he DID NOT have to go thru what he did - but they poo-poo it.
I bet VPW would have embraced the movie - it's the LCM wanna-be's - rightous in their own eyes who are too hard hearted to honestly give thought to what was REALLY done for them. To redeem their sorry @sses.
Quote of the month: "Lack of logic is a primary hallmark of longterm involvement in The Way." (Cherished Child)
I have heard the same things as Insurgent from different people in TWI and especially the leadership.
I don't care how or why Mel Gibson produced this movie. I'm just glad he did and that it got so much publicity that so many people have gone to see it. I think God must be pretty darn proud of him for having the fortitude to do it and for reminding people (and teaching those who have never heard) of what Christ did for us.
I'm just sick when I hear TWI people poo-poo the crucifixion and those who humbly acknowledge the incredible sacrifice made for us. Maybe he didn't have to die for TWI people - they didn't need to be saved - they're just really angels or perfect saints who don't need Christ.
I gather you're still in TWI? If so, what did they say exactly? And how about challenging some of the statements? (that's what I would do if I were "still in") For instance, write a short note to whoever you heard disparage "The Passion" and see what the response is, if any? or can you call them?
oldiesman, I think I have established myself as a pretty credible poster here and I can not nor will I divulge my sources of twi information. They have already tried to hack into GSpot as me and try very hard to find out who I am and where I am.
I'm sure that you could talk to anyone in twi and get the same information I have posted. It's the general consensus among twi leader.... and consistent with twi's take on JC.
As for your comments to WW about challenging and questioning things taught in twi - you have obviously not learned anything about lcm and after twi rules from all your time here at GSpot. It is not okay to challenge, question or otherwise show any type of disagreement with something said by twi leader..... It is not okay to even discuss things that might be construed as controversial or contradictory to something taught or expressed by twi.
quote: And how about challenging some of the statements? (that's what I would do if I were "still in")
The way I did it when I was still in was write a letter directly to LCM. I did this when I had questions on tithing. LCM sent my letter to the research department, and I did get an answer back. I wasn't satisfied with the answer, but at least they did put something in writing.
The whole point being let's hear what the BOD has to say before we judge their thoughts. One would think TWI might be supportive of the film, since it shows the very real intense suffering Christ endured, something like TWI has been teaching all these years. Hopefully they'd be willing to put their beliefs in writing. I'd write the letter myself only I doubt they'd respond to an ex-wayfer.
You know, when I saw "The Passion" it occurred to me that TWI would say EXACTLY that. (oh but it's the Resurrection....)
So annoying. So nitpicky. Yeah, and I noticed all those "inaccuracies" that were contrary to what was taught but you know? SO WHAT!
He SUFFERED for us big time because he loved us and it was the only way to redeem us. I went to see it with four other people and every one of us cried.
and yeah, the resurrection IS in it at the end. DUH. Or maybe I misinterpreted seeing a stone roll away and the guy who played JC get up
OM - that may have been an option for YOU, but it is NOT an option for anyone that is an innie now that wants to stay an innie (for whatever personal reasons they may have).
For one thing, lcm is no longer reachable.
For another, if any innie starts asking too many questions about anything, that innie's life goes under a microscope.
Just talk to any poster here that's gotten out within the last few years. Oakspear has some choice stories about that very thing.
Oldies....John Ritcheson did precisely as you recomend....reread HIS letters and replies from the current president....read about the consequences of HIS letters.
I have to wonder in your pushing innies to write and reveal themselves....is there some REASON why you want them discovered and ousted?
Your constant drumbeat in these forums is how things were great when you were "in". The fellowship was sweet, the bible was hot, VP was teachin' "da Word". "I was there!" you proclaim, "It wasn't the way you describe it for me."
As much as I am tempted to think you are fantasizing about the supposed good days that never where, I'll usually not challenge your own personal experiences (except in jest :D-->), since I wasn't there where you were, when you were.
Now you're pontificating about what people who are currently "in" (and unhappy about it) should do.
You don't know jacksh## about TWI-2, the LCM years, the Rivenbark reign, whatever. So why don't you shut the ^^^^ up about things you have no knowledge of?
What!!??? Just write a letter? Are you freakin' high? I did that and so did igotout. John's exchanges are enshrined here at GS...pay attention...WHAP (backhanded smack to the head)...he was kicked out!
Maybe you don't remember my story. I wrote letters too. Fat lot of good it did me.
They don't want to listen, they don't want to change, they don't want to hear "the Word", they want to control and they won't put up with dissent!
However it was back in f'n Camelot-on-the-Farm in the seventies, it ain't like that now. Sheesh. Read some threads why doncha! We ARE NOT making this stuff up!
Those "innies" who post here have good reasons to be "in" and to be part of GS, so back off a couple of paces and have a little compassion.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
Way standard behavior is to trash anything they didn't come up with first. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't claiming that Mel Gibson got the idea from the adversary after some way leader spoke out loud the idea.
According to TWI - any organization,leader, or prominent person who gets more attention and money than TWI is "seed".
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Enough! That's it!
I'm calling in the grammar cops.
If you have something to say, don't detract from it by not proofreading what you have typed.
Not that I’m an English major, but trying to read posts with sentences that don’t make sense and trying to figure out what the poster really meant is too much. Just read what you have typed and make sure it is coherent before you hit the post button. Please!
HINT: Type it in a word processor first. Let it check your spelling and grammar before you post.
As to this topic, TWI is just jealous that Mel is being successful telling the story of Jesus and they are not. They need to make sure their “innies” have more respect for them instead of Mel.
Did I derail the topic?
Also, I can be too anal at times….
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I have no idea what Mel Gibson's reason for making this movie, other than what I've read.
I just find it interesting that in the midst of all the controversy about Mel's movie, another movie called "The Gospel of John" was released and disappeared, almost unnoticed. Similar cast of mostly unknown actors, same story, same crucifixion, same Jews involved, not as much blood.
So why did "Gospel" play on 14 screens when it opened and Passion played on 3,043? I'm sure one difference is that "Gospel" was directed by Philip Saville, who's career consists mostly of British tv movies, instead of Mel Gibson. Is that the only reason "Gospel" has grossed about $4 million so far while "Passion" has shot past $200 million in barely two weeks?
I just can't help thinking that all the "controversy" that has people flocking to this movie was cooked up by some Hollywood publicity hack. The people who made "Gospel of John" might be kicking themselves for not having thought of that first. Timing is everything.
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Totally agree with ya brother about Mel's motives. It wasn't the easiest thing in the world for him to produce this picture.
Asked why he began studying Greek at age 94, Oliver Wendell Holmes replied,"Well, my good sir, it's now or never!"
[This message was edited by waterbuffalo on March 13, 2004 at 21:23.]
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Don't forget, Pirate, that Mel had two "gimmicks" (for lack of a better word) to propel the word of mouth. First, he filmed it in foreign languages. Second, he went for visceral authenticity. Next to The Passion, "The Gospel of John" can't help but have a "Gee, I've seen this movie before umpteen times" feel to it.
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"That's what really stuck out to me. The signifigance of the communion." - corrydj
I am reminded of my last twi communion service before getting the boot. Only the faithful believers,who tithed and gave much more, who were out of debt or trying, could partake of the communion...ONLY IF THEY WERE WORTHY. TWI leader$h1t was so full of themselves that limb leader went to each area to perform the service. He prophesied over each family after they partook.
Last mont a real pastor in a real church that i attended told us about when he was in a church in the south during the 1960s...a black man attended to desegregate it....during the communion service the ushers did not offer the bread and wine to the man....a deacon saw this misdeed and gave the black man communion...then he said to the congregation, "If this man is not included in the communion, then the entire significance the bread and wine was null and void in that congregation that day."
twi failed to understand that the broken bread represents the body of Christ, which includes His church, which is ONE BODY. twi has broken up the Body of Christ for so long, excluded people, saying that you are no longer part of our body, that they LOST the mystery!
twi misses out on blessings by offering communion service only once a year.
Then again, they have done a poor job at it once a year. twi taught that the communion service should have the biggest collection of money...which shows their real motivation.
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Mark Sanguinetti
What you said earlier on this thread is just pure sour grapes. This coming from a denominational member whose denomination demands at least 10% of its followers income. Who are you trying to fool?
For your information I saw "The Passion of the Christ" today. I got in for free through a church group. In contrast, in the 14 years I spent in your denomation nothing was ever free. I have always defended your right to post on this forum. Now though, you are acting like a religious hypocrite.
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The Skeptical Texan
LLP is entitled to his opinion that Gibson just did it for the money. That would have been my opinion if I hadn't read as much as I have and actually seen the film.
Like LLP, I'm entitled to my more well-informed opinion that there was more to it than that.
Having invested in media businesses before, I can tell you that nobody wanted to touch this production. "Passion" had nothing in common with money-making hits ... THE DIALOGUE WAS IN DEAD LANGUAGES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
I've followed this film since it was originally announced. "Passion" was ridiculed in the industry when the concept was announced. It was criticized when it was in production. It was condemned when it early edits were previewed.
No major studio would distribute the film; he took it to Newmarket, which would not share costs. Gibson bore distribution cost out of his own account. This is unprecedented in recent motion picture history.
Personally, I wouldn't have invested in it if a partnership interest were offered -- "Passion" would be way too risky for my portfolio.
"Passion" did turn out to be successful. But nobody in the business would touch it with a ten-foot pole. Gibson took the risk, and now he gets the return.
It's a great film, and a great depiction of the price that Jesus Christ paid for us all.
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Cherished Child
Well, I have to say I'm not surprised by the sheer lack of logic that LLP displayed in her post, accusing Mel Gibson of undertaking such a difficult and arduous task "for the money"... Lack of logic is a primary hallmark of longterm involvement in The Way.
Come on, Lolly---THINK FOR JUST ONE MINUTE! Mel Gibson put up 25 million dollars of his own money to make an EXTREMELY RISKY film. TWENTY-FIVE MILLION! That's money he already had---Money he was obviously willing to loose, because this movie's success was in NO WAY assured. In fact, every industry expert predicted that this movie would fail miserably! There was actually little reason to believe that he did it to get rich---Hell, he already WAS rich, by AT LEAST 25 million! Pocket change, right?
Gibson is reputed to be a devoutly religious man. Isn't it even within the realm of possibility (even within the mind of a smug, self-righteous, Way believer) that Mel Gibson's primary motive for making "The Passion of The Christ", is because he believes in the importance of the story it tells?
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Whats wrong with getting profit from the movie? Does it say anywhere in the bible that its wrong?
I would consider after all these people that came to a better relationship with God that maybe God is blessing him with the money.
If you want to consider it twi thinking then lets say he abundantly shared and now is getting his return. Wouldn't you say?
Oh wait a minute he didn't give his abs to twi. I guess that wouldn't work.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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I went to see "The Passion" with my daughter yesterday. Instead of bringing my TWI brainwashed philosophy with me I brought my Catholic upbringing. I didn't disect every scene for accuracy nor did I question Gibson's motive for the movie.
I went to experience what Christ did for us and I am sure it was much worse then the movie showed. I wish I was a stronger "believer" but I can't handle religion anymore.
Mel's point was well made.
Thus Sayeth "The OnionEater"
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I am going to wait for it to come out on DVD. People that have seen it tell me that the whole theater is silent and many walk out looking quite flush.
I am curious about some small flyers I have already read, ones about free screening of Mel’s The Passion at some small churches. Just curious where they are getting their copies, maybe some bootlegs or something?
But I am reminded of a true Christian leader, dude named Paul that said he was just thankful Christ was preached and didn’t care for the motivation behind it.
Despite any motivation, good or bad; the airwaves are full of talk about the movie and guess who always gets mentioned? Not just Mel, but I have heard some pretty normally radical DJ”s spending much of their time talking about this movie and a whole lot of people calling and talking with Christ on their minds! What a cool thing!!!!!!!!!
God Bless America; SIZE>
Grizz SIZE>
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Leave it to TWI to strain at a gnat, swallow a camel, and miss the entire point of love and compassion.
"Tear out our hearts--- and they will fatally wound you."
Hans Scholl
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I'm sure if Jesus bodily walked the face of the earth today, nobody in TWI would recognize him.
Hell, they'd probably lead the way to crucify him.
"Tear out our hearts--- and they will fatally wound you."
Hans Scholl
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Of course they (TWI) forgot they were dead in trustpasses and sin and in need of atonement. They forget that they came from crap -
They don't get it that Jesus GAVE his life - he DID NOT have to go thru what he did - but they poo-poo it.
I bet VPW would have embraced the movie - it's the LCM wanna-be's - rightous in their own eyes who are too hard hearted to honestly give thought to what was REALLY done for them. To redeem their sorry @sses.
Quote of the month: "Lack of logic is a primary hallmark of longterm involvement in The Way." (Cherished Child)
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TWI wants to say that all of the power is in the resurrection.....
But it is soooooooooooo obvious that they have failed to see the power of love.
"Tear out our hearts--- and they will fatally wound you."
Hans Scholl
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I have heard the same things as Insurgent from different people in TWI and especially the leadership.
I don't care how or why Mel Gibson produced this movie. I'm just glad he did and that it got so much publicity that so many people have gone to see it. I think God must be pretty darn proud of him for having the fortitude to do it and for reminding people (and teaching those who have never heard) of what Christ did for us.
I'm just sick when I hear TWI people poo-poo the crucifixion and those who humbly acknowledge the incredible sacrifice made for us. Maybe he didn't have to die for TWI people - they didn't need to be saved - they're just really angels or perfect saints who don't need Christ.
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I gather you're still in TWI? If so, what did they say exactly? And how about challenging some of the statements? (that's what I would do if I were "still in") For instance, write a short note to whoever you heard disparage "The Passion" and see what the response is, if any? or can you call them?
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oldiesman, I think I have established myself as a pretty credible poster here and I can not nor will I divulge my sources of twi information. They have already tried to hack into GSpot as me and try very hard to find out who I am and where I am.
I'm sure that you could talk to anyone in twi and get the same information I have posted. It's the general consensus among twi leader.... and consistent with twi's take on JC.
As for your comments to WW about challenging and questioning things taught in twi - you have obviously not learned anything about lcm and after twi rules from all your time here at GSpot. It is not okay to challenge, question or otherwise show any type of disagreement with something said by twi leader..... It is not okay to even discuss things that might be construed as controversial or contradictory to something taught or expressed by twi.
and then you would no longer be "in".
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The way I did it when I was still in was write a letter directly to LCM. I did this when I had questions on tithing. LCM sent my letter to the research department, and I did get an answer back. I wasn't satisfied with the answer, but at least they did put something in writing.
The whole point being let's hear what the BOD has to say before we judge their thoughts. One would think TWI might be supportive of the film, since it shows the very real intense suffering Christ endured, something like TWI has been teaching all these years. Hopefully they'd be willing to put their beliefs in writing. I'd write the letter myself only I doubt they'd respond to an ex-wayfer.
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You know, when I saw "The Passion" it occurred to me that TWI would say EXACTLY that. (oh but it's the Resurrection....)
So annoying. So nitpicky. Yeah, and I noticed all those "inaccuracies" that were contrary to what was taught but you know? SO WHAT!
He SUFFERED for us big time because he loved us and it was the only way to redeem us. I went to see it with four other people and every one of us cried.
and yeah, the resurrection IS in it at the end. DUH. Or maybe I misinterpreted seeing a stone roll away and the guy who played JC get up
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OM - that may have been an option for YOU, but it is NOT an option for anyone that is an innie now that wants to stay an innie (for whatever personal reasons they may have).
For one thing, lcm is no longer reachable.
For another, if any innie starts asking too many questions about anything, that innie's life goes under a microscope.
Just talk to any poster here that's gotten out within the last few years. Oakspear has some choice stories about that very thing.
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Oldies....John Ritcheson did precisely as you recomend....reread HIS letters and replies from the current president....read about the consequences of HIS letters.
I have to wonder in your pushing innies to write and reveal themselves....is there some REASON why you want them discovered and ousted?
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Your constant drumbeat in these forums is how things were great when you were "in". The fellowship was sweet, the bible was hot, VP was teachin' "da Word". "I was there!" you proclaim, "It wasn't the way you describe it for me."
As much as I am tempted to think you are fantasizing about the supposed good days that never where, I'll usually not challenge your own personal experiences (except in jest
:D-->), since I wasn't there where you were, when you were.
Now you're pontificating about what people who are currently "in" (and unhappy about it) should do.
You don't know jacksh## about TWI-2, the LCM years, the Rivenbark reign, whatever. So why don't you shut the ^^^^ up about things you have no knowledge of?
What!!??? Just write a letter? Are you freakin' high? I did that and so did igotout. John's exchanges are enshrined here at GS...pay attention...WHAP (backhanded smack to the head)...he was kicked out!
Maybe you don't remember my story. I wrote letters too. Fat lot of good it did me.
They don't want to listen, they don't want to change, they don't want to hear "the Word", they want to control and they won't put up with dissent!
However it was back in f'n Camelot-on-the-Farm in the seventies, it ain't like that now. Sheesh. Read some threads why doncha! We ARE NOT making this stuff up!
Those "innies" who post here have good reasons to be "in" and to be part of GS, so back off a couple of paces and have a little compassion.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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Way standard behavior is to trash anything they didn't come up with first. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't claiming that Mel Gibson got the idea from the adversary after some way leader spoke out loud the idea.
According to TWI - any organization,leader, or prominent person who gets more attention and money than TWI is "seed".
Of course who knows ? Maybe they will use this
as motivation to film AOS Part II....
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