p.s. reply/post squares are right now blue on blue for me, so it looks like there's no "reply." I think it's part of the the post-holiday clean up our cafe owner is doing.
Hey Stevo, since I already kinda side tracked your thread (ya know I just hate I did that to ya) I thought I'd ask you a question. So I went to that author you sent me to, and I was wondering is this what you wanted me to learn there?
quote: Hey Stevo, since I already kinda side tracked your thread (ya know I just hate I did that to ya) I thought I'd ask you a question. So I went to that author you sent me to, and I was wondering is this what you wanted me to learn there?
Stevo, it's done, you've my last installment towards reply. So leave me alone man!
I'll leave you with some of your Bulfinch. :)-->
quote:But Merlin, aware of what passed in every part of the field, suddenly collected his knights, led them out of the battle, intercepted the passage of the party who were carrying away the king, charged them with irresistible impetuosity, cut in pieces or dispersed the whole escort, and rescued the king. In the fight Arthur encountered Caulang, a giant fifteen feet high, and the fair Guenever, who already began to feel a strong interest in the handsome young stranger, trembled for the issue of the contest. But Arthur, dealing a dreadful blow on the shoulder of the monster, cut through his neck so that his head hung over on one side, and in this condition his horse carried him about the field, to the great horror and dismay of the Pagans. Guenever could not refrain from expressing aloud her wish that the gentle knight, who dealt with giants so dexterously, were destined to become her husband, and the wish was echoed by her attendants. The enemy soon turned their backs, and fled with precipitation, closely pursued by Laodegan and his allies.
Since I completed my new year thing, do I get to have another one?
But Merlin, aware of what passed in every part of the field, suddenly collected his knights, led them out of the battle, intercepted the passage of the party who were carrying away the king, charged them with irresistible impetuosity, cut in pieces or dispersed the whole escort, and rescued the king.
In the fight Arthur encountered Caulang, a giant fifteen feet high, and the fair Guenever, who already began to feel a strong interest in the handsome young stranger, trembled for the issue of the contest. But Arthur, dealing a dreadful blow on the shoulder of the monster, cut through his neck so that his head hung over on one side, and in this condition his horse carried him about the field, to the great horror and dismay of the Pagans.
Guenever could not refrain from expressing aloud her wish that the gentle knight, who dealt with giants so dexterously, were destined to become her husband, and the wish was echoed by her attendants. The enemy soon turned their backs, and fled with precipitation, closely pursued by Laodegan and his allies.
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My resolution each year is --
I Will Make No Resolutions
Haven't broken it yet!!
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To finish an email.
(is the background all white and there are no words on the Post button or Reply one either)

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Kit Sober
I am trying to be more humble.
I am trying to be more kindhearted.
I am trying to work harder.
p.s. reply/post squares are right now blue on blue for me, so it looks like there's no "reply." I think it's part of the the post-holiday clean up our cafe owner is doing.
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Thanks dmiller and Kit, glad to know it wasn't me.
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mine is 300 dpi
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dpi? Whats that?
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Hey, it's normal again y'all.
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Kit Sober
Normal at the greasespot Cafe?

What's that?

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Hey Stevo, since I already kinda side tracked your thread (ya know I just hate I did that to ya) I thought I'd ask you a question. So I went to that author you sent me to, and I was wondering is this what you wanted me to learn there?
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dpi drips per inch
grease drips that is
new year's resolution: not to post until someone catches up with me (snort)
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dpi=dots per inch, or pixels
It tells the resolution of your computer monitor
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hmm ~~~ are ya talking about Bullfinch???
It's more than a joust!!!
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Um, well I stopped at that part of the em, will continue tonight. Promise!
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Mine was not make any resolutions.
Oh, darn it.
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Eye Yam Resolved No Long Er To Ling Er
Charmed by the world's D. Lite!!!!
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Whatever Raf's drinking, I want some!
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I promised my kids I'd quit smoking...........goin' on 5 days now.
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Stevo, it's done, you've my last installment towards reply. So leave me alone man!
I'll leave you with some of your Bulfinch.
Since I completed my new year thing, do I get to have another one?
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Ahat --- good for you! I'm going cold turkey too.
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Paragraphs -- make for easier reading!!
(don't cha think!)
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Yup dmiller they do, thanks Sir.
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