Often when a tech person goes to a guru for technical assistance, whether it's a software or hardware installation question, a configuration question, etc, the first thing that that techy is asked is, "Have you read the manual?" and if the answer is no, the immediate barked response is "RTFM!" (READ THE MANUAL!)
But depending on who you talk to, Jesus wrote the manual.
OK, I think I may have been the cause of this thread for asking GWB WWJD. I think I use it in the same way it is intended...to make you think. But maybe the way I do it stings a little more, because I am usually pointing out the hypocrisy. Or I'm just being a pain in the a$$. :D--> Is that what Jesus would do? Do I care? I think ya'll know the answer.
I originally asked the question in a thread speaking of Bushes response to the tsunami disaster. As I said, I was pointing out hypocrisy, but what is the real answer. Again it depends on who you talk to. I don't think it is an easy answer. For one, who knows. The books we have that form most of the worlds opinion of JC were written hundreds of years (give or take) after his death. Jesus had already been idealised by that point. I know from my short existence my perception of people from my childhood differ to some extent from the perception of my brother or from my mothers or from the neighbors, etc. and I have only been around for a short period of time. Shoot, I have a different perception of myself than many people I have known thru my life. I'm sure there are some people here that think they know me pretty well just from the thousand or so posts I've made here. Most of them are probably wrong. Is the horse dead yet?
So WWJD, well supposedly he helped his 12 fishing buddies out and maybe saved thier lives by calming the raging storm on the sea that famous night of lore...but apparently 150,000 people in Asia missed the boat the other day. I'm sure theres a powerful lesson in there somewhere.
I have even used it here on GS. I have used it in public.
I generally use it while in debate with someone else who used it first, though.
I routinely point that Jesus led a 'perfect' life as a jew, within a jewish culture, up holding every aspect of The Law. He taught mercy, love and forgiveness; but he taught this to crowds of jews holding dear to the Law. Jesus did not teach anyone to ignore The Law.
To place a 1 A.D. Jew, holding firm to the body of The Law, into today's culture; even if he is trying to be full of grace and love, would still make him look terribly stuffy and puritanical today.
Remember to Jesus, a gentile was considered a dog eating scraps off the floor what the master will throw to him. Jesus' ministry was to the Chosen People of God.
Now the Risen Christ, that is a different matter entirely. But the entire body of text of Jesus' life and ministry dont really focus any on the relationship between Christ and the members of His body. The relationship between Christ and the Sons of God is only expressed through the Epistles. It is within this body of text that we see liberty and grace outside of The Law.
The better question is: What Would Christ in You, have you do?
quote: Remember to Jesus, a gentile was considered a dog eating scraps off the floor what the master will throw to him. Jesus' ministry was to the Chosen People of God.
Now the Risen Christ, that is a different matter entirely. But the entire body of text of Jesus' life and ministry dont really focus any on the relationship between Christ and the members of His body. The relationship between Christ and the Sons of God is only expressed through the Epistles. It is within this body of text that we see liberty and grace outside of The Law.
Galen --- this is exactly why I like David Anderson's book "THE TWO WAYS OF THE FIRST CENTURY CHURCH'. It makes so much sense, and really shows the battle that was going on then, and today.
He posted the link http://my.en.com/~anders/ in the oxygenated water thread. This book is worth checking out, if you have not read it. :)-->
He has it in it's entirety, online -- and free for the printing!
I routinely point that Jesus led a 'perfect' life as a jew, within a jewish culture, up holding every aspect of The Law. He taught mercy, love and forgiveness; but he taught this to crowds of jews holding dear to the Law. Jesus did not teach anyone to ignore The Law.
Although Jesus followed the Law, he didn't say much about it.
To place a 1 A.D. Jew, holding firm to the body of The Law, into today's culture; even if he is trying to be full of grace and love, would still make him look terribly stuffy and puritanical today.
Jesus was stuffy and puritanical? Consider the religions of that time. He was closer to Buddhism then an enforcer of the Law.
Remember to Jesus, a gentile was considered a dog eating scraps off the floor what the master will throw to him. Jesus' ministry was to the Chosen People of God.
Still is to the chosen people of God. Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. I and my Father are one.
Now the Risen Christ, that is a different matter entirely. But the entire body of text of Jesus' life and ministry dont really focus any on the relationship between Christ and the members of His body. The relationship between Christ and the Sons of God is only expressed through the Epistles. It is within this body of text that we see liberty and grace outside of The Law.
Not a different matter. But the epistles are written to those who have experienced to one degree or another, what Jesus was talking about. "the relationship between Christ and the members of His body" That's exactly what he was talking about in the Gospels.
Liberty and grace outside the law, yet written about within it. And then here Jesus is living it.
The better question is: What Would Christ in You, have you do?
WWCIYHYD I agree. Jesus would have been just another Jew on the block without the Christ.
And wwjesuslaughat. I think he laughed at things. Nice handle.
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You know, techy.
What would Jesus do? Jesus would Read The Manual.
Often when a tech person goes to a guru for technical assistance, whether it's a software or hardware installation question, a configuration question, etc, the first thing that that techy is asked is, "Have you read the manual?" and if the answer is no, the immediate barked response is "RTFM!" (READ THE MANUAL!)
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Or to include ALL the letters...Read the F*cking Manual
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Okay, thanks! I guess I should have shut down and restarted before asking.
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But depending on who you talk to, Jesus wrote the manual.
OK, I think I may have been the cause of this thread for asking GWB WWJD. I think I use it in the same way it is intended...to make you think. But maybe the way I do it stings a little more, because I am usually pointing out the hypocrisy. Or I'm just being a pain in the a$$.
:D--> Is that what Jesus would do? Do I care? I think ya'll know the answer.
I originally asked the question in a thread speaking of Bushes response to the tsunami disaster. As I said, I was pointing out hypocrisy, but what is the real answer. Again it depends on who you talk to. I don't think it is an easy answer. For one, who knows. The books we have that form most of the worlds opinion of JC were written hundreds of years (give or take) after his death. Jesus had already been idealised by that point. I know from my short existence my perception of people from my childhood differ to some extent from the perception of my brother or from my mothers or from the neighbors, etc. and I have only been around for a short period of time. Shoot, I have a different perception of myself than many people I have known thru my life. I'm sure there are some people here that think they know me pretty well just from the thousand or so posts I've made here. Most of them are probably wrong. Is the horse dead yet?
So WWJD, well supposedly he helped his 12 fishing buddies out and maybe saved thier lives by calming the raging storm on the sea that famous night of lore...but apparently 150,000 people in Asia missed the boat the other day. I'm sure theres a powerful lesson in there somewhere.
Yep, a hard question to answer.
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Does this mean I have to change my handle?
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Kit Sober
I been learning while driving on black ice.
The cars that tailgate, trying to get you to go faster will not stop to help if you end up in a ditch.
In other words.
It's your drive, and you will be the one who will be in the car you drive when you pull up to a stop.
Don't let others' tailgating get you to ignore driving safely.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Picture this.
Jesus is addressing the crowd. He says, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."
Suddenly, a huge boulder comes flying over the hill, striking the woman and killing her on impact.
Jesus, visibly annoyed, says "Ya know Ma, sometimes you really p*ss me off."
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I have used the phrase: "WWJD?".
I have even used it here on GS. I have used it in public.
I generally use it while in debate with someone else who used it first, though.
I routinely point that Jesus led a 'perfect' life as a jew, within a jewish culture, up holding every aspect of The Law. He taught mercy, love and forgiveness; but he taught this to crowds of jews holding dear to the Law. Jesus did not teach anyone to ignore The Law.
To place a 1 A.D. Jew, holding firm to the body of The Law, into today's culture; even if he is trying to be full of grace and love, would still make him look terribly stuffy and puritanical today.
Remember to Jesus, a gentile was considered a dog eating scraps off the floor what the master will throw to him. Jesus' ministry was to the Chosen People of God.
Now the Risen Christ, that is a different matter entirely. But the entire body of text of Jesus' life and ministry dont really focus any on the relationship between Christ and the members of His body. The relationship between Christ and the Sons of God is only expressed through the Epistles. It is within this body of text that we see liberty and grace outside of The Law.
The better question is: What Would Christ in You, have you do?
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On my screen saver at work I put:
B=Bill, my boss
It makes him feel Godlike.
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Oak --- did you get a raise in pay for that?
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Galen --- this is exactly why I like David Anderson's book "THE TWO WAYS OF THE FIRST CENTURY CHURCH'. It makes so much sense, and really shows the battle that was going on then, and today.
He posted the link http://my.en.com/~anders/ in the oxygenated water thread. This book is worth checking out, if you have not read it.
He has it in it's entirety, online -- and free for the printing!
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Oak, you're especially witty of late dude! Could she have anything to do with it I wonder?
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WWCIYHYD I agree. Jesus would have been just another Jew on the block without the Christ.
And wwjesuslaughat. I think he laughed at things. Nice handle.
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