I have an attached two car garage on the front of my house.
My spousal unit parks her car inside every night.
I on the other hand have never parked my truck in the garage. Two reasons, one its to big, two my family has too much junk. If I could ever get the boys to move back out and take all their stuff no telling what will happen. I found an a fish tank in there saturday afternoon. I have never had a fish.
we have a fairly short driveway....80 feet. We have an atached garage, but currently its full of Daddy's tools, puppy houndog's rockets and roller blades and skateboards and several bikes, a couple of which have been redocorated with spray paint and a zillion boxes of researchy biblish book, I will probably never look at again.So, the Yukon and the 1500 truck do not fit.
But, being in NM, I wont shovel that driveway very often.
Attached garage that opens into my laundry room. Yes I park my car there at night, but if a certain boy doesn't quit collecting things from the woods and creek behind our house and saving them in the garage for his forts and other building projects, my car may get inched out soon :)-->
Miz Hounddog, if you get nostalgic, our front yard is about an acre, so our drive way to the side-load garage is that long, now featuring an especially lovely, though deceptive, snowdrift at the bottom of it, which nearly enveloped Mr. Garden's Ford Ranger last night! You are welcome to come shovel to your heart's content!
We had the garage made extra wide to store our stuff, featuring ladders, garbage cans, our wonderful new TroyBilt rototiller, a couple kiddy things and a box or two of either junk or yard sale material, depending on what our daughter in law wants to do with it. The Truck and the CR-V fit nicely therein!
First and last custom built home we'll ever have. Men love the garage. I just try to park straight in it!
Two car attached garage with enough room to park one car (my wife's :P-->). Accessible from the house via the kitchen. My 1996 Impala (driveable) and 1967 Chevelle (wrecked) reside on the driveway.
We have a two car attatched garage. We have never parked in there because it's where my packrat hubby keeps everything.
He even has a box with just left over wires because he might need a piece some time. We've been married 18 years now and not once has he use a snipet of wire from that box.
As for the rest of the stuff in there, it's way to scarey for me. -->
We have a two car garage, and dutifully park our two vehicles in it per the "rules" of the HOA, although I've noticed this is not always "enforced" in the neighborhood.
Since we lived in an apt complex for 16 years and parked in a parking lot, we enjoy putting our cars in the garage. It's better for the cars and they're less liable to get ripped off.
Picture above shows garage when we first moved in and was full of stuff. I finally got it all put away against the walls and now cars go inside.
I have a long gravel driveway that is lined on either side with 20 foot hedges" (guess I could call them trees now) and the driveway leads up to a 123 year old carriage house that you could park 2 vehicles in, if you turn right going up the driveway it'll take you to the back of the house where there is a large parking pad surrounded by more humongus hedges!!
The trees and hedges have grown so big that when you go up the driveway the trees on either side form an arch at one point, in the spring summer and fall, it's very pretty but once the snow hits it's a bugger to shovel or snowblow!!
I have an attached 2 car garage in the front of my house and very short driveway. We always parked our cars in it because my ex thought it was disgusting that people had so much stuff they couldn't fit their cars in their garage. He said they weren't "travelling light".
Nevermind the fact that our RC had so much stuff in his house, attic and garage that they couldn't park their cars in there! Setting the example, doncha know! Every time we had to (excuse me, were BLESSED TO) help them move, they had someone putting plywood down in the attic so they could store their stuff that wouldn't fit in the garage.
Now I park my car in the MIDDLE of the garage (and sometimes on a diagonal) and I love it! :D-->
Hmm, 3-story multi-family building, on a 1/4 acre lot, maybe a 19 yard wide strip next to it jsut wide enough for a small garden, then a parking lot [kind of drops down into the parking lot, with a 5 foot retaining wall around the parking lot] across the parking lot is a 4-car garage. The garage is painted white with black lettering [Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta] to label each stall. We gave one stall for each apartment and kept 2 for ourselves. Currently one stall has one of my willy's in it [the '57] and the other stall has my gold-wing. I have a '56 willy up in the woods behind the house. Both of them are 'touring wagons' like the woody of Annette Funichello movie fame. But these are not woodys, thus they are all steel.
A couple years ago I was playing with spray-on stryofoam roofing and I covered the roof of the garage with styrofoam. It looks goofy but spraying the stuff was fun. Once it hardens it has a peanut-like surface which takes paint well.
During the winter, I rarely go in the garage, Bonnie parks her new Saab in front of it blocking 2 of the garage doors. I keep the whole thing cleared of snow so our cars can get in and out, as well as the renters can easily get in and out of their stalls.
Next to the garage is a motorhome. Our eldest son lived in it for a while, but he has recently moved to Kansas. He found a cute young girl there, he likes.
Our basement has all of my tools, laundry machines, and jaquzzi .
We have had larger jaquzzis, and we will likley have a big one again in the future. But in the mean time this little one is great. 6feet across it can be dis-assembled in 30 minutes. 'Spa-in-a-box' I found it with Google. It is great. It fits in the rear bedroom of our motorhome, or in about any room of our house if we wanted. Right now it is in our basement.
Two car garage for me. Lotsa lumber, windows, extranious stuff there, but plenty of room to park the truck. One garage door does not work (compliments of an arsonist who set it all on fire 15 or 20 years ago, and the springs for the door lost their *resilience*).
I like to park in front of the house (quicker to get to the truck), but we have this thing up here called a "snow emergency route", and since I am on one, I cannot park in front of the house for 7 months out of the year, from 2 am until 6 am.
I usually drive up the back yard (50 to 60 feet), and leave the truck by the back stairs to my porch -- but if it is really cold (20 or so below), I will park in the garage. The garage is far enough away (in the back alley), that I prefer to have the truck closer, and not to have to negotiate the snow drifts, in order to get to it.
I used to be very diligent about shoveling, all the way back to the garage. These days, I drive back and forth up and down the back yard, packing down the snow, so I can walk to the garage, unimpeded.
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I have a 2 car carport. It is on the south side on my house. The door opens into my laundry room.
Here's a question...
Of those who have a garage, do you park your car in it?
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I have an unattached one-car garage behind my house and in the 16 years I've lived here, the car has been parked in it exactly once.
Too much stuff.
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I have an attached two car garage on the front of my house.
My spousal unit parks her car inside every night.
I on the other hand have never parked my truck in the garage. Two reasons, one its to big, two my family has too much junk. If I could ever get the boys to move back out and take all their stuff no telling what will happen. I found an a fish tank in there saturday afternoon. I have never had a fish.
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I wish I had one.
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we have a fairly short driveway....80 feet. We have an atached garage, but currently its full of Daddy's tools, puppy houndog's rockets and roller blades and skateboards and several bikes, a couple of which have been redocorated with spray paint and a zillion boxes of researchy biblish book, I will probably never look at again.So, the Yukon and the 1500 truck do not fit.
But, being in NM, I wont shovel that driveway very often.
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Attached garage that opens into my laundry room. Yes I park my car there at night, but if a certain boy doesn't quit collecting things from the woods and creek behind our house and saving them in the garage for his forts and other building projects, my car may get inched out soon
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1 car garage in the back of the house facing the alley. Never parked in it - filled with bikes, exercise equipment, ect.
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Watered Garden
Miz Hounddog, if you get nostalgic, our front yard is about an acre, so our drive way to the side-load garage is that long, now featuring an especially lovely, though deceptive, snowdrift at the bottom of it, which nearly enveloped Mr. Garden's Ford Ranger last night! You are welcome to come shovel to your heart's content!
We had the garage made extra wide to store our stuff, featuring ladders, garbage cans, our wonderful new TroyBilt rototiller, a couple kiddy things and a box or two of either junk or yard sale material, depending on what our daughter in law wants to do with it. The Truck and the CR-V fit nicely therein!
First and last custom built home we'll ever have. Men love the garage. I just try to park straight in it!
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Two car attached garage with enough room to park one car (my wife's
:P-->). Accessible from the house via the kitchen. My 1996 Impala (driveable) and 1967 Chevelle (wrecked) reside on the driveway.
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We have a two car attatched garage. We have never parked in there because it's where my packrat hubby keeps everything.
He even has a box with just left over wires because he might need a piece some time. We've been married 18 years now and not once has he use a snipet of wire from that box.
As for the rest of the stuff in there, it's way to scarey for me.
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A picture of mine.
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You're going to think me decadent, but I have a 3-car garage. Two spots for the Subies and one for my workshop/machine shop.
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We have a two car garage, and dutifully park our two vehicles in it per the "rules" of the HOA, although I've noticed this is not always "enforced" in the neighborhood.
Since we lived in an apt complex for 16 years and parked in a parking lot, we enjoy putting our cars in the garage. It's better for the cars and they're less liable to get ripped off.
Picture above shows garage when we first moved in and was full of stuff. I finally got it all put away against the walls and now cars go inside.
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No garage, no driveway. Just an alley behind the apartment building with four or five spots to park.
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I have a long gravel driveway that is lined on either side with 20 foot hedges" (guess I could call them trees now) and the driveway leads up to a 123 year old carriage house that you could park 2 vehicles in, if you turn right going up the driveway it'll take you to the back of the house where there is a large parking pad surrounded by more humongus hedges!!
The trees and hedges have grown so big that when you go up the driveway the trees on either side form an arch at one point, in the spring summer and fall, it's very pretty but once the snow hits it's a bugger to shovel or snowblow!!
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I have an attached 2 car garage in the front of my house and very short driveway. We always parked our cars in it because my ex thought it was disgusting that people had so much stuff they couldn't fit their cars in their garage. He said they weren't "travelling light".
Nevermind the fact that our RC had so much stuff in his house, attic and garage that they couldn't park their cars in there! Setting the example, doncha know! Every time we had to (excuse me, were BLESSED TO) help them move, they had someone putting plywood down in the attic so they could store their stuff that wouldn't fit in the garage.
Now I park my car in the MIDDLE of the garage (and sometimes on a diagonal) and I love it!
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Hmm, 3-story multi-family building, on a 1/4 acre lot, maybe a 19 yard wide strip next to it jsut wide enough for a small garden, then a parking lot [kind of drops down into the parking lot, with a 5 foot retaining wall around the parking lot] across the parking lot is a 4-car garage. The garage is painted white with black lettering [Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta] to label each stall. We gave one stall for each apartment and kept 2 for ourselves. Currently one stall has one of my willy's in it [the '57] and the other stall has my gold-wing. I have a '56 willy up in the woods behind the house. Both of them are 'touring wagons' like the woody of Annette Funichello movie fame. But these are not woodys, thus they are all steel.
A couple years ago I was playing with spray-on stryofoam roofing and I covered the roof of the garage with styrofoam. It looks goofy but spraying the stuff was fun. Once it hardens it has a peanut-like surface which takes paint well.
During the winter, I rarely go in the garage, Bonnie parks her new Saab in front of it blocking 2 of the garage doors. I keep the whole thing cleared of snow so our cars can get in and out, as well as the renters can easily get in and out of their stalls.
Next to the garage is a motorhome. Our eldest son lived in it for a while, but he has recently moved to Kansas. He found a cute young girl there, he likes.
Our basement has all of my tools, laundry machines, and jaquzzi .
We have had larger jaquzzis, and we will likley have a big one again in the future. But in the mean time this little one is great. 6feet across it can be dis-assembled in 30 minutes. 'Spa-in-a-box' I found it with Google. It is great. It fits in the rear bedroom of our motorhome, or in about any room of our house if we wanted. Right now it is in our basement.
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Two car garage for me. Lotsa lumber, windows, extranious stuff there, but plenty of room to park the truck. One garage door does not work (compliments of an arsonist who set it all on fire 15 or 20 years ago, and the springs for the door lost their *resilience*).
I like to park in front of the house (quicker to get to the truck), but we have this thing up here called a "snow emergency route", and since I am on one, I cannot park in front of the house for 7 months out of the year, from 2 am until 6 am.
I usually drive up the back yard (50 to 60 feet), and leave the truck by the back stairs to my porch -- but if it is really cold (20 or so below), I will park in the garage. The garage is far enough away (in the back alley), that I prefer to have the truck closer, and not to have to negotiate the snow drifts, in order to get to it.
I used to be very diligent about shoveling, all the way back to the garage. These days, I drive back and forth up and down the back yard, packing down the snow, so I can walk to the garage, unimpeded.
4-Wheel drive is a wonderful thing!
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