And another thing.....I just now remembered in my forgetfulness...
Long gone, you asked me the meaning of "second childhood." I mistakenly unremembered to answer your question. I wonder if anyone here caught my error?
It is clear that from the hidden/forgotten teachings of PFAL, that to have a second childhood is to have one's natural blond hair (from childhood) reblonded. I have suffered much persecution for this endeavor. Don't you think I've been in the grocery store, and have people wonder "Does she, or doesn't she, does she or doesn't she?"
I'm used to it!! And for all you lurkers out there who are hanging on my every word here, I recommend the partial highlights with high-lift tint, instead of bleach. We all know that bleach will fade and turn ashen colored before our next hair appointment.
And yes, I have resisted listening to those devil spirits who dare suggest that I get my nails done as long as I am processing and have to sit there anyway.
Now, I have to go empty out my hot tub because one of the neighborhood kids poured an entire bottle of bubbles in it just to see what would happen. I understand persecution!
PS Hey again, morey! all is well on the Texan front. :D-->
While I don't actually have the time to properly address the latest veiled threats of both Garth and Ex-10, which are on the same level as the most hideous inhumane tortures of the inquisition - rising to the level of the rack, the screw, the wheel and the lead boot - I find that I must redirect the energy of this thread back to its most important component.....
ME, of course.
Now Ex-10, think of all the wonderful contributions you could make to finding the missing 100 hours of PFAL rather than wasting it on being a ditzy, hydrogen peroxide blond and all the other devil spurit inspired travails. I'm about ready to release a one-minute segmant of tattered film strip from section 8, which I am having translated by a lipreader for Deaf people, since the sound has been inexplicably lost.
I was hoping you and Garth would learn to participate in civilized debate, as Long Gone, Rafael and Zixar have recently learned to do. But I certainly don't have the time right now to teach you effectively.
quote:Now Ex-10, think of all the wonderful contributions you could make to finding the missing 100 hours of PFAL rather than wasting it on being a ditzy, hydrogen peroxide blond and all the other devil spurit inspired travails. I'm about ready to release a one-minute segmant of tattered film strip from section 8, which I am having translated by a lipreader for Deaf people, since the sound has been inexplicably lost.
Section 8? Now you're busting on the poor. Listen, you racist, German hating, race baiting, simulating, gyrating, stimulating, xenophobe. I've had it up to here with you. I am never going to respond to your rantings again ever ever ever until your next one.
While I might well be exactly the type of person Rafael describes, I feel the best way to deal with his accusations is to dodge them, and refuse to see them until they are confirmed by the people I trust most: My most glassy-eyed committed followers.
However, right now I don't have the time for such a distraction from my important mission and work.
Cuz right now, I am being shocked and amazed by what I am reading on a ketchup-soiled restaurant napkin wherein Doctor clearly enunciated the basis for a full 100 hours of PFAL rather than the 30 hour Mini-me version most people assume is the correct one. It says: "30 hours of me.....GOOD! 100 hours of me.....EVEN BETTER!!!!"
And so when I can find the time, I will eventually get around to addressing Rafael's comments.
"While I don't actually have the time to properly address the latest veiled threats of both Garth and Ex-10, which are on the same level as the most hideous inhumane tortures of the inquisition - rising to the level of the rack, the screw, ..."
??? You are implying by implication that Ex and I are going to put you on the rack and screw you?!? Even tho' that isn't in the originals, that is indeed implied by implication, which of course I have dodged, challenged and baited enough to see, spiritually of course.
If Cynic wasn't here with his Calvinistic, Republican country club, polemic unrememberable words, ..... Oh wait, he isn't here!
All right, I swore I wasn't going to respond to you, but you forced me back in by referring to one of my previous posts and then continually refusing to answer a direct question. We all know that in the document you worship, Wierwille wrote "Jew put the Bomp in the Bomp shubomp-shubomp," when everyone knows that First Steve!(praise be his name) is the one who put the bomp in the bomp shubomp shubomp. One of them has got to be wrong. So answer me already, you coward. Answer me!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry: No, no, fling your compliments with impunity, I am quite used to them. Better people than you have lauded my genius, including Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and this guy I know at the comic book store.
I am quite undeterred by your positive remarks. Though I too was once unsure of my greatness, little by little I came to realize how amazingly superior I am to the rest of the meat sacks who infest this site. I owe this all to my incredible ability to build intricate delusions so precise, so...dare I say, perfect, that even I cannot tell where the border of simple "fact" [hmph] and my glorious Mastery Of The Truth™ blur together. I have had a good eleven minutes to tell myself the Truth, so it must be all your fault that you cannot discern the full depths of how cheese-gratingly apostolic I smell.
(Of course, don't feel worse than you should, I am me after all, and I am unanimous in that!)
Well I must say I am appalled at the number of pretentious pretenders this pitiful excuse for a THREAD has attracted; nay spawned. Spawned, I say. The figure of speech here indicates the presence of hellspawneddevilspiritinfested stewed prunes that have led us to this dreadfully disgraceful dissertation disguised as debate and diligent discussion.
Zixar is obviously deceived by the secret coded messages from the ninth Circle of the Illuminati that are hidden in his precious...COMIC books. "Comic" indeed. Like most empty-headed Churchgoers, Mr, Zixar doesn't know the true meaning of the word "comic" from the HebrewEstrangeloAramaic word anthropopasteya, or Hookypookism in the Latin, means "to produce hooky pook". This is just a trememdous trugh that has taken us years to ferret out and bullshi--uh...research.
So today we have all the little "comic" books, being passed off as entertainment so the little kiddies can get started right in the HookyPook field! Makes me grow ten feet tall or somethin!
Isnt' that a tremendous verse of Scripture when you really read it in its integrity with all the punctuation taken out and the words reversed? Of course, as the Great Eastern Bishop and Harley mechanic U.B. Alie once told me in his study, "VP, if this teaching on the evils of comic books ever gets a hearing, you'll be able to boink all the hippie chicks you can find. Count me in, Dude!"
"??? You are implying by implication that Ex and I are going to put you on the rack and screw you?!? "
Is Garth's implicit twisting of Larry's words the coarse droppings of an ever-looking-up-at-mediocre wit, or a Freudianly farted expression of sinister and debauched Unitarian *-sexuality?
While I don't actually have the time to spar with a five-senses oriented pseudo-researcher like JBarrax, I do take his incredibly-subtle threats very seriously and refer him to my previous post wherein I easily held off an entire barroom full of vicious lesbians. People like Barrax and Rafael have put no effort into mastering the missing 100 hours of PFAL, and so I despair of gleaning methods of getting them to become teachable, to turn them into the type of meak students who will sit on the floor at my feet with adoring eyes lapping up every single word.
And so while I shouldn't be wasting my time thinking up entertaining teaching methods just to get them to the point of accepting the validity of simple absorption and rote repetitive mastery of simple detail, I will take some time out from my incredibly busy schedule completely full of important meetings and other things of historical significance.
So as long as we can keep this soap opera focused on the main subject - ME, of course - I might be convinced to stay around more. And my inner-VPW, which I have been getting very huggy and kissy with lately - is getting really really bummed by you people's non-diligent and non-salted study methods. Why should a Great Teacher such as myself have to pour my talent before such slackers?
I'll provide some real answers to these questions by and by when I have some extra time.
Just when I thought I was out, he dragggggs me back in.
It's bad enough you rely on racist arguments to make your point. It's bad enough you're a xenophobic snowstorm worshipper. It's bad enough that you casually insult the people who rely on Section 8 just to have a place to sleep. But now, on top of all that, you're going to have the unmitigated gall to accuse Jerry and I of researching Sudo? He hasn't even posted on these threads, so why are you dragging him into this? I mean, how dare you, man? You're bats. I've had it. No more. Begone with you!
Enough of your kickball gymnastic tactics designed to distract and dodge and challenge right back. When are you finally going to admit that an arrow is an arrow? Huh? Answer me Dam Nit!
Umbrella storylines and long arc storylines. Storylines woven in and around various characters, lives intersecting and colliding in a dizzying display of story and purpose – This is the definition of soap opera and what keeps us tuning in for more.
Rafael is on Bats!
For one thing the definition of BATs is wide open to interpretation, making it highly probable that national and local authorities in the member countries will draw different conclusions. The very fact of BATs being in the plural shows the possibilities, and suggests that this was intentional.
In your last post to MOI, you referred to me as a "ditzy hydrogen peroxide blond."
Could you please read what is written? With such sloppy reading skills, no wonder you haven't yet mastered the fine art of forgetfulness. Why, you don't even know what you're supposed to forget!
Did I use the phrase "hydrogen peroxide" in my post? Hmmmm? NO! NO! a thousand times, NO!
I made it very clear in MY post that I prefer high-lift tint to bleach, (which is by the way, plain English for the lesser known chemical phrase, hydrogen peroxide.) Had you paid closer attention to reading what is written, you never would have committed this inexcusable offense.
Clearly, I am much more intellectually superior than you.
And Garthly.....please, just RELAX. Nothing terrible is going to happen, and no one is going to get hurt here. The worse thing that can possibly happen is that I will never leave Greasespot, and will continue to bug the heck out of you all forever, (notice I used the phrase "you all" instead of the Texan vernacular, "ya'll"). So when everyone can collect themselves and relax, I can discuss much deeper things with you. But not now. I will be back. But first I have to make sure I forget what I'm talking about. Please be patient.
And PS Vertical
I thought I made it clear in my last post that I have enough soap in my backyard for everyone here. Please, patience.
Just when I thought my important destiny as the New Master Teacher was going on swimmingly, Sudo has to come in here and ruin the ambiance by muttering what I consider to be imminent threats of bodily harm. While all you lesser five senses-oriented folks might disagree his post amounts to even a colorable threat, spiritually I can sense it. Do you ingrates think I have time for this kind of baloney? Just when I had Rafael and JBarrax convinced to sit at my feet and humbly absorb retemorize my every word.....
If you people think I have the time and energy to tolerate these distractions, you've got another thought coming. I could leave, you know. I could go and teach really meak people. So watch out, cuz I just might disappear and then what would you have?
And then I have to waste my precious time arguing with a haughty, unmeak and unteachable WOMAN! How many times did Doctor instruct us that you can't believe one word a woman says? I'm getting to feel pretty unappreciated around here, when I have to lower myself into the rhetorical pigsty to debate a mere Hydrogen Peroxide Blond.
After all I have selflessly tried to teach you ingrates about the missing 100 hours of PFAL, and the gratitude I get? Constant threats and not one ounce of appreciation! Not one bit!
Like I have time for this! You people need to have your cognitives adjusted and honed, and I mean like quick.
I knew it....Spiritually I had my doubts about the validity of Sudo's veiled threat and the strong potential for eventual bodily injury. Although I have accepted the very real possibility of getting the living snot beaten out of me on occassion, given my extraordinarily-important work, it isn't like I go looking for it. It's par for the course, although I think I have gone to great lengths to avoid seeming a martyr.
But cynic spelled out the very real danger I constantly face, and confirmed my original splash of Godly insight.
Some days, given the terrible crush of time as I alone selflessly devote sleepless hours to this project, with nearly no gratitude from you unteachable ingrates, five senses wise I feel pretty darn unappreciated.
But somehow I force myself to go on, knowing what a calamity for the world it would be if I quit. I could just cry right now, I feel so lonely and picked on.
But right now, I don't have the time to allow those human emotions.
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This thread is a total riot .....
Except I don't have the time to ......
....... I fergot! What is it that I don't have the time for??
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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Hi, Ex!
Hope all is well with you.
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And another thing.....I just now remembered in my forgetfulness...
Long gone, you asked me the meaning of "second childhood." I mistakenly unremembered to answer your question. I wonder if anyone here caught my error?
It is clear that from the hidden/forgotten teachings of PFAL, that to have a second childhood is to have one's natural blond hair (from childhood) reblonded. I have suffered much persecution for this endeavor. Don't you think I've been in the grocery store, and have people wonder "Does she, or doesn't she, does she or doesn't she?"
I'm used to it!! And for all you lurkers out there who are hanging on my every word here, I recommend the partial highlights with high-lift tint, instead of bleach. We all know that bleach will fade and turn ashen colored before our next hair appointment.
And yes, I have resisted listening to those devil spirits who dare suggest that I get my nails done as long as I am processing and have to sit there anyway.
Now, I have to go empty out my hot tub because one of the neighborhood kids poured an entire bottle of bubbles in it just to see what would happen. I understand persecution!
PS Hey again, morey! all is well on the Texan front.
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Larry P2
While I don't actually have the time to properly address the latest veiled threats of both Garth and Ex-10, which are on the same level as the most hideous inhumane tortures of the inquisition - rising to the level of the rack, the screw, the wheel and the lead boot - I find that I must redirect the energy of this thread back to its most important component.....
ME, of course.
Now Ex-10, think of all the wonderful contributions you could make to finding the missing 100 hours of PFAL rather than wasting it on being a ditzy, hydrogen peroxide blond and all the other devil spurit inspired travails. I'm about ready to release a one-minute segmant of tattered film strip from section 8, which I am having translated by a lipreader for Deaf people, since the sound has been inexplicably lost.
I was hoping you and Garth would learn to participate in civilized debate, as Long Gone, Rafael and Zixar have recently learned to do. But I certainly don't have the time right now to teach you effectively.
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Section 8? Now you're busting on the poor. Listen, you racist, German hating, race baiting, simulating, gyrating, stimulating, xenophobe. I've had it up to here with you. I am never going to respond to your rantings again ever ever ever until your next one.
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Larry P2
While I might well be exactly the type of person Rafael describes, I feel the best way to deal with his accusations is to dodge them, and refuse to see them until they are confirmed by the people I trust most: My most glassy-eyed committed followers.
However, right now I don't have the time for such a distraction from my important mission and work.
Cuz right now, I am being shocked and amazed by what I am reading on a ketchup-soiled restaurant napkin wherein Doctor clearly enunciated the basis for a full 100 hours of PFAL rather than the 30 hour Mini-me version most people assume is the correct one. It says: "30 hours of me.....GOOD! 100 hours of me.....EVEN BETTER!!!!"
And so when I can find the time, I will eventually get around to addressing Rafael's comments.
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"While I don't actually have the time to properly address the latest veiled threats of both Garth and Ex-10, which are on the same level as the most hideous inhumane tortures of the inquisition - rising to the level of the rack, the screw, ..."
??? You are implying by implication that Ex and I are going to put you on the rack and screw you?!? Even tho' that isn't in the originals, that is indeed implied by implication, which of course I have dodged, challenged and baited enough to see, spiritually of course.
If Cynic wasn't here with his Calvinistic, Republican country club, polemic unrememberable words, ..... Oh wait, he isn't here!
There I go unremembering again.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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All right, I swore I wasn't going to respond to you, but you forced me back in by referring to one of my previous posts and then continually refusing to answer a direct question. We all know that in the document you worship, Wierwille wrote "Jew put the Bomp in the Bomp shubomp-shubomp," when everyone knows that First Steve!(praise be his name) is the one who put the bomp in the bomp shubomp shubomp. One of them has got to be wrong. So answer me already, you coward. Answer me!!!!!!!!!!
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Larry P2
Who, Me?
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Orange Cat
LarryPfal said:
That's not ALL that should have be snipped out of him without consulting him.
Orange Cat color>
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This thread is the best comedy I've read in quite a while. You people have elevated witty repartee to an art form. I will now return to guffawing.
Thank you and Good night.
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Jerry: No, no, fling your compliments with impunity, I am quite used to them. Better people than you have lauded my genius, including Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and this guy I know at the comic book store.
I am quite undeterred by your positive remarks. Though I too was once unsure of my greatness, little by little I came to realize how amazingly superior I am to the rest of the meat sacks who infest this site. I owe this all to my incredible ability to build intricate delusions so precise, so...dare I say, perfect, that even I cannot tell where the border of simple "fact" [hmph] and my glorious Mastery Of The Truth™ blur together. I have had a good eleven minutes to tell myself the Truth, so it must be all your fault that you cannot discern the full depths of how cheese-gratingly apostolic I smell.
(Of course, don't feel worse than you should, I am me after all, and I am unanimous in that!)
Oh, Buddha. Is that the time?
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Well I must say I am appalled at the number of pretentious pretenders this pitiful excuse for a THREAD has attracted; nay spawned. Spawned, I say. The figure of speech here indicates the presence of hellspawneddevilspiritinfested stewed prunes that have led us to this dreadfully disgraceful dissertation disguised as debate and diligent discussion.
Zixar is obviously deceived by the secret coded messages from the ninth Circle of the Illuminati that are hidden in his precious...COMIC books. "Comic" indeed. Like most empty-headed Churchgoers, Mr, Zixar doesn't know the true meaning of the word "comic" from the HebrewEstrangeloAramaic word anthropopasteya, or Hookypookism in the Latin, means "to produce hooky pook". This is just a trememdous trugh that has taken us years to ferret out and bullshi--uh...research.
So today we have all the little "comic" books, being passed off as entertainment so the little kiddies can get started right in the HookyPook field! Makes me grow ten feet tall or somethin!
Isnt' that a tremendous verse of Scripture when you really read it in its integrity with all the punctuation taken out and the words reversed? Of course, as the Great Eastern Bishop and Harley mechanic U.B. Alie once told me in his study, "VP, if this teaching on the evils of comic books ever gets a hearing, you'll be able to boink all the hippie chicks you can find. Count me in, Dude!"
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Garth wrote (to Larry),
"??? You are implying by implication that Ex and I are going to put you on the rack and screw you?!? "
Is Garth's implicit twisting of Larry's words the coarse droppings of an ever-looking-up-at-mediocre wit, or a Freudianly farted expression of sinister and debauched Unitarian *-sexuality?
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Larry P2
While I don't actually have the time to spar with a five-senses oriented pseudo-researcher like JBarrax, I do take his incredibly-subtle threats very seriously and refer him to my previous post wherein I easily held off an entire barroom full of vicious lesbians. People like Barrax and Rafael have put no effort into mastering the missing 100 hours of PFAL, and so I despair of gleaning methods of getting them to become teachable, to turn them into the type of meak students who will sit on the floor at my feet with adoring eyes lapping up every single word.
And so while I shouldn't be wasting my time thinking up entertaining teaching methods just to get them to the point of accepting the validity of simple absorption and rote repetitive mastery of simple detail, I will take some time out from my incredibly busy schedule completely full of important meetings and other things of historical significance.
So as long as we can keep this soap opera focused on the main subject - ME, of course - I might be convinced to stay around more. And my inner-VPW, which I have been getting very huggy and kissy with lately - is getting really really bummed by you people's non-diligent and non-salted study methods. Why should a Great Teacher such as myself have to pour my talent before such slackers?
I'll provide some real answers to these questions by and by when I have some extra time.
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Just when I thought I was out, he dragggggs me back in.
It's bad enough you rely on racist arguments to make your point. It's bad enough you're a xenophobic snowstorm worshipper. It's bad enough that you casually insult the people who rely on Section 8 just to have a place to sleep. But now, on top of all that, you're going to have the unmitigated gall to accuse Jerry and I of researching Sudo? He hasn't even posted on these threads, so why are you dragging him into this? I mean, how dare you, man? You're bats. I've had it. No more. Begone with you!
Enough of your kickball gymnastic tactics designed to distract and dodge and challenge right back. When are you finally going to admit that an arrow is an arrow? Huh? Answer me Dam Nit!
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Rafael wrote,
"But now, on top of all that, you're going to have the unmitigated gall to accuse Jerry and I of researching Sudo?"
Such grammar!
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Vertical Limit
while LarryP2 continues in soap
definition of soap opera;
Umbrella storylines and long arc storylines. Storylines woven in and around various characters, lives intersecting and colliding in a dizzying display of story and purpose – This is the definition of soap opera and what keeps us tuning in for more.
Rafael is on Bats!
For one thing the definition of BATs is wide open to interpretation, making it highly probable that national and local authorities in the member countries will draw different conclusions. The very fact of BATs being in the plural shows the possibilities, and suggests that this was intentional.
copied from;
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Larry, Larry, Larry
In your last post to MOI, you referred to me as a "ditzy hydrogen peroxide blond."
Could you please read what is written? With such sloppy reading skills, no wonder you haven't yet mastered the fine art of forgetfulness. Why, you don't even know what you're supposed to forget!
Did I use the phrase "hydrogen peroxide" in my post? Hmmmm? NO! NO! a thousand times, NO!
I made it very clear in MY post that I prefer high-lift tint to bleach, (which is by the way, plain English for the lesser known chemical phrase, hydrogen peroxide.) Had you paid closer attention to reading what is written, you never would have committed this inexcusable offense.
Clearly, I am much more intellectually superior than you.
And Garthly.....please, just RELAX. Nothing terrible is going to happen, and no one is going to get hurt here. The worse thing that can possibly happen is that I will never leave Greasespot, and will continue to bug the heck out of you all forever, (notice I used the phrase "you all" instead of the Texan vernacular, "ya'll"). So when everyone can collect themselves and relax, I can discuss much deeper things with you. But not now. I will be back. But first I have to make sure I forget what I'm talking about. Please be patient.
And PS Vertical
I thought I made it clear in my last post that I have enough soap in my backyard for everyone here. Please, patience.
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Dat was wicked, man, really wicked.
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Larry P2
Just when I thought my important destiny as the New Master Teacher was going on swimmingly, Sudo has to come in here and ruin the ambiance by muttering what I consider to be imminent threats of bodily harm. While all you lesser five senses-oriented folks might disagree his post amounts to even a colorable threat, spiritually I can sense it. Do you ingrates think I have time for this kind of baloney? Just when I had Rafael and JBarrax convinced to sit at my feet and humbly absorb retemorize my every word.....
If you people think I have the time and energy to tolerate these distractions, you've got another thought coming. I could leave, you know. I could go and teach really meak people. So watch out, cuz I just might disappear and then what would you have?
And then I have to waste my precious time arguing with a haughty, unmeak and unteachable WOMAN! How many times did Doctor instruct us that you can't believe one word a woman says? I'm getting to feel pretty unappreciated around here, when I have to lower myself into the rhetorical pigsty to debate a mere Hydrogen Peroxide Blond.
After all I have selflessly tried to teach you ingrates about the missing 100 hours of PFAL, and the gratitude I get? Constant threats and not one ounce of appreciation! Not one bit!
Like I have time for this! You people need to have your cognitives adjusted and honed, and I mean like quick.
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Sudo was (is) a sh!t-kicking lesbian body builder?
This place is starting to make sense.
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Larry P2
I knew it....Spiritually I had my doubts about the validity of Sudo's veiled threat and the strong potential for eventual bodily injury. Although I have accepted the very real possibility of getting the living snot beaten out of me on occassion, given my extraordinarily-important work, it isn't like I go looking for it. It's par for the course, although I think I have gone to great lengths to avoid seeming a martyr.
But cynic spelled out the very real danger I constantly face, and confirmed my original splash of Godly insight.
Some days, given the terrible crush of time as I alone selflessly devote sleepless hours to this project, with nearly no gratitude from you unteachable ingrates, five senses wise I feel pretty darn unappreciated.
But somehow I force myself to go on, knowing what a calamity for the world it would be if I quit. I could just cry right now, I feel so lonely and picked on.
But right now, I don't have the time to allow those human emotions.
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