Geo, that sounds awful. Oak, my daughter, and I opened up our gifts and had a big, I do mean big, dinner on Christmas Eve. I didn't have to work on Friday and we shopped for our food on Wednesday night and the dinner went off with out a hitch. I almost burned up the crescent rolls, but caught them in time.
I was able to prep up most of the food and Oak had prepared his famous crockpot chicken at my place the night before. My daughter helped me clean up Christmas eve and Oak caught the rest of it Christmas day.
I have had some awful Christmas's in my day. I hope next year is better for you.
My first Christmas without my 1st spouse and child was spent at my parents house and they were kind of enough to run me to an A. A. meeting. I had volunteered to share my story at a speaker meeting. It made all the difference in the world being able to give back and actually have my parents fly me home.
The climate with them turned to ice later. In the past I have disliked big holidays, however, now that is changing. I'm very grateful that Oak doesn't travel with his job and I think it takes a VERY BIG person to be all right with a spouse taking a job that requires them to be away from home.
Guess it wouldn't make you feel better to know that we not only had a great Christmas but are going to continue this afternoon at my parents. No. Didn't think so.
Lotsa' folks get bummed out at the holidays but I'm sure glad I'm not in that number. I've taken the whole coming week off and plan to play with my new toys and eat and drink. This will be the last Christmas I'll have with all my children living at home. Believe me... I'm savoring the moments.
Well, I spent last night at a get together where, about an hour into the evening the hostess got the word that her father had just died. Yeah, PAR-TEE!
Then this morning - the house empty except for me and my son (the daughter having moved out for college and the wife out of town for her new job), we decided to open our presents. Immediately the groans of a combination of disappointment and disgust are heard. I guess I still can't pick out a gift if my life depended on it. The daughter dropped in for a few minutes and was relatively well-mannered in expressing her dismay over her gifts.
Then, later at my sister's house, my oldest sister decides that today would be a great time to start an interminable fight with our 85-year-old mother. And my mother, never being one to back down from a feud, decides it's now time for the rest of us to choose up sides. Oh, Christ almighty. Could we leave that $hit alone for one goddam day?
The weather's crumby. The days are cold, dark, and short. We run around spending money like a drunken sailor, preparing food, decorating crap, and for what? I can't think of another time of year that demands so much and gives so little. GAWDDAMIT, I hate the farking holidays.
Well, on the bright side, it's 364 days until we have to do this stupid, goddam bull$hit again.
I think -I love you Geo. I have been praying for 24 hours to keep my mouth shut and DO NOT SAY A WORD! why more crap to follow next year? oh my God spare me this as well.
suffice to say I left my presents at their house and it may be another 365 days before -I go back to get them. Im still in tourmoil ... holidays bring out the best this year.
I aint sparing anyone any crap Xmas anymore hell it may be the only day I will have anything to say to them and we must catch up.
ONE of my relatives has alot of money I do not , who says money cant buy love well news flash it does for greedy assholes on 12/25 in this outfit. ++If I live to be 85 there is NO way I will still putting up with some of these hand outs and fke smiles and back stabbing and it all your fault family memeber. no way I will celebrate with my cat alone and be pitiful like the other ones who wised up to this .....
Merry Christmas!
to all the family who adore one another and feel the spirit this time of year I say good fo you it does not work out that way for me.
Geo, I understand. It's a stressful time of year for a lot of people, and emotions are right at the surface. Nostalgia can quickly turn to sadness and then progress to frayed nerves.
When my sisters and I were kids, we could count on the annual fight between my parents over how to decorate the Christmas tree. Or on Mom getting her feelings hurt because someone let it show that he/she didn't like a gift.
As for the ungrateful children :D-->... I've learned that they never turn their noses up at gift cards and cash. In fact, my son thanked me this year for not buying him any clothes.
There is nothing like the ummitigated greed of a young child to remind you what Christmas is REALLY about. LOL
Aaron woke up at around 11p.m. on Christmas eve and was up every hour after that for the remainder of the night. Jacob joined him around 2 a.m. From 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. I had hourly inquiries as to whether or not it was time to open the presents.
But I am stubborn too, and told them THEY didn't get to open presents until I got to have some sleep. In the end, they won, I finally caved at 6:30 a.m.
For all the presents they get, it is never enough. But at the end of the day, why I tucked the two exhausted little imps into bed, they both said it was a great Christmas.
Next year, I think the only present I will ask for is a good night's sleep. In fact, next year, maybe I will let them have 8 Chanukah presents, instead of just one, and skip the Christmas presents altogether. :D-->
Well abby it doesnt get any better when they are 'grown up" and selfish little brats .
children I understand because of the wya Xmas is advertised they have to fit in.
grown up children who treat ya like crap after saying thank you can go straight to hell. My relative who has to have Xmas at her house because she refuses to go anywhere eles... complains hahahaha I said to her this year no one is allowed to have it at their house you will back stab and call up their children (grown now) and whine about how you decorated and have all these very expense she also hands out cash money. and guess what they go there and then she plays out the victim of how difficult and how much work it is for her.
oh my god I feel like I should find a forum to bitch about how XMAs p;lays out the crap in families that manipulate and have divorce.. sorry. but lol who cares?
anywyas your point about it never being enough?? haha this one PAYS them to come to her house . and when I say they do not deserve it and THEY do not she is a victim but hey the family loves her foot on XMAS!!! worth something I guess but it hurts me because I am sick of it so I am the one who RUINS Xmas ya know. Well someone has to do it. I aint out any money man this year was bad and next year may not be any better I think I will take up skiing and go to VALE like the rich folks do to avoid heir families on XMAS...
I am thnak full I told my kids well be thankful cause you know what I wouldnt do it ,(I am bad she is good) I do not have the money as I paid the real life bills . so when they call me now for money or rides or consel I tell them to call her.
celebrate that! 365 days a furken days. she is happy and I am a loser I guess then again maybe not lol haha .
the fact is people will use you as much as you alow them to. now i have grands and ya know what? God have mercy I do not want to have this play out in another genration so this year I gave them up for the holidays . I can not never could compete and I keep thinking Im missing something . oh well have fun people she is Good and pays to prove it to ya! why does love cost sometimes.
your little boys love ya abby they do they just think santa means presents and that is a good thing. Xmas is alot of work like Geo said personly I agree when they get old enough to critisize I aint doing it anymore .
George, you wouldn't have such crappy taste in gifts if you were walking by the spirit. (Just a little loving reproof - please accept with all due humility and thank me next year.)
that is bad advice satori.. and i hope it was meant in a joking manner.
in all seriousness, geo... are you sure you are not a part of my family.. cause i hear ya loud and clear.
i hate xmas... who invented this stupid holiday, anyway?
miracle of miracles.. xmas this year went better than i thought... not that i didn't buy the wrong sizes and the wrong logos...LOL... but my kids (teenage boys, no less) .. took it in stride... and showed no disappointment .. even if they had to restrain themselves...LOL
and i did all my shopping in one day...yet mannaged to get a few of the right things,.
in any case...imho.... it is the stupidest holiday i know....... all stress.. and coming from an italian family... lots of arguments..
Yeah, George, you should have ASKED GOD what to get people for Chrismas. And you need to RENEW YOUR MIND so you can enjoy the holidays, and now that you didn't, you are OUT OF FELLOWSHIP.
But, really, I know what you mean. I got sore legs from going up and down the ladder the day after Thanksgiving (putting up the lights), then dragged all the boxes in from the garage to decorate the living room, then later got into a fight with the hubby because I was "nagging" him about when we would get the tree.
One bright spot was when my daughter (age 16) actually helped me decorate it.
But on Christmas eve, she got all mad at me because I asked her if she was in bed after she went into her room and closed the door (so I could take the gifts down to the tree.) Actually I "ruined" her Christmas because I asked her too many times when she was going to go to bed.
Yeah Merry Farking Christmas.
Not to mention, the gazillion Christmas cookies I baked that nobody wanted.
My Christmas isn't so great either. I have step children that are not appreciative of anything.
Thanksgiving I spent two days (night and day) of cooking and cleaning so we could have a perfect meal. This was the first one that everyone was coming. They came didn't say hello ate without saying thankyou after the they were done. Never again!!!
This Christmas one of the step daughter's asked bob for money to pay on some insurance (300 dollar insurance bill), ran over our dog (300 dollar vet bill for us), and wanted to get something for bob from all of us. It cost me 600 dollars that was suppose to be divided up with everyone. Well, she got upset because I picked it out without her (she is never around. I got stuck paying it myself.
She gets to have two christmas's with her children with lots of presents and my children are getting something from the dollar store.
Yes, this is a farking Christmas!!!
I am so angry I could spit...but what to do?.. -->
Hah, this all reminds me of my best friend telling me how her mother used to say really sarcastically, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" when all the bickering and crap would start to go on.
So to this day, we sarcastically say "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" to each other when the season gets to us.
Geez --- and I thought I had it bad, when the restaurant we were going to order the lutefisk dinner from (for our eldest client, Loren) ran out, and we actually had to cook that stuff for him ourselves. :(--> :(-->
There is no way to escape that gagging smell, and it sure made our Christmas Eve a little "less bright", as the whole house smelled terrible for the rest of the day.
ha !!!! forget about it !!!!! you think christmas is bad, what about weddings/funerals bringing out the best in families ? ohmygosh i can't even talk about the doosies i've seen.....
George,,,,,,Ya had me going there fer a minute,,,,,sobbing an all; till I re-read yer post,,,,,You siad Christ Allmighty,,,,I thoguht ya was agnostic,,,,,Glad ya had a happy holiday season so fer! Drop in at me place fer some new years cheers and I promise ya'l have somethin' to remeber
(for those out of the loop, lutefisk and boiled potatoes are the traditional Norwegian Christmas eve meal - don't ask me why).
Only a Norwegian would think that packing fish in lye was a good idea. What you end up with is usually a sort of fish jello. I know that's not what it's supposed to be like (to quote my late father "it's just not good anymore!" - as if it ever was), but that's always the way it came out in our house. Then we'd actually sit down and eat that crap. Yikes! I guess this year could have been worse...
Nope, I'm not putting you on. I hate the farking holidays with deep and abiding loathing. And they only get worse with each passing year.
Henceforth I'm not giving anything but cash in a plain white card. If they don't like the color of the cash or the denomination, I will cheerfully take it back. I'm not doing anymore holiday meals with mom 'an them, and - if at all possible, I will be out of country at the time. So much more pleasant...
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IT T'was the night before christmas
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((((((( geo. )))))))
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and then ya get the credit card bills in.....
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Geo, that sounds awful. Oak, my daughter, and I opened up our gifts and had a big, I do mean big, dinner on Christmas Eve. I didn't have to work on Friday and we shopped for our food on Wednesday night and the dinner went off with out a hitch. I almost burned up the crescent rolls, but caught them in time.
I was able to prep up most of the food and Oak had prepared his famous crockpot chicken at my place the night before. My daughter helped me clean up Christmas eve and Oak caught the rest of it Christmas day.
I have had some awful Christmas's in my day. I hope next year is better for you.
My first Christmas without my 1st spouse and child was spent at my parents house and they were kind of enough to run me to an A. A. meeting. I had volunteered to share my story at a speaker meeting. It made all the difference in the world being able to give back and actually have my parents fly me home.
The climate with them turned to ice later. In the past I have disliked big holidays, however, now that is changing. I'm very grateful that Oak doesn't travel with his job and I think it takes a VERY BIG person to be all right with a spouse taking a job that requires them to be away from home.
Bright Blessings Geo!
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Guess it wouldn't make you feel better to know that we not only had a great Christmas but are going to continue this afternoon at my parents. No. Didn't think so.
Lotsa' folks get bummed out at the holidays but I'm sure glad I'm not in that number. I've taken the whole coming week off and plan to play with my new toys and eat and drink. This will be the last Christmas I'll have with all my children living at home. Believe me... I'm savoring the moments.
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to all the family who adore one another and feel the spirit this time of year I say good fo you it does not work out that way for me.
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Linda Z
Geo, I understand. It's a stressful time of year for a lot of people, and emotions are right at the surface. Nostalgia can quickly turn to sadness and then progress to frayed nerves.
When my sisters and I were kids, we could count on the annual fight between my parents over how to decorate the Christmas tree. Or on Mom getting her feelings hurt because someone let it show that he/she didn't like a gift.
As for the ungrateful children
:D-->... I've learned that they never turn their noses up at gift cards and cash. In fact, my son thanked me this year for not buying him any clothes.
Oh well, Happy Boxing Day, eh?!?
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Or go like the guy that is selling his kids stuff on Ebay?
HA! Dig it.
My oldest made remarks, faces and noises one christmas.
The next year there was no christmas for her.
We've had pleasant, even fun ones since then. Now of course she's a grown woman, but it's remembered. And like Linda's son, she loves cash.
And even better, she's fixin to be a mama. She'll see it in her own wallet soon. (giggle)
Remember when we'd get one doll/truck and maybe a shirt and think that was the coolest thing?
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There is nothing like the ummitigated greed of a young child to remind you what Christmas is REALLY about. LOL
Aaron woke up at around 11p.m. on Christmas eve and was up every hour after that for the remainder of the night. Jacob joined him around 2 a.m. From 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. I had hourly inquiries as to whether or not it was time to open the presents.
But I am stubborn too, and told them THEY didn't get to open presents until I got to have some sleep. In the end, they won, I finally caved at 6:30 a.m.
For all the presents they get, it is never enough. But at the end of the day, why I tucked the two exhausted little imps into bed, they both said it was a great Christmas.
Next year, I think the only present I will ask for is a good night's sleep. In fact, next year, maybe I will let them have 8 Chanukah presents, instead of just one, and skip the Christmas presents altogether.
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Well abby it doesnt get any better when they are 'grown up" and selfish little brats .
children I understand because of the wya Xmas is advertised they have to fit in.
grown up children who treat ya like crap after saying thank you can go straight to hell. My relative who has to have Xmas at her house because she refuses to go anywhere eles... complains hahahaha I said to her this year no one is allowed to have it at their house you will back stab and call up their children (grown now) and whine about how you decorated and have all these very expense she also hands out cash money. and guess what they go there and then she plays out the victim of how difficult and how much work it is for her.
oh my god I feel like I should find a forum to bitch about how XMAs p;lays out the crap in families that manipulate and have divorce.. sorry. but lol who cares?
anywyas your point about it never being enough?? haha this one PAYS them to come to her house . and when I say they do not deserve it and THEY do not she is a victim but hey the family loves her foot on XMAS!!! worth something I guess but it hurts me because I am sick of it so I am the one who RUINS Xmas ya know. Well someone has to do it. I aint out any money man this year was bad and next year may not be any better I think I will take up skiing and go to VALE like the rich folks do to avoid heir families on XMAS...
I am thnak full I told my kids well be thankful cause you know what I wouldnt do it ,(I am bad she is good) I do not have the money as I paid the real life bills . so when they call me now for money or rides or consel I tell them to call her.
celebrate that! 365 days a furken days. she is happy and I am a loser I guess then again maybe not lol haha .
the fact is people will use you as much as you alow them to. now i have grands and ya know what? God have mercy I do not want to have this play out in another genration so this year I gave them up for the holidays . I can not never could compete and I keep thinking Im missing something . oh well have fun people she is Good and pays to prove it to ya! why does love cost sometimes.
your little boys love ya abby they do they just think santa means presents and that is a good thing. Xmas is alot of work like Geo said personly I agree when they get old enough to critisize I aint doing it anymore .
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George, you wouldn't have such crappy taste in gifts if you were walking by the spirit. (Just a little loving reproof - please accept with all due humility and thank me next year.)
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that is bad advice satori.. and i hope it was meant in a joking manner.
in all seriousness, geo... are you sure you are not a part of my family.. cause i hear ya loud and clear.
i hate xmas... who invented this stupid holiday, anyway?
miracle of miracles.. xmas this year went better than i thought... not that i didn't buy the wrong sizes and the wrong logos...LOL... but my kids (teenage boys, no less) .. took it in stride... and showed no disappointment .. even if they had to restrain themselves...LOL
and i did all my shopping in one day...yet mannaged to get a few of the right things,.
in any case...imho.... it is the stupidest holiday i know....... all stress.. and coming from an italian family... lots of arguments..
not that i care anymore
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Well jen-o it seems to me all a sport and fun and jest. Like flicking ones red icee cold ear~~~ remember those times~~~
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Yeah, George, you should have ASKED GOD what to get people for Chrismas. And you need to RENEW YOUR MIND so you can enjoy the holidays, and now that you didn't, you are OUT OF FELLOWSHIP.
But, really, I know what you mean. I got sore legs from going up and down the ladder the day after Thanksgiving (putting up the lights), then dragged all the boxes in from the garage to decorate the living room, then later got into a fight with the hubby because I was "nagging" him about when we would get the tree.
One bright spot was when my daughter (age 16) actually helped me decorate it.
But on Christmas eve, she got all mad at me because I asked her if she was in bed after she went into her room and closed the door (so I could take the gifts down to the tree.) Actually I "ruined" her Christmas because I asked her too many times when she was going to go to bed.
Yeah Merry Farking Christmas.
Not to mention, the gazillion Christmas cookies I baked that nobody wanted.
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I hear you loud and clear Goerge.
My Christmas isn't so great either. I have step children that are not appreciative of anything.
Thanksgiving I spent two days (night and day) of cooking and cleaning so we could have a perfect meal. This was the first one that everyone was coming. They came didn't say hello ate without saying thankyou after the they were done. Never again!!!
This Christmas one of the step daughter's asked bob for money to pay on some insurance (300 dollar insurance bill), ran over our dog (300 dollar vet bill for us), and wanted to get something for bob from all of us. It cost me 600 dollars that was suppose to be divided up with everyone. Well, she got upset because I picked it out without her (she is never around. I got stuck paying it myself.
She gets to have two christmas's with her children with lots of presents and my children are getting something from the dollar store.
Yes, this is a farking Christmas!!!
I am so angry I could spit...but what to do?..
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Hah, this all reminds me of my best friend telling me how her mother used to say really sarcastically, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" when all the bickering and crap would start to go on.
So to this day, we sarcastically say "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" to each other when the season gets to us.
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Geez --- and I thought I had it bad, when the restaurant we were going to order the lutefisk dinner from (for our eldest client, Loren) ran out, and we actually had to cook that stuff for him ourselves.
There is no way to escape that gagging smell, and it sure made our Christmas Eve a little "less bright", as the whole house smelled terrible for the rest of the day.
Reading all this --- I guess I can't complain!
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lukefish smells like a heavy fish that stays in a swamp with other fish that died three years ago. in casr somone doesnt know what it smells like .
yeah well I still have not gone to get my gifts.
but I want the home made fudge and the cookies.
what to do?
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Anyone else noticing the makings of an MTV series in this forum's barrel of existential lemons?
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ha !!!! forget about it !!!!! you think christmas is bad, what about weddings/funerals bringing out the best in families ? ohmygosh i can't even talk about the doosies i've seen.....
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George,,,,,,Ya had me going there fer a minute,,,,,sobbing an all; till I re-read yer post,,,,,You siad Christ Allmighty,,,,I thoguht ya was agnostic,,,,,Glad ya had a happy holiday season so fer! Drop in at me place fer some new years cheers and I promise ya'l have somethin' to remeber
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George Aar
Stirs up nostalgic memories of my youth.
(for those out of the loop, lutefisk and boiled potatoes are the traditional Norwegian Christmas eve meal - don't ask me why).
Only a Norwegian would think that packing fish in lye was a good idea. What you end up with is usually a sort of fish jello. I know that's not what it's supposed to be like (to quote my late father "it's just not good anymore!" - as if it ever was), but that's always the way it came out in our house. Then we'd actually sit down and eat that crap. Yikes! I guess this year could have been worse...
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George Aar
And Littlehawk,
Nope, I'm not putting you on. I hate the farking holidays with deep and abiding loathing. And they only get worse with each passing year.
Henceforth I'm not giving anything but cash in a plain white card. If they don't like the color of the cash or the denomination, I will cheerfully take it back. I'm not doing anymore holiday meals with mom 'an them, and - if at all possible, I will be out of country at the time. So much more pleasant...
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