A few guys can get many wives, and I cant find one.
Have you seen the women from these groups Z? They look like they are still living in the 1800s. Long hair pulled up, no makeup, and long dresses, with birkenstock type shoes and socks....lordy!!
"Have you seen the women from these groups Z? They look like they are still living in the 1800s. Long hair pulled up, no makeup, and long dresses, with birkenstock type shoes"
Sounds like some 'hot' girls there.
[remind me to never show you any pictures of my wonderful wife, Bonnie]
If he had only "married" women over the age of 16, he probably wouldn't have gotten into trouble with the law. The amazing thing to me is these women that seem to be perfectly happy with this type of arrangement. I don't understand it at all.
Amazing is right...I saw Bill Curtis do a tv show about these guys a couple of weeks ago with my brother and we both thought they were some good looking women...We thought any one of them singly would be just fine,provided she had a good job,of course....
However, the law seems to turn a blind eye to this. And it's terrible that our tax dollars help support this.
It is illegal, but there is nothing illegal about having a wife and other women living with you who you sleep with and take care of. In groups like this in particular, they even marry family members who are below 18, and can probably find some way to claim them as dependents. They are sick bastards, but they find ways to not be illegal if they can, and even when they do break the law they usually get away with it because the law enforcement in their town participates as well.
A great book to read on fundamentalist Mormons is "Under the Banner of Heaven: a story of violent faith" by Jon Krakauer.
Cheating the government out of tax dollars is not just a common practice among them, it is thought to be smiled upon by God...a religious duty.
Not all young ladies are happy with the way things go in these groups, but most don't know anything else. They have been brain washed from a very young age to think that to be a great woman of God you want a man to pick you as one of his wives at a young age. It is less polygamy and more religion sponcered pedophilia under the guise of the "covenant" of "spiritual wifery".
Read the book. You thought TWI was strange the story of the LDS and the FLDS is one crazy history.
It is not just in Colorado City. The FLDS is alive and well in many areas of the country and our neighbors to the north and south. For ex. the Elizebeth Smart case.
“Guests of the sheik: an ethnography of an Iraqi village.
By Elizabeth Warnock Fernea, a Doubleday Anchor book
In it the author describes moving into an arab village and living among the locals, as her husband [an anthropologist] gathers data from governmental officials and the sheiks themselves. They lived in their own camel-dung sun-baked brick home, where she was able to communicate with other women and learn about them. She was allowed to visit and go into the homes of harems and gather information from them about their lives, their lifestyles, and their views on life.
It is also very good for gaining an understanding of that polygamous society.
"I'm sure your wife doesn't look like an Amish woman. I sure didn't mean this as an insult. It's just not a common thing to see in our culture."
We use a Mennonite curriculum for Homeschooling our children. All pictures of ladies in those books show them 'looking' like what is being described in this thread.
We have on occassion moved among circles of 'Reformed' Mormons as well as Mennonites, and yes Bonnie does look like that.
On recent trips to Maine, shopping for land, one of the first things to 'hit' me was that a lot of the ladies up in Maine also 'look' like that [long hair, long dresses or work clothes, no make-up, boots as often as sandals, little or no jewelry]. Plain and yet as attractive as their creator made them.
Glad to see someone took me up on that endorsement I made a few months ago. Krakauer is a great writer, usually writing about extreme outdoor lifestyles and experiences. Religious extremism was a new direction for him, but it turns out there are some similarities.
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That's terrible!!!
Sounds worse than another outfit I'm thinking of, and that's saying something.
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My understanding is that polygamy is illegal.
However, the law seems to turn a blind eye to this. And it's terrible that our tax dollars help support this.
On a different slant...
A few guys can get many wives, and I cant find one.
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Awaugh, Z, maybe you're better off
:D--> (can't believe I said that!)
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On the bright side...
I don't have any alimony or child support payments...
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Have you seen the women from these groups Z? They look like they are still living in the 1800s. Long hair pulled up, no makeup, and long dresses, with birkenstock type shoes and socks....lordy!!
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Wayfer Not!:
"Have you seen the women from these groups Z? They look like they are still living in the 1800s. Long hair pulled up, no makeup, and long dresses, with birkenstock type shoes"
Sounds like some 'hot' girls there.
[remind me to never show you any pictures of my wonderful wife, Bonnie]
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I'm sure your wife doesn't look like an Amish woman. I sure didn't mean this as an insult. It's just not a common thing to see in our culture.
Here's a news story about this group:
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Where pro-polygamy families find more wives...
Can you believe this? I saw it on a google search I was doing for Colorado City Polygamists. I guess there's something for everyone in this world.
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Tom Green with his five "wives" in 2001.
If he had only "married" women over the age of 16, he probably wouldn't have gotten into trouble with the law. The amazing thing to me is these women that seem to be perfectly happy with this type of arrangement. I don't understand it at all.
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Amazing is right...I saw Bill Curtis do a tv show about these guys a couple of weeks ago with my brother and we both thought they were some good looking women...We thought any one of them singly would be just fine,provided she had a good job,of course....
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Mister P-Mosh
It is illegal, but there is nothing illegal about having a wife and other women living with you who you sleep with and take care of. In groups like this in particular, they even marry family members who are below 18, and can probably find some way to claim them as dependents. They are sick bastards, but they find ways to not be illegal if they can, and even when they do break the law they usually get away with it because the law enforcement in their town participates as well.
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A great book to read on fundamentalist Mormons is "Under the Banner of Heaven: a story of violent faith" by Jon Krakauer.
Cheating the government out of tax dollars is not just a common practice among them, it is thought to be smiled upon by God...a religious duty.
Not all young ladies are happy with the way things go in these groups, but most don't know anything else. They have been brain washed from a very young age to think that to be a great woman of God you want a man to pick you as one of his wives at a young age. It is less polygamy and more religion sponcered pedophilia under the guise of the "covenant" of "spiritual wifery".
Read the book. You thought TWI was strange the story of the LDS and the FLDS is one crazy history.
It is not just in Colorado City. The FLDS is alive and well in many areas of the country and our neighbors to the north and south. For ex. the Elizebeth Smart case.
Quite a sick bunch of freaks.
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The government usually turns a blind eye to these cases unless there is obvious neglect or child abuse going on.
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Lindy, I just ead that book a few months back. It's gripping, very well-written and enlightening...
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I have a book in our library:
“Guests of the sheik: an ethnography of an Iraqi village.
By Elizabeth Warnock Fernea, a Doubleday Anchor book
In it the author describes moving into an arab village and living among the locals, as her husband [an anthropologist] gathers data from governmental officials and the sheiks themselves. They lived in their own camel-dung sun-baked brick home, where she was able to communicate with other women and learn about them. She was allowed to visit and go into the homes of harems and gather information from them about their lives, their lifestyles, and their views on life.
It is also very good for gaining an understanding of that polygamous society.
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Wayfer Not!:
"I'm sure your wife doesn't look like an Amish woman. I sure didn't mean this as an insult. It's just not a common thing to see in our culture."
We use a Mennonite curriculum for Homeschooling our children. All pictures of ladies in those books show them 'looking' like what is being described in this thread.
We have on occassion moved among circles of 'Reformed' Mormons as well as Mennonites, and yes Bonnie does look like that.
On recent trips to Maine, shopping for land, one of the first things to 'hit' me was that a lot of the ladies up in Maine also 'look' like that [long hair, long dresses or work clothes, no make-up, boots as often as sandals, little or no jewelry]. Plain and yet as attractive as their creator made them.
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Glad to see someone took me up on that endorsement I made a few months ago. Krakauer is a great writer, usually writing about extreme outdoor lifestyles and experiences. Religious extremism was a new direction for him, but it turns out there are some similarities.
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WOw! The "husband" sure looks HEALTHY, physically, I mean, like he gets lots of exercise or something
Sorry, couldn't resist (Look at his face! rosy color, like he just ran a marathon and the girls don't look unhappy--better not say anymore. LOL!!!!)
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