Barney!!!! ROFLMAO. There was a gal here who would not let her daughter watch Barney because someone in TWI told her he was born of the wrong seed or a homo or some such thing.
I was reproved for allowing my kids to watch him/it. ROF. Who's afraid of the big Purple Dino. He taught them such terrible things, like the "Clean Up" and "I Love You" songs. Brushing their teeth and *gasp* playing nice.
That nasty old dinasour!
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
There was also a retraction. Seems Ali changed seeds somewhere. July '84 he was wrong seed, and spring of '95 he had switched. Don't know how he pulled it off; must have been phenomena.
I still believe in the concept, but only met ONE regular non celebrity person I ever thought might qualify. It was weird; he was in a laundromat and I just got this creepy feeling being around him.
I saw Tull last fall also, and yes the pipes were bad-but I later found out Ian was suffering from a sinus infection at the time, so I'm that was it. His flute skills had improved tho.
LCM was in my state teaching an open meeting a couple of days after John Lennon was killed. There were several 'new people' there and he ranted about how horrible Lennon was, and that if anything, he was happy he was shot. I recall seeing a new person just get up, take off his namteag and walk out, and secretly wishing I had the guts to do the same.
Another infamous 'seed boy' was Tolkien. I used to randomly hear that the Lord of the Rings was written with 'automatic writing', that no one could have wrotten those books without being born of the wrong seed.
Oh yeah man...I`d MUCH rather sell out to some ministry and worship some class on the bible...and be used by vile men...devote my entire adult life to promoting an evil organization... makes SO much more sense ;-)
Ayup been there, done that, still got the tshirts to prove it, for sure!...I think Mr. Rose made a much wiser choice lol....At that, he wasn`t nearly the scoundrel most of our twi *christian* leadership were.
Most significantly, I recall hearing them say Bah-bah Wah-wah was born of the wrong seed.
How silly.
At this point, I hope all former wayfers question the teaching underlying the long list that probably is more fairly described as those who made Herr Vierville and Craggy jealous.
LCM named alot of people over the years who were born again of the wrong seed and others that were merely possessed. Often they were movie stars cause he had seen the movie and could tell by the way they acted.
Denzel Wahington Wrong Seed
Debra Winger possessed
I don't want to think about LCM's stupidity any longer just now.
Way back in 1975, with the help of Hayes Gahagan (the state senator from Maine, who took the PFAL class) and the Way National prison outreach coordinator (forgot his name) worked a deal with the State of Maine to have PFAL grads go into the Maine prison system and undershepard prisoners and run PFAL classes.
At the time, 90% of parolees returned to prison (National average)
According to the way, if they were PFAL grads, only 3% returned to prison.
It caught the governors eye.
BUT, at the last minute, the governor cancelled the deal.
VPW was ....ed. Hayes was ....ed.
Then the word we got was that VPW said the governor canned the deal because he was wrong seed.
I can't believe I remembered that. It was 27 years ago.
Anyone who had success in life was open for it I think.
but I never understood it really.
God would tell them who was born again of the devil?
just to let us know and not waste our time witnessing to them or what?
Knock knock hello Debra Winger?" I am a cult freak would you like to take a class called power for abundant living?" " by the way I love that move with the officer .. great sex scene in that of course you may fit right in here except for the noble scene with the chick and pregnancy no um wait maybe that will work tooo!
What is the point of the information that some one has "the wrong seed" oh please what the hell does that even mean ? wrong seed oh born of the devil o yes sold out to an unworthy cause oh great I do not want to know just never mind...
Seems like there were all kinds of celebrities who we were told were born of the wrong seed. There was never any proof. It was just "Limb leader so and so said Paul McCartney was a seed boy" etc. and so everyone just took it as "the truth". LOL
What did you hear along these lines? Some of the rumors were probably true///
Heavey Weight Ali knocked out Sonny with punches that never connected... mabe that was the use of devil dpirits ...
Good hustle out there,Johnnie.....way to stretch that single into a double.....But next time stay on first base.....I wouldn't want you to get born again of the seed of the serpent..."tis better to be sold out to be the most average you can be....
and VPW knew each other and that BG had acknolwdged VPW as something of a holy spirit
master. But BG sold out to the world and became
seed to get his minstry rolling like it did.
Native Indians were said to have a predisposition towards devil spirits and being
seed boys since they were idol worshippers so
thats why their race dwindles in numbers.
Shriners (descend from Masons) were totally
Most all rich and famous people were said to be either possessed or seed. Most all famous rock musicians. Someone made reference to a particular devil spirit that infested rock stars but I don't recall hearing what they particular type was. Oh and Pat Boone was
a seed boy thorugh and through what with that
nice guy , clean cut christian act. He was luring people to their demise. Frankly I think
it was Debbie boone who was seed what with that
godawful "You Light Up My Life" song. I make
no apologies to any Debbine Boone fans out there. That was a horrible song
Anyone who had directly rejected taking PFAL.
Plenty of people faded before taking PFAL or
they sort of avoided the issue but I'm talking about those who were direct and open about not wanting to pay the going rate were torn down and backstabbed when they weren't around (his mind is full of devils and he might even be seed).
In general the term was usually applied to anyone whom a given Way leader did not like.
Gotta good one for you - I heard Billy Joel was a seed boy. Hanging around a twig one night back in the early eighties, we were all looking at The Stranger album (great one, by the way!) and someone said they could tell he was seed because you could see so much of the white of his eyes - HOW ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS!
Seemed to me everyone that was even remotely successful in the public eye had to be seed - like some jealous streak by the TWI leaders because they couldn't get the fame they craved, huh...
What about the silly rumor started in the way that the original Jimmy Carter had been killed and replaced with a seed boy - they could tell because he had aged so much while only in office for 4 years. Maybe he aged so much because he was such an incredibly rotten president!!!
What about the silly rumor started in the way that the original Jimmy Carter had been killed and replaced with a seed boy - they could tell because he had aged so much while only in office for 4 years. Maybe he aged so much because he was such an incredibly rotten president!!!
In that case, look for Dubya to look older than his dad by the time 2004 rolls around. :D-->
Unless he gets continuous face lifts like Clinton did. Gotta look good for all them interns, doncha know. ;)-->
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Barney!!!! ROFLMAO. There was a gal here who would not let her daughter watch Barney because someone in TWI told her he was born of the wrong seed or a homo or some such thing.
I was reproved for allowing my kids to watch him/it. ROF. Who's afraid of the big Purple Dino. He taught them such terrible things, like the "Clean Up" and "I Love You" songs. Brushing their teeth and *gasp* playing nice.
That nasty old dinasour!
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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Let's order of my remembrance.
Mick Jagger
Pope Paul VI
Barbara Streisand
all members of Kiss
Pope John Paul II
Ayatolla Ruholla Khomeini (sp)
Ted Patrick
John Denver
Loretta Lynn
Pete Rose
Pablo Picasso
Mohammed Ali
Steven Spielberg
Marilyn Monroe
Doeg the Edomite
The fourth miserable comforter in Job
Tobiah the Ammonite
Sanballat the whatever
There was also a retraction. Seems Ali changed seeds somewhere. July '84 he was wrong seed, and spring of '95 he had switched. Don't know how he pulled it off; must have been phenomena.
I still believe in the concept, but only met ONE regular non celebrity person I ever thought might qualify. It was weird; he was in a laundromat and I just got this creepy feeling being around him.
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Al Poole-
I saw Tull last fall also, and yes the pipes were bad-but I later found out Ian was suffering from a sinus infection at the time, so I'm that was it. His flute skills had improved tho.
LCM was in my state teaching an open meeting a couple of days after John Lennon was killed. There were several 'new people' there and he ranted about how horrible Lennon was, and that if anything, he was happy he was shot. I recall seeing a new person just get up, take off his namteag and walk out, and secretly wishing I had the guts to do the same.
Another infamous 'seed boy' was Tolkien. I used to randomly hear that the Lord of the Rings was written with 'automatic writing', that no one could have wrotten those books without being born of the wrong seed.
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I'm hoping that was it, I meant. Gotta start checking messages before I post for errors
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Larry G
I never said Pete Rose was born of wrong seed.
But it would not surprise me if he was.
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Ayup been there, done that, still got the tshirts to prove it, for sure!...I think Mr. Rose made a much wiser choice lol....At that, he wasn`t nearly the scoundrel most of our twi *christian* leadership were.
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Most significantly, I recall hearing them say Bah-bah Wah-wah was born of the wrong seed.
How silly.
At this point, I hope all former wayfers question the teaching underlying the long list that probably is more fairly described as those who made Herr Vierville and Craggy jealous.
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LCM named alot of people over the years who were born again of the wrong seed and others that were merely possessed. Often they were movie stars cause he had seen the movie and could tell by the way they acted.
Denzel Wahington Wrong Seed
Debra Winger possessed
I don't want to think about LCM's stupidity any longer just now.
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Way back in 1975, with the help of Hayes Gahagan (the state senator from Maine, who took the PFAL class) and the Way National prison outreach coordinator (forgot his name) worked a deal with the State of Maine to have PFAL grads go into the Maine prison system and undershepard prisoners and run PFAL classes.
At the time, 90% of parolees returned to prison (National average)
According to the way, if they were PFAL grads, only 3% returned to prison.
It caught the governors eye.
BUT, at the last minute, the governor cancelled the deal.
VPW was ....ed. Hayes was ....ed.
Then the word we got was that VPW said the governor canned the deal because he was wrong seed.
I can't believe I remembered that. It was 27 years ago.
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Bruce Lee
Tinky Winky
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Anyone who had success in life was open for it I think.
but I never understood it really.
God would tell them who was born again of the devil?
just to let us know and not waste our time witnessing to them or what?
Knock knock hello Debra Winger?" I am a cult freak would you like to take a class called power for abundant living?" " by the way I love that move with the officer .. great sex scene in that of course you may fit right in here except for the noble scene with the chick and pregnancy no um wait maybe that will work tooo!
What is the point of the information that some one has "the wrong seed" oh please what the hell does that even mean ? wrong seed oh born of the devil o yes sold out to an unworthy cause oh great I do not want to know just never mind...
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GS Regular
From: atlanta
Registered: February 15, 2003
Posts: 89
Who did you hear was born of wrong seed?
Seems like there were all kinds of celebrities who we were told were born of the wrong seed. There was never any proof. It was just "Limb leader so and so said Paul McCartney was a seed boy" etc. and so everyone just took it as "the truth". LOL
What did you hear along these lines? Some of the rumors were probably true///
Heavey Weight Ali knocked out Sonny with punches that never connected... mabe that was the use of devil dpirits ...
oh weel just an input...
And oh uh.......
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I think YOU are born again of the wrong seed.
JUST TEASING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
[This message was edited by pawtucket on March 01, 2003 at 0:17.]
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Billy Graham
Mohammad Ali
Oral Roberts
Ernest Angely
The Pope - (any Pope)
Most other religious leaders
The Beatles
Most all non-TWI musicians
Nelson Rockefeller
The Masons (Evil Devil Worshippers)
Led Zepplin
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O cripes, *they* got "Goey" too!!!
Why, God?!?
(flashbacks of Kevin McCarthy running down the middle of the highway in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers") :
[This message was edited by TheInvisibleDan on February 26, 2003 at 23:38.]
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George Aar
Actually it was Sonny Liston NOT Joe Frazier that was knocked out by the "phantom" punch of Cascius Clay (later Mohammed Ali).
I guess the idea that Liston took a dive just wasn't spiritual enough to be believed. It HAD to be spiritual didn't it? DIDN'T IT?
BTW, the best Jethro Tull album was "Stand Up" - now you know.
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Those two fat twins on the motorcycles are born of the wrong seed...nobody that fat could do it unless they were seed boys.
Generally, if you are not from midwestern America you are highly suspect.
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I don't believe that somebody who works hard to be the best they can be at a sport should be thought of as "worshipping a game."
By that definition, I guess these folks also "sold their soul:"
Tiger Woods
Michael Jordan
Venus & Serena Williams
Pete Sampras
Jerry Rice
Emmitt Smith
Lance Armstrong
Wayne Gretzky
Barry Bonds
Michelle Kwan
Annika Sorenstam
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ROFLMAO ((((Chwester)))) gufaw lol lol Ya had me going for a second... Lemmee by you a cup of coffee :-) truce?
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Good hustle out there,Johnnie.....way to stretch that single into a double.....But next time stay on first base.....I wouldn't want you to get born again of the seed of the serpent..."tis better to be sold out to be the most average you can be....
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Lets see...
Fernando Valenzuela (former LA Dodgers
pitcher). They said he was "Seed" because his
eyes kind of rolled up before every pitch
so thats supposedly when the devils crept
in and made him throw the screw ball (the
pitch for which he was famous).
All religious leaders other than VPW and
his suck yes men. This included Billy Graham,
Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, et al. Its odd
though - they used to tell me that Billy Graham
and VPW knew each other and that BG had acknolwdged VPW as something of a holy spirit
master. But BG sold out to the world and became
seed to get his minstry rolling like it did.
Native Indians were said to have a predisposition towards devil spirits and being
seed boys since they were idol worshippers so
thats why their race dwindles in numbers.
Shriners (descend from Masons) were totally
Most all rich and famous people were said to be either possessed or seed. Most all famous rock musicians. Someone made reference to a particular devil spirit that infested rock stars but I don't recall hearing what they particular type was. Oh and Pat Boone was
a seed boy thorugh and through what with that
nice guy , clean cut christian act. He was luring people to their demise. Frankly I think
it was Debbie boone who was seed what with that
godawful "You Light Up My Life" song. I make
no apologies to any Debbine Boone fans out there. That was a horrible song
Anyone who had directly rejected taking PFAL.
Plenty of people faded before taking PFAL or
they sort of avoided the issue but I'm talking about those who were direct and open about not wanting to pay the going rate were torn down and backstabbed when they weren't around (his mind is full of devils and he might even be seed).
In general the term was usually applied to anyone whom a given Way leader did not like.
And of course it was all by revelation that
this would be revealed but of course only
to the spiritual heavies.
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Gotta good one for you - I heard Billy Joel was a seed boy. Hanging around a twig one night back in the early eighties, we were all looking at The Stranger album (great one, by the way!) and someone said they could tell he was seed because you could see so much of the white of his eyes - HOW ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS!
Seemed to me everyone that was even remotely successful in the public eye had to be seed - like some jealous streak by the TWI leaders because they couldn't get the fame they craved, huh...
What about the silly rumor started in the way that the original Jimmy Carter had been killed and replaced with a seed boy - they could tell because he had aged so much while only in office for 4 years. Maybe he aged so much because he was such an incredibly rotten president!!!
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In that case, look for Dubya to look older than his dad by the time 2004 rolls around.
Unless he gets continuous face lifts like Clinton did. Gotta look good for all them interns, doncha know.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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