"I see adults all over the place wanting to be a teen again or still wishing to be part of the cool group, to bad because this is the time the most discipline and guidance is needed. We learn to be adults by making choices that is good for a community outside of our own protective families. That is what these girls learned, simply enough, if these girls where shot or hurt in some way I wonder if you would scream the home owner was wrong for defending her property, esp. if they were there for less than honorable reasons."
Hap said they rang the door bell and left so how could they have ever been shot?
What does "adults all over the place wanting to be a teen again or still wishing to be part of the cool group.....,". What does this statement have to do with the situation of these two girls? Are you inferring their parents were 'part of the problem'?
This sounds to me like a money hungary woman and her lawyer wanting to line their pockets.
they live out in mini-ranch land--ya know, about 5 acre+ spreads. Word has it that the husband was the one who encoraged the sueing (sp?) In that area it is pretty safe and you are more worried about a mail box getting whacked. It is dark in Durngo at 10:30, but not that unusual for people to still be out. This is rural...but it is also Durango...home to lots of winter tourists and granola types too, not just the red-neck shoot first ask questions later types...that would be Odessa Texas...even in the urban part. I have heard that there is no curfew. There is no curfew for any city I can think of in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico or Arizona as far as I can remember.
And really if the woman was so badly attacked by anxiety...why didn'the husband get her to the doc that night!
Thsi is just another cup of hot coffee on the doorstep.
Washingtonweather - thanks for the input on this story. I don't recall the news article mentioning the woman even had a husband! Was he home when the girls came? If so why did she go to her sisters/friends (I can't recall which)?
I tried to find some court documents on it, but only came up with more new stories.
Anyway, the added information does add perspective.
Leseee....2 young girls don't like cursing or drinking, bake cookies and run around one night and pass the cookies out. A middle aged woman gets scared and sues?
My daughter can rip some choice words now and then, but she doesn't drink and often does nice things for people. I'll have to warn her.
Did she ever have an actual heart attack? I'm not belittling being scared, but it seems like once the explanation was given, that would have been enough.
I keep a 3' piece of 2" PVC pipe just outside the garage door of our place. Anyone who doesn't identify themselves quick are going to get it wrapped around them. (PVC is good, it will crack before it completely demolishes a bone although it will probably cause a fracture or two.) But that's for in the middle of the night and an obvious threat).
10:30? Cookies? When she left didn't she see the cookies? What, they tasted so bad she had to sue?
I don't fault her for being concerned or calling the police, she was alone, she got scared. But suing?
Parents shouldnt have to tell an eighteen year old not to knock on strangers doors and run away esp. at 1030. they should have more common sense of their own. But this girls didnt and that is why they got sued.
the article says she saw "shawdows in the night" and then asked them to identify and say who they were and they ran away. so she saw them but they ran away without answering her. This behaviour sound s really immature for such good hearted(?) woman doing good deeeds in the middle of the night? I BET she was firghtened, how much and to what cost would be up to the courts to decide she said she didnt do it for the money she did it to teach those girls a lesson about their resposnsiblility to be a good neighborhood and consider what they were doing as much .
I can imagine a large city or the country having effective curfews. The police would have to use nearly all of their resources to enforce it wouldnt they? Maybe her husband works night or was out of town when it happened.
Immature? That wouldn't it worth suing them, IMO. To me, that's a gross over reaction. Immature doesn't bring their motives into question, that there was malfeasance. They were 18 year old kids.
They weren't pulling a prank or trying to scare the woman according to the story. I have no problem with the fact the woman was scared. But suing? Nope.
I'm glad she didn't have a gun handy and know how to use it.
The husband was not home, but I have not heard where he was. One of the girl's father has gotten a restraint order against the husband because he has called and threatened his life for telling the story. In all the interviews (6 or 7 I have heard) neither the fathers, nor the girls have said a bad word about the lady or the court. They have left it to us to draw our conclusions on why the lady sued.
The families were not strangers. The lady who sued has a daughter who was friends with the girls. (I wonder if WAS may be a keyword.)
I was mistaken about the doorbell, it was the back door on that house (lighted porch) and they knocked, then left. They had started about 9 pm to leave the cookies, and this was their last house. I dunno, my kids, in summer, at that age were not heading home at that time of night. I guess my cum laude graduate shoulda been home studying so he could be magna.
Suing friends of your daughter was silly, especially since they had apologized already, and had offered to pay the $900 doctor bill. The lady wanted money for pain and suffering too, and for supposed dents in a storm door, which the police could not see was damaged at all.
Once I made a Huge Card out of newspaper end paper for a neighbor who had been sick -- she was really frail -- and I hid in the bushes and watched her open the door and find it. She guessed it was me.
How tacky can you be?
Glad I was never sued.
If so, I would probably be a different person today.
Glad the girls got comforted in their tribulation.
As I read the various responses to this article (not only here but also on another bulletin board) I am amazed that people have responded the way they have. I read at least two responses indicating that the girls were lucky they weren’t doing this in some parts of the country because they might get shot. Shoot first and ask questions later, right?
Now I might not be a mensa student but this is insane. Having worked in various forms of law enforcement and corrections I can tell you that being scared doesn’t arbitrarily give you the privilege to use deadly force at any time of the day or night. There are plenty of people locked up who tried to use just such a defense and it rarely works.
This woman stated that she hoped these teens learned a lesson. Yeah, not to cross her path. That anyone can look at this and think she was doing anything other than trying to line her pockets is crazy.
These kids did nothing illegal. There were being cute, innocent teenage girls. They obviously thought they were doing something good for their neighbors and got a little carried away. Why penalize that kind of enthusiasm? I’ll tell you why, because that woman thought she could make money from the situation.
Were they out a little late to be doing this? I’ll grant that. If it were my kids (or anyone else’s) I’d just tell them they should’ve waited until the next morning. All that aside the reaction from this woman is more than over the top, it’s downright mean.
If these girls were pulling a prank, then this woman tried to pull an all out scam, and she used the courts to do it. The girls apologized to her and the families offered to pay the medical bills. What more could they have done? Even if these girls were being as malicious as some have suggested they were, this is what is supposed to happen. The civil courts exist for the purpose of resolving disputes between parties when they cannot resolve disputes themselves. They took responsibility (more than they needed to, in my opinion) for their actions and got slapped in the face for it.
As long as we’re talking about the courts, I’ve seen some people critical of the judge for determining the case the way he did. He may have had no choice since the girl’s families had already stated in writing that they would pay the medical bills. Not sure about the laws there but this would seem germane given the details.
This woman deserves to be the pariah she’s become in her community.
I have a problem with someone living in the country suffering that kind of anxiety attack over absolutely nothing... I suggest a nice, boring, SoCal gated community with huge houses on tiny lots, all of 'em painted one of 3 shades of "SouthWest" pink... I am sure she would "feel" much "safer"....
:D--> Good Lord they were angels. We used to send (one neighbor in particular) pizza deliveries, trucks of gravel, chinese deliveries and anything else we could think of; all on the same night & sometimes 2 pizzas. Old nosey biddy. Little "devils" that we were. hehehe
I know my daughter and her friends are not like some of the rowdier teens her age, but I do not think that they are at all uncommon. My daughter and her best friend, Fatin, would have done something exactly like the two teens in this story.
And, they would have declined going to any party where drinking and drugs are likely. They instead would have stayed home and baked cookies, or entertained friends, rather than attend or hold a drunken party, like the girl across the street does when her Mom isn't home (they all think she's slutty).
As a matter of fact, when we allowed our daughter to have a graduation party, around thirty of her friends attended. We had to end up tossing the last of them out and driving them home at around 3:00 a.m. because they were just having too much fun. And what, no beer, no drugs? Nope, just pizza, wings, cake, ice cream, music, DVDs, Video games, swimming, and even a hula hoop contest.
My Mom and Dad attended, and Dad was amazed and delighted. He said it did his heart good to see so many kids having so much fun without all the negative activity so often associated with this age group.
This group of kids are really tight knit and have made a commitment to be drug-free and chaste. And as far as I know, only one of them attends a church. And I recently witnessed something that affirmed my faith in these kids.
Recently a girl who was new to this circle of friends went out with a boy her parents had forbade her to see. She lied to her mother and told her she was going over to Fatin's house. But Fatin wasn't home, she was at my house with Jenny. When the girl's Mom called my house trying to track her down, it ....ed Fatin off. She said, I'll bet she's with so and so. She and Jenny jumped into the car and tracked the both of them down and caught them together. Fatin confronted the girl for using her to lie and sneak around her parent's instructions and told her if she EVER did it again, she would go straight to her parents.
There are kids out there who actually believe in keeping themselves as clean and straight as possible in order to achieve their goals of getting a decent education and pursuing professional careers, which they are all too aware can be derailed if they get sidetracked into drugs, alcohol, or pregnancy. There are kids out there who even respect their parents and obey them, even if they disagree with them, because they simply believe it is the right thing to do.
The only thing I think those kids in the article could have done differently, is answer the woman when she asked who was there. Being silent was wrong, and yeah, could scare an elderly person at night and alone. And that yes, could put an elderly ill person in the hospital. But hell, I think the old lady should have accepted their apology. NOT sue them!
I know some can relate to the girls, and understand where they were coming from. I get that .
I do not think this was about the money at all. i really donot think the woman did it for the money, or she would have taken the money for her bills. I think for her it was principle, she felt violated and wanted the girls to understand that.
She wanted the girls to say they were sorry to her face and they refused that is when she took it to court. Maybe if they realized what they did wrong or in the least speak to her face to face and be sorry for bad judgement by knocking and running, she would not have. THEY chose not to speak to her.
Like many on this post they judged her rather harshy and refused to consider maybe she was concerned about what they did for a reason. That was her only request and yet they couldnt do it they could face her, well to me , that speaks volumes about how grown up or concerned about this neighbor (cookies made or not) they really felt.
they claim it was a good deed yet did not have enough integrity to face her in person again how immature is that?
just consider it for a moment.
It was not untill they refused to speak to her about the incident and completly disregarded what she had to say about how it affected her life that she decided to use the court to make them listen . I do not think it was about the money for her I really think she needed the girls to understand what they did and how it hurt her. They refused, conisdered her a callous bitch as many here have and gained sympathy for their cause of making cookies and knocking and runnig in the night under the guise of innocence. Well, the neighbor they so loved didnt feel that way.
This is not to say they were or are not nice children, they very well may be but at 18 and 17 I would also think they would be grown up enough to stop hiding their actions under their parents, or the town pity trip for cute little girls and at least speak to her . These are not children these are grown up really and maybe they need to begin acting like it and take some responsibility for their actions.
puh-leeeze, mj, you are reading way too much into this. This woman should absolutely NOT be living in the country if she is that easily spooked. Suing to make them understand??????? Is that your way of dealing with life -- give me a freaking break..... like our courts have nothing better to do...what a crock...
MJ have you not lived in the country before or are you just out of touch with reality? Maybe you've become so hardened in life that you can't see any good in people?
They refused? not what I understand, and heard. Although they did not apologize to her face, you make it sound now that they refused? How could they have done so face to face? Knock on her door? yeah, uh, wouldn't want to scare the lady AGAIN!
She sued her own daughter's friends because she wanted MORE than just her doctor visit paid for. Plain and simple. She wasn't successful. It WAS about money. Everything else had already been offered, apology and doctor bills.
Oh well MJ I can see the rest of us are at an impasse with you on this. I feel the girls DID face up to their responsibility. The other mom just wanted blood and money.
Does anyone know if the girls were even within earshot when the lady called out asking who was there? I understood they knocked and ran.
Oh well, there has been far too much time spent on this issue, and no headway being made.
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"I see adults all over the place wanting to be a teen again or still wishing to be part of the cool group, to bad because this is the time the most discipline and guidance is needed. We learn to be adults by making choices that is good for a community outside of our own protective families. That is what these girls learned, simply enough, if these girls where shot or hurt in some way I wonder if you would scream the home owner was wrong for defending her property, esp. if they were there for less than honorable reasons."
Hap said they rang the door bell and left so how could they have ever been shot?
What does "adults all over the place wanting to be a teen again or still wishing to be part of the cool group.....,". What does this statement have to do with the situation of these two girls? Are you inferring their parents were 'part of the problem'?
This sounds to me like a money hungary woman and her lawyer wanting to line their pockets.
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they live out in mini-ranch land--ya know, about 5 acre+ spreads. Word has it that the husband was the one who encoraged the sueing (sp?) In that area it is pretty safe and you are more worried about a mail box getting whacked. It is dark in Durngo at 10:30, but not that unusual for people to still be out. This is rural...but it is also Durango...home to lots of winter tourists and granola types too, not just the red-neck shoot first ask questions later types...that would be Odessa Texas...even in the urban part. I have heard that there is no curfew. There is no curfew for any city I can think of in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico or Arizona as far as I can remember.
And really if the woman was so badly attacked by anxiety...why didn'the husband get her to the doc that night!
Thsi is just another cup of hot coffee on the doorstep.
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Washingtonweather - thanks for the input on this story. I don't recall the news article mentioning the woman even had a husband! Was he home when the girls came? If so why did she go to her sisters/friends (I can't recall which)?
I tried to find some court documents on it, but only came up with more new stories.
Anyway, the added information does add perspective.
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Leseee....2 young girls don't like cursing or drinking, bake cookies and run around one night and pass the cookies out. A middle aged woman gets scared and sues?
My daughter can rip some choice words now and then, but she doesn't drink and often does nice things for people. I'll have to warn her.
Did she ever have an actual heart attack? I'm not belittling being scared, but it seems like once the explanation was given, that would have been enough.
I keep a 3' piece of 2" PVC pipe just outside the garage door of our place. Anyone who doesn't identify themselves quick are going to get it wrapped around them. (PVC is good, it will crack before it completely demolishes a bone although it will probably cause a fracture or two.) But that's for in the middle of the night and an obvious threat).
10:30? Cookies? When she left didn't she see the cookies? What, they tasted so bad she had to sue?
I don't fault her for being concerned or calling the police, she was alone, she got scared. But suing?
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Parents shouldnt have to tell an eighteen year old not to knock on strangers doors and run away esp. at 1030. they should have more common sense of their own. But this girls didnt and that is why they got sued.
the article says she saw "shawdows in the night" and then asked them to identify and say who they were and they ran away. so she saw them but they ran away without answering her. This behaviour sound s really immature for such good hearted(?) woman doing good deeeds in the middle of the night? I BET she was firghtened, how much and to what cost would be up to the courts to decide she said she didnt do it for the money she did it to teach those girls a lesson about their resposnsiblility to be a good neighborhood and consider what they were doing as much .
I can imagine a large city or the country having effective curfews. The police would have to use nearly all of their resources to enforce it wouldnt they? Maybe her husband works night or was out of town when it happened.
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Immature? That wouldn't it worth suing them, IMO. To me, that's a gross over reaction. Immature doesn't bring their motives into question, that there was malfeasance. They were 18 year old kids.
They weren't pulling a prank or trying to scare the woman according to the story. I have no problem with the fact the woman was scared. But suing? Nope.
I'm glad she didn't have a gun handy and know how to use it.
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The husband was not home, but I have not heard where he was. One of the girl's father has gotten a restraint order against the husband because he has called and threatened his life for telling the story. In all the interviews (6 or 7 I have heard) neither the fathers, nor the girls have said a bad word about the lady or the court. They have left it to us to draw our conclusions on why the lady sued.
The families were not strangers. The lady who sued has a daughter who was friends with the girls. (I wonder if WAS may be a keyword.)
I was mistaken about the doorbell, it was the back door on that house (lighted porch) and they knocked, then left. They had started about 9 pm to leave the cookies, and this was their last house. I dunno, my kids, in summer, at that age were not heading home at that time of night. I guess my cum laude graduate shoulda been home studying so he could be magna.
Suing friends of your daughter was silly, especially since they had apologized already, and had offered to pay the $900 doctor bill. The lady wanted money for pain and suffering too, and for supposed dents in a storm door, which the police could not see was damaged at all.
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Well, it sure does sound like this woman was in it for the money, hmm?
Its too bad that there are people out there that want to ruin what people do for the good for their own purposes...sounds familiar, doesn't it?
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Kit Sober
Good gravy!
This is what I did as a kid. . .
Once I made a Huge Card out of newspaper end paper for a neighbor who had been sick -- she was really frail -- and I hid in the bushes and watched her open the door and find it. She guessed it was me.
How tacky can you be?
Glad I was never sued.
If so, I would probably be a different person today.
Glad the girls got comforted in their tribulation.
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This is insane-
I live in a neighborhood where everyone leaves their doors unlocked and keys in the car, children are encouraged to do things like this.
That 'love your neighbor' thing certainly doesn't get much mileage in some parts of the country
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No good deed goes unpunished.
--> That lady must be a very bitter and angry at life person to not appreciate a little graciousness.
Maybe the girls should stick to rolling houses like I did at their age.
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As I read the various responses to this article (not only here but also on another bulletin board) I am amazed that people have responded the way they have. I read at least two responses indicating that the girls were lucky they weren’t doing this in some parts of the country because they might get shot. Shoot first and ask questions later, right?
Now I might not be a mensa student but this is insane. Having worked in various forms of law enforcement and corrections I can tell you that being scared doesn’t arbitrarily give you the privilege to use deadly force at any time of the day or night. There are plenty of people locked up who tried to use just such a defense and it rarely works.
This woman stated that she hoped these teens learned a lesson. Yeah, not to cross her path. That anyone can look at this and think she was doing anything other than trying to line her pockets is crazy.
These kids did nothing illegal. There were being cute, innocent teenage girls. They obviously thought they were doing something good for their neighbors and got a little carried away. Why penalize that kind of enthusiasm? I’ll tell you why, because that woman thought she could make money from the situation.
Were they out a little late to be doing this? I’ll grant that. If it were my kids (or anyone else’s) I’d just tell them they should’ve waited until the next morning. All that aside the reaction from this woman is more than over the top, it’s downright mean.
If these girls were pulling a prank, then this woman tried to pull an all out scam, and she used the courts to do it. The girls apologized to her and the families offered to pay the medical bills. What more could they have done? Even if these girls were being as malicious as some have suggested they were, this is what is supposed to happen. The civil courts exist for the purpose of resolving disputes between parties when they cannot resolve disputes themselves. They took responsibility (more than they needed to, in my opinion) for their actions and got slapped in the face for it.
As long as we’re talking about the courts, I’ve seen some people critical of the judge for determining the case the way he did. He may have had no choice since the girl’s families had already stated in writing that they would pay the medical bills. Not sure about the laws there but this would seem germane given the details.
This woman deserves to be the pariah she’s become in her community.
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and 900 dollars for just an anxiety attack? I guess they had to do tests since she thought she was having a heart attack.
If she was out to get money I even doubt she had some kind of attack.
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I have a problem with someone living in the country suffering that kind of anxiety attack over absolutely nothing... I suggest a nice, boring, SoCal gated community with huge houses on tiny lots, all of 'em painted one of 3 shades of "SouthWest" pink... I am sure she would "feel" much "safer"....
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I know my daughter and her friends are not like some of the rowdier teens her age, but I do not think that they are at all uncommon. My daughter and her best friend, Fatin, would have done something exactly like the two teens in this story.
And, they would have declined going to any party where drinking and drugs are likely. They instead would have stayed home and baked cookies, or entertained friends, rather than attend or hold a drunken party, like the girl across the street does when her Mom isn't home (they all think she's slutty).
As a matter of fact, when we allowed our daughter to have a graduation party, around thirty of her friends attended. We had to end up tossing the last of them out and driving them home at around 3:00 a.m. because they were just having too much fun. And what, no beer, no drugs? Nope, just pizza, wings, cake, ice cream, music, DVDs, Video games, swimming, and even a hula hoop contest.
My Mom and Dad attended, and Dad was amazed and delighted. He said it did his heart good to see so many kids having so much fun without all the negative activity so often associated with this age group.
This group of kids are really tight knit and have made a commitment to be drug-free and chaste. And as far as I know, only one of them attends a church. And I recently witnessed something that affirmed my faith in these kids.
Recently a girl who was new to this circle of friends went out with a boy her parents had forbade her to see. She lied to her mother and told her she was going over to Fatin's house. But Fatin wasn't home, she was at my house with Jenny. When the girl's Mom called my house trying to track her down, it ....ed Fatin off. She said, I'll bet she's with so and so. She and Jenny jumped into the car and tracked the both of them down and caught them together. Fatin confronted the girl for using her to lie and sneak around her parent's instructions and told her if she EVER did it again, she would go straight to her parents.
There are kids out there who actually believe in keeping themselves as clean and straight as possible in order to achieve their goals of getting a decent education and pursuing professional careers, which they are all too aware can be derailed if they get sidetracked into drugs, alcohol, or pregnancy. There are kids out there who even respect their parents and obey them, even if they disagree with them, because they simply believe it is the right thing to do.
The only thing I think those kids in the article could have done differently, is answer the woman when she asked who was there. Being silent was wrong, and yeah, could scare an elderly person at night and alone. And that yes, could put an elderly ill person in the hospital. But hell, I think the old lady should have accepted their apology. NOT sue them!
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I thank you catcup, very well written. Not all kids are bad.
Whats amazing is that the old lady was offered to have her medical bills paid and she refused. This is why I think she was in it for the money.
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Yeah, to me that's fishy.
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I know some can relate to the girls, and understand where they were coming from. I get that .
I do not think this was about the money at all. i really donot think the woman did it for the money, or she would have taken the money for her bills. I think for her it was principle, she felt violated and wanted the girls to understand that.
She wanted the girls to say they were sorry to her face and they refused that is when she took it to court. Maybe if they realized what they did wrong or in the least speak to her face to face and be sorry for bad judgement by knocking and running, she would not have. THEY chose not to speak to her.
Like many on this post they judged her rather harshy and refused to consider maybe she was concerned about what they did for a reason. That was her only request and yet they couldnt do it they could face her, well to me , that speaks volumes about how grown up or concerned about this neighbor (cookies made or not) they really felt.
they claim it was a good deed yet did not have enough integrity to face her in person again how immature is that?
just consider it for a moment.
It was not untill they refused to speak to her about the incident and completly disregarded what she had to say about how it affected her life that she decided to use the court to make them listen . I do not think it was about the money for her I really think she needed the girls to understand what they did and how it hurt her. They refused, conisdered her a callous bitch as many here have and gained sympathy for their cause of making cookies and knocking and runnig in the night under the guise of innocence. Well, the neighbor they so loved didnt feel that way.
This is not to say they were or are not nice children, they very well may be but at 18 and 17 I would also think they would be grown up enough to stop hiding their actions under their parents, or the town pity trip for cute little girls and at least speak to her . These are not children these are grown up really and maybe they need to begin acting like it and take some responsibility for their actions.
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puh-leeeze, mj, you are reading way too much into this. This woman should absolutely NOT be living in the country if she is that easily spooked. Suing to make them understand??????? Is that your way of dealing with life -- give me a freaking break..... like our courts have nothing better to do...what a crock...
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MJ have you not lived in the country before or are you just out of touch with reality? Maybe you've become so hardened in life that you can't see any good in people?
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They refused? not what I understand, and heard. Although they did not apologize to her face, you make it sound now that they refused? How could they have done so face to face? Knock on her door? yeah, uh, wouldn't want to scare the lady AGAIN!
She sued her own daughter's friends because she wanted MORE than just her doctor visit paid for. Plain and simple. She wasn't successful. It WAS about money. Everything else had already been offered, apology and doctor bills.
Oh well MJ I can see the rest of us are at an impasse with you on this. I feel the girls DID face up to their responsibility. The other mom just wanted blood and money.
Does anyone know if the girls were even within earshot when the lady called out asking who was there? I understood they knocked and ran.
Oh well, there has been far too much time spent on this issue, and no headway being made.
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and, if she has a daughter the same age as these girls she isn't a dear poor old lady, did ya think of that?
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