quote:The article states the victim felt the apologies where insincere when they wouldnt speak to her face to face. They may have been afraid of future law suits sounds like they are learning how to respect their neighbors now.
What the article REALLY says is: "The teenagers’ families offered to pay Young’s medical bills, but she declined and sued, saying their apologies were not sincere and were not offered in person.
It does not say they REFUSED, to speak face to face. Who is to say that even face to face the woman would have "felt" they were insincere?
None of the other neighbors felt disrespected. Why this one? I think it wrong to say that they disrespected their neighbors.
sigh, oh well MJ, enjoy your town. I hope the girls bring me cookies, and they can do it anytime they dang well please. It beats the heck outta flaming paper bags of dog poo. (For which I would not sue either)
You do not seem to comprehend that the girls were leaving cookies for their friends and neighbors, including the daughter of the lady who sued them. bad judgement? I think their judgement is every bit as good as yours, but do as you will. Sue the little buggers next time they step foot on your walkway after 10pm.
I sincerely hope the lady does not have another anxiety attack over the publicity she has gotten. Talk about bad judgment? The bad publicity she has gotten has cost her husband jobs, and smudged her (good?) name all over the www. $900 will never cover the cost of that. She won part of her the case, but did not win all she asked for, and at what cost? Was it worth it? was it good judgement? Looking at it from a business standpoint, she lost. And I still do not think she gave a rat's behind about the lesson she claims she wanted to teach the girls. You obviously believe her. Now, you want to buy some prime land I have in this swampy place I know?
On the other hand, the girls through this event have raised thousands of dollars for charities. Perhaps the non-profits should send a thank you note to Mrs. Young for her bad judgement.
Yeah, I think if he was in line to be my contractor and I heard about this and how many times he has sued in his business, there is no way in hell that I would have him at my house or business!!!!!!
Sometimes I get the idea from a few of you that its not ok to be a good person...whats wrong with a kid being good and doing good things for their community?
I would rather have a too goody too shoes of a child than a child that was hurting others and selfish.
I think mj and peahead need to take reading lessons.....or maybe all the rest of us do. They are obviously seeing different stories than we are. Privvy to more information. Maybe they read through their crystal balls. Maybe they're more spirtuall than the rest of us and "just know" more.
I, for one, would much rather have Ned Flanders children than Ozzy Osborne's. I think people like mj and peahead are so jaded, bitter and unhappy that they just don't know what it's like to have people do nice things for you "just because". They probably don't know what it's like to be "really" loved either. TWI love may be the only love they know and we all know that's poisonous love with all kinds of strings attached.
--> Didn't I read that the woman was 49 years old. If thats an old lady then I must be dead. I'm in my 50's and I don't feel or look old. :P-->
I think Vickles and all who think this woman was mean and in it for the money are right. This woman is nothing but a greedy snake and I heard her usband encouraged her to sue so he and her lost a lot more than they gained, jobs for him and maybe her too, lost her integrety and probably some of her friends over such a nice act these 2 girls were trying to do. :D-->
I say I wish more teens were that way, and anyone who says differently is not being very loving or realistic.
I am not a fly by night poster. I don’t use my own computer. I use the library computer and can’t get here very often or use it very long.
Religion is the problem, both the girls and the people that sued them were wrong. The difference is the girls were acting on their fear in some ridiculous effort to feel right about themselves the lady they wronged was just hiding from her fears.
You do know that Jesus is not a Christian and he is never going to be one. The simple truth is, neither God nor His son have a religion and the bible is not a religious book.
If people don’t decide to face their fear and find the truth and they keep buying into these stupid religions they will find out that being “GOOD” is determined by God not by some religion or some radio talk show host and after 6000 years of telling people I don’t think God is going to bake them a cake and try to win them over.
Parents who teach their children to be religious are raising tomorrow’s evil doers and tormented souls. It really doesn’t matter if its Muslim parents or Christian.
But I really don’t want to turn this discussion into a religious debate.
Sure you do peahead.... you've made 14 posts I've seen two of them and you attack "religion" in both of the posts. I haven't looked them all up but I will just to satisfy my own curiosity.
In the meantime, welcome to GSC, but be honest. Don't try to cover up what you're about. You will find tons of info about twi past and present. You will also find posters ready to challenge your statements and opinions... so be careful what you say unless you're ready for some swift comebacks.
I don’t know why people do what they do only God does, but it is stupid to ignore the possibility that the boy scout helping the elderly is being used by some religion to advance their agenda and that the boy scout himself is not exploiting the elderly but being exploited by Christians.
If you were in the way you no doubt went witnessing were you doing good or being exploited willingly to do evil?
If anyone bought into the BS you told them and came to your fellowship then you did evil not good and you are deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
peahead, so there's no good in mankind and anything we do out of the goodness of our heart to help someone can be traced all the way back to being exploited by religion?
Can you say you were doing “GOOD” when you were in the Way or were you being used by the Way to do evil?
I didn't say anything about the goodness in someone’s heart. I don't even know if there is any good in someone else’s heart but I can tell you that there is none in mine.
I don't even know if there is any good in someone else’s heart but I can tell you that there is none in mine.
I don't believe that, peahead. Maybe you're just too hurt or have been too mistreated to see otherwise.
In TWI sometimes I did things because I was told or "strongly suggested" to do things. Other times I did do things just because I wanted to make someone's day, help someone out or just do something nice for no particular reason. I still do nice things just because I want to. There's no motive or expectation on my part when I do those things.
When I would go out witnessing in TWI, in the beginning, I did think I was helping people and I was so excited about what I was learning that I shared with people regardless of what TWI wanted. As things began getting more legalistic, I can't say that I really did witness. I would walk around and act like I was, but I wasn't about to bring people into a group that was making me so miserable.
I share jokes by e-mail with friends of mine. I like to laugh; I like to make others laugh and I like to share laughs with friends. If you want me to share jokes with you every once in a while, just pt me with your e-mail address. :D--> I don't know what to tell you, but I'm very sorry that you feel there is no altruism in the world. It must be a pretty miserable existence to live like that.
pea-- could you possibly read any more into this??? you are projecting, plain and simple. Life is not nearly so black and white. Are you GOD ALMIGHTY that you can see their heart's motives??? .... I thought not....
I don't even know if there is any good in someone else’s heart but I can tell you that there is none in mine.
I don't believe that, peahead. Maybe you're just too hurt or have been too mistreated to see otherwise.
In TWI sometimes I did things because I was told or "strongly suggested" to do things. Other times I did do things just because I wanted to make someone's day, help someone out or just do something nice for no particular reason. I still do nice things just because I want to. There's no motive or expectation on my part when I do those things.
When I would go out witnessing in TWI, in the beginning, I did think I was helping people and I was so excited about what I was learning that I shared with people regardless of what TWI wanted. As things began getting more legalistic, I can't say that I really did witness. I would walk around and act like I was, but I wasn't about to bring people into a group that was making me so miserable.
I share jokes by e-mail with friends of mine. I like to laugh; I like to make others laugh and I like to share laughs with friends. If you want me to share jokes with you every once in a while, just pt me with your e-mail address. :D--> I don't know what to tell you, but I'm very sorry that you feel there is no altruism in the world. It must be a pretty miserable existence to live like that.
You answered everything in your first sentence. “I don't believe that, Peahead.”
People would rather believe fantasies about themselves than the truth that is why churches will always prosper and evil will always be called good and good will be called evil until the end.
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yep, first it's bakin' cookies and leaving 'em for the neighbors, the next thing it's some Salem, Mass. witch hunt...
well, that's what I heard on this ex-fundie website......
sheeesh, that is some DEEP thinkin' there....
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MJ writes:
What the article REALLY says is: "The teenagers’ families offered to pay Young’s medical bills, but she declined and sued, saying their apologies were not sincere and were not offered in person.
It does not say they REFUSED, to speak face to face. Who is to say that even face to face the woman would have "felt" they were insincere?
None of the other neighbors felt disrespected. Why this one? I think it wrong to say that they disrespected their neighbors.
sigh, oh well MJ, enjoy your town. I hope the girls bring me cookies, and they can do it anytime they dang well please. It beats the heck outta flaming paper bags of dog poo. (For which I would not sue either)
You do not seem to comprehend that the girls were leaving cookies for their friends and neighbors, including the daughter of the lady who sued them. bad judgement? I think their judgement is every bit as good as yours, but do as you will. Sue the little buggers next time they step foot on your walkway after 10pm.
I sincerely hope the lady does not have another anxiety attack over the publicity she has gotten. Talk about bad judgment? The bad publicity she has gotten has cost her husband jobs, and smudged her (good?) name all over the www. $900 will never cover the cost of that. She won part of her the case, but did not win all she asked for, and at what cost? Was it worth it? was it good judgement? Looking at it from a business standpoint, she lost. And I still do not think she gave a rat's behind about the lesson she claims she wanted to teach the girls. You obviously believe her. Now, you want to buy some prime land I have in this swampy place I know?
On the other hand, the girls through this event have raised thousands of dollars for charities. Perhaps the non-profits should send a thank you note to Mrs. Young for her bad judgement.
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The husband lost his job over this? What kind of work did he do? Is there more to this story?
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jobs, vickles, not his job. He is a contractor; people have told him to take a hike over this...
maybe chickens are comin' home to roost...
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Thanks alfie, I get it....
It must be the blonde working over time...

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Yeah, I think if he was in line to be my contractor and I heard about this and how many times he has sued in his business, there is no way in hell that I would have him at my house or business!!!!!!
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Sometimes I get the idea from a few of you that its not ok to be a good person...whats wrong with a kid being good and doing good things for their community?
I would rather have a too goody too shoes of a child than a child that was hurting others and selfish.
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Apparently P-Heads on sabbatical Vickles, or doing other stuff. Maybe we'll never know....
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yeah, maybe one of those fly by posters..
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I think mj and peahead need to take reading lessons.....or maybe all the rest of us do. They are obviously seeing different stories than we are. Privvy to more information. Maybe they read through their crystal balls. Maybe they're more spirtuall than the rest of us and "just know" more.
I, for one, would much rather have Ned Flanders children than Ozzy Osborne's. I think people like mj and peahead are so jaded, bitter and unhappy that they just don't know what it's like to have people do nice things for you "just because". They probably don't know what it's like to be "really" loved either. TWI love may be the only love they know and we all know that's poisonous love with all kinds of strings attached.
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You said it very well, Belle, thanks...

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I think Vickles and all who think this woman was mean and in it for the money are right.
This woman is nothing but a greedy snake and I heard her usband encouraged her to sue so he and her lost a lot more than they gained, jobs for him and maybe her too, lost her integrety and probably some of her friends over such a nice act these 2 girls were trying to do.
I say I wish more teens were that way, and anyone who says differently is not being very loving or realistic.
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I am not a fly by night poster. I don’t use my own computer. I use the library computer and can’t get here very often or use it very long.
Religion is the problem, both the girls and the people that sued them were wrong. The difference is the girls were acting on their fear in some ridiculous effort to feel right about themselves the lady they wronged was just hiding from her fears.
You do know that Jesus is not a Christian and he is never going to be one. The simple truth is, neither God nor His son have a religion and the bible is not a religious book.
If people don’t decide to face their fear and find the truth and they keep buying into these stupid religions they will find out that being “GOOD” is determined by God not by some religion or some radio talk show host and after 6000 years of telling people I don’t think God is going to bake them a cake and try to win them over.
Parents who teach their children to be religious are raising tomorrow’s evil doers and tormented souls. It really doesn’t matter if its Muslim parents or Christian.
But I really don’t want to turn this discussion into a religious debate.
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this is true Belle, people have lost the nice part of life....
These are the same kind of people that think a Boy Scout helpi ng an elderly person across the street is exploiting the elderly!
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Al Poole
Sure you do peahead.... you've made 14 posts I've seen two of them and you attack "religion" in both of the posts. I haven't looked them all up but I will just to satisfy my own curiosity.
In the meantime, welcome to GSC, but be honest. Don't try to cover up what you're about. You will find tons of info about twi past and present. You will also find posters ready to challenge your statements and opinions... so be careful what you say unless you're ready for some swift comebacks.
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I don’t know why people do what they do only God does, but it is stupid to ignore the possibility that the boy scout helping the elderly is being used by some religion to advance their agenda and that the boy scout himself is not exploiting the elderly but being exploited by Christians.
If you were in the way you no doubt went witnessing were you doing good or being exploited willingly to do evil?
If anyone bought into the BS you told them and came to your fellowship then you did evil not good and you are deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
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On this topic I didn’t but I certainly do want to discuss religion that is why I joined G spot.
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peahead, so there's no good in mankind and anything we do out of the goodness of our heart to help someone can be traced all the way back to being exploited by religion?
Good gawd, mon, you need help!
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Can you say you were doing “GOOD” when you were in the Way or were you being used by the Way to do evil?
I didn't say anything about the goodness in someone’s heart. I don't even know if there is any good in someone else’s heart but I can tell you that there is none in mine.
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I don't believe that, peahead. Maybe you're just too hurt or have been too mistreated to see otherwise.
In TWI sometimes I did things because I was told or "strongly suggested" to do things. Other times I did do things just because I wanted to make someone's day, help someone out or just do something nice for no particular reason. I still do nice things just because I want to. There's no motive or expectation on my part when I do those things.
When I would go out witnessing in TWI, in the beginning, I did think I was helping people and I was so excited about what I was learning that I shared with people regardless of what TWI wanted. As things began getting more legalistic, I can't say that I really did witness. I would walk around and act like I was, but I wasn't about to bring people into a group that was making me so miserable.
I share jokes by e-mail with friends of mine. I like to laugh; I like to make others laugh and I like to share laughs with friends. If you want me to share jokes with you every once in a while, just pt me with your e-mail address.
:D--> I don't know what to tell you, but I'm very sorry that you feel there is no altruism in the world. It must be a pretty miserable existence to live like that.
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wb Peahead
have some cookies
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ph -- I dont want to waste my time with cynics like you.
you obviously have a miserable life looking for all the ulterior motives.
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pea-- could you possibly read any more into this??? you are projecting, plain and simple. Life is not nearly so black and white. Are you GOD ALMIGHTY that you can see their heart's motives??? .... I thought not....
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You answered everything in your first sentence. “I don't believe that, Peahead.”
People would rather believe fantasies about themselves than the truth that is why churches will always prosper and evil will always be called good and good will be called evil until the end.
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