I heard John Lennon was, and I definitely believe that. I grew up as a Beatles fan during Beatlemania. Guess I shouldn't say I believe it, should just say I believe it is possible. Heard the same of Paul McCartney, but have a little trouble believing that. Can also see Mick Jaggar and Pete Rose. Rose was my hero as a kid, but he definitely sold his soul to basball.
Chwester,you said Pete Rose definitely sold his soul to baseball...as if that were a bad thing.....I guess it's ok to muse on such things as seed boys,but I would be extremely proud of my son if he played baseball with the same hustle and commitment that Pete Rose did throughout his career...
anyone who made any contribution to culture or exhibited any evidence of genius and is not in good standing with the BOT is probaly born of the wrong seed.
Re:"Rose was my hero as a kid, but he definitely sold his soul to baseball."
I thought you were looking for the ludicrous comments made by TWI folk about who was and wasn't a seed boy. But lo and behold if you don't still accept the premise of "seed boys" in the first place. Glory be!
Well, we KNEW you were gonna' start this thread because 'ole Lucifer hisself tells us these things. Yep.. I'm a seed boy and I've got company. The Invisible Dan and Garth are seed boys, too. In fact we have ourselves regular seed boy meetings complete with excellers sessions. You know.. levitate each other around the room, do a little psychic surgery on each other... just to keep in practice. All the stuff Dr. Wierwille warned you about. Yep.. it's all true. We're soooooold out! Boom-boom-be-boom!
And what did I get for my soul?? Man.. Beelzebub got me cheap! A lousy '87 Callilac and all the women I wanted. Trouble is.. it costs a fortune to keep the Caddy running and at my age.. I'm not wanting too many women! Good thing for THEM! I'm overweight and don't look so good as I used to.
But at least I got a better deal than Garth. All he got was to be a Vince Finnegan look alike!!
Chwester: Well good for you! Picked a real comical doozy did'nt ya.
Seed......hmmmm........lets see if i can remember any...
Sylvester Stalone, Steven Spielberg, Pope, Mother Theresa, George McGovern, and generally anyone that obtained a high level of success in some kind of endeavor accepted by the mainstream.
I'm now sitting here in the dark with a flash light shining up my face.....
I see seed people...I'm so scarred! (Cheesy rip off of that Bruce Willis movie)
Christ almighty, that boob mr. w.,lcm, and those of their way ilk were some insecure, paranoid, and jealous weenies. How trasparant and embarrasing!
Awww damn it, Sudo. Ya done told on me. Now *everybody* knows about my secret identity, and even my secret membership in the Georgia Chapter of The Illuminati.
I'm still having trouble with my levitating tho. I still can't levitate my Michelob from the fridge to my desk w/o spilling it everywhere.
Hm, seed boys? Yes, that used to make me feel sad. Mick Jagger was a seed boy of course! But Stones music makes me feel happy! (I know its only R&R but I like it). Yes, anyone who is successful is either born of the right seed or born of the wrong seed (isn't that in PFAL?) Yes, that made me feel so sad, and suspicious! (Don't enjoy anything in the "arts", it's done by seed boys!!) Well, I don't care anymore! I like the album Aqualung! Really good for exwayfers!
[ Unless you're like my 13 yr old daughter who is a Carol King, early James Taylor, and early Billy Joel FREAK!!! LOL! (she thinks Brittny S is a sl--! and Christina A is worse! how lucky could I be?? ) ]
I saw Tull last fall... some things are better left in the memory box!!! The music was great but the "pipes" were gone! Still like the old stuff though!!!
I think Aqualung could be a good start for ex wayfers.
To "sell out" to something means putting it first, kinda like worship. Like we are to put God first and worship Him. Some believe that Pete Rose worshipped himself and sought to be the greatest baseball player ever-at ANY cost. By selling his soul I meant selling it to the devil. Rose was a hero of mine for many years and I could see that his commitment to baseball was way over the top. Would never want my kid to worship a GAME.
Oh yeah man...I`d MUCH rather sell out to some ministry and worship some class on the bible...and be used by vile men...devote my entire adult life to promoting an evil organization... makes SO much more sense ;-)
Chwester: Pete Rose's zealotry for baseball parralleled most of our zealotry for twi. Nothing less was tolerated.
By the way, if ya look in the DSM-IV (diagnostic and statistical manual 4th ed.) under the section on personality disorders you would find that old Pete fits most diagnostic criteria for Narcistic and Anti-social Personality Disorders. But whether he's born of the wrong seed, what ever thats supposed to mean, is a bit silly. Pete may be a self-absorbed pain in the butt at the expense of others but is he the son of the devil? Oh please.
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I heard John Lennon was, and I definitely believe that. I grew up as a Beatles fan during Beatlemania. Guess I shouldn't say I believe it, should just say I believe it is possible. Heard the same of Paul McCartney, but have a little trouble believing that. Can also see Mick Jaggar and Pete Rose. Rose was my hero as a kid, but he definitely sold his soul to basball.
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Chwester,you said Pete Rose definitely sold his soul to baseball...as if that were a bad thing.....I guess it's ok to muse on such things as seed boys,but I would be extremely proud of my son if he played baseball with the same hustle and commitment that Pete Rose did throughout his career...
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Mother Theresa.
Albert Schweitzer.
Captain Kangaroo.
The cartoon martian on the old "Quisp" cereal boxes.
Barney the Dinosaur.
Ronald MacDonald.
And let's not forget that hippy-freak "Jesus" guy!
Charles Manson.
Adolf Hitler.
[This message was edited by TheInvisibleDan on February 26, 2003 at 0:18.]
[This message was edited by TheInvisibleDan on February 26, 2003 at 0:21.]
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Barbra Striesand
Mohammed Ali
Just about anyone who came along and obliterated their colleagues was suspect.
It's surprising I've never heard Tiger Woods on the "wrong seed" list.
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Now I can readily believe that Barney the Dinosaur is a seed boy! Straight from the PIT he is.
That little varmint is almost a good enough an excuse to bring back the Inquisition on his butt.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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IMO, We need to get Fred Flintstone to go after Barney the Dinosaur.
Any one for "bronto" or rather "Barney" burgers
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Al Pacino. He's a great actor.
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.
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anyone who made any contribution to culture or exhibited any evidence of genius and is not in good standing with the BOT is probaly born of the wrong seed.
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Anyone in the Roman Catholic Church
The Beatles
Denominational leaders
ET -beacause kids got possessed by the finger he used.
Anyone who attacked TWI or Ronald Reaganh
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Huh?? What exactly does that mean?? He sold his soul so he could win the pennant like Joe Hardy in "Damn Yankees?" That's a silly statement.
Now if you want to say he "sold his soul" to gambling, you might have a point.
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Re:"Rose was my hero as a kid, but he definitely sold his soul to baseball."
I thought you were looking for the ludicrous comments made by TWI folk about who was and wasn't a seed boy. But lo and behold if you don't still accept the premise of "seed boys" in the first place. Glory be!
Well, we KNEW you were gonna' start this thread because 'ole Lucifer hisself tells us these things. Yep.. I'm a seed boy and I've got company. The Invisible Dan and Garth are seed boys, too. In fact we have ourselves regular seed boy meetings complete with excellers sessions. You know.. levitate each other around the room, do a little psychic surgery on each other... just to keep in practice. All the stuff Dr. Wierwille warned you about. Yep.. it's all true. We're soooooold out! Boom-boom-be-boom!
And what did I get for my soul?? Man.. Beelzebub got me cheap! A lousy '87 Callilac and all the women I wanted. Trouble is.. it costs a fortune to keep the Caddy running and at my age.. I'm not wanting too many women! Good thing for THEM! I'm overweight and don't look so good as I used to.
But at least I got a better deal than Garth. All he got was to be a Vince Finnegan look alike!!
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Chwester: Well good for you! Picked a real comical doozy did'nt ya.
Seed......hmmmm........lets see if i can remember any...
Sylvester Stalone, Steven Spielberg, Pope, Mother Theresa, George McGovern, and generally anyone that obtained a high level of success in some kind of endeavor accepted by the mainstream.
I'm now sitting here in the dark with a flash light shining up my face.....
I see seed people...I'm so scarred! (Cheesy rip off of that Bruce Willis movie)
Christ almighty, that boob mr. w.,lcm, and those of their way ilk were some insecure, paranoid, and jealous weenies. How trasparant and embarrasing!
(((((( I see seed people, wwoooooo........))))
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Common Folks: ya don't actually believe that crapola?????? Do you???????
Wwwoooooooooo wwhoooooooooooo, whooo, are ya scared yet?
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I think one of ya'll just rebuked me cause i spewed green pea soup all over the monitor and my head is twirling away on my shoulders.
WWWWWhhhhhhoooooooooooooooo I see seed people every where!!!!!!

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Awww damn it, Sudo. Ya done told on me. Now *everybody* knows about my secret identity, and even my secret membership in the Georgia Chapter of The Illuminati.
I'm still having trouble with my levitating tho. I still can't levitate my Michelob from the fridge to my desk w/o spilling it everywhere.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |_P {{{splat}}}
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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Hm, seed boys? Yes, that used to make me feel sad. Mick Jagger was a seed boy of course! But Stones music makes me feel happy! (I know its only R&R but I like it). Yes, anyone who is successful is either born of the right seed or born of the wrong seed (isn't that in PFAL?) Yes, that made me feel so sad, and suspicious! (Don't enjoy anything in the "arts", it's done by seed boys!!) Well, I don't care anymore! I like the album Aqualung! Really good for exwayfers!
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Al Poole
imablvr... Do You? Really?
Like Aqualung???
You are so showing your age girl!!!
[ Unless you're like my 13 yr old daughter who is a Carol King, early James Taylor, and early Billy Joel FREAK!!! LOL! (she thinks Brittny S is a sl--! and Christina A is worse! how lucky could I be?? ) ]
I saw Tull last fall... some things are better left in the memory box!!! The music was great but the "pipes" were gone! Still like the old stuff though!!!
I think Aqualung could be a good start for ex wayfers.
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yeh the tulster is cool. Theresa and I saw the Moody Blues this past october in Atlanta. They were A..M..A..Z..I..N..G. We had a ball.
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I think Jethro Tull and the Moody Blues are all born of the wrong seed.
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Tull! Yeeeeah!! (raise left hand, position fingers to signify "devil horns")....
"Thick as a Brick" was my favorite album.
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Simon and Pirate-
Re: Pete Rose
To "sell out" to something means putting it first, kinda like worship. Like we are to put God first and worship Him. Some believe that Pete Rose worshipped himself and sought to be the greatest baseball player ever-at ANY cost. By selling his soul I meant selling it to the devil. Rose was a hero of mine for many years and I could see that his commitment to baseball was way over the top. Would never want my kid to worship a GAME.
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Oh yeah man...I`d MUCH rather sell out to some ministry and worship some class on the bible...and be used by vile men...devote my entire adult life to promoting an evil organization... makes SO much more sense ;-)
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Chwester: Pete Rose's zealotry for baseball parralleled most of our zealotry for twi. Nothing less was tolerated.
By the way, if ya look in the DSM-IV (diagnostic and statistical manual 4th ed.) under the section on personality disorders you would find that old Pete fits most diagnostic criteria for Narcistic and Anti-social Personality Disorders. But whether he's born of the wrong seed, what ever thats supposed to mean, is a bit silly. Pete may be a self-absorbed pain in the butt at the expense of others but is he the son of the devil? Oh please.
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Dot Matrix
Muhamud Ali
(He knocked Joe Frazier out without touching him he was soooo seed.)
Dot Matrix
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