I find it very sad that people still have dr. w on such a pedestal. Total reverence for his teachings is another symptom of how he is above the rest of us believers in the minds of these people.
Recently a friend told me that another friend was sending her some information that Dr. Wierwille had compiled on some topic -- totally secular. I told her that I was glad that I'd taken PFAL and I was glad that Dr. Wierwille produced the class. BUT, I said, since when did all truth funnel through New Knoxville?
The body of Christ is SOOOO big. We all, I'm sure, have lots of people to live the mystery with and, chances are, these people have NEVER even heard of TWI and have never even been to Ohio. God is so big. I hate to see people limit him by insisting on exclusively old Way information for their spiritual diet.
I really don't have the time to directly address some of the issues raised by Rafael and Ex-10, so I will simply ignore their points for the time being (the way one ignores lowly sea bass while one is chundering for halibut).
Had Rafael spent even one fifth of the time memorizing and absorbing PFAL word for word - including every facial grimace and hand gesture pattern - that he has in learning smarty-pants words like "unremembrance" we would be somewhere today. Rather than deluding yourself with all that showoff knowledge of Greek syntax, you could have been using your time productively studying the way Docvic dealt with his nasal polyps issue by popping his nose by laying his hand on the side of it.
Have you done what was decreed by Doctor in 1956, 1961, 1977, and at 8:33 pm on January 8, 1984 when in a memorable and important occurance, Docvic stated that memorization of the second session of PFAL, particularly his absent-minded intonation of the Maggie Muggins joke, could save TWI from Craig Martindale's incoming reign of terror?
And I have even less time to address Ex-10's flighty female forgetfulness. Had she spent even five minutes analyzing the wonderful and important and significant way Doc described the only correct way to hold the can opener ("palm open, thumb on can side, slow and even strokes") and stir the soup ("clockwise, but occassional sweeps through the pot's center and once or twice dredging up the vegetables from the bottom to prevent scorching") in Passage of the Old Poop, wouldn't she have become as adept a housewife as Chris Geer? How soon has she forgotten all the Godly advice Doc Vic gave to benefit the pure and chaste station of the Godly, salted woman?
So anyway, I have to rush off now, and I really didn't have the time to address either one of you at this point. But I will get back to you eventually.
My first reaction as "Hell no!" But I guess I have to be honest and say I would still have a morbid curiosity about anything he said that I didn't already know about... hence my "addiction" to WayDale and Greasespot. Every once in a while, someone posts something I didn't know, and CLINK, another piece of the puzzle falls into place.
We, too, could have rewarding, well-paid careers in the fast-paced, exciting world of auto repair... er, uh, ...the exciting, fast-paced world of the prevailing Word... if we would only go back to master PFAL. I wish you could read it in the *original*! Send a private e-mail right now for service that will beggar your imagination!
In response to your post, I must say that my forgetfulness is neither flighty nor female. I have worked the art of forgetfulness for the past 5 years, and have indeed mastered it. In fact, I first heard the term "unremembrance" in 1978, long before most of you even heard of PFAL.
Why I've forgotten more about PFAL than you'll ever know!
Since I really don't have the time right now to directly deal with any of the comments that have been made since my last post, let me direct your attention to a project that has consumed me for at least 15 years.
How many of you have spent time gazing at, and analyzing and retemorizing the "outtakes" from the original PFAL film? Did you know that there was over 100 hours of film that was edited down to a niggardly 30 hours of finished PFAL?
This is what I meant by the forgotten PFAL, which Rafael so snidely dismissed with his term of "unremembrance," which of course I can find nowhere mentioned in my precious collection of film snippets.
Through great personal hardship - I once got soundly beaten to a bloody pulp rummaging through a dumpster searching for minute film shards when an angry drunk mistakingly thought I was after half a rotten cantelope; and another time I was apprehended and repeatedly maced and kicked in the nuts after I crawled through the window of the home of an ex-way leader who I suspected possessed the outtakes from session 4 - I have concluded that the outtakes could have saved TWI and all of us oldtimers from LCM's spitting attacks.
I have to go now, I wish I had more time to explicate more fully on these wonderful film snippets and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
quote:How many of you have spent time gazing at, and analyzing and retemorizing the "outtakes" from the original PFAL film? Did you know that there was over 100 hours of film that was edited down to a niggardly 30 hours of finished PFAL?
Oh, great, now you have to get all racist in your posts. My God, people, why do we have to resort to such blatant racism in order to make our points? This is so wrong. Look, there are valid questions to be answered here, but once you start injecting racism into the equation, all bets are off. Dang, I'm so sick of racism. I'll bet you think the missing PFAL hours are ALIEN hours, don't you. In fact, it's probably a crime to possess them, so they're ILLEGAL ALIEN hours, aren't they? Don't you see how dehumanizing that is?
But it illustrates the "sounds-like" figure of speech sortalikearapperwithabadrhyme. It may have sounded like VP was droaning on and on in self pity when in reality he was expressing the heaviness of his heart that his Drambui cup was only half full. or empty.
I will eventially address Rafael's thinly-veiled threats of physical violence to my last point and also some of the incidents that Orange Cat refers to (He is, of course incorrect). I will also address Zixar's poll summary, and the spiritual implications of polling that Doctor discussed in one of his last "hidden" teachings. But right now I don't have the time and I really need to talk about something far more important.
I'm not much, but I'm all I think about.
And today, I have to express the wonderful excitement I experienced when I heroically managed to singlehandedly save some photocopied original PFAL notes that would have been used had Doctor's wishes for a 100 hour PFAL been heeded.
I met with a seedy-looking character down at the Venice Beach, and forked over the last part of my remaining 401-K so for the rest of the month I will be subsisting on cat food. But in return, I got the precious notes that PROVE the original intent of the Teacher for a full 100 hours of PFAL.
Is there any doubt a wonderful 100-hour long PFAL would have saved TWI? I think there is no doubt....
Anyhoo, as he was handing me the treasured sheafs in Doctor's original longhand, a sudden gust of wind blew them out towards the ocean. I scrambled to save these irreplaceable treasures and just as I lunged for the last page, a Seagull apparently mistook it for something edible. He landed down the beach and soon the paper was surrounded by an entire flock, tearing at it viciously, pecking at it like the Debil Spurt infected birds that they are.
I plunged into the middle of them and tossed myself on the paper, saving it from certain destruction all the while being pecked and dive bombed (EWWWWWWwwwwwww.....those white streaks look awful on my new blazer).
Anyway, I don't have time to address the many points that have been raised in opposition to my contentions, and I'll make a serious attempt eventually to respond.
Well, when we get around to Amazing-Fact-I-Invented #3,184, then all will be made perfectly clear, but time does not allow me to divulge it to you. But it shows I'm perfectly right, and if you don't take my word for it, I'll print out your reply and use it in my suicide note. Bet you'll be sorry then.
You see, God revealed all this stuff to this guy, whom God must have liked or else He wouldn't have revealed it all to him, and it was the greatest thing since sliced bibles, but even the guy who got the revelation couldn't tell us all of it because he hadn't mastered it himself, otherwise, he'd never have written the un-canonical Advanced stuff, but he told us to master it in the seventh-to-next-to-last letter he wrote to the UN and since it was in RED crayon, that makes it significant, because everyone knows I've decreed red to be the color of significance, and if it wasn't, the guy would never have used it to write his seventh-to-next-to-last letter, why can't you see that, it's as clear as the nose on your face, and so since he significantly encrayoned the command to master the ORIGINAL stuff he got, and not all that other crap he just made up out of thin air because he didn't MENTION it in his seventh-to-next-to-last letter in red crayon then it's obviously insignificant, especially in those places where he contradicted himself in the parts I want to believe, so I have spent the last 3,912 millennia reading it so much my eyes bled until I finally gave up and declared I have mastered it, and I will share with you all the great eye-bleedingly important truths that God has now revealed unto me, which somehow doesn't make me a better apostle than Dr Pepper even though he and I are the only ones who God let in on His Secret Message, but only I have mastered it out of the ORIGINAL stuff, so now I'm going to reveal it to everyone who is calling me an arrogant egotist because they really do want to hear it so they can dig Dr out of his grave and sit me on his Own Right Hand for delivering his Seventh-To-Next-To-Last Double-Secret HIDDEN Command to you.
But I don't have time to tell you now, even though it's only three words.
Your thinly-veiled threats of actual or attempted bodily mayhem are not conducive to an honest and open discussion of what I have been discussing. And placing those five senses polling results - if it was meant to disuade me from going on and on about the lost 100 hour PFAL - isn't going to work any better than you saying that you wished you could dent my skull with your Babe Ruth autographed baseball bat. While you didn't actually make that threat, from a spiritual standpoint, I could sense it. Do you think I have time to debate somone that is only interested in arguing from the standpoint of brute physical force?
I think not. Maybe you just can't handle what I have presented. Maybe you are just spritually weak.
Now while I don't have time to address the issues raised in your last post any more than the points raised in anybody else's posts in spite of the fact that I have been repeatedly caught insisting that I will.....umm....er...Where was I?
Mastery. I and only I am mastering the lost 100 hours of PFAL, the outtakes and stuff that was left on the cutting room floor, with many of the original notes which are far more reliable indicators of Doctor's actual thought processes than what went into the tepid 30 hour end product - edited by five senses oriented videographers and film technicians.
Anyway, I don't have time to go any further with this or respond to anyone's posts right at this time, since my important work with the lost 100 hours of PFAL takes high precedence and makes me so awfully important to boot.
Larry: Well, ordinarily I would write "Hmph" to that, but you see, I just don't have time to write "Hmph" at you this afternoon, but rest assured that I will gladly write the "Hmph" at you that you so inwardly crave, yet outwardly chide me for even suggesting, that "Hmph", and not any other "Hmph" you might be inwardly creaming for and outwardly loading your revolver at, that's the "Hmph" I will "Hmph" at you.
When I get the time.
Pardon me while I bow to the invisible throng who is hanging on my every word and imagining me naked. No, no, don't throw panties, money will do nicely, O Throng Invisibule!
If you meant for that the frighten me, well it didn't work.
And while I don't have enough time to respond to your assertion that you don't have time to write in more than monosyllables, I want to relay the story to you how I decided to start moving the word of the 100 hours of missing PFAL.
I was driving by a Lesbian body-builder biker Bar, and from a five-senses standpoint it wasn't a promising place to reveal the hidden truths I had barely snatched from a horde of seagulls earlier that day. I was, in fact, still covered with Seagull poo.
Spiritually, I knew it was hostile territory so from a five senses point of view, I left the car running just in case. So buddy, you think your implied threat of Hmmmph is gonna cause my nuts to jump into my body cavity, you've another thought coming.
Couple of the Dykier looking Lesbos were quietly sucking down their brews when I walked in, they gave me the evil eye which isn't anything unusual from either a spiritual or a five senses standpoint.
So's I start relaying my recent discovery of the Real PFAL and the next thing I knew a 6-5 300 pound shave-head bull with pierced nipples and a mustache kicks me right in the kidneys so hard I immediately crash to the floor. As I am vainly attempting to suck in air, cuz she's gotten me squashed under her thick leather boots pressing the air out; she hollers out "Let's make Bible Boy into a Girl!"
Next thing I knew, the rest of them were walloping me up side the head and back with table legs until I was beat to within an inch of my life.
I should really be spending time mastering the lost 100 hours of PFAL instead of defending myself from all these muttered threats. I thought you people would at least have an open mind, but all I have gotten here is threats, rather that sticking to the subject. Not that it scares me, I am used to it. I've been scared in many places a lot more than this.
I only have time for people who are devoted to mastery. You people are completely five-senses oriented, so spiritually I don't have time right now to go into it more.
Larry: Your last letter obviously shows that not only did you not even READ my last teaching to you, let alone MASTER it, you also did not crawl inside of my head and discern the True Meaning of What I Really Meant From What I Really Said. How can you call yourself a school when you won't even treat the great masterings in my head like they are etched in stone?
Nevertheless, to stoop down to your level and [snort] "finish" something I started, HMP-...Say, did you ever ponder how a board works? I have an elegant thirty-four volume proof that shows that it all depends on your definition of "being a f*cking piece of wood", but I'll give you a completely spurious definition that I then tear down masterfully to show that it's not really "being a f*cking piece of wood", your brain only fills in that idea because that's what it EXPECTS a board to be.
Aren't I brilliant? I've shared this with ONE Official Board Inspector, and he did not disagree, in fact, I think he gave his complete approval of My Theory™ by taking a board and imaginarily and perceptively cracking it across the back of my head.
I've only spent 29 sleepless hours trying to master the new information in this thread, so forgive me if my questions seem foolish.
Larry, you wrote:
quote:So's I start relaying my recent discovery of the Real PFAL and the next thing I knew a 6-5 300 pound shave-head bull with pierced nipples and a mustache kicks me right in the kidneys so hard I immediately crash to the floor. As I am vainly attempting to suck in air, cuz she's gotten me squashed under her thick leather boots pressing the air out; she hollers out "Let's make Bible Boy into a Girl!"
Does this explain the spiritual significance of that incident?
quote:Originally posted by Larry P2:
... my important work with the lost 100 hours of PFAL ... makes me so awfully important to boot.
Zixar, is there a hidden meaning in this?
quote:How can you call yourself a school when you won't even treat the great masterings in my head like they are etched in stone?
Ex10, concerning your mastery of forgetfulness and unremembrance... I have noticed that most people don't remember their infancy and remember very little from their early childhood. Did Jesus' command to become as little children motivate you to master forgetfulness? Is that what is meant by a "second childhood?"
I do not have the time right now to respond fully to Long Gone's post and will largely skip over the actual content of it while formulating my limited response.
You claim you "spent 29 sleepless hours" going over this thread? Heck, I spent 15 years chasing seagulls, getting battered by lesbians with mustaches, fighting with drunks over a half-rotten cantaloupe and worrying about having my skull dented by Zixar's baseball bat and the unknown intentions of Rafael's veiled threats.
Heck, in piecing together the lost 100 hour PFAL, I have spent 29 sleepless hours in just one 24 hour period!And so I have concluded that Long Gone's basic problem is his/her inability or unwillingness to master the assorted 8 mm film scraps, hastily jotted handwritten notes on restaurant napkins, and graffiti carefully copied from the garbage can lids at Emporia College.
So far, I've lovingly pieced together approximately 7.5 minutes of additional PFAL film. Only 69 hours and 52.5 minutes left to go.
And while I don't have the time to delve into it further right now, I detect an implied threat in Long Gone's profound interest in two instances wherein I got the "boot." Later on, I'll explain the underlying meaning behind the correct usage of "boot" in both contexts.
quote:And while I don't have the time to delve into it further right now, I detect an implied threat in Long Gone's profound interest in two instances wherein I got the "boot." Later on, I'll explain the underlying meaning behind the correct usage of "boot" in both contexts.
Oh, great, here we go with the anti-German slurs now. What are you, some kind of anti-German Nazi? My goodness, I can't believe your callous disregard for Germans. It disgusts me.
I don't have the time right now to give Rafael's post a careful second or third parsing like it deserves, but I am relieved that he seems to have chosen the method of verbal debate to resolve our bitter dispute, rather than trying to scare me half out of my wits with threats of physical violence.
I must say, Rafael, you people on this thread have been some of my worst students ever, worse than the Lesbians at the Butch Body Builder Biker Bar.
Now back to the point of this thread:
In any case, I was astounded to notice that the garbage can lid graffiti supplied the third sentence of the 7.5 minutes of the missing 100 hour PFAL. "And." The "And" seems to have been lovingly and carefully inserted after another variations on the Maggie Muggins joke in session 7, which had it been carefully studied via several sleepless lights on the part of all you spiritually shiftless people, probably would have prevented the Fog Years. Yet both the "And" and the entire "Maggie Muggins" joke was removed by the careless five-senses oriented film crew.
Do you see now why Doctor was always whining and complaining? More than 70 hours of his beloved PFAL were snipped out without consulting with him first.
And Rafael, how many hours have you spent on the actual "PFAL Errors" thread? ANd how much time have you spent on the missing 100 hours of PFAL? ANd yet you stand there with a straight face and accuse Doctor of error, when all the man's wonderful consistency was left on the cutting room floor.
This is just a small taste of the revealed and wondrous Word of Weirwille I am eager to teach you recalcitrant students. And right now, I just don't have time to apply the necessary committment to mastery and attention to detail the missing "And" and the Maggie Muggins joke deserves.
Of course you are correct in discerning my deep spirituality. I am deeply spiritual you know, because I uh, well, hummmm, I forgot.
Oh yeah, because I am endeavoring to master forgetfulness. And I might remind you that unremembrance is a legitimate biblical technique for rightly dividing the PFAL material.
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I find it very sad that people still have dr. w on such a pedestal. Total reverence for his teachings is another symptom of how he is above the rest of us believers in the minds of these people.
Recently a friend told me that another friend was sending her some information that Dr. Wierwille had compiled on some topic -- totally secular. I told her that I was glad that I'd taken PFAL and I was glad that Dr. Wierwille produced the class. BUT, I said, since when did all truth funnel through New Knoxville?
The body of Christ is SOOOO big. We all, I'm sure, have lots of people to live the mystery with and, chances are, these people have NEVER even heard of TWI and have never even been to Ohio. God is so big. I hate to see people limit him by insisting on exclusively old Way information for their spiritual diet.
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Hi Morey, I just wanted to wave at ya!
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Larry P2
I really don't have the time to directly address some of the issues raised by Rafael and Ex-10, so I will simply ignore their points for the time being (the way one ignores lowly sea bass while one is chundering for halibut).
Had Rafael spent even one fifth of the time memorizing and absorbing PFAL word for word - including every facial grimace and hand gesture pattern - that he has in learning smarty-pants words like "unremembrance" we would be somewhere today. Rather than deluding yourself with all that showoff knowledge of Greek syntax, you could have been using your time productively studying the way Docvic dealt with his nasal polyps issue by popping his nose by laying his hand on the side of it.
Have you done what was decreed by Doctor in 1956, 1961, 1977, and at 8:33 pm on January 8, 1984 when in a memorable and important occurance, Docvic stated that memorization of the second session of PFAL, particularly his absent-minded intonation of the Maggie Muggins joke, could save TWI from Craig Martindale's incoming reign of terror?
And I have even less time to address Ex-10's flighty female forgetfulness. Had she spent even five minutes analyzing the wonderful and important and significant way Doc described the only correct way to hold the can opener ("palm open, thumb on can side, slow and even strokes") and stir the soup ("clockwise, but occassional sweeps through the pot's center and once or twice dredging up the vegetables from the bottom to prevent scorching") in Passage of the Old Poop, wouldn't she have become as adept a housewife as Chris Geer? How soon has she forgotten all the Godly advice Doc Vic gave to benefit the pure and chaste station of the Godly, salted woman?
So anyway, I have to rush off now, and I really didn't have the time to address either one of you at this point. But I will get back to you eventually.
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My first reaction as "Hell no!" But I guess I have to be honest and say I would still have a morbid curiosity about anything he said that I didn't already know about... hence my "addiction" to WayDale and Greasespot. Every once in a while, someone posts something I didn't know, and CLINK, another piece of the puzzle falls into place.
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Steve Lortz
We, too, could have rewarding, well-paid careers in the fast-paced, exciting world of auto repair... er, uh, ...the exciting, fast-paced world of the prevailing Word... if we would only go back to master PFAL. I wish you could read it in the *original*! Send a private e-mail right now for service that will beggar your imagination!
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In response to your post, I must say that my forgetfulness is neither flighty nor female. I have worked the art of forgetfulness for the past 5 years, and have indeed mastered it. In fact, I first heard the term "unremembrance" in 1978, long before most of you even heard of PFAL.
Why I've forgotten more about PFAL than you'll ever know!
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Larry P2
Since I really don't have the time right now to directly deal with any of the comments that have been made since my last post, let me direct your attention to a project that has consumed me for at least 15 years.
How many of you have spent time gazing at, and analyzing and retemorizing the "outtakes" from the original PFAL film? Did you know that there was over 100 hours of film that was edited down to a niggardly 30 hours of finished PFAL?
This is what I meant by the forgotten PFAL, which Rafael so snidely dismissed with his term of "unremembrance," which of course I can find nowhere mentioned in my precious collection of film snippets.
Through great personal hardship - I once got soundly beaten to a bloody pulp rummaging through a dumpster searching for minute film shards when an angry drunk mistakingly thought I was after half a rotten cantelope; and another time I was apprehended and repeatedly maced and kicked in the nuts after I crawled through the window of the home of an ex-way leader who I suspected possessed the outtakes from session 4 - I have concluded that the outtakes could have saved TWI and all of us oldtimers from LCM's spitting attacks.
I have to go now, I wish I had more time to explicate more fully on these wonderful film snippets and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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did you guys clone with another poster?
I know it is possible, cause I have the believing for it.
the world is a scary place without vpw.
oh wait no he is still alive in the hearts and deeds of each of us!
oohh nooo
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Oh, great, now you have to get all racist in your posts. My God, people, why do we have to resort to such blatant racism in order to make our points? This is so wrong. Look, there are valid questions to be answered here, but once you start injecting racism into the equation, all bets are off. Dang, I'm so sick of racism. I'll bet you think the missing PFAL hours are ALIEN hours, don't you. In fact, it's probably a crime to possess them, so they're ILLEGAL ALIEN hours, aren't they? Don't you see how dehumanizing that is?
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The word Larry used, "niggardly" is not a racist term. It has no racial implications. It just happens to sound like another "n" word.
1. Grudging and petty in giving or spending.
2. Meanly small; scanty or meager: left the waiter a niggardly tip.
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Orange Cat
But it illustrates the "sounds-like" figure of speech sortalikearapperwithabadrhyme. It may have sounded like VP was droaning on and on in self pity when in reality he was expressing the heaviness of his heart that his Drambui cup was only half full. or empty.
Orange Cat color>
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Out of 54 votes at this point:
Yes!- 1
Well, I'd look...- 4
Not really- 12
Hell, no!- 37
49 negative to 5 positive... I detect a trend...
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Larry P2
I will eventially address Rafael's thinly-veiled threats of physical violence to my last point and also some of the incidents that Orange Cat refers to (He is, of course incorrect). I will also address Zixar's poll summary, and the spiritual implications of polling that Doctor discussed in one of his last "hidden" teachings. But right now I don't have the time and I really need to talk about something far more important.
I'm not much, but I'm all I think about.
And today, I have to express the wonderful excitement I experienced when I heroically managed to singlehandedly save some photocopied original PFAL notes that would have been used had Doctor's wishes for a 100 hour PFAL been heeded.
I met with a seedy-looking character down at the Venice Beach, and forked over the last part of my remaining 401-K so for the rest of the month I will be subsisting on cat food. But in return, I got the precious notes that PROVE the original intent of the Teacher for a full 100 hours of PFAL.
Is there any doubt a wonderful 100-hour long PFAL would have saved TWI? I think there is no doubt....
Anyhoo, as he was handing me the treasured sheafs in Doctor's original longhand, a sudden gust of wind blew them out towards the ocean. I scrambled to save these irreplaceable treasures and just as I lunged for the last page, a Seagull apparently mistook it for something edible. He landed down the beach and soon the paper was surrounded by an entire flock, tearing at it viciously, pecking at it like the Debil Spurt infected birds that they are.
I plunged into the middle of them and tossed myself on the paper, saving it from certain destruction all the while being pecked and dive bombed (EWWWWWWwwwwwww.....those white streaks look awful on my new blazer).
Anyway, I don't have time to address the many points that have been raised in opposition to my contentions, and I'll make a serious attempt eventually to respond.
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Well, when we get around to Amazing-Fact-I-Invented #3,184, then all will be made perfectly clear, but time does not allow me to divulge it to you. But it shows I'm perfectly right, and if you don't take my word for it, I'll print out your reply and use it in my suicide note. Bet you'll be sorry then.
You see, God revealed all this stuff to this guy, whom God must have liked or else He wouldn't have revealed it all to him, and it was the greatest thing since sliced bibles, but even the guy who got the revelation couldn't tell us all of it because he hadn't mastered it himself, otherwise, he'd never have written the un-canonical Advanced stuff, but he told us to master it in the seventh-to-next-to-last letter he wrote to the UN and since it was in RED crayon, that makes it significant, because everyone knows I've decreed red to be the color of significance, and if it wasn't, the guy would never have used it to write his seventh-to-next-to-last letter, why can't you see that, it's as clear as the nose on your face, and so since he significantly encrayoned the command to master the ORIGINAL stuff he got, and not all that other crap he just made up out of thin air because he didn't MENTION it in his seventh-to-next-to-last letter in red crayon then it's obviously insignificant, especially in those places where he contradicted himself in the parts I want to believe, so I have spent the last 3,912 millennia reading it so much my eyes bled until I finally gave up and declared I have mastered it, and I will share with you all the great eye-bleedingly important truths that God has now revealed unto me, which somehow doesn't make me a better apostle than Dr Pepper even though he and I are the only ones who God let in on His Secret Message, but only I have mastered it out of the ORIGINAL stuff, so now I'm going to reveal it to everyone who is calling me an arrogant egotist because they really do want to hear it so they can dig Dr out of his grave and sit me on his Own Right Hand for delivering his Seventh-To-Next-To-Last Double-Secret HIDDEN Command to you.
But I don't have time to tell you now, even though it's only three words.
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Larry P2
Your thinly-veiled threats of actual or attempted bodily mayhem are not conducive to an honest and open discussion of what I have been discussing. And placing those five senses polling results - if it was meant to disuade me from going on and on about the lost 100 hour PFAL - isn't going to work any better than you saying that you wished you could dent my skull with your Babe Ruth autographed baseball bat. While you didn't actually make that threat, from a spiritual standpoint, I could sense it. Do you think I have time to debate somone that is only interested in arguing from the standpoint of brute physical force?
I think not. Maybe you just can't handle what I have presented. Maybe you are just spritually weak.
Now while I don't have time to address the issues raised in your last post any more than the points raised in anybody else's posts in spite of the fact that I have been repeatedly caught insisting that I will.....umm....er...Where was I?
Mastery. I and only I am mastering the lost 100 hours of PFAL, the outtakes and stuff that was left on the cutting room floor, with many of the original notes which are far more reliable indicators of Doctor's actual thought processes than what went into the tepid 30 hour end product - edited by five senses oriented videographers and film technicians.
Anyway, I don't have time to go any further with this or respond to anyone's posts right at this time, since my important work with the lost 100 hours of PFAL takes high precedence and makes me so awfully important to boot.
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Larry: Well, ordinarily I would write "Hmph" to that, but you see, I just don't have time to write "Hmph" at you this afternoon, but rest assured that I will gladly write the "Hmph" at you that you so inwardly crave, yet outwardly chide me for even suggesting, that "Hmph", and not any other "Hmph" you might be inwardly creaming for and outwardly loading your revolver at, that's the "Hmph" I will "Hmph" at you.
When I get the time.
Pardon me while I bow to the invisible throng who is hanging on my every word and imagining me naked. No, no, don't throw panties, money will do nicely, O Throng Invisibule!
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Larry P2
If you meant for that the frighten me, well it didn't work.
And while I don't have enough time to respond to your assertion that you don't have time to write in more than monosyllables, I want to relay the story to you how I decided to start moving the word of the 100 hours of missing PFAL.
I was driving by a Lesbian body-builder biker Bar, and from a five-senses standpoint it wasn't a promising place to reveal the hidden truths I had barely snatched from a horde of seagulls earlier that day. I was, in fact, still covered with Seagull poo.
Spiritually, I knew it was hostile territory so from a five senses point of view, I left the car running just in case. So buddy, you think your implied threat of Hmmmph is gonna cause my nuts to jump into my body cavity, you've another thought coming.
Couple of the Dykier looking Lesbos were quietly sucking down their brews when I walked in, they gave me the evil eye which isn't anything unusual from either a spiritual or a five senses standpoint.
So's I start relaying my recent discovery of the Real PFAL and the next thing I knew a 6-5 300 pound shave-head bull with pierced nipples and a mustache kicks me right in the kidneys so hard I immediately crash to the floor. As I am vainly attempting to suck in air, cuz she's gotten me squashed under her thick leather boots pressing the air out; she hollers out "Let's make Bible Boy into a Girl!"
Next thing I knew, the rest of them were walloping me up side the head and back with table legs until I was beat to within an inch of my life.
I should really be spending time mastering the lost 100 hours of PFAL instead of defending myself from all these muttered threats. I thought you people would at least have an open mind, but all I have gotten here is threats, rather that sticking to the subject. Not that it scares me, I am used to it. I've been scared in many places a lot more than this.
I only have time for people who are devoted to mastery. You people are completely five-senses oriented, so spiritually I don't have time right now to go into it more.
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Larry: Your last letter obviously shows that not only did you not even READ my last teaching to you, let alone MASTER it, you also did not crawl inside of my head and discern the True Meaning of What I Really Meant From What I Really Said. How can you call yourself a school when you won't even treat the great masterings in my head like they are etched in stone?
Nevertheless, to stoop down to your level and [snort] "finish" something I started, HMP-...Say, did you ever ponder how a board works? I have an elegant thirty-four volume proof that shows that it all depends on your definition of "being a f*cking piece of wood", but I'll give you a completely spurious definition that I then tear down masterfully to show that it's not really "being a f*cking piece of wood", your brain only fills in that idea because that's what it EXPECTS a board to be.
Aren't I brilliant? I've shared this with ONE Official Board Inspector, and he did not disagree, in fact, I think he gave his complete approval of My Theory™ by taking a board and imaginarily and perceptively cracking it across the back of my head.
But I gotta run now.
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I've only spent 29 sleepless hours trying to master the new information in this thread, so forgive me if my questions seem foolish.
Larry, you wrote:
Does this explain the spiritual significance of that incident?
Zixar, is there a hidden meaning in this?
Ex10, concerning your mastery of forgetfulness and unremembrance... I have noticed that most people don't remember their infancy and remember very little from their early childhood. Did Jesus' command to become as little children motivate you to master forgetfulness? Is that what is meant by a "second childhood?"
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Long gone: How will you know unless you master it?
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Larry P2
I do not have the time right now to respond fully to Long Gone's post and will largely skip over the actual content of it while formulating my limited response.
You claim you "spent 29 sleepless hours" going over this thread? Heck, I spent 15 years chasing seagulls, getting battered by lesbians with mustaches, fighting with drunks over a half-rotten cantaloupe and worrying about having my skull dented by Zixar's baseball bat and the unknown intentions of Rafael's veiled threats.
Heck, in piecing together the lost 100 hour PFAL, I have spent 29 sleepless hours in just one 24 hour period!And so I have concluded that Long Gone's basic problem is his/her inability or unwillingness to master the assorted 8 mm film scraps, hastily jotted handwritten notes on restaurant napkins, and graffiti carefully copied from the garbage can lids at Emporia College.
So far, I've lovingly pieced together approximately 7.5 minutes of additional PFAL film. Only 69 hours and 52.5 minutes left to go.
And while I don't have the time to delve into it further right now, I detect an implied threat in Long Gone's profound interest in two instances wherein I got the "boot." Later on, I'll explain the underlying meaning behind the correct usage of "boot" in both contexts.
But not right now.
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Oh, great, here we go with the anti-German slurs now. What are you, some kind of anti-German Nazi? My goodness, I can't believe your callous disregard for Germans. It disgusts me.
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Larry P2
I don't have the time right now to give Rafael's post a careful second or third parsing like it deserves, but I am relieved that he seems to have chosen the method of verbal debate to resolve our bitter dispute, rather than trying to scare me half out of my wits with threats of physical violence.
I must say, Rafael, you people on this thread have been some of my worst students ever, worse than the Lesbians at the Butch Body Builder Biker Bar.
Now back to the point of this thread:
In any case, I was astounded to notice that the garbage can lid graffiti supplied the third sentence of the 7.5 minutes of the missing 100 hour PFAL. "And." The "And" seems to have been lovingly and carefully inserted after another variations on the Maggie Muggins joke in session 7, which had it been carefully studied via several sleepless lights on the part of all you spiritually shiftless people, probably would have prevented the Fog Years. Yet both the "And" and the entire "Maggie Muggins" joke was removed by the careless five-senses oriented film crew.
Do you see now why Doctor was always whining and complaining? More than 70 hours of his beloved PFAL were snipped out without consulting with him first.
And Rafael, how many hours have you spent on the actual "PFAL Errors" thread? ANd how much time have you spent on the missing 100 hours of PFAL? ANd yet you stand there with a straight face and accuse Doctor of error, when all the man's wonderful consistency was left on the cutting room floor.
This is just a small taste of the revealed and wondrous Word of Weirwille I am eager to teach you recalcitrant students. And right now, I just don't have time to apply the necessary committment to mastery and attention to detail the missing "And" and the Maggie Muggins joke deserves.
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long gone
Of course you are correct in discerning my deep spirituality. I am deeply spiritual you know, because I uh, well, hummmm, I forgot.
Oh yeah, because I am endeavoring to master forgetfulness. And I might remind you that unremembrance is a legitimate biblical technique for rightly dividing the PFAL material.
So there.
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