Hi Vickles. My wife has been telecommuting through Working Solutions for about 5 years now. And despite the fact that its all online and from home, they can dish out some pretty demanding virtual admin and data-entry type contracts...and they pay. And they are growing rapidly. So check it out. Apply. Feel free to ask me more about it. Good luck. :)-->
My sister-in-law works for a hospital in Baltimore, MD as a medical transcriptionist (she transcribes Doctor's dictation to a Word document [why does that sound so odd?]). I'm not exactly sure how she got the job, or where to look since she's been doing it for over 11 years, before the internet was available for such things. You might check with hospitals where you live to see if they use a transcription company.
You could check with software companies, or on-line publishers. You could also check with Haynes or Chilton to see if they have on-liners compile their automobile manuals.
If I wasn't so lazy and had more free time, I'd sell items on eBay.
Some folks have even made careers out of selling items on eBay. It may take some research, but one way to start is to pick an item that is desirable and you know alot about, buy that item cheap, then sell it for a profit on ebay.
You can't go wrong if you buy it cheap enough in bulk.
My sister is also a medical transcriptionist and works at home. She works 40 hours per week and sometimes more. She is paid by the page so she can do it at her own speed. She works from digetal recordings sent to her over the net and she returns the finished work back over the net.
One other thing. My daughter got involved with a home based costume jewelry building company. Before doing that, she contacted several companies, and checked each of them with the BBB (Better Business Beureau) and the Chambers of Commerce (COC) where these businesses are located. The company she became involved with was recommended as good by both entities.
When she started building jewelry for this company, they kept sending it back saying that it wasn't built correctly - NO MATTER HOW CLOSELY SHE FOLLOWED THEIR INSTRUCTIONS!
Needless to say, she invested about $150.00 in components, and over two months building, and rebuilding these items until she just gave up and wrote it off as a bad investment. She also reported these guys to the BBB and the COC mentioned above. Oh yeah, she never got paid either.
Just a word to the wise - Be Careful! Some of these home based businesses are scams.
What a nightmare Steve! I do think there are a lot of scams around with making money at home. I hope you find something.
This summer I may try a paperroute for extra money. Unlike doing cleaning jobs, where people decide they don't have the money some weeks, the paper has to be delivered.
I figure that starting in the summer with lots of daylight and cool mornings would give me a heads up about where the papers go with the addresses.
Have you thought about being a party entertainer/organizer? You could dress up and entertain kids or take up belly dancing...That may sound a bit far fetched...Trying to add humor with possibilities!
Oddly enough, that is what my daughter ended up doing. She took a driving paper route for the Wierton Daily Times® in Wierton, WV.
Just like those cleaning jobs you mentioned, sometimes her customers don't pay for up to 2 months at a time. She has had to cut a couple of them off because they didn't pay by the 2 month limit. :(--> Most of her customers pay on time, :)--> and many tip well. :D--> Also, she only gets paid once per month, so she and her husband have to carefully manage the money for 4 to 5 weeks between paychecks.
There are two other pitfalls with a paper route. The first is there are NO Vacations or time off of any kind. The only way to get time off is to get someone you can trust to deliver the papers for you (and, of course, you should pay them for doing it). My daughter has to deliver papers every day of the year, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter!!!
If you have a driving route (like my daughter does), you MUST have access to a working motor vehicle at all times! If your car breaks down (God forbid), you have to borrow or rent one until yours is back on the road. Recently, her transmission went out, and she borrowed my car, and her mother-in-law's truck until her husband finished rebuilding her transmission. She couldn't use her husband's car as his brakes were out during this time, and it was either fix his car, or fix hers. If you get a walking route, you don't have this problem, but carry pepper spray.
Party entertainer/organizer. Hmmmmm. Interesting that you mention that. My daughter's husband plays in a heavy metal band called "Tunnel Head". I guess you could call that a party entertainer. True? :)--> :D--> :)-->
LOL rottie, I do agree with you. I was looking for something at home since I work a full time job during the day and I do have teens at home. I'm usually on the computer in the evenings and need to make more money so.....thought this was a good idea.
Would like to be able to use my office skills since that is what I am good at.
I will take a look at all that is listed here and see what happens.
Thanks guys and if any of you have any more ideas or contacts I would really appreciate any kind of help. :)-->
I know of two different people that have tried the newspaper route. They ended up not making very much money. Not only the money but they had a lot of wear and tear on their cars. Plus, no time off. It was hard to find people to take over for them when they wanted time off. It was 7 days a week. They both said it wasn't worth it.
Thanks for the warnings too. I realize that there is this problem that is why I posted this in hopes there are others that have done something that makes money. I'm not interested in get rich schemes as usually this is a scam.
Anyways, I do appreciate the warnings, it is very important!!!!!!
I was talking about a once a week route. We have something called "Journal Star Extra" that is delivered once a week. I know someone who has done very well with this type of delivery. 7 days a week would be very daunting unless it was shared and was for a specific period of time. I hear ya on the wear and tear aspect.
When I was cleaning for people they would cancel and I guess the thought was that while some people will cancel, the paper is kindive like the mail and it doesn't get terminated the way other part time jobs from home or otherwise do.
I didn't make the once a week time frame very clear... Here is a prosperity prayer for those that are interested. Those that are not...Just disregard it.
Prayer Treatment for Unexpected Income
I believe that God is the source of all supply, and Money is God in action, and should be used for good.
I believe that My good is now coming to me now freely flowing to me bountifully. I cannot use it all, and I have an abundance to spare and to share, today, and always.
I am expecting "Unexpected Income!"
I believe I am worthy and deserving of this good.
All channels of financial supply are now open to me and I am richly, bountifully prospered in every good way.
I believe true Prosperity includes the demonstration of Right living conditions, Right activity and Right kinds of happiness.
This word that I speak in faith, believing, now activities the law of increased universal good for me, and I am open to receive my good.
I surrender my little will into the "Will of God" and allow the highest and best outpicturing of my good for me, and I am open to receive my good.
I am grateful in advance! I bless all the good I now have, and I bless the increase.
I freely give of myself, my money, my time and my talent. I know that giving to others from my heart keeps the channel of good open for me.
This is so now! I am grateful! Thank-you God!
(For best results, use this prayer treatment twice a day for 30 days or more)
Once a week wouldn't be so bad. Not as much wear and tear like every single day.
My son has a paper route like that once a week but, he doesn't get that much money for it but perfect for a 14 yr old boy who still likes to buy candy and pop all in one shot.... lol
The reason he doesn't get much is that we live in a super super small town and doesn't take too much time at all for him to deliver.
My wife bought a catering business once. She really liked it and had a lot of fun. She made Philipino lumpia [loom-pia]. They were like a small eggroll, like the diameter and length of your first finger. She hired some other ladies to come over during the mid-mornings and they rooled these things, filling our chest freezer. Then when someone called wanting us to supply their work-party, the lumpia was already made, just deep-fry and deliver.
At another place, she started doing laundry. Sailors would drop off their seabags filled with nasty laundry, they dropped it off at our back-door. Then they could come by and pick it up again on their way back to their boats, after their evening of pub-crawling. Bonnie had neighboring wives all in shift-work running our machines over-night each night that boats were in. It was helpful that our house was immediately off the pier and along the path walking in to town to the pubs.
It depends completely on how much you know and how much you are willing to know. I've been learning and practicing investing with stock options since last year. I've gotten to a point now where I think I can probably start making enough money to at least suppliment my income and possibly buy a rental property in cash by the end of this year. In my paper trading (what going through the motions of trading without actually spending your money is called) I would be a multimillionaire by now for things I did within the past two weeks from just a few well-timed buys and sells of options on companies like Google, AVID (I forget their real name) and Gillette. I'm still not completely confident in my abilities so I am not going to dump my life savings into it or anything, but I'm willing to start risking a few thousand to make more than that.
However, I am not an expert, so I can't really suggest anything. I have lost money on the stock market when last year I foolishly bought based on news and what analysts said would be great. A good example of that was not too long ago when Kmart bought Sears, and the "experts" expected it to go up to $150 or so. Instead, it got to about $120 after I bought it for $112, then headed south. Luckily I got rid of it before it reached it's current price of $100, and it was down to about $90 recently. I'm still learning, but if I can do even half as well with real money as I do with fake money, I'll be in good shape and potentially making more money than I do right now as a consultant.
Also, keep in mind that making money is all about your state of mind. There are plenty of pyramid schemes and ripoffs out there, but rather than being skeptical of all MLM or everything that involves something that people will tell you bad stories about, learn to tell the difference between something good and a ripoff. As I said on a MLM related thread recently, my mother in law sells health food suppliments and other things for a MLM company, and makes a lot of money doing so. For other people, they would not be as successful and declare it a scam and that's the end of it. All you have to do is plan ahead and use your brain up front before you commit to anything and do hard work. As the cliche goes, work smarter, not harder.
Recommended Posts
Hi Vickles. My wife has been telecommuting through Working Solutions for about 5 years now. And despite the fact that its all online and from home, they can dish out some pretty demanding virtual admin and data-entry type contracts...and they pay. And they are growing rapidly. So check it out. Apply. Feel free to ask me more about it. Good luck.
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I heard of one "work at home" site mentioned just the other day.
If I remember right, THIS IS IT, but I'm sure there's many out there!
Good Luck!!
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Here is another semi-successful site that has been around awhile. It used to be moonlighters.com.
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Steve Swenton
My sister-in-law works for a hospital in Baltimore, MD as a medical transcriptionist (she transcribes Doctor's dictation to a Word document [why does that sound so odd?]). I'm not exactly sure how she got the job, or where to look since she's been doing it for over 11 years, before the internet was available for such things. You might check with hospitals where you live to see if they use a transcription company.
You could check with software companies, or on-line publishers. You could also check with Haynes or Chilton to see if they have on-liners compile their automobile manuals.
That's about all I can think of for now.
Any one else?
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Wacky Funster
How about website designing?
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If I wasn't so lazy and had more free time, I'd sell items on eBay.
Some folks have even made careers out of selling items on eBay. It may take some research, but one way to start is to pick an item that is desirable and you know alot about, buy that item cheap, then sell it for a profit on ebay.
You can't go wrong if you buy it cheap enough in bulk.
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My sister is also a medical transcriptionist and works at home. She works 40 hours per week and sometimes more. She is paid by the page so she can do it at her own speed. She works from digetal recordings sent to her over the net and she returns the finished work back over the net.
I also work at home on jewelry repair.
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Oldies idea is one I've been thinking about. Its just finding the right idea and item.
The medical transcription is something else that is good. You do need to know the medical terms and abreviations.
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Steve Swenton
One other thing. My daughter got involved with a home based costume jewelry building company. Before doing that, she contacted several companies, and checked each of them with the BBB (Better Business Beureau) and the Chambers of Commerce (COC) where these businesses are located. The company she became involved with was recommended as good by both entities.
When she started building jewelry for this company, they kept sending it back saying that it wasn't built correctly - NO MATTER HOW CLOSELY SHE FOLLOWED THEIR INSTRUCTIONS!
Needless to say, she invested about $150.00 in components, and over two months building, and rebuilding these items until she just gave up and wrote it off as a bad investment. She also reported these guys to the BBB and the COC mentioned above. Oh yeah, she never got paid either.
Just a word to the wise - Be Careful! Some of these home based businesses are scams.
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What a nightmare Steve! I do think there are a lot of scams around with making money at home. I hope you find something.
This summer I may try a paperroute for extra money. Unlike doing cleaning jobs, where people decide they don't have the money some weeks, the paper has to be delivered.
I figure that starting in the summer with lots of daylight and cool mornings would give me a heads up about where the papers go with the addresses.
Have you thought about being a party entertainer/organizer? You could dress up and entertain kids or take up belly dancing...That may sound a bit far fetched...Trying to add humor with possibilities!
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You might want to check this out first:
Work-at-Home Schemes
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Steve Swenton
Oddly enough, that is what my daughter ended up doing. She took a driving paper route for the Wierton Daily Times® in Wierton, WV.
Just like those cleaning jobs you mentioned, sometimes her customers don't pay for up to 2 months at a time. She has had to cut a couple of them off because they didn't pay by the 2 month limit.
:(--> Most of her customers pay on time,
:)--> and many tip well.
:D--> Also, she only gets paid once per month, so she and her husband have to carefully manage the money for 4 to 5 weeks between paychecks. 
There are two other pitfalls with a paper route. The first is there are NO Vacations or time off of any kind. The only way to get time off is to get someone you can trust to deliver the papers for you (and, of course, you should pay them for doing it). My daughter has to deliver papers every day of the year, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter!!!
If you have a driving route (like my daughter does), you MUST have access to a working motor vehicle at all times! If your car breaks down (God forbid), you have to borrow or rent one until yours is back on the road. Recently, her transmission went out, and she borrowed my car, and her mother-in-law's truck until her husband finished rebuilding her transmission. She couldn't use her husband's car as his brakes were out during this time, and it was either fix his car, or fix hers. If you get a walking route, you don't have this problem, but carry pepper spray.
Party entertainer/organizer. Hmmmmm. Interesting that you mention that. My daughter's husband plays in a heavy metal band called "Tunnel Head". I guess you could call that a party entertainer. True?
Just a thought...
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Vickles, seriously, if anyone approaches you with a "Fantastic business opportunity they would like to share with you".......................

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LOL rottie, I do agree with you. I was looking for something at home since I work a full time job during the day and I do have teens at home. I'm usually on the computer in the evenings and need to make more money so.....thought this was a good idea.
Would like to be able to use my office skills since that is what I am good at.
I will take a look at all that is listed here and see what happens.
Thanks guys and if any of you have any more ideas or contacts I would really appreciate any kind of help.
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I know of two different people that have tried the newspaper route. They ended up not making very much money. Not only the money but they had a lot of wear and tear on their cars. Plus, no time off. It was hard to find people to take over for them when they wanted time off. It was 7 days a week. They both said it wasn't worth it.
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Thanks for the warnings too. I realize that there is this problem that is why I posted this in hopes there are others that have done something that makes money. I'm not interested in get rich schemes as usually this is a scam.
Anyways, I do appreciate the warnings, it is very important!!!!!!
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I was talking about a once a week route. We have something called "Journal Star Extra" that is delivered once a week. I know someone who has done very well with this type of delivery. 7 days a week would be very daunting unless it was shared and was for a specific period of time. I hear ya on the wear and tear aspect.
When I was cleaning for people they would cancel and I guess the thought was that while some people will cancel, the paper is kindive like the mail and it doesn't get terminated the way other part time jobs from home or otherwise do.
I hope you find something that works out for you!
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I didn't make the once a week time frame very clear... Here is a prosperity prayer for those that are interested. Those that are not...Just disregard it.
Prayer Treatment for Unexpected Income
I believe that God is the source of all supply, and Money is God in action, and should be used for good.
I believe that My good is now coming to me now freely flowing to me bountifully. I cannot use it all, and I have an abundance to spare and to share, today, and always.
I am expecting "Unexpected Income!"
I believe I am worthy and deserving of this good.
All channels of financial supply are now open to me and I am richly, bountifully prospered in every good way.
I believe true Prosperity includes the demonstration of Right living conditions, Right activity and Right kinds of happiness.
This word that I speak in faith, believing, now activities the law of increased universal good for me, and I am open to receive my good.
I surrender my little will into the "Will of God" and allow the highest and best outpicturing of my good for me, and I am open to receive my good.
I am grateful in advance! I bless all the good I now have, and I bless the increase.
I freely give of myself, my money, my time and my talent. I know that giving to others from my heart keeps the channel of good open for me.
This is so now! I am grateful! Thank-you God!
(For best results, use this prayer treatment twice a day for 30 days or more)
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Once a week wouldn't be so bad. Not as much wear and tear like every single day.
My son has a paper route like that once a week but, he doesn't get that much money for it but perfect for a 14 yr old boy who still likes to buy candy and pop all in one shot.... lol
The reason he doesn't get much is that we live in a super super small town and doesn't take too much time at all for him to deliver.
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My wife bought a catering business once. She really liked it and had a lot of fun. She made Philipino lumpia [loom-pia]. They were like a small eggroll, like the diameter and length of your first finger. She hired some other ladies to come over during the mid-mornings and they rooled these things, filling our chest freezer. Then when someone called wanting us to supply their work-party, the lumpia was already made, just deep-fry and deliver.
At another place, she started doing laundry. Sailors would drop off their seabags filled with nasty laundry, they dropped it off at our back-door. Then they could come by and pick it up again on their way back to their boats, after their evening of pub-crawling. Bonnie had neighboring wives all in shift-work running our machines over-night each night that boats were in. It was helpful that our house was immediately off the pier and along the path walking in to town to the pubs.
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Mister P-Mosh
It depends completely on how much you know and how much you are willing to know. I've been learning and practicing investing with stock options since last year. I've gotten to a point now where I think I can probably start making enough money to at least suppliment my income and possibly buy a rental property in cash by the end of this year. In my paper trading (what going through the motions of trading without actually spending your money is called) I would be a multimillionaire by now for things I did within the past two weeks from just a few well-timed buys and sells of options on companies like Google, AVID (I forget their real name) and Gillette. I'm still not completely confident in my abilities so I am not going to dump my life savings into it or anything, but I'm willing to start risking a few thousand to make more than that.
However, I am not an expert, so I can't really suggest anything. I have lost money on the stock market when last year I foolishly bought based on news and what analysts said would be great. A good example of that was not too long ago when Kmart bought Sears, and the "experts" expected it to go up to $150 or so. Instead, it got to about $120 after I bought it for $112, then headed south. Luckily I got rid of it before it reached it's current price of $100, and it was down to about $90 recently. I'm still learning, but if I can do even half as well with real money as I do with fake money, I'll be in good shape and potentially making more money than I do right now as a consultant.
Also, keep in mind that making money is all about your state of mind. There are plenty of pyramid schemes and ripoffs out there, but rather than being skeptical of all MLM or everything that involves something that people will tell you bad stories about, learn to tell the difference between something good and a ripoff. As I said on a MLM related thread recently, my mother in law sells health food suppliments and other things for a MLM company, and makes a lot of money doing so. For other people, they would not be as successful and declare it a scam and that's the end of it. All you have to do is plan ahead and use your brain up front before you commit to anything and do hard work. As the cliche goes, work smarter, not harder.
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