sounds like it may be whatever comes to your mind when you read pfal, regardless of the words ...
Is it that more spiritual mastering pfal working?
A deep inner KNOWING of what it REALLY means then hmmm???
A famous quote from your man and your blowing it all to shreds by suggesting it is a lie in your above quote.
You know I am going to defend vpw now,, YOU have your own agenda and message here and only USE his work to get people hooked then go off on a tangent that belongs only to you....
You better thank God he is dead, or he would ripp you out for your .... saying it is about what he wrote then putting your own ideas of this UBIQUITOUS TEACHINGS!!!!
Is your God this complicated???? That only those who have this trained eye can understand what He wants His people to know???
I think not, He says come as a child, children are not trained in UBIQUITOUS thoughts.
Of course you will ignore this , as a natural man that does not recognize the spiritual word of God...
YOU DISMISS THE BIBLE altogether , not for pfal , but for this deep spiritual trained mind of ubiqutitous thoughts... this is the kicker only YOU and one other man has recognized!!!!
God only loves you now, right??? Your on a mission alright to find people to recognize these teachings that are suble and you are the master of!!!!
have mercy . get honest you want your own cult because you couldnt even cut it in the cult of twi!!!
funny how you state you were on staff , yet never metioned these oh so powerful inner spiritual words till the guy who wrote it died...
Then you rose up to master it yourself...
you are not in love with vpw, your dam well jealous of what he had , and want it for your self!!! But your to stupid to write ANYTHING so you use his stuff and add your own deeper more spiritual meanings that fit in your own twisted agenda .
The point of Dr teaching "throughly" was how important it is to be careful in reading, NOT English literature and etymology.
Maybe you missed that.
Actually, while you are correct about the object of Wierwille's lesson, you fail once again to see the error in what he wrote. Wierwille wrote that "thoroughly" is external, whereas "throughly" implies an inside job. He did NOT merely say it was a matter of reading what's written. He actually said there was a substantive difference between the two words.
I can't believe I read the whole thing!!! Mike I really feel for you. I read the lost tape and heard something completely different than you. I heard a man that was paranoid and suspicious. Til his dying day he was still a man. He saw that people were turning and tried to make it so people would go back to the PFAL material. Did you ask yourself why he did that? Why didn't he say go back to the
Word of God? Because he wanted people to still worship him. His whole life was a lie. Now its your life. That is really sad. I felt sick reading about how you thought men actually treated women like that and that you were sometimes envious. And that women thought the same. I have never experienced that except for when I was in TWI. Good men never do those things and I think they would be sickened by it. I have noticed how you put women down on this thread. By little words. It reminds me of when I was in TWI.
I also think that seaspray and you are the same. You are just trying to stir things up.
I seriously hope that you get help but then people like you don't think you need help. Could you please get off of your pedastal?
I would never listen to someone that believes that VPW's work was God breathed. How ridicules. (sorry I know the spelling is wrong) Why don't you take the advice and get rid of his works and look into the Word for a change? I did and it changed my life.
Oh btw, you mentioned earlier that some people think that they hear God but it really isn't. Have you thought that maybe the voice that you hear maybe not His?
I think its ironic that for years I heard from VPW himself that cancer was a devil spirit and then he died from it.
Can't you see that all the people he hurt that were believers that maybe he was not the called? If he was from God and called from God he would have never done the things he did with the people that loved God with all their hearts. Mike, he ruined peoples lives for heavens sake. I mean ruined for his own twarped following. For that reason alone I got rid of all his books and will not even look at them. I will never trust someone like I did him and TWI.
To bring this back to the top, I think this is an interesting thread. I've read about a page so far. Why diss ALL of VPW's teachings? We were taught (or it was suggested) that we not listen to rock & roll too much because of their lifestyles. Why diss rock music & entertainment? Why totally diss VPW? Everything has some truth..and you can put something aside for years, and then go back and learn something. I put some rock music aside, and then listened to it again and it sounds great!!But narrow minded beliefs in one person is unhealthy I think.
poor, poor Mike---wouldn't worry about Mike, GT--here's a "nice" quote of Mike's as reply to the normally low-key Mark Sanguinetti:
You jumped on the “mike’s got a devil†bandwagon weeks ago. Are you now telling me that you renounce that position as an error?
You did recently ask if I was “unable†to comprehend what was being written to me for the last 7 months.
Am I wrong in interpreting that little word “unable†as you trying to poke around for devils that could cause a person who normally has a pretty decent handle on words to be “unable†in one particular area to understand?
Why would you want to “minister†to me? To show off your ministerial skills to your friends here, for status, so you could feel good about yourself and your ministry. You look at me like the wild horse at a rodeo and if you can break me, it means a trophy on your mantle.
Pretty soon, if you and a few others don’t get it through your thick heads that I absolutely will not consider changing from PFAL for even one second, and if you continue your rude change of focus to me, I’ll develop a paste post and just blast by you without even reading your posts, much less responding.
Right now one of the only reasons I haven’t already done that is I can still use some of your religious idiocy against me as a springboard for presenting new ideas. When religious people like you get on my case it gives me huge motivation to fight all the harder the devil spirits that you DO listen to and act on. What do you think has crippled christianity for 2000 years? If you think you are not subject to the inspiration and interference of the same devils that have made a laughing stock of christianity, then have at it. I’d rather die than get stuck in your mud puddle.
Instead of focusing on me, why don’t you show the readers here how spiritual understanding is achieved over 5-senses understanding? Try riding that horse, why don’t you, and see how many people take lessons from you to try and ride it themselves."...from "The Spiritually Divine over the Naturally Factual", page 2.
Mike has plenty of moxie--fear not for him, GT....
some may have these profound relationships or "inner hiding feelings" , on the internet I do not live in that world.
for me it is very clear what one represents here , it is a discussion forum , a good forum has many different personalities in the posters... everyone clearly knows the platform before entering .
Mike likes it that is what I am reading, he enjoys every moment he spends here . Now whining is a personality trait , so is being a bullly or a know it all , control freaks, police and social worker roles etc. that is society at large.
so what is the problem exactly ? if it is a disscussion that is not bent towards your inclination and you have huge issues with that why would you be here?
Tom, it kinda looks like you really WANTED it to be dead. Why?
Now, Tom, I hope my next move doesn't bother you too much. I'm moving my post on the previous page bottom here, to thios slot, just to make it easier to see by posters today.
The Question: HOW did Dr’s last teaching get lost?
The Answer: The history of Dr’s last teaching is rather convoluted. Roughly, here are some details of how it got lost.
To those in the know, who were aware of this last teaching, it was lost ON them in that they gave it little regard, did not obey it, and did not pass it on in an effective manner. They regarded it as a minor teaching, and promptly began to forget about it. Let’s call this Category [A].
To those not so much in the know, in the category (including a surprising number of famous names), this teaching somehow slipped by them and they never knew of it’s existence... not until I contacted them, at least.
In the past 6 years I have polled 200 to 300 grads, and in the non-Corps population I found that 99% are in category .
Almost ALL of the non-Corps population had no idea of the existence of this teaching prior to my publication of it on the internet.
In the Corps population I found that approximately 50% were in Category .
In the clergy I found about 20% were in Category .
Here is the history, briefly:
(1)The teaching was given in May 1985 and recorded on tape, and I think, copies of the tape were sold on site at the same time of the gathering, a leadership conference in Scottland. Some more copies of the tape seem to have been made available by Chris Geer, but this may have been much later.
(2)Two weeks pass from the teaching date and Dr dies. Two days later a small sound clip of the tape was played on the Corps tape distributed that week, along with a clip of Dr’s second to the last teaching, “The Hope.†Many other items were on that tape, and little to no mention was made of Dr’s final instructions, even though they were contained in the short sound clip.
(3)A year and a few months pass, during which some people are reported having listened to the tape, but no stir was made to execute it’s instructions in any organized fashion. However, there was a weird set of a few SNS tapes (I think in the late Spring of ’86) where the Board of Trustees were reading teachings out of the Blue Book. It was pure Twilight Zone material. It seems that they were pretty depressed at this time from their early private hearing of the POP, and they were going through the motions of “getting back to the basics†but their heart was obviously not in it. They sounded depressed on the tapes. They struck me, much later, like a young teenage son who is told he must learn how to make his bed in the morning. Pouting all the way he does a mangled job of it, hoping his parents will withdraw their orders. The tapes were pitiful. I suspect they are the sum total effort of leadership to execute Dr’s final instructions.
(4) In the late Summer of 1986 Chris Geer drops the bomb at Corps week, and the Rock’86 is a disaster with everyone’s head spinning as to who is the boss, Craig or Chris. In his POP paper, Chris tells of the circumstances that preceded the teaching. He gives a narrative of Dr’s words and motions all the way up to the teaching, but includes no material FROM the teaching. He merely talked around it. However, he did say that Dr was completely lucid in the teaching. So, the existence of the teaching was once more made known, but not elucidated upon.
(5)In this DOWNER atmosphere of the POP confusion, the Way Magazine’s Sep/Oct’86 issue presented a poorly edited version of the last teaching. At the time people were wondering “Who’s driving the bus? Craig or Chris?†Then here comes along a quaint little article by the OLD bus driver. It’s 16 months late, and it seems to be dated, and obsolete, and not pertinent to the situation at hand raging in the ministry. There is no fanfare announcing it in the magazine as Dr’s LAST teaching. It’s status is downplayed with anti-hype and small type. Few readers notice it, as the meltdown had begun by this time.
(6) The ministry meltdown proceeds and the lost teaching sinks from everyone’s awareness, giving rise to the statistics I measured, and it languishes obscurely for over ten years ........ I should add here that Chris Geer placed a copy of the magazine article in one of his publications in the late 80's or early 90's, but there was no indication that it was Dr's LAST teaching, and little to no attention was given it that I am aware of.
(7) When I was finally shown this teaching in 1998, I tried to show it to many others who were in both (A) and (B) Categories, and I saw right before my eyes the very attitudes that allowed it to be lost in the first place: near complete apathy.
(8) In late 1999 I placed a small post in “†about finding the lost teaching, and I was deluged with e-mails for the next year.
(9) In late 2002 I announced the finding of this lost teaching at the Grease Spot Cafe in this thread.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 03, 2004 at 15:12.]
Just today I ran into another grad who knew nothing of Dr's last teaching.
Of all the smoking guns, this lost teaching is the most telling. It may not be the most sensational, but it and it's loss carry far more important implications.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 03, 2004 at 14:56.]
Now Mike, you're assuming... and you know what PLAF says about assuming...
...the reason I asked was because I was going to post on a thread in the reading room and there wasn't a reply button but there was a note that said "this thread clos...
hey, wait a minute, I just went over there to get the accurate quote and it's open again!
I don't understand... I'm so confused...
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
Sharing wierwilles "last teaching" at the GS is like sharing mein kampf at the Jewish community center.
I honestly have to question Mikes motives for bringing this diatribe here. Wierwille was a fraud whose massive ego was "enabled" by people just like Mike who hung on every word of this imposter. Mike...don't you feel foolish?
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"
yeah, and I second that or was that third it....oh I'm so mixed up!!!! Must be because the last teaching is lost....I don't know if I'll survive it.... :D-->
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
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Great posts Rocky & Waysider ! Sometimes wierwille apologetics make me think of an Old Testament passage: 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and
He tells them to be joyful. Doesn't explain how. The Word says be joyful *POOF* you are now joyful. Like when claiming verses. Craftily disconnects the motive from the action. . . .
Yes. BTW, anyone who wants a quick summary of the main points of that entire transcript, it's simple. I said it before: "Serving people is important for Christians. Therefore, master
Posted Images
What is your reference for "The word of God"
sounds like it may be whatever comes to your mind when you read pfal, regardless of the words ...
Is it that more spiritual mastering pfal working?
A deep inner KNOWING of what it REALLY means then hmmm???
A famous quote from your man and your blowing it all to shreds by suggesting it is a lie in your above quote.
You know I am going to defend vpw now,, YOU have your own agenda and message here and only USE his work to get people hooked then go off on a tangent that belongs only to you....
You better thank God he is dead, or he would ripp you out for your .... saying it is about what he wrote then putting your own ideas of this UBIQUITOUS TEACHINGS!!!!
Is your God this complicated???? That only those who have this trained eye can understand what He wants His people to know???
I think not, He says come as a child, children are not trained in UBIQUITOUS thoughts.
Of course you will ignore this , as a natural man that does not recognize the spiritual word of God...
YOU DISMISS THE BIBLE altogether , not for pfal , but for this deep spiritual trained mind of ubiqutitous thoughts... this is the kicker only YOU and one other man has recognized!!!!
God only loves you now, right??? Your on a mission alright to find people to recognize these teachings that are suble and you are the master of!!!!
have mercy . get honest you want your own cult because you couldnt even cut it in the cult of twi!!!
funny how you state you were on staff , yet never metioned these oh so powerful inner spiritual words till the guy who wrote it died...
Then you rose up to master it yourself...
you are not in love with vpw, your dam well jealous of what he had , and want it for your self!!! But your to stupid to write ANYTHING so you use his stuff and add your own deeper more spiritual meanings that fit in your own twisted agenda .
Good luck to you buddy.
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Actually, while you are correct about the object of Wierwille's lesson, you fail once again to see the error in what he wrote. Wierwille wrote that "thoroughly" is external, whereas "throughly" implies an inside job. He did NOT merely say it was a matter of reading what's written. He actually said there was a substantive difference between the two words.
And he was wrong.
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I can't believe I read the whole thing!!! Mike I really feel for you. I read the lost tape and heard something completely different than you. I heard a man that was paranoid and suspicious. Til his dying day he was still a man. He saw that people were turning and tried to make it so people would go back to the PFAL material. Did you ask yourself why he did that? Why didn't he say go back to the
Word of God? Because he wanted people to still worship him. His whole life was a lie. Now its your life. That is really sad. I felt sick reading about how you thought men actually treated women like that and that you were sometimes envious. And that women thought the same. I have never experienced that except for when I was in TWI. Good men never do those things and I think they would be sickened by it. I have noticed how you put women down on this thread. By little words. It reminds me of when I was in TWI.
I also think that seaspray and you are the same. You are just trying to stir things up.
I seriously hope that you get help but then people like you don't think you need help. Could you please get off of your pedastal?
I would never listen to someone that believes that VPW's work was God breathed. How ridicules. (sorry I know the spelling is wrong) Why don't you take the advice and get rid of his works and look into the Word for a change? I did and it changed my life.
Oh btw, you mentioned earlier that some people think that they hear God but it really isn't. Have you thought that maybe the voice that you hear maybe not His?
I think its ironic that for years I heard from VPW himself that cancer was a devil spirit and then he died from it.
Can't you see that all the people he hurt that were believers that maybe he was not the called? If he was from God and called from God he would have never done the things he did with the people that loved God with all their hearts. Mike, he ruined peoples lives for heavens sake. I mean ruined for his own twarped following. For that reason alone I got rid of all his books and will not even look at them. I will never trust someone like I did him and TWI.
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Mike knows what he's doing, as do most
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thanks, charlie--am I ever enlightened...and relieved, sorta...
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Double post, sorry!!

[This message was edited by imablvr? on July 28, 2003 at 16:15.]
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To bring this back to the top, I think this is an interesting thread. I've read about a page so far. Why diss ALL of VPW's teachings? We were taught (or it was suggested) that we not listen to rock & roll too much because of their lifestyles. Why diss rock music & entertainment? Why totally diss VPW? Everything has some truth..and you can put something aside for years, and then go back and learn something. I put some rock music aside, and then listened to it again and it sounds great!!But narrow minded beliefs in one person is unhealthy I think.
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I don't think anything could ever stop Mike from liking himself.
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poor, poor Mike---wouldn't worry about Mike, GT--here's a "nice" quote of Mike's as reply to the normally low-key Mark Sanguinetti:
You jumped on the “mike’s got a devil†bandwagon weeks ago. Are you now telling me that you renounce that position as an error?
You did recently ask if I was “unable†to comprehend what was being written to me for the last 7 months.
Am I wrong in interpreting that little word “unable†as you trying to poke around for devils that could cause a person who normally has a pretty decent handle on words to be “unable†in one particular area to understand?
Why would you want to “minister†to me? To show off your ministerial skills to your friends here, for status, so you could feel good about yourself and your ministry. You look at me like the wild horse at a rodeo and if you can break me, it means a trophy on your mantle.
Pretty soon, if you and a few others don’t get it through your thick heads that I absolutely will not consider changing from PFAL for even one second, and if you continue your rude change of focus to me, I’ll develop a paste post and just blast by you without even reading your posts, much less responding.
Right now one of the only reasons I haven’t already done that is I can still use some of your religious idiocy against me as a springboard for presenting new ideas. When religious people like you get on my case it gives me huge motivation to fight all the harder the devil spirits that you DO listen to and act on. What do you think has crippled christianity for 2000 years? If you think you are not subject to the inspiration and interference of the same devils that have made a laughing stock of christianity, then have at it. I’d rather die than get stuck in your mud puddle.
Instead of focusing on me, why don’t you show the readers here how spiritual understanding is achieved over 5-senses understanding? Try riding that horse, why don’t you, and see how many people take lessons from you to try and ride it themselves."...from "The Spiritually Divine over the Naturally Factual", page 2.
Mike has plenty of moxie--fear not for him, GT....
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some may have these profound relationships or "inner hiding feelings" , on the internet I do not live in that world.
for me it is very clear what one represents here , it is a discussion forum , a good forum has many different personalities in the posters... everyone clearly knows the platform before entering .
Mike likes it that is what I am reading, he enjoys every moment he spends here . Now whining is a personality trait , so is being a bullly or a know it all , control freaks, police and social worker roles etc. that is society at large.
so what is the problem exactly ? if it is a disscussion that is not bent towards your inclination and you have huge issues with that why would you be here?
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I have moved this post to the next page so it can be seen easier.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 03, 2004 at 14:51.]
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Tom Strange
How come this thread wasn't "killed" for 'no activity for 30 days'???
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
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Tom, it kinda looks like you really WANTED it to be dead. Why?
Now, Tom, I hope my next move doesn't bother you too much. I'm moving my post on the previous page bottom here, to thios slot, just to make it easier to see by posters today.
So HOW did this teaching get lost in the first place?
Howdy folks. I brought this thread back up to the top to add some information to it that has popped up as a need several times.
The most recent post questioning HOW did Dr’s last teaching get LOST was posted by dmiller on the “Masters of the Word†thread.
I answered him there on February 25, 2004 00:43, but since then I found I needed to add a little more to my response. That will occur here.
The Question: HOW did Dr’s last teaching get lost?
The Answer: The history of Dr’s last teaching is rather convoluted. Roughly, here are some details of how it got lost.
To those in the know, who were aware of this last teaching, it was lost ON them in that they gave it little regard, did not obey it, and did not pass it on in an effective manner. They regarded it as a minor teaching, and promptly began to forget about it. Let’s call this Category [A].
To those not so much in the know, in the category (including a surprising number of famous names), this teaching somehow slipped by them and they never knew of it’s existence... not until I contacted them, at least.
In the past 6 years I have polled 200 to 300 grads, and in the non-Corps population I found that 99% are in category .
Almost ALL of the non-Corps population had no idea of the existence of this teaching prior to my publication of it on the internet.
In the Corps population I found that approximately 50% were in Category .
In the clergy I found about 20% were in Category .
Here is the history, briefly:
(1)The teaching was given in May 1985 and recorded on tape, and I think, copies of the tape were sold on site at the same time of the gathering, a leadership conference in Scottland. Some more copies of the tape seem to have been made available by Chris Geer, but this may have been much later.
(2)Two weeks pass from the teaching date and Dr dies. Two days later a small sound clip of the tape was played on the Corps tape distributed that week, along with a clip of Dr’s second to the last teaching, “The Hope.†Many other items were on that tape, and little to no mention was made of Dr’s final instructions, even though they were contained in the short sound clip.
(3)A year and a few months pass, during which some people are reported having listened to the tape, but no stir was made to execute it’s instructions in any organized fashion. However, there was a weird set of a few SNS tapes (I think in the late Spring of ’86) where the Board of Trustees were reading teachings out of the Blue Book. It was pure Twilight Zone material. It seems that they were pretty depressed at this time from their early private hearing of the POP, and they were going through the motions of “getting back to the basics†but their heart was obviously not in it. They sounded depressed on the tapes. They struck me, much later, like a young teenage son who is told he must learn how to make his bed in the morning. Pouting all the way he does a mangled job of it, hoping his parents will withdraw their orders. The tapes were pitiful. I suspect they are the sum total effort of leadership to execute Dr’s final instructions.
(4) In the late Summer of 1986 Chris Geer drops the bomb at Corps week, and the Rock’86 is a disaster with everyone’s head spinning as to who is the boss, Craig or Chris. In his POP paper, Chris tells of the circumstances that preceded the teaching. He gives a narrative of Dr’s words and motions all the way up to the teaching, but includes no material FROM the teaching. He merely talked around it. However, he did say that Dr was completely lucid in the teaching. So, the existence of the teaching was once more made known, but not elucidated upon.
(5)In this DOWNER atmosphere of the POP confusion, the Way Magazine’s Sep/Oct’86 issue presented a poorly edited version of the last teaching. At the time people were wondering “Who’s driving the bus? Craig or Chris?†Then here comes along a quaint little article by the OLD bus driver. It’s 16 months late, and it seems to be dated, and obsolete, and not pertinent to the situation at hand raging in the ministry. There is no fanfare announcing it in the magazine as Dr’s LAST teaching. It’s status is downplayed with anti-hype and small type. Few readers notice it, as the meltdown had begun by this time.
(6) The ministry meltdown proceeds and the lost teaching sinks from everyone’s awareness, giving rise to the statistics I measured, and it languishes obscurely for over ten years ........ I should add here that Chris Geer placed a copy of the magazine article in one of his publications in the late 80's or early 90's, but there was no indication that it was Dr's LAST teaching, and little to no attention was given it that I am aware of.
(7) When I was finally shown this teaching in 1998, I tried to show it to many others who were in both (A) and (B) Categories, and I saw right before my eyes the very attitudes that allowed it to be lost in the first place: near complete apathy.
(8) In late 1999 I placed a small post in “†about finding the lost teaching, and I was deluged with e-mails for the next year.
(9) In late 2002 I announced the finding of this lost teaching at the Grease Spot Cafe in this thread.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 03, 2004 at 15:12.]
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Thanks for the recap.
[Note: I pointed out an error in Mike's recap, which he fixed. He refers to that error below. It's not important].
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Yes Raf, my error. Thanks.
Just today I ran into another grad who knew nothing of Dr's last teaching.
Of all the smoking guns, this lost teaching is the most telling. It may not be the most sensational, but it and it's loss carry far more important implications.
[This message was edited by Mike on March 03, 2004 at 14:56.]
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Tom Strange
Now Mike, you're assuming... and you know what PLAF says about assuming...
...the reason I asked was because I was going to post on a thread in the reading room and there wasn't a reply button but there was a note that said "this thread clos...
hey, wait a minute, I just went over there to get the accurate quote and it's open again!
I don't understand... I'm so confused...
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
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Ya know, this thread was well on its way to the forgotten bottom of the thread pile, never to be disturbed again.
But n-n-o-o-o-o, you had to bring it back up; Yet Another Smikeol breathed (flatulated that is) thread to clog the GS bandwidth with.
Thanks! Thanks a LOT!!
My own secret sign-off ====v,
Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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oh gawd not this again.....Mike I thinkest you likest to see the numbers instead of starting a new thread. It gets rather tiresome.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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naw, Vick...he just got flummoxed by the fact What the Hay was drawing more attention than him on the other thread...
He has to have the spotlight!
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...and who wrote that last one for him, again???????
Asked why he began studying Greek at age 94, Oliver Wendell Holmes replied,"Well, my good sir, it's now or never!"
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Sharing wierwilles "last teaching" at the GS is like sharing mein kampf at the Jewish community center.
I honestly have to question Mikes motives for bringing this diatribe here. Wierwille was a fraud whose massive ego was "enabled" by people just like Mike who hung on every word of this imposter. Mike...don't you feel foolish?
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"
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Tom Strange
I did not... it was about second from the top when I hit it... it laid dormant from July 28th, 2053 until today at 14:29 when Mike brought it back up!
Don't you just hate people that promote their own threads!
Now sir, about that apology!
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
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yeah, and I second that or was that third it....oh I'm so mixed up!!!! Must be because the last teaching is lost....I don't know if I'll survive it....
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Tom: Not a very good start at being the Official GreaseSpot Horse Coroner...
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