I just love you guys for sharing all these little tidbits. Keep 'em coming!
Here are some:
I was named after one of the daughers of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans (coulda been worse: Trigger Z!)
I once attended a party in L.A. for Tennessee Williams--my friend and I were invited because TW wanted to mingle with some "real people" and not just all the "Hollywood phoneys."
First thing I do when I get home from work is take off my shoes, then the bra...clearly the invention of a sadist!
One day in the car... I was listening to the classical station (not my favourite.. but hubby's)...heard an opera singer called Cecelia Bartolie sing and started to cry uncontrollably. I hated opera pretty much up til that point.
I love Norah Jones and her Handsome Band. They send me.
I was hit by a car when I was 3 and broke my femur.
I have had 10 teeth extracted.
I love collecting rocks and find geomorphological landforms fascinating.
I am a cartographer, though I have never worked as one.
I think Billy Connolly is one of the funniest men alive and have seen him twice in concert.
I have a deep desire to visit Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
I love to travel.
One of my all-time favourite movies is Jerry Maguire. I have probably watched it over 20 times.
8. I was once on the evening news on TV talking to a reporter about a fire that happened a few doors down from me.
7. I'm left handed
6. I have a fascination with oil company logos, especially the ones from the 1950's. I also had a similar facsination with railroad logos as well. That fascination helped me overcome my fear of trains.
5. I have a fascination with the television test pattern. I especially like to see the ones from other countries. With a little imagination, I could probably draw a real cool one.
4. I once knew the morse code. I'm a little rusty now but still remember most of it. I was also once a shortwave radio enthusiaist. I could spend all night tuning up and down the shortwave bands.
3. I once had a fear of drawbridges. I was afraid one would accidently open while we were crossing it, or my dad would run the red light signal. To overcome that fear, I read all about how they work and actually became fascinated with them.
2. I missed being in the 1989 San Francsico earthquake by exactly 2 months. The quake rocked the bay area world series on Oct. 17th. I had left the bay area after a 2 week vacation on Aug. 17th, exactly 2 months prior to the date. On a side note, while I was there my dad and I went to an Oakland A's game and on the way back we were under the Nimitz freeway at the the same time of day that the quake hit. My dad was a little frustrated at the traffic jam. kindava omen?
1. I have never witnessed anyone getting hit by a car, but was a victim of it myself. I lived like a king the following summer I have to admit, the horror of such an event is highly exaggerated (from the victim's point of view), but it's an experience I would not want repeated nonetheless.
I have every good Max Fleischer Popeye cartoon on tape
Icy, why does that not surprise me?
In my opinion, the Popeye cartoons went WAAAAAY downhill after Max Fleischer stopped drawing them. I remember one of Max's in particular that was really amazing, the one where Popeye is Aladdin - the effects when he unveils treasures are incomparable and unduplicated. They just don't draw 'em like that any more.
I haven't posted in a while, but had so much fun reading these, I thought I'd chime in:
- My mom's family came from Spain in the late 1700's on a Land Grant to settle New Mexico. They came through New Orleans and settled Corrales, NM. Still live in the area.
- My sons are in the midst of a hair-growing contest - - who can grow the biggest afro. The younger one is ahead with about a 7 inch afro, though we suspect, if the older one actually combed his, he might be ahead. :D-->
- Chuck: being an old SF Bay Area girl myself, I used to watch Mayor Art religiously! My sister went on the show also.
- My sister and I exchanged middle names as our confirmation names, so she got my "Marie" and I got stuck with her "Clare" :P-->
I think it's cool that you know about your ancestors. I don't know anything about mine.
I've got Smith, Brown, Jones and Williams in my blood and actually have a couple of family reunions each year with some of them. I tell people I don't know my family history, but do know that I am about as plain as you can get. :D-->
I was hit by a car while visiting relatives in Italy when I was 12. Fortunately, italian cars are small. :)--> It bounced me about four feet, but I landed on my feet, unhurt.
I cry a lot. (In fact, I'm tearing up just from the embarrassment of posting this.) Final episodes of favorite TV shows get me. I can't sing "The Family of God" without choking up at the line "I'm not worthy to be here, but praise God I belong!" Weddings get me. I cried through most of mine. (My wife has been crying ever since. :D-->)
I used to think it was impressive to get a woman's bra off with ONE hand, but Paw has me beat. "Look, NO HANDS!"
My confirmation name is John (after St. John Bosco). My father's confirmation name was Peter. His WHOLE name was George Quirico Mani Peter Maximillian John von Jurascheck St. George.
1. I was born on the day Eisenhower was inaugerated.
2. My idea of a vacation is to be alone in a room of books for two weeks.
3. Sometimes I put mayonnaise on pizza.
4. I am contemplating bankruptcy and the merits of a court that extends forgiveness for past mistakes.
5. I have recently vowed not to judge anyone down on their luck - including the person holding up the checkout with food stamps and I have recently discovered that I am a Pharisee many moments of the day.
6. I consistently score as high gifted to low genius on standard IQ tests.
7. My fiancee left when I surprised her by signing up to go WOW. As a married man and father of three I still grieve this loss of 25 yrs ago and sometimes think she was the perfect wife for me and God took her away from me. My counselor suggests she seems the perfect wife in my ideal world where everything always goes perfectly and no plans fail and every decision I make is right. He seems to think this world is one of fantasy. I would agree, and sometimes when I make love to the woman I haven't seen in 25 years I say, "Baby, you were fantastic!"
8. Pure forgiveness and grace is difficult for me to accept.
9. I broke up with a girl I was "witnessing to" on the WOW field when the year was just about over. She took the class. She commited suicide.
1. I drilled a hole in the top of an almost new car. The radio antenna would not work on the car until I bolted a ground strap to the roof with said hole. I almost cried.. but it was either a mangled car, or a radio that did not work. Not too tough of a choice..
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Linda Z
I just love you guys for sharing all these little tidbits. Keep 'em coming!
Here are some:
I was named after one of the daughers of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans (coulda been worse: Trigger Z!)
I once attended a party in L.A. for Tennessee Williams--my friend and I were invited because TW wanted to mingle with some "real people" and not just all the "Hollywood phoneys."
First thing I do when I get home from work is take off my shoes, then the bra...clearly the invention of a sadist!
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i cry a lot
when i'm sad
and when i'm happy
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Linda Z
Me, too, Exsie. I cry at the greeting card racks on a regular basis.
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A la prochaine
I cry when I listen to certain music.
One day in the car... I was listening to the classical station (not my favourite.. but hubby's)...heard an opera singer called Cecelia Bartolie sing and started to cry uncontrollably. I hated opera pretty much up til that point.
I love Norah Jones and her Handsome Band. They send me.
I was hit by a car when I was 3 and broke my femur.
I have had 10 teeth extracted.
I love collecting rocks and find geomorphological landforms fascinating.
I am a cartographer, though I have never worked as one.
I think Billy Connolly is one of the funniest men alive and have seen him twice in concert.
I have a deep desire to visit Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
I love to travel.
One of my all-time favourite movies is Jerry Maguire. I have probably watched it over 20 times.
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People who know me well, really like me a lot.
The 18th was my birthday...I turned 55.
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Ttessa -- Happy Birthday!!!
You are 2 1/2 years older than I!
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8. I was once on the evening news on TV talking to a reporter about a fire that happened a few doors down from me.
7. I'm left handed
6. I have a fascination with oil company logos, especially the ones from the 1950's. I also had a similar facsination with railroad logos as well. That fascination helped me overcome my fear of trains.
5. I have a fascination with the television test pattern. I especially like to see the ones from other countries. With a little imagination, I could probably draw a real cool one.
4. I once knew the morse code. I'm a little rusty now but still remember most of it. I was also once a shortwave radio enthusiaist. I could spend all night tuning up and down the shortwave bands.
3. I once had a fear of drawbridges. I was afraid one would accidently open while we were crossing it, or my dad would run the red light signal. To overcome that fear, I read all about how they work and actually became fascinated with them.
2. I missed being in the 1989 San Francsico earthquake by exactly 2 months. The quake rocked the bay area world series on Oct. 17th. I had left the bay area after a 2 week vacation on Aug. 17th, exactly 2 months prior to the date. On a side note, while I was there my dad and I went to an Oakland A's game and on the way back we were under the Nimitz freeway at the the same time of day that the quake hit. My dad was a little frustrated at the traffic jam. kindava omen?
1. I have never witnessed anyone getting hit by a car, but was a victim of it myself. I lived like a king the following summer
I have to admit, the horror of such an event is highly exaggerated (from the victim's point of view), but it's an experience I would not want repeated nonetheless.
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Mine is Michael
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I have never been confirmed.
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Icy, why does that not surprise me?
In my opinion, the Popeye cartoons went WAAAAAY downhill after Max Fleischer stopped drawing them. I remember one of Max's in particular that was really amazing, the one where Popeye is Aladdin - the effects when he unveils treasures are incomparable and unduplicated. They just don't draw 'em like that any more.
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I haven't posted in a while, but had so much fun reading these, I thought I'd chime in:
- My mom's family came from Spain in the late 1700's on a Land Grant to settle New Mexico. They came through New Orleans and settled Corrales, NM. Still live in the area.
- My sons are in the midst of a hair-growing contest - - who can grow the biggest afro. The younger one is ahead with about a 7 inch afro, though we suspect, if the older one actually combed his, he might be ahead.
- Chuck: being an old SF Bay Area girl myself, I used to watch Mayor Art religiously! My sister went on the show also.
- My sister and I exchanged middle names as our confirmation names, so she got my "Marie" and I got stuck with her "Clare"
More later.
P.S. Rottie, nice to see you back!
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Jardinero, always good to see you post.
I think it's cool that you know about your ancestors. I don't know anything about mine.
I've got Smith, Brown, Jones and Williams in my blood and actually have a couple of family reunions each year with some of them. I tell people I don't know my family history, but do know that I am about as plain as you can get.
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I was hit by a car while visiting relatives in Italy when I was 12. Fortunately, italian cars are small.
:)--> It bounced me about four feet, but I landed on my feet, unhurt.
I cry a lot. (In fact, I'm tearing up just from the embarrassment of posting this.) Final episodes of favorite TV shows get me. I can't sing "The Family of God" without choking up at the line "I'm not worthy to be here, but praise God I belong!" Weddings get me. I cried through most of mine. (My wife has been crying ever since.
I used to think it was impressive to get a woman's bra off with ONE hand, but Paw has me beat. "Look, NO HANDS!"
My confirmation name is John (after St. John Bosco). My father's confirmation name was Peter. His WHOLE name was George Quirico Mani Peter Maximillian John von Jurascheck St. George.
George Michael John St. George
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I have a few pages of original comic book art, including a Buscema "Conan" page.
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1. I was born on the day Eisenhower was inaugerated.
2. My idea of a vacation is to be alone in a room of books for two weeks.
3. Sometimes I put mayonnaise on pizza.
4. I am contemplating bankruptcy and the merits of a court that extends forgiveness for past mistakes.
5. I have recently vowed not to judge anyone down on their luck - including the person holding up the checkout with food stamps and I have recently discovered that I am a Pharisee many moments of the day.
6. I consistently score as high gifted to low genius on standard IQ tests.
7. My fiancee left when I surprised her by signing up to go WOW. As a married man and father of three I still grieve this loss of 25 yrs ago and sometimes think she was the perfect wife for me and God took her away from me. My counselor suggests she seems the perfect wife in my ideal world where everything always goes perfectly and no plans fail and every decision I make is right. He seems to think this world is one of fantasy. I would agree, and sometimes when I make love to the woman I haven't seen in 25 years I say, "Baby, you were fantastic!"
8. Pure forgiveness and grace is difficult for me to accept.
9. I broke up with a girl I was "witnessing to" on the WOW field when the year was just about over. She took the class. She commited suicide.
10. I believe one is as sick as their secrets.
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Pardon my Protestant ignorance, but what is a "confirmation name?"
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10. I used to remove eyes from fish when I was very young.
9. Thought that some day I would be a doctor (medical)
8. To this day, I still cannot eat fish.
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It is a Catholic Sacrament. It would be similar to Bar Mitzvah. A coming of age.
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i love you guys
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7. I have eaten liver only once in my life, after my mother threatened me.. after that, no amount of threatening could get me to ever touch it again.
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6. Steve, I only can recite pi to eight decimal places
:(--> , but Greens, Stokes and the Divergence theorem look pretty darn primitive to me.
5. I can comfortably listen to a conversation in morse code close to a speed of 30 to 35 words per minute.
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4. I sling the fastest soldering iron this side of the Pecos, but am returning to my first real interest, chemistry.
3. Sometimes I cry at weddings- feel sorry for the poor "suckers", heh heh.
2. I like to feed squirrels. They get about half a pound of walnuts a day around here (shelled).
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1. I drilled a hole in the top of an almost new car. The radio antenna would not work on the car until I bolted a ground strap to the roof with said hole. I almost cried.. but it was either a mangled car, or a radio that did not work. Not too tough of a choice..
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McHammer - 30 to 35 wpm??? Holy mackerel!!
The fastest you have to be able to do in Amateur Radio for the highest license (Extra class) is 20 wpm!
I think I got up to 12 or 13 or so, I can still do about 8 or 9 I think, and it's been over 20 years since I let my Advanced license lapse.
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