Just when I thought I was out, he dragggggs me back in.
It's bad enough you rely on racist arguments to make your point. It's bad enough you're a xenophobic snowstorm worshipper. It's bad enough that you casually insult the people who rely on Section 8 just to have a place to sleep. But now, on top of all that, you're going to have the unmitigated gall to accuse Jerry and I of researching Sudo? He hasn't even posted on these threads, so why are you dragging him into this? I mean, how dare you, man? You're bats. I've had it. No more. Begone with you!
Enough of your kickball gymnastic tactics designed to distract and dodge and challenge right back. When are you finally going to admit that an arrow is an arrow? Huh? Answer me Dam Nit!
Rafael - again with the errors of grammar!
It's NOT "Jerry and I", it's "Jerry and me." If you disagree, just leave out the "Jerry and". You wouldn't accuse I, you would accuse ME. Therefore you would accuse Jerry and ME.
If you weren't a journalist, I would leave this alone, but alas! being anal-retentive is an entirely thankless job, but what the hell.
LarryP - are you aware that LarryP backwards id Pyrral? What a principle! Oh the humanity.
Anyway, I have come to worship at the altar of ThLarryP, Zixar, and Rafael.
Anyone who so seriously adores docvic(praise be his name) deserves my respect and admiration, and yes, even my tithe. Henceforth I'll be sending each of you 2 cents per month in perpetuity until docvic(praise be his name) has died.
There is something I've been wanting to say to you, and now I feel we're finally to the point in our discussion where you will comprehend the deep and profound meaning of what I am about to share. Don't thank me, no need. The change that these profound words will bring into your life as you master them will be thanks enough. So without much further ado.....
Having thoroughly read & re-read this promulgation of deeply hidden, aforementioned, newly re-discovered, re-translated and re-enlightened re-discoveries of Wierwillian god-breathed practices and doctrines that are currently & faithfully being re-transcribed, re-iterated and re-co-indexed by god's chosen...LarryP2 I am finding a hidden and insatiable need arising (within me)to print up freshly minted green (or purple...the color of royalty...for Larryp2) cards to be used in procuring & enslaving students/corps for the explicit/implicit useage of the new master instructor/teacher/apostile/evangelist/prophet/mog....LarryP2 whom I cannot but fawningly worship with my most inner being because of all his hidden-inane, unimaginable & subarticulate knowledge - unbeknownst to mankind here-to-fore. It demands, nay commanders, my complete, utter, all encompassing, undivided, primaly focused and extra personal attentions so that I too can eventually come to that same plane of understanding he has mastered.
Some grudging praise, but praise nonetheless from Ex-10 and Steve! Some oblique recognition of my pained and tortured struggles, the endless succession of selfless sleepless days and nights, some recogniztion of my awesome gift to humanity ... ME!
After having undergone and survived a brutal gauntlet of subtle but vicious threats, screechy catcalls, and thoroughly undeserved underappreciation, I detect some light, some hope at the end of this tunnel of personal heroic sacrifice! Ex-10 - that pharmacy-blond gum chawin' scold -is evidently cowed awestruck at my prowess and is finally left mute and spellbound! The roving wild dogs of five-senses scholasticism - Rafael and Jerry - have settled down to gnaw thoughtfully on the fresh meatbone of meekness and teachability! The muscular believers in physical intimidation and bodily mayhem - Sudo and Zixar - have laid down their wicked clubs of snide unbelief and proud doubt and nestled down lamblike in flacid philosophical exhaustion. And Garth and Cynic - keen worshippers at the polished marble mantle of high-falutin' rhetoric, both - have zipped a lip and pressed their greasy street urchin foreheads against the storewindow of a LIVE walkin' and jivetalkin' 2003 version of Joshua.
So come one and all and scratch my heels and appreciation my talents as the Oracle of the Lost 100 hours.....
Not that I have time for this, of course.
[This message was edited by Larry P2 on February 08, 2003 at 10:23.]
[This message was edited by Larry P2 on February 08, 2003 at 10:25.]
I wish the rest of you “guys” would pipe down and shut up!
This thread is all about Larry P2, who, though threatened and tortured within seconds of his very life, still stands faithful to deliver the lost remains of the precious once lost hours of piffle. And hasn’t he said he would teach it like it’s never been known before if only we would listen?
Well - - there are those around who desire to learn it. I think I want him to teach it ! We owe him everything we ever once hoped to be in order to sit at his feet and scoop up these diamonds in the rough. Won’t we give him half of what we own and all the time in the world just to listen to his schpiel.
Peeeepul! Doncha wanna know how those red drapes really got there? Doncha want to know how to make it snow at your own gas station? Doncha wanna know how that particular shade of green came to be used to represent the life that got sucked out of every twig? Doncha want to know how to build your very own auditorium tax free with somebody else’s money? Wouldn’t you like to have your own Winnebego without so much as a down payment?
We need to give this man the floor and our undivided attention (methinks).
I don't know why everyone is picking on Larry P, after all, even if he is a niggardly German hating solicitor, he is entitles to his own version of the truth, justice and the American way as everybody else, except Muslims who buy stamps of course. I dreamed once that I met Larry and in the dream he was a pretty nice guy, so therefore I must apologize for some of things I was thinking of saying. Larry never had a chance. But I was wondering about one thing Larry: do you consider the voice-overs that Wiewrwille did for the "sex-with-dogs" video canonical?
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Gosh, with all the unprecedented heartfelt public support I suddenly started getting, I'm advancing quickly into a pronounced stage of treacly false humility and sacharine modesty. And I am increasingly-optimistic my extravagently messy maudlin self-pity will finally get a fair hearing with people who know well how to fairly ooze with unsightly exaggerated sympathy that I so crave!
Hmm....I wonder if I have time for all this? As a self-obsessed preening attention hog by nature, I think I do.
Oakspear asked a perfectly reasonable-sounding question from a five senses standpoint, which I will deftly sidestep - since by now I have spiritually realized such cactus-like questions inherently have the quills of rude ego and grandiosity deflation. This must be what people mean when they say I "have grown since his earlier posts."
I almost forgot - I have now have some of the top people working on the messier day to day issues like personal security and answering sticky questions evasively. That way I can maintain my deity-like distance above the mere tussling rabble.
Love all you kids! You da best! (Blowing insincere Don Ho-type kisses and pointing wordlessly at Oakspear and Krysalis)
Must study the fawnings and sychophantizations of Oakspear & Kyrsalis so that I too may become within the good graces of our soul saving solicitor.....need any young women as I lick thy toe jam from between thy toes all knowing one????
It is here to wit my public proclamation: I swear to a redoubling of my boot licking efforts...just throw me a crumb - as I become your most humble and faithful servant!!!!
Truly your motorcycle accident was the work of the Great Evil One himself, why he just knew that if you weren't laid up in the hospital with 5 pounds of titanium to hold you together that You would have been the Chosen One to follow in Doctor's footsteps and keep the glorious light that he brought to this generation alight for yet another 20 years.
Oh the waste. Why we even yet could be gathering at the BRC to sing silly songs and wait breathlessly for you loudly to proclaim the glorious words of the founder each and every Sunday. Oh how I miss those glorious days. To think the motor coach would still be motoring. That PFAL would be restored in its living full glory. It gives me goose bumps.
Tell me, is there still time? If we return to the Holy Words as spake by the great Profit Wierwille can we return to the glory days when the world was fresh and new and you know where you stood and who the enemy was? Oh Lord send Me. I will drive forth and go WOW for you. Just say the word, Rev LarryP and I will go. Just say the word
My hugely inflated swelled head is nearly bursting with cloying self pride and childish flights of grandeur.......just think of the wild frenetic reception once I release the other 69 plus hours of the missing PFAL! I shall be the veritable glitter-spandex-clad-Sammy-Hagar of Weirwille worshipers!
I wonder if I could get away with suddenly unleashing a shocking-over-the-top childish temper tantrum on some unsuspecting follower and still retain this new hallowed standing? After all, Marlon Brando managed to do some pretty horrific things in Apocalypse Now! and kept his glassy-eyed entourage intact. And then if I can deflect any shocked and hurt response and compare it to the persecutions of Inquisition and get away with nobody actually guffawing? The potential is virtually unlimited to express the maw of my deepest and most twisted messy emotions: extravagent self-pity; preening officiousness, overbearing threats of leaving, persecution complex with no actual persecution anywhere in sight, ugly dank fixation on mindless minutae and pointless trivia.
In any case, I am finding I have PLENTY of time to engage with the newer heartening responses to my messages.
I've been waiting 75 of my 43 years on this earth with this question on the back burner and now, today, at this glorius time and hour, I have found the one to ask who can truly set me free...
I too have pondered this question, since 1978. And yes, I have been where you are and was presented with this puzzlement many years ago. Way before most of you even knew enough to even ask the question.
And yes, I of course do have the answer you seek. But not now.
I have much more pressing matters to attend to. You see, my dog has escaped through the front door, and is currently sniffing around on my neighbors front porch which causes them great consternation, because of their female dog. So I must attend to this situation, since telling the kids to do it, didn't work.
But don't worry. I will return to unleash my nuggets of inner-sanctum type wisdom, as soon as I releash my dog by throwing him a bacon flavored nugget.
Patience, please.
And Larry, once again, I think you have misunderstood me. But it's a price I'm willing to pay. Because I am after all, much more spiritual than you.
Ex-10 - A thousand thank-you's for your gracious and most wonderful acknowledgement of my question.
Of course I am happy to wait til the end of time for the answer to my question. Please, feel no rush on my account.
It sets me free to know that I'm not the only one that ever thought of such things. Being that I am of some German descent, one just can never be too sure.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me, after all.
I must go walk my dog now, but after that and during that walk, I will be thinking of nothing but your answer to my question in hopes that I will be judged worthy to be blown off again and again while you tend to more pressing matters as is your most deserved and special manner.
I'll be back after I walk the dog, even though I may be really tired, cause that's the kind of selfless gal I am...
You mention LarryP - has LarryP posted on this thread? Hmmm, I hadn't noticed.
Pay no attention to those who feel they have to cut themselves down by building me up. They're just bitter, deceived, spurchully-vacuumed grapefreat who just happen to be right. Cluck your tongues condescendingly at them and further ensmugify yourselves at their blindity.
Now, on to business. As you know, I don't have time to fully get into these things at this precise juncture, as someone has shuffled my stack of 64 Kraft Processed American Cheese Food Singles, and I simply must sortify them into the Hidden New World Order before Wapner. Yeah. I'm an excellent biblical researcher, yeah.
So, the Secret Encrypted Corned-Beef Hash that I have bemastered from a 40s-era wire recording of Mein Doktor belching after a hearty meal of sackcloth and ashes, is as follows.
It's all your fault.
I'd go into more detail, but I just don't want to.
Soupy twist,
The Most Honorably Right Reverend Grand High Vice Pontiff In Charge Of Self-Righteousnosity And Vigorous And Frequent Therapeutical Auto-Mastering, Vice Pope Saint Z-Dog The Erect
I notice that el Conejo Rafael has not posted in the last 24 hours. It must be because he is a COWARD! He is a bully and a coward.
And it must be sheer embarassment that I caught him in such a glaring error of grammar.
Anyway, I'm not here to point fingers, merely to pull them.
LarryP, your words cause a stirring in my being. I begin to feel the blood flow like I haven't for many a year. My expectations are rising. I feel the heat burning, and I ache for the release that one achieves when in the presence of such greatness.
I see that you are getting such an upswelling of support from all of these other posters! Oh sure, some of the words of ex10 are moist, but the motions I feel when she speaks cause me to lose control.
In response, I believe I must thrust in this point: She KNOWS who's her daddy!
Now that this thread has reached a climax, we can all bask in the afterglow attendant upon LarryP's pronouncements.
Well, I have two problems that i need to discuss with my swelling group of followers who wish to violently thrust themselves rhetorically into the lukewarm ex-TWI community over and over and over and over again......until FINALLY.....in a massive frenzied spontaneous outburst of unanimity, I will be explosively coronated the 2003 version of Joshua.
Does anybody have an extra cigarette I could borrow?
The problems I percieve are twofold:
1). My Brand-X competitor on a Brand-X thread ("News Flash: you know the drill...) has recently demonstrated a change of heart wherein instead of constantly complaining about lacking time to provide substantive answers, has actually started including facts, scriptural support and historical analysis with his previous content-free material! Regarding the lack of time dodge/lame excuse, I had discovered that if used sparingly, is an excellent way to dodge the stickier questions. For instance, have you noticed how many posters on this thread haven't noticed that I have supplied absolutely no factual background for the alleged missing 100 hour PFAL? It worked, didn't it?
Well now I am faced with a stunning, but fixable problem. I have no historical, factual or scriptural backing for my contentions. (This never seemed to bother Doctor too much). Is it asking too much of my followers to supply some? Quickly? As in Already?
2). I don't know how to discribe this problem in mixed company, so can the women please stop reading at this point?
I'm past my sexual prime. Even during what little sexual prime I actually had, I was a "one woman dog." In fact, during several years, I was a "zero woman dog." In fact, I will be blunt: I am shockingly shy around women. I have lived most of my life like a cloistered monk. How can I start a cult around the missing 100 hours of PFAL if I can't even carry out DOctor's most rudimentary Godly command of "Find em', Feel em', F..K em', and Forget em.'"
You see, I have noticed that the Bible actually prohibits Adultery. Doctor's most important teaching, i.e. "The BIble takes no stance on Adultery, other than nuanced spiritual forms thereof," I have been diligently working, but so far I always leave the task in despair. And furthermore, he told LCM that if he didn't participate in serial staple gunning, he would 'Never be a great leader of God's people." It would be easier for me to hop into a shopping car and repeatedly ran through an automatic carwash, eat pee snowcones, taking a bath in a tub full of icewater, or voluntarily give myself papercuts than to treat women that way. This seems to be an intractable dilemna. I can't get beyond it. Somebody should get me some persuasive scriptural support for Adultery and fornication, otherwise my dreams of becoming the sequinned-spandex-tights-Sammy-Hagar of Weirwille wannabes might be stillborn.
There's not much cause for long-term alarm about the struggle among Larry, Zixar, Rafael, WyoMan, bowtwi, Steve, et al. to lay claim to VP's paranoia, megalomania, Drambuie stash, harem and half-dozen-or-so boxer shorts.
By the time things play out, Thelinda will have all their balls in a jar on her kitchen shelf.
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Rafael - again with the errors of grammar!
It's NOT "Jerry and I", it's "Jerry and me." If you disagree, just leave out the "Jerry and". You wouldn't accuse I, you would accuse ME. Therefore you would accuse Jerry and ME.
If you weren't a journalist, I would leave this alone, but alas! being anal-retentive is an entirely thankless job, but what the hell.
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LarryP - are you aware that LarryP backwards id Pyrral? What a principle! Oh the humanity.
Anyway, I have come to worship at the altar of ThLarryP, Zixar, and Rafael.
Anyone who so seriously adores docvic(praise be his name) deserves my respect and admiration, and yes, even my tithe. Henceforth I'll be sending each of you 2 cents per month in perpetuity until docvic(praise be his name) has died.
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There is something I've been wanting to say to you, and now I feel we're finally to the point in our discussion where you will comprehend the deep and profound meaning of what I am about to share. Don't thank me, no need. The change that these profound words will bring into your life as you master them will be thanks enough. So without much further ado.....
Na Na Boo Boo!!!!
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Having thoroughly read & re-read this promulgation of deeply hidden, aforementioned, newly re-discovered, re-translated and re-enlightened re-discoveries of Wierwillian god-breathed practices and doctrines that are currently & faithfully being re-transcribed, re-iterated and re-co-indexed by god's chosen...LarryP2 I am finding a hidden and insatiable need arising (within me)to print up freshly minted green (or purple...the color of royalty...for Larryp2) cards to be used in procuring & enslaving students/corps for the explicit/implicit useage of the new master instructor/teacher/apostile/evangelist/prophet/mog....LarryP2 whom I cannot but fawningly worship with my most inner being because of all his hidden-inane, unimaginable & subarticulate knowledge - unbeknownst to mankind here-to-fore. It demands, nay commanders, my complete, utter, all encompassing, undivided, primaly focused and extra personal attentions so that I too can eventually come to that same plane of understanding he has mastered.
Your most humble student.
Al Hendrickson
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Larry P2
At last!
Some grudging praise, but praise nonetheless from Ex-10 and Steve! Some oblique recognition of my pained and tortured struggles, the endless succession of selfless sleepless days and nights, some recogniztion of my awesome gift to humanity ... ME!
After having undergone and survived a brutal gauntlet of subtle but vicious threats, screechy catcalls, and thoroughly undeserved underappreciation, I detect some light, some hope at the end of this tunnel of personal heroic sacrifice! Ex-10 - that pharmacy-blond gum chawin' scold -is evidently cowed awestruck at my prowess and is finally left mute and spellbound! The roving wild dogs of five-senses scholasticism - Rafael and Jerry - have settled down to gnaw thoughtfully on the fresh meatbone of meekness and teachability! The muscular believers in physical intimidation and bodily mayhem - Sudo and Zixar - have laid down their wicked clubs of snide unbelief and proud doubt and nestled down lamblike in flacid philosophical exhaustion. And Garth and Cynic - keen worshippers at the polished marble mantle of high-falutin' rhetoric, both - have zipped a lip and pressed their greasy street urchin foreheads against the storewindow of a LIVE walkin' and jivetalkin' 2003 version of Joshua.
So come one and all and scratch my heels and appreciation my talents as the Oracle of the Lost 100 hours.....
Not that I have time for this, of course.
[This message was edited by Larry P2 on February 08, 2003 at 10:23.]
[This message was edited by Larry P2 on February 08, 2003 at 10:25.]
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I wish the rest of you “guys” would pipe down and shut up!
This thread is all about Larry P2, who, though threatened and tortured within seconds of his very life, still stands faithful to deliver the lost remains of the precious once lost hours of piffle. And hasn’t he said he would teach it like it’s never been known before if only we would listen?
Well - - there are those around who desire to learn it. I think I want him to teach it ! We owe him everything we ever once hoped to be in order to sit at his feet and scoop up these diamonds in the rough. Won’t we give him half of what we own and all the time in the world just to listen to his schpiel.
Peeeepul! Doncha wanna know how those red drapes really got there? Doncha want to know how to make it snow at your own gas station? Doncha wanna know how that particular shade of green came to be used to represent the life that got sucked out of every twig? Doncha want to know how to build your very own auditorium tax free with somebody else’s money? Wouldn’t you like to have your own Winnebego without so much as a down payment?
We need to give this man the floor and our undivided attention (methinks).
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I don't know why everyone is picking on Larry P, after all, even if he is a niggardly German hating solicitor, he is entitles to his own version of the truth, justice and the American way as everybody else, except Muslims who buy stamps of course. I dreamed once that I met Larry and in the dream he was a pretty nice guy, so therefore I must apologize for some of things I was thinking of saying. Larry never had a chance. But I was wondering about one thing Larry: do you consider the voice-overs that Wiewrwille did for the "sex-with-dogs" video canonical?
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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Larry P2
Gosh, with all the unprecedented heartfelt public support I suddenly started getting, I'm advancing quickly into a pronounced stage of treacly false humility and sacharine modesty. And I am increasingly-optimistic my extravagently messy maudlin self-pity will finally get a fair hearing with people who know well how to fairly ooze with unsightly exaggerated sympathy that I so crave!
Hmm....I wonder if I have time for all this? As a self-obsessed preening attention hog by nature, I think I do.
Oakspear asked a perfectly reasonable-sounding question from a five senses standpoint, which I will deftly sidestep - since by now I have spiritually realized such cactus-like questions inherently have the quills of rude ego and grandiosity deflation. This must be what people mean when they say I "have grown since his earlier posts."
I almost forgot - I have now have some of the top people working on the messier day to day issues like personal security and answering sticky questions evasively. That way I can maintain my deity-like distance above the mere tussling rabble.
Love all you kids! You da best! (Blowing insincere Don Ho-type kisses and pointing wordlessly at Oakspear and Krysalis)
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I must have utterly failed the mog.
Must study the fawnings and sychophantizations of Oakspear & Kyrsalis so that I too may become within the good graces of our soul saving solicitor.....need any young women as I lick thy toe jam from between thy toes all knowing one????
It is here to wit my public proclamation: I swear to a redoubling of my boot licking efforts...just throw me a crumb - as I become your most humble and faithful servant!!!!
Al Hendrickson
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It matters not how much you swear you will increase your efforts. It is simply not enough.
I, and perhaps I alone, am worthy to sit at LP2's feet. At least I know that it is called "toe cheeze" and not "toe jam". sheesh
The line forms behind me...far behind me.....selah
[edited to increase my own fawning over the illustrious Larry P2 - - in whose presence we must all rise]
[This message was edited by krysilis on February 08, 2003 at 15:52.]
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Orange Cat
Rev LarryP,
Truly your motorcycle accident was the work of the Great Evil One himself, why he just knew that if you weren't laid up in the hospital with 5 pounds of titanium to hold you together that You would have been the Chosen One to follow in Doctor's footsteps and keep the glorious light that he brought to this generation alight for yet another 20 years.
Oh the waste. Why we even yet could be gathering at the BRC to sing silly songs and wait breathlessly for you loudly to proclaim the glorious words of the founder each and every Sunday. Oh how I miss those glorious days. To think the motor coach would still be motoring. That PFAL would be restored in its living full glory. It gives me goose bumps.
Tell me, is there still time? If we return to the Holy Words as spake by the great Profit Wierwille can we return to the glory days when the world was fresh and new and you know where you stood and who the enemy was? Oh Lord send Me. I will drive forth and go WOW for you. Just say the word, Rev LarryP and I will go. Just say the word
Orange Cat color>
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Larry P2
Well now!
My hugely inflated swelled head is nearly bursting with cloying self pride and childish flights of grandeur.......just think of the wild frenetic reception once I release the other 69 plus hours of the missing PFAL! I shall be the veritable glitter-spandex-clad-Sammy-Hagar of Weirwille worshipers!
I wonder if I could get away with suddenly unleashing a shocking-over-the-top childish temper tantrum on some unsuspecting follower and still retain this new hallowed standing? After all, Marlon Brando managed to do some pretty horrific things in Apocalypse Now! and kept his glassy-eyed entourage intact. And then if I can deflect any shocked and hurt response and compare it to the persecutions of Inquisition and get away with nobody actually guffawing? The potential is virtually unlimited to express the maw of my deepest and most twisted messy emotions: extravagent self-pity; preening officiousness, overbearing threats of leaving, persecution complex with no actual persecution anywhere in sight, ugly dank fixation on mindless minutae and pointless trivia.
In any case, I am finding I have PLENTY of time to engage with the newer heartening responses to my messages.
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Dearest Ex, oh Master of Forgetfulness:
I've been waiting 75 of my 43 years on this earth with this question on the back burner and now, today, at this glorius time and hour, I have found the one to ask who can truly set me free...
If you forget to forget, do you remember?
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Sock it to me, Larry!
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I too have pondered this question, since 1978. And yes, I have been where you are and was presented with this puzzlement many years ago. Way before most of you even knew enough to even ask the question.
And yes, I of course do have the answer you seek. But not now.
I have much more pressing matters to attend to. You see, my dog has escaped through the front door, and is currently sniffing around on my neighbors front porch which causes them great consternation, because of their female dog. So I must attend to this situation, since telling the kids to do it, didn't work.
But don't worry. I will return to unleash my nuggets of inner-sanctum type wisdom, as soon as I releash my dog by throwing him a bacon flavored nugget.
Patience, please.
And Larry, once again, I think you have misunderstood me. But it's a price I'm willing to pay. Because I am after all, much more spiritual than you.
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Ex-10 - A thousand thank-you's for your gracious and most wonderful acknowledgement of my question.
Of course I am happy to wait til the end of time for the answer to my question. Please, feel no rush on my account.
It sets me free to know that I'm not the only one that ever thought of such things. Being that I am of some German descent, one just can never be too sure.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me, after all.
I must go walk my dog now, but after that and during that walk, I will be thinking of nothing but your answer to my question in hopes that I will be judged worthy to be blown off again and again while you tend to more pressing matters as is your most deserved and special manner.
I'll be back after I walk the dog, even though I may be really tired, cause that's the kind of selfless gal I am...
You mention LarryP - has LarryP posted on this thread? Hmmm, I hadn't noticed.
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Everybody awake now? Good!
Pay no attention to those who feel they have to cut themselves down by building me up. They're just bitter, deceived, spurchully-vacuumed grapefreat who just happen to be right. Cluck your tongues condescendingly at them and further ensmugify yourselves at their blindity.
Now, on to business. As you know, I don't have time to fully get into these things at this precise juncture, as someone has shuffled my stack of 64 Kraft Processed American Cheese Food Singles, and I simply must sortify them into the Hidden New World Order before Wapner. Yeah. I'm an excellent biblical researcher, yeah.
So, the Secret Encrypted Corned-Beef Hash that I have bemastered from a 40s-era wire recording of Mein Doktor belching after a hearty meal of sackcloth and ashes, is as follows.
It's all your fault.
I'd go into more detail, but I just don't want to.
Soupy twist,
The Most Honorably Right Reverend Grand High Vice Pontiff In Charge Of Self-Righteousnosity And Vigorous And Frequent Therapeutical Auto-Mastering, Vice Pope Saint Z-Dog The Erect
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Hmmm if LP2 doesn't need me as his lapdog maybe Zixar has an opening!!!!
Hey Zix can I join your stick, errr offshoot?
All I ever wanted was to lick the boots of my master...any master would do...I was born to servitude
Al Hendrickson
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Hey, Wyoman,
I might have an opening.....Do you do pedicures, too?
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I notice that el Conejo Rafael has not posted in the last 24 hours. It must be because he is a COWARD! He is a bully and a coward.
And it must be sheer embarassment that I caught him in such a glaring error of grammar.
Anyway, I'm not here to point fingers, merely to pull them.
LarryP, your words cause a stirring in my being. I begin to feel the blood flow like I haven't for many a year. My expectations are rising. I feel the heat burning, and I ache for the release that one achieves when in the presence of such greatness.
I see that you are getting such an upswelling of support from all of these other posters! Oh sure, some of the words of ex10 are moist, but the motions I feel when she speaks cause me to lose control.
In response, I believe I must thrust in this point: She KNOWS who's her daddy!
Now that this thread has reached a climax, we can all bask in the afterglow attendant upon LarryP's pronouncements.
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Me am sorry, Steve.
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Larry P2
Well, I have two problems that i need to discuss with my swelling group of followers who wish to violently thrust themselves rhetorically into the lukewarm ex-TWI community over and over and over and over again......until FINALLY.....in a massive frenzied spontaneous outburst of unanimity, I will be explosively coronated the 2003 version of Joshua.
Does anybody have an extra cigarette I could borrow?
The problems I percieve are twofold:
1). My Brand-X competitor on a Brand-X thread ("News Flash: you know the drill...) has recently demonstrated a change of heart wherein instead of constantly complaining about lacking time to provide substantive answers, has actually started including facts, scriptural support and historical analysis with his previous content-free material! Regarding the lack of time dodge/lame excuse, I had discovered that if used sparingly, is an excellent way to dodge the stickier questions. For instance, have you noticed how many posters on this thread haven't noticed that I have supplied absolutely no factual background for the alleged missing 100 hour PFAL? It worked, didn't it?
Well now I am faced with a stunning, but fixable problem. I have no historical, factual or scriptural backing for my contentions. (This never seemed to bother Doctor too much). Is it asking too much of my followers to supply some? Quickly? As in Already?
2). I don't know how to discribe this problem in mixed company, so can the women please stop reading at this point?
I'm past my sexual prime. Even during what little sexual prime I actually had, I was a "one woman dog." In fact, during several years, I was a "zero woman dog." In fact, I will be blunt: I am shockingly shy around women. I have lived most of my life like a cloistered monk. How can I start a cult around the missing 100 hours of PFAL if I can't even carry out DOctor's most rudimentary Godly command of "Find em', Feel em', F..K em', and Forget em.'"
You see, I have noticed that the Bible actually prohibits Adultery. Doctor's most important teaching, i.e. "The BIble takes no stance on Adultery, other than nuanced spiritual forms thereof," I have been diligently working, but so far I always leave the task in despair. And furthermore, he told LCM that if he didn't participate in serial staple gunning, he would 'Never be a great leader of God's people." It would be easier for me to hop into a shopping car and repeatedly ran through an automatic carwash, eat pee snowcones, taking a bath in a tub full of icewater, or voluntarily give myself papercuts than to treat women that way. This seems to be an intractable dilemna. I can't get beyond it. Somebody should get me some persuasive scriptural support for Adultery and fornication, otherwise my dreams of becoming the sequinned-spandex-tights-Sammy-Hagar of Weirwille wannabes might be stillborn.
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There's not much cause for long-term alarm about the struggle among Larry, Zixar, Rafael, WyoMan, bowtwi, Steve, et al. to lay claim to VP's paranoia, megalomania, Drambuie stash, harem and half-dozen-or-so boxer shorts.
By the time things play out, Thelinda will have all their balls in a jar on her kitchen shelf.
Not mine. I'm outtahere.
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ooooooo - - kinky!
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