I was born in New York City. Nobody remembers what time it was, and my father has always confused my birthday with the holiday I preceded by a day. Still does.
I would rather stay up all night and sleep in the morning.
I love to read, but find reading difficult. Could be a mild form of dyslexia, but it's never been diagnosed.
I love a good, dark beer, but don't often drink it.
I love a good, red wine, but, same.
I regret the way I've treated some of the women in my life, but I've also been on the receiving end. It isn't poetic justice, just life.
The only time I've ever hit a woman was my mother when she was still twice my size. It only happened once. On the other hand, she hit me quite often back then. There was too much of that in my family. I was especially punishing to my younger brother as we grew up. He developed anxiety attacks later in life, most likely the result of our fighting. I feel no guilt because I was a child, but I wish it could have been different.
My expressions of enthusiasm or affection in public are somewhat reserved and self-conscious, except when it comes to my 3-year old daughter.
If I read long threads at all, I often read them backwards, from the last post to the first. When I get to the first post I think, "Is that what all this was about?"
My 3-year old has already learned (and now, apparently, forgotten) the alphabet, and how to count to twenty-five. She can sing several songs, start to finish, and performs them for appreciative audiences, family or strangers alike. She can be so moody at times, her mom wondered recently if we shouldn't have named her "Sybil." When she goes to bed, she almost always says "I love you daddy," followed by the sound of a kiss. She may do this twice, or twenty times. I had to buy an extra hard drive to store the pictures I've taken of her.
My daughter makes me feel young, and old.
I have low blood pressure.
I sometimes eat Haagen Dazs out of the carton, and do other stuff like that, but I'm somehow within 15 pounds of what I weighed as a high school senior, although the weight has redistributed just a bit. Despite the occasional binge, my diet is 95% mostly kind of healthy. I attribute this to marriage.
I hate to exercise, so I don't. I really should. I've made up my mind. I will. Eventually.
My ears have a constant ringing, and they have all my life. The ringing is much louder than it used to be, on account of a fondess for loud music, and indulging same. I now worry about hearing loss.
It ticks me off when a neighbor parks in front of my house instead of his own. This happens a lot. Fortunately, I have low blood pressure.
I never get tired of hearing great music or seeing beautiful women.
Hap, I was in Hawaii went the quake hit. We had to go up to the top floor in the hotel because the waves were so high just to be on the safe side. I was in the second grade and my father had been on Johnson Island working on a project for several months.
He was gone for a year and during that time he came home for a week or two and then we went to visit him in Hawaii. My Mom had to listen to, "Are we there yet?" for three hours! What I remember most about Hawaii was how green it was! We lived in a new development in Las Vegas and there wasn't the lush greenery that comes with time and humidity.
I love spiders and had one in Florida that came to the kitchen window each morning for me to rub its legs. Ask my family, they witnessed it more than once.
I can't watch a real scary movie alone at night. I waited till morning to finish Blair Witch Project it sacred me so much.
I don't know how to spell or write, as if y'all didn't know that already.
I'm anal sometimes (oh yeah this is the thread where you don't already know this about us).
I still love a poem I have framed as a Sampler "Teddy Bear, torn and tattered. You were my friend when it really mattered."
I love a perfect balance of "stuff". I look in every room I go thru if time at all and enjoy the "stuff" I've chosen to decorate with. No one even knows. It's just some of that personal time I cherish.
I hate to do anything that even hints at body improvement and fight it nearly every step, but I'm doing it anyway. Ugh!!!!!
I hate to have my picture taken, always have.
I find a room full of women on a regular base to be nearly unbearable but God did say I would not be tempted above that which I could not bear.
I wish AIM had spell check.
According to the only time I've ever had my palm read I'm suppose to remarry sometime in the future to a man that had something to do with the sea.
I'm lazy and don't care. If stuff gets done, great, if it doesn't, I seriously don't care.
I have a stapler that I stole from the workplace in l990. It's scratched up and ugly and I still use it.
I hate to pump gas and will drive extra miles to a station that does it for me.
Did I already say we have a transgender hamster names Louie? He's old now and entering his last playful sweet days.
I tell people that have never met me that I look like Whoopi Goldberg.
I almost got arrested for asking boys to pee around my house because a chatter at Waydale told me that would chase away skunks.
I did get arrested for jumping on a man that was beating his wife and hitting him with something. The judge dismissed the charges with a very strong lecture to never ever do that again.
I accidently kicked my friend in the head, requiring him to get two stitches, cuz I was showing off a new kick I'd learned.
I hate to fold and put laundry away. Washing and drying, fine.
I hide stuff, then forget where.
I played several instruments in high school. Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Snare drums, Bells and Bass. I took piano lessons until I was 11. My piano teacher refused to teach anymore because I'd sneak out when she would come over.
I am a published. I have started two other manuscripts at least five times and now they sit unattended.
I can't swim but went into the water and pulled a drowning man out and performed CPR on him. He lived.
I buried a time capsule in l997 just after my husband died that is all about him. With TWI being what it was/is, I was worried noone would ever know he existed except for me and his daughters.
That's much more than 10 isn't it?
I love to play pranks on people.
I can't stand to have my veins touched. When we were kids, my brothers could win any arguement or wrestling match by touching my veins. Still can.
I don't have a decorating bone in my body. Put a chair in the room and a picture on the wall and it's done as far as I'm concerned.
I dress mostly in black. Not a mourning thing, I just like it. It's slimming you know.
- I LOVE to cook (and love to eat even more and amazingly I'm not fat, though like a lot of people nearly 50, I could stand to tone up).
- My specialty is, natch, Mexican food - - recipes that my abuela taught me to make - - carnitas, chile verde.
- I'm a purist when it comes to dessert - - if it's not chocolate, it's not dessert - - the richer and decadent, the better; although I love apple pie and pumpkin pie around the holidays.
- I love to smoke an occasional good Cuban cigar.
- I hate to make beds - - carryover from anal-retentive parents who used to make such a big deal about perfect, military style bedmaking - - I do the big down comforter thing now and, on a good day, pull it up to the pillows and fluff a bit just for good measure ;)-->
- I love to wear lipstick and even in my sloppiest moments, stop to put some on, much to the dismay of my son :P-->
- Although I listen to all types of music, my FAVORITE music is big band and swing. It's the happiest music I've ever heard and often can be seen tapping around the kitchen making breakfast on weekends listening to the Count, Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, etc.
- (some of you know this already) I have two wonderful sons who are the pride and joy of my life - - although I'm ready for both to get haircuts :D-->
If its any consolation, Paw, I'm betting you can sing way better than he can! ;)-->
My grandmother dated Sid Caesar (if only she'd married him - LOL and she's the one who used to tell me it was just as easy to fall in love with a rich guy as it was a poor one).
I am related, by marriage to the Elias family (of Big Boy Restraunts). This has benefited my life about as much as my grandmother dating Sid Caesar has. LOL
I have a dog who is afraid of his own reflection in a mirror. The first time he saw himself he growled so fiercly he scared himself and now he won't even walk past it.
Oh and for you, Shell - Ipotty trained Aaron by teaching him to pee on the trees in the back yard. I also used to let him swim naked in the kiddie pool in our yard. (Jacob missed out on both. I had to put an end to both of those things when my neighbor's daughter started imitating Aaron)
My big toes look like they were smashed and never regained their.....toe-ness.
I'm the quiet one in the chatroom.
I spent a year at a Finishing School learning social graces, modeling and public relations. Every one of those skills has served me well.
I wish I'd gone to law school instead.
I, too, have amazingly wonderful children. Two beautiful daughters that bring me laughter like noone ever has or will, tears that threaten to empty my soul and love that I never ever deserve.
I have a grandson growing in my first born's belly. His name is Charles.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
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I was born in New York City. Nobody remembers what time it was, and my father has always confused my birthday with the holiday I preceded by a day. Still does.
I would rather stay up all night and sleep in the morning.
I love to read, but find reading difficult. Could be a mild form of dyslexia, but it's never been diagnosed.
I love a good, dark beer, but don't often drink it.
I love a good, red wine, but, same.
I regret the way I've treated some of the women in my life, but I've also been on the receiving end. It isn't poetic justice, just life.
The only time I've ever hit a woman was my mother when she was still twice my size. It only happened once. On the other hand, she hit me quite often back then. There was too much of that in my family. I was especially punishing to my younger brother as we grew up. He developed anxiety attacks later in life, most likely the result of our fighting. I feel no guilt because I was a child, but I wish it could have been different.
My expressions of enthusiasm or affection in public are somewhat reserved and self-conscious, except when it comes to my 3-year old daughter.
If I read long threads at all, I often read them backwards, from the last post to the first. When I get to the first post I think, "Is that what all this was about?"
My 3-year old has already learned (and now, apparently, forgotten) the alphabet, and how to count to twenty-five. She can sing several songs, start to finish, and performs them for appreciative audiences, family or strangers alike. She can be so moody at times, her mom wondered recently if we shouldn't have named her "Sybil." When she goes to bed, she almost always says "I love you daddy," followed by the sound of a kiss. She may do this twice, or twenty times. I had to buy an extra hard drive to store the pictures I've taken of her.
My daughter makes me feel young, and old.
I have low blood pressure.
I sometimes eat Haagen Dazs out of the carton, and do other stuff like that, but I'm somehow within 15 pounds of what I weighed as a high school senior, although the weight has redistributed just a bit. Despite the occasional binge, my diet is 95% mostly kind of healthy. I attribute this to marriage.
I hate to exercise, so I don't. I really should. I've made up my mind. I will. Eventually.
My ears have a constant ringing, and they have all my life. The ringing is much louder than it used to be, on account of a fondess for loud music, and indulging same. I now worry about hearing loss.
It ticks me off when a neighbor parks in front of my house instead of his own. This happens a lot. Fortunately, I have low blood pressure.
I never get tired of hearing great music or seeing beautiful women.
I'm lousy at writing letters. Goes for email too.
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Hap, I was in Hawaii went the quake hit. We had to go up to the top floor in the hotel because the waves were so high just to be on the safe side. I was in the second grade and my father had been on Johnson Island working on a project for several months.
He was gone for a year and during that time he came home for a week or two and then we went to visit him in Hawaii. My Mom had to listen to, "Are we there yet?" for three hours! What I remember most about Hawaii was how green it was! We lived in a new development in Las Vegas and there wasn't the lush greenery that comes with time and humidity.
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I hate snakes.
I love spiders and had one in Florida that came to the kitchen window each morning for me to rub its legs. Ask my family, they witnessed it more than once.
I can't watch a real scary movie alone at night. I waited till morning to finish Blair Witch Project it sacred me so much.
I don't know how to spell or write, as if y'all didn't know that already.
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I'm anal sometimes (oh yeah this is the thread where you don't already know this about us).
I still love a poem I have framed as a Sampler "Teddy Bear, torn and tattered. You were my friend when it really mattered."
I love a perfect balance of "stuff". I look in every room I go thru if time at all and enjoy the "stuff" I've chosen to decorate with. No one even knows. It's just some of that personal time I cherish.
I hate to do anything that even hints at body improvement and fight it nearly every step, but I'm doing it anyway. Ugh!!!!!
I hate to have my picture taken, always have.
I find a room full of women on a regular base to be nearly unbearable but God did say I would not be tempted above that which I could not bear.
I wish AIM had spell check.
According to the only time I've ever had my palm read I'm suppose to remarry sometime in the future to a man that had something to do with the sea.
I hate making sandwiches.
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I'm lazy and don't care. If stuff gets done, great, if it doesn't, I seriously don't care.
I have a stapler that I stole from the workplace in l990. It's scratched up and ugly and I still use it.
I hate to pump gas and will drive extra miles to a station that does it for me.
Did I already say we have a transgender hamster names Louie? He's old now and entering his last playful sweet days.
I tell people that have never met me that I look like Whoopi Goldberg.
I almost got arrested for asking boys to pee around my house because a chatter at Waydale told me that would chase away skunks.
I did get arrested for jumping on a man that was beating his wife and hitting him with something. The judge dismissed the charges with a very strong lecture to never ever do that again.
I accidently kicked my friend in the head, requiring him to get two stitches, cuz I was showing off a new kick I'd learned.
I hate to fold and put laundry away. Washing and drying, fine.
I hide stuff, then forget where.
I played several instruments in high school. Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Snare drums, Bells and Bass. I took piano lessons until I was 11. My piano teacher refused to teach anymore because I'd sneak out when she would come over.
I am a published. I have started two other manuscripts at least five times and now they sit unattended.
I can't swim but went into the water and pulled a drowning man out and performed CPR on him. He lived.
I buried a time capsule in l997 just after my husband died that is all about him. With TWI being what it was/is, I was worried noone would ever know he existed except for me and his daughters.
That's much more than 10 isn't it?
I love to play pranks on people.
I can't stand to have my veins touched. When we were kids, my brothers could win any arguement or wrestling match by touching my veins. Still can.
I don't have a decorating bone in my body. Put a chair in the room and a picture on the wall and it's done as far as I'm concerned.
I dress mostly in black. Not a mourning thing, I just like it. It's slimming you know.
I hate raisins.
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Watch out for Shellon in her boots
O.K., some more:
- I LOVE to cook (and love to eat even more and amazingly I'm not fat, though like a lot of people nearly 50, I could stand to tone up).
- My specialty is, natch, Mexican food - - recipes that my abuela taught me to make - - carnitas, chile verde.
- I'm a purist when it comes to dessert - - if it's not chocolate, it's not dessert - - the richer and decadent, the better; although I love apple pie and pumpkin pie around the holidays.
- I love to smoke an occasional good Cuban cigar.
- I hate to make beds - - carryover from anal-retentive parents who used to make such a big deal about perfect, military style bedmaking - - I do the big down comforter thing now and, on a good day, pull it up to the pillows and fluff a bit just for good measure
- I love to wear lipstick and even in my sloppiest moments, stop to put some on, much to the dismay of my son
- Although I listen to all types of music, my FAVORITE music is big band and swing. It's the happiest music I've ever heard and often can be seen tapping around the kitchen making breakfast on weekends listening to the Count, Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, etc.
- (some of you know this already) I have two wonderful sons who are the pride and joy of my life - - although I'm ready for both to get haircuts
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I tried to date a woman that turned me down because she was dating Bob Dylan. (And she was)
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If its any consolation, Paw, I'm betting you can sing way better than he can!
My grandmother dated Sid Caesar (if only she'd married him - LOL and she's the one who used to tell me it was just as easy to fall in love with a rich guy as it was a poor one).
I am related, by marriage to the Elias family (of Big Boy Restraunts). This has benefited my life about as much as my grandmother dating Sid Caesar has. LOL
I have a dog who is afraid of his own reflection in a mirror. The first time he saw himself he growled so fiercly he scared himself and now he won't even walk past it.
Oh and for you, Shell - Ipotty trained Aaron by teaching him to pee on the trees in the back yard. I also used to let him swim naked in the kiddie pool in our yard. (Jacob missed out on both. I had to put an end to both of those things when my neighbor's daughter started imitating Aaron)
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i wasn't allowed on my 7th grade class trip to a broadway show because the nun said she wanted to enjoy herself....
my mom took me instead (on a different day), just the two of us, because SHE wanted to enjoy herself by being with me. so there sister latitsia !!!!!
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Abi, how is your potty training of your boys information for me?
What'd I miss?
Are you saying you didn't have skunks?
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This one's for Excie:
I was always taught to have such perfect respect for my teachers (like a good Catholic girl)....
...but in 7th grade, I shoved a nun into the blackboard for speaking disrespectfully to me about my mother.
So there, Sister Patrice!
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...but in 7th grade, I shoved a nun into the blackboard for speaking disrespectfully to me about my mother.
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!
Amen girl
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Here's one that I should have put on my list.
11. I'm a descendant of Richard Stockton,(on my mother's side) one of the signers of The Declaration of Independence, he was a lawyer from New Jersey.
12. My father was born on Independence Day.
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Bob Dylan! Did you at least get to meet him Paw?
My big toes look like they were smashed and never regained their.....toe-ness.
I'm the quiet one in the chatroom.
I spent a year at a Finishing School learning social graces, modeling and public relations. Every one of those skills has served me well.
I wish I'd gone to law school instead.
I, too, have amazingly wonderful children. Two beautiful daughters that bring me laughter like noone ever has or will, tears that threaten to empty my soul and love that I never ever deserve.
I have a grandson growing in my first born's belly. His name is Charles.
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Shell that's so sweet.
I have a grandson growing in my first born's belly. His name is Charles.
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Ha ha ha!!!! (Did someone find a roll of duct tape, and actually apply it?)
With all the love of a renewed mind in manifestation ---
(Shell --- quote - "you is funny!").
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Here is something about me that many of you may not know about me...
I am the great, great, great grandson of a famous american sculpter/artist, Cyrus E. Dallin
Cyrus E. Dallin Musuem
(I should also mention that I have no artistic talent at all)
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and here something you may not know about me:
I have been to the Cyrus Dallin Museum,
I think his best work however is the one in the front of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, called the 'Appeal of the Great Spirit'
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I am a descendant of Daniel Boone. I used to tell my kids I "kilt a bar" with my trusty pen knife when I was only two.
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i have been told many many times i make great toast
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i use mouthwash before i brush my teeth
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Have a backup plan. My grandson's name was Julia until he was born!
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Obigitory Bladerunner/Roy Batty Quote
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
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