I agree with Goey, too - not about the "drive by" thing - but about moving the Doctrinal forum(s) heading higher up on the main page. I think that, and moving the TWI doctrinal discussion threads off the About The Way forum might solve the problem. That way, the people who feel they need their thread responded to won't feel so slighted because they've been relegated to the bottom of the screen.
Hope R. color>size>face>
... there's a star on the far horizon, rising bright in an azure sky,
for the rest of the time that you're given, why walk when you can fly?
I'm not sure what to think about all this, Pawtucket. But I figured I ought think about it and chime in, seein as how I seem to have successfully started a quiet little table down there.
So heer goes...
The doctrinal forum is my favorite street corner to hang out on. But not because that is where doctrine is discussed. Doctrine has always permeated the upper threads of this board. There’s really little difference between what goes on down there and what goes on up here, anyway, IMO.
But I prefer to start threads there because it IS a back alley.
And not a private topic.
Its where the kids can cause trouble without being seen by the adults. :P--> :D-->
Last thing I want is a bunch of know-it-all tourists doing their usual drive-by “appreciations.”
I prefer the fringes...the hem.
I like to muse with musers where the musers take the time to muse,
But if I feel like brawling with the brawlers, I will go where the brawlers like to brawl. Out in the open. Cuz bulls love to talk their talk and fight where the whole crowd can see.
Like others have said, maybe some sort of “pulpit” forum up towards the top would help all our messianic and prophetic urges.
Be it a street corner or one of those gilded boxie-thingys priests sermonize from.
“I got something to say that I think God told me to say, so here it is!”
Anything posted there would be accepted as such.
Where we post says about as much about what we post, anyway, it seems.
And we seem to need a place in the open to draw each other’s blood and cast stones and spit loogies about whose dad is gonna whoop whose dad’s ***, and whose brother is gonna whoop whose brother’s ***. ;)-->
But also a place for those who like to publish “silly” little messages of peace, regardless if anyone responds.
Both would fit fine in a well-defined pulpit-like place.
But Paw, if you do move the “doctrinal” upward,
will you consider keeping another little forum for the fringe of the robe?
If at all possible, somewhere near the feet?
After all, who couldn’t use a quiet place for a good foot massage after all our long treks?
btw – thanks for all you do, and have done here.
Everything we do is often both more and less than we ever realize, IMO.
Sometimes its just hard to see it from Middle Earth.
Very well put. I have been hoping that some of the doctrinal folks would put their two cents in. Because if I move stuff from About the Way to doctrinal, then doctrinal will suffer, I think. Maybe the forum that Rafael has been requesting for ages will come to pass.
Good points about the doctrinal thread. making it a little harder to find kind of keeps out the riff-raff ;)-->. Hmmm, but I managed to get in, so it can't be too exclusive!
Even though I voted to move the doctrinal discussion to the doctrinal forum, I'd hate to see "doctrinal" viewed as the back alley garbage can of Grease Spot.
For the most part the doctrinal forum has been somewhat self-policing. Posters there generally stick to either biblical texts or some form of logic in making their points. Not to say that there hasn't been personal attacks and assorted craziness (the recurrent theme of free will vs. determinism evokes some heat and the subject of what denomination killed more people over the centuries won't ever really die
Lately the quality has somewhat diluted, threads get started about inane subjects (okay "inane" is my owm perception, totally subjective) or arguments are supposedly settled with "that's just what I believe" or "God told me".
quote:Last thing I want is a bunch of know-it-all tourists doing their usual drive-by “appreciations.”
A-friggin'-men. Contribute something to the thread for God's sake, or just shut up
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
Of course NOT. It is to get them off the open forum into the Political Forum which is the topic they fall under (in my limited frame of reference.)
Besides....why would you ask me that? Are there people that aren't allowed to go into those forums? I thought you got your "privileges" back. If not....ooops, sorry..forget I mentioned it.
When I think of the 7% that want to delete Mike's posts I think of another category for content. Really, has not there already been enough deleting, secrecy, censorship and excommunication. Have we not devoured enough of one another? I'm part of the remote hinterland fringe, that visits now and then demographic. I come to Greasepot to see the freak show. I like the freak show now and then and there are some really good posts, well thought out arguments, and some really good ole freaky stuff goin' on in Mike's posts. I like to spew forth my own freaky thoughts onto this board occassionally.
Thanks for your posting the opportunity to vote and see the results. I voted that Mike's posts and averybody else's stay where they are in About the Way. I do not beleive it is possible to understand anything about The Way without intermixing what others want to delete or dismiss as doctrinal.
The Math is pretty simple:
Mike's Post have generated over 30,000 views adding that your post is about Mike's Post.
Next in the tally are ex10 and rascal with couple a thousand hits each. Roy-year2027, pjroberge and a few others aren't generating much interest at all.
If they kick your stuff off of this site, let me know so we can start a new denominationally based clique website called The Real About the Way Freak Show Website. On our site if people are really way off base and producing very few hits we'll put the in the "recycle bin" category. Hey bro we can have it up tonight.
Mountain Snow
[This message was edited by pawtucket on March 14, 2004 at 10:35.]
I think you have an EXCELLENT idea and think that it was inspired by god (I'm not going to say which god) but do think you & Mike should take action on it before someone else does it!
Move the entire "About the Way" forum to the bottom and rename it "Hearsay and Whiny Gossip".
Replace it with the "Real Nostalgia" thread up top.
Solicit donations for a new website and board for "Mastering PFAL" and move all of that stuff to that website and board. Require that everyone who wants to participate re-register.
Let both of those people have at it on the new board and website.
It's so simple!
I think mountainsnow's freaky point about the freaky forum and it's freakin' significance is sound - whatever gets the most hits should have the predominant spot. I only say this because I'm planning a thread on VPW's various references to "Howard" over the years and how they actually reflected messages in the Vesper Chimes printed programs from the early years of the Way and I KNOW that's going to be a real hit producer. Stay tuned.
You may disagree. The numbers prove it and if that's what we're looking for it's the only honest solution. This is America. Numbers talk, nobody walks. Big hits, you don't take no $hit.
In fact, this will actually INCREASE participation.
Thank you. I don't require any payment for this idea.
I was lost in the deep and darkest night. No direction, not a single hope in sight
When I saw a fire burning brightly through the storm that raged above
Paw, I'm thinking we ought to take folks that misbehave out back n shoot em.
Since we can't do that (except in certain parts of alabama) I say move the threads into the most logical place they should be. Heck most of us know how to operate a mouse by now...
I do think that if someone is trolling for converts they ought to have enough gumption to start their own website.
Amen and AMEN, herbie---if I was still in da way, I might say that someone was using people and loving things....if I was SO convinced of MY product, I would start my own website....
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Hope R.
I agree with Goey, too - not about the "drive by" thing - but about moving the Doctrinal forum(s) heading higher up on the main page. I think that, and moving the TWI doctrinal discussion threads off the About The Way forum might solve the problem. That way, the people who feel they need their thread responded to won't feel so slighted because they've been relegated to the bottom of the screen.
Hope R. color>size>face>
... there's a star on the far horizon, rising bright in an azure sky,
for the rest of the time that you're given, why walk when you can fly?
Mary Chapin Carpentersize>color>
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Steve Lortz
Doze wrote, "I love it... kinda like street corner preachers."
I'm conflicted now. Should the new forum be called "Drive-by Prophets" or "The Street Corner"?
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Definitely The Street Corner.
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Why's that Radar? To limit who is allowed to participate?
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I'm not sure what to think about all this, Pawtucket. But I figured I ought think about it and chime in, seein as how I seem to have successfully started a quiet little table down there.
So heer goes...
The doctrinal forum is my favorite street corner to hang out on. But not because that is where doctrine is discussed. Doctrine has always permeated the upper threads of this board. There’s really little difference between what goes on down there and what goes on up here, anyway, IMO.
But I prefer to start threads there because it IS a back alley.
And not a private topic.
Its where the kids can cause trouble without being seen by the adults.
Last thing I want is a bunch of know-it-all tourists doing their usual drive-by “appreciations.”
I prefer the fringes...the hem.
I like to muse with musers where the musers take the time to muse,
But if I feel like brawling with the brawlers, I will go where the brawlers like to brawl. Out in the open. Cuz bulls love to talk their talk and fight where the whole crowd can see.
Like others have said, maybe some sort of “pulpit” forum up towards the top would help all our messianic and prophetic urges.
Be it a street corner or one of those gilded boxie-thingys priests sermonize from.
“I got something to say that I think God told me to say, so here it is!”
Anything posted there would be accepted as such.
Where we post says about as much about what we post, anyway, it seems.
And we seem to need a place in the open to draw each other’s blood and cast stones and spit loogies about whose dad is gonna whoop whose dad’s ***, and whose brother is gonna whoop whose brother’s ***.
But also a place for those who like to publish “silly” little messages of peace, regardless if anyone responds.
Both would fit fine in a well-defined pulpit-like place.
But Paw, if you do move the “doctrinal” upward,
will you consider keeping another little forum for the fringe of the robe?
If at all possible, somewhere near the feet?
After all, who couldn’t use a quiet place for a good foot massage after all our long treks?
btw – thanks for all you do, and have done here.
Everything we do is often both more and less than we ever realize, IMO.
Sometimes its just hard to see it from Middle Earth.
I don’t know you, but I hope you see it.
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i would like to echo todd's post
thank you paw
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Very well put. I have been hoping that some of the doctrinal folks would put their two cents in. Because if I move stuff from About the Way to doctrinal, then doctrinal will suffer, I think. Maybe the forum that Rafael has been requesting for ages will come to pass.
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Sir Todd-a-Lot:
Good points about the doctrinal thread. making it a little harder to find kind of keeps out the riff-raff
;)-->. Hmmm, but I managed to get in, so it can't be too exclusive!
Even though I voted to move the doctrinal discussion to the doctrinal forum, I'd hate to see "doctrinal" viewed as the back alley garbage can of Grease Spot.
For the most part the doctrinal forum has been somewhat self-policing. Posters there generally stick to either biblical texts or some form of logic in making their points. Not to say that there hasn't been personal attacks and assorted craziness (the recurrent theme of free will vs. determinism evokes some heat and the subject of what denomination killed more people over the centuries won't ever really die
Lately the quality has somewhat diluted, threads get started about inane subjects (okay "inane" is my owm perception, totally subjective) or arguments are supposedly settled with "that's just what I believe" or "God told me".
A-friggin'-men. Contribute something to the thread for God's sake, or just shut upIt doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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Woah, don't make it look like I prompted this, Paw.
Have I really been requesting this for ages? I forgot.
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well it isn't like you sent me an email weekly about it. But I know you have suggested that idea a number of times.
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Tom Strange
that's OK Raf! take the credit! You're a legend now!
It's hard to make that change, When life and love turns strange. And old.
To give a love, you gotta live a love. To live a love, you gotta be "part of". When will I see you again?
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Radar OReilly
Of course NOT. It is to get them off the open forum into the Political Forum which is the topic they fall under (in my limited frame of reference.)
Besides....why would you ask me that? Are there people that aren't allowed to go into those forums? I thought you got your "privileges" back. If not....ooops, sorry..forget I mentioned it.
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I don't know if anyone else is prohibited from there... but I am... and would rather not start rehashing (again) how that came to be.
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Kit Sober
I'd like to see a sexual forum (someplace other for these discussions)
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When I think of the 7% that want to delete Mike's posts I think of another category for content. Really, has not there already been enough deleting, secrecy, censorship and excommunication. Have we not devoured enough of one another? I'm part of the remote hinterland fringe, that visits now and then demographic. I come to Greasepot to see the freak show. I like the freak show now and then and there are some really good posts, well thought out arguments, and some really good ole freaky stuff goin' on in Mike's posts. I like to spew forth my own freaky thoughts onto this board occassionally.
Thanks for your posting the opportunity to vote and see the results. I voted that Mike's posts and averybody else's stay where they are in About the Way. I do not beleive it is possible to understand anything about The Way without intermixing what others want to delete or dismiss as doctrinal.
The Math is pretty simple:
Mike's Post have generated over 30,000 views adding that your post is about Mike's Post.
Next in the tally are ex10 and rascal with couple a thousand hits each. Roy-year2027, pjroberge and a few others aren't generating much interest at all.
If they kick your stuff off of this site, let me know so we can start a new denominationally based clique website called The Real About the Way Freak Show Website. On our site if people are really way off base and producing very few hits we'll put the in the "recycle bin" category. Hey bro we can have it up tonight.
Mountain Snow
[This message was edited by pawtucket on March 14, 2004 at 10:35.]
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Moving posts=deleting them.
Glad to see you're not letting little things like reading
comprehension get in the way of your posts, MS.
I was wondering what happened to his other disciple....
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Snow Bird --
I think you have an EXCELLENT idea and think that it was inspired by god (I'm not going to say which god) but do think you & Mike should take action on it before someone else does it!
Here's your hat - what's your hurry?
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Easy solution to all of this, it just hit me.
Move the entire "About the Way" forum to the bottom and rename it "Hearsay and Whiny Gossip".
Replace it with the "Real Nostalgia" thread up top.
Solicit donations for a new website and board for "Mastering PFAL" and move all of that stuff to that website and board. Require that everyone who wants to participate re-register.
Let both of those people have at it on the new board and website.
It's so simple!
I think mountainsnow's freaky point about the freaky forum and it's freakin' significance is sound - whatever gets the most hits should have the predominant spot. I only say this because I'm planning a thread on VPW's various references to "Howard" over the years and how they actually reflected messages in the Vesper Chimes printed programs from the early years of the Way and I KNOW that's going to be a real hit producer. Stay tuned.
You may disagree. The numbers prove it and if that's what we're looking for it's the only honest solution. This is America. Numbers talk, nobody walks. Big hits, you don't take no $hit.
In fact, this will actually INCREASE participation.
Thank you. I don't require any payment for this idea.
I was lost in the deep and darkest night. No direction, not a single hope in sight
When I saw a fire burning brightly through the storm that raged above
In the shadows of your warm and tender love.
Chris Rea
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I agree with 2027 a few pages back...
A place for people to unload their rage and anger in a safe place would be wonderfull.
When I first began to UNSTUFF my STUFFED feelings etc, this place, and waydale was a blessing.
I let'er rip.
I really let go, and it was great at that time for me to have somewhere to do that and not get "reprooved'.
Now I am done with the anger and have moved on, have healed. ALot of it was due to the fact that I was ALLOWED to VENT.
So that's my feeling on it.
Ther are people coming out now, or that have been stuffing their feelings like I did for 20 years....
It is time for them to POOOOOOOOOP it all out.
I am happy and moving on.
It was like getting an EMOTIONAL colonic
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Paw, I'm thinking we ought to take folks that misbehave out back n shoot em.
Since we can't do that (except in certain parts of alabama) I say move the threads into the most logical place they should be. Heck most of us know how to operate a mouse by now...
I do think that if someone is trolling for converts they ought to have enough gumption to start their own website.
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Amen and AMEN, herbie---if I was still in da way, I might say that someone was using people and loving things....if I was SO convinced of MY product, I would start my own website....
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Tom Strange
mmmmmgood! I smell bacon frying and biscuits baking!
It's hard to make that change, When life and love turns strange. And old.
To give a love, you gotta live a love. To live a love, you gotta be "part of". When will I see you again?
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