J-U-S-T kidding. But you might want to practice saying 'NO' to the 'needy' family and their spoiled kids. And say it with a smile. ... Then close the door.
Get Rottiegirl to bring her Rottwieller over to REALLY give that dog-hater something to complain about. (Heck, if you're gonna be accused of the crime, go ahead and commit it, I always say ;)-->)
And yeah, go ahead and shoot the screaming cursing couple. The cops might even thank you for it.
Note: I never have these kinds of problems. Maybe you can guess why. ;)-->
hehehe, Garth I have considered recording all three of my dogs playing and barking in the house and then placing a recorder on his front portch at full volume. :)-->
Just wondering.. has anybody considered making a complaint about HIS "dogs"? May be interesting to see how he explains to the animal people how that it was not really dogs barking, but just he and his wife were heard cursing and screaming in the street.. heh heh.
I think my most obnoxious neighbor was the one that let their dog run, almost for the whole weekend. And it barked, almost continuously. Of course, by the time the animal control people came, it was tied up all proper with ribbons on it.
When I moved into my first apartment, things were relatively quiet most of the time. However, the first time I brought a bunch of my friends over to hang out, there was a fist fight out front of the apartment beside mine, and I called 911. While on the phone with 911, there was a gunshot. As far as I know, nobody was shot, but it still was not good and I would say the worst neighbor I had. Either that, or the two apartments I have lived at where 1) there was a wife-beater, or 2) there was a couple that fought all the time and once the woman threw a glass pitcher and broke the windshield of another, uninvolved, neighbor's car.
Sorry, but have one more dog story.. one other neighbor, otherwise was a nice guy.. left the dog chained up in back yard. This dog would bark if he could hear a pin drop in a snowstorm. My ex had a perfect solution, she was very smart. No police, no reports, no begging or pleading.. she started feeding the dog. Hot dogs.. no kidding. After about a week, she and the dog were the best of friends. The dog still barked, but far less frequently. One day, the owner came out his house, shook his finger at the dog and yelled at it for some reason.. the dog bit the owner, and that was the end of that.
Thinking of our neighbors as enemies IMHO is what twi wanted us to do so we wouldnt' develop any kind of network outside of them.
from Christmas through the new year and after Reno, as well as other places here in Nevada, had a worst-ever snow storm.
It was neighbors who dug out this place.
I was alone except for the neighbors (Fred was in California).
I'm learning to be kind to neighbors and help them whenever I can.
We are neighbors to them.
I had one neighbor-with-barking-all-the-time-dog. I tried talking to him. Everything I knew. Then one day the Lord said, "Stand back and watch my deliverance," and within a few hours a bunch of people came and moved this guy and his dog out. It was so cool. (This guy was kind of like his dog so it had to be a miracle so many people would help him out.)
Quite true. Instead of "obnoxious", I think what a lot of it really is dealing with frustration. Trying to work with a neighbor that has some real problems, and refuses your help, or anybody else's help for that matter. Some people simply choose to be miserable, and try to spread a little more miserable around. Sometimes its just hard to understand. You can only do so much..
Oh, Abi! You have your hands full enough without having to deal with obnoxious neighbors too.
I have the most absolutely wonderful neighbors and couldn't be happier in my neighborhood. My dog and the next door neighbor's dog have "play dates" every morning on the week-ends. It's a good time to catch up with my neighbor and we look forward to it as much as the dogs do. We stand out front chatting while they play. They used to run loose, but one guy got peeved because he said they pooped on his deck. Now the big dog stays tethered to the tree while my dog runs around.
Frequently half the neighborhood will be standing out in someone's front yard visiting and watching the dogs play and many times the ladies in the neighborhood will come over to my house and just hang out for a while. They are all happily married and so there's not really any male-bashing going on, just some good ole "girl time".
Now, I did live in a townhouse once where just about the whole neighborhood was hispanic and I was about the only white person and non-spanish speaking person on the street. Every Saturday the Jehovah's Witnesses would come by and every Saturday they would be amazed that I didn't speak Spanish and since they couldn't speak English they didn't stay very long.
They next door neighbors always parked their cars in our front yard. I think there must have been 20 people living in the 2 bedroom next to me. They played loud music till all hours of the night and once we caught one of the kids climbing on the overhang above my front door. I don't know if he was trying to get into my bedroom window or just playing Spiderman, but it was scary and there was quite the confrontation about it.
There was a little yippie dog in the yard behind ours that would start barking at about 3am and bark for hours upon hours. I would call the cops and they would either not come out at all or when they did get there, there was no dog barking. In my town the cops or animal control has to actually witness the annoying behavior before there's any action taken at all. It sounds like it isn't like that in your area and it's a shame, it should be.
One of the guys had a huge rottie and he made out like it was some vicious guard dog, but my sweet little mixed breed dog very easily established himself as the Alpha dog the one time we had a run in. The guy was totally humiliated and avoided me from then on. :D-->
I moved out when more people started living 20 people to a townhouse and the front yards were all covered with cars and I felt less safe. I ride by there occasionally and the dramatic decline in the upkeep of the properties and increase in crime in the area is really sad.
It was the longest year of my life living there and I'm so sorry you have to live with bad neighbors. I know how hard it is.
My neighbors over here have been pretty good until recently. My only complaint is the way her company parks their vehicles. Her car sits in the carport with a flatire and doesn't move. Her visitors are there frequently. They don't pull in front of the parking spot with their headlights facing the fence..They pull in next to the spot with their headlights facing the parking lot. Then they have their car at an angle sometimes. The worst is when there car is parked where part of it is hanging over a few inches in my carport. I hate that and I hate it when they are talking and sitting in their car and I can't get into my carport without them moving...They look at me with disbelief that it would be a problem.
I have a thing about having "My Space" not violated and it is hard to feel the love when someone doesn't allow me "My space" as in a parking situation. Tom always parks right in front of the fence or behind my car..depending on the snow situation...or facing the playground, where his big stationwagon isn't sticking out in the area where cars are driving by.
"I have a thing about having "My Space" not violated and it is hard to feel the love when someone doesn't allow me "My space""
Exactly! This isn't an issue of waybrain or doctrine which taught us to despise our neighbors. In fact, I spent most of my way years in the same house and got along great with the neighbors there.
This neighborhood is just so foreign to me, the way people are here. The people just aren't particularly friendly or civil.
Two stories illustrating perfect irony. . .
When I first moved into this house, none of the neighbors bothered introducing themselves, so I took it upon myself to introduce myself to them. Even organized a cook-out so we could get to know each other. The neighbor to my north told me in no uncertain terms she doesn't like to get to know the neighbors because then they are always bugging her to borrow stuff. This is the same woman who is now always bugging me to borrow stuff and whose children I give rides to all the time! Ha!
In the last house I lived in, my most obnoxious neighbor wasn't nearly as bad as the people here. She was always sending her daughter down to play but would never let my kids play at her house. I think in the 8 yeas I lived there, my kids were invited to her house twice.
After we moved out, a family moved in across the street with a little girl. My old neighbor complained to me that they are always sending their daughter to her house to play but never invite her daughter to their house. I had to work really hard to not laugh when she said that.
PMosh and Belle, your neighbor stories really take the cake over mine!!!
Mine used to come over and cry and/or rant about how upset they were over the breakup of their marriage, being caught in the middle of a war with no rules was (to say the least) difficult.
Then of course there were the klansmen landlords that left threatening notes when we wows had th audacity to invite a local black guy into the apartment for twig. Whole nother story of love bombing a class together...
Abi, try sqirting him with the hose everytime he calls animal control
The worst is when there car is parked where part of it is hanging over a few inches in my carport. I hate that and I hate it when they are talking and sitting in their car and I can't get into my carport without them moving...They look at me with disbelief that it would be a problem.
Ah, the joys of a valve stem puller for repeat offenders, and calling to have their car towed.
The neighbor in front of me and I don't get along at all, mostly because her 13 year old daughter is too 'active' with boys and I won't let my daughter be around here. We are polite, but chilly to each other. We're probably even that much only because my mother is her landlady.
The neighbor that lives next to me is a good one, but gawd can that woman talk!!! Our girls get along; her daughter is my daughters sitter and we get together alot. But, lord lord can she talk. I worry about her breathing. We also share a driveway.
The other neighbor is just strange. They peek out of their drapes/blinds at us when we go past and never seem to come out.
Not a bad neighborhood, a bunch of single mothers.
No dogs that bark at 3 a.m. Strange cats and skunks often.
We did all chase a window peeker once, that was pretty funny. We cornered him for awhile.
The neighborhood I grew up in was built circa 1906, right after the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. The homes were built as "beach bungalows, none had garages and were all within walking distance to the beach.....like 300 feet.
During the 60s..our neighbors had 4 boys and 1 girl all in high school, none of the houses had garages since the bungalows were built before cars.
In the late 60s, one of our neighbors sons had a big old "potate chip" kinda van converted to live in. One day, he was parked in front of our house and dropped his jar of "reds" (seconal) for you lite weights. My dad went out to help Donnie (the 20 year old neighbor kid) find his reds.
HE NEVER PARKED in our 20 feet of front yard again. HMMMMMMMMM
ANY IDEAS Why? Jim and Socks.....your answers don't count!!!!!
MORE CURRENTLY......four years ago in March I moved here to North Carolina. In August of 2001 I had a near life ending physical problem that ended me in the hospital for quite a while. I had a wonderful house in a nice neighborhood. Two weeks after I got out of the hospital, I borrowed the neighbors riding lawn mower to mow my lawn....not being up to doing the traditional walk behind mower....but living in an area where the LAWN MUST BE MOWED.
I borrowed my next door neighbors riding mower since I wasnt up to doing the normal walk behind mower thing. My next door neighbor--- a local DEA sheriff stopped me while I was mowing. He asked me to stop the borrowed mower!!!!!1 --> and get off of it so he could talk to me. He then proceeded to show me how I had over mowed 6 inches of his lawn....and how it required him to then mow his ENTIRE lawn so that it looked UNIFORM.
I thought I was going to have to physically restrain my mom from slapping him when she found out.
Two young guys who were in a "band", practiced at all hours, would get high and jump out the second story window (breaking the glass) and had a meth lab in the apartment.
It was a happy day when I saw them handcuffed against the hood of a police car one evening.
quote:The neighborhood I grew up in was built circa 1906, right after the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. The homes were built as "beach bungalows, none had garages and were all within walking distance to the beach.....like 300 feet.
During the 60s..our neighbors had 4 boys and 1 girl all in high school, none of the houses had garages since the bungalows were built before cars.
In the late 60s, one of our neighbors sons had a big old "potate chip" kinda van converted to live in. One day, he was parked in front of our house and dropped his jar of "reds" (seconal) for you lite weights. My dad went out to help Donnie (the 20 year old neighbor kid) find his reds.
HE NEVER PARKED in our 20 feet of front yard again. HMMMMMMMMM
ANY IDEAS Why? Jim and Socks.....your answers don't count!!!!! Eek
I loved those houses... the best that I could do at the time was a studio apartment on Shoreline. I can't imagine what they are worth today...
I suspect your neighbor moved on to "Doper Park" :)-->
Back on topic, I have to concur with ex. My neighbors are all good people. I've had way worse.
BTW, we moved away from a neighborhood then went back and visited our next door neighbor (who we liked and got along well with). They said "we didn't know what good neighbors you were until you moved away".
When I lived in an apartment in San Diego, I had the ultimate sea hag living above me. It's usually the downstairs neighbors who complain about the upstairs neighbors. She used to knock on my door a couple of mornings complaining that she heard banging on the walls all night long. I am a noise freak myself, but I never heard it. I could tell she thought the noise was coming from me. But I went to bed every night at 10:00. My boyfriend (now husband) lived 370 miles away, so there couldn't have been any banging on the walls. ;)-->
Well, after she had complained too many times, I confronted her about her thoughts of the noise coming from me. I assured her that I went to bed at 10:00-10:30 each night and didn't get up until 6:30 or so.
One day I was cleaning my bathroom. I set my soap dispenser on the sink quickly and made a clinking noise. I could hear her stomp across the floor to her bathroom and bang on the wall. I was kind of in disbelief, so I clinked the soap dispenser a second time, but on purpose that time. Again, I heard her stomp across the floor again and bang on the wall.
Still in disbelief, my second test was going to the kitchen and letting a cabinet door close louder than I usually would. Again, I heard her stomp across her floor to slam her pantry door!
I yelled through the floor for her to lighten up, and she stomped on the floor again. I decided to really be aware of what I did when I moved in my apartment.
I had a stackable washer/dryer in my storage on my patio. When I did laundry, it required me to open and close my sliding glass door. Laundry nights were hell. She would slam her sliding glass door several times and pound on the walls. It sounded like someone was majorly ....ed off. What was I supposed to do? I went up to her apartment to talk to her. She would never answer her door. So I went to the management to make them aware what was gonig on and to tell them to tell her to calm down.
I saw her son in the parking lot the next day and asked him what was going on. He was not shocked. He informed me that she was always ....ed of at her neighbors even if normal noise was going on. I had a mind to crank up Metallica as loud as I could. But I told her son that if she continued to slam things and pound on walls, my main purpose would be to get her evicted. The noise stopped.
Later on, I talked to this lady only to hear her life sob story of how nobody loves her. I took her to church and even tried to give her $100 for Christmas. She gave the money back even though she had complained that she never had enough money. My boss had given me a very large bonus that year, so I wanted to help her out. She called me at work (by the way, never tell people where you work when you work for a real estate broker--your work number is posted on many streets). She knew I would be quitting my job and moving to out of state to get married. She wanted me to teach her my job! I was an office manager who had over 20 years of experience doing what I did. I asked her if she could type. She couldn't. I told her when she learned to type that she could come back and talk to me. I gave her information on a place that provided absolutely FREE typing and computer classes to help people to get a new career. She never went.
Moral of the story: I am picky on who I introduce myself to in my neighborhood now.
On my block, there are only two houses on my side of the street --- mine, and the one next door. The rest of the block (on my side of the street) is occupied by 3 businesses, and the house next door to me is a rental unit.
I've been here for 25 years, and the neighbors next door (over the years) have been a varied, and a checkered lot, to say the least! It's usually been rented out to college students, so parties have been a given, at any night of the week.
Back in the eighties, the residents there threw a party, and one of the guests snuck upstairs, and started stealing stuff. One of the residents caught him, and the thief threw the resident out the second story window, to the front lawn. The thief then went downstairs, gathered his friends, and they loaded the resident up into their van, parked outside, and drove around the block. They threw the resident out of the van at 30 mph back into his front yard. The guy lived, but barely.
Then there was a bunch of Asian folk who lived next door. Must've been 15 to 20 of them in the house, and not a one of them spoke a word of English. Every morning - a big van would pull up, and they would all climb in and leave for the day. Found out later that they were illegals, working in a Chinese restaurant here in town.
Can't leave out the gang that used to live next door. This was in in late 90's, and the cops were always crawling all over the back alley, out front, and they probably even had a "bear in the air" keeping an eye out on these dudes. They were getting drunk one night, and one of them (downstairs), heard someone mention that so-and-so was making out with his girlfriend, in the bedroom above them, so he put 4 or 5 rounds from the rifle he was holding, into the ceiling, hoping to do some damage.
I don't wake up for nuthin, and I never heard the shots, but that was a Saturday night, and when I woke up Sunday morning, I got the coffee-pot workin, strolled out on my back porch (it was summertime), and there was a rifle case laying there. (Their back porch is a whole 5 feet from mine -- an easy toss). I called 911, and had more cops at my house than I ever hope to see again, in a matter of minutes.
Turns out, they had the canine unit and everything going on the night before, looking for that gun case, but couldn't find it. Cop asked me if I heard the shots, and I told him "no -- when I go to sleep, I sleep."
Well -- I have other stories too, but currently the house next door is up for sale, and the *caretaker* that is there now, lets his dog run loose (to do it's "business"), and even though that is sometimes my front sidedwalk that I find his *stuff*, I think back over the years and realize that this is something I can deal with! :D-->
Ps -- the folks on the other side of the street (about 11 houses - some rental, some owner occupied) are great folks. Makes me wish my house was on the other side, and not the one I am on (at times).
That reminds me of a time back when I coordinated a Way home in Po'land, OR. R*ndy F*eese was the Region Leader, and All*n R*pke was our Limb Leader.
I can't remember exactly what the occasion was - an area-wide twig leader's meeting? an area meeting? but All*n R*pke was leading this meeting and R*ndy Fe*se was teaching etc, and the meeting was in my house (because it had the biggest living room out of all the way homes in Portland, and it was short notice).
Anyway, that night there were gunshots next door during the meeting. There were 75 people in my house and *I* was the *only* one that noticed the noise. I got verification when the cops came the next day and asked if we had heard anything.
And that was the *only* interaction I ever had with those neighbors.
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Solution: Shoot them all.
J-U-S-T kidding. But you might want to practice saying 'NO' to the 'needy' family and their spoiled kids. And say it with a smile. ... Then close the door.
Get Rottiegirl to bring her Rottwieller over to REALLY give that dog-hater something to complain about. (Heck, if you're gonna be accused of the crime, go ahead and commit it, I always say
And yeah, go ahead and shoot the screaming cursing couple. The cops might even thank you for it.
Note: I never have these kinds of problems. Maybe you can guess why.
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hehehe, Garth I have considered recording all three of my dogs playing and barking in the house and then placing a recorder on his front portch at full volume.
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Just wondering.. has anybody considered making a complaint about HIS "dogs"? May be interesting to see how he explains to the animal people how that it was not really dogs barking, but just he and his wife were heard cursing and screaming in the street.. heh heh.
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I think my most obnoxious neighbor was the one that let their dog run, almost for the whole weekend. And it barked, almost continuously. Of course, by the time the animal control people came, it was tied up all proper with ribbons on it.
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Mister P-Mosh
When I moved into my first apartment, things were relatively quiet most of the time. However, the first time I brought a bunch of my friends over to hang out, there was a fist fight out front of the apartment beside mine, and I called 911. While on the phone with 911, there was a gunshot. As far as I know, nobody was shot, but it still was not good and I would say the worst neighbor I had. Either that, or the two apartments I have lived at where 1) there was a wife-beater, or 2) there was a couple that fought all the time and once the woman threw a glass pitcher and broke the windshield of another, uninvolved, neighbor's car.
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Sorry, but have one more dog story.. one other neighbor, otherwise was a nice guy.. left the dog chained up in back yard. This dog would bark if he could hear a pin drop in a snowstorm. My ex had a perfect solution, she was very smart. No police, no reports, no begging or pleading.. she started feeding the dog. Hot dogs.. no kidding. After about a week, she and the dog were the best of friends. The dog still barked, but far less frequently. One day, the owner came out his house, shook his finger at the dog and yelled at it for some reason.. the dog bit the owner, and that was the end of that.
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Kit Sober
The most obnoxious neighbor -- a legacy from twi.
Thinking of our neighbors as enemies IMHO is what twi wanted us to do so we wouldnt' develop any kind of network outside of them.
from Christmas through the new year and after Reno, as well as other places here in Nevada, had a worst-ever snow storm.
It was neighbors who dug out this place.
I was alone except for the neighbors (Fred was in California).
I'm learning to be kind to neighbors and help them whenever I can.
We are neighbors to them.
I had one neighbor-with-barking-all-the-time-dog. I tried talking to him. Everything I knew. Then one day the Lord said, "Stand back and watch my deliverance," and within a few hours a bunch of people came and moved this guy and his dog out. It was so cool. (This guy was kind of like his dog so it had to be a miracle so many people would help him out.)
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Quite true. Instead of "obnoxious", I think what a lot of it really is dealing with frustration. Trying to work with a neighbor that has some real problems, and refuses your help, or anybody else's help for that matter. Some people simply choose to be miserable, and try to spread a little more miserable around. Sometimes its just hard to understand. You can only do so much..
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Oh, Abi! You have your hands full enough without having to deal with obnoxious neighbors too.
I have the most absolutely wonderful neighbors and couldn't be happier in my neighborhood. My dog and the next door neighbor's dog have "play dates" every morning on the week-ends. It's a good time to catch up with my neighbor and we look forward to it as much as the dogs do. We stand out front chatting while they play. They used to run loose, but one guy got peeved because he said they pooped on his deck. Now the big dog stays tethered to the tree while my dog runs around.
Frequently half the neighborhood will be standing out in someone's front yard visiting and watching the dogs play and many times the ladies in the neighborhood will come over to my house and just hang out for a while. They are all happily married and so there's not really any male-bashing going on, just some good ole "girl time".
Now, I did live in a townhouse once where just about the whole neighborhood was hispanic and I was about the only white person and non-spanish speaking person on the street. Every Saturday the Jehovah's Witnesses would come by and every Saturday they would be amazed that I didn't speak Spanish and since they couldn't speak English they didn't stay very long.
They next door neighbors always parked their cars in our front yard. I think there must have been 20 people living in the 2 bedroom next to me. They played loud music till all hours of the night and once we caught one of the kids climbing on the overhang above my front door. I don't know if he was trying to get into my bedroom window or just playing Spiderman, but it was scary and there was quite the confrontation about it.
There was a little yippie dog in the yard behind ours that would start barking at about 3am and bark for hours upon hours. I would call the cops and they would either not come out at all or when they did get there, there was no dog barking. In my town the cops or animal control has to actually witness the annoying behavior before there's any action taken at all. It sounds like it isn't like that in your area and it's a shame, it should be.
One of the guys had a huge rottie and he made out like it was some vicious guard dog, but my sweet little mixed breed dog very easily established himself as the Alpha dog the one time we had a run in. The guy was totally humiliated and avoided me from then on.
I moved out when more people started living 20 people to a townhouse and the front yards were all covered with cars and I felt less safe. I ride by there occasionally and the dramatic decline in the upkeep of the properties and increase in crime in the area is really sad.
It was the longest year of my life living there and I'm so sorry you have to live with bad neighbors. I know how hard it is.
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My neighbors over here have been pretty good until recently. My only complaint is the way her company parks their vehicles. Her car sits in the carport with a flatire and doesn't move. Her visitors are there frequently. They don't pull in front of the parking spot with their headlights facing the fence..They pull in next to the spot with their headlights facing the parking lot. Then they have their car at an angle sometimes. The worst is when there car is parked where part of it is hanging over a few inches in my carport. I hate that and I hate it when they are talking and sitting in their car and I can't get into my carport without them moving...They look at me with disbelief that it would be a problem.
She isn't really loud. It's just the parking.
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I have a thing about having "My Space" not violated and it is hard to feel the love when someone doesn't allow me "My space" as in a parking situation. Tom always parks right in front of the fence or behind my car..depending on the snow situation...or facing the playground, where his big stationwagon isn't sticking out in the area where cars are driving by.
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"I have a thing about having "My Space" not violated and it is hard to feel the love when someone doesn't allow me "My space""
Exactly! This isn't an issue of waybrain or doctrine which taught us to despise our neighbors. In fact, I spent most of my way years in the same house and got along great with the neighbors there.
This neighborhood is just so foreign to me, the way people are here. The people just aren't particularly friendly or civil.
Two stories illustrating perfect irony. . .
When I first moved into this house, none of the neighbors bothered introducing themselves, so I took it upon myself to introduce myself to them. Even organized a cook-out so we could get to know each other. The neighbor to my north told me in no uncertain terms she doesn't like to get to know the neighbors because then they are always bugging her to borrow stuff. This is the same woman who is now always bugging me to borrow stuff and whose children I give rides to all the time! Ha!
In the last house I lived in, my most obnoxious neighbor wasn't nearly as bad as the people here. She was always sending her daughter down to play but would never let my kids play at her house. I think in the 8 yeas I lived there, my kids were invited to her house twice.
After we moved out, a family moved in across the street with a little girl. My old neighbor complained to me that they are always sending their daughter to her house to play but never invite her daughter to their house. I had to work really hard to not laugh when she said that.
PMosh and Belle, your neighbor stories really take the cake over mine!!!
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Mine used to come over and cry and/or rant about how upset they were over the breakup of their marriage, being caught in the middle of a war with no rules was (to say the least) difficult.
Then of course there were the klansmen landlords that left threatening notes when we wows had th audacity to invite a local black guy into the apartment for twig. Whole nother story of love bombing a class together...
Abi, try sqirting him with the hose everytime he calls animal control
maybe that'll break the habit
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Mister P-Mosh
Ah, the joys of a valve stem puller for repeat offenders, and calling to have their car towed.
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The neighbor in front of me and I don't get along at all, mostly because her 13 year old daughter is too 'active' with boys and I won't let my daughter be around here. We are polite, but chilly to each other. We're probably even that much only because my mother is her landlady.
The neighbor that lives next to me is a good one, but gawd can that woman talk!!! Our girls get along; her daughter is my daughters sitter and we get together alot. But, lord lord can she talk. I worry about her breathing. We also share a driveway.
The other neighbor is just strange. They peek out of their drapes/blinds at us when we go past and never seem to come out.
Not a bad neighborhood, a bunch of single mothers.
No dogs that bark at 3 a.m. Strange cats and skunks often.
We did all chase a window peeker once, that was pretty funny. We cornered him for awhile.
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Radar OReilly
The neighborhood I grew up in was built circa 1906, right after the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. The homes were built as "beach bungalows, none had garages and were all within walking distance to the beach.....like 300 feet.
During the 60s..our neighbors had 4 boys and 1 girl all in high school, none of the houses had garages since the bungalows were built before cars.
In the late 60s, one of our neighbors sons had a big old "potate chip" kinda van converted to live in. One day, he was parked in front of our house and dropped his jar of "reds" (seconal) for you lite weights. My dad went out to help Donnie (the 20 year old neighbor kid) find his reds.
HE NEVER PARKED in our 20 feet of front yard again. HMMMMMMMMM
ANY IDEAS Why? Jim and Socks.....your answers don't count!!!!!
MORE CURRENTLY......four years ago in March I moved here to North Carolina. In August of 2001 I had a near life ending physical problem that ended me in the hospital for quite a while. I had a wonderful house in a nice neighborhood. Two weeks after I got out of the hospital, I borrowed the neighbors riding lawn mower to mow my lawn....not being up to doing the traditional walk behind mower....but living in an area where the LAWN MUST BE MOWED.
I borrowed my next door neighbors riding mower since I wasnt up to doing the normal walk behind mower thing. My next door neighbor--- a local DEA sheriff stopped me while I was mowing. He asked me to stop the borrowed mower!!!!!1
--> and get off of it so he could talk to me. He then proceeded to show me how I had over mowed 6 inches of his lawn....and how it required him to then mow his ENTIRE lawn so that it looked UNIFORM.
I thought I was going to have to physically restrain my mom from slapping him when she found out.
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At my last apartment (the hovel)
Two young guys who were in a "band", practiced at all hours, would get high and jump out the second story window (breaking the glass) and had a meth lab in the apartment.
It was a happy day when I saw them handcuffed against the hood of a police car one evening.
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I loved those houses... the best that I could do at the time was a studio apartment on Shoreline. I can't imagine what they are worth today...
I suspect your neighbor moved on to "Doper Park"
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i'm very lucky i have good neighbors
but i can tell stories
later ok
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Back on topic, I have to concur with ex. My neighbors are all good people. I've had way worse.
BTW, we moved away from a neighborhood then went back and visited our next door neighbor (who we liked and got along well with). They said "we didn't know what good neighbors you were until you moved away".
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Currently, I have good neighbors.
We help each other out at times, loan tools and equipment etc...
I am very lucky to be surrounded by good neighbors.
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When I lived in an apartment in San Diego, I had the ultimate sea hag living above me. It's usually the downstairs neighbors who complain about the upstairs neighbors. She used to knock on my door a couple of mornings complaining that she heard banging on the walls all night long. I am a noise freak myself, but I never heard it. I could tell she thought the noise was coming from me. But I went to bed every night at 10:00. My boyfriend (now husband) lived 370 miles away, so there couldn't have been any banging on the walls.
Well, after she had complained too many times, I confronted her about her thoughts of the noise coming from me. I assured her that I went to bed at 10:00-10:30 each night and didn't get up until 6:30 or so.
One day I was cleaning my bathroom. I set my soap dispenser on the sink quickly and made a clinking noise. I could hear her stomp across the floor to her bathroom and bang on the wall. I was kind of in disbelief, so I clinked the soap dispenser a second time, but on purpose that time. Again, I heard her stomp across the floor again and bang on the wall.
Still in disbelief, my second test was going to the kitchen and letting a cabinet door close louder than I usually would. Again, I heard her stomp across her floor to slam her pantry door!
I yelled through the floor for her to lighten up, and she stomped on the floor again. I decided to really be aware of what I did when I moved in my apartment.
I had a stackable washer/dryer in my storage on my patio. When I did laundry, it required me to open and close my sliding glass door. Laundry nights were hell. She would slam her sliding glass door several times and pound on the walls. It sounded like someone was majorly ....ed off. What was I supposed to do? I went up to her apartment to talk to her. She would never answer her door. So I went to the management to make them aware what was gonig on and to tell them to tell her to calm down.
I saw her son in the parking lot the next day and asked him what was going on. He was not shocked. He informed me that she was always ....ed of at her neighbors even if normal noise was going on. I had a mind to crank up Metallica as loud as I could. But I told her son that if she continued to slam things and pound on walls, my main purpose would be to get her evicted. The noise stopped.
Later on, I talked to this lady only to hear her life sob story of how nobody loves her. I took her to church and even tried to give her $100 for Christmas. She gave the money back even though she had complained that she never had enough money. My boss had given me a very large bonus that year, so I wanted to help her out. She called me at work (by the way, never tell people where you work when you work for a real estate broker--your work number is posted on many streets). She knew I would be quitting my job and moving to out of state to get married. She wanted me to teach her my job! I was an office manager who had over 20 years of experience doing what I did. I asked her if she could type. She couldn't. I told her when she learned to type that she could come back and talk to me. I gave her information on a place that provided absolutely FREE typing and computer classes to help people to get a new career. She never went.
Moral of the story: I am picky on who I introduce myself to in my neighborhood now.
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On my block, there are only two houses on my side of the street --- mine, and the one next door. The rest of the block (on my side of the street) is occupied by 3 businesses, and the house next door to me is a rental unit.
I've been here for 25 years, and the neighbors next door (over the years) have been a varied, and a checkered lot, to say the least! It's usually been rented out to college students, so parties have been a given, at any night of the week.
Back in the eighties, the residents there threw a party, and one of the guests snuck upstairs, and started stealing stuff. One of the residents caught him, and the thief threw the resident out the second story window, to the front lawn. The thief then went downstairs, gathered his friends, and they loaded the resident up into their van, parked outside, and drove around the block. They threw the resident out of the van at 30 mph back into his front yard. The guy lived, but barely.
Then there was a bunch of Asian folk who lived next door. Must've been 15 to 20 of them in the house, and not a one of them spoke a word of English. Every morning - a big van would pull up, and they would all climb in and leave for the day. Found out later that they were illegals, working in a Chinese restaurant here in town.
Can't leave out the gang that used to live next door. This was in in late 90's, and the cops were always crawling all over the back alley, out front, and they probably even had a "bear in the air" keeping an eye out on these dudes. They were getting drunk one night, and one of them (downstairs), heard someone mention that so-and-so was making out with his girlfriend, in the bedroom above them, so he put 4 or 5 rounds from the rifle he was holding, into the ceiling, hoping to do some damage.
I don't wake up for nuthin, and I never heard the shots, but that was a Saturday night, and when I woke up Sunday morning, I got the coffee-pot workin, strolled out on my back porch (it was summertime), and there was a rifle case laying there. (Their back porch is a whole 5 feet from mine -- an easy toss). I called 911, and had more cops at my house than I ever hope to see again, in a matter of minutes.
Turns out, they had the canine unit and everything going on the night before, looking for that gun case, but couldn't find it. Cop asked me if I heard the shots, and I told him "no -- when I go to sleep, I sleep."
Well -- I have other stories too, but currently the house next door is up for sale, and the *caretaker* that is there now, lets his dog run loose (to do it's "business"), and even though that is sometimes my front sidedwalk that I find his *stuff*, I think back over the years and realize that this is something I can deal with!
Ps -- the folks on the other side of the street (about 11 houses - some rental, some owner occupied) are great folks. Makes me wish my house was on the other side, and not the one I am on (at times).
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That reminds me of a time back when I coordinated a Way home in Po'land, OR. R*ndy F*eese was the Region Leader, and All*n R*pke was our Limb Leader.
I can't remember exactly what the occasion was - an area-wide twig leader's meeting? an area meeting? but All*n R*pke was leading this meeting and R*ndy Fe*se was teaching etc, and the meeting was in my house (because it had the biggest living room out of all the way homes in Portland, and it was short notice).
Anyway, that night there were gunshots next door during the meeting. There were 75 people in my house and *I* was the *only* one that noticed the noise. I got verification when the cops came the next day and asked if we had heard anything.
And that was the *only* interaction I ever had with those neighbors.
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