Sherries tend to be quite high in alcohol as wines go, usually around 15.5%. Two-thirds of a gallon of it would pretty much pickle a guy. But hey look on the bright side. Think of all that money they saved by having him pre-embalmed.
quote: Two-thirds of a gallon of it would pretty much pickle a guy. But hey look on the bright side. Think of all that money they saved by having him pre-embalmed.
I didn't know. If'n I was the kind of person who would give an enema to someone (and I'm NOT ;)--> ) I would have killed him too - out of igernance, not malicious intent.
On the news this morning the woman was quoted as saying that he gave himself the enemas and that he's been giving himself enemas for years. Says it started with his mother giving them to him, then he became dependent on them to be able to go.
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Now THAT'S some 'news of the weird!
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I read this also and thought who would give their husband a wine enima? I mean how stupid can ya be? Unless you wanted to get rid of him.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Kind of gives a whole new meaning to "gettting drunk off your foot".
(Courtesy of the Bob and Tom Show)
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1000 lol , hahha and hee hee
Well she did kill him. sounds like that is how he always wanted to die anywyas but still .
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I guess this is a 'better' way of going then a long agonizing disease.
I like the story of wanting to go on my 100th birthday, caught by a husband while in the arms of his ravaged teenaged bride.
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When I was a Colonic Therapist in CA in the early 80's we learned that in Mexico they give Tequila enemas to kill parasties once a year.
It will kill parasites.
They would of course get drunk too :0)
I never tried it,
I use herbs for parasite cleanse :0)
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Sherries tend to be quite high in alcohol as wines go, usually around 15.5%. Two-thirds of a gallon of it would pretty much pickle a guy. But hey look on the bright side. Think of all that money they saved by having him pre-embalmed.
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This method solves the problem of where to put the cork.
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Now I wonder, I have always heard the term "butt-load".
Now if this 'lady' was able to pour 2/3 gallon into her hubby's colony, does that mean that a colon holds 2/3 gallon?
And if so, is one butt-load = 2/3 gallon?
Inquiring minds want to know.
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I've heard of "death by chocalate", but this is a new one for me!
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Wine enema, That’s foot-tounding. I wonder how you would do an enema toast.
I wouldn’t want to be around if someone with an wine enema burps.
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quote: I wonder how you would do an enema toast.
Why...cheek to cheek, of course.
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What kind of wife would agree to do such a think?
I love ya, Honey, but there's some things I just ain't gonna do!
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I don't think there's much doubt that she knew exactly what was going to happen when she did this.
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I dunno. I've met a few mindless individuals through the years.
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Death by chocolate enema?
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I didn't know. If'n I was the kind of person who would give an enema to someone (and I'm NOT
;)--> ) I would have killed him too - out of igernance, not malicious intent.
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Stayed Too Long
Provides a whole new meaning to "cork it" buddy.
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Linda Z
On the news this morning the woman was quoted as saying that he gave himself the enemas and that he's been giving himself enemas for years. Says it started with his mother giving them to him, then he became dependent on them to be able to go.
Oh well, what a way to go, I guess.
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Now, does that mean this is a new way to get high and avoid the calories?????????????????
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No carbs, either! Hey......he might be onto something!
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