quote:Anybody who likes this white shiit obviously doesn't have to SHOVEL it. At least I'm halfway done now. Most of my neighbors are probably still sleeping and haven't opened the door to this winter wonderland yet.
LOL. I grew up on the side of the Cascade Mountains. 18" of snow overnight was not unusual. I've explained to my California friends that you could spend an hour shoveling out your car with no guarantee that you'd get further than a block once you could get it onto the street...
I think it has stopped, but its too dark for me to be sure. I'm guessing we got about a 1.5'. I hope it gets warm enough tomorrow for the snow to pack. :)-->
quote: dmiller 15 INCHES? Wow. Forget the 4-wheeling, you need a sled and a team of huskeys.
Actually -- we got closer to 18", and that is on top of the 13" we received a week ago. And 4x4 is preferable to a sled dog team (heated cab, tunes, libations, etc.)
Got home from work tonight, and the plow had gone through my alley, and now I have to dig out my garage again! There's a 4 foot pile of snow and ice where all was clean and driveable last night.
And whoever said it (Mark, I think), is right. 4-wheel drive does not equal 4-wheel stop.
Garrison Keillor once commented :
"4-wheel drive just gets you stuck twice as bad, and twice as far from the help you need to get unstuck". :D-->
Being stuck inside due to the snow and wind is making me very antsy, aggravated, bored, and wanting to go out and do something. Unfortunately, it's midnight now too so there isn't much to do here even if the weather was nice.
Z, just remember, I will be posting in August about how it's a lovely 80 degrees up here....
I used to drive just north of Phoenix to see the rare snow on the saguaros -- neat. Gone by noon.
The preschool my daughter attended in Scottsdale would have someone drive up to Prescott in a pickup and come back with a truckload of snow. They'd dump it on the sidewalk and let the kids come out and play in it!
Maine has had a pretty mild winter, for Maine, so far this year. But the cold hit pretty nicely a coupla days ago. Yesterday, as I drove up past Bangor for a gymnastics meet, it hit as low as -22. Today we're getting the tail end of what you all have, maybe a foot will fall here by the end of the day.
Break out the French toast (on oversized slices), hot apple cider, and cocoa. I am ready!
Im looking out my window I have to go work tommorrow my driveway is so long and drifted plow guy keeps saying he is slammed and will be back later. where is my car?
three steps into the house are gone I think my magazines in the mailbox blew away and is under the snow somewhere. aaw I want that magazine.. the candy canes in the yard from christmas are gone, where is the path?
it is deeper than my boots, my face is ripping apart at the seam. help me just help me . I hate snow when it is deeper than two inches. I have no faith no one can make me go out there.. I have to go to work... where is the car? the neighbor had their plow show up and put it in my driveway thanks ok Im not buying anymore pta crap from YOUR kid either. help me . this stuff hurts people. it is inhumane just bitter evil stuff.
I should post a photo of the dog on the pictures page. It's a miserable little 4 pound chihuahua mix that reminds me of Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. I don't like to refer to her as my dog much, because the wife picked it out, and I was ok with it until I saw how weird it is. I would have preferred a Sony Aibo, because I think robots are cool. When we get a house and have a decent sized yard though, I'll get a wolf hybrid.
Our kids are out playing in the snow tunnels they dug yesterday...I posted some pixs in the picture forum. It was still snowing a little here this morning!
I first was in Raleigh Durham NC, they had 1" and were devastated by all the snow(lol) but to them it was shocking I say!!
Then to Philly where it was windy and cold but OK, then to Halifax, Nova Scotia, lovely there but colder than well. When we left the next morning it was -20 C....buurrrrrr.
Got to NY ok, Boston ok then I was suppossed to go home, deadhead to Chicago,,,,,suppossed to I say, we sat on the damn plane from 1:30pm until after 4pm when they FINALLY cancelled the flight.
People flocking out of the plane and by then we had acquired about 2", while sitting on the plane wondering IF we were going to make it into the windy city, in vain we wondered. SO my company informs me I will stay in the hotel in Boston.
And as I fell alseep AND when I got up I see Boston and the whole NE region,,,is in big time trouble!! MA I believe was and still is in state of emergency, shocking even to the locals. I guess they had another storm like this in 78, so for the 2nd day I am in Boston since the airport is closed!!!
Philly airport was closed yesterday, first time in 9 yrs. The crew lounge here at the Holiday INN and the lounge is packed w/a zillion OTHER crews from every airlines imaginable. WE ALL are stuck here.
So hopefully tomorrow I will be on my way back to the windy city (fingers and toes crossed) cause IF I was stuck here, they would have to wait 2 days cause oficially I am on call here, because I was deadheading home and I am into my 6th day tomorrow and they HAVE to give me 2 days off (like I am doing anything here but still on call, so wth, pay me then!)
back to the weather.
I didn't know until just a few hours ago that there was water across the street and a hill and buildings, etc. This is the first visability I have seen. The drifts are awesome, although awesome cause I am looking at them from an upper floor and don't have to drive in any of that crap. The winds have JUST slowed down and it is only now showing cars even on the roads.
all my fault cause I was trying to get back to Chicago.
anyway let it snow, maybe IF I am in Miami in 75+ weather stuck, yeah, that would be the life,,,, No such luck.
oh well, my first month has been memorable anyway!!
They said on the Early CBS show it costs $1 million to clear one inch of snow off of New York! Suz, it can't be easy being stuck in a hotel. Hope you brought a good book and made some new friends.
It's suppose to get in the 50's today here in Lincoln and I hope it melts off some more snow.
I had a friend who bought a house in somwhere up north where the driveway went from the front of the house all the way around to the garage in the back of the house. He didn't think much of it and rather enjoyed planting nice bushes and flowers along the long driveway. After the first big snow his new neighbor's words rang through his ears over and over again, "Your garage is in the back of your house."
In the South it doesn't snow, it ices and 1/2 inch of that is enough to shut down the whole town for a few days. I did learn in my one experience with REAL snow that you can't slide on it like you can on ice. You'll land on your backside in the snow-making angel position. :D-->
we have snow here -- above 9,000 feet, Friday #1 Hubby and #1 only son went snowboarding with only t-shirts and snowpants...and got tan...while they came home to me in long sleeves and sandels.
Ended up getting 26" in the Boston area, it was the blizzard from hell, not as bad as 1978 which is record holder for snow, etc. BUT,
since the runways weren't cleared I was stuck there until Monday night, along with the several other folks on the Saturday plane who ended up on the same flight as me Monday night.
It took all day to clear enough runways for the air traffic to be workable.
Scared me good as we sat on the plane (again) for a couple hours before we actually took off this time, got to Chicago at almost midnight.
I unfourtanetly had on my uniform, I was thinking I should have changed immediately cause the Indians Were Restless on that plane when the Captian kept coming in w/BS reasons why we wern't leaving JUST YET>......geeze, burn me, stab me but don't lie to me. I thought I was going to be crucified. Our uniforms are identical to AA's uniforms, and I was just a passinger, not working the flight.
anyway I did feel bad for the other folks that, like I said, were from the Saturday flight when I found out their luggage went sometime on Saturday, they had to pay for their own rooms for 2 days and buy anything that they wanted to wear besides the clothes on their backs. Sucky huh??
As I sit in my warm little house, drinking my coffee in my pj's, glad to be home in my own little bed for this ONE day off I get.
Hi All...I just got home from Killington, Vermont, where it barely snowed. When I called down here (on Cape Cod) everyone warned me not to come home on Saturday like I had planned. It's Tuesday and I can hardly believe my eyes!!!!! I strattled through waist high snow- WAIST HIGH mind you to get to the front door!!! I looked out my back door and there is a snow drift up to my eyeballs!!!!
Alas...I'm heading outside to shovel a little walkway for myself before the next hit tonight.
I love the snow...wish I was here for the brunt of it but who knew I would miss it up in Vermont...sheeeeesh :(-->
Icicles are my one of my favorite things too!!! love 'em.
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about 8" so far i think and it doesn't look like it's stopping
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LOL. I grew up on the side of the Cascade Mountains. 18" of snow overnight was not unusual. I've explained to my California friends that you could spend an hour shoveling out your car with no guarantee that you'd get further than a block once you could get it onto the street...
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I think it has stopped, but its too dark for me to be sure. I'm guessing we got about a 1.5'. I hope it gets warm enough tomorrow for the snow to pack.
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Actually -- we got closer to 18", and that is on top of the 13" we received a week ago. And 4x4 is preferable to a sled dog team (heated cab, tunes, libations, etc.)
Got home from work tonight, and the plow had gone through my alley, and now I have to dig out my garage again!
There's a 4 foot pile of snow and ice where all was clean and driveable last night.
And whoever said it (Mark, I think), is right. 4-wheel drive does not equal 4-wheel stop.
Garrison Keillor once commented :
"4-wheel drive just gets you stuck twice as bad, and twice as far from the help you need to get unstuck".
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Mister P-Mosh
Being stuck inside due to the snow and wind is making me very antsy, aggravated, bored, and wanting to go out and do something. Unfortunately, it's midnight now too so there isn't much to do here even if the weather was nice.
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Yesterday I was thinking about all of you in the cold and snow while I was out and about in shorts and a t-shirt.
I hope you are enjoying your winter, I know I am
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will somebody punch zshot please
p-mosh i am still laughing about your dog
woke up and looked out, it's still coming down
i can't see my neighbor's car, it's under some snow
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Z, just remember, I will be posting in August about how it's a lovely 80 degrees up here....
I used to drive just north of Phoenix to see the rare snow on the saguaros -- neat. Gone by noon.
The preschool my daughter attended in Scottsdale would have someone drive up to Prescott in a pickup and come back with a truckload of snow. They'd dump it on the sidewalk and let the kids come out and play in it!
Maine has had a pretty mild winter, for Maine, so far this year. But the cold hit pretty nicely a coupla days ago. Yesterday, as I drove up past Bangor for a gymnastics meet, it hit as low as -22. Today we're getting the tail end of what you all have, maybe a foot will fall here by the end of the day.
Break out the French toast (on oversized slices), hot apple cider, and cocoa. I am ready!
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You are correct about getting too hot in the Phoenix area in the summer...
I live about 200 miles south of Phoenix where the summer is not as bad, it's about 15 degrees cooler here
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bliz*zard+lake effect.
Im looking out my window I have to go work tommorrow my driveway is so long and drifted plow guy keeps saying he is slammed and will be back later. where is my car?
three steps into the house are gone I think my magazines in the mailbox blew away and is under the snow somewhere. aaw I want that magazine.. the candy canes in the yard from christmas are gone, where is the path?
it is deeper than my boots, my face is ripping apart at the seam. help me just help me . I hate snow when it is deeper than two inches. I have no faith no one can make me go out there.. I have to go to work... where is the car? the neighbor had their plow show up and put it in my driveway thanks ok Im not buying anymore pta crap from YOUR kid either. help me . this stuff hurts people. it is inhumane just bitter evil stuff.
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Are the little kiddies out in this weather selling xmas wrapping again?
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Mister P-Mosh
I should post a photo of the dog on the pictures page. It's a miserable little 4 pound chihuahua mix that reminds me of Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. I don't like to refer to her as my dog much, because the wife picked it out, and I was ok with it until I saw how weird it is. I would have preferred a Sony Aibo, because I think robots are cool. When we get a house and have a decent sized yard though, I'll get a wolf hybrid.
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Our kids are out playing in the snow tunnels they dug yesterday...I posted some pixs in the picture forum. It was still snowing a little here this morning!
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you wanna talk snow!!!
I first was in Raleigh Durham NC, they had 1" and were devastated by all the snow(lol) but to them it was shocking I say!!
Then to Philly where it was windy and cold but OK, then to Halifax, Nova Scotia, lovely there but colder than well. When we left the next morning it was -20 C....buurrrrrr.
Got to NY ok, Boston ok then I was suppossed to go home, deadhead to Chicago,,,,,suppossed to I say, we sat on the damn plane from 1:30pm until after 4pm when they FINALLY cancelled the flight.
People flocking out of the plane and by then we had acquired about 2", while sitting on the plane wondering IF we were going to make it into the windy city, in vain we wondered. SO my company informs me I will stay in the hotel in Boston.
And as I fell alseep AND when I got up I see Boston and the whole NE region,,,is in big time trouble!! MA I believe was and still is in state of emergency, shocking even to the locals. I guess they had another storm like this in 78, so for the 2nd day I am in Boston since the airport is closed!!!
Philly airport was closed yesterday, first time in 9 yrs. The crew lounge here at the Holiday INN and the lounge is packed w/a zillion OTHER crews from every airlines imaginable. WE ALL are stuck here.
So hopefully tomorrow I will be on my way back to the windy city (fingers and toes crossed) cause IF I was stuck here, they would have to wait 2 days cause oficially I am on call here, because I was deadheading home and I am into my 6th day tomorrow and they HAVE to give me 2 days off (like I am doing anything here but still on call, so wth, pay me then!)
back to the weather.
I didn't know until just a few hours ago that there was water across the street and a hill and buildings, etc. This is the first visability I have seen. The drifts are awesome, although awesome cause I am looking at them from an upper floor and don't have to drive in any of that crap. The winds have JUST slowed down and it is only now showing cars even on the roads.
all my fault cause I was trying to get back to Chicago.
anyway let it snow, maybe IF I am in Miami in 75+ weather stuck, yeah, that would be the life,,,, No such luck.
oh well, my first month has been memorable anyway!!
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What --- A --- Chance --- For --- Witnessing!!
*ducking, and running away fast!*
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somebody ---- post a picture
those of us in sunny 60 degrees would love to see a picture.
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DaddyHoundog -- go to THIS THREAD, in the Picture Forum.
Cindy! posted several pics, of what she and Steve! got in the Chicago area.
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They said on the Early CBS show it costs $1 million to clear one inch of snow off of New York! Suz, it can't be easy being stuck in a hotel. Hope you brought a good book and made some new friends.
It's suppose to get in the 50's today here in Lincoln and I hope it melts off some more snow.
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I had a friend who bought a house in somwhere up north where the driveway went from the front of the house all the way around to the garage in the back of the house. He didn't think much of it and rather enjoyed planting nice bushes and flowers along the long driveway. After the first big snow his new neighbor's words rang through his ears over and over again, "Your garage is in the back of your house."
In the South it doesn't snow, it ices and 1/2 inch of that is enough to shut down the whole town for a few days.
I did learn in my one experience with REAL snow that you can't slide on it like you can on ice. You'll land on your backside in the snow-making angel position.
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thanks D---saw it...cool
we have snow here -- above 9,000 feet, Friday #1 Hubby and #1 only son went snowboarding with only t-shirts and snowpants...and got tan...while they came home to me in long sleeves and sandels.
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"Your garage is in the back of your house."
Lord Lord, here we go again.
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Ended up getting 26" in the Boston area, it was the blizzard from hell, not as bad as 1978 which is record holder for snow, etc. BUT,
since the runways weren't cleared I was stuck there until Monday night, along with the several other folks on the Saturday plane who ended up on the same flight as me Monday night.
It took all day to clear enough runways for the air traffic to be workable.
Scared me good as we sat on the plane (again) for a couple hours before we actually took off this time, got to Chicago at almost midnight.
I unfourtanetly had on my uniform, I was thinking I should have changed immediately cause the Indians Were Restless on that plane when the Captian kept coming in w/BS reasons why we wern't leaving JUST YET>......geeze, burn me, stab me but don't lie to me. I thought I was going to be crucified. Our uniforms are identical to AA's uniforms, and I was just a passinger, not working the flight.
anyway I did feel bad for the other folks that, like I said, were from the Saturday flight when I found out their luggage went sometime on Saturday, they had to pay for their own rooms for 2 days and buy anything that they wanted to wear besides the clothes on their backs. Sucky huh??
As I sit in my warm little house, drinking my coffee in my pj's, glad to be home in my own little bed for this ONE day off I get.
Next time I will go south.
I keep Hope's number with me....
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Wacky Funster
Hi All...I just got home from Killington, Vermont, where it barely snowed. When I called down here (on Cape Cod) everyone warned me not to come home on Saturday like I had planned. It's Tuesday and I can hardly believe my eyes!!!!! I strattled through waist high snow- WAIST HIGH mind you to get to the front door!!! I looked out my back door and there is a snow drift up to my eyeballs!!!!
Alas...I'm heading outside to shovel a little walkway for myself before the next hit tonight.
I love the snow...wish I was here for the brunt of it but who knew I would miss it up in Vermont...sheeeeesh
Icicles are my one of my favorite things too!!! love 'em.
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Now I know why they call her WACKY lol
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