The political correctness you speak of is long gone. Today, it's the "you're either with us or against us" garbage coming from the radical right wing people who are trying to force me to hate gay people and pretend that the U.S. is a Christian nation rather than a free country, and that somehow it's patriotic to suck up to the politicians.
"In 1986 God answered a prayer and sent my family in a new direction."
"We left the big city and moved to a small town. If you have never lived in a small town a lot of this may sound strange. First of all a small town is population 20000 or smaller without a large town within 50 miles. That means you live and work here."
We once lived in Upper Lake, California. At the time it's population was 125, the county seat [Lakeport, Ca} was around 5,000. Small town are really different. And nice.
"I myself have learned to be myself and not to pretend to be what people want me to be or expect me to be."
Welcome to America. Man I dislike big cities. We live in one now and I truly dislike it. We are very much excited about moving out of this and back to a small town area.
"Here everyone knows who you really are so why try and be someone your not."
Sonds good.
"OK, now about political correctness. Why do we want everyone to be correct when they really are just people. Poor little Harry was just being a young man being himself. He was born a Royal, but that doesn't mean he was born differant than us so why expect differant."
True but most people dont see that. In fact most people these days never will see that part of themselves. Again the Big-city mindset.
The foster children we recently had were so removed from reality, they had no conceptual relationship with where their food came from. The idea that some living breathing animal died to give you that hamburger, or that a handsome was once that chicken we are eating. The example that I give is children, but it runs true with many of these adults as well.
"OK, I was born the son of a dry dirt share croper who learned english as a second language. I didn't know that I really needed to take a bath more than once a week until I was in high school. You didn't urinate in the toilet unless it was real cold or raining(the back fence worked great). So when I sound like a red neck / hick. Quess what, I am and proud of it."
HEH HEH HEH, My family sharechopped when I was a lad as well. They had lost their farms during the dust-bowl and were still climbing out of that loss. As a child, I used the bath-tub last, after my parents and then each of my syblings had used it. We each took a bath once a week, where we needed it or not. We had indoor plumbing and my mother was proud of it. But she still did not want to run the water-heater any more than she had to. She still doesn't.
My parents attended grammar school up to the 6th grade. My father was taught by his parents, until everyone lost their farms. My mother was taught by similarly but her parents did not serve as school-marm. The schools were 'funded' by donations from the families who had children in attendance. My syblings and I were the first in our family-tree to have attended public-funded schools. My family-tree goes back to the Pilgrims on one side, and to a Missouri settler in 1770 on the other side.
I think that my up-bringing was as red-neck as you can get.
"So all you politicly perfect people. Go sit on it."
The political correctness you speak of is long gone. Today, it's the "you're either with us or against us" garbage coming from the radical right wing people who are trying to force me to hate gay people and pretend that the U.S. is a Christian nation rather than a free country, and that somehow it's patriotic to suck up to the politicians.
Says you! :P-->
Put "radical left" in place of "radical right" (leave the word "force" in there), then replace "hate gays" with "denying rights to all" who (replace "pretend" with "believe") that this is a Republic, and think that it's patriotic to rise above the politicians offered to us, even though we vote for some of them, since there was no other choice. -->
And then Garth says:
quote: ... in other words, the right wing version of political correctness.
Yes it is. -->
Well -- as badly as this may *smart* (or not) -- there are *two sides to every coin* -- and if one can't see em both, you (me, or whomever), just aren't qualified to make the call! :D--> :D-->
The feds are the ones really pushing political correctness to the upteenth degree. I work for an insurance company, and we do work with the federal government, which results in us having to take courses on being politically correct.
We are prohibited from making any statements that could offend someone. For example lets say I went to a pawn shop, bargained with the owner, and got an item cheaper than what it was marked, I could not tell my coworkers "I Jewed him down" because it would be offensive to a Jewish person.
Or if someone held back money from me I dare not say "you gyped me", because that would be offensive to a Gypsy.
Blonde jokes?...excellent way to get yourself fired or suspended.
Don't look at someone too long because it could be construed as an unwanted sexual overature. Prepare for a trip to human resources to explain yourself.
We have become a nation obsessed with having to make everyone 'feel good', that we can't express ourselves. Satire is being attacked as offensive. Any joke you tell had better be thought out well so it doesn't step on someone's toes.
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Mister P-Mosh
The political correctness you speak of is long gone. Today, it's the "you're either with us or against us" garbage coming from the radical right wing people who are trying to force me to hate gay people and pretend that the U.S. is a Christian nation rather than a free country, and that somehow it's patriotic to suck up to the politicians.
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... in other words, the right wing version of political correctness.
Yes it is.
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Yah don't jump down my throut. Its not I'm right your wrong.
I'm a right wing conservative red neck. Now you know what to expect. Don't criticize me if I'm me.
If Bill Clinton is a womanizer. Don't get offended when he chases a woman. Vote your heart and live with it.
If W. Bush don't talk to good cause hes Texan. Well don't let it bother you when he talks that way. Live with it and vote your heart.
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"In 1986 God answered a prayer and sent my family in a new direction."
"We left the big city and moved to a small town. If you have never lived in a small town a lot of this may sound strange. First of all a small town is population 20000 or smaller without a large town within 50 miles. That means you live and work here."
We once lived in Upper Lake, California. At the time it's population was 125, the county seat [Lakeport, Ca} was around 5,000. Small town are really different. And nice.
"I myself have learned to be myself and not to pretend to be what people want me to be or expect me to be."
Welcome to America. Man I dislike big cities. We live in one now and I truly dislike it. We are very much excited about moving out of this and back to a small town area.
"Here everyone knows who you really are so why try and be someone your not."
Sonds good.
"OK, now about political correctness. Why do we want everyone to be correct when they really are just people. Poor little Harry was just being a young man being himself. He was born a Royal, but that doesn't mean he was born differant than us so why expect differant."
True but most people dont see that. In fact most people these days never will see that part of themselves. Again the Big-city mindset.
The foster children we recently had were so removed from reality, they had no conceptual relationship with where their food came from. The idea that some living breathing animal died to give you that hamburger, or that a handsome was once that chicken we are eating. The example that I give is children, but it runs true with many of these adults as well.
"OK, I was born the son of a dry dirt share croper who learned english as a second language. I didn't know that I really needed to take a bath more than once a week until I was in high school. You didn't urinate in the toilet unless it was real cold or raining(the back fence worked great). So when I sound like a red neck / hick. Quess what, I am and proud of it."
HEH HEH HEH, My family sharechopped when I was a lad as well. They had lost their farms during the dust-bowl and were still climbing out of that loss. As a child, I used the bath-tub last, after my parents and then each of my syblings had used it. We each took a bath once a week, where we needed it or not. We had indoor plumbing and my mother was proud of it. But she still did not want to run the water-heater any more than she had to. She still doesn't.
My parents attended grammar school up to the 6th grade. My father was taught by his parents, until everyone lost their farms. My mother was taught by similarly but her parents did not serve as school-marm. The schools were 'funded' by donations from the families who had children in attendance. My syblings and I were the first in our family-tree to have attended public-funded schools. My family-tree goes back to the Pilgrims on one side, and to a Missouri settler in 1770 on the other side.
I think that my up-bringing was as red-neck as you can get.
"So all you politicly perfect people. Go sit on it."
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Says you!
Put "radical left" in place of "radical right" (leave the word "force" in there), then replace "hate gays" with "denying rights to all" who (replace "pretend" with "believe") that this is a Republic, and think that it's patriotic to rise above the politicians offered to us, even though we vote for some of them, since there was no other choice.
And then Garth says:
Well -- as badly as this may *smart* (or not) -- there are *two sides to every coin* -- and if one can't see em both, you (me, or whomever), just aren't qualified to make the call!
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Yeah? ... And??
Of course there are two sides to every coin. ... I believe that was my point.
Thank you.
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Stayed Too Long
The feds are the ones really pushing political correctness to the upteenth degree. I work for an insurance company, and we do work with the federal government, which results in us having to take courses on being politically correct.
We are prohibited from making any statements that could offend someone. For example lets say I went to a pawn shop, bargained with the owner, and got an item cheaper than what it was marked, I could not tell my coworkers "I Jewed him down" because it would be offensive to a Jewish person.
Or if someone held back money from me I dare not say "you gyped me", because that would be offensive to a Gypsy.
Blonde jokes?...excellent way to get yourself fired or suspended.
Don't look at someone too long because it could be construed as an unwanted sexual overature. Prepare for a trip to human resources to explain yourself.
We have become a nation obsessed with having to make everyone 'feel good', that we can't express ourselves. Satire is being attacked as offensive. Any joke you tell had better be thought out well so it doesn't step on someone's toes.
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