quote: 7. I have eaten liver only once in my life, after my mother threatened me.. after that, no amount of threatening could get me to ever touch it again.
My mother never made us eat liver because she hated it. :D--> She never made us eat anything she wouldn't eat.
She DID threaten us at Aunt Helen's house when we wouldn't eat her weird gourmet things...the standing deal was "3 bites of everything I put on your plate and we'll go to McDonald's as soon as we leave here." Aunt Helen never knew about that deal.
I think my dad was included in the deal as he always got a burger and fries with us.
Actually Belle, it was not a real big threat. She had a way of "convincing" sometimes, heh heh.. you know, refuse da food and you breaks her heart.. I think she saw my reaction to the meal. Liver never came up again.
And Steve, I really like contesting when I can do it. Those guys move around close to 40 WPM, almost fast enough to melt your brain.. but I learned to be able to pick out call signs and exchanges at those speeds. Kinda tough to distinguish between an "S" and an "H" that fast though..
I used to know morse code and could "copy code" at 15 WPM. This was back in 1981.
Since then I have forgotten most of it :(-->
I worked as a cook for a while... To this day there are some foods I will not eat. For example, liver.
We used to get a whole liver that was frozen...
After it was thawed, I skinned the liver...
After it was skinned, I cut the liver up...
After it was cut up, I breaded the liver...
Then we re-froze the liver till it was ordered, then I would cook it. I sometimes wondered which was worse, the mess that was made from the "juices", the defferent smells from the skinning, to the cutting to the cooking, or the taste...
LOL, GStG, it took me 10 seconds to get that! I think working in a nursery school is rotting my brain...!
I'm also a lefty, though I taught myself to use scissors right-handed, because it was always so hard to find left-handed ones.
I don't eat cheese. Probably a minor lactose intolerance thing, but it just makes me ill! Also makes me a party-pooper at pizza parties.
I don't know any Morse code, but I know some American sign language. Took a course in it in college with a deaf man, a story of its own. One of these days, I'm going to get back into it.
I don't do normal crafts like sewing or knitting. I crochet and do origami. Not at the same time. ;)-->
Speaking of cars (I know, but it was only one page back!)
I once put tranny fluid in the brake reservoir and my then husband had to replace the master cylinder. But after that, he never again hounded me about checking the fluid levels in my car.
I asked my husband out first, to a Sadie Hawkins dance.
I found my wedding rings on the ground. Hubby had been home on leave for 3 days and no ring. I'd grown saddened that I'd misread the situation so wrong. One night while getting out of a friends van where a group of us had crammed into, I see a jewelry box on the ground highlighted by the moon. I picked it up and upon opening knew they had to be mine and started to cry. At this point hubby and a friend came around the van carrying a bench seat that needed to be put back into the van. And he asked his buddy "does that mean she doesn't like them?" Then under the moon (or street light one -->) he and I sat on that bench while about a dozen of our friends leaned against the van while he proposed to me.
On my wedding day my dad kept stepping on my dress and either tripping me or stopping me in mid stride. I'd been able to compensate for his total klutz or so I thought I had when one time under my breath I scolded him so loud in whisper to GET OFF MY DRESS that the guests cracked up laughing. Great, now try and have a serious ceremony.
I came home from work one day and was told by my husband to sit down he had something to tell me. He told me I was pregnant. I said that wasn't very nice of him and he said no really Jerry phoned and told me you were 10 weeks pregnant. It was one of the tests he took but didn't want to get your hopes up. (I was told I'd never have children)
When I was 12, my friend Steve Blair and I accidently burned down a garage when we were skipping school.
For about 2 years in the 80's I was the guy in the area people came to who needed someone to pray for them so they could get pregnant. 3 babies were born to couples who 'couldn't', two of them were named after me.
My Greatgrandfather was wounded at Gettysburg in the Civil War, my father was bombed in the Pacific during WWII. if either had died I never would have been born.
I was on mescaline at my first Rock of Ages.
I performed the wedding ceremony when my father and his childhood sweetheart got married. They had dated at 14 and didnt see each other again until they were 80. They got married when they were 84.
In the first major league baseball game I went to (June 1966) Mickey Mantle hit two homeruns, I jumped in the dugout after the game and took the lineup card off the wall and scampered off before the cops got me.
My father wasn't going to give me any money for college (even if he had it) because he didn't think higher education was for girls. He was old school Scandanavian.
So I worked my way through what I couldn't finance with government loans. (yes I paid mine off). I worked part time in a lab...but the simplest and most lucrative for the time spent was doing the men's laundry!
It appears none of their mothers had taught them how to do it. I charged 50 cents/load...or $1.00 if they wanted it folded. I charged 50 cents/dress shirt to iron. (they supplied the soap and coins for the machines). I sat and studied while the machines did most of the work!
I once replaced the rear brake pads on my '66 VW bug. I put the tires back on, and forgot to put the lug nuts on the right rear wheel. Took it for a drive to test the brakes, and the tire came off 1/2 mile from the house.
Jacked the VW up, put the tire back on, and kept on driving. Those things were indestructible! :D-->
We don't realize how far modern medicine has come in our lifetimes, especially in the area of infectious diseaeses.
When I was 16 months old, I contracted scarlet fever. Sulfa drugs were just being used to fight certain infections and I did respond to it. Nevertheless...my house was quaranteened for it (6 weeks I think). Mine was the last house in the Borough of Queens to be quaranteened for scarlet fever.
quote:More precisely, Confirmation is the sacrament. One chooses a confirmation name (from a canonized saint)as part of the rite.
Never heard of that. We have confirmation in the Lutheran church too, but they don't do the name thing.
Pirate -- Confirmation in the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) is a bit different. I remember them telling me (when I was confirmed -- 7th grade? 8th grade?) --> that we were now going to be *soldiers of the Lord*.
I don't remember all the details now (that's in my past too, among those things I would rather forget), but I do remember being alarmed at the *army* analogy, thinking I would have to go and fight somewhere.
We were to choose a "confirmation name", and the service itself (from what I remember), was our initiation, and acceptance (officially) into the RCC, even though all of us had been baptized into the church early on. Guess the confirmation was a validation of the baptism!! :D-->
geesh, 9 pages into this thing and I haven't chimed in, embarassing.
I grew up in the military, went to 9 schools in 7 states/foreign countries. Never understood the hoopla over moving in TWI. (my mother went to 12 different schools and would hear none of my whining about it- she also grew up in the army, and married into it)
I once lived in a house my great-grandfather built. (The Davis house- Fort Lee, VA) We didn't know about it until my grandfather came to visit us there and did some research.
I was in Anchorage Alaska when the largest earthquake to hit North America struck. It was 9.2 magnitude. I thought we had been attacked by the Soviet Union because all I knew in that Cold War era at the time was some part of Alaska was only 20 miles from some part of Russia. I remember the time as 5:37 pm, March 27, 1964 (In the Richter scale in use at the time it was 8.6 magnitude- I guess they revised the scales since then)
Fourty years ago I stole a sign that said "Warning- Shoplifters will be prosecuted". I still have it.
My first love interest never married. I found her last year through classmates.com
I have been married to my wife (would she be MsHAP?) for 29 years, have lived with her for 30 (we met as WOWs). She is a special lady, certainly more special than I am.
MY screename, HAPe4me uses my initials. Mom always thought HAP would be a good nickname for me, but it never took, until she introduced me to computers and I needed to come up with a name. (My mom was into puters loooong before me- she got a masters in computer science when she was 68) anyway, you can call me HAP, but I kinda cringe at HAPe cuz I don't know how you are pronouncing it.
I guess I will have to owe ya 3 more Shellon, that is only 7, but it is tired time now.
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The moment you do, it is no longer a pizza.
Oops. Wrong thread.
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Hey Steve.. you know, if you ever want to come back, you never would have to take a morse test again.
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My mother never made us eat liver because she hated it.
:D--> She never made us eat anything she wouldn't eat.
She DID threaten us at Aunt Helen's house when we wouldn't eat her weird gourmet things...the standing deal was "3 bites of everything I put on your plate and we'll go to McDonald's as soon as we leave here." Aunt Helen never knew about that deal.
I think my dad was included in the deal as he always got a burger and fries with us.
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I'm impressed!!!
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Actually Belle, it was not a real big threat. She had a way of "convincing" sometimes, heh heh.. you know, refuse da food and you breaks her heart.. I think she saw my reaction to the meal. Liver never came up again.
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And Steve, I really like contesting when I can do it. Those guys move around close to 40 WPM, almost fast enough to melt your brain.. but I learned to be able to pick out call signs and exchanges at those speeds. Kinda tough to distinguish between an "S" and an "H" that fast though..
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Dah, di di di dit, dit di dah dah, di dah, dah di dah dah di di dit, di di dah, dah di dah dit, dah di dah, di di dit.
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Proper punctuation, please. You forgot a couple of commas.
Or perhaps /es, or new lines:
Dah/ di di di dit/ dit/di dah dah/ di dah/ dah di dah dah/ di di dit/ di di dah/ dah di dah dit/ dah di dah/ di di dit.
di di di dit
di dah dah
di dah
dah di dah dah
di di dit
di di dah
dah di dah dit
dah di dah
di di dit.
Or even
- .... . .-- .- -.-- ... ..- -.-. -.- ...
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I'm impressed! Nice to see at least one other individual knows the "secret handshake" around here!
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I used to know morse code and could "copy code" at 15 WPM. This was back in 1981.
Since then I have forgotten most of it
I worked as a cook for a while... To this day there are some foods I will not eat. For example, liver.
We used to get a whole liver that was frozen...
After it was thawed, I skinned the liver...
After it was skinned, I cut the liver up...
After it was cut up, I breaded the liver...
Then we re-froze the liver till it was ordered, then I would cook it. I sometimes wondered which was worse, the mess that was made from the "juices", the defferent smells from the skinning, to the cutting to the cooking, or the taste...
To this day, liver will not enter into my house!
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I was never good at Morse Code, though several years ago I set local records for semaphore recognition. (Couldn't do it today, though.)
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More precisely, Confirmation is the sacrament. One chooses a confirmation name (from a cononized saint)as part of the rite.
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All this talk of codes reminds me of a cute sign I saw on a wall in the most recent "NCIS" episode:
There are 10 types of people in the world
Those that understand binary, and those that don't.
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LOL, GStG, it took me 10 seconds to get that! I think working in a nursery school is rotting my brain...!
I'm also a lefty, though I taught myself to use scissors right-handed, because it was always so hard to find left-handed ones.
I don't eat cheese. Probably a minor lactose intolerance thing, but it just makes me ill! Also makes me a party-pooper at pizza parties.
I don't know any Morse code, but I know some American sign language. Took a course in it in college with a deaf man, a story of its own. One of these days, I'm going to get back into it.
I don't do normal crafts like sewing or knitting. I crochet and do origami. Not at the same time.
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Speaking of cars (I know, but it was only one page back!)
I once put tranny fluid in the brake reservoir and my then husband had to replace the master cylinder. But after that, he never again hounded me about checking the fluid levels in my car.
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I asked my husband out first, to a Sadie Hawkins dance.
I found my wedding rings on the ground. Hubby had been home on leave for 3 days and no ring. I'd grown saddened that I'd misread the situation so wrong. One night while getting out of a friends van where a group of us had crammed into, I see a jewelry box on the ground highlighted by the moon. I picked it up and upon opening knew they had to be mine and started to cry. At this point hubby and a friend came around the van carrying a bench seat that needed to be put back into the van. And he asked his buddy "does that mean she doesn't like them?" Then under the moon (or street light one
-->) he and I sat on that bench while about a dozen of our friends leaned against the van while he proposed to me.
On my wedding day my dad kept stepping on my dress and either tripping me or stopping me in mid stride. I'd been able to compensate for his total klutz or so I thought I had when one time under my breath I scolded him so loud in whisper to GET OFF MY DRESS that the guests cracked up laughing. Great, now try and have a serious ceremony.
I came home from work one day and was told by my husband to sit down he had something to tell me. He told me I was pregnant. I said that wasn't very nice of him and he said no really Jerry phoned and told me you were 10 weeks pregnant. It was one of the tests he took but didn't want to get your hopes up. (I was told I'd never have children)
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remember i told you i cry a lot ?
this thread makes me cry. i find it overwhelming and too much to tell each person what it means to me when they tell me about themselves
please forgive me for one second though, (((((((((( yana ))))))))))
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I have never eaten a banana
When I was 12, my friend Steve Blair and I accidently burned down a garage when we were skipping school.
For about 2 years in the 80's I was the guy in the area people came to who needed someone to pray for them so they could get pregnant. 3 babies were born to couples who 'couldn't', two of them were named after me.
My Greatgrandfather was wounded at Gettysburg in the Civil War, my father was bombed in the Pacific during WWII. if either had died I never would have been born.
I was on mescaline at my first Rock of Ages.
I performed the wedding ceremony when my father and his childhood sweetheart got married. They had dated at 14 and didnt see each other again until they were 80. They got married when they were 84.
In the first major league baseball game I went to (June 1966) Mickey Mantle hit two homeruns, I jumped in the dugout after the game and took the lineup card off the wall and scampered off before the cops got me.
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My father wasn't going to give me any money for college (even if he had it) because he didn't think higher education was for girls. He was old school Scandanavian.
So I worked my way through what I couldn't finance with government loans. (yes I paid mine off). I worked part time in a lab...but the simplest and most lucrative for the time spent was doing the men's laundry!
It appears none of their mothers had taught them how to do it. I charged 50 cents/load...or $1.00 if they wanted it folded. I charged 50 cents/dress shirt to iron. (they supplied the soap and coins for the machines). I sat and studied while the machines did most of the work!
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I once replaced the rear brake pads on my '66 VW bug. I put the tires back on, and forgot to put the lug nuts on the right rear wheel.
Took it for a drive to test the brakes, and the tire came off 1/2 mile from the house.
Jacked the VW up, put the tire back on, and kept on driving. Those things were indestructible!
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We don't realize how far modern medicine has come in our lifetimes, especially in the area of infectious diseaeses.
When I was 16 months old, I contracted scarlet fever. Sulfa drugs were just being used to fight certain infections and I did respond to it. Nevertheless...my house was quaranteened for it (6 weeks I think). Mine was the last house in the Borough of Queens to be quaranteened for scarlet fever.
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Never heard of that. We have confirmation in the Lutheran church too, but they don't do the name thing.
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Pirate -- Confirmation in the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) is a bit different. I remember them telling me (when I was confirmed -- 7th grade? 8th grade?)
--> that we were now going to be *soldiers of the Lord*.
I don't remember all the details now (that's in my past too, among those things I would rather forget), but I do remember being alarmed at the *army* analogy, thinking I would have to go and fight somewhere.
We were to choose a "confirmation name", and the service itself (from what I remember), was our initiation, and acceptance (officially) into the RCC, even though all of us had been baptized into the church early on. Guess the confirmation was a validation of the baptism!!
My confirmation name was Daniel.
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geesh, 9 pages into this thing and I haven't chimed in, embarassing.
I grew up in the military, went to 9 schools in 7 states/foreign countries. Never understood the hoopla over moving in TWI. (my mother went to 12 different schools and would hear none of my whining about it- she also grew up in the army, and married into it)
I once lived in a house my great-grandfather built. (The Davis house- Fort Lee, VA) We didn't know about it until my grandfather came to visit us there and did some research.
I was in Anchorage Alaska when the largest earthquake to hit North America struck. It was 9.2 magnitude. I thought we had been attacked by the Soviet Union because all I knew in that Cold War era at the time was some part of Alaska was only 20 miles from some part of Russia. I remember the time as 5:37 pm, March 27, 1964 (In the Richter scale in use at the time it was 8.6 magnitude- I guess they revised the scales since then)
Fourty years ago I stole a sign that said "Warning- Shoplifters will be prosecuted". I still have it.
My first love interest never married. I found her last year through classmates.com
I have been married to my wife (would she be MsHAP?) for 29 years, have lived with her for 30 (we met as WOWs). She is a special lady, certainly more special than I am.
MY screename, HAPe4me uses my initials. Mom always thought HAP would be a good nickname for me, but it never took, until she introduced me to computers and I needed to come up with a name. (My mom was into puters loooong before me- she got a masters in computer science when she was 68) anyway, you can call me HAP, but I kinda cringe at HAPe cuz I don't know how you are pronouncing it.
I guess I will have to owe ya 3 more Shellon, that is only 7, but it is tired time now.
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