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Pope John Paul II hospitalized


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The Pope's OK in my book. Don't agree with everything, of course, but I like his heart on most matters. Yeah.. C'mon Karol.. I wish you the best! You've proven yourself a fighter lo these 84 years and I'd LOVE to see you fight for several more years to come!

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it is his humble childhood in poland and his rise to to the pope hood that people are attracted to.

This man loves the church no doubt, and he loves the sancity of life. to an extreme when he is sick and refuses medical help to perform the blessing etc.

I have been listening to the priests and how they feel about setting term limits for a pope.. he is 85 and very frail often suffering . He will be the pope till he dies.. but they may but term limits on the position after he is gone.

I mean what if he lives to be ninety and gets demented or something? he alone is responsible for the churches doctrine ya know , no one can refute or deny his wishes or say so.

That can be kind of scary, in an interview the priests were asked why the church are not forthcoming about issues in the church or the POPES health.. the reason said was because the catholic church was established like a monarchy and the public need not feel frightened when the king was ill , for the safety of the kingdom... ok. That is why the followers may not know the grave condition , although they do admit it has gotten better in the last few decades with disclosure and reporting due to mass media. The position is still one of protecting the church from the truth be told. One priest did say the Pope is believing God to answer the many prayers for him.

kin of scary if you ask me.

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NOBODY should have to carry in in such circumstances - a Pope may resign or abdicate. I suspect the Vatican beaurocracy is striving to preserve the illusion of "business as usual" and using him as a rubber stamp.

And his age and infirmity do not excuse some things he has issued recently.

I would much rather remember the dynamic leader who did a lot of good for the world than the reactionary old bigot we now seem to have.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but as a gay person that is how I feel.

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Although I understand what you're saying in regards to the "reactionary old bigot," I think you'd far prefer a "reactionary old bigot" like him rather than a "dynamic leader" like Pat Robertson, Bob Jones, or Jerry Falwell.

Also, I don't know of any precedent for a Pope abdicating for health. I can only think of possibly a few examples of one abdicating for political reasons.

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I would use the same phrase about all of them Mark.

But John Paul is better known and has more influence than your "domestic" versions as he is on a world scale and has representation at the UN.

There was at least one Pope who abdicated for reasons of health and age - one of the "Celestines" if I remember rightly.

In the days when communications were slow and there was no media a Pope was always a shadowy,unknown and distant figure except to those in his immediate vicinity. Now in these days of mass and instant communication it is a very different story. But mention names like Robertson to people outside the US and it's likely they would not have heard of him.

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