oh yeah something else you might not know about me. one of my aunts (a nun) got arrested in o'hare airport for being drunk and disorderly and beating the h___ out of a cop.
boy i wouldn't have wanted to face mother superior after that.
17. In the same year when I was in Mississippi, I was held up with a gun (for my purse) and almost strangled to death by some stranger, who then ran off when I rebuked him in the name of Jesus Christ.
18. I have an ancestor (on my Dad's side) who arrived in Rowley, Mass in 1648. Most of the people in this country with my maiden name are descendants of either him or his brother who also arrived then.
19. My parents met because their parents dragged them to an Amherst reunion that neither one of them wanted to go to. Then later my mother ran off to marry my father and my mother's mother tried to annul the marriage. I was born two years later and a reconciliation of sorts came about.
20. Our family used to go to a place we had in Canada every summer and to this day in my mind it is the loveliest place I've been.
21. I was "Mary Mary Quite Contrary" in a kindergarten play, and in 8th grade I was Cousin Hebe in HMS Pinafore and sang a solo that really belonged to the boswaine but the music teacher gave it to me. ("He IS an Englishman.....") I found it quite amusing to see the Simpson's episode where Side Show Bob kidnaps Bart and makes him sit through his whole rendition of HMS Pinafore and he sings him that song.
22. The happiest years of my life were when my daughter was little and I didn't work and was an at-home wife and mother. Even though we were in an apartment and didn't have much money. I was so happy to be a Mom. (AND I was newly out of TWI by then!)
23. When I was little I planted peach pits in the back yard and they grew into trees.
1. I was expelled from Kindergarden for refusing to put my brand new Indian dolls (I had gotten them on a trip to Arizona) in the show and tell basket---I was afraid someone would *hurt* them.
2. I am an only child.....which helps to explain number 1.....I really thought the indian dolls were part of my family.
3. My grandma had a dog named Queenie....I thought she was my *sister* until I was 4.
4. I gave myself a concussion in the 3rd grade....by running into a building suspension poll during a game of hide and go seek. It took me three hours at the hospital to come out of it....I really think I had some frontal lobe damage during that one
5. I have had 5 broken ankles, 2 dislocated shoulders, 4 broken ribs (all at the same time) and a couple of broken toes. Not sure about the number of stitches...probably close to 100. This explains my family knickname of "GRACE."
6. I brush my teeth in the shower...and only in the shower. If I need to brush my teeth between work and an evening out.....gotta take a shower too....don't know why.
7. I was on the Synchronized Swimming team in high school. Just about the only physical event that I have ever done that didn't result in a broken bone. -->
8. I drove from California to the southern tip of Argentina (in a camper) with my uncle the summer between grade school and high school. The most life changing 4 months of my life. My Spanish is rusty now....my memories are crystal clear.
9. I am from the SF bay area. My very favorite place on the face of the earth is the Berkeley Rose Garden. It is ampitheatre shaped, and faces San Francisco. You can see ALL FIVE BRIDGES from the center of the garden. I would like to be married there (yea right) and buried there (equally as infeasible) but it is the one place on earth that reflects my soul. Besides, Pete's coffee shop is only a mile down hill from there.
10. One thing many of you know about me....Waydale and Greasespot have saved my life, and continue to be a daily life saving force. Thank you one and all.
Radar:6. I brush my teeth in the shower...and only in the shower. If I need to brush my teeth between work and an evening out.....gotta take a shower too....don't know why.
My cat is not scared of me at all. And that's fine. It's a lot better situation than where he came from.
I'm not as good a housekeeper as some people think. There is Darwinian evolution taking place in my fridge during those times that I don't take the time to clean it out.
I'm trying to quit smoking. I want a divorce from cigarettes. No, actually, I want to attend the funeral.
If we met in a gay bar, you would consider me "kinky."
If we met in a "leather" bar, you would consider me plain, ordinary, "vanilla."
..go figger...
3 freinds of mine have told me, separately, that some of my photographs are good enough to hang in the Art Institute of Chicago.
I use "Just For Men" on my moustache. And I'm considering it for my increasingly graying hair.
I always hated playing team sports. I felt guilty about this for years until I took the colours personality test and found out that I'm an orange...oranges are NOT team players.
I have 3 daughters. I love taking pictures of them.
I love photography. Daryl...I'd love to see your pictures.
I have written a few children's books (still unpublished)
I love writing emails and receiving them (except for junk ones)
Last night (early morning) there was a bad guy in my yard.
Truck sliding down the driveway, ran outa room at my addition/laundry room door. I heard it and peeked out just as he was rounding the stupid bend in my driveway. Had lights off, but brakes operational, thankfully. Which is wierd in itself, because yard is very dark unless motion light comes on.
Three cop cars just a few seconds behind him. Whew!
No idea what he did that caused him to run, or why in the world anyone would think this driveway would provide an escape route, except that my house is not visible from the highway. It does appear as if it goes into the woods.
The cops cuffed him, loaded him in and after wandering all over my yard, off they went but they left his truck behind my car. ummmm HEY!
I started to go out and search his glovebox to see who it was (small town, I figured I'd know him), but I chickened out. What if there was another one that they didn't get? That kinda stuff. Altho the .38 I was carrying probably should have given me some confidance.
About two hours later, they came and got his truck.
quote:If we met in a "leather" bar, you would consider me plain, ordinary, "vanilla."
One of my office mates has previously served on the boards of Atlanta's Southeast Leatherfest, the Atlanta Bondage Club, the International Master and slave Contest and Atlanta
SM Solidarity's "Spring In The South." He is a Leather University alumni and is a very well renowned instructor.
I also use "Just for Men" on my moustache. Not enough grey elsewhere (yet!) to worry about.
I took one puff on a cigarette when I was 7. It's all the smoking I've ever done!
I've written over twenty marches. Most have had one performance; some have had two. I've also written a polka. I'm in the process of writng a waltz to commemorate my mother-in-law, who died last summer.
#13. In all 33 years of my driving expereience, I never once ever received a ticket for any moving violation. I was in an accident only once, and it was so mickey mouse that I didn't even have to report it to the motor vehicle department. To this day, I continue to have a perfect driving record.
my favorite ice cream is chocolate peanut butter swirl
My grandmother lived on a houseboat in Long Island Sound during the Depression but she would not give up her pets. The dog was rowed to shore in the morning, and Grampa went back for him at night! She toilet trained the can!!! (yes Queenie pulled the chain)
I've been a big fan of Vince Vance and the Valiants (featuring the beautiful Valiantettes, the vivacious vixens of rock and roll) for many years now. I proposed to my wife at a VVV concert on July 4 (Independence Day -- ironic, I think). Vince got me up on stage, and I sang "It's Now or Never" and then proposed. Because I would always invite all sorts of people to come to VVV concerts, Lucy was completely clueless, even though her parents; most of her brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces; several people from my job; a few from our Twig; and my brother FROM CHICAGO -- WITH HIS VIDEO CAMERA, were there!
My exhusband's cousin was (is?) married to Larry Tamblyn of The Standells, brother of actor Russ Tamblyn and uncle of Amber Tamblyn (Joan in Joan of Arcadia).
We had our wedding in Larry's garden in the Hollywood hills, presided over by a paraplegic poet from San Francisco who was a minister in the Temple of Man church (whatever that was).
At the party afterwards (I guess you could call it the reception), I smoked pot with former Mousketeer Dickie Dodd, who was in The Standells.
Russ Tamblyn wore a big black cape to our wedding. I wore an Indian wedding sari (borrowed from a friend who'd been married in India). My hubby wore a powder blue silk kirta, which later became my pajamas.
Linda, that's a really neat story. Y'all look so serious in the picture. Thanks for sharing it with us. The more I learn about you the more I like you!
I LOVE The Standells!! One of my all time favorite songs is "Muddy Water" by them. :D-->
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You Domestic Goddess, you! You never cease to amaze us!
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what can i say jardi ?!?!
hey i'm glad you clocked that nun
oh yeah something else you might not know about me. one of my aunts (a nun) got arrested in o'hare airport for being drunk and disorderly and beating the h___ out of a cop.
boy i wouldn't have wanted to face mother superior after that.
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I thought nuns were tough already, but whew!
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16. I actually had a rich uncle.
17. In the same year when I was in Mississippi, I was held up with a gun (for my purse) and almost strangled to death by some stranger, who then ran off when I rebuked him in the name of Jesus Christ.
18. I have an ancestor (on my Dad's side) who arrived in Rowley, Mass in 1648. Most of the people in this country with my maiden name are descendants of either him or his brother who also arrived then.
19. My parents met because their parents dragged them to an Amherst reunion that neither one of them wanted to go to. Then later my mother ran off to marry my father and my mother's mother tried to annul the marriage. I was born two years later and a reconciliation of sorts came about.
20. Our family used to go to a place we had in Canada every summer and to this day in my mind it is the loveliest place I've been.
21. I was "Mary Mary Quite Contrary" in a kindergarten play, and in 8th grade I was Cousin Hebe in HMS Pinafore and sang a solo that really belonged to the boswaine but the music teacher gave it to me. ("He IS an Englishman.....") I found it quite amusing to see the Simpson's episode where Side Show Bob kidnaps Bart and makes him sit through his whole rendition of HMS Pinafore and he sings him that song.
22. The happiest years of my life were when my daughter was little and I didn't work and was an at-home wife and mother. Even though we were in an apartment and didn't have much money. I was so happy to be a Mom. (AND I was newly out of TWI by then!)
23. When I was little I planted peach pits in the back yard and they grew into trees.
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Radar OReilly
1. I was expelled from Kindergarden for refusing to put my brand new Indian dolls (I had gotten them on a trip to Arizona) in the show and tell basket---I was afraid someone would *hurt* them.
2. I am an only child.....which helps to explain number 1.....I really thought the indian dolls were part of my family.
3. My grandma had a dog named Queenie....I thought she was my *sister* until I was 4.
4. I gave myself a concussion in the 3rd grade....by running into a building suspension poll during a game of hide and go seek. It took me three hours at the hospital to come out of it....I really think I had some frontal lobe damage during that one
5. I have had 5 broken ankles, 2 dislocated shoulders, 4 broken ribs (all at the same time) and a couple of broken toes. Not sure about the number of stitches...probably close to 100. This explains my family knickname of "GRACE."
6. I brush my teeth in the shower...and only in the shower. If I need to brush my teeth between work and an evening out.....gotta take a shower too....don't know why.
7. I was on the Synchronized Swimming team in high school. Just about the only physical event that I have ever done that didn't result in a broken bone.
8. I drove from California to the southern tip of Argentina (in a camper) with my uncle the summer between grade school and high school. The most life changing 4 months of my life. My Spanish is rusty now....my memories are crystal clear.
9. I am from the SF bay area. My very favorite place on the face of the earth is the Berkeley Rose Garden. It is ampitheatre shaped, and faces San Francisco. You can see ALL FIVE BRIDGES from the center of the garden. I would like to be married there (yea right) and buried there (equally as infeasible) but it is the one place on earth that reflects my soul. Besides, Pete's coffee shop is only a mile down hill from there.
10. One thing many of you know about me....Waydale and Greasespot have saved my life, and continue to be a daily life saving force. Thank you one and all.
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Radar:6. I brush my teeth in the shower...and only in the shower. If I need to brush my teeth between work and an evening out.....gotta take a shower too....don't know why.
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I moved this from the other forum:
GS Regular
Location: Franklin Park, Illinois USA
Registered: November 15, 2003
Posts: 109
posted January 23, 2005 22:14
OK, here is a partial list...
I don't wear blue jeans or gym shoes to work. But I totally LOVE them when I'm home.
Will Smith, Patrick Stewart and Hilary Swank are some of my favorite actors.
Add Tobey Maguire. He's totally adorable. (Go rent "Pleasantville.")
My cat is not scared of me at all. And that's fine. It's a lot better situation than where he came from.
I'm not as good a housekeeper as some people think. There is Darwinian evolution taking place in my fridge during those times that I don't take the time to clean it out.
I'm trying to quit smoking. I want a divorce from cigarettes. No, actually, I want to attend the funeral.
If we met in a gay bar, you would consider me "kinky."
If we met in a "leather" bar, you would consider me plain, ordinary, "vanilla."
..go figger...
3 freinds of mine have told me, separately, that some of my photographs are good enough to hang in the Art Institute of Chicago.
I use "Just For Men" on my moustache. And I'm considering it for my increasingly graying hair.
OK, so is that enough?
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A la prochaine
I speak 2 languages.
I love to swim but especially dive.
I always hated playing team sports. I felt guilty about this for years until I took the colours personality test and found out that I'm an orange...oranges are NOT team players.
I have 3 daughters. I love taking pictures of them.
I love photography. Daryl...I'd love to see your pictures.
I have written a few children's books (still unpublished)
I love writing emails and receiving them (except for junk ones)
Music is one of my deepest passions.
Friendship means alot to me.
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Last night (early morning) there was a bad guy in my yard.
Truck sliding down the driveway, ran outa room at my addition/laundry room door. I heard it and peeked out just as he was rounding the stupid bend in my driveway. Had lights off, but brakes operational, thankfully. Which is wierd in itself, because yard is very dark unless motion light comes on.
Three cop cars just a few seconds behind him. Whew!
No idea what he did that caused him to run, or why in the world anyone would think this driveway would provide an escape route, except that my house is not visible from the highway. It does appear as if it goes into the woods.
The cops cuffed him, loaded him in and after wandering all over my yard, off they went but they left his truck behind my car. ummmm HEY!
I started to go out and search his glovebox to see who it was (small town, I figured I'd know him), but I chickened out. What if there was another one that they didn't get? That kinda stuff. Altho the .38 I was carrying probably should have given me some confidance.
About two hours later, they came and got his truck.
Excitement we don't get much of here.
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One of my office mates has previously served on the boards of Atlanta's Southeast Leatherfest, the Atlanta Bondage Club, the International Master and slave Contest and Atlanta
SM Solidarity's "Spring In The South." He is a Leather University alumni and is a very well renowned instructor.
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I also use "Just for Men" on my moustache. Not enough grey elsewhere (yet!) to worry about.
I took one puff on a cigarette when I was 7. It's all the smoking I've ever done!
I've written over twenty marches. Most have had one performance; some have had two. I've also written a polka. I'm in the process of writng a waltz to commemorate my mother-in-law, who died last summer.
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#13. In all 33 years of my driving expereience, I never once ever received a ticket for any moving violation. I was in an accident only once, and it was so mickey mouse that I didn't even have to report it to the motor vehicle department. To this day, I continue to have a perfect driving record.
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Shouldn't have said that Chuck, now you're in for it.
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I'm bumping this thread back up, because I like it! Hopefully, we'll get responses from some of the other Cafe denizens.
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my favorite ice cream is chocolate peanut butter swirl
My grandmother lived on a houseboat in Long Island Sound during the Depression but she would not give up her pets. The dog was rowed to shore in the morning, and Grampa went back for him at night! She toilet trained the can!!! (yes Queenie pulled the chain)
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Here's another one about me:
I've been a big fan of Vince Vance and the Valiants (featuring the beautiful Valiantettes, the vivacious vixens of rock and roll) for many years now. I proposed to my wife at a VVV concert on July 4 (Independence Day -- ironic, I think). Vince got me up on stage, and I sang "It's Now or Never" and then proposed. Because I would always invite all sorts of people to come to VVV concerts, Lucy was completely clueless, even though her parents; most of her brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces; several people from my job; a few from our Twig; and my brother FROM CHICAGO -- WITH HIS VIDEO CAMERA, were there!
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That's romantic George - - much much better than the guy who placed a $17 thousand ad!
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Linda Z
oops, sorry!
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Linda, I can't see the picture. That sounds like quite a story...
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Linda Z
My exhusband's cousin was (is?) married to Larry Tamblyn of The Standells, brother of actor Russ Tamblyn and uncle of Amber Tamblyn (Joan in Joan of Arcadia).
We had our wedding in Larry's garden in the Hollywood hills, presided over by a paraplegic poet from San Francisco who was a minister in the Temple of Man church (whatever that was).
At the party afterwards (I guess you could call it the reception), I smoked pot with former Mousketeer Dickie Dodd, who was in The Standells.
Russ Tamblyn wore a big black cape to our wedding. I wore an Indian wedding sari (borrowed from a friend who'd been married in India). My hubby wore a powder blue silk kirta, which later became my pajamas.
Oh, and it was a double wedding.
Here we are:
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I love that picture. Thanks.
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Linda, that's a really neat story. Y'all look so serious in the picture. Thanks for sharing it with us. The more I learn about you the more I like you!
I LOVE The Standells!! One of my all time favorite songs is "Muddy Water" by them.
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Can you name ANOTHER song by them, though?
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I love that picture. Maybe I'm an old fart ex hippy after all.
Russ Tamblyn was (is) an excellent actor and it sounds like he 's as cool in real life.
And the Standells rock.
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