Please protect yourself. Johniam's info notwithstanding, you and I both know a few "out there" Wayfers who have gotten worse over time, not better. And nothing like picking on a woman instead of another guy.
I used to have a P.O. box for all my eBay transactions. Your story is why, though all my Way transactions turned out to be with decent people. However, the only warning I ever got from eBay was when someone reported that one of my Way auctions was fraudulently labeled. It wasn't.
I just spoke with John on the phone. Tried to call him last night no answer. He says he will email to me the emails he sent to Catcup and wants me to tell him if anything is or could be perceived as out of line. He also wants to reply on GSC; I told him his best shot at that would be to email Paw.
In the scathing emails he sent to me which I referred to in my earlier post, he said some very unflattering things about my present walk with God. However, when I just spoke with him, he was not angry or agitated. He does indeed feel the need to expose those he feels are spreading what he feels are lies about VPW, which includes me to an extent, but he has no plans to do anything close to foul play. He even allows for the possibility that he could someday be proved wrong. We're just not dealing with the unabomber or the son of Sam here, OK?
quote:He even allows for the possibility that he could someday be proved wrong.
How noble.
Here's a note to him on that subject: YOU DON'T GET A VOTE. Neither do I for that matter. The only people who get a vote are those who had to be subjected to his lecherous advances and abuses.
You might pass on to him that he just might wanna be a man instead of being deceptive, and posing as a woman, then changing his name several times. If he has something to say have some guts! Say it and stand behind your words. For someone so concerned about integrity he seems to have missed the lesson for himself.
quote: Here's a note to him on that subject: YOU DON'T GET A VOTE. Neither do I for that matter. The only people who get a vote are those who had to be subjected to his lecherous advances and abuses.
That's like saying if a man is accused of rape, he doesn't get to defend himself. Only the prosecution gets heard, not the defendant.
I believed what he believes for a long time. I didn't change my mind because of people telling me I didn't get a vote.
quote: You might pass on to him that he just might wanna be a man instead of being deceptive, and posing as a woman, then changing his name several times. If he has something to say have some guts! Say it and stand behind your words. For someone so concerned about integrity he seems to have missed the lesson for himself.
He lives with a woman named Jennifer Samuel. Make sense now?
I think this thread has proven its point. Ebay, like any commercial entities on the internet, has holes in its site that allow people to unfairly take advantage of others.
Shaz makes a great point about PO boxes for transactions from someone you don't know nor want to know your address.
And some people feel the need to overstep their bounds in beliefs and force them on others. You just need to have a defense for intrusions of that type.
I recently had a situation where I felt that someone I knew online crossed the line into my personal life unexpected and unwanted. I had to deal with it.
quote: Here's a note to him on that subject: YOU DON'T GET A VOTE. Neither do I for that matter. The only people who get a vote are those who had to be subjected to his lecherous advances and abuses.
That's like saying if a man is accused of rape, he doesn't get to defend himself. Only the prosecution gets heard, not the defendant.
I believed what he believes for a long time. I didn't change my mind because of people telling me I didn't get a vote.
With all due respect, you didn't get a vote either. I'm glad you came around on this subject; don't get me wrong. But we've heard enough from people with firsthand knowledge to know what the truth is, here. So has he. His decision not to believe the firsthand accounts of people who were there is his business, but he is not the accused, so I for one don't give a rat's patootie whether he says he's open to being proven wrong.
And while I'm happy you came around, I wish you had listened to the firsthand accounts of people who were telling the truth rather than the secondhand account of a Rev. you trusted.
Thanks to everyone for their input, especially for the suggestion regarding the p.o. box, which I plan to use in any future transactions. Also thanks to JohnIam for contacting this person in an to attempt to figure out exactly what he was up to.
Durbin stepped over the line in not being honest about who he was and what his intentions were, and in contacting me for no other purpose than spoiling for a fight. For that I have turned him over to eBay for harassment, but that is as far as I have taken it at this point-- but I am keeping my options open. Durbin has shown himself at least to me, to be unstable, and delusional. And, the only thing predictable about his behavior is that without intervention, he will continue to follow his delusions.
Catcup, thanks for posting this warning. I hope to soon start selling things on ebay. I have a couple of boxes of books, music, etc. from my 19 years in twi, but mostly want to sell collectibles.
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mj, if you have to explain it then it's not funny.
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Dear Catcup,
Please protect yourself. Johniam's info notwithstanding, you and I both know a few "out there" Wayfers who have gotten worse over time, not better. And nothing like picking on a woman instead of another guy.
I used to have a P.O. box for all my eBay transactions. Your story is why, though all my Way transactions turned out to be with decent people. However, the only warning I ever got from eBay was when someone reported that one of my Way auctions was fraudulently labeled. It wasn't.
Take care,
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I just spoke with John on the phone. Tried to call him last night no answer. He says he will email to me the emails he sent to Catcup and wants me to tell him if anything is or could be perceived as out of line. He also wants to reply on GSC; I told him his best shot at that would be to email Paw.
In the scathing emails he sent to me which I referred to in my earlier post, he said some very unflattering things about my present walk with God. However, when I just spoke with him, he was not angry or agitated. He does indeed feel the need to expose those he feels are spreading what he feels are lies about VPW, which includes me to an extent, but he has no plans to do anything close to foul play. He even allows for the possibility that he could someday be proved wrong. We're just not dealing with the unabomber or the son of Sam here, OK?
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How noble.
Here's a note to him on that subject: YOU DON'T GET A VOTE. Neither do I for that matter. The only people who get a vote are those who had to be subjected to his lecherous advances and abuses.
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Well -- that is a relief. I can handle dealing with "out-dated allegiances".
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But it sounds like this person transcended all that.
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I don't think any of us really has the time or desire to spend on unbalanced individuals.
I say that catcup did what she needed to do by contacting law enforcement authorities, and with God's help she's done with him.
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Well Johniam
You might pass on to him that he just might wanna be a man instead of being deceptive, and posing as a woman, then changing his name several times. If he has something to say have some guts! Say it and stand behind your words. For someone so concerned about integrity he seems to have missed the lesson for himself.
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quote: Here's a note to him on that subject: YOU DON'T GET A VOTE. Neither do I for that matter. The only people who get a vote are those who had to be subjected to his lecherous advances and abuses.
That's like saying if a man is accused of rape, he doesn't get to defend himself. Only the prosecution gets heard, not the defendant.
I believed what he believes for a long time. I didn't change my mind because of people telling me I didn't get a vote.
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quote: You might pass on to him that he just might wanna be a man instead of being deceptive, and posing as a woman, then changing his name several times. If he has something to say have some guts! Say it and stand behind your words. For someone so concerned about integrity he seems to have missed the lesson for himself.
He lives with a woman named Jennifer Samuel. Make sense now?
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No John it still does not.
I don't post under or email under the names of people I may live with. I don't know I have a name and I tend to,just for fun,use it.
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johnyouare, your analogy is very faulty. It is NOT like saying that.
John Durbin has not been accused of what docvic(praise be his name) was accused of. Nor was he the accuser.
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I think this thread has proven its point. Ebay, like any commercial entities on the internet, has holes in its site that allow people to unfairly take advantage of others.
Shaz makes a great point about PO boxes for transactions from someone you don't know nor want to know your address.
And some people feel the need to overstep their bounds in beliefs and force them on others. You just need to have a defense for intrusions of that type.
I recently had a situation where I felt that someone I knew online crossed the line into my personal life unexpected and unwanted. I had to deal with it.
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With all due respect, you didn't get a vote either. I'm glad you came around on this subject; don't get me wrong. But we've heard enough from people with firsthand knowledge to know what the truth is, here. So has he. His decision not to believe the firsthand accounts of people who were there is his business, but he is not the accused, so I for one don't give a rat's patootie whether he says he's open to being proven wrong.
And while I'm happy you came around, I wish you had listened to the firsthand accounts of people who were telling the truth rather than the secondhand account of a Rev. you trusted.
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Quote from Rafael:
If anyone has exposed fallacies involved in the "infallable" PFAL, it has been Raf at Living Epistles Society.
God help this guy.
I've been kinder to VPW myself, but not all that kind.
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Thanks to everyone for their input, especially for the suggestion regarding the p.o. box, which I plan to use in any future transactions. Also thanks to JohnIam for contacting this person in an to attempt to figure out exactly what he was up to.
Durbin stepped over the line in not being honest about who he was and what his intentions were, and in contacting me for no other purpose than spoiling for a fight. For that I have turned him over to eBay for harassment, but that is as far as I have taken it at this point-- but I am keeping my options open. Durbin has shown himself at least to me, to be unstable, and delusional. And, the only thing predictable about his behavior is that without intervention, he will continue to follow his delusions.
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hey, cat, check your PTs, ok??
from one Kat to another Cat(cup)
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Catcup, thanks for posting this warning. I hope to soon start selling things on ebay. I have a couple of boxes of books, music, etc. from my 19 years in twi, but mostly want to sell collectibles.
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The thread is closed. Points have been made
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