Well, not to toot my own horn....but I give cookies out for the holidays.
I make about 6 different types of cookies, brownies and mini loaves of different breads. They are the prettiest things to see. But the taste is bland and none are very good...every year I think I'll get better at it, but I don't...
I make Christmas CD suncatchers for my neighbors, and usually hang them around a bottle of wine. I also have a pretty big Christmas party (Bowtwi - December 13th!) and invite neighbors & ex-Way friends who live around here (or anyone else who might be visiting!).
I didn't do the party last year - makes me sad to think about it. So I'm telling everyone when it is even before I send out the invitations - so I gotta do it now!
So... if anyone is going to be in Tampa (or Orlando wink, wink...) you're more than welcome.
Usually we cook our Halloween pumpkins, and then make tons of pumpkin bread. It freezes nicely, then we have lots of loaves to give out as teacher gifts, take to holiday parties, etc. In fact, now that we've been doing it for a dozen years or so, everybody looks forward to receiving a loaf or two.
A couple years ago, we didn't make any, and friends and family were oh so disappointed. So the next year they all put their requests in early. :)-->
Hope, your party sounds so fun. Maybe we'll have a big one this year as well. You've inspired me. White Dove, why don't you come down for a visit?? Everyone would love to see you.
You can get some granulated ginger at the health food store or bulk good produce section...
yup...there are plenty of easy things to do...
If anyone wants to get into the simplest bath gifts (nice for teens to give friends too), may I recommend you start saving all the dried flowers from your bouquets now or you can buy them cheap at health food or craft stores, really!)~ stock up...you can buy little bags, or make your own also...and viola ~ you have 'bath teas' ~ you can add your chamomile flowers from tea bags too, among other varieties of herbal teas!!!
It works! plus, dry some fruit rinds now ~ oranges, grapefruits, lemons, etc,...sliced thinly, they may be added as well...
If you are really strapped for cash...this one is a go-with for the bath teas
...buy a bag of solar salt
..if money doesn't seem so tight
...get celtic salts, sea salt, epson salt, dead sea salt...whatever...mix it up
...add a few drops of vegetable food coloring...(be creative, green & blues together can make minty to teal bath salts
...anyway, invest in one or two, however many essential oils you can afford at the health food store BUIT PLEASE DO NOT buy (synthetic) 'fragrance oils' for the body ~
...after you mixed the salts, colored them, now add a few drops of essential oil ~ only a few...if you do all this in big baggies, you save time...seal it up for at least a day or so.
Now, those pretty bottles you have hanging around, or a large seashell, or any container that hasn't any metal or other type of containment that would corrode...well, you know...even nice china...can present the salts as your gift...any nice finds from Pier One or garage sales too...add a slimmed down cork for the top of narrower bottles if a rubberized rim isn'y available...
Now you have a bath salts and bath tea set...you can buy tiny spoons or polish up those baby spoons or widdle wood spoons if you like for dispensing the bath salts unless they are in bottles (which are lovely) and pour right out.
That's the simplest ~
More later for anyone interested or looking for something new to give ~ that can be made at a fraction of the cost for retail.
Wanna collect nice bottles for bath oils ~ I've got some tropicals and florals in mind next!
A gourmet gift basket ~
A nice long bottle for extra virgin olive oil ~ with your inserting a sprig of rosemary, etc (for a salad and dipping oil, actually)...will make a nice gift basket when adding some imported pasta, a homemade pasta sauce or store bought~gourmet section, cheese and pepperoni sticks, fancy crackers, a special bag of coffee, a nice wine or champagne or bottle of liquor or sparking juice (doesn't have to be expensive)...AND biscotti sticks...or create you own...these are great for a boss, a business partner, your Mom and Dad...a host/hostess for the festive occasion...this is a 'can't go wrong' type basket. You can add cute oven mits, an apron (kiss the cook) whatever...you get the idea.
If you have vintage glass beads around, or old beaded necklaces you don't wear ~ buy a spool of wire ~ string them...curl the ends in larger loops (to hang)...use a little gold paint...and you have new ornaments for your tree! Or to give...crackle the beads or drizzle some paint, anything you want...draw on them or leave them as is...it's 'new' now...
More soon...
I love these ideas Guys...
I wish ~ maybe Kit will add the old thread that has the Bailey receipe on it too ~ and Sudo's turkey in a roasting bag...etc., etc...from 2 years ago...pretty please, I know I'm the disliker of the archives...but not about things like this..lol. (;
Keep 'em coming..and please, Ex..know your family is already gifted by your presence ~ w/wo presents ~ because your humor is what's priceless!
From Queer Eye...the interior designer did an awesome inexpensive wall treatment that impressed me.
He took small frames, and matted really cool squares and rectanges of fantastic foil gift wraps...I'm doing that with my smaller pastels ~ the flowers, leaves and herbs that I drew...and the neat thing is, I just used plain sketch pad paper too...
It's also nice for watercolors...and if you feel artisticaly challenged, you can press the paint (you put on the leaves) onto fine bond paper, or other types, or onto the newer homemade papers you can buy in bulk at paper specialty stores ~ you can stencil too, or stamp....
Isn't that special ? lol.
You can buy some gel pens and sign it on the front or back... or just use your imagination! Anything goes!
Ginger Tea, I'm bringing this thread up because I thought it was such a great idea. Don't know why it died.
I'm thinking that since we have the picture thread now maybe some of you can post pics so we can actually see the end result. Like, ginger tea, I would love to see a pic of your last post. It sounds good.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I canned lots of stuff....peaches, pears....but I don't have the equipment any more....I wonder how I can get some? (I really feel safest with a pressure canner, not open kettle, which most think is ok)
I made spiced berry jams from buschels or other large collections in season. It took two or more days in the end of August, and was hard work and I sweated a lot...but everybody loved it...and anything home made makes people feel special!
BUT - if you're not "crafty" or don't have time...there's nothing that says you can't be creative in selecting gifts! Tickets for the theater or sporting events can be very much prized.
One of the shopping malls near me have a kiosk (sp)? that specializes in bamboo. They have some really beautiful things - some of them are works of art, really.
Excathy if you mom drools over fabric, see if you can find one she really really loves and get a salesperson to help you figure out how much to buy. Suppose she wants to make a blazer (just picked that out of a hat)..get all the stuff she needs to make it and when she opens the gift she'll be in heaven.
If anybody is interested, my gift to others this year is to put some fancy art that I've made in my graphics programs around digital pictures people send me. This way folks can print the pics on their printers and put them in frames or on mattes or whatever they want to do. Makes great personalized gifts!
If anyone is interested, email pics to CoolWatersDesigns@cox.net.
BTW, you were picked by someone we both know 'out here' in the Secret Santa ceremony...lol.
You'll need to pass the snail mail addy to F.T. so that he can be jolly ~
I've been stringing beads ~ some pretty glass ones and some semi-precious stones for ornaments this year...with silver or brass wire...they look great.
I've added 'jewels' to candles too.
(on the outside, like a skirt-over or pinned them on).
Wine charms...real easy to make with memory wire or even old erring hoops you may have around..or regular wire for a closer attatchment.
Each set (of six) included a different focal point trinket or pendant (depending on the look) and a few frosted glass beads or crystal beads ~ every wire has a different color for each glass...so people will recognize their wine glass from anothers.
I have this pretty set I bought ~ brand new stemware ~ where I'm working on beading the stem in a way that it comes out at the fluted bottom in a continual swirl....you need a jewelers pliar really to do this...and a thin gauge wire...24 is good, because your using small beads.
I think it will make an awesome gift...
I also have bought stretchy cord and lampwork glass tropical fish beads (colorful and adorable) to make kids some bracelets and anklets...and hair thingies.
So, I've been working on jewelry this year...for gifts...if anyone is interested, go to your neatrest bead shop and browse thru 'BeadStyle Magazine' or "Bead and Button" and see if there's anything you might want to get into ~ as in ~ make yourself (or for yourself).
You can order beads cheaply if your going to make alot of things by checking out Mountain Fire Gems catalog (it mails quickly if you act now)~ they are quite reasonable...have almost everything you would need...except the designer 'focals'...but your bead shop will have plenty of featured artists work.
Is anyone interested in bath oils ~ aif so, I'll write some out next time...and guess what?
You can bead your bottles too! o;
If you can buy some pkgs, of hairsticks...wooden ones already with a drill on top...quess what else you can do?
That's right!
You can use a pin (1 1/2 in' length is good) ~ load it with pretty beads (gemstones like amethyst, citrine and peridot actually go cool together, in assorted shapes, or flourite is nice because it varies from greens to lavenders, rainbow moonstones flash beautifully, or pearls...freshwaters pearls in mauives and peacehes are hot right now...
If you have a few bottles, like the nice blue or greens, reds, pinks, even clears (you can add little trinkets inside or dried flowers or fruit rinds, etc.
~ small bottles for 1/4 oz. on up ~ you'll find these will work well plus you can trim down a wine cork or buy re-sealable or snap-down lids ~ you can even dip the lids when the bottles are filled, in a melted wax and put a little seal on them or engrave your own( be careful with the hot wax though, I recommend a double-boiler there)
...and don't forget to add decorative beading if you fancy or use a lovely ribbon.
~ only use pure essential oils here please
(not synthetic, they have no benefits and we are using this for our skin)
1/2 cup almond oil
1/2 cup castor oil
OIL from 6-10 Viatmin E capsules
I cup safflower oil or sunflower oil
20 - 30 drops oils essential oils
(depending on what you like or will select below)
Blend all these oils together. Place in a glass container. with a tight-fitting lid.
Shake or stir every day for a week.
(this helps blend the fragrances and allows you to make adjustments)
Before bottleing, add coloring oil (if you like) or dried flowers, fruits, herbs, etc...but they must be DRIED.
Maskes 2 cups of the folowing fragrant bath oils.
***RainForest Tropicals
to the above basic recipe ~ your selection of essential oils would be:
15 drops of bergamot
10 drops of peppermint
5 drops of lavender
5 drops sweet orange oil
My choice of additives would be dried mangoe (from produce dept at grocer and dried mint leaves...maybe some dried pineapple slice...)
This is a refreshing bath oil and a teaspoon in a fully drawn tub will be delightful (and enough).
***Golden Eastern Nights Bath Oil
Usung the basic formula above, your selection of esential oil would be:
20 drops of jasmine oil
10 drops of bergamot
Here's something that will please the recipient too... buy a gold leaf sheet at your hobby/art shops...composite leaf is fine, it need not be 24 kt.)
Blend oils and fragrance. Tear sheet of gold leaf into pieces and place the pieces into the bottle before adding the oils.
One teaspoon added to a drawn bath ~
***Orange Cinnamon Bath Oil
to the bacic formula above ~ add these essential oils instead;
20 drops sweet orange oil
10 drops of cinnamon oil
...broken cinnamon sticks and a dried orange slice (cut in half) would look great in this bottle but remember to add these things to the bottle before pouring in the oil.
One teaspoon...drawn bath
***you can use the basic recipe and when you get to the part that needs your adding fragrant essential oils ~
Here are some more combos ~ or you what you loke, please know they are potent oils...thet will release their esters...less is more...
*Lavender and lemon
is very nice
try a drop of each together, see what you think
*Chamomile and ylang-ylang might be something you'd like...
if interested, I'd go
10 drops chamomile
10 drops ylang ylang
5 drops clary sage ~
*Lavendr and sweet orange oil
20 drops sweet orange oil
10 drops lavender
*Rosey Spice
15 drops rose oil
10 drops cinnamon
*Ocean Breeze
here's a few combos
*eucalyptus, rosemary, bayberry, lavender, *peppermint...try a drop of each together on a blotter...see whay you'd like most together...
Guys love this too...
You might even find an 'ocean blend' already made at the natural food store...check that out because they may have already combined it just right for you ~ or give it a try yourself...I'd add a little *ylang ylang in there too!
(a little leftover bergamot oil might help with *cypress oil, if you are looking for a clean cruisin' feeling...
To go along with these oils ~ you can use the same oils to bath salts, as well...
my fav soother is:
i tbsp. glycerine
10 drops chamomile
5 drops ylang-ylang
5 drops clary sage
to a few cups of epson, dead sea, celtic and sea salts.
Another of my fav 'SEAsalt' is
I cup epson salt
I cup sea salt
10 drops peppermint
5 drops eucalyptus oil
1-2 drops cypress
Theses bath oils are simple and do not include the items above ~ seperate simple wonderful recipies
*Orange ~ Grapefruit Bath Oil
makes less than 1/4 cup
3 tbsp sweet almond oil
5 drops orange oil
5 drops grapefruit oil
combine oils in bottle and shake!
*add one tsp once the bath has been drawn to avoid the essential oils evaporationing ~
*Roses ~ Baby Oil Rose Bath
add miniature dried roses in bottle before adding oil. Use a clear or very light bottle here.
I cup baby oil
20 drops rose oil
(rose oil is expensive, but you can buy rose absolut for about $10.00 a sm. bottle ~ that wil give you enough to make this, some rose facial tonic, add drops to your moisturizing creams, and make rosewater ~ it won't be wasted (;
*add to a full drawn bath
` as above
Here's some helpful fragrance goupings for you ~ if you get stuck, ok?
Special combos you can buy, already prepared and mixed for you, with both top and bottom notes ~
ocean, rain, mountain airey-types, and rainforest ~ oh..and apple grove, etc.
I'll ck in soon to see how it's going Krys or any of you can reach me if you have questions ~ or if you can't find something... may have some hanging around.
Happy Holiday Creating!
edited..I have just located Crabtree & Evelyn's Fragrant Herbal...
I'll give some combos from there to you personally Krys, if you like...or perhaps they do have an internet site...
I've loads more from aromatherapy books for specific 'scents' for 'specic responses'
Let me know if I can locate something for you ~ from total relaxing, to lifting depression, to aiding grif...you name it...there is something for everything.
[This message was edited by Ginger Tea on December 10, 2003 at 1:47.]
A large platic spoon is your best bet because you'll be able to use it again ~ where a wooden, well, it's porous and the essential oils will ansorb into it ~ you will throw that away afterwards.
What are you thinking of making TomTurkey?
Scented Papers
When you find a great box of stationary, and want to give that as a gift to your favorite letter-writter, here's a few ways to add scents to the box (beforehand, of course)
Place 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil(s) onto a pieco of cotton and add it to the box...leave for 7-10 days, then remove...(like rose, bergamot, sandlewood, jasmine or ylang-ylang)
Potpourris for Drowsing
You can fill a bowl by a bedside or fill a sachet to slip into a pillowcase between/ beneath pillows for soothing esters ~ all flowers are dried, btw.
dried rosemary has a clean, soft scent, not like the ol or fresh herb, and it can be mixed in the following to prevent *nightmares (someone's child having any?)
*2 tbsp. rose petals, 2 tsp. merliot or sweet grass or woorfuff, 1-2 pinches vetiver root, ans 1 tsp. orris root.
* clean balm scahet
* 2tbsp. lemon verbena, i tsp. lavender, 2 tsp. powdered dried orange peel, 1 pinch cinnamon and 1/2 vanilla bean
(remember ~ everything must be dried out first...you can buy these things already dried at a health food/natural store or do them well in advance yourself.)
Dream catcher boxes
In a tight lidded box, add several drops of lavender, jupiter, or frankinscense to a cotton ball....store for a few weeks..then take out and safely tuck inside a tedy bear or a dream catcher for 3 weeks to infuse the fabrics...
Wow! All these wonderful ideas!! I've even writen some of them down.
But the truth of the matter is....well... I'll be doing good just to get the tree up. I always have these thoughts to make stuff for everybody and the neighbors. And one day I will scare them and do it. Hee Hee.
Oh ! we will be sending cards/notes to some Marines over in Irac...does that count? tcat
I haven't really decided on what to make yet... but my wife uses this kind of stuff all the time so I figure it'll be cheaper to make it than for her to buy it...
(didn't want y'all to think I was gettin girlie or anything) :D-->
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
If you tell me something she likes (scent wise ~ or an example of a perfume she likes or you like on her), I might be able to come close enough to it in a simple bath oil for you.
plus, if you but some strethey coed, you may be able to make her a choker or something fantasic with some semi-precious stones (an is in strand from a bead shop or store)
~ I could assis you there...as well.
Anyway, if you write down a scent, I could give you some simple selections to choose from that are cost-effective and ~ will go a long way.
Whatever you like! ok?
Same with anyone else...
Here's some Mamly treasures ~
Spicy Aftershave
Mix together the following essential oils;
5 drops each ~ ok?
bergamot (fcf)
4 drops ~ ok?
4 drops ~ ok?
2 drops each ~ ok?
1 drop each ~ ok?
black pepper (the esential oil, please)
Leave to infuse for 2 days
then add 2 tsp. Lemon Vodka;
infuse 2 more days;
mix in 4 tsp. orange flower water
(homemade or health food store)
Leave one week!
Shake up, fill in a cool amber bottle or shaker type with cork or snap lid...
That a million dollar aftershave sure to please everyone ~
Graprfruit Seed Facial Splash ~
"Grapefruit seed extract has so many healing qualities including antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and deodorizing properties.
Add 3 drops of *GSE to i tbsp. pure water ~
and apply daily to face...watch out for your eyes please! And it will tingle some on broken skin.
For scalp health ~
add 5 to 10 drops of *GSE to a portion of shampoo, massage, on wet or dry hair, leave on 2 minutes, then rinse thouroughly. epeat twice the first week, once a week afterwards.
(what would be nice is to get an herbal shampoo from the herbal store, they are wonderful and cheap enough, pour in the *GSE ~ another plastic bottle you'll buy there anyway...and add them to cool bottles as gifts...yeah, Guys who travel or are batchelors' might really love this...trust me.)
Smooth Shaving Oil
Mix together essential oils like this;
10 drops frankincense
6 drops lavender
6 drops bergamot (fcf, they'll know)
3 drops euchalyptus
1 drop tea tree
blend with 10 drops grapeseed oil (not extract)
Massage 3 drops over the beard or other area to be shaved...then shave as usual.
This leaves the skin soft, and supple, and is antiseptic, antivital, and antifungal...speeding any healing of skin problems or cuts.
Make tins of loose teas for gifts ~ you can label them or paint on the tins...stencil..whatever ~
Some combos are ~ (loose teas plases, buy infusers to go along with your gift for $2.00)
Buy loose green tea ~
peppermint, spearmint, or wintergreen
Mix them together and pour into your decorated tins, adding the infuser to the botton or the top.
You can use other herbs if you like, and while you are at it, tie some cinnamin sticks with a pretty velvet cord and present an orange blossom or flower honey to go along with...if you can't spend alot...trader joe's sells loose grens and teabagsa of mints and other herbals...you can mix and match what tastes good to you, then empty the teabags into your loose green mixture ~
Just some ideas...don't forget tea cookies, like ginger snaps and lemon thins too!
If I have any extra something or other, I'll share ~ especialy since your making it yourself! Let me know ~ or I'll direct you to the wholesale sellers for better prices...right now, I know Rainbow Meadows (in Ohio) offers wholesale essential oil and dried flower prices to the public..out here you need a tax i.d, so ! remember ~ a liitle goes a long way...so see their website and catalog...and get busy)
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Well, not to toot my own horn....but I give cookies out for the holidays.
I make about 6 different types of cookies, brownies and mini loaves of different breads. They are the prettiest things to see. But the taste is bland and none are very good...every year I think I'll get better at it, but I don't...
It is all about presentation though, isn't it?
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Hope R.
I make Christmas CD suncatchers for my neighbors, and usually hang them around a bottle of wine. I also have a pretty big Christmas party (Bowtwi - December 13th!) and invite neighbors & ex-Way friends who live around here (or anyone else who might be visiting!).
I didn't do the party last year - makes me sad to think about it. So I'm telling everyone when it is even before I send out the invitations - so I gotta do it now!
So... if anyone is going to be in Tampa (or Orlando wink, wink...) you're more than welcome.
Hope R. color>size>face>
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Another thing we do for the holidays....
Usually we cook our Halloween pumpkins, and then make tons of pumpkin bread. It freezes nicely, then we have lots of loaves to give out as teacher gifts, take to holiday parties, etc. In fact, now that we've been doing it for a dozen years or so, everybody looks forward to receiving a loaf or two.
A couple years ago, we didn't make any, and friends and family were oh so disappointed. So the next year they all put their requests in early.
Hope, your party sounds so fun. Maybe we'll have a big one this year as well. You've inspired me. White Dove, why don't you come down for a visit?? Everyone would love to see you.
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minnie me, this is gettin spooky
wanna go as each other for halloween ?
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Ginger Tea
too funny, you guys! (;
Those bread cakes might only need some spice, kd.
You can get some granulated ginger at the health food store or bulk good produce section...
yup...there are plenty of easy things to do...
If anyone wants to get into the simplest bath gifts (nice for teens to give friends too), may I recommend you start saving all the dried flowers from your bouquets now or you can buy them cheap at health food or craft stores, really!)~ stock up...you can buy little bags, or make your own also...and viola ~ you have 'bath teas' ~ you can add your chamomile flowers from tea bags too, among other varieties of herbal teas!!!
It works! plus, dry some fruit rinds now ~ oranges, grapefruits, lemons, etc,...sliced thinly, they may be added as well...
If you are really strapped for cash...this one is a go-with for the bath teas
...buy a bag of solar salt
..if money doesn't seem so tight
...get celtic salts, sea salt, epson salt, dead sea salt...whatever...mix it up
...add a few drops of vegetable food coloring...(be creative, green & blues together can make minty to teal bath salts
...anyway, invest in one or two, however many essential oils you can afford at the health food store BUIT PLEASE DO NOT buy (synthetic) 'fragrance oils' for the body ~
Affordable oils are grapefruit, sweet orange, geranium, lemon, lavender, etc...you'll see...even vanilla 'oil', ginger, etc...
...after you mixed the salts, colored them, now add a few drops of essential oil ~ only a few...if you do all this in big baggies, you save time...seal it up for at least a day or so.
Now, those pretty bottles you have hanging around, or a large seashell, or any container that hasn't any metal or other type of containment that would corrode...well, you know...even nice china...can present the salts as your gift...any nice finds from Pier One or garage sales too...add a slimmed down cork for the top of narrower bottles if a rubberized rim isn'y available...
Now you have a bath salts and bath tea set...you can buy tiny spoons or polish up those baby spoons or widdle wood spoons if you like for dispensing the bath salts unless they are in bottles (which are lovely) and pour right out.
That's the simplest ~
More later for anyone interested or looking for something new to give ~ that can be made at a fraction of the cost for retail.
Wanna collect nice bottles for bath oils ~ I've got some tropicals and florals in mind next!
A gourmet gift basket ~
A nice long bottle for extra virgin olive oil ~ with your inserting a sprig of rosemary, etc (for a salad and dipping oil, actually)...will make a nice gift basket when adding some imported pasta, a homemade pasta sauce or store bought~gourmet section, cheese and pepperoni sticks, fancy crackers, a special bag of coffee, a nice wine or champagne or bottle of liquor or sparking juice (doesn't have to be expensive)...AND biscotti sticks...or create you own...these are great for a boss, a business partner, your Mom and Dad...a host/hostess for the festive occasion...this is a 'can't go wrong' type basket. You can add cute oven mits, an apron (kiss the cook) whatever...you get the idea.
If you have vintage glass beads around, or old beaded necklaces you don't wear ~ buy a spool of wire ~ string them...curl the ends in larger loops (to hang)...use a little gold paint...and you have new ornaments for your tree! Or to give...crackle the beads or drizzle some paint, anything you want...draw on them or leave them as is...it's 'new' now...
More soon...
I love these ideas Guys...
I wish ~ maybe Kit will add the old thread that has the Bailey receipe on it too ~ and Sudo's turkey in a roasting bag...etc., etc...from 2 years ago...pretty please, I know I'm the disliker of the archives...but not about things like this..lol. (;
Keep 'em coming..and please, Ex..know your family is already gifted by your presence ~ w/wo presents ~ because your humor is what's priceless!
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oh gingie how can i thank you for that last sentence....
with a cat stevens song....
how can I tell you that i love you
but I can't think of right words to say
i long to tell you that I?m always thinking of you i'm always thinking of you but my words just blow away
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Ginger Tea
From Queer Eye...the interior designer did an awesome inexpensive wall treatment that impressed me.
He took small frames, and matted really cool squares and rectanges of fantastic foil gift wraps...I'm doing that with my smaller pastels ~ the flowers, leaves and herbs that I drew...and the neat thing is, I just used plain sketch pad paper too...
It's also nice for watercolors...and if you feel artisticaly challenged, you can press the paint (you put on the leaves) onto fine bond paper, or other types, or onto the newer homemade papers you can buy in bulk at paper specialty stores ~ you can stencil too, or stamp....
Isn't that special ? lol.
You can buy some gel pens and sign it on the front or back... or just use your imagination! Anything goes!
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Ginger Tea, I'm bringing this thread up because I thought it was such a great idea. Don't know why it died.
I'm thinking that since we have the picture thread now maybe some of you can post pics so we can actually see the end result. Like, ginger tea, I would love to see a pic of your last post. It sounds good.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Hopefull -
Here's a recipe for Irish Cream Liquor that I got from a TC in Nashville in '95. (don't know if it's the one you wanted - but it looks good)
Irish Cream Liquor (makes 5 cups)
1 ¼ to 1 3/4 cups liquor (Irish Whiskey, Brandy, Rum, Scotch or Rye Whiskey)
1 can Eagle brand sweet condensed milk (14 oz)
1 cup whipping cream
4 Grade A uncracked eggs
2 teasp. instant coffee
2 Tblsp chocolate syrup
1 teasp. vanilla extract
½ tsp almond extract
Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth
In a large bowl, beat eggs; beat in remaining ingredients until smooth.
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I used to preserve a lot of things for my family.
I canned lots of stuff....peaches, pears....but I don't have the equipment any more....I wonder how I can get some? (I really feel safest with a pressure canner, not open kettle, which most think is ok)
I made spiced berry jams from buschels or other large collections in season. It took two or more days in the end of August, and was hard work and I sweated a lot...but everybody loved it...and anything home made makes people feel special!
BUT - if you're not "crafty" or don't have time...there's nothing that says you can't be creative in selecting gifts! Tickets for the theater or sporting events can be very much prized.
One of the shopping malls near me have a kiosk (sp)? that specializes in bamboo. They have some really beautiful things - some of them are works of art, really.
Excathy if you mom drools over fabric, see if you can find one she really really loves and get a salesperson to help you figure out how much to buy. Suppose she wants to make a blazer (just picked that out of a hat)..get all the stuff she needs to make it and when she opens the gift she'll be in heaven.
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thank you kryssie, you are a doll !!!!!!!
ps. she just finished up her homemade pineapple jelly or is it jam ? and another flavor. now she's working on her cookies and fudge and bourbon balls.
me ? i'm still searching for a damn bird.
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......yummmmm fudge balls
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If anybody is interested, my gift to others this year is to put some fancy art that I've made in my graphics programs around digital pictures people send me. This way folks can print the pics on their printers and put them in frames or on mattes or whatever they want to do. Makes great personalized gifts!
If anyone is interested, email pics to CoolWatersDesigns@cox.net.
Here are some samples of some of things I can do:
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Ginger Tea
That's really great !
BTW, you were picked by someone we both know 'out here' in the Secret Santa ceremony...lol.
You'll need to pass the snail mail addy to F.T. so that he can be jolly ~
I've been stringing beads ~ some pretty glass ones and some semi-precious stones for ornaments this year...with silver or brass wire...they look great.
I've added 'jewels' to candles too.
(on the outside, like a skirt-over or pinned them on).
Wine charms...real easy to make with memory wire or even old erring hoops you may have around..or regular wire for a closer attatchment.
Each set (of six) included a different focal point trinket or pendant (depending on the look) and a few frosted glass beads or crystal beads ~ every wire has a different color for each glass...so people will recognize their wine glass from anothers.
I have this pretty set I bought ~ brand new stemware ~ where I'm working on beading the stem in a way that it comes out at the fluted bottom in a continual swirl....you need a jewelers pliar really to do this...and a thin gauge wire...24 is good, because your using small beads.
I think it will make an awesome gift...
I also have bought stretchy cord and lampwork glass tropical fish beads (colorful and adorable) to make kids some bracelets and anklets...and hair thingies.
So, I've been working on jewelry this year...for gifts...if anyone is interested, go to your neatrest bead shop and browse thru 'BeadStyle Magazine' or "Bead and Button" and see if there's anything you might want to get into ~ as in ~ make yourself (or for yourself).
You can order beads cheaply if your going to make alot of things by checking out Mountain Fire Gems catalog (it mails quickly if you act now)~ they are quite reasonable...have almost everything you would need...except the designer 'focals'...but your bead shop will have plenty of featured artists work.
Is anyone interested in bath oils ~ aif so, I'll write some out next time...and guess what?
You can bead your bottles too! o;
If you can buy some pkgs, of hairsticks...wooden ones already with a drill on top...quess what else you can do?
That's right!
You can use a pin (1 1/2 in' length is good) ~ load it with pretty beads (gemstones like amethyst, citrine and peridot actually go cool together, in assorted shapes, or flourite is nice because it varies from greens to lavenders, rainbow moonstones flash beautifully, or pearls...freshwaters pearls in mauives and peacehes are hot right now...
Nice ideas ~ thanks for adding them.
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I'd be interested in bath oils...particularly in preparing some aroma therapy ones...I don't know anything about aroma therapy...good time to learn!
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Ginger Tea
Hi ((Krys))
If you have a few bottles, like the nice blue or greens, reds, pinks, even clears (you can add little trinkets inside or dried flowers or fruit rinds, etc.
~ small bottles for 1/4 oz. on up ~ you'll find these will work well plus you can trim down a wine cork or buy re-sealable or snap-down lids ~ you can even dip the lids when the bottles are filled, in a melted wax and put a little seal on them or engrave your own( be careful with the hot wax though, I recommend a double-boiler there)
...and don't forget to add decorative beading if you fancy or use a lovely ribbon.
~ only use pure essential oils here please
(not synthetic, they have no benefits and we are using this for our skin)
1/2 cup almond oil
1/2 cup castor oil
OIL from 6-10 Viatmin E capsules
I cup safflower oil or sunflower oil
20 - 30 drops oils essential oils
(depending on what you like or will select below)
Blend all these oils together. Place in a glass container. with a tight-fitting lid.
Shake or stir every day for a week.
(this helps blend the fragrances and allows you to make adjustments)
Before bottleing, add coloring oil (if you like) or dried flowers, fruits, herbs, etc...but they must be DRIED.
Maskes 2 cups of the folowing fragrant bath oils.
***RainForest Tropicals
to the above basic recipe ~ your selection of essential oils would be:
15 drops of bergamot
10 drops of peppermint
5 drops of lavender
5 drops sweet orange oil
My choice of additives would be dried mangoe (from produce dept at grocer and dried mint leaves...maybe some dried pineapple slice...)
This is a refreshing bath oil and a teaspoon in a fully drawn tub will be delightful (and enough).
***Golden Eastern Nights Bath Oil
Usung the basic formula above, your selection of esential oil would be:
20 drops of jasmine oil
10 drops of bergamot
Here's something that will please the recipient too... buy a gold leaf sheet at your hobby/art shops...composite leaf is fine, it need not be 24 kt.)
Blend oils and fragrance. Tear sheet of gold leaf into pieces and place the pieces into the bottle before adding the oils.
One teaspoon added to a drawn bath ~
***Orange Cinnamon Bath Oil
to the bacic formula above ~ add these essential oils instead;
20 drops sweet orange oil
10 drops of cinnamon oil
...broken cinnamon sticks and a dried orange slice (cut in half) would look great in this bottle but remember to add these things to the bottle before pouring in the oil.
One teaspoon...drawn bath
***you can use the basic recipe and when you get to the part that needs your adding fragrant essential oils ~
Here are some more combos ~ or you what you loke, please know they are potent oils...thet will release their esters...less is more...
*Lavender and lemon
is very nice
try a drop of each together, see what you think
*Chamomile and ylang-ylang might be something you'd like...
if interested, I'd go
10 drops chamomile
10 drops ylang ylang
5 drops clary sage ~
*Lavendr and sweet orange oil
20 drops sweet orange oil
10 drops lavender
*Rosey Spice
15 drops rose oil
10 drops cinnamon
*Ocean Breeze
here's a few combos
*eucalyptus, rosemary, bayberry, lavender, *peppermint...try a drop of each together on a blotter...see whay you'd like most together...
Guys love this too...
You might even find an 'ocean blend' already made at the natural food store...check that out because they may have already combined it just right for you ~ or give it a try yourself...I'd add a little *ylang ylang in there too!
(a little leftover bergamot oil might help with *cypress oil, if you are looking for a clean cruisin' feeling...
To go along with these oils ~ you can use the same oils to bath salts, as well...
my fav soother is:
i tbsp. glycerine
10 drops chamomile
5 drops ylang-ylang
5 drops clary sage
to a few cups of epson, dead sea, celtic and sea salts.
Another of my fav 'SEAsalt' is
I cup epson salt
I cup sea salt
10 drops peppermint
5 drops eucalyptus oil
1-2 drops cypress
Theses bath oils are simple and do not include the items above ~ seperate simple wonderful recipies
*Orange ~ Grapefruit Bath Oil
makes less than 1/4 cup
3 tbsp sweet almond oil
5 drops orange oil
5 drops grapefruit oil
combine oils in bottle and shake!
*add one tsp once the bath has been drawn to avoid the essential oils evaporationing ~
*Roses ~ Baby Oil Rose Bath
add miniature dried roses in bottle before adding oil. Use a clear or very light bottle here.
I cup baby oil
20 drops rose oil
(rose oil is expensive, but you can buy rose absolut for about $10.00 a sm. bottle ~ that wil give you enough to make this, some rose facial tonic, add drops to your moisturizing creams, and make rosewater ~ it won't be wasted (;
*add to a full drawn bath
` as above
Here's some helpful fragrance goupings for you ~ if you get stuck, ok?
Citrus ~ bergamot, sweet orange, tangerine, mandarin, lime, grapefruit and lemon
Spicy ~ vanilla, cinamon, clove
Herbal ~ sage, rosemary, peppermint, bayberry, eucalyptus,
Musky ~ sandlewood, patchouli,
Floral ~ lavender, jasmine, rose, chamomile, ylang-ylang
Fruits ~ mango, coconut, blackberry
Special combos you can buy, already prepared and mixed for you, with both top and bottom notes ~
ocean, rain, mountain airey-types, and rainforest ~ oh..and apple grove, etc.
I'll ck in soon to see how it's going Krys or any of you can reach me if you have questions ~ or if you can't find something... may have some hanging around.
Happy Holiday Creating!
edited..I have just located Crabtree & Evelyn's Fragrant Herbal...
I'll give some combos from there to you personally Krys, if you like...or perhaps they do have an internet site...
I've loads more from aromatherapy books for specific 'scents' for 'specic responses'
Let me know if I can locate something for you ~ from total relaxing, to lifting depression, to aiding grif...you name it...there is something for everything.
[This message was edited by Ginger Tea on December 10, 2003 at 1:47.]
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Thank you very much! I know for sure I'm gonna do the rose thing for myself...rosewater is one of my favorite things!
I appreciate your time in typing this all out!
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Tom Strange
GT... in the 'base' recipe, when you say "blend", do I put the stuff in a blender or just use one of those whip things?
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Ginger Tea
Use a plastic spoon or a wooden one!
A large platic spoon is your best bet because you'll be able to use it again ~ where a wooden, well, it's porous and the essential oils will ansorb into it ~ you will throw that away afterwards.
What are you thinking of making TomTurkey?
Scented Papers
When you find a great box of stationary, and want to give that as a gift to your favorite letter-writter, here's a few ways to add scents to the box (beforehand, of course)
Place 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil(s) onto a pieco of cotton and add it to the box...leave for 7-10 days, then remove...(like rose, bergamot, sandlewood, jasmine or ylang-ylang)
Potpourris for Drowsing
You can fill a bowl by a bedside or fill a sachet to slip into a pillowcase between/ beneath pillows for soothing esters ~ all flowers are dried, btw.
dried rosemary has a clean, soft scent, not like the ol or fresh herb, and it can be mixed in the following to prevent *nightmares (someone's child having any?)
*2 tbsp. lavender, 1 1/2 tsp. rosemary, 1 tsp. chamomile, 2 tsp. orris powder.
*smooth slumber sachets
*2 tbsp. rose petals, 2 tsp. merliot or sweet grass or woorfuff, 1-2 pinches vetiver root, ans 1 tsp. orris root.
* clean balm scahet
* 2tbsp. lemon verbena, i tsp. lavender, 2 tsp. powdered dried orange peel, 1 pinch cinnamon and 1/2 vanilla bean
(remember ~ everything must be dried out first...you can buy these things already dried at a health food/natural store or do them well in advance yourself.)
Dream catcher boxes
In a tight lidded box, add several drops of lavender, jupiter, or frankinscense to a cotton ball....store for a few weeks..then take out and safely tuck inside a tedy bear or a dream catcher for 3 weeks to infuse the fabrics...
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Wow! All these wonderful ideas!! I've even writen some of them down.
But the truth of the matter is....well... I'll be doing good just to get the tree up. I always have these thoughts to make stuff for everybody and the neighbors. And one day I will scare them and do it. Hee Hee.
Oh ! we will be sending cards/notes to some Marines over in Irac...does that count? tcat
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Tom Strange
I haven't really decided on what to make yet... but my wife uses this kind of stuff all the time so I figure it'll be cheaper to make it than for her to buy it...
(didn't want y'all to think I was gettin girlie or anything)
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Ginger Tea
If you tell me something she likes (scent wise ~ or an example of a perfume she likes or you like on her), I might be able to come close enough to it in a simple bath oil for you.
plus, if you but some strethey coed, you may be able to make her a choker or something fantasic with some semi-precious stones (an is in strand from a bead shop or store)
~ I could assis you there...as well.
Anyway, if you write down a scent, I could give you some simple selections to choose from that are cost-effective and ~ will go a long way.
Whatever you like! ok?
Same with anyone else...
Here's some Mamly treasures ~
Spicy Aftershave
Mix together the following essential oils;
5 drops each ~ ok?
bergamot (fcf)
4 drops ~ ok?
4 drops ~ ok?
2 drops each ~ ok?
1 drop each ~ ok?
black pepper (the esential oil, please)
Leave to infuse for 2 days
then add 2 tsp. Lemon Vodka;
infuse 2 more days;
mix in 4 tsp. orange flower water
(homemade or health food store)
Leave one week!
Shake up, fill in a cool amber bottle or shaker type with cork or snap lid...
That a million dollar aftershave sure to please everyone ~
Graprfruit Seed Facial Splash ~
"Grapefruit seed extract has so many healing qualities including antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and deodorizing properties.
Add 3 drops of *GSE to i tbsp. pure water ~
and apply daily to face...watch out for your eyes please! And it will tingle some on broken skin.
For scalp health ~
add 5 to 10 drops of *GSE to a portion of shampoo, massage, on wet or dry hair, leave on 2 minutes, then rinse thouroughly. epeat twice the first week, once a week afterwards.
(what would be nice is to get an herbal shampoo from the herbal store, they are wonderful and cheap enough, pour in the *GSE ~ another plastic bottle you'll buy there anyway...and add them to cool bottles as gifts...yeah, Guys who travel or are batchelors' might really love this...trust me.)
Smooth Shaving Oil
Mix together essential oils like this;
10 drops frankincense
6 drops lavender
6 drops bergamot (fcf, they'll know)
3 drops euchalyptus
1 drop tea tree
blend with 10 drops grapeseed oil (not extract)
Massage 3 drops over the beard or other area to be shaved...then shave as usual.
This leaves the skin soft, and supple, and is antiseptic, antivital, and antifungal...speeding any healing of skin problems or cuts.
Make tins of loose teas for gifts ~ you can label them or paint on the tins...stencil..whatever ~
Some combos are ~ (loose teas plases, buy infusers to go along with your gift for $2.00)
Buy loose green tea ~
peppermint, spearmint, or wintergreen
Mix them together and pour into your decorated tins, adding the infuser to the botton or the top.
You can use other herbs if you like, and while you are at it, tie some cinnamin sticks with a pretty velvet cord and present an orange blossom or flower honey to go along with...if you can't spend alot...trader joe's sells loose grens and teabagsa of mints and other herbals...you can mix and match what tastes good to you, then empty the teabags into your loose green mixture ~
Just some ideas...don't forget tea cookies, like ginger snaps and lemon thins too!
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Tom Strange
cool... thanks GT!
I'll try and make some of the ones above... I'll check the shelves....!
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Ginger Tea
If I have any extra something or other, I'll share ~ especialy since your making it yourself! Let me know ~ or I'll direct you to the wholesale sellers for better prices...right now, I know Rainbow Meadows (in Ohio) offers wholesale essential oil and dried flower prices to the public..out here you need a tax i.d, so ! remember ~ a liitle goes a long way...so see their website and catalog...and get busy)
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