The smile on her face when she plays her first song:
You're doing the right thing Shellon.
I hear you Zshot. But will that racquetball stuff help you to prevail in your daily life as you compete to stand victorious in the competition with the household? Will it advance you? Will it give you advantage?
"Derail isn't just a train to nowhere note": 25.00 an hour is cheap by some counts. I've given lessons on and off for 25.00 an hour. You need 15 minutes to get in and get out of the lesson, so 45 minutes of actual time on the lesson and instrument is a good amount. For a beginner a 1/2 hour is a lot as their hands are still soft. So I structure some of that time at first in to setting their instrument up and getting it right if it isn't.
quote: But will that racquetball stuff help you to prevail in your daily life as you compete to stand victorious in the competition with the household? Will it advance you? Will it give you advantage?
Socks -- Zshot is obviously working his way *up the ladder* to be a spiritual athlete!! :D-->
Entrance fee: $65.00 (this includes a T-shirt and lunches)
Hotel: $65.00 per night
Other meals, drinks and entertainment: (won’t go there)
Fuel for car: about $40.00
1 day vacation from work
A couple private lessons between now and then: more than a few beers…
All for the chance to bring home a $10.00 dust collector…I mean trophy.
Here is the list of the cost of my having fun -- at a bluegrass festival:
4-day ticket --------------------- $75.00
Rough camping -------------------- free
Gas to and from ------------------ $65.00
Vacation time -------------------- 5 to 6 days
Food and beverages --------------- $80.00
Extra strings for instruments ---- $65.00 (or more)
Money for CD's (by performers) --- $120.00
Money for t-shirts, sweatshirts -- $50.00 to $75.00
Various purchases at vendor stands $40.00
Like you -- I feel no guilt in spending the money, since it is for me! :D-->
Connecting with old friends, picking music until the sun comes up, waking up a few hours later looking for a beer and V-8 mix for *breakfast*, swapping stories, songs, tunes, and tall-tales for four days in a row with folks you see just once a year -- yea -- Priceless!!:)-->
I always regret it when I look at my checkbook (after all is said and done), but then I remember what a great time I had, and the regret doesn't last too long.
Z I couldn't agree more. If I had been in I would NEVER have gotten involved with the sustainable ag movement, nor I suspect would it have moved forward as much as it has had I not (at least locally). In terms of what I probably would have done would be to complain about just how devilish big agriculture business was while stocking up on kraft mac n cheese at the local Kroger. Complaining but doing nothing to change what I found distasteful, sure glad we're both out and enjoying meeting life on lifes terms. :)-->
Yeppers! AND you can do all these things and not have to worry about getting "reproved" for putting your hobby above your "spiritual goals" because you are missing TWIt functions. :D-->
You will be required to sign the following waiver at sign in:
"I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release all rights and claims for damages we have against the USA Racquetball, AZRA, LA Fitness Sports Clubs, event sponsors and their respective agents for any and all injuries. We also acknowledge the potential risk of eye injury during competition, and can provide certification in writing that all protective eyeguards conform with all standards specified in USRA Rule 2.5(a). By registering to compete in this event, we release all rights to the use of event photographs my images appear."
Heckuva *waiver* you have to sign there, just to compete, but I guess they are doing the CYA route.
It wasn't on a little green card was it?? :D-->
I can just imagine the twi version --> :
"I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release all rights and claims for damages we have against TWI event sponsors (errr--- ministry leaders) and their respective agents for any and all injuries (either physical, spiritual, or mental).
We also acknowledge the potential risk of "I" injury during competition (err -- I mean time spent *in*), and can provide certification in writing that all protective "I" guards have been totally let down, so as to conform with all standards (or lack there-of) specified by the currently reigning BOD, or MOG, or who-ever-the-heck-is-in-power, at the time.
By registering to take part in this ministry, we release all rights, period ............"
Real cost. $370.00 The cost of an M1 carbine so my wife would have a new gun to play with.
Its fun and where we live theres lots of places to shot. Its fun and the value of guns go up. My Sp1 I mentioned above I bought in 91 for $610. Thats better than several investments I made and I can put my hands on it. Its had to relate to an investment that is an envelope that arrives once a quarter and says X growth.
Besides its loud and fun. Unlike my wife who is only loud.
I even give money to the homeless every month. So poo poo to you TWI.
Wyte -- Ha! Reminds me of something that happened not too long ago to me. I was downtown, and a guy *accosted* me on the sidewalk (a block away from a liquor store), with the following "spiel" ---
"Excuse me , sir. I am so sorry to bother you, but I wish to purchase a quart of beer, and I find myself lacking .85 cents, and was wondering if you could help me out?"
I gave him 10 points for originality, and a coupla bucks to buy more than he asked for, feeling pretty good about doing so, even if it was for a beer.
Am guessing I'd have gotten zero points from twi for that action, but it sure felt good to do it, and I know for a fact, that guy was *blessed*. :)-->
BUT HEY... C'MON what ETERNAL REWARDS are you earning?????
I always wondered why it was ok for Vic & company to go off motorcycling through the rockies (followed by the motorcoach and entourtage at GOD only knows what cost) or go pheasant hunting where ever it pleased him, or etc etc etc ad nauseaum....
BUT... we couldn't even go to a d amn movie... without being made to feel guilty???
Cost of having fun....
Getting in my car (that I don't have to worry about breaking cause it's not 20 years old) and driving as long and far as I choose whenever and however I want:-------- $1.90 a gallon +/-
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good for you damn it, it is priceless !!!!!!
so are you.
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Z, I was thinking this same thing this afternoon as my 9 year old daughter and I were driving home after meeting a guitar instructor.
She wants to play.
It's a little expensive for her weekly lessons.
I'm gonna pay for em, cuz I can and she wants to learn, period.
When we decide outa the blue to go see a movie, go out to dinner, take off for the weekend, we can!
We can! It's fun, good for our mental health and we deserve it by gawd.
Yup, to not have to get permission for my kid to learn an instrument that she enjoys... that is indeed priceless.
I'm not saying I won't have to put the cost of lessons in the budget.......who cares?
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exactly. i will never answer to ANYONE how i spend my money. well except to my own checkbook....
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Guitar lesson: 25.00
The smile on her face when she plays her first song:
You're doing the right thing Shellon.
I hear you Zshot. But will that racquetball stuff help you to prevail in your daily life as you compete to stand victorious in the competition with the household? Will it advance you? Will it give you advantage?
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25 bucks? Ouch! I paid $5 per half hour back in '68.
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25 bucks? Ouch! I paid $5 bucks per half hour back in '68.
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That was worth saying twice, johniam!
"Derail isn't just a train to nowhere note": 25.00 an hour is cheap by some counts. I've given lessons on and off for 25.00 an hour. You need 15 minutes to get in and get out of the lesson, so 45 minutes of actual time on the lesson and instrument is a good amount. For a beginner a 1/2 hour is a lot as their hands are still soft. So I structure some of that time at first in to setting their instrument up and getting it right if it isn't.
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Socks -- Zshot is obviously working his way *up the ladder* to be a spiritual athlete!!
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Here is the list of the cost of my having fun -- at a bluegrass festival:
4-day ticket --------------------- $75.00
Rough camping -------------------- free
Gas to and from ------------------ $65.00
Vacation time -------------------- 5 to 6 days
Food and beverages --------------- $80.00
Extra strings for instruments ---- $65.00 (or more)
Money for CD's (by performers) --- $120.00
Money for t-shirts, sweatshirts -- $50.00 to $75.00
Various purchases at vendor stands $40.00
Like you -- I feel no guilt in spending the money, since it is for me!
Connecting with old friends, picking music until the sun comes up, waking up a few hours later looking for a beer and V-8 mix for *breakfast*, swapping stories, songs, tunes, and tall-tales for four days in a row with folks you see just once a year -- yea -- Priceless!!
I always regret it when I look at my checkbook (after all is said and done), but then I remember what a great time I had, and the regret doesn't last too long.
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I hear ya z.... Karate tourneys ae 40 bucks a piece.
Gas 30 bucks....
9 of us competing for lol *dust collectors*
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Z I couldn't agree more. If I had been in I would NEVER have gotten involved with the sustainable ag movement, nor I suspect would it have moved forward as much as it has had I not (at least locally). In terms of what I probably would have done would be to complain about just how devilish big agriculture business was while stocking up on kraft mac n cheese at the local Kroger. Complaining but doing nothing to change what I found distasteful, sure glad we're both out and enjoying meeting life on lifes terms.
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Yeppers! AND you can do all these things and not have to worry about getting "reproved" for putting your hobby above your "spiritual goals" because you are missing TWIt functions.
Definitely PRICELESS!!!
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Since someone asked in chat...
The tourney that I will be playing in is in Tempe, AZ. 4-6 March
Arizona Racquetball
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From the Arizona Raquetball Site
Heckuva *waiver* you have to sign there, just to compete, but I guess they are doing the CYA route.
It wasn't on a little green card was it??
I can just imagine the twi version
--> :
"I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release all rights and claims for damages we have against TWI event sponsors (errr--- ministry leaders) and their respective agents for any and all injuries (either physical, spiritual, or mental).
We also acknowledge the potential risk of "I" injury during competition (err -- I mean time spent *in*), and can provide certification in writing that all protective "I" guards have been totally let down, so as to conform with all standards (or lack there-of) specified by the currently reigning BOD, or MOG, or who-ever-the-heck-is-in-power, at the time.
By registering to take part in this ministry, we release all rights, period ............"
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Ahhh yes... the waivers....
Here is a list of benifits of being a "member" of USRA (U.S. Racquetball Association):
You'll Get: a 1 year subscription to RACQUETBALL Magazine (six bi-monthly issues)
USRA.ORG and websites
Membership Card
Official "Rules of Play"
Tournament "eligibility" as a member
Secondary accident insurance
Local event entry forms
State Association publications (where offered)
National ranking services
Access to instructor, coach and referee certification programs
Access to Elite Training opportunities
Special Membership pricing on most USRA products (USRA Store)
usra web site
this does sound a little "green cardish".. 
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Cost of havin fun
Once a month Tactical Carbine Shot
Colt SP1 AR15 $1300
Kimber 45acp $900
30 rnd magazins $20 each
Case of ammo $100
Gasoline $40
Being politicly uncorrect Pricless
Real cost. $370.00 The cost of an M1 carbine so my wife would have a new gun to play with.
Its fun and where we live theres lots of places to shot. Its fun and the value of guns go up. My Sp1 I mentioned above I bought in 91 for $610. Thats better than several investments I made and I can put my hands on it. Its had to relate to an investment that is an envelope that arrives once a quarter and says X growth.
Besides its loud and fun. Unlike my wife who is only loud.
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This is a great thread and I too spend my money wherever and whenever I please. I even give money to the homeless every month. So poo poo to you TWI.
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Wyte -- Ha! Reminds me of something that happened not too long ago to me. I was downtown, and a guy *accosted* me on the sidewalk (a block away from a liquor store), with the following "spiel" ---
"Excuse me , sir. I am so sorry to bother you, but I wish to purchase a quart of beer, and I find myself lacking .85 cents, and was wondering if you could help me out?"
I gave him 10 points for originality, and a coupla bucks to buy more than he asked for, feeling pretty good about doing so, even if it was for a beer.
Am guessing I'd have gotten zero points from twi for that action, but it sure felt good to do it, and I know for a fact, that guy was *blessed*.
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Ex70's --
PLEASE tell me your wife isn't reading this thread!
Otherwise -- meebe you will be the *target* at your next shoot??
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No D my wife doesnt read Gspot. She doesnt relate to us cult crazed demented types.
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Al Poole
BUT HEY... C'MON what ETERNAL REWARDS are you earning?????
I always wondered why it was ok for Vic & company to go off motorcycling through the rockies (followed by the motorcoach and entourtage at GOD only knows what cost) or go pheasant hunting where ever it pleased him, or etc etc etc ad nauseaum....
BUT... we couldn't even go to a d amn movie... without being made to feel guilty???
Cost of having fun....
Getting in my car (that I don't have to worry about breaking cause it's not 20 years old) and driving as long and far as I choose whenever and however I want:-------- $1.90 a gallon +/-
Knowing I can?
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Of course in twi we had fun:
1. "witnessing"
2. string chairs
3. cleaning for a meeting
4. cleaning up after a meeting
5. hitch hiking
6. Learning to live with people you never met before...
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Awwww Z, you sentimental thing you..... NOW you have me nostalgic for the *good old days* in twi....sigh
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ya know what else is priceless?
The Italian film festival in Little Italy.
A film on the side of a building
free popcorn
free icetea
free canolis from the best pastry joint in town
It's the best free night you can get.
Well, except for those naked ones.
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