All this makes me feel so neglected. You guys are just soooo "lucky" to come accross all that dough just a waitin to be claimed. I only got about one of those offers last year- apparently da debil axed a bunch of them before they even hit my hotmail account, heh heh.
I have heard that if you open these e-mails you get more sent to you. I wonder if they can tell it was opened which means you keep getting them?
It is possible to send an e-mail with a flag that tells the sender if a message was read (like a postal "return receipt"). When I receive such an e-mail, my Norton Internet Security program asks me if I want to send the return receipt. (Usually, I don't.) I imagine that other virus protection software does the same thing.
Also, emails containing HTML graphics can alert a sender that this is a valid email address, and therefore you end up with more spam.
Got this one just this morning. I don't know if anyone is really interested but this one has a little twist.... its trying to play on sympathy for the Kurds it appears. I am really really curious as to number of folks who fall for this.
Mr Hafeez Al Siddiqui
House 922,Halal-Babel
Rep. of
Hello dear,
I am
sorry for using this medium to contact you as it is highly unsecure
considering the nature of business I am proposing to you,but I have no
choice as it is the only medium I can use in establishing contact with
you that is quick as this matter is in dire need of urgent attention
MR HAFEEZ AL-SIDDIQUI is my name,I am an Iraqi National from the
Kurdish town of Qaradagh.I am a Principal Accountant with Al-Bayji oil
Refinery about 125 miles (200km)north of Baghdad.I am seriously in dire
need of your assistance,in respect of the below stated business.
As a
result of the present political crisis in iraq,and by virtue of my oil
refinery in Al-bayji, was able to move out the sum of US$22.5m (twenty-
two Million,five hundred thousand United States Dollars)call-deposit,
from my office in the refinery,to a security / finance company (DABI
SADEARAT)based in ehran,Iran,for safe-keeping.
The terrible situation
of things in my country now, cannot allow me to travel out of iraq,
therefore,I gave instructions to Dabi sadearat, to transfer the
consignment to its affiliate company in Europe FOR SECURITY REASONS.The
consignment is now in Europ.I am therefore soliciting your assistance
to claim the consignment on my behalf, since I cannot leave
here now
due to the political crisis. I will present you,to the Security/Finance
Company as the Beneficiary/Trustee of the consignment on my behalf.
have agreed to share the money with you in the ratio of:70% for me,25%
for you and 5% to take care of overall expenses incured in the course
of the transaction.Though there are still rooms for negotiation on
Finally,I have taken time to elaborate the nature of the
business for your understanding, you are therefore free to ask
questions in areas you don't understand.You are also at liberty to
accept or reject my humble proposal. If you are in acceptance,reply
immediately with your full name and address,telephone,fax numbers and
maybe other vital information that may help us in this transaction,
which shall be forwarded to the Security and finance Company.
security reasons,you can write me through my alternative email:
ChairmanTender Board Of Independent National Electoral Commission
plot 5,wusa building Abuja
Dear Friend,
I guess this letter may come to you as a surprise since I had no previous correspondence with you.
I the chairman tender board of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).I got your contact in my search for a reliable person to handle a very confidential transaction involving the transfer of US$20.5million.
The above fund is not connected with arms, drugs or Money laundering.It is the product of an over invoiced Contract awarded in 2001 by INEC to a foreign company for the construction of high rise estate in the federal capital territory.
The contract has long been executed and payment of the actual contract amount has been paid to the foreign contractor leaving the balance,which my colleague and I now want to transfer out of Nigeria into a reliable foreign account for our personal use.
As civil servants we are not allowed to run foreign accounts. Hence we have chosen to front and support you as the beneficiary to be paid.If you are interested in the proposal kindly get back to me by sending me your letter of acceptance along with your direct telephone and fax numbers, we have decided to share the money in the following percentage,60%for us 30% for you the account owner and 10% for all local and international expenses that may arise in the course of this transaction.
Further details about this transaction will be discussed in the subsequent correspondence. Note also that the particular nature of your business is
irrelevant to this transaction and all local contacts and arrangements are in place for a smooth and successful conclusion of this transaction.
Be informed that we are aware of the way email proposals of this type are being sent from this part of africa and as regards that,you should please treat this with utmost attention knowing fully well that you
cannot and will not be compelled to assist us if you are not disposed to.
Contact me via my email account with your contact telephone and fax Numbers, so that I can call you for a discussion.
Especially one that keeps repeating its entrance into my emails is about these person in Nigeria who need someone to claim they are a relative of one of their rich clients. They need to share 20% of the inheritance with someone in the states who has a bank account. NAW
What they really want is access to your LIFE, your BANKS MONEY and your IDENTITY and gain entrance into the USA...
Any and all of these scams need to be forwarded to the FBI's email. If a person goes to the FBI's website there ought to be an email address there - for these kind of forwards. Put them in your address book and start forwarding them THERE, and hopefully it will help get rid of them.
I got a real big kick out of the name of the first one you posted Sudo. His name was Benson "Du Du"? As in doo doo? Too funny, for, that's about right, for he is nothing more than a pile of doo doo in my book....
New one just today with a little something different. Fishermen do this all the time... use a slightly different
bait if the current bait isn't working. Here we have a Mexican attorney for a French client. Now THAT sounds honest doesn't it?? Throw in some Tsunami relief for good measure and here's what you get. The thing that always gets me is... there will be SOME people who actually fall for this scam. Grown ups. Adults. You can get people to fall for anything can't you?
I am Barr Hector Casillas, a Mexican attorney based in London and the personal attorney to Late Mr Mark Michelle, a French National. Late Mr Mark Michelle is a private oil consultant/contractor with the Shell Petroleum Development in Saudi Arabia, herein after shall be referred to as my client.
On Thursday June 6th 2000, my client and his wife with their three children were involved in an auto crash, all occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since then, i have made several enquiries with his country's embassies to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to personally contact you with this business partnership proposal. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating a huge amount of money left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the finance and security company where these huge deposit was lodged.
The deceased had a deposit valued presently at $12,000,000.00 (Twelve Million United State Dollars) and company has issued me a notice to provide his next of kin or beneficiary by will otherwise have the account confiscated within the next thirty working days.Having been unsuccessful in locating any of my late client relatives for
over two (2) years now. I am now seeking your consent to present you as
the next of kin/beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this
account valued at $ 12 Million United States Dollars can be paid to you.It is not necessary to be a blood relation to late Mr Mark Michelle, neither is it necessary to bear the same surname with him. It is even not important for the stand-in next of kin to be a French National.
Already, i have worked out modalities for achieving my aim of appointing a next of kin as well as transfer the money abroad for us to share in the ratio of 50% for me and 35% to you and we shall collectively donate 10% to the Tsunami relief course while 5% will be set aside for any incurable expenses both local and international. it is my intention to achieve this transfer in a legitimate way, all i required is your honest, co-operation,confidentiality and trust to enable us see this transaction through. The money transfer paperwork itself will include a certificate of origin so that the receiving bank does not ask question. Also the paperwork will include proper certificate that the fund being transferred is from non- criminal sources. In short this will be a proper and legal money transfer with no risk involved. The transaction is guaranteed to succeed without any problem.
As soon as I hear from you, I shall provide you with further clarification that you may need.
Your urgent response will be highly anticipated and appreciated.
Re:"I just keep getting e-mails offering to increase the size of something I don't have."
I know what you're talking about and I get those e-mails too but then.. I DO have what it is they are talking about . Man man man.. people can be such suckers for scams because I can tell 'ya... I bought about a half dozen of those products and THEY DON'T WORK!!!!!
sudo (wondering if people are paying close attention here)
Hey Sudo...I got the same thing from Nigeria about 2 years ago.
I called the FBI and asked them if they knew anything...
They told me this scam has been running for years and their (the bad-guys) goal is to get one's checking account number...then as they say, "It's all over"...they will clean you out!
I got it, Sudo, but was waiting for someone more witty than I to respond. But since no one has jumped on that one...( :P ) I'd venture to say that perhaps there's either no hope for you OR you can't increase your size any more than it already is. I'm not guessing which one it is, though! :unsure:
A girl I worked with once told the story of the ad in the back of a magazine for a system that would increase your bust size. It was a reasonable price, so she sent off for it. The day the order came in the mail she said it was in a normal size envelope and when she opened it, the instructions were to rub the item on her chest three times a day. The item that came in the envelope? A photocopy of a pair of hands. LOL!
Ok...this is really real, true...uh...God told me to...uh... tell you all to send me all your creditcard numbers and passwords, ok?
Send this message to 12 of your friends in the next 5 minutes...and the blue bird of happiness will splat your house with, with something anyway...c'mon this really works!
You want to know what I can't figure out?? There's talk about shutting down on-line betting but there's no place to report these scams? Go ahead... call your local police and ask them where to report someone trying to con money from you on-line. You think they're going to give you a federal govt. agency's phone number? Like the FBI? Nope.. you're on your own. But by golly you had *better* not get caught sharing songs online!
Here's one that's a little more original than the usual, that I got today. Won't SOMEONE help this poor boy??? <_>
I am Edward HuntI am 14 years old I live in Manchester(UK) before my father
died, now I live with my mother in Ireland. my father is from Manchester UK and
my mother is from Ireland. My late father Mr. Hunt Martin has a big Real Estate
company in Manchester before he died in a car accident last year July 25th
2005. he left £10 Million (Ten Million Pounds) in his account before he died.
The £10Million is in (Union National Bank UK)
I have been trying to collect the money from (Union National Bank UK) but the
account operator told me to go and look for some one honest and old enough to
help me collect the £10 Million (Ten Million Pounds) I could have told my
mother to assist me in collecting the £10Million but my mother and father where
divorced before my father died and my father told me not to have anything to do
with my mother, I don't even want her to know about this because what my father
told me before he died was correct, now that I stay with my mother in Ireland
she doesn't take care of me all she dose is to take hard drugs and to bring men
to the house and she always hit me.
I don't want to have anything to do with her, I just want some one old enough
and honest to help me collect the £10Million from the bank as I am too young to
take control of £10Million. Please I need your help, if you can assist me to
collect the £10Million from the bank I will give you 30% and take 70%. I have
all documents in my name you can confirm from the bank. I am indeed the Next of
Kin to my late father Mr. Edward Hunt Martin.
The account operator (Union National Bank UK) told me to look for some body that
is honest and old enough so that he can send the £10Million to the persons
account as soon as possible.
If you can help me I will contact the account operator (Union National Bank UK)
and tell him that I have found an honest person who is willing to help me
collect the £10Million, so when you contact him he will know I sent you.
I will give you is contact so you can contact him to enable him send the
£10Million to your provided account immediately Please help me. I will be
waiting for your urgent reply so I can give you the contact of the bank and
send you the last statement of account of my late father and I will also send
you my picture and my birth certificate. Please help me reply back on this
email: so I can send you all information's you need.
I like how the father's name changes to first-middle-last about half way thru the note. Nice touch.
The one that always me off is false paid recepits from PayPal. It *looks* like PayPal, it has all the right info - ALMOST - but then certain links don't work. Then, when you look at what you supposedly bought - like a $4,500.00 diamond tennis bracelet (in my dreams) - then it's certainly nothing I'd have bought.
I learned a long time ago (and not the hardway - just common sence) to NOT go into my PayPal account via a hyperlink. I also never save my passwords. I manually type them in, and I also change them every quarter. So, after I get one of these stupid receipts, verify it's not legit, I usually hit the hyperlink and enter something like this for my username and password:
Recommended Posts
Here's the link for the original Nigeria scam....
Here's one Paypal scam....
Here's an example of "your credit card has already been charged"...
Here's one of the Citibank phishing scams...
Here's the "phishing" index...
Forewarned is forearmed, and remember, something for nothing notices will cost you
an awful lot of money....
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All this makes me feel so neglected. You guys are just soooo "lucky" to come accross all that dough just a waitin to be claimed. I only got about one of those offers last year- apparently da debil axed a bunch of them before they even hit my hotmail account, heh heh.
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Also, emails containing HTML graphics can alert a sender that this is a valid email address, and therefore you end up with more spam.
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Got this one just this morning. I don't know if anyone is really interested but this one has a little twist.... its trying to play on sympathy for the Kurds it appears. I am really really curious as to number of folks who fall for this.
Mr Hafeez Al Siddiqui
House 922,Halal-Babel
Rep. of
Hello dear,
I am
sorry for using this medium to contact you as it is highly unsecure
considering the nature of business I am proposing to you,but I have no
choice as it is the only medium I can use in establishing contact with
you that is quick as this matter is in dire need of urgent attention
MR HAFEEZ AL-SIDDIQUI is my name,I am an Iraqi National from the
Kurdish town of Qaradagh.I am a Principal Accountant with Al-Bayji oil
Refinery about 125 miles (200km)north of Baghdad.I am seriously in dire
need of your assistance,in respect of the below stated business.
As a
result of the present political crisis in iraq,and by virtue of my oil
refinery in Al-bayji, was able to move out the sum of US$22.5m (twenty-
two Million,five hundred thousand United States Dollars)call-deposit,
from my office in the refinery,to a security / finance company (DABI
SADEARAT)based in ehran,Iran,for safe-keeping.
The terrible situation
of things in my country now, cannot allow me to travel out of iraq,
therefore,I gave instructions to Dabi sadearat, to transfer the
consignment to its affiliate company in Europe FOR SECURITY REASONS.The
consignment is now in Europ.I am therefore soliciting your assistance
to claim the consignment on my behalf, since I cannot leave
here now
due to the political crisis. I will present you,to the Security/Finance
Company as the Beneficiary/Trustee of the consignment on my behalf.
have agreed to share the money with you in the ratio of:70% for me,25%
for you and 5% to take care of overall expenses incured in the course
of the transaction.Though there are still rooms for negotiation on
Finally,I have taken time to elaborate the nature of the
business for your understanding, you are therefore free to ask
questions in areas you don't understand.You are also at liberty to
accept or reject my humble proposal. If you are in acceptance,reply
immediately with your full name and address,telephone,fax numbers and
maybe other vital information that may help us in this transaction,
which shall be forwarded to the Security and finance Company.
security reasons,you can write me through my alternative email:
Please treat with utmost confidentiality.
Hafeez AL Siddiqui
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Same scam. Only the names have been changed to fool the innocent.
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It's been a while but I gotsa' me one today. I'll submit it for ya'll's approval but it appears to me that the quality is going down a bit, you think?? It's a nice touch addressing concerns about e-mails from Africa, I think. When I see these things I can't help but think of how folks fall for scams. Me? Id'a never fallen for something this obvious but take my religious upbringing and a desire to know The Truth©... and you get a TWI cult member.
Mr.Ibrahim Duru
ChairmanTender Board Of Independent National Electoral Commission
plot 5,wusa building Abuja
Dear Friend,
I guess this letter may come to you as a surprise since I had no previous correspondence with you.
I the chairman tender board of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).I got your contact in my search for a reliable person to handle a very confidential transaction involving the transfer of US$20.5million.
The above fund is not connected with arms, drugs or Money laundering.It is the product of an over invoiced Contract awarded in 2001 by INEC to a foreign company for the construction of high rise estate in the federal capital territory.
The contract has long been executed and payment of the actual contract amount has been paid to the foreign contractor leaving the balance,which my colleague and I now want to transfer out of Nigeria into a reliable foreign account for our personal use.
As civil servants we are not allowed to run foreign accounts. Hence we have chosen to front and support you as the beneficiary to be paid.If you are interested in the proposal kindly get back to me by sending me your letter of acceptance along with your direct telephone and fax numbers, we have decided to share the money in the following percentage,60%for us 30% for you the account owner and 10% for all local and international expenses that may arise in the course of this transaction.
Further details about this transaction will be discussed in the subsequent correspondence. Note also that the particular nature of your business is
irrelevant to this transaction and all local contacts and arrangements are in place for a smooth and successful conclusion of this transaction.
Be informed that we are aware of the way email proposals of this type are being sent from this part of africa and as regards that,you should please treat this with utmost attention knowing fully well that you
cannot and will not be compelled to assist us if you are not disposed to.
Contact me via my email account with your contact telephone and fax Numbers, so that I can call you for a discussion.
Thank you as I await your response.
Ibrahim Duru
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Get these and others all the time.
Especially one that keeps repeating its entrance into my emails is about these person in Nigeria who need someone to claim they are a relative of one of their rich clients. They need to share 20% of the inheritance with someone in the states who has a bank account. NAW
What they really want is access to your LIFE, your BANKS MONEY and your IDENTITY and gain entrance into the USA...
Any and all of these scams need to be forwarded to the FBI's email. If a person goes to the FBI's website there ought to be an email address there - for these kind of forwards. Put them in your address book and start forwarding them THERE, and hopefully it will help get rid of them.
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J0nny Ling0
I got a real big kick out of the name of the first one you posted Sudo. His name was Benson "Du Du"? As in doo doo? Too funny, for, that's about right, for he is nothing more than a pile of doo doo in my book....
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New one just today with a little something different. Fishermen do this all the time... use a slightly different
bait if the current bait isn't working. Here we have a Mexican attorney for a French client. Now THAT sounds honest doesn't it?? Throw in some Tsunami relief for good measure and here's what you get. The thing that always gets me is... there will be SOME people who actually fall for this scam. Grown ups. Adults. You can get people to fall for anything can't you?
I am Barr Hector Casillas, a Mexican attorney based in London and the personal attorney to Late Mr Mark Michelle, a French National. Late Mr Mark Michelle is a private oil consultant/contractor with the Shell Petroleum Development in Saudi Arabia, herein after shall be referred to as my client.
On Thursday June 6th 2000, my client and his wife with their three children were involved in an auto crash, all occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since then, i have made several enquiries with his country's embassies to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to personally contact you with this business partnership proposal. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating a huge amount of money left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the finance and security company where these huge deposit was lodged.
The deceased had a deposit valued presently at $12,000,000.00 (Twelve Million United State Dollars) and company has issued me a notice to provide his next of kin or beneficiary by will otherwise have the account confiscated within the next thirty working days.Having been unsuccessful in locating any of my late client relatives for
over two (2) years now. I am now seeking your consent to present you as
the next of kin/beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this
account valued at $ 12 Million United States Dollars can be paid to you.It is not necessary to be a blood relation to late Mr Mark Michelle, neither is it necessary to bear the same surname with him. It is even not important for the stand-in next of kin to be a French National.
Already, i have worked out modalities for achieving my aim of appointing a next of kin as well as transfer the money abroad for us to share in the ratio of 50% for me and 35% to you and we shall collectively donate 10% to the Tsunami relief course while 5% will be set aside for any incurable expenses both local and international. it is my intention to achieve this transfer in a legitimate way, all i required is your honest, co-operation,confidentiality and trust to enable us see this transaction through. The money transfer paperwork itself will include a certificate of origin so that the receiving bank does not ask question. Also the paperwork will include proper certificate that the fund being transferred is from non- criminal sources. In short this will be a proper and legal money transfer with no risk involved. The transaction is guaranteed to succeed without any problem.
As soon as I hear from you, I shall provide you with further clarification that you may need.
Your urgent response will be highly anticipated and appreciated.
Best wishes,
Barr Hector Casillas.
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I just keep getting e-mails offering to increase the size of something I don't have. :blink: :o
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Then of course there are the GLASS (?!?) ones I don't have.
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Re:"I just keep getting e-mails offering to increase the size of something I don't have."
I know what you're talking about and I get those e-mails too but then.. I DO have what it is they are talking about
. Man man man.. people can be such suckers for scams because I can tell 'ya... I bought about a half dozen of those products and THEY DON'T WORK!!!!!
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Hey Sudo...I got the same thing from Nigeria about 2 years ago.
I called the FBI and asked them if they knew anything...
They told me this scam has been running for years and their (the bad-guys) goal is to get one's checking account number...then as they say, "It's all over"...they will clean you out!
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I'm disappointed :(
I thought for SURE someone was going to call me on that!!
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I got it, Sudo, but was waiting for someone more witty than I to respond. But since no one has jumped on that one...( :P ) I'd venture to say that perhaps there's either no hope for you OR you can't increase your size any more than it already is. I'm not guessing which one it is, though! :unsure:
A girl I worked with once told the story of the ad in the back of a magazine for a system that would increase your bust size. It was a reasonable price, so she sent off for it. The day the order came in the mail she said it was in a normal size envelope and when she opened it, the instructions were to rub the item on her chest three times a day. The item that came in the envelope? A photocopy of a pair of hands. LOL!
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Ok...this is really real, true...uh...God told me to...uh... tell you all to send me all your creditcard numbers and passwords, ok?
Send this message to 12 of your friends in the next 5 minutes...and the blue bird of happiness will splat your house with, with something anyway...c'mon this really works!
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You want to know what I can't figure out?? There's talk about shutting down on-line betting but there's no place to report these scams? Go ahead... call your local police and ask them where to report someone trying to con money from you on-line. You think they're going to give you a federal govt. agency's phone number? Like the FBI? Nope.. you're on your own. But by golly you had *better* not get caught sharing songs online!
Here's one that's a little more original than the usual, that I got today. Won't SOMEONE help this poor boy??? <_>
I am Edward HuntI am 14 years old I live in Manchester(UK) before my father
died, now I live with my mother in Ireland. my father is from Manchester UK and
my mother is from Ireland. My late father Mr. Hunt Martin has a big Real Estate
company in Manchester before he died in a car accident last year July 25th
2005. he left £10 Million (Ten Million Pounds) in his account before he died.
The £10Million is in (Union National Bank UK)
I have been trying to collect the money from (Union National Bank UK) but the
account operator told me to go and look for some one honest and old enough to
help me collect the £10 Million (Ten Million Pounds) I could have told my
mother to assist me in collecting the £10Million but my mother and father where
divorced before my father died and my father told me not to have anything to do
with my mother, I don't even want her to know about this because what my father
told me before he died was correct, now that I stay with my mother in Ireland
she doesn't take care of me all she dose is to take hard drugs and to bring men
to the house and she always hit me.
I don't want to have anything to do with her, I just want some one old enough
and honest to help me collect the £10Million from the bank as I am too young to
take control of £10Million. Please I need your help, if you can assist me to
collect the £10Million from the bank I will give you 30% and take 70%. I have
all documents in my name you can confirm from the bank. I am indeed the Next of
Kin to my late father Mr. Edward Hunt Martin.
The account operator (Union National Bank UK) told me to look for some body that
is honest and old enough so that he can send the £10Million to the persons
account as soon as possible.
If you can help me I will contact the account operator (Union National Bank UK)
and tell him that I have found an honest person who is willing to help me
collect the £10Million, so when you contact him he will know I sent you.
I will give you is contact so you can contact him to enable him send the
£10Million to your provided account immediately Please help me. I will be
waiting for your urgent reply so I can give you the contact of the bank and
send you the last statement of account of my late father and I will also send
you my picture and my birth certificate. Please help me reply back on this
email: so I can send you all information's you need.
Best Regards
Edward Hunt
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I like how the father's name changes to first-middle-last about half way thru the note. Nice touch.
The one that always me off is false paid recepits from PayPal. It *looks* like PayPal, it has all the right info - ALMOST - but then certain links don't work. Then, when you look at what you supposedly bought - like a $4,500.00 diamond tennis bracelet (in my dreams) - then it's certainly nothing I'd have bought.
I learned a long time ago (and not the hardway - just common sence) to NOT go into my PayPal account via a hyperlink. I also never save my passwords. I manually type them in, and I also change them every quarter. So, after I get one of these stupid receipts, verify it's not legit, I usually hit the hyperlink and enter something like this for my username and password:
password: apoxonyourfirstborn
(Gotta have a little bit of fun!)
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Tom Strange
Sudo... let us know how it goes... it's so nice of you to help out the lad!
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