We had "international day" at school when I was in the 7th grade and my mom and I stayed up late making egg rolls. I ate so many egg rolls that night that I was sick as a dog the next day and my mom had to take the egg rolls to school for me. :o-->
Well, I checked my "Overstreet's Price Guide" today; and, sure enough, there actually WAS a "Cosmo the Merry Martian" comic book (part of the Archie line). However, since there were only six issues, in 1958 and 1959, I feel no less a man for not knowing about it.
Aaaaaah...you're my hero! 6 issues, no wonder it's been lodged in my brain. I bet I bought all 6 of them. They had an unusual look which is why I guess it stuck in me head. My Wife and I were talking about comics last night. I had so many at one time, probably 5-600 easy, from about '55-63. They got thrown out one year in my absence. :(-->
Geo, a Tom Waits fan-cool. He's done some great work, interesting, always engaging, never boring. Cool.
9. When I was 18 my then boyfriend took me to dinner at a country club on Long Island. The dance floor was very tiny and very crowded and I litterally bumped into "Uncle Weatherby" (I can't remember his real name at the moment) He was so skinny it was scary - and his teeth were ugly. To this day I have never seen a living soul as thin as that!
quote: One of the funny things was that because all the seats were not filled, they used these cardboard people to put in the empty seats. It was like five different people repaeated over and over again. We took some of them and lined them up so there were like 10 identical people sitting in one row.
That's flipped out! Peeps!
Wayfers take note, file under "How to Pump Up Our Numbers This Month".
My favourite songs are still "Take it Easy and Peaceful Easy Feeling" by the Eagles and "Too Busy Being in Love' by Doug Stone.
I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.
My favourite treat are orange popsicles.
I love music so much that if I could I would have music playing everywhere I went and in everything I do, in fact if I would have speakers up on every post as I walked down the street so I could enjoy it.......country music that is!
If I find a song on a CD that I really like I press on the repeat button and just let it play over and over for a whole day while driving the people around me crazy.
My favorite scent is "White Musk"
I love anything made out of pine.
Lace curtains, wild flowers, weeping willows and fireplaces
I love to wallpaper and I'm pretty good at it.
I used to own a banjo and play it a bit but I sold it at a pawn shop for the money so I could go out and purchase 2 new pairs of Nike running shoes.
11. I've been on the news twice (local). Once I was interviewed about the price of lettuce. (no kidding really) The other time was about how checks will be clearing faster and what did I think about it. I was also interviewed about George Harrison dying but that one didn't make it.
12. I saw Janis Joplin shopping in a Cost Plus in San Francisco.
13. Once time a guy stole a tank from an armory and drove it around our neighborhood, crushing cars and motor homes, knocked down a poll, broke a fire hydrant, got on the freeway and got stuck on an abutmant and then shot by the cops. I saw the cops go by, saw the helicopter telling us to get inside, and saw the tank go by. Aerial view tapes of this are often shown on those "Big Chases" shows.
14. One of my favorite ways to relax and escape is cross-stich while I watch some dumb Lifetime For Women movie. (although unfortunately I got stuck on the last project and won't start a new one until I finish this one.) It's of a Christmas tree with like five shades of green and I keep getting lost.
* I taught a one room school with six kids, all cousins.
* My gr grandfather wasn't white but we don't know what nationality he was--they said he was 'English.'
* When I was young I was so limber I could put my knees behind my neck.
* My favorite candy is Milk Duds.
* I once saw my husband across a crowded room, and knew I was going to marry him.
* The first time my dad saw my mom, he knew he was going to marry her, and told his father so.
* I ran with a group of girls(in college, pre TWI) who followed a band around--we called ourselves the Road Dogs.
* The Road Dogs once lost me at a huge outdoor battle of the bands type festival with 10000 drunk kids.And I didn't know the name of the cheap hotel we were staying at. After that I had to carry paperwork in my pocket.
* I had 3 kids in 22 months.
* Lindberg's(the Flying Ace) son would pick up his UPS and mail at the school I taught, so the mail carrier wouldn't have to drive up to his ranch.
I and my four siblings were all born within four and a half years. One sister is eleven months younger than I, and the other is a year and a day younger than the first. After about a fifteen month gap, my first brother was born; and then less than thirteen months later, my other brother was born. Aftr that, my folks decided that "the rhythm method" wasn't working! :D-->
When I was 13 a friend and I wrapped paper from one pole to the other across the street from each other. Rendering the roadway passable only by breaking the paper-belt. We hid behind a tree until a car showed up and then stood in the partial reflection of their head lights and hollered for them to break it. When the driver opened his door on that moonless Florida night we saw the evidence of a police car by way of the overhead light.
My parents were not amused when I arrived home that night accompanied by a police officer. :)-->
Twins. With my first it took 8 months to get pg, so we thought it would be like that the second time around, so started early--but I got pg the first week.
Three kids in twenty-two months is not hard to believe if you don't start counting days until the first one is born, though apparently Bramble was including the nine months of her first pregnancy. If you count my mom's first pregnancy, it actually took a little over five years to produce the five of us.
I meant that I had 3 kids when my oldest was 22 months old(twins arrived). I guess I could have had a baby, then another 10 or eleven months later,and then another at 10 or so months after that, but I wasn't that nuts!
Lets see. I have an absolute revulsion when it comes to sipping another persons drink, or like when they offer you a bite of their food. YICK! I don't want anyone elses cooties and I gross out at that. I think I've actually offended some people.
I HAVE to rinse out a glass before I fill it with ANYTHING. At another persons house or my own the glass must be rinsed. Dust and stuff fly around the air you know?
I have a Big ugly mole on my butt that I HATE. It's GROSS.
I have no boobies.
I got propositioned by a 23 year old kid a couple months ago and I almost did it with him because I was so flattered. But I thought the better of it and kind of chickened out.
I love eggs.
I can't stand Nancy Grace on Court TV. She makes me want to vomit up my innards.
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Cool, Pirate!
This IS fun!
We had "international day" at school when I was in the 7th grade and my mom and I stayed up late making egg rolls. I ate so many egg rolls that night that I was sick as a dog the next day and my mom had to take the egg rolls to school for me.
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Well, I checked my "Overstreet's Price Guide" today; and, sure enough, there actually WAS a "Cosmo the Merry Martian" comic book (part of the Archie line). However, since there were only six issues, in 1958 and 1959, I feel no less a man for not knowing about it.
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Aaaaaah...you're my hero! 6 issues, no wonder it's been lodged in my brain. I bet I bought all 6 of them. They had an unusual look which is why I guess it stuck in me head. My Wife and I were talking about comics last night. I had so many at one time, probably 5-600 easy, from about '55-63. They got thrown out one year in my absence.
Geo, a Tom Waits fan-cool. He's done some great work, interesting, always engaging, never boring. Cool.
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okay this IS fun
(some of you know some of mine okay? sorry)
- my great great grandmother and her husband were chemists and dyed PT Barnum's elephant (my mom still has letters to and from)
- my other great or great great grandmother was the first licensed plumber in new york
- a close family friend (my sister's best friend) is married to "the tracker's" brother
- i was on television (sandy becker show) when i was 7 years old
- i got fired from burger king when i was 15 for throwing french fries at a man customer who yelled at me for no reason
- my sister's boyfriend quit springsteen's band because he didn't think it was going anywhere
- i like tom waits
edited to say the first licensed woman plumber in NYC
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9. When I was 18 my then boyfriend took me to dinner at a country club on Long Island. The dance floor was very tiny and very crowded and I litterally bumped into "Uncle Weatherby" (I can't remember his real name at the moment) He was so skinny it was scary - and his teeth were ugly. To this day I have never seen a living soul as thin as that!
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A la prochaine
I love moosemeat (cooked of course)
my father was a lumberjack
my mother worked as a 'cookie' in the lumbercamps
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this is the house where my mom grew up and i spent every summer
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Pirate sed-
That's flipped out! Peeps!
Wayfers take note, file under "How to Pump Up Our Numbers This Month".
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I carried the Olympic torch in the 1976 Olympics.
My favourite songs are still "Take it Easy and Peaceful Easy Feeling" by the Eagles and "Too Busy Being in Love' by Doug Stone.
I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.
My favourite treat are orange popsicles.
I love music so much that if I could I would have music playing everywhere I went and in everything I do, in fact if I would have speakers up on every post as I walked down the street so I could enjoy it.......country music that is!
If I find a song on a CD that I really like I press on the repeat button and just let it play over and over for a whole day while driving the people around me crazy.
My favorite scent is "White Musk"
I love anything made out of pine.
Lace curtains, wild flowers, weeping willows and fireplaces
I love to wallpaper and I'm pretty good at it.
I used to own a banjo and play it a bit but I sold it at a pawn shop for the money so I could go out and purchase 2 new pairs of Nike running shoes.
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11. I've been on the news twice (local). Once I was interviewed about the price of lettuce. (no kidding really) The other time was about how checks will be clearing faster and what did I think about it. I was also interviewed about George Harrison dying but that one didn't make it.
12. I saw Janis Joplin shopping in a Cost Plus in San Francisco.
13. Once time a guy stole a tank from an armory and drove it around our neighborhood, crushing cars and motor homes, knocked down a poll, broke a fire hydrant, got on the freeway and got stuck on an abutmant and then shot by the cops. I saw the cops go by, saw the helicopter telling us to get inside, and saw the tank go by. Aerial view tapes of this are often shown on those "Big Chases" shows.
14. One of my favorite ways to relax and escape is cross-stich while I watch some dumb Lifetime For Women movie. (although unfortunately I got stuck on the last project and won't start a new one until I finish this one.) It's of a Christmas tree with like five shades of green and I keep getting lost.
15. I took piano lessons at 40.
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Hey excathedra, that's some house!
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* I taught a one room school with six kids, all cousins.
* My gr grandfather wasn't white but we don't know what nationality he was--they said he was 'English.'
* When I was young I was so limber I could put my knees behind my neck.
* My favorite candy is Milk Duds.
* I once saw my husband across a crowded room, and knew I was going to marry him.
* The first time my dad saw my mom, he knew he was going to marry her, and told his father so.
* I ran with a group of girls(in college, pre TWI) who followed a band around--we called ourselves the Road Dogs.
* The Road Dogs once lost me at a huge outdoor battle of the bands type festival with 10000 drunk kids.And I didn't know the name of the cheap hotel we were staying at. After that I had to carry paperwork in my pocket.
* I had 3 kids in 22 months.
* Lindberg's(the Flying Ace) son would pick up his UPS and mail at the school I taught, so the mail carrier wouldn't have to drive up to his ranch.
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I and my four siblings were all born within four and a half years. One sister is eleven months younger than I, and the other is a year and a day younger than the first. After about a fifteen month gap, my first brother was born; and then less than thirteen months later, my other brother was born. Aftr that, my folks decided that "the rhythm method" wasn't working!
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When I was 13 a friend and I wrapped paper from one pole to the other across the street from each other. Rendering the roadway passable only by breaking the paper-belt. We hid behind a tree until a car showed up and then stood in the partial reflection of their head lights and hollered for them to break it. When the driver opened his door on that moonless Florida night we saw the evidence of a police car by way of the overhead light.
My parents were not amused when I arrived home that night accompanied by a police officer.
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yeah georgie, when my mom had 9 kids in 10 years, she started questioning the rhythm method
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Dear Bramble,
3 kids in 22 months? (shaz does some quick calculating...) Twins or preemies?
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Twins. With my first it took 8 months to get pg, so we thought it would be like that the second time around, so started early--but I got pg the first week.
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Three kids in twenty-two months is not hard to believe if you don't start counting days until the first one is born, though apparently Bramble was including the nine months of her first pregnancy. If you count my mom's first pregnancy, it actually took a little over five years to produce the five of us.
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I meant that I had 3 kids when my oldest was 22 months old(twins arrived). I guess I could have had a baby, then another 10 or eleven months later,and then another at 10 or so months after that, but I wasn't that nuts!
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Well this is kind of an interesting thread.
Lets see. I have an absolute revulsion when it comes to sipping another persons drink, or like when they offer you a bite of their food. YICK! I don't want anyone elses cooties and I gross out at that. I think I've actually offended some people.
I HAVE to rinse out a glass before I fill it with ANYTHING. At another persons house or my own the glass must be rinsed. Dust and stuff fly around the air you know?
I have a Big ugly mole on my butt that I HATE. It's GROSS.
I have no boobies.
I got propositioned by a 23 year old kid a couple months ago and I almost did it with him because I was so flattered. But I thought the better of it and kind of chickened out.
I love eggs.
I can't stand Nancy Grace on Court TV. She makes me want to vomit up my innards.
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"I have a Big ugly mole on my butt that I HATE. It's GROSS."
That is what they call a beauty mark.
"I have no boobies."
Neither do I.
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i like rottie girl (or is that growl ?)
but did you all know that already about me ?
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I have no boobies either
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6. We have a transgender hamster named Louie
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