Ebay should probably suspend his account(s). Once they do that, he's unable to open another ebay account where he lives. But that doesn't mean he can't open one at some other location...
I would definitely file a complaint with your local PD, just to document what has happened. In the extremely rare and un-usual event that you should ever find that he has visited your home address, that previous documentation will be handy in making a case with the authorities.
To my knowledge, anyone can stop using his or her Ebay account and start using a 'new' logon account at any time. I have had previous accounts that got bad 'ratings' [while stationed overseas, commonly mail gets 'lost' or the carrier decides not to ship, etc]; and as a result I have changed to a new logon. Ebay had no way of telling how many separate logons each person might have. What if you had a family of 20 all living together in the same home? So what I am saying is that this one individual could easily begin using a new logon at any time, and you would not know it was still he or she.
Lacking any other advice, I would file a complaint just to document what has already transpired. Just in case.
Also consider, as post-WTO attack America does fund further integration of all governmental infrastructure, agencies are sharing more information than ever before. If guy 'A' herasses person 'B' in Nevada, than herasses person 'C' in Utah, then herasses person 'D' in Florida; and assuming that each herassed person files a complaint, then there does exist a possibility that one day these separate complaints would be collated together and would follow that person no matter where he goes.
I once knew a Gary Durbin, he was a wonderful beleiver and I liked him a lot. He did have brothers in the ministry. Gary married a girl who had sisters that were also in the ministry [one of whom I nearly dated, but alas my closest freind at the time, married her, Hey Dave and Gail].
I wonder if this Durbin could be one of the Gary's brothers?
Sorry I dont recall any of their names, I never did meet any of them.
Does anyone else here know Gary Durbin, and whether or not this is one of his brothers?
Catcup, I remember this guy. I sold a few things to him over 2 years ago. I believe he was from St Louis or there abouts. He actually called me on the phone. He kept me on the line for about an hour. He was very pro vpw & I just figured he was harmless but still in love with vp. I politely listened then got going.
I supposed he has gotten bolder over time with his approach.
Also, wasn't he a poster under his name of John Durbin for awhile either here or WayDale? He had a very aggressive pro-Wierwille approach. Wasn't he also ultimately banned?
Wonder why he's out of twi. He sounds perfect for them.
However, I have recently had a strange experience with someone who believes it is his mission in life to harass people who he believes have somehow sullied the name of Victor Paul Wierwille, and devalue his memory by selling TWI and VPW items on eBay.
His userID is _lucyandrickie_, and the items were all requested to be shipped to a _Jennifer Samuel_. After lucyandrickie won about 15 of my auctions, I got several emails from Jennifer Samuel regarding the items sold and related issues. Then Jennifer began requesting personal information, which caused me to question her motives.
Finally, Jennifer revealed "herself" as John Reed Durbin, Jr., a name I believe I have seen here on GSC.
Durbin made it clear that he believes it is his mission from God to "expose" the "liars" who have sullied VPW's "honor," and he is "staked on the Word of God" to bring consequences to them.
He has delusions of grandeur seeing himself as a crusader and higher power in the church commissioned by Almighty God to visit consequences Romans 13-style upon anyone who dares to speak out against his "man of God."
We have a "JSamuel" here at the GSC.
Seems 1/2 the posts or more were trying to track people down
in the FriendFinder (like the wives of Ri*ardo C and J*hn L).
Funny he supposedly knew those specific people.
Also asked about the whereabouts of Chr*s G, also.
The remaining posts are either predictable or strange.
The fall into 2 categories.
A) Praising veepee and condemning lcm, praising the POP paper
B) Condemning Jesus.
I have NO idea where the LAST came from, but there it is.
Anyone want me to bump up his threads (not counting the people
Catcup: You can probably relax. I got John Durbin in the word in 1980. I have never known him to do anything really crazy. He has sent me some scathing emails lately for the same reason (believing that VP was naughty) and he knows where I live. He also posted as 'liarliarpantsonfire' for awhile. Like I said, I've never heard of him doing anything really crazy. He emailed me a few days ago asking me if you ever pimped for VP. I, from memory told him no that you believed like many of us that VP sexually assaulted many women, but no recruiting. I think he's just kind of tore up inside and acting out of desperation. If he threatened you in any way, use the resources you have available. But he knows where I live too and he hasn't come here.
Yes, he seemed pretty convinced I had claimed to pimp for VPW on GSC, and when I told him I had not done that or ever posted that I did, he said, "well, a thing like that can be erased."
I hope he is harmless, as you say. But he is definately deluded into believing he is somehow called by God to defend the Wierwille family honor.
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Ebay should probably suspend his account(s). Once they do that, he's unable to open another ebay account where he lives. But that doesn't mean he can't open one at some other location...
Have you notified the police?
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Catcup, I hope you called the police too. This is harassment. You can probably get a restraining order on him too if need be.
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Ouch, sounds bad.
I would definitely file a complaint with your local PD, just to document what has happened. In the extremely rare and un-usual event that you should ever find that he has visited your home address, that previous documentation will be handy in making a case with the authorities.
To my knowledge, anyone can stop using his or her Ebay account and start using a 'new' logon account at any time. I have had previous accounts that got bad 'ratings' [while stationed overseas, commonly mail gets 'lost' or the carrier decides not to ship, etc]; and as a result I have changed to a new logon. Ebay had no way of telling how many separate logons each person might have. What if you had a family of 20 all living together in the same home? So what I am saying is that this one individual could easily begin using a new logon at any time, and you would not know it was still he or she.
Lacking any other advice, I would file a complaint just to document what has already transpired. Just in case.
Also consider, as post-WTO attack America does fund further integration of all governmental infrastructure, agencies are sharing more information than ever before. If guy 'A' herasses person 'B' in Nevada, than herasses person 'C' in Utah, then herasses person 'D' in Florida; and assuming that each herassed person files a complaint, then there does exist a possibility that one day these separate complaints would be collated together and would follow that person no matter where he goes.
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could you send me the email addys?
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Catcup I had a run in with this person also over something I posted on Chris G**r. I'd stay clear.
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Paw you have a PT message Thanks
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Dear Mr. Durbin:
Bring it on.
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if he is on a mission from God, then why doesnt Vengence is MIne says the Lord apply ?
the bible says to never repay evil for evil instead do good to your enemy .
I do not get it.
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...Sounds like somebody has some 'splainin' to do.
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MJ -- "God has no hands but our hands", remember?
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Thanks for the heads up catcup.... we need warning about these pychos, who knows where they will stop on their mission....scarey
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I once knew a Gary Durbin, he was a wonderful beleiver and I liked him a lot. He did have brothers in the ministry. Gary married a girl who had sisters that were also in the ministry [one of whom I nearly dated, but alas my closest freind at the time, married her, Hey Dave and Gail].
I wonder if this Durbin could be one of the Gary's brothers?
Sorry I dont recall any of their names, I never did meet any of them.
Does anyone else here know Gary Durbin, and whether or not this is one of his brothers?
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Catcup, I remember this guy. I sold a few things to him over 2 years ago. I believe he was from St Louis or there abouts. He actually called me on the phone. He kept me on the line for about an hour. He was very pro vpw & I just figured he was harmless but still in love with vp. I politely listened then got going.
I supposed he has gotten bolder over time with his approach.
Also, wasn't he a poster under his name of John Durbin for awhile either here or WayDale? He had a very aggressive pro-Wierwille approach. Wasn't he also ultimately banned?
Wonder why he's out of twi. He sounds perfect for them.
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We have a "JSamuel" here at the GSC.
Seems 1/2 the posts or more were trying to track people down
in the FriendFinder (like the wives of Ri*ardo C and J*hn L).
Funny he supposedly knew those specific people.
Also asked about the whereabouts of Chr*s G, also.
The remaining posts are either predictable or strange.
The fall into 2 categories.
A) Praising veepee and condemning lcm, praising the POP paper
B) Condemning Jesus.
I have NO idea where the LAST came from, but there it is.
Anyone want me to bump up his threads (not counting the people
searches)? They're some surreal stuff.
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and I STRONGLY recommend strolling into your local police precinct
and having a chat with them, and leaving a paper trail about this.
The last time I strongly recommended this sort of thing, I was
promptly ignored. As it turned out, it sure would have come in
handy-as the police said later.
If you have no idea who to talk to or what to do, that part's easy.
Just stroll into the lobby. There will be a desk with an officer
somewhere up front, in plain view.
Walk up to him, look him in the eye, and say
"who's in charge of answering dumbass questions here?"
He will smile and say
"That would be me."
At least, that's how I broke the ice the last time I had to ask
a trivial question at a police station.
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Thanks for all the advice.
LOL The last time I filed a police report to simply have a record "just in case" I was vilified by a few on this site for doing so.
But I have to look out for my skin. I have run into some pretty psychologically bankrupt individuals who either were or still are associated with TWI.
Better safe than sorry, I say.
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And, hey, that address thing is a two-edged sword: I just realized I have HIS address in the paperwork I kept from mailing the auction items out.
Maybe St. Louis' finest should pay him a visit?
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I agree, better safe than sorry.
I can't imagine who would be so ignorant as to give you grief about filing a police report "just in case".
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Oh, I can imagine such a conversation....
"Where is your believing?"
"That the ministry be not blamed..."
"Bend over and take it.."
No, wait, they'd just THINK that last one, not say it.
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Catcup: You can probably relax. I got John Durbin in the word in 1980. I have never known him to do anything really crazy. He has sent me some scathing emails lately for the same reason (believing that VP was naughty) and he knows where I live. He also posted as 'liarliarpantsonfire' for awhile. Like I said, I've never heard of him doing anything really crazy. He emailed me a few days ago asking me if you ever pimped for VP. I, from memory told him no that you believed like many of us that VP sexually assaulted many women, but no recruiting. I think he's just kind of tore up inside and acting out of desperation. If he threatened you in any way, use the resources you have available. But he knows where I live too and he hasn't come here.
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LOL! Why does this not come as any big surprise.
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Thanks for the heads up John
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Thanks John.
Yes, he seemed pretty convinced I had claimed to pimp for VPW on GSC, and when I told him I had not done that or ever posted that I did, he said, "well, a thing like that can be erased."
I hope he is harmless, as you say. But he is definately deluded into believing he is somehow called by God to defend the Wierwille family honor.
Poor schmuck.
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