Yes the Peeler's do have different resources but they also have another advantage.
This case is about FINANCIAL ABUSE not SEXUAL ABUSE. It is much less laden with land mines and just about anyone that ever had anything to do with TWI has some personal knowledge of some sort of (alledged) financial impropriety.
CC...even if this lawsuit also ends with an out of court settlement it is one more in a line of them. TWI cannot just continue paying out of court settlements indefinitely.
Maybe someone should send the judge the tape of DM telling the world that that young girl died in a plane crash because her parents left TWI, and a few other tapes to listen to. If that ain't fear motivation I don't know what is. How about "if you don't tithe, God won't spit in your direction". All on tape. Wonder if the Judge would listen to tapes?
They can lie but they are caught in their own words on tape.
HQ got the nameless portion and the limb got the names and numbers. So The BOT/BOD can say without even stretching the truth......... they don’t know who is giving what.
But hasn’t it established that all employees and leaders only carry out the policy which is handed out by the BOT/BOD?
If anyone is going to go down *Spittle Road* on tape, how about the either faithful in ABS or no communion?
Also, easy for the BOT/BOD to claim it is not policy to dig in peoples finances, they never dug, but they did have those on field budget seminars. The ones that they cleverly saw every households income and then could determine what % was AbS’d or not. The one I was at the BC had us all hand in a sort of draft budget. Yes; income and major expenses, of course ABS was first deduction...........
I say BULL....!!!! I shared a house with two other way women. We had different work schedules and life-styles. I chose not to live with these two anymore. I found an apartment and moved to another branch. I was questioned as to my motives because I was "putting a hardship on these two women" by moving out. I was questioned as to why I didn't run my decision by leadership FIRST because afterall there is safety in a multitude of counselors. This happened in the spring of 2002. I told them I didn't question my need to move, therefore I didn't require counsel. Several phone calls went on behind my back with my ex- roommates to make sure they weren't hurt over my moving. For crying out loud; I talked to both of them before I made my decision!!! It's all a matter of control. twi wants control of people's lives. I don't care what they say, they lie and do not the truth.
quote: TWI says that they do not track how much people give, yet Colombo has records inmdicating how much the Peelers gave every year.
I wonder how they explaine the use of the blue forms???? Anyone who has been a fellow**** coordinator knows you report names and amounts on blue forms.
I think we should do our own depositions on here so the court can use this website as evidence.
heh heh. Peeler's attorney, has an endless supply of evidence. Why is TWI lying with so many people that can prove them otherwise WRONG!! They have totally perjured themselves.
If the Peelers win this, then anyone could sue TWI.......ehhh?
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
Although the idea of saying our piece on this forum is nice, it can't be used in court. It is considered hearsay evidence.
However, you can contact Pat at and ask him how to do it so that could be used in court. He's in law school and should know.
I think a notorized affadavit thing or sworn deposition would do at least as far as I have seen on Judge Judy and People's court.....
Over 20 years ago I was on "limb staff" for a year.
I remember doing the "blue" forms and the "white" forms concerning ABS. The limb got back a print out of the amount the state had sent in.
I was a young anal accountant at that time.
I informed the LC who was sending in the blue forms late, filling them out incorrectely etc...
I was informed that at on of the TC meetings that the LC pulled out all the notes I passed to him... I was told that the LC ripped a couple TC's a new one (if you know what I mean).
I don't remember all the details that were on those forms. But, I do remember that a records were kept on file on who gave how much. I was told the records were kept for "tax" purposes...
Even if the jury/judge buys that TWI coerced people into staying in TWI and giving financially, any church that teaches their followers they'll go to hell is guilty of the same thing. So if the Peelers win this case it will become case law for anybody who wants to sue their church. I can't see this being allowed to happen.
Abigail, when that person said they were surprised you weren't already dead didn't they mean that they thought God was going to let you die? Surely nobody believes Donna M somehow got that plane to crash that killed AP's daughter. Sure she was being cruel and oppressive, but that would be hard to prove.
Mr. Anderson questioned Rev. Roberts (whom I believe is an idiot) and used the term "open their minds" this is great because TWI teaches that having an "open" mind is evil. As some of us remember LCM taught that having an open mind leaves us open to devil spirit possession. With this in mind let's look at the testamony:
Mr Anderson Q: And would you agree with me that, at least in part, one of the purposes of distributing those pieces of liturature to people in the state of Tennessee is to influence their thinking, to open their minds, and to help them come to the same understanding that you have about God's word?
Rev. Roberts A: I would-- I don't know that I would phrase it exactly the way you phrased it. I would say that thay're encouraging and that they help people, possibly, you know, feel good about what they do and more dedicated to their life as a Christian believer.
I don't know about opening their mind. I don't know what that means. I mean, I know -- I think I know what you're saying. But it's way to -- for us to express our concerns and heart for them and how they're prospering and living in health.
Wow I can just see it Rev. Roberts sitting there sweating because Rosie is sitting there watching and listening. If he makes one wrong move to say anything that is not "according to the word" then he's out of a job.
It reminds me of the old Star Trek episode "I, Mudd" where Kirk Spock Scotty Chekov and Uhura short circuit the android's by being illogical. No sufficent information processing...
"Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"
[This message was edited by Seth on January 19, 2004 at 7:21.]
But on a tape about "Owe no man anything" by rico spaghetti he says to approach the subject with an open mind and then he reads the statement by the bod that clearly states that they have requirements such as being out of debt to take their classes, attend their specials and operate in leadership positions.
page 9 A. about 28 countries and 2 U.S. territories
page 11 But there's a steady flow of people coming and going
page 19 A lot of our followers are in debt
page 20 Q.There is an allegation ...that the Way has taught that if someone has one penny of debt, he will suffer disabling harm or death. Has The Way ever taught that?
A. Not to my knowledge. I have never heard that.
Page 23 about the Peelers....
Q. How about when they left the organization in 2001; were they mark and avoided at that point?
A. No they were not
Q. How about when they filed the lawsuit....?
A. No
Q. Have they ever been mark and avoided?
A. No, they have not
page 25 and 26
how TWI's money is spent: 60% employee costs, facilities maintenance 18%, meetings, classes, training 14%
page 28 Craig and adultery First time came to attention was advanced class 1998 (before The Alle** in 1999)
Didn't TWI claim it was a one time "affair"????
[This message was edited by IMF777 on January 19, 2004 at 8:53.]
Q: Are these profit centers, or do these just cover the expenses?
A: No, these are just break-even.
How could she say that their classes are "break-even?!" Aaaarrrggggghhhh! They use my house, my coffee and my refreshments and play a video tape on my VCR which is hooked to my TV using my electricity! I even had to print the flier with directions! If it's not on video then they have some local corps person who works a full-time job and then puts in 40 for TWI read an old syllabus. 7 new students is $700 per class. They don't give out PFAL books anymore so it's just RHST and maybe the blue book. If that costs them $50 per book, they may want to get a new printer! >:-[
I know this isn't exactly insight. I'm just venting.
IMO everyone's answers are full of holes. Big holes. Holes you can drive through.
There are letters out there from the former trustees to people who were marked to be avoided, especially to the Corps circa the early 90's. We never received one because by the time we were booted, I think they knew enough not to put things like that in writing. (Wish I did have a letter. I'd use the frame my Corps diploma was in and hang it right up on the wall!)
The evidence that Rosary knew about LCM's adultery was brought out in the first law suit. That's when she admits to knowing about it anyway. I'd guess most upper echelon leadership knew much more than they wanted to years before 1998.
I haven't looked at the WayDale docs section in a while. Aren't there actual letters from LCM to the Corpse regarding the no debt non-policy? I'll have to give them a glance again.
Hope R. color>size>face>
What a long, strange trip it's been!size>face>color>
I would love to know more about this case. I live app. 1 1/2 hrs from Chatt. and would be more than happy to attend the court hearings on behalf of the Peelers.
I know the Robert's, Stinson's and especially the Binkley's. If you think Steven was stuttering with his answers, then, Kenny Binkley would give the court the true colors of TWI.
In 2000, a lady attended the Binkley's fellowship who was on a fixed income. Her SS was about $580 a month. She really needed some assistance and mentioned to Debbie B. the posibility of food stamps. Debbie and Kenny read her pedigree to her and re-arranged her income in order for her to give $10.00 more a month in abs. I know for a fact that financial budgets were mandatory for each household "member" to sit down and go over with the Binkley's.
Kenny Binkley should definately be called to testify. He reminded me of Castro or Hitler.
As far as fellowship attendance, Yes, we were told to be there or we had better call and give a good reason why we weren't coming. Classes: Yes, you have to take them to prove that you are born again. The classes will teach you how to SIT to prove that you are born again. If you don't take the classes then you have chosen something else over GOD.
In short, I attended fellowship in at least 2 of these peoples home, I was there when Martindale's suit was announced and was told it was all a lie. The Parker suit was never announced nor was the Peelers.
I knew of the man who was killed, James, that they are referring too. He was attending a TWI class in Knoxville and was told not to return. I do not know the reason, but shortly after that he was killed in an auto accident.
After his death, his sister wrote a letter to the ministry which S.R. had a copy of and read to the Chatt. branch, wanting to know why her brother was giving all his money to the ministry. One Chatt. follower says that S.R. told that he was in debt, not being truthful about his income and not tithing what he should. His death was due to devil spirits getting in because he wasn't doing what he was supposed to do.. The door was opened for the devil spirits to kill James because of some way college students getting into some trouble a fews weeks prior to his death.
I know this sounds stupid, but the words were so shocking that they were not forgotten by a believer.
yeah, me too Sadie. I know Binkley, Stinson & Lee quite well. Roberts, from what I understand is smooth-talking s.o.b. Lee and his wife are scummy. They all definitely have Hitler-like tendencies. And when K. Binkley screams, "You are M &A'd!" You figure he would know.
But nooooo......they can't get their act together enough to decide that. Roberts comes along and says, "No, you're not M & A'd." (duhhhhh) The damned fools are all acting like the devil spirits I was taught about. The left hand can't agree with the right hand. And they WILL expose the sewage of TWI if given enough opportunity on the witness stand.
Hey Peelers! You GO! Good for you, hang tight, and if you need any support in the courtroom, let us Tennesseans know!
Boy, if this thing ever goes to trial and teaching tapes can be introduced into evidence by the plaintif's lawyer, the BOD will have a lot of "'splainin' to do." One of LCM's hyperbolic rants comes to mind. Does anyone remember him saying that being in debt was as "BAD AS STEALING?" We already know that he said on more than one occassion, that if you don't give at least ten percent, don't expect God to so much as spit in your direction. And how about the one where he tells the believers that the mature believer should believe to INCREASE HIS ABUNDANT SHARING EACH YEAR by one to two percent until he is at a point where he is living on a "need only" basis, and GIVING THE REST to the ministry? All Golden not-so-oldies. All corresponding to roughly the time that the Peelers were pressure to hand over the $41,000. I would personally pay to sit in the courtroom and see Rosa "lie" and company stammer a response to those tapes.
Regarding a "one-time" affair, I don't think there was ever anything in writing, or anything at all from the BOD about that. There has been plenty of statements to that effect by lower-level leaders speaking on their own authority. I heard a lot of justification, rationalization and excuses by my fellowship coordinator as well as the State coordinator at the time of the Allen lawsuit.
What I thought was interesting was Rosie's statements about what was behind Martindale's ejection.
Originally Martindale announced that he decided to step down, Rosie said that he was asked to step down; Martindale said it was because he wanted to protect himself, his family, and the ministry, Rosie said it was because he had not upheld biblical standards. Neither sounds like it was the whole truth. Rosie claims that she first found out about his "affairs" in 1998 and about Ms. Allen in 1999, yet he was allowed to continue as teacher and President through 2000.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
[This message was edited by pawtucket on March 23, 2004 at 14:08.]
I don't think there's much chance at all (about the same as a snowball's in hell) that the Peelers will get a favorable verdict or that TWI will settle this case. I think TWI will prevail in the end.
I am currently involved in lawsuit with my family business (nothing to do with TWI), after reading the court record, I can very much relate to the defense doing their damnest not to get to the real issues. What they were doing to Dr. Peeler is called "sliming". They throw everything at you in your past history to discredit you. It's an attempt to get you lose your cool on the witness stand. Were all of Colombo's questions about Dr. Peeler's past relevent to the case? Questions about "Did you graduate with honors?" What the hell relevence does that have? This man graduated from a very fine medical school...he has to be intelligent to do that. Then he tried to say he was being coached by his attorney in filing this lawsuit (standard defense attorney strategy). These low life attorneys know all the court procedures and tactics to avoid at all cost getting to the real issues here. I was so frustrated by never really getting to tell my side of the story in court, because the other side did everything in their power so see I never got the chance. It really gets down to who has the deepest pockets in American Justice. I unfortunately learned this lesson all too well, to the tune of $25,000 with very little result so far. They drag and delay these things to the point where they can really become self-destructive to the person seeking recourse. I have tried to move on and in hindsight wish I would have never hired an attorney. I am not saying this here, but my advice to Dr. and Mrs. Peeler, don't let this become your life's primary focus. I did and I am paying the price, as we speak.
The south is well known for being the bible belt. Cults are taught about in the churches and are not looked upon very highly. TWI certainly will have a hard time in the Tenn. court system.
Should the Peelers not have a "snowball chance in hell" in recovering their money they certainly have the opportunity to expose the evil that continues to infiltrate the innocence and the good hearted people who have a tendancy to trust without thinking about one who teaches God's word.
I do not believe that God is behind TWI nor do I believe he will be with them in a Tenn. court room. As long a TWI dances with the prince of this world, they will continue to fall.
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Radar OReilly
Yes the Peeler's do have different resources but they also have another advantage.
This case is about FINANCIAL ABUSE not SEXUAL ABUSE. It is much less laden with land mines and just about anyone that ever had anything to do with TWI has some personal knowledge of some sort of (alledged) financial impropriety.
CC...even if this lawsuit also ends with an out of court settlement it is one more in a line of them. TWI cannot just continue paying out of court settlements indefinitely.
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Maybe someone should send the judge the tape of DM telling the world that that young girl died in a plane crash because her parents left TWI, and a few other tapes to listen to. If that ain't fear motivation I don't know what is. How about "if you don't tithe, God won't spit in your direction". All on tape. Wonder if the Judge would listen to tapes?
They can lie but they are caught in their own words on tape. my cookies!
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TWI says that they do not track how much people give, yet Colombo has records inmdicating how much the Peelers gave every year.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Oakspear
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Good ole blue forms, I remember them well!
HQ got the nameless portion and the limb got the names and numbers. So The BOT/BOD can say without even stretching the truth......... they don’t know who is giving what.
But hasn’t it established that all employees and leaders only carry out the policy which is handed out by the BOT/BOD?
If anyone is going to go down *Spittle Road* on tape, how about the either faithful in ABS or no communion?
Also, easy for the BOT/BOD to claim it is not policy to dig in peoples finances, they never dug, but they did have those on field budget seminars. The ones that they cleverly saw every households income and then could determine what % was AbS’d or not. The one I was at the BC had us all hand in a sort of draft budget. Yes; income and major expenses, of course ABS was first deduction...........
God Bless America; SIZE>
Grizz SIZE>
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I say BULL....!!!! I shared a house with two other way women. We had different work schedules and life-styles. I chose not to live with these two anymore. I found an apartment and moved to another branch. I was questioned as to my motives because I was "putting a hardship on these two women" by moving out. I was questioned as to why I didn't run my decision by leadership FIRST because afterall there is safety in a multitude of counselors. This happened in the spring of 2002. I told them I didn't question my need to move, therefore I didn't require counsel. Several phone calls went on behind my back with my ex- roommates to make sure they weren't hurt over my moving. For crying out loud; I talked to both of them before I made my decision!!! It's all a matter of control. twi wants control of people's lives. I don't care what they say, they lie and do not the truth.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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I wonder how they explaine the use of the blue forms???? Anyone who has been a fellow**** coordinator knows you report names and amounts on blue forms.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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I think we should do our own depositions on here so the court can use this website as evidence.
heh heh. Peeler's attorney, has an endless supply of evidence. Why is TWI lying with so many people that can prove them otherwise WRONG!! They have totally perjured themselves.
If the Peelers win this, then anyone could sue TWI.......ehhh?
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
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Dear WrestlenotAgainst,
Although the idea of saying our piece on this forum is nice, it can't be used in court. It is considered hearsay evidence.
However, you can contact Pat at and ask him how to do it so that could be used in court. He's in law school and should know.
I think a notorized affadavit thing or sworn deposition would do at least as far as I have seen on Judge Judy and People's court.....
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Over 20 years ago I was on "limb staff" for a year.
I remember doing the "blue" forms and the "white" forms concerning ABS. The limb got back a print out of the amount the state had sent in.
I was a young anal accountant at that time.
I informed the LC who was sending in the blue forms late, filling them out incorrectely etc...
I was informed that at on of the TC meetings that the LC pulled out all the notes I passed to him... I was told that the LC ripped a couple TC's a new one (if you know what I mean).
I don't remember all the details that were on those forms. But, I do remember that a records were kept on file on who gave how much. I was told the records were kept for "tax" purposes...
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Even if the jury/judge buys that TWI coerced people into staying in TWI and giving financially, any church that teaches their followers they'll go to hell is guilty of the same thing. So if the Peelers win this case it will become case law for anybody who wants to sue their church. I can't see this being allowed to happen.
Abigail, when that person said they were surprised you weren't already dead didn't they mean that they thought God was going to let you die? Surely nobody believes Donna M somehow got that plane to crash that killed AP's daughter. Sure she was being cruel and oppressive, but that would be hard to prove.
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Mr. Anderson questioned Rev. Roberts (whom I believe is an idiot) and used the term "open their minds" this is great because TWI teaches that having an "open" mind is evil. As some of us remember LCM taught that having an open mind leaves us open to devil spirit possession. With this in mind let's look at the testamony:
Mr Anderson Q: And would you agree with me that, at least in part, one of the purposes of distributing those pieces of liturature to people in the state of Tennessee is to influence their thinking, to open their minds, and to help them come to the same understanding that you have about God's word?
Rev. Roberts A: I would-- I don't know that I would phrase it exactly the way you phrased it. I would say that thay're encouraging and that they help people, possibly, you know, feel good about what they do and more dedicated to their life as a Christian believer.
I don't know about opening their mind. I don't know what that means. I mean, I know -- I think I know what you're saying. But it's way to -- for us to express our concerns and heart for them and how they're prospering and living in health.
Wow I can just see it Rev. Roberts sitting there sweating because Rosie is sitting there watching and listening. If he makes one wrong move to say anything that is not "according to the word" then he's out of a job.
It reminds me of the old Star Trek episode "I, Mudd" where Kirk Spock Scotty Chekov and Uhura short circuit the android's by being illogical. No sufficent information processing...
"Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"
[This message was edited by Seth on January 19, 2004 at 7:21.]
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But on a tape about "Owe no man anything" by rico spaghetti he says to approach the subject with an open mind and then he reads the statement by the bod that clearly states that they have requirements such as being out of debt to take their classes, attend their specials and operate in leadership positions.
they are ....t*ng all over themselves.
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by rico spaghetti
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Interesting info I read in Rosie's testimony:
page 5 no mention of VPW's academic credentials
page 9 A. about 28 countries and 2 U.S. territories
page 11 But there's a steady flow of people coming and going
page 19 A lot of our followers are in debt
page 20 Q.There is an allegation ...that the Way has taught that if someone has one penny of debt, he will suffer disabling harm or death. Has The Way ever taught that?
A. Not to my knowledge. I have never heard that.
Page 23 about the Peelers....
Q. How about when they left the organization in 2001; were they mark and avoided at that point?
A. No they were not
Q. How about when they filed the lawsuit....?
A. No
Q. Have they ever been mark and avoided?
A. No, they have not
page 25 and 26
how TWI's money is spent: 60% employee costs, facilities maintenance 18%, meetings, classes, training 14%
page 28 Craig and adultery First time came to attention was advanced class 1998 (before The Alle** in 1999)
Didn't TWI claim it was a one time "affair"????
[This message was edited by IMF777 on January 19, 2004 at 8:53.]
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Q: Are these profit centers, or do these just cover the expenses?
A: No, these are just break-even.
How could she say that their classes are "break-even?!" Aaaarrrggggghhhh! They use my house, my coffee and my refreshments and play a video tape on my VCR which is hooked to my TV using my electricity! I even had to print the flier with directions! If it's not on video then they have some local corps person who works a full-time job and then puts in 40 for TWI read an old syllabus. 7 new students is $700 per class. They don't give out PFAL books anymore so it's just RHST and maybe the blue book. If that costs them $50 per book, they may want to get a new printer! >:-[
I know this isn't exactly insight. I'm just venting.
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Hope R.
IMO everyone's answers are full of holes. Big holes. Holes you can drive through.
There are letters out there from the former trustees to people who were marked to be avoided, especially to the Corps circa the early 90's. We never received one because by the time we were booted, I think they knew enough not to put things like that in writing. (Wish I did have a letter. I'd use the frame my Corps diploma was in and hang it right up on the wall!)
The evidence that Rosary knew about LCM's adultery was brought out in the first law suit. That's when she admits to knowing about it anyway. I'd guess most upper echelon leadership knew much more than they wanted to years before 1998.
I haven't looked at the WayDale docs section in a while. Aren't there actual letters from LCM to the Corpse regarding the no debt non-policy? I'll have to give them a glance again.
Hope R. color>size>face>
What a long, strange trip it's been!size>face>color>
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I would love to know more about this case. I live app. 1 1/2 hrs from Chatt. and would be more than happy to attend the court hearings on behalf of the Peelers.
I know the Robert's, Stinson's and especially the Binkley's. If you think Steven was stuttering with his answers, then, Kenny Binkley would give the court the true colors of TWI.
In 2000, a lady attended the Binkley's fellowship who was on a fixed income. Her SS was about $580 a month. She really needed some assistance and mentioned to Debbie B. the posibility of food stamps. Debbie and Kenny read her pedigree to her and re-arranged her income in order for her to give $10.00 more a month in abs. I know for a fact that financial budgets were mandatory for each household "member" to sit down and go over with the Binkley's.
Kenny Binkley should definately be called to testify. He reminded me of Castro or Hitler.
As far as fellowship attendance, Yes, we were told to be there or we had better call and give a good reason why we weren't coming. Classes: Yes, you have to take them to prove that you are born again. The classes will teach you how to SIT to prove that you are born again. If you don't take the classes then you have chosen something else over GOD.
In short, I attended fellowship in at least 2 of these peoples home, I was there when Martindale's suit was announced and was told it was all a lie. The Parker suit was never announced nor was the Peelers.
I knew of the man who was killed, James, that they are referring too. He was attending a TWI class in Knoxville and was told not to return. I do not know the reason, but shortly after that he was killed in an auto accident.
After his death, his sister wrote a letter to the ministry which S.R. had a copy of and read to the Chatt. branch, wanting to know why her brother was giving all his money to the ministry. One Chatt. follower says that S.R. told that he was in debt, not being truthful about his income and not tithing what he should. His death was due to devil spirits getting in because he wasn't doing what he was supposed to do.. The door was opened for the devil spirits to kill James because of some way college students getting into some trouble a fews weeks prior to his death.
I know this sounds stupid, but the words were so shocking that they were not forgotten by a believer.
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yeah, me too Sadie. I know Binkley, Stinson & Lee quite well. Roberts, from what I understand is smooth-talking s.o.b. Lee and his wife are scummy. They all definitely have Hitler-like tendencies. And when K. Binkley screams, "You are M &A'd!" You figure he would know.
But nooooo......they can't get their act together enough to decide that. Roberts comes along and says, "No, you're not M & A'd." (duhhhhh) The damned fools are all acting like the devil spirits I was taught about. The left hand can't agree with the right hand. And they WILL expose the sewage of TWI if given enough opportunity on the witness stand.
Hey Peelers! You GO! Good for you, hang tight, and if you need any support in the courtroom, let us Tennesseans know!
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Cherished Child
Boy, if this thing ever goes to trial and teaching tapes can be introduced into evidence by the plaintif's lawyer, the BOD will have a lot of "'splainin' to do." One of LCM's hyperbolic rants comes to mind. Does anyone remember him saying that being in debt was as "BAD AS STEALING?" We already know that he said on more than one occassion, that if you don't give at least ten percent, don't expect God to so much as spit in your direction. And how about the one where he tells the believers that the mature believer should believe to INCREASE HIS ABUNDANT SHARING EACH YEAR by one to two percent until he is at a point where he is living on a "need only" basis, and GIVING THE REST to the ministry? All Golden not-so-oldies. All corresponding to roughly the time that the Peelers were pressure to hand over the $41,000. I would personally pay to sit in the courtroom and see Rosa "lie" and company stammer a response to those tapes.
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Regarding a "one-time" affair, I don't think there was ever anything in writing, or anything at all from the BOD about that. There has been plenty of statements to that effect by lower-level leaders speaking on their own authority. I heard a lot of justification, rationalization and excuses by my fellowship coordinator as well as the State coordinator at the time of the Allen lawsuit.
What I thought was interesting was Rosie's statements about what was behind Martindale's ejection.
Originally Martindale announced that he decided to step down, Rosie said that he was asked to step down; Martindale said it was because he wanted to protect himself, his family, and the ministry, Rosie said it was because he had not upheld biblical standards. Neither sounds like it was the whole truth. Rosie claims that she first found out about his "affairs" in 1998 and about Ms. Allen in 1999, yet he was allowed to continue as teacher and President through 2000.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Oakspear
[This message was edited by pawtucket on March 23, 2004 at 14:08.]
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I don't think there's much chance at all (about the same as a snowball's in hell) that the Peelers will get a favorable verdict or that TWI will settle this case. I think TWI will prevail in the end.
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I am currently involved in lawsuit with my family business (nothing to do with TWI), after reading the court record, I can very much relate to the defense doing their damnest not to get to the real issues. What they were doing to Dr. Peeler is called "sliming". They throw everything at you in your past history to discredit you. It's an attempt to get you lose your cool on the witness stand. Were all of Colombo's questions about Dr. Peeler's past relevent to the case? Questions about "Did you graduate with honors?" What the hell relevence does that have? This man graduated from a very fine medical school...he has to be intelligent to do that. Then he tried to say he was being coached by his attorney in filing this lawsuit (standard defense attorney strategy). These low life attorneys know all the court procedures and tactics to avoid at all cost getting to the real issues here. I was so frustrated by never really getting to tell my side of the story in court, because the other side did everything in their power so see I never got the chance. It really gets down to who has the deepest pockets in American Justice. I unfortunately learned this lesson all too well, to the tune of $25,000 with very little result so far. They drag and delay these things to the point where they can really become self-destructive to the person seeking recourse. I have tried to move on and in hindsight wish I would have never hired an attorney. I am not saying this here, but my advice to Dr. and Mrs. Peeler, don't let this become your life's primary focus. I did and I am paying the price, as we speak.
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The south is well known for being the bible belt. Cults are taught about in the churches and are not looked upon very highly. TWI certainly will have a hard time in the Tenn. court system.
Should the Peelers not have a "snowball chance in hell" in recovering their money they certainly have the opportunity to expose the evil that continues to infiltrate the innocence and the good hearted people who have a tendancy to trust without thinking about one who teaches God's word.
I do not believe that God is behind TWI nor do I believe he will be with them in a Tenn. court room. As long a TWI dances with the prince of this world, they will continue to fall.
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I've read through this thread and cannot find anywhere anyone saying what the Peeler's complaint claims.
I have read where several people say they don't believe the Peelers will prevail.
How can one even guess unless we know what the suit charges and asks for?
Does anyone know this information?
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