When my family was young we always made gifts for each other, then it sort of went to buying things for a bunch of years, when the last kid moved past toy age,(although I did enjoy making toys and games), we started making things again.Its been that way for about 10 years now-- In my book its alot better that way.
Good idea. My family always does homemade gifts, just because it's a fun way to do something together.
My mom makes the best pralines anybody ever tasted, so I make up alot of praline gift baskets. Mom, me, and the kids, nieces and nephews included, always schedule a baking-gift making day together. Everybody brings their list of who they wanna make something for, mom, girls and I get the supplies together, and off we go.
My kids and I work feverishly during the months of November and early December on homemade ornaments...each year our familiy and friends get a new one to put on their tree.
(((((((((((Excathy))))))))))) c'mon down to Maryville darlin'...you can have the holidays with us and my kids will teach ya how to make reindeer outta clothespins! ;)-->
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
everyone in my family bakes and trades cookies and brownies... except my spousal unit... she makes everyone "buckets" of her pico de gallo (I don't know how to spell it)... it's really good... and she also makes those little powdery crescent shaped Mexican cookies...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
Mom's the one who makes the pralines, not moi! I just watch usually, and stand by with the plastic wrap. I've tried it, but somehow they just don't come out the same. It' one of those Mom mysteries that I'll never figure out.
And M is still in charge of drinking the rum. :D-->
I never make anything for christmas, it takes the fun off of shopping. But, I do like to make stuff for the other holidays. Though I must admit that I have made nothing in the last couple of years. Everything I made turned out so badly :(-->
someone i used to know would make homemade irish cream and give it as a gift at the holidays- if i still had the recipe i would give it a try- it was scrumptious, better than Bailey's even
Ginger Tea, I have not a creative bone in my body but I'm willing and am interested in hearing any ideas. Hopefully, it will be some that even I and excie can do.
Gosh ex, I am a minnie me..... :D-->
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Good Idea Ginger---
When my family was young we always made gifts for each other, then it sort of went to buying things for a bunch of years, when the last kid moved past toy age,(although I did enjoy making toys and games), we started making things again.Its been that way for about 10 years now-- In my book its alot better that way.
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creative person thread
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i forgot my
;)--> which means ((((
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Good idea. My family always does homemade gifts, just because it's a fun way to do something together.
My mom makes the best pralines anybody ever tasted, so I make up alot of praline gift baskets. Mom, me, and the kids, nieces and nephews included, always schedule a baking-gift making day together. Everybody brings their list of who they wanna make something for, mom, girls and I get the supplies together, and off we go.
It's way too much fun for one family to have.
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oh groan
people make things and bake things ????
i hope the new heaven and earth is different
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ok sisterex, I officially put you in charge of the rum for the rumball making part of the day.
Trust me, as keeper of the rum, you will get real creative towards the end of the day!
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finally i belong
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ps. my sister makes all her gifts and all her kids' clothing and all her everything in her house and everywhere she goes
same with my mom and they bake in the bakers hall of fame and do crafts in the hall of crafts fame
everything they touch becomes beautiful
now do you see why i joined a cult !!!! goddarnit
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yeah, and that's why we're friends.
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My kids and I work feverishly during the months of November and early December on homemade ornaments...each year our familiy and friends get a new one to put on their tree.
(((((((((((Excathy))))))))))) c'mon down to Maryville darlin'...you can have the holidays with us and my kids will teach ya how to make reindeer outta clothespins!
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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Tom Strange
everyone in my family bakes and trades cookies and brownies... except my spousal unit... she makes everyone "buckets" of her pico de gallo (I don't know how to spell it)... it's really good... and she also makes those little powdery crescent shaped Mexican cookies...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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(((((((Excath))))) Finally a kindred spirit! I get hives when I go into an arts and crafts store...
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Stranger - you spelled it right!
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(((((((hopefull))))))) !!!!!!!!!
my mom drools over these bolts (?) of fabric and i just want to lay down on them and sleep
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Hey EX 10
How come you never made any pralines when I lived with you? Were you too busy witnessing? Geese P.S. I think your brother M drank all the rum.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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Holidays----baa humbug
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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white dove
Mom's the one who makes the pralines, not moi! I just watch usually, and stand by with the plastic wrap. I've tried it, but somehow they just don't come out the same. It' one of those Mom mysteries that I'll never figure out.
And M is still in charge of drinking the rum.
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I never make anything for christmas, it takes the fun off of shopping. But, I do like to make stuff for the other holidays. Though I must admit that I have made nothing in the last couple of years. Everything I made turned out so badly
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(((((Excath)))))!!!! And don't EVEN get me started on Home Depo(t)-holics-
and why bake cookies when there are perfectly lovely bakeries all over the place?
P.S. You I luvs, your super-sister...not so much...
P.S.S. Sorry for the tangent, crafty peoples
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i may start a different thread so i don't ruin such a lovely one started by ginger tea
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Tom Strange
myseestorEx... quick... grab that bottle from ourotherseestorEx and bring it to feelowsheep tonight! we'll need it by the campfire...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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yes ginger i sowie
someone i used to know would make homemade irish cream and give it as a gift at the holidays- if i still had the recipe i would give it a try- it was scrumptious, better than Bailey's even
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i sowie2
people would try to make friends with my mom just so they could receive her bourbon balls as gifts
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Ginger Tea, I have not a creative bone in my body but I'm willing and am interested in hearing any ideas. Hopefully, it will be some that even I and excie can do.
Gosh ex, I am a minnie me.....
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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