Heck, Vickles, not only was this 49 year old (not exactly elderly) woman the mother of an 18 year old daughter, her daughter was with her at home at the time they dropped off the cookies. So was her mother, who really was elderly, but apparently suffered no ill effects from anxiety.
Also, given that the woman called the police, there is no way that she didn't know that night that the whole thing was nothing more than two girls trying to do a nice thing for their neighbors. In other words, she knew that night that she had been in no danger and there was no cause for alarm.
One possibly telling thing in The Denver Post article is, "She thought perhaps they were burglars or some neighbors she had tangled with in the past, she said." Makes me think that she may have a history of being a crank.
BTW, I doubt if the suit was so much about money, but rather about attention. It seems to me that the woman wanted to be fawned over as some sort of victim.
"It was not untill they refused to speak to her about the incident and completly disregarded what she had to say about how it affected her life that she decided to use the court to make them listen . I do not think it was about the money for her I really think she needed the girls to understand what they did and how it hurt her. They refused, conisdered her a callous bitch as many here have and gained sympathy for their cause of making cookies and knocking and runnig in the night under the guise of innocence"
This is absolutely NOT the truth. I heard one of these girls interviewed on the radio, Taylor, I think. The jock that was interviewing her started running this lady down and the girl defended the woman. She made it very clear she wanted nothing negative said about this woman. And no she wasn't afraid of legal reprecussions. She simply didn't want anything negative being said. These girls have acted this way from the start. This kid was very respectful toward her and all she would say was decent things about this woman.
From the article:
"Taylor and Lindsey declined to comment Thursday, saying only that they didn't want to say anything hurtful."
Your insistance on trashing these kids is telling of your own willingness to consider the worst about someone else without being willing to look at all the facts, just like this woman. The last thing that would come out of this kids mouth is a comment about this woman being a "callous bit**" as you have accused them of.
I wouldn't let my kids near a nutcase like this on a bet. They offered her an apology before they ever knew she was bringing a civil case against them. She's the one who did the refusing.
The judge himself said they didn't do anything malicious. As I said before, he may have had no choice but decide the case as he did because they had already offered to pay the medical bills. What more could you want from them? A written apology, and offer to pay the medical bills.
If all she wanted was a face to face apology why did she try to sue for pain and suffering? She went after a lot of money over this and was disappointed in the judges decision. That's not trying to teach the kids a lesson.
Perhaps you should move next door to this woman, it sounds like the two of you would hit it off grandly.
"They refused, conisdered her a callous bitch as many here have and gained sympathy for their cause of making cookies and knocking and runnig in the night under the guise of innocence"
Oh -- this is a cause now? This reads like a bad Monty Python sketch.
--When teens go bad and leave cookies on their neighbors doorstep. Then they run... yes - run in the night under the guise of innocence. --
Tune in next week when the teens torment a cat under the guise of helping it out of a tree.
I wonder how these videos would sell against the "Girls gone Wild" series.
The Youngs, ( the plaintiffs in the case) have been involved with 9 civil suits since 1991, not counting this case. They have sued, and been sued. Two more cases involved restraining orders.
They are no strangers to the court system.
Well, I guess that is better than taking matters into your own hands, but it makes one wonder what their lives are like that they seem to have so many legal issues which they feel the need to go to the courts to settle. Most of the suits have been related to either neighbors, or clients and employees of the husband's construction business.
Their motives, their reputations, what people claim on an internet thread on an anti-way site are not factors I have considered . I read the link vickle posted.
the fact that they have been in law suits ( which has little or nothing to do with anything really) before would be wise to consider before knocking on their door.
If they were such "bad" people then why did they mess with them? again immature bad judgement.
As I stated in my town we have curfew parents are responsible to know what and where their children are doing and to whom by law. So in a sense they are my neighbors.
I am not making judgement on who is who in a neighborhood what the girls did was bad judgement and the woman felt she was violated, she won money for it.
the big picure is the girls did learn a lesson . That was the womans point. did she want money? maybe who knows and some would say that is bad judgement , that is an opinion. The article states the victim felt the apologies where insincere when they wouldnt speak to her face to face. They may have been afraid of future law suits sounds like they are learning how to respect their neighbors now. That was the womans point.
As far as using our courts , well , hey now she bad the fee's for small claims and it our right . who is to say who get to and who does not?
'As far as using our courts, well, hey now she had the bad the fee's for small claims and it our right. who is to say who get to and who does not?
Your right MJ but frivilous things like this is what takes up the courts time away from important stuff.
The past history of these people are important to know about.
I feel sorry for the daughter that are friends with these girls. If it were me I would be SO embarrassed. What kind of message is this mother teaching her...huh?
I feel bad for the 2 girls. They will obviously spend a large portion of their lives trying to crawl out from under all the Christian religious nonsense their parents are teaching them.
I hope that other teenage girls aren’t that pathetically religious. “Let’s bake cookies and be nice to our neighbors and give them some” We are going backwards into the dark ages.
I don't know, Peahead, I would rather my teens doing that than stealing, lying, drinking, doing drugs and sex.
I would be so thankful that they were trying to do something for others and not thinking about themselves, which I think is the main problem in this country.
You think that what the two girls were doing was a good thing? Instead of baking cookies why didn’t they just go to their room and pray for all their heathen neighbors. God loves um you know the bible tells me so….Ned Flanders must be these girls father.
We disagree then. I don’t think they were just trying to be nice at all I think they were being religious. This is clearly implied in everything I have heard about the story.
Christian fundamentalism is what is wrong with this country and its youth not selfishness at least that is my opinion.
Wow Peahead, there's got to be more to what you're saying than cookies and dances. Christian fundamentalism is what's wrong with our coutry and it's youth? That's a tad broad, don't you think? With a shotgun like that you're going to hit the neighbor's dog and then there'll be hell to pay.
The proliferation of bad fashion styles has got to be in the Top 10. Have you seen some of the shoes kids are wearing? Plain evil, right there, on the street everyday.
I still don't know much about this other than the article link Vickles posted, so where's the Ned Flanders Christian fluff coming from? Beause they sound like goodie two-shoes? Some people are goodie two-shoes, they want to be good. What's your alternative to that, I'm curious.
quote:“Let’s bake cookies and be nice to our neighbors and give them some” We are going backwards into the dark ages.
I don't get you either peahead. I also have my quarrels with Christian Fundamentalism but I have nothing against people being good to each other. That's something that is not exclusive to Christianity, it is a common thread throughout humanity and in most places just a good practical way to live no matter what your spiritual makeup (or lack thereof).
They could have just watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure--"Be excellent to each other"--for all we know...
"Good is where you find it", that's my motto. Some people do good for money, good ol' American Capitalistic Greed, the kind Mom used to bake. Some for Heavenly Brownie points, all the better to come early and get a good seat for the After Party. Others because they're afraid if they don't they'll go to Hell and be poked with stale pretzels for eternity by The Pillsbury Doh!boy.
Still others because well gosh-a-rooski diddly oh, it's better than beating your head with a baseball bat and taking your stuff while you bleed to death on the sidewalk and people stand around watching and wondering if they call 9-1-1 on their cell, is it going to go against their daytime minutes or can they switch it over to their Verizon Anytime/Anywhere plan and save 20 cents, only to realize they have a text message incoming so it'll have to wait just a sec.
The net result of good is good even when it's done by Pure Clean Altruistic Non-Religious Enlightened Ones. Or could be, in a world where people weren't afraid of knocks on their door at night, neighbors that won't put their garbage cans on the right side of the road and cars that have those DAMMED Alarm systems that go off if a cat brushes up against them and that make everyone within a 1/4 mile wish someone would at least break in to the car and steal the stupid alarm so it would it stop beeping. But no matter what the case a little bit goes a long way. Not for these girls though. This'll teach 'em.
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Heck, Vickles, not only was this 49 year old (not exactly elderly) woman the mother of an 18 year old daughter, her daughter was with her at home at the time they dropped off the cookies. So was her mother, who really was elderly, but apparently suffered no ill effects from anxiety.
Also, given that the woman called the police, there is no way that she didn't know that night that the whole thing was nothing more than two girls trying to do a nice thing for their neighbors. In other words, she knew that night that she had been in no danger and there was no cause for alarm.
One possibly telling thing in The Denver Post article is, "She thought perhaps they were burglars or some neighbors she had tangled with in the past, she said." Makes me think that she may have a history of being a crank.
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BTW, I doubt if the suit was so much about money, but rather about attention. It seems to me that the woman wanted to be fawned over as some sort of victim.
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Long Gone, I agree, I mean do I think that I hear a noise at the door and think that it is someone I've tangled with in the past?
ANd look, it says someone. It doesn't say somebody. That means she has tangled with more than one person.
Some people live for the attention, huh?
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It was definitely a crumby thing to do.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
I agree with you, socks. I think she was in it for the 'cookie dough'.
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MJ - you wrote:
"It was not untill they refused to speak to her about the incident and completly disregarded what she had to say about how it affected her life that she decided to use the court to make them listen . I do not think it was about the money for her I really think she needed the girls to understand what they did and how it hurt her. They refused, conisdered her a callous bitch as many here have and gained sympathy for their cause of making cookies and knocking and runnig in the night under the guise of innocence"
This is absolutely NOT the truth. I heard one of these girls interviewed on the radio, Taylor, I think. The jock that was interviewing her started running this lady down and the girl defended the woman. She made it very clear she wanted nothing negative said about this woman. And no she wasn't afraid of legal reprecussions. She simply didn't want anything negative being said. These girls have acted this way from the start. This kid was very respectful toward her and all she would say was decent things about this woman.
From the article:
"Taylor and Lindsey declined to comment Thursday, saying only that they didn't want to say anything hurtful."
Your insistance on trashing these kids is telling of your own willingness to consider the worst about someone else without being willing to look at all the facts, just like this woman. The last thing that would come out of this kids mouth is a comment about this woman being a "callous bit**" as you have accused them of.
I wouldn't let my kids near a nutcase like this on a bet. They offered her an apology before they ever knew she was bringing a civil case against them. She's the one who did the refusing.
The judge himself said they didn't do anything malicious. As I said before, he may have had no choice but decide the case as he did because they had already offered to pay the medical bills. What more could you want from them? A written apology, and offer to pay the medical bills.
If all she wanted was a face to face apology why did she try to sue for pain and suffering? She went after a lot of money over this and was disappointed in the judges decision. That's not trying to teach the kids a lesson.
Perhaps you should move next door to this woman, it sounds like the two of you would hit it off grandly.
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One other thing MJ -
You wrote:
"They refused, conisdered her a callous bitch as many here have and gained sympathy for their cause of making cookies and knocking and runnig in the night under the guise of innocence"
Oh -- this is a cause now? This reads like a bad Monty Python sketch.
--When teens go bad and leave cookies on their neighbors doorstep. Then they run... yes - run in the night under the guise of innocence. --
Tune in next week when the teens torment a cat under the guise of helping it out of a tree.
I wonder how these videos would sell against the "Girls gone Wild" series.
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Dizzydog -- stop, you're scaring me and I'm in the country, a mere 4 states away....
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(ALbuquerque Press)---actually my local abc news:
The girls fine was paid for by a Denver Radio station fundraiser, and Otis Spunkmyer is now going to make a cookie named after them.
It will be called the Kindness Cookie.
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Or....tune in next month when these girls confuse colorado chickens by coloring eggs and hiding them in the nearest city park.
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The Youngs, ( the plaintiffs in the case) have been involved with 9 civil suits since 1991, not counting this case. They have sued, and been sued. Two more cases involved restraining orders.
They are no strangers to the court system.
Well, I guess that is better than taking matters into your own hands, but it makes one wonder what their lives are like that they seem to have so many legal issues which they feel the need to go to the courts to settle. Most of the suits have been related to either neighbors, or clients and employees of the husband's construction business.
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Their motives, their reputations, what people claim on an internet thread on an anti-way site are not factors I have considered . I read the link vickle posted.
the fact that they have been in law suits ( which has little or nothing to do with anything really) before would be wise to consider before knocking on their door.
If they were such "bad" people then why did they mess with them? again immature bad judgement.
As I stated in my town we have curfew parents are responsible to know what and where their children are doing and to whom by law. So in a sense they are my neighbors.
I am not making judgement on who is who in a neighborhood what the girls did was bad judgement and the woman felt she was violated, she won money for it.
the big picure is the girls did learn a lesson . That was the womans point. did she want money? maybe who knows and some would say that is bad judgement , that is an opinion. The article states the victim felt the apologies where insincere when they wouldnt speak to her face to face. They may have been afraid of future law suits sounds like they are learning how to respect their neighbors now. That was the womans point.
As far as using our courts , well , hey now she bad the fee's for small claims and it our right . who is to say who get to and who does not?
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Yeah, I guess they did learn a lesson huh? That people can be bad when you are trying to be nice to them....
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'As far as using our courts, well, hey now she had the bad the fee's for small claims and it our right. who is to say who get to and who does not?
Your right MJ but frivilous things like this is what takes up the courts time away from important stuff.
The past history of these people are important to know about.
I feel sorry for the daughter that are friends with these girls. If it were me I would be SO embarrassed. What kind of message is this mother teaching her...huh?
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I feel bad for the 2 girls. They will obviously spend a large portion of their lives trying to crawl out from under all the Christian religious nonsense their parents are teaching them.
I hope that other teenage girls aren’t that pathetically religious. “Let’s bake cookies and be nice to our neighbors and give them some” We are going backwards into the dark ages.
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I don't know, Peahead, I would rather my teens doing that than stealing, lying, drinking, doing drugs and sex.
I would be so thankful that they were trying to do something for others and not thinking about themselves, which I think is the main problem in this country.
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You think that what the two girls were doing was a good thing? Instead of baking cookies why didn’t they just go to their room and pray for all their heathen neighbors. God loves um you know the bible tells me so….Ned Flanders must be these girls father.
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I don't think it said anywhere that they were doing it in the name of God. So where is that coming from?
To be nice, have kindness, and be doing for others isn'tjust a religous thing. I know some atheists that are kind and giving.
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We disagree then. I don’t think they were just trying to be nice at all I think they were being religious. This is clearly implied in everything I have heard about the story.
Christian fundamentalism is what is wrong with this country and its youth not selfishness at least that is my opinion.
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Oh so your saying that you would rather have your kids into sex, drugs, lying, and stealing?...
We are all entitled to our own opinion, I do agree with you on that....
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Wow Peahead, there's got to be more to what you're saying than cookies and dances. Christian fundamentalism is what's wrong with our coutry and it's youth? That's a tad broad, don't you think? With a shotgun like that you're going to hit the neighbor's dog and then there'll be hell to pay.
The proliferation of bad fashion styles has got to be in the Top 10. Have you seen some of the shoes kids are wearing? Plain evil, right there, on the street everyday.
I still don't know much about this other than the article link Vickles posted, so where's the Ned Flanders Christian fluff coming from? Beause they sound like goodie two-shoes? Some people are goodie two-shoes, they want to be good. What's your alternative to that, I'm curious.
You gotta be kidding.
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I don't get you either peahead. I also have my quarrels with Christian Fundamentalism but I have nothing against people being good to each other. That's something that is not exclusive to Christianity, it is a common thread throughout humanity and in most places just a good practical way to live no matter what your spiritual makeup (or lack thereof).
They could have just watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure--"Be excellent to each other"--for all we know...
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"Good is where you find it", that's my motto. Some people do good for money, good ol' American Capitalistic Greed, the kind Mom used to bake. Some for Heavenly Brownie points, all the better to come early and get a good seat for the After Party. Others because they're afraid if they don't they'll go to Hell and be poked with stale pretzels for eternity by The Pillsbury Doh!boy.
Still others because well gosh-a-rooski diddly oh, it's better than beating your head with a baseball bat and taking your stuff while you bleed to death on the sidewalk and people stand around watching and wondering if they call 9-1-1 on their cell, is it going to go against their daytime minutes or can they switch it over to their Verizon Anytime/Anywhere plan and save 20 cents, only to realize they have a text message incoming so it'll have to wait just a sec.
The net result of good is good even when it's done by Pure Clean Altruistic Non-Religious Enlightened Ones. Or could be, in a world where people weren't afraid of knocks on their door at night, neighbors that won't put their garbage cans on the right side of the road and cars that have those DAMMED Alarm systems that go off if a cat brushes up against them and that make everyone within a 1/4 mile wish someone would at least break in to the car and steal the stupid alarm so it would it stop beeping. But no matter what the case a little bit goes a long way. Not for these girls though. This'll teach 'em.
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