mike says, 'No, that’s NOT what I was saying. I meant that if a child (or if a childish adult grad) attempts to operate the law of believing willy nilly based on a mere desire, and not based on a promise of God, it ain’t gonna work! Please go back and read that post of mine and yours to see this.'
I'm pretty sure I remember hearing in the pfal class and yourself that this principal is suppose to work for the saint and the sinner alike.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
You wrote: “Sorry mike, I don't read the kjv version so I don't get that from there.â€
Does this fix it for you?
What’s NOT masterable is your NIV, as I pointed out in my fourth post on the first page of my “Masters of the Word – Mastering PFAL.†No scholar in the world has ever mastered the NIV, the critical Greek texts or the ancient fragments.
You can substitute any other version into the spots where NIV occurs there.
You wrote: "I'm pretty sure I remember hearing in the pfal class and yourself that this principal is suppose to work for the saint and the sinner alike.â€
Are you playing with me or are you serious?
Just in case you’re serious, the PRINCIPLE works for all, saint and sinner, young and old. It’s the MISAPPLICATION of the principle that won’t work. Attempting to work the law of believing but not basing the believing on a promise of God, like the post where you portrayed of a child, will not work, at least with the True God. He may graciously help anyway, but that is not guaranteed.
You wrote: “that's a crude dodge mike __ do you think everyone here does not see that?â€
Do you really mean “everyone†or do you mean a majority of the active posters?
Because your reading here is so sparse you are unaware of those here (include lurkers here) that agree with me.
Because your reading of my posts is so sparse and poorly executed, you are unaware that I don’t give a flying flock what people think of my righteous dodges.
Why should I spend valuable time on answering your crude and vicious posts?
Suppose I addressed you with an insult. Would you feel like answering me?
You say you know me, so why don’t you call me? My phone number hasn’t changed in 17 years. Are you afraid to confront me by phone?
Why should I waste time on someone so dedicated to negativity as you? You are SO negative Rafael not only assumed you were a man, you almost took his breath away when you first appeared here. I could almost see him gasping for air at that time.
If you want me to spend time on this board with you then you need to come up with substantive posts.
I’d prefer to deal with you privately by phone so that whatever terrible grudge you bear against me can be straightened out. I know I’ve not lived a perfect life, but I also know that I try to, and if you point out something I did to offend you in the past I can apologize and try to make it up to you.
So far you’ve merely presented yourself to me here as a bitter, negative know-nothing.
I think you are blaming me and DR and PFAL for your own failures and lack of character. This is common.
Why don’t you do the uncommon thing and operate the love of God, forgiveness, and grace?
So far all you seem to want is strife and negativity. Please prove me wrong here.
You wrote: “mike can you say: "jesus christ is my lord and saviour and i believe that God has raised him from the dead" __ can you say that? __ can you write it?â€
Yes, and I can write it, and with proper grammar too:
Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior, and I believe IN MY HEART that God has raised him from the dead.
If you call me you can hear me say it.
Now it’s YOUR turn to prove me wrong.
Prove to me that you are attempting to walk like Christ and not a moron.
still trying to provoke an angry response from me?
but my my! you seem miffed!
how do you like someone pushing your buttons for once?
since i have never called you i dont know your number.
besides what could i call you that you havent already been called?
and i was in the service!
but since you mentioned rafaels past response to me i am glad that you took my assignment and went through my posts in a vain attempt to figure out who i am.it digs at you yes?
as for me operating the agapao,forgiveness,grace.
i reserve that for those people who DESERVE it!
you get me?
my failures? :D--> --> i have known nothing but success since i put Plageristic Fallacies And Lies out of my life! praise God!!!!!
Why don't you study Jesus'teachings during the last supper when he knew that he was going to die? He gave a wealth of teachings in the gospels just befor He was taken captive to be tried and crucified. Don't you think those teachings of the lord Jesus are more important to us than some dead preacher's last words?
Mike, I would hope that after this time and my posts that you would understand that I don't play games.
But, I also don't believe what you believe as I have stated. I think you are very misguided. But I won't call names or play games because that is not what I'm about.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
You wrote: “Mike, I would hope that after this time and my posts that you would understand that I don't play games.â€
I didn’t mean to insult you about game playing.
I was actually hoping for your sake that you were. Since you insist you are not, I have pity on your lack of knowledge.
Now PLEASE don’t be insulted by me saying this.
I do think I see a lack and I am trying to help. I will try to explain, but please don’t let your feathers get ruffled because I say I see a lack of knowledge. Some of the things I’ve recently seen in your posts indicate an lack of understanding of what were taught about believing.
That you would use that story of a child crying for something and believing from learned responses of the mother, rather than believing the promises of God, indicates a very worldly or new-age style of understanding of the details in law of believing.
You seem to have separated the law of believing from the necessity of having a promise of God to believe.
At the point I expressed a concern that you were just playing games with me, you had written : “I'm pretty sure I remember hearing in the pfal class and yourself that this principal is suppose to work for the saint and the sinner alike.†This sentence was in the response to me mentioning that a promise of God was necessary.
Tell me if I am wrong, but it looks to me that you think that for the “principle†of believing to work for a sinner, that sinner is excused from having to know a promise of God. Or maybe you think the Dr’s use of the word sinner means he was teaching that someone who is so far from knowing the promises that he can go ahead and operate the law anyway.
The accuracy of what Dr taught is that if a sinner HAPPENS to be believing something that IS a promise of God, THEN the law of believing will work for him. Same thing with a child who wants something. If a child wants something that HAPPENS to be a promise of God, then that child too can operate the law and receive that promise.
Like I said, I’m guessing from your posts that you make no connection between the total necessity to be believing on a promise before the law of believing kicks in. Both your mention of a child and a sinner point in that direction.
In Session One Dr uses the word “available†so many times that I’d apologize in advance to people I signed up for the class about it, and promise them that the repetition would fade away as the class progresses. Now I know that Dr uses that word so many times JUST SO fewer people would get the misimpression that they could believe for anything and receive it. Dr uses the word “available†to indicate that there is a promise of God that MAKES IT AVAILABLE to claim the desired situation.
You are not the only one who has not connected the need of a promise from God to be the focus of the believing, so please don’t think I’m singling you out. This disconnect was rampant in the 80's TVT. Was that when you first took the class?
If you DO know that believing only works for that believing which is focused on what God has made available by one of His promises, then please tell me, and then please tell me why you said what you did about the child and the sinner. If you want, you can start all over at the beginning of this theme in your posts to me.
If I am correct about your thinking on believing being disconnected from the promises of God, then this is ample proof TO YOU that Dr was very much on the ball in insisting that we master the books we got from the class. You mentioned that you thought you “heard†these things in the class. For most of us these details need more than hearing to get totally straight. We need to read them and master them that way.
You wrote: “Why don't you study Jesus' teachings during the last supper when he knew that he was going to die? He gave a wealth of teachings in the gospels just before He was taken captive to be tried and crucified. Don't you think those teachings of the lord Jesus are more important to us than some dead preacher's last words?â€
Actually, yes I think you’re correct. From 1971 to 1998 I did just that: studied Jesus’ last words before his death, and then his last words before his ascension. Had you thought of this second set of Jesus’ last words? I had. The reason the loss and then the finding of Dr’s last words was so significant to me was because of my studies in last words like this. There are other examples in the OT, like Jacob’s at the end of Genesis.
My favorite pre-death near-last words of Jesus was John 17. I studied that one a lot. It’s Jesus’ prayer to his Father and it teaches much.
Unlike many other grads around me I made it a point to systematically read the Gospels from time to time. Before “Jesus Christ Is Not God†came out in 1975, I had combed the Gospels to collect in a file everything Jesus said as to what he is and what he is not. I wanted to be VERY sure I wasn’t insulting him by saying he was not God if he was.
Now, let me ask you a question or two: Do you think Jesus’ words in the Gospels are more important than Paul’s words in his epistles. Paul is a dead preacher too, don’t forget.
I also made a very intense study of Paul’s last words in II Timothy. I spent 11 years looking that epistle over because of it’s connection to the Canon. Likewise with Peter’s dying last words.
Have you noticed the similarities between Jesus’ last words, Paul’s last words, Peter’s last words, and Dr’s last words? There is a connection, but only those who study them all will ever see it.
1. “still trying to provoke an angry response from me?â€
2. “but my my! you seem miffed!â€
3. “how do you like someone pushing your buttons for once?â€
1. No
2. No
3. No buttons are exposed to you.
You wrote: “since i have never called you i dont know your number.â€
Then you aren’t the #1 guess I have as to your identity... if you are being honest with your facts.
My #2 guess is that your first name begins with V and your husband's begins with R.
You can e-mail me for my number, or you can invite me to a thread in the Private Topics forum and I can give you my number there. If you me to pay for the call I can oblige easily.
You wrote: “but since you mentioned rafaels past response to me i am glad that you took my assignment and went through my posts in a vain attempt to figure out who i am.â€
Here you guessed wrong. I followed all your posts since you first came here, thinking that you were that #1 guess of mine.
You wrote: “it digs at you yes?â€
My curiosity is up, because I love all of my family that God called to PFAL. That’s why I am here.
I can see that you dig the idea that I don’t know who you are, and that cues me into your extreme lack of spiritual maturity. I can see the extreme negativity in your heart and I pray you get delivered form it. You can’t fool me that you’re happy and joyous. A joyful and happy person would not post the way you do or put themselves at the center of the universe the way you do.
So far, all the clues you’ve left (assuming they are factual {and that’s a big assumption}) I have no idea who you are. If you sincerely don’t know that I was a twig leader twice like you posted, then you’ve overestimated not only the prominence of your personality in my memory, but your own closeness to know me well.
When I do consider the character of your posts and the things you’ve said, I suspect that many things you’ve said here are misinformation, false clues to prevent me from knowing who you are. Such petty games are not played by even mature natural men, unless they're harboring a huge grudge.
I know, as well you know, that as soon as you reveal your identity in a non-ambiguous way to me, then I will know YOUR weaknesses and failures, and you would loose what you now perceive as an advantage in your anonymity. You game would then be over. Happy people don’t play these kind of mind games, only vindictive bitter people.
Then you go and prove my hunch that you know nothing of the things of God by saying this: “as for me operating the agapao,forgiveness,grace. __ i reserve that for those people who DESERVE it!â€
Jesus said it’s no big whoop to love those who love you back, because anyone can do that. Dogs and cats can do THAT. The very essence of agapao, forgiveness, and grace is reserved for those who DO NOT deserve it. This means you are operating the counterfeits of the above. You are descending fast on my priority list. Keep up the game you are playing, and attempting to get me to play, and you’ll be off the list altogether.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 08, 2004 at 1:03.]
You are descending fast on my priority list. Keep up the game you are playing, and attempting to get me to play, and you’ll be off the list altogether.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 08, 2004 at 1:03.]
Believe that? Mike you sound so full ofrevenge and bitterness and that sounds like your saying see it my way or your done. Are you giving her a warning of your Mark and Avoid??? lol
It seems to me that if in fact Jesus Christ in the future will be teaching out of one of Wierwille's collaterals, God would be very reticent in allowing you (who apparently speaks for God) to say it. Futhermore, just think about it objectively for one moment. What has Jesus Christ been doing the last 2000 years? Seated at the right hand of God almighty. He is our intermediary with God. Our advocate to God for us. He is God's only begotten son who always did his father's will. He is the perfect man tempted at all points, yet without sin. He will come back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When he that is perfect comes back then the eyes of our understanding will be opened wide. Now, we only know in part and prophecy in part, then there will be no need for collaterals used in this administration. The whole idea of The Savior Jesus Christ requiring Wierwille's collaterals is ridiculous. Think about it?Whats next? Jesus Christ teaching out of your writings Mike? Reminds me of Oral Roberts saying that God was going to take him to heaven unless his followers came up with a million dollars. Did the prophets of the old testament gloat that Jesus Christ would be reading out of their books in the future? It's really just a silly statement Mike, if not a blasphemous one...but I will let God be the judge of that...and while on the topic of judgement...I look forward to his judgement not yours.
You wrote: “It seems to me that if in fact Jesus Christ in the future will be teaching out of one of Wierwille's collaterals, God would be very reticent in allowing you (who apparently speaks for God) to say it.â€
What makes you think you are qualified to make such a supposition? If you only have a primary coat of paint on a car, how can someone tell what color the car will be when finished?
Your impression of the contents of that book is lacking, due to not having mastered it. When I say “PFAL book†now, after 6 years of intense study, I don’t mean anything like my primary impressions of the same book 20 years ago. My current impressions of the book are in full color, while yours are drab gray. I can see how you object to my statements. Come back to PFAL and master it and you can see this from my perspective.
You wrote: “Futhermore, just think about it objectively for one moment. What has Jesus Christ been doing the last 2000 years? Seated at the right hand of God almighty.â€
You might think objective thinking is better than subjective, but both are merely carnal, based in senses understanding. With God there is no time. God invented time; He’s bigger than time.
When Jesus Christ sat down at the Fathers right hand he was no longer bound by the linear time you and I are bound by. A significant thought is stated in II Cor.5:16 and it urges us to relinquish our flesh impressions and thinking of Christ to seek the spiritual understanding of his nature and interactions with us. Trying to track him through time is something I have learned is fraught with error.
I’ve learned to NOT think the way you just invited me to think. I spent 27 years thinking that way. I’m done now.
You wrote: “He is our intermediary with God. Our advocate to God for us. He is God's only begotten son who always did his father's will. He is the perfect man tempted at all points, yet without sin. He will come back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.â€
Now this I can relate to and celebrate with you.
You wrote: “Now, we only know in part and prophecy in part, then there will be no need for collaterals used in this administration.â€
You’re making a common assumption that the Appearing Administration starts with a bang, and we get our perfectly renewed minds in a moment of time, in a twinkling of an eye.
While the Grace Administration did start at a point in time, Pentecost, Christ’s first coming did not. There were many phases that ushered in his first coming. Even before he was conceived God was active in arraigning John The Baptist’s conception. When Jesus was born he was only a baby and had to develop before his coming meant much.
Dr taught us that there are two main events to his second coming involving us (for his saints and with his saints) and then many events afterward, and that there can be MANY PHASES involved, just like his first coming.
Here is how Dr puts it in GMWD page 227:
“The great hope of the Christian Church is the return of Christ and our gathering together unto him. There are aspects of Christ’s return which we find most clearly explained by God’s rightly-divided Word. In order to understand the coming of Christ, we must also understand “the mechanics†of his coming. Jesus’ first coming began with his conception and birth and ended with his ascension, over thirty years later. There were many significant phases and events during this time. In this, the second coming is similar: it will also cover a period of time and encompass several significant phases and events.†There are four basic events included in the times of the end, when Christ returns. This is their order: (1) Christ’s coming for the Church, the Body of Christ, to gather them together and meet them in the air; (2) the events of the Book of Revelation with Christ’s coming with the Church; (3) the first and second resurrections; and finally, (4) the very end, the final point [telos], when death is destroyed and all things are subdued to God. Having this back-ground, we can now turn to the Word of God and see its clarity.â€
You are assuming that event (1) takes no time. But this event is our transformation from the senses to the spiritual. It takes time for a human mind to learn these things.
I no longer believe we are zapped with a perfectly renewed mind at the Gathering, but that we are TAUGHT it, and that some may learn faster or slower than others, depending mostly on desire (and not so much on intelligence).
Far from seeing this process a quick zapping (which would violate all we were taught about God not possessing anyone’s mind), I see it taking a significant amount of time...years for most. During this time Jesus Christ teaches us, and this is why we have the PFAL books.
Do you see Jesus teaching us from a KJV?
You wrote: “The whole idea of The Savior Jesus Christ requiring Wierwille's collaterals is ridiculous.â€
They’re not Wierwille’s collaterals. He was one of many agents who helped God get them into the senses realm.
We require perfect teaching, and we get that from Jesus Christ teaching us, and the Word he teaches us is the revelation God gave Dr.
Now I’m going to really blow your mind. Get ready.
We were taught and became gradually comfortable with (it took me over 15 years) the sentence “Jesus Christ is NOT God†However, we come from a religious tradition that is saturated with notions of Jesus being God that go far beyond the traditional sentence “Jesus IS God.†Merely replacing the latter sentence with the former does not rid us of all trinitarian notions and error.
You probably think, with residual trinitarianism in you, that Jesus Christ knows it all, and does not need any teaching himself. Although Jesus Christ DOES share many qualities of his Father, omniscience is NOT one of them.
Have you ever wondered when Jesus Christ got born again? He left the senses realm before it was available. When did Jesus Christ receive faith. That too didn’t come until Pentecost.
I see Jesus Christ himself requiring the PFAL collaterals for his own learning, as well as for him being able to teach us in the senses realm how to ascend to the spiritual like he did.
(((Does anyone have any smelling salts? I see a few readers have fainted.)))
You wrote: “Did the prophets of the old testament gloat that Jesus Christ would be reading out of their books in the future?â€
I don’t gloat about these things, saying that I am right and you are wrong, so Nanner nanner nanner! Neither would Dr.
These things are huge surprises only because we didn’t do what Dr told us to do and master those books.
Think about it: all the cultural expectations of Christ’s first coming were skewed by the adversary so badly that most scholars of the OT at his time didn’t recognize him as their expected Messiah. They had built up a false mental picture of him, and he slipped in right under their radar. The simple people could learn to recognize him because they had less error to unlearn.
In recent years I have asked many people about Christ’s second coming and their expectations of it. I first verify with them that they are aware of the huge set of surprises and challenges he presented in his first coming to supposedly learned men of the scriptures. When they say “yes†to that I then ask them if they ever considered the possibility that THEIR expectations and mental pictures from their supposed knowledge of the scriptures might be similarly off base.
When I ask these things in person, I can always see the surprise on their faces. On the phone there is almost always a long pause and then stammering of sorts. I think, of the 70 to 100 people I have brought this up with, only 2 were even mildly prepared for it.
Nearly everything we think we know about Christ’s second coming needs to be re-thought. Without God’s 1942 intervention and the giving of the PFAL texts, this is impossible.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 08, 2004 at 13:06.]
quote:I see Jesus Christ himself requiring the PFAL collaterals for his own learning, as well as him being able to teach us in the senses realm how to ascend to the spiritual like he did.
(((Does anyone have any smelling salts? I see a few readers have fainted.)))
Fainting? No, I doubt that.
Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off? Absolutely.
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Great posts Rocky & Waysider ! Sometimes wierwille apologetics make me think of an Old Testament passage: 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and
He tells them to be joyful. Doesn't explain how. The Word says be joyful *POOF* you are now joyful. Like when claiming verses. Craftily disconnects the motive from the action. . . .
Yes. BTW, anyone who wants a quick summary of the main points of that entire transcript, it's simple. I said it before: "Serving people is important for Christians. Therefore, master
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mike says, 'No, that’s NOT what I was saying. I meant that if a child (or if a childish adult grad) attempts to operate the law of believing willy nilly based on a mere desire, and not based on a promise of God, it ain’t gonna work! Please go back and read that post of mine and yours to see this.'
I'm pretty sure I remember hearing in the pfal class and yourself that this principal is suppose to work for the saint and the sinner alike.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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You wrote: “Sorry mike, I don't read the kjv version so I don't get that from there.â€
Does this fix it for you?
What’s NOT masterable is your NIV, as I pointed out in my fourth post on the first page of my “Masters of the Word – Mastering PFAL.†No scholar in the world has ever mastered the NIV, the critical Greek texts or the ancient fragments.
You can substitute any other version into the spots where NIV occurs there.
You wrote: "I'm pretty sure I remember hearing in the pfal class and yourself that this principal is suppose to work for the saint and the sinner alike.â€
Are you playing with me or are you serious?
Just in case you’re serious, the PRINCIPLE works for all, saint and sinner, young and old. It’s the MISAPPLICATION of the principle that won’t work. Attempting to work the law of believing but not basing the believing on a promise of God, like the post where you portrayed of a child, will not work, at least with the True God. He may graciously help anyway, but that is not guaranteed.
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You wrote: “that's a crude dodge mike __ do you think everyone here does not see that?â€
Do you really mean “everyone†or do you mean a majority of the active posters?
Because your reading here is so sparse you are unaware of those here (include lurkers here) that agree with me.
Because your reading of my posts is so sparse and poorly executed, you are unaware that I don’t give a flying flock what people think of my righteous dodges.
Why should I spend valuable time on answering your crude and vicious posts?
Suppose I addressed you with an insult. Would you feel like answering me?
You say you know me, so why don’t you call me? My phone number hasn’t changed in 17 years. Are you afraid to confront me by phone?
Why should I waste time on someone so dedicated to negativity as you? You are SO negative Rafael not only assumed you were a man, you almost took his breath away when you first appeared here. I could almost see him gasping for air at that time.
If you want me to spend time on this board with you then you need to come up with substantive posts.
I’d prefer to deal with you privately by phone so that whatever terrible grudge you bear against me can be straightened out. I know I’ve not lived a perfect life, but I also know that I try to, and if you point out something I did to offend you in the past I can apologize and try to make it up to you.
So far you’ve merely presented yourself to me here as a bitter, negative know-nothing.
I think you are blaming me and DR and PFAL for your own failures and lack of character. This is common.
Why don’t you do the uncommon thing and operate the love of God, forgiveness, and grace?
So far all you seem to want is strife and negativity. Please prove me wrong here.
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Oh, I forgot something.
You wrote: “mike can you say: "jesus christ is my lord and saviour and i believe that God has raised him from the dead" __ can you say that? __ can you write it?â€
Yes, and I can write it, and with proper grammar too:
Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior, and I believe IN MY HEART that God has raised him from the dead.
If you call me you can hear me say it.
Now it’s YOUR turn to prove me wrong.
Prove to me that you are attempting to walk like Christ and not a moron.
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Another "Hall of Fame" quote from Mike ---
" I don’t give a flying flock what people think of my righteous dodges."
and ----
"Why don’t you do the uncommon thing and operate the love of God, forgiveness, and grace?"
Mike: three words for you --- "Physician, heal thyself"
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still trying to provoke an angry response from me?
but my my! you seem miffed!
how do you like someone pushing your buttons for once?
since i have never called you i dont know your number.
besides what could i call you that you havent already been called?
and i was in the service!
but since you mentioned rafaels past response to me i am glad that you took my assignment and went through my posts in a vain attempt to figure out who i am.it digs at you yes?
as for me operating the agapao,forgiveness,grace.
i reserve that for those people who DESERVE it!
you get me?
my failures?
--> i have known nothing but success since i put Plageristic Fallacies And Lies out of my life! praise God!!!!!
now, if you'll excuse me.
i have a house, family and life to attend to.
a thing of beauty
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Why don't you study Jesus'teachings during the last supper when he knew that he was going to die? He gave a wealth of teachings in the gospels just befor He was taken captive to be tried and crucified. Don't you think those teachings of the lord Jesus are more important to us than some dead preacher's last words?
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Mike, I would hope that after this time and my posts that you would understand that I don't play games.
But, I also don't believe what you believe as I have stated. I think you are very misguided. But I won't call names or play games because that is not what I'm about.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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You wrote: “Mike, I would hope that after this time and my posts that you would understand that I don't play games.â€
I didn’t mean to insult you about game playing.
I was actually hoping for your sake that you were. Since you insist you are not, I have pity on your lack of knowledge.
Now PLEASE don’t be insulted by me saying this.
I do think I see a lack and I am trying to help. I will try to explain, but please don’t let your feathers get ruffled because I say I see a lack of knowledge. Some of the things I’ve recently seen in your posts indicate an lack of understanding of what were taught about believing.
That you would use that story of a child crying for something and believing from learned responses of the mother, rather than believing the promises of God, indicates a very worldly or new-age style of understanding of the details in law of believing.
You seem to have separated the law of believing from the necessity of having a promise of God to believe.
At the point I expressed a concern that you were just playing games with me, you had written : “I'm pretty sure I remember hearing in the pfal class and yourself that this principal is suppose to work for the saint and the sinner alike.†This sentence was in the response to me mentioning that a promise of God was necessary.
Tell me if I am wrong, but it looks to me that you think that for the “principle†of believing to work for a sinner, that sinner is excused from having to know a promise of God. Or maybe you think the Dr’s use of the word sinner means he was teaching that someone who is so far from knowing the promises that he can go ahead and operate the law anyway.
The accuracy of what Dr taught is that if a sinner HAPPENS to be believing something that IS a promise of God, THEN the law of believing will work for him. Same thing with a child who wants something. If a child wants something that HAPPENS to be a promise of God, then that child too can operate the law and receive that promise.
Like I said, I’m guessing from your posts that you make no connection between the total necessity to be believing on a promise before the law of believing kicks in. Both your mention of a child and a sinner point in that direction.
In Session One Dr uses the word “available†so many times that I’d apologize in advance to people I signed up for the class about it, and promise them that the repetition would fade away as the class progresses. Now I know that Dr uses that word so many times JUST SO fewer people would get the misimpression that they could believe for anything and receive it. Dr uses the word “available†to indicate that there is a promise of God that MAKES IT AVAILABLE to claim the desired situation.
You are not the only one who has not connected the need of a promise from God to be the focus of the believing, so please don’t think I’m singling you out. This disconnect was rampant in the 80's TVT. Was that when you first took the class?
If you DO know that believing only works for that believing which is focused on what God has made available by one of His promises, then please tell me, and then please tell me why you said what you did about the child and the sinner. If you want, you can start all over at the beginning of this theme in your posts to me.
If I am correct about your thinking on believing being disconnected from the promises of God, then this is ample proof TO YOU that Dr was very much on the ball in insisting that we master the books we got from the class. You mentioned that you thought you “heard†these things in the class. For most of us these details need more than hearing to get totally straight. We need to read them and master them that way.
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You wrote: “Why don't you study Jesus' teachings during the last supper when he knew that he was going to die? He gave a wealth of teachings in the gospels just before He was taken captive to be tried and crucified. Don't you think those teachings of the lord Jesus are more important to us than some dead preacher's last words?â€
Actually, yes I think you’re correct. From 1971 to 1998 I did just that: studied Jesus’ last words before his death, and then his last words before his ascension. Had you thought of this second set of Jesus’ last words? I had. The reason the loss and then the finding of Dr’s last words was so significant to me was because of my studies in last words like this. There are other examples in the OT, like Jacob’s at the end of Genesis.
My favorite pre-death near-last words of Jesus was John 17. I studied that one a lot. It’s Jesus’ prayer to his Father and it teaches much.
Unlike many other grads around me I made it a point to systematically read the Gospels from time to time. Before “Jesus Christ Is Not God†came out in 1975, I had combed the Gospels to collect in a file everything Jesus said as to what he is and what he is not. I wanted to be VERY sure I wasn’t insulting him by saying he was not God if he was.
Now, let me ask you a question or two: Do you think Jesus’ words in the Gospels are more important than Paul’s words in his epistles. Paul is a dead preacher too, don’t forget.
I also made a very intense study of Paul’s last words in II Timothy. I spent 11 years looking that epistle over because of it’s connection to the Canon. Likewise with Peter’s dying last words.
Have you noticed the similarities between Jesus’ last words, Paul’s last words, Peter’s last words, and Dr’s last words? There is a connection, but only those who study them all will ever see it.
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You wrote:
1. “still trying to provoke an angry response from me?â€
2. “but my my! you seem miffed!â€
3. “how do you like someone pushing your buttons for once?â€
1. No
2. No
3. No buttons are exposed to you.
You wrote: “since i have never called you i dont know your number.â€
Then you aren’t the #1 guess I have as to your identity... if you are being honest with your facts.
My #2 guess is that your first name begins with V and your husband's begins with R.
You can e-mail me for my number, or you can invite me to a thread in the Private Topics forum and I can give you my number there. If you me to pay for the call I can oblige easily.
You wrote: “but since you mentioned rafaels past response to me i am glad that you took my assignment and went through my posts in a vain attempt to figure out who i am.â€
Here you guessed wrong. I followed all your posts since you first came here, thinking that you were that #1 guess of mine.
You wrote: “it digs at you yes?â€
My curiosity is up, because I love all of my family that God called to PFAL. That’s why I am here.
I can see that you dig the idea that I don’t know who you are, and that cues me into your extreme lack of spiritual maturity. I can see the extreme negativity in your heart and I pray you get delivered form it. You can’t fool me that you’re happy and joyous. A joyful and happy person would not post the way you do or put themselves at the center of the universe the way you do.
So far, all the clues you’ve left (assuming they are factual {and that’s a big assumption}) I have no idea who you are. If you sincerely don’t know that I was a twig leader twice like you posted, then you’ve overestimated not only the prominence of your personality in my memory, but your own closeness to know me well.
When I do consider the character of your posts and the things you’ve said, I suspect that many things you’ve said here are misinformation, false clues to prevent me from knowing who you are. Such petty games are not played by even mature natural men, unless they're harboring a huge grudge.
I know, as well you know, that as soon as you reveal your identity in a non-ambiguous way to me, then I will know YOUR weaknesses and failures, and you would loose what you now perceive as an advantage in your anonymity. You game would then be over. Happy people don’t play these kind of mind games, only vindictive bitter people.
Then you go and prove my hunch that you know nothing of the things of God by saying this: “as for me operating the agapao,forgiveness,grace. __ i reserve that for those people who DESERVE it!â€
Jesus said it’s no big whoop to love those who love you back, because anyone can do that. Dogs and cats can do THAT. The very essence of agapao, forgiveness, and grace is reserved for those who DO NOT deserve it. This means you are operating the counterfeits of the above. You are descending fast on my priority list. Keep up the game you are playing, and attempting to get me to play, and you’ll be off the list altogether.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 08, 2004 at 1:03.]
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I can guarantee you one thing Mike, M&O is not me.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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Don't worry Oak. I can tell by m&o's posts I'll never get a beer out of him/her.
You are quite likeable, in spite of our differences.
Have you had a chance to look at I Cor.7 yet?
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Hey Oak!
Hows come your handle area says "Not online" but the General says you are online?
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Believe that? Mike you sound so full ofrevenge and bitterness and that sounds like your saying see it my way or your done. Are you giving her a warning of your Mark and Avoid??? lol
Even twi wouldnt have you would they???
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No I Cor 7 yet, I'm doing an exhaustive study of the book of Helaman and Heretics of Dune.
I'm going to bed, so you're going to have to figure out the book of Helaman yourself.
It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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No, I don't play the same game that TWI played with M&A.
What I said was a notice that I will no longer waste my time on games, unless of course, I see an open door to proclaim my message while playing.
The Bible does says "mark and avoid" is a good thing AT TIMES?
How do you handle that verse?
Did you know there was a verse that said that?
You are right that I sometimes insist that things be done my way, WHEN I have alligned my way up with God.
The bitterness and revenge you think you see in me is probably your own reflecting off your computer screen.
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It doesn't matter if we turn to dust...guess I'll see you dancin' in the ruins tonight
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It's quite evident that Smikeol has never seen Dune.
Smikeol sayeth, "My curiosity is up, because I love all of my family that God called to PFAL. That’s why I am here."
I guess that leaves out any and all other Christians, eh? Yep, typical VPW goosestepper.
My own secret sign-off ====v,
Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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Trefor Heywood
The Book of Helaman is easy!
It's about many of the good guys (the Nephites) becoming bad guys and many of the bad guys (the Lamanites) becoming good guys.
Now Heretics of Dune is a little harder going!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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It seems to me that if in fact Jesus Christ in the future will be teaching out of one of Wierwille's collaterals, God would be very reticent in allowing you (who apparently speaks for God) to say it. Futhermore, just think about it objectively for one moment. What has Jesus Christ been doing the last 2000 years? Seated at the right hand of God almighty. He is our intermediary with God. Our advocate to God for us. He is God's only begotten son who always did his father's will. He is the perfect man tempted at all points, yet without sin. He will come back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When he that is perfect comes back then the eyes of our understanding will be opened wide. Now, we only know in part and prophecy in part, then there will be no need for collaterals used in this administration. The whole idea of The Savior Jesus Christ requiring Wierwille's collaterals is ridiculous. Think about it?Whats next? Jesus Christ teaching out of your writings Mike? Reminds me of Oral Roberts saying that God was going to take him to heaven unless his followers came up with a million dollars. Did the prophets of the old testament gloat that Jesus Christ would be reading out of their books in the future? It's really just a silly statement Mike, if not a blasphemous one...but I will let God be the judge of that...and while on the topic of judgement...I look forward to his judgement not yours.
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You wrote: “It seems to me that if in fact Jesus Christ in the future will be teaching out of one of Wierwille's collaterals, God would be very reticent in allowing you (who apparently speaks for God) to say it.â€
What makes you think you are qualified to make such a supposition? If you only have a primary coat of paint on a car, how can someone tell what color the car will be when finished?
Your impression of the contents of that book is lacking, due to not having mastered it. When I say “PFAL book†now, after 6 years of intense study, I don’t mean anything like my primary impressions of the same book 20 years ago. My current impressions of the book are in full color, while yours are drab gray. I can see how you object to my statements. Come back to PFAL and master it and you can see this from my perspective.
You wrote: “Futhermore, just think about it objectively for one moment. What has Jesus Christ been doing the last 2000 years? Seated at the right hand of God almighty.â€
You might think objective thinking is better than subjective, but both are merely carnal, based in senses understanding. With God there is no time. God invented time; He’s bigger than time.
When Jesus Christ sat down at the Fathers right hand he was no longer bound by the linear time you and I are bound by. A significant thought is stated in II Cor.5:16 and it urges us to relinquish our flesh impressions and thinking of Christ to seek the spiritual understanding of his nature and interactions with us. Trying to track him through time is something I have learned is fraught with error.
I’ve learned to NOT think the way you just invited me to think. I spent 27 years thinking that way. I’m done now.
You wrote: “He is our intermediary with God. Our advocate to God for us. He is God's only begotten son who always did his father's will. He is the perfect man tempted at all points, yet without sin. He will come back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.â€
Now this I can relate to and celebrate with you.
You wrote: “Now, we only know in part and prophecy in part, then there will be no need for collaterals used in this administration.â€
You’re making a common assumption that the Appearing Administration starts with a bang, and we get our perfectly renewed minds in a moment of time, in a twinkling of an eye.
While the Grace Administration did start at a point in time, Pentecost, Christ’s first coming did not. There were many phases that ushered in his first coming. Even before he was conceived God was active in arraigning John The Baptist’s conception. When Jesus was born he was only a baby and had to develop before his coming meant much.
Dr taught us that there are two main events to his second coming involving us (for his saints and with his saints) and then many events afterward, and that there can be MANY PHASES involved, just like his first coming.
Here is how Dr puts it in GMWD page 227:
“The great hope of the Christian Church is the return of Christ and our gathering together unto him. There are aspects of Christ’s return which we find most clearly explained by God’s rightly-divided Word. In order to understand the coming of Christ, we must also understand “the mechanics†of his coming. Jesus’ first coming began with his conception and birth and ended with his ascension, over thirty years later. There were many significant phases and events during this time. In this, the second coming is similar: it will also cover a period of time and encompass several significant phases and events.†There are four basic events included in the times of the end, when Christ returns. This is their order: (1) Christ’s coming for the Church, the Body of Christ, to gather them together and meet them in the air; (2) the events of the Book of Revelation with Christ’s coming with the Church; (3) the first and second resurrections; and finally, (4) the very end, the final point [telos], when death is destroyed and all things are subdued to God. Having this back-ground, we can now turn to the Word of God and see its clarity.â€
You are assuming that event (1) takes no time. But this event is our transformation from the senses to the spiritual. It takes time for a human mind to learn these things.
I no longer believe we are zapped with a perfectly renewed mind at the Gathering, but that we are TAUGHT it, and that some may learn faster or slower than others, depending mostly on desire (and not so much on intelligence).
Far from seeing this process a quick zapping (which would violate all we were taught about God not possessing anyone’s mind), I see it taking a significant amount of time...years for most. During this time Jesus Christ teaches us, and this is why we have the PFAL books.
Do you see Jesus teaching us from a KJV?
You wrote: “The whole idea of The Savior Jesus Christ requiring Wierwille's collaterals is ridiculous.â€
They’re not Wierwille’s collaterals. He was one of many agents who helped God get them into the senses realm.
We require perfect teaching, and we get that from Jesus Christ teaching us, and the Word he teaches us is the revelation God gave Dr.
Now I’m going to really blow your mind. Get ready.
We were taught and became gradually comfortable with (it took me over 15 years) the sentence “Jesus Christ is NOT God†However, we come from a religious tradition that is saturated with notions of Jesus being God that go far beyond the traditional sentence “Jesus IS God.†Merely replacing the latter sentence with the former does not rid us of all trinitarian notions and error.
You probably think, with residual trinitarianism in you, that Jesus Christ knows it all, and does not need any teaching himself. Although Jesus Christ DOES share many qualities of his Father, omniscience is NOT one of them.
Have you ever wondered when Jesus Christ got born again? He left the senses realm before it was available. When did Jesus Christ receive faith. That too didn’t come until Pentecost.
I see Jesus Christ himself requiring the PFAL collaterals for his own learning, as well as for him being able to teach us in the senses realm how to ascend to the spiritual like he did.
(((Does anyone have any smelling salts? I see a few readers have fainted.)))
You wrote: “Did the prophets of the old testament gloat that Jesus Christ would be reading out of their books in the future?â€
I don’t gloat about these things, saying that I am right and you are wrong, so Nanner nanner nanner! Neither would Dr.
These things are huge surprises only because we didn’t do what Dr told us to do and master those books.
Think about it: all the cultural expectations of Christ’s first coming were skewed by the adversary so badly that most scholars of the OT at his time didn’t recognize him as their expected Messiah. They had built up a false mental picture of him, and he slipped in right under their radar. The simple people could learn to recognize him because they had less error to unlearn.
In recent years I have asked many people about Christ’s second coming and their expectations of it. I first verify with them that they are aware of the huge set of surprises and challenges he presented in his first coming to supposedly learned men of the scriptures. When they say “yes†to that I then ask them if they ever considered the possibility that THEIR expectations and mental pictures from their supposed knowledge of the scriptures might be similarly off base.
When I ask these things in person, I can always see the surprise on their faces. On the phone there is almost always a long pause and then stammering of sorts. I think, of the 70 to 100 people I have brought this up with, only 2 were even mildly prepared for it.
Nearly everything we think we know about Christ’s second coming needs to be re-thought. Without God’s 1942 intervention and the giving of the PFAL texts, this is impossible.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 08, 2004 at 13:06.]
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Fainting? No, I doubt that.
Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off? Absolutely.
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