Thanks for bringing this thread back again - I think this is one of the greatest threads that was ever on Waydale or Greasespot.
What a time it was. We did love God didn't we? I still do. We were so young and naive, but loved God. I am so thankful I lived in the time of a true revival and outpouring of God's spirit like that.
Why did we stay? As one poster stated, we kept trying to perpetuate the "revival," kept trying to keep it going - as if VPW, or us were the ones responsible for it - not God.
Revivals come and go. If we do have another one in this country, this time the Glory will be to God, and not the man who happens to be at the helm at the time.
Anyway, some of these memories almost bring tears to my eyes - very moving. Hopefully all the new "outies" will be blessed by this.
Wow, I just reread this thread and I have a question.
How do I put this delicately? hmmmm, maybe I missed it somewhere, but.....
Have Reuben and Rhoda passed away? or are they still living?
I have many fond memories of keeping "Uncle" Reuben company at the fuel plaza, and eating dinner with them. They were so incredibly kind and sweet to me, and I was just an in-rez peon.
Does anyone know what became of them? Sorry if I missed it somewhere.
"Uncle" Reuben told me LOTS of stories that I still remember. It was quite enlightening, hanging out with him.
As best I remember, "Uncle" Reuben passed away in 1987 or 1988......and Rhoda moved into trailer 5 shortly after the funeral.
One of the reasons why I seem to remember this is because......trailer 5 was equipped with all the European audio/video stuff and was designated specifically for whenever Chris Gxxx came over to help the trustees after POP was publically read at corps week in 1986.
Reuben....such a gentle soul. And, Rhoda, with her strong Mennonite background, seemed always ready to work some more. As far as I know, Rhoda is still living in trailer 5.
Thousands of extras were added to trailer 5......trying to make it pleasing for Chris Gxxx......all the fussing over the details.
And when trailer 5 was finished............NOT one night did Chris G. ever sleep there. At that time, he was refusing to come to HQ....fearing for his life.
Yes def59, there are MANY twi's, and probably MANY ways to break them all down - here's one man's view:
Pre-Cult twi:
1942-approx. 1950:
Vesper Chimes
Radio "Ministry"
Denominational pastorates
Influence from sources later plagarized
Early 50's:
"Research" that would later become PFAL
Plagarism of sources later incorporated into PFAL
Publication of various pamphlets and monographs
PFAL first taught after attending and then plagarizing BG Leonard's class
Mid - Late 50's:
India Trip
PFAL taught in areas outside New Knoxville
Proto-cult twi:
VP leaves (or is thrown out of) denomination
Group formally incorporated as The Way Inc.
Large Board of Directors governs organization
Late 50's - Mid 60's:
Doctrine begins to take on unique form that will later solidify into Jesus Christ is not God, Dead not alive, etc.
Board of Directors canned by VP in favor of three-man Board of Trustees
Late 60's:
Growth begins to accelarate
More PFAL classes outside local Ohio area (Mal George and Donnie Fugit also teach class live)
Class filmed and distributed
Most Way doctrines now "etched in stone" with filming of PFAL
Cult twi I ("Wierwille as the MOG" Regime):
Early 70's:
VP takes advantage of aspects of the "hippies" and "Jesus Movement" to form base of new expansion and growth
All Abundant sharing brought into HQ
ROA's start
Way Corps initiated after one false start (zero Corps)
WOW program initiated
VP takes over semi-independent Way East and Way West
Way Tree concept solidifies VP's control as MOG over all fellowships using PFAL
Contoversial doctrines put in book form and pushed as doctrinal centerpieces (JCING, ADAN)
Late 70's:
Huge growth
Huge classes (PFAL 77, Adv Class 79)
Worldwide expansion
Way Corps groups increase
Replacement of non-Way Corps twig and branch leaders by Way Corps grads
Early 80's:
Pinnacle of VP as MOG
Huge international expansion (e.g. Zaire)
Way Corps training in Europe and South America
WOW Festivals in Europe, Africa, Australia, South America
Martindale begins to push Wierwille aside to establish personal control
Interregnum (aka Fog Years):
Late 80's:
Wierwille dies
Some top leaders question Martindale
Passing of the Patriarch read
Geer-Martindale power struggle
Five member Board of Trustees
Leaders are fired or leave
"Loyalty to Loy" letter sent out
Offshoots are started by ex-Way leaders
Mass defections from twi
So-called Galatians tapes recorded
Cult twi II (Martindale really in charge):
Early 90's:
Martindale works to re-establish his authority
Galatians tapes deseminated as "Leadership tapes" to discredit Geer, Lynn and other ex-Way leaders and offshoot founders
Martindale films new PFAL Advanced Class and Defeating the Adversary Class
Mark and Avoid and Probation stepped up to keep control
Household/Zion concept pushed
Martindale's "Rise and Expansion" book published
Late 90's:
Martindale's efforts at control turn nasty
"Homo" purge
Martindale announces that "the Word is over the world"
ROA cancelled
WOW program replaced by Way Disciples
PFAL replaced by Way of Abundance and Power classes after two-year gap with no classes
Word in Business cancelled
Humiliations, purges, and control increases
Advanced Class Specials every other year
Cult twi III (Martindale out - Rosie in):
2000 - :
Martindale purged
1/3 of Region Coordinators leave
Rivenbark regime
"Kinder, gentler" TWI
As each new phase begins, a revionist look at previous phases is introduced. For example,
During the 80's and 90's, Martindale was revered as the supreme MOG, while now his name is never mentioned.
During the late 80's there were times that Chris Geer had de facto control of the Way. Two additional Trustees were added, these facts were not acknowledged in later phases.
The pre-70's Way Inc. is looked back upon as the same as the current Way (household, etc.) when the structure was very different.
Important early leaders who left are never mentioned again (e.g. Peter Wade)
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
[This message was edited by Oakspear on June 12, 2003 at 13:14.]
I don't think you left anything out. Damn good job. The only thing I would change is JC is NOT God really started coming to light in the early 70's. IMO, the unique and/or controversial teachings besides "Are the Dead Alive Now" in the 50's were the Pentecostal-type teachings like S.I.T. and the other manifestations.
There was also a time between PFAL and WAP that there were NO classes available. Then it took a year of Grad classes before WAP was released to "new" people. I think that had a negative impact on TWI as well. They had nothing to offer.
I think people started realizing that even WITH a class, TWI didn't have much to offer to new people. Then, when WAP finally came out, the grads who took it REALLY saw that TWI had NOTHING to offer.
Thanks, Oakspear, for bringing this to the top again.
I've only recently discovered GSC. I've been reading the old posts and was looking for this old thread that some of you had alluded to. Glad I could read some of Doug and Ralph's posts. Made me cry. Ralph was one of the honest ones and fought so hard when he was at HQ for those of us who ran twigs and branches on the field to get some support (once all the $ went to HQ, all the money we needed for classes, large meetings, etc. came out of our own pockets).
I got involved in '73 in Calif. and knew some of the old guys in Oakland, Alameda and Mill Valley area. Del and Nancy, the Abellas, Ralph & Joann Anderson, Brian Yim, Walter Crinnion, Brian Heney, Doug Simeon, Pat Powell, Tom Saffold, Jerry Carr. Mary Jo Roesche Powell and Valerie Good Squibb and my sister and I went to grade school together.
Anyway, many of us were witnessed to and undersheperded by very bold, very sweet and loving people who were the "old timers". We were all teenagers, loved God so very much, each had our great stories of deliverance. I received great physical and mental healing in my life. We loved to witness in those days, teach Romans 10:9 and lead people right into tongues.
I will always remain thankful for those days and being exposed to the Bible for the first time in my life at that young age. God has always been there for me and continues to love me and teach me in such incredible ways.
One of the great things about this thread is that many people who were actually there in the supposed "good old days" weigh in with their own perceptions of that time. It wasn't all sweetness and light and good times and the love of God.
Occssionally someone pops up and makes the assetion that Martindale ruined it all, but that Wierwille was a true man of God. The whole picturte is a little more complicated than that.
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
I remember reading this long ago when it first appeared.
I too remember Ralph's testemony as outstanding here, especially to the reality of the signs miracles and wonders that WE did, not from the Corporate structure and soap operas, but from the MASSIVE infusion of God's Word and the daring to believe it.
I remember Ralph well from then.
I was there at Rye too.
It was a BIG deal.
This is such a massive set of details. I don't want to say any more here. The only time I want to spend on this thread is READING. I just had to say this much.
quote: Occssionally someone pops up and makes the assetion that Martindale ruined it all, but that Wierwille was a true man of God. The whole picturte is a little more complicated than that.
For what it is worth, I'll assert that Wierwille ruined it all when he made his power plays to take control of these areas and movements by things like the WOW program, centralizing the abundant sharing, and the Way Tree.
Many movements around the country and around the world were started by people who moved there because God told them to go there. Long Island was started that way. New York State was started that way. I think Kansas was.
When Wierwille put the WOW program into operation, he said that it was because God was telling people to pack up and move to areas to open the Word up, but people were afraid to act on the revelation (BS - that's major bs).
He said that it was only going to be for a brief period, a few years, until people developed the boldness to act directly on the revelation that God was giving them (more BS, obviously).
Before he centralized it, Wierwille complained that people were abusing the abundant sharing. He said he had no method of keeping track of it so that he could hold people accountable (bs). That summer, at summer school, the branch coordinator and his assistant from Long Island - a couple of very sharp people - presented Wierwille with an accounting system for the abundant sharing. Wierwille said he wasn't going to go with it.
He said that people weren't mature enough to handle the money (BS - how can you responsibly handle the spiritual matters of people's lives if you can't handle the physical money. The Word says in no uncertain terms that you can't. Besides, what the heck ever happened to doctrine, reproof, & correction on that one?)
Wierwille said that the centralization of the abundant sharing was only going to be for 1-3 years until the people matured enough to handle it, then he was going to turn it back over to the people (BS: The BS doesn't get any deeper than that folks).
The Word moved wonderfully with signs, miracles, and wonders following in the early '70s because it was a genuine move of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was the head of these movements, and the parts worked in holy spirit coordinated symmetry.
The Way Tree was simply Wierwille's power play. The Way Tree was his move to incorporate the body of Christ. It is a simple leadership power structure. You can't concretize the body of Christ that way. The body of Christ comes with its own joints and bands of ministry. The Way Tree takes those out & replaces them with Wierwille ordained leadership. It severely cripples the functioning of the body. It is anti Christ.
Maybe, like Craig said, you can't sell soap without the type of agreed upon loyalty between men that Wierwille introduced and Craig just made worse - BUT soap has no life. I know the idea is scary and seems hopelessly optimistic and dellusional to those who grew accustomed to the Way Tree, but the body of Christ really can operate with Christ as the head. "Yes, but don't we..." I hear people saying. No, we don't need... The move of the Word went better in NY, CA, KC, other places around the country - South America, Europe, places around the world with signs, miracles, and wonders following BEFORE the Way Tree than after it. It was simply Wierwille's bid for control.
After Wierwille took control of these areas, they continued to exponentially increase in numbers for a while because of the math of the way the Word moves and because it was still driven by oldies who wanted to see the original purity of the thing again - but it was NEVER the same.
So went the woe of the way.
Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
Wierwille was a Pharisee, a hypocrite, and Craig was a disciple he found whom he made twofold more the child of hell than himself.
Well said, brother. Yes, the pure and simple move of the Holy Spirit...
"The Word moved wonderfully with signs, miracles, and wonders following in the early '70s because it was a genuine move of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was the head of these movements, and the parts worked in holy spirit coordinated symmetry.
The body of Christ comes with its own joints and bands of ministry.
the body of Christ really can operate with Christ as the head."
We lived in an area with no leadership "over" us for a number of years and when we moved back to the Bay Area, we were shocked by the confining structure, the squelching of the spirit of God - - the "me, me, me! Let me be in charge, let me rule, let me play God!" mentality that had taken over.
It only got worse with time, and you're right on Tom, with every program, with every administrative level they added, that genuine move of the Spirit got squelched pretty fast.
The scriptural emphasis of Jesus Christ being the head of the body, of him really being our lord, of each believer's loving service to the master was sorely overlooked in teachings and the gracious gift of God to every believer, paid for by Jesus which enables each saved soul to play such a significant, unique and vital part in the edifying of the Body was replaced by "another" gospel.
Truly God is so much bigger than what came to be known as the "move of the Word" in later years.
As for me, I slowly continue to regain true humility before God once again as I loose the bondage I allowed myself to become entangled in. The joy is coming back as I endeavor to live simply before God.
There's much I do not yet fully understand about serving the Master, but day by day...the answers are coming.
Tom, you are very loving to post what you did. I pray that the fire for God within your heart continues to burn and your unique ministry within the Body will be full.
Much love,
P.S. Correction of doctrinal error:
"..but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
Thanks oakspear for bringing this thread up. I read it all the way through and brought some fire in me. Its good to be reminded of the wonderful people that had the love in thier hearts and also good to be reminded of the evil that started because of the corporation brought in. If twi would have left it alone they would have been even more prosperous. But then I don't think it was a matter of money but of control. They wanted the glory. It worked for a while until the ones that were truly moving the Word were gone.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
This is a great thread. I read it in Waydale and reread it here. RalphD you were one of my favorite teachers of the word. I love your love of God and his people and your humor. I remember seeing you in Boston at the 40th I think anniversary and have a nice picture of you and me. I would love to hear from you sometime.
PS. Ralph I was born in Brooklyn, my fathers family lived in Bedford Stuyvesc ah shoot I can't spell that. anyway you know what i'm talking about, they also had a motorcycle shop there. They sold Indian motorcycles.
THe thread that started the healing in my life-- How great to see it back-- For the "real" story Ralph D and DAve Anderson gave that made me think thaat maybe just maybe i wasn't as insane as I'd believed
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My chronology
TWI 1942- the India trip
1950s -1964 teaching mainstream doctrine
1964-1969 Pfal put on film, deviations from mainstream theology
1970-1976 Jesus movement taken advantage of, looser mentality, but changes came when vpw pulled coup in Way East and Way West.
1977-1980 age of classes at large universities PFAL 77 at Ball State and Advanced Class 79 at Ohio U.
1981-1985 twi goes corporate, wow auditorium plans made, aos made vpw steps down
1986-1990 lcm keeps things rolling until POP and then loyalty oaths, purges start.
1991-now total legalism creeps in forever changing heart of ministry.
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Thanks for bringing this thread back again - I think this is one of the greatest threads that was ever on Waydale or Greasespot.
What a time it was. We did love God didn't we? I still do. We were so young and naive, but loved God. I am so thankful I lived in the time of a true revival and outpouring of God's spirit like that.
Why did we stay? As one poster stated, we kept trying to perpetuate the "revival," kept trying to keep it going - as if VPW, or us were the ones responsible for it - not God.
Revivals come and go. If we do have another one in this country, this time the Glory will be to God, and not the man who happens to be at the helm at the time.
Anyway, some of these memories almost bring tears to my eyes - very moving. Hopefully all the new "outies" will be blessed by this.
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Love you,
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Wow, I just reread this thread and I have a question.
How do I put this delicately? hmmmm, maybe I missed it somewhere, but.....
Have Reuben and Rhoda passed away? or are they still living?
I have many fond memories of keeping "Uncle" Reuben company at the fuel plaza, and eating dinner with them. They were so incredibly kind and sweet to me, and I was just an in-rez peon.
Does anyone know what became of them? Sorry if I missed it somewhere.
"Uncle" Reuben told me LOTS of stories that I still remember. It was quite enlightening, hanging out with him.
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FreshAir 99
As best I remember, "Uncle" Reuben passed away in 1987 or 1988......and Rhoda moved into trailer 5 shortly after the funeral.
One of the reasons why I seem to remember this is because......trailer 5 was equipped with all the European audio/video stuff and was designated specifically for whenever Chris Gxxx came over to help the trustees after POP was publically read at corps week in 1986.
Reuben....such a gentle soul. And, Rhoda, with her strong Mennonite background, seemed always ready to work some more. As far as I know, Rhoda is still living in trailer 5.
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FreshAir 99
Thousands of extras were added to trailer 5......trying to make it pleasing for Chris Gxxx......all the fussing over the details.
And when trailer 5 was finished............NOT one night did Chris G. ever sleep there. At that time, he was refusing to come to HQ....fearing for his life.
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Yes def59, there are MANY twi's, and probably MANY ways to break them all down - here's one man's view:
Pre-Cult twi:
1942-approx. 1950:
Early 50's:
Mid - Late 50's:
Proto-cult twi:
Late 50's - Mid 60's:
Late 60's:
Cult twi I ("Wierwille as the MOG" Regime):
Early 70's:
Late 70's:
Early 80's:
Interregnum (aka Fog Years):
Late 80's:
Cult twi II (Martindale really in charge):
Early 90's:
Late 90's:
Cult twi III (Martindale out - Rosie in):
2000 - :
As each new phase begins, a revionist look at previous phases is introduced. For example,
During the 80's and 90's, Martindale was revered as the supreme MOG, while now his name is never mentioned.
During the late 80's there were times that Chris Geer had de facto control of the Way. Two additional Trustees were added, these facts were not acknowledged in later phases.
The pre-70's Way Inc. is looked back upon as the same as the current Way (household, etc.) when the structure was very different.
Important early leaders who left are never mentioned again (e.g. Peter Wade)
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
[This message was edited by Oakspear on June 12, 2003 at 13:14.]
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Hope R.
Oakie -
I don't think you left anything out. Damn good job. The only thing I would change is JC is NOT God really started coming to light in the early 70's. IMO, the unique and/or controversial teachings besides "Are the Dead Alive Now" in the 50's were the Pentecostal-type teachings like S.I.T. and the other manifestations.
There was also a time between PFAL and WAP that there were NO classes available. Then it took a year of Grad classes before WAP was released to "new" people. I think that had a negative impact on TWI as well. They had nothing to offer.
I think people started realizing that even WITH a class, TWI didn't have much to offer to new people. Then, when WAP finally came out, the grads who took it REALLY saw that TWI had NOTHING to offer.
Anyway - that's a really super chronology!
Hope R. color>size>face>
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Just bringing it to the top again
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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Thanks, Oakspear, for bringing this to the top again.
I've only recently discovered GSC. I've been reading the old posts and was looking for this old thread that some of you had alluded to. Glad I could read some of Doug and Ralph's posts. Made me cry. Ralph was one of the honest ones and fought so hard when he was at HQ for those of us who ran twigs and branches on the field to get some support (once all the $ went to HQ, all the money we needed for classes, large meetings, etc. came out of our own pockets).
I got involved in '73 in Calif. and knew some of the old guys in Oakland, Alameda and Mill Valley area. Del and Nancy, the Abellas, Ralph & Joann Anderson, Brian Yim, Walter Crinnion, Brian Heney, Doug Simeon, Pat Powell, Tom Saffold, Jerry Carr. Mary Jo Roesche Powell and Valerie Good Squibb and my sister and I went to grade school together.
Anyway, many of us were witnessed to and undersheperded by very bold, very sweet and loving people who were the "old timers". We were all teenagers, loved God so very much, each had our great stories of deliverance. I received great physical and mental healing in my life. We loved to witness in those days, teach Romans 10:9 and lead people right into tongues.
I will always remain thankful for those days and being exposed to the Bible for the first time in my life at that young age. God has always been there for me and continues to love me and teach me in such incredible ways.
Thank you to all who shared on those old threads.
Much love,
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One of the great things about this thread is that many people who were actually there in the supposed "good old days" weigh in with their own perceptions of that time. It wasn't all sweetness and light and good times and the love of God.
Occssionally someone pops up and makes the assetion that Martindale ruined it all, but that Wierwille was a true man of God. The whole picturte is a little more complicated than that.
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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Ditto on the kudos for bringing this to the top.
I remember reading this long ago when it first appeared.
I too remember Ralph's testemony as outstanding here, especially to the reality of the signs miracles and wonders that WE did, not from the Corporate structure and soap operas, but from the MASSIVE infusion of God's Word and the daring to believe it.
I remember Ralph well from then.
I was there at Rye too.
It was a BIG deal.
This is such a massive set of details. I don't want to say any more here. The only time I want to spend on this thread is READING. I just had to say this much.
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For what it is worth, I'll assert that Wierwille ruined it all when he made his power plays to take control of these areas and movements by things like the WOW program, centralizing the abundant sharing, and the Way Tree.
Many movements around the country and around the world were started by people who moved there because God told them to go there. Long Island was started that way. New York State was started that way. I think Kansas was.
When Wierwille put the WOW program into operation, he said that it was because God was telling people to pack up and move to areas to open the Word up, but people were afraid to act on the revelation (BS - that's major bs).
He said that it was only going to be for a brief period, a few years, until people developed the boldness to act directly on the revelation that God was giving them (more BS, obviously).
Before he centralized it, Wierwille complained that people were abusing the abundant sharing. He said he had no method of keeping track of it so that he could hold people accountable (bs). That summer, at summer school, the branch coordinator and his assistant from Long Island - a couple of very sharp people - presented Wierwille with an accounting system for the abundant sharing. Wierwille said he wasn't going to go with it.
He said that people weren't mature enough to handle the money (BS - how can you responsibly handle the spiritual matters of people's lives if you can't handle the physical money. The Word says in no uncertain terms that you can't. Besides, what the heck ever happened to doctrine, reproof, & correction on that one?)
Wierwille said that the centralization of the abundant sharing was only going to be for 1-3 years until the people matured enough to handle it, then he was going to turn it back over to the people (BS: The BS doesn't get any deeper than that folks).
The Word moved wonderfully with signs, miracles, and wonders following in the early '70s because it was a genuine move of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was the head of these movements, and the parts worked in holy spirit coordinated symmetry.
The Way Tree was simply Wierwille's power play. The Way Tree was his move to incorporate the body of Christ. It is a simple leadership power structure. You can't concretize the body of Christ that way. The body of Christ comes with its own joints and bands of ministry. The Way Tree takes those out & replaces them with Wierwille ordained leadership. It severely cripples the functioning of the body. It is anti Christ.
Maybe, like Craig said, you can't sell soap without the type of agreed upon loyalty between men that Wierwille introduced and Craig just made worse - BUT soap has no life. I know the idea is scary and seems hopelessly optimistic and dellusional to those who grew accustomed to the Way Tree, but the body of Christ really can operate with Christ as the head. "Yes, but don't we..." I hear people saying. No, we don't need... The move of the Word went better in NY, CA, KC, other places around the country - South America, Europe, places around the world with signs, miracles, and wonders following BEFORE the Way Tree than after it. It was simply Wierwille's bid for control.
After Wierwille took control of these areas, they continued to exponentially increase in numbers for a while because of the math of the way the Word moves and because it was still driven by oldies who wanted to see the original purity of the thing again - but it was NEVER the same.
So went the woe of the way.
Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
Wierwille was a Pharisee, a hypocrite, and Craig was a disciple he found whom he made twofold more the child of hell than himself.
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Well said, brother. Yes, the pure and simple move of the Holy Spirit...
"The Word moved wonderfully with signs, miracles, and wonders following in the early '70s because it was a genuine move of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was the head of these movements, and the parts worked in holy spirit coordinated symmetry.
The body of Christ comes with its own joints and bands of ministry.
the body of Christ really can operate with Christ as the head."
We lived in an area with no leadership "over" us for a number of years and when we moved back to the Bay Area, we were shocked by the confining structure, the squelching of the spirit of God - - the "me, me, me! Let me be in charge, let me rule, let me play God!" mentality that had taken over.
It only got worse with time, and you're right on Tom, with every program, with every administrative level they added, that genuine move of the Spirit got squelched pretty fast.
The scriptural emphasis of Jesus Christ being the head of the body, of him really being our lord, of each believer's loving service to the master was sorely overlooked in teachings and the gracious gift of God to every believer, paid for by Jesus which enables each saved soul to play such a significant, unique and vital part in the edifying of the Body was replaced by "another" gospel.
Truly God is so much bigger than what came to be known as the "move of the Word" in later years.
As for me, I slowly continue to regain true humility before God once again as I loose the bondage I allowed myself to become entangled in. The joy is coming back as I endeavor to live simply before God.
There's much I do not yet fully understand about serving the Master, but day by day...the answers are coming.
Tom, you are very loving to post what you did. I pray that the fire for God within your heart continues to burn and your unique ministry within the Body will be full.
Much love,
P.S. Correction of doctrinal error:
"..but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
Galatians 1:7,8
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Thanks oakspear for bringing this thread up. I read it all the way through and brought some fire in me. Its good to be reminded of the wonderful people that had the love in thier hearts and also good to be reminded of the evil that started because of the corporation brought in. If twi would have left it alone they would have been even more prosperous. But then I don't think it was a matter of money but of control. They wanted the glory. It worked for a while until the ones that were truly moving the Word were gone.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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This is a great thread. I read it in Waydale and reread it here. RalphD you were one of my favorite teachers of the word. I love your love of God and his people and your humor. I remember seeing you in Boston at the 40th I think anniversary and have a nice picture of you and me. I would love to hear from you sometime.
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PS. Ralph I was born in Brooklyn, my fathers family lived in Bedford Stuyvesc ah shoot I can't spell that. anyway you know what i'm talking about, they also had a motorcycle shop there. They sold Indian motorcycles.
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Hope, thanks for taking the time to put this thread on Greasespot. It is a Waydale classic.
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We all had our own "personal" TWI's that had more to do with with who "got us in the Word" than who the "leaders" were.
There were good times, good people, and great godly things happening...more in spite of "the Way tree" than because of it
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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THe thread that started the healing in my life-- How great to see it back-- For the "real" story Ralph D and DAve Anderson gave that made me think thaat maybe just maybe i wasn't as insane as I'd believed
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I thought this was one of the best threads.
I miss Dave Anderson and his thoughtful posts.
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The Skeptical Texan
A super thread with lots of insight.
Definitely worth a bump for anybody new to Greasespot.
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nevermind all you gaylords
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