The first American Mstar was born on the ocean on the way over from Scotland to his parents who were in their late 40's. He went through life named Thomas the Seaborn.
I have a stone from the foundation of his log cabin.
Ive eaten breakfast out just about everyday my entire adult life. Right now I'm rotating between three places depending on which waitress is working which day and where.
I once traded my car for a pound of pot and a turquoise ring when I was 2000 miles from home.
I like Beavis and Butthead, SouthPark and Tom Waits.
For one reason or another I've had guns pulled on me 6 separate times
I am the least artistic person I have ever met and have made my living as an artist for 25 years.
I once got in a heated argument in a diner over baseball only to later find out that the guy I was arguing with was a baseball legend (Johnny Van der Meer)who I had pictures of on my wall when I was much younger.
David, chatty has it wrong, she is the one being bratty, but we put her back in the tub. She thought she could use her wireless keyboard in there and THAT is what broke the forums.
HI Chatty! And Mstar! OKAY, I think I rememeber seeing what must have been Mortons toe in that movie Shallow Hal. I was so thick I had to have someone else explain it to me. but I didn't know it had a name.
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5. I lost a man's leg
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I have prehensile toes
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I second that question Shell.
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Main Entry: pre·hen·sile
Pronunciation: prE-'hen(t)-s&l, -'hen-"sIl
Function: adjective
Etymology: French pr?nsile, from Latin prehensus, past participle of prehendere to seize -- more at GET
1 : adapted for seizing or grasping especially by wrapping around
2 : gifted with mental grasp or moral or aesthetic perception
- pre·hen·sil·i·ty /(")prE-"hen-'si-l&-tE/ noun
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prehensile= 1 : adapted for seizing or grasping especially by wrapping around
dang, krys, that sounds sexy!
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Hap is being a brat in chat tonight. Were the heck are you anyway buddy?
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OH! those toes. My girls can do that, just like their father!
Oh the toe pinches then and now. And the stuff they pick up with their toes....wierd.
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I lose internet connection there too quickly.
About the time I start to reply to someone ....POOF.
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Recently dmiller? Cause we've had problems.
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I bring home rocks and sticks that I like.
The first American Mstar was born on the ocean on the way over from Scotland to his parents who were in their late 40's. He went through life named Thomas the Seaborn.
I have a stone from the foundation of his log cabin.
Ive eaten breakfast out just about everyday my entire adult life. Right now I'm rotating between three places depending on which waitress is working which day and where.
I once traded my car for a pound of pot and a turquoise ring when I was 2000 miles from home.
I like Beavis and Butthead, SouthPark and Tom Waits.
For one reason or another I've had guns pulled on me 6 separate times
I am the least artistic person I have ever met and have made my living as an artist for 25 years.
I once got in a heated argument in a diner over baseball only to later find out that the guy I was arguing with was a baseball legend (Johnny Van der Meer)who I had pictures of on my wall when I was much younger.
I erase more posts than I actually post
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David, chatty has it wrong, she is the one being bratty, but we put her back in the tub. She thought she could use her wireless keyboard in there and THAT is what broke the forums.
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I have Mortons Toe
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ChattyKathy will pay for that....yepper!
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mstar, ya think maybe Morton might be missing it?
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Hmmm -- that reminds me of this quote:
"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt.
Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented,
As a consolation prize." Robert Hughes
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Galen, that's very sweet...AND diplomatic!
HCW I was going to high five a fellow boobless sister until I saw in your profile that you're a guy.
What the heck is Mortons TOE? (morton might be missing it, that's very funny.)
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mstar i LOVE your post
i have those toes kryssie has. i never knew a word for them. my family always just said "exxie has such talented toes."
growing up i was also known as "the finder." if anyone lost anything, they could come to me and i would always find it.
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RottieGrrrl, you've been missed!
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Hi Rottie-
Mortons Toe means my second toe is taller than my big toe. I can sorta give the finger with my feet.
I'd been wonderin where you were
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HI Chatty! And Mstar! OKAY, I think I rememeber seeing what must have been Mortons toe in that movie Shallow Hal. I was so thick I had to have someone else explain it to me. but I didn't know it had a name.
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