Ted Ferrell, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom!! :(--> Thank goodness you're there to take care of her. 93 years old?? She must be doing lots of things right!
I loved the first CD and really enjoy listening to it. I will e-mail my information for you to send me the new ones and thank you for offering! I don't mind paying for them, though. It does cost you something to put those together and share them with us. :)-->
It's me, "Buck", aka Jonny Lingo, the guy in Alaska who plays harmonicas...
And I would love to hear any of your tunes again. I am wondering, do you have anything with "There Are Many Roads (That Lead To Chicago)" on it?
That song holds a special place in my heart. When I was a WOW in Los Angeles in 1976, I met this really messed up family (Mom was a drunk, on welfare, no Dad, the older of her five kids kids half criminal, etc), and one of the little girls, a nine year old named Margaret, became my little pal and loved to come to fellowship. She'd come over all the time after her school, and listen to my tapes of believer music, and her very favorite song was "Many Roads" by Ted Farrell.
And when she wasn't listening to songs on the tape deck, she would often be heard singing the only words to the song that seemed to stick in her head. She'd sing over and over and right on pitch in her sweet little girl voice;
"....lead to Chicago....."
And she'd sing it over and over. Her Mom said she sang it at home, and at school, and in the car. It was her interest in God's Word and the changes in her life that turned that whole family around, and Momma got with the program of being a Momma again. Totally touches my heart when I think of that song and that family.
Yeah, great memories, huh? Her Mom actually let me take Margeret and her 14 year old sister Mary to the Rock in '77, and they had a blast...
Anyway, I'll e-mail you my address, and anything you'd like to send would be a blessing. And I too would be more than happy to pay for it...
Ted, if you will send me two, my sis would love to have one also. She saw you at CFF a couple of years ago and has loved you all these years. Since 1975, I guess.
act2 Sure will send you a couple of sets.If your sis was around in 75 think she will like one of the CD'S titled The Comforter Has Come cause that one has a lot of songs that was recorded that year. Geez!! that was 30 years ago how time does fly by. Makes me feel like an old f_ _ t
Got your new address from you know who.Took her awhile to find it cause she had it stuck in a old hat somewhere ha ha ha.
that was 30 years ago how time does fly by. Makes me feel like an old f_ _ tQUOTE]
I remember listening to you back then. Boy, I guess that makes me one too. Back then, I was younger than my kids are now!! Do you think my grandkids believe that I was ever that young?
ChattyKathy has asked me to post this for her. It is from Ted's CD. Click HERE for Bridging The Canyon. It's 4 meg, so if you have a slow connection, it may take a while to start. I will try to convert it to a smaller wave file later today.
Got home from work late tonight, and found your package of cd's in the mailbox. What timing! Had a stressful day at work, and then came home to find some
*relaxation* in the mailbox!
Thanks for your generous, giving heart. It's appreciated. :)-->
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Ted Ferrell, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom!!
:(--> Thank goodness you're there to take care of her. 93 years old?? She must be doing lots of things right!
I loved the first CD and really enjoy listening to it. I will e-mail my information for you to send me the new ones and thank you for offering! I don't mind paying for them, though. It does cost you something to put those together and share them with us.
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TED Ferrell
Thank you dear one.It's my joy to share my songs with you at no cost but thank you for offering.
Bless Your Heart
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Thanks so much Ted, I love your music!
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TED Ferrell
Oh! Excie so sorry about your loss. Know my heart is with you.You did share some things about your Dad so somewhat I understand.
I will pass the sad news info to the hillbilly
Love you and miss you my dear friend
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It's good to see you here. And it certainly seems befitting that you'd be cranking them out still. Can I have a copy please?
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TED Ferrell
Chatty K.
You sure may have copies but what is your addy musicrules ha ha ha ha gotcha!!!
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Well I live near that road named Spring that you need to stay away from.
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Hey Ted and Kathy, fancy meeting the 2 of you here!!!!!!!!!!!
Ted, if you still have my address, I would love one of your latest. I have One More Time w/ Ted and I love it.
Glad to hear that your mom is hanging in there.
You are such a good & faithful son to her and our heavenly Father.
Much love to you
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Tom Strange
hehe... for a second there I thought the thread title was "Free Ted Ferrell's CDs"...
...such a nice thing you do Ted
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Ted -- God bless, and thanks for your generous offer!
I sent my snail-mail addy -- same as when you sent out the "One More Time" cd.
Praying for your mom. Good to hear that she's doing well at that age!
Take care, and keep on pickin!
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Ted, I wouldn't mind taking you up on your offer.
I've e-mailed you my info, thanks ever so much!
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J0nny Ling0
Hey there Ted!
It's me, "Buck", aka Jonny Lingo, the guy in Alaska who plays harmonicas...
And I would love to hear any of your tunes again. I am wondering, do you have anything with "There Are Many Roads (That Lead To Chicago)" on it?
That song holds a special place in my heart. When I was a WOW in Los Angeles in 1976, I met this really messed up family (Mom was a drunk, on welfare, no Dad, the older of her five kids kids half criminal, etc), and one of the little girls, a nine year old named Margaret, became my little pal and loved to come to fellowship. She'd come over all the time after her school, and listen to my tapes of believer music, and her very favorite song was "Many Roads" by Ted Farrell.
And when she wasn't listening to songs on the tape deck, she would often be heard singing the only words to the song that seemed to stick in her head. She'd sing over and over and right on pitch in her sweet little girl voice;
"....lead to Chicago....."
And she'd sing it over and over. Her Mom said she sang it at home, and at school, and in the car. It was her interest in God's Word and the changes in her life that turned that whole family around, and Momma got with the program of being a Momma again. Totally touches my heart when I think of that song and that family.
Yeah, great memories, huh? Her Mom actually let me take Margeret and her 14 year old sister Mary to the Rock in '77, and they had a blast...
Anyway, I'll e-mail you my address, and anything you'd like to send would be a blessing. And I too would be more than happy to pay for it...
Have a great day down there in where? Omaha?
God bless,
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Ted, if you will send me two, my sis would love to have one also. She saw you at CFF a couple of years ago and has loved you all these years. Since 1975, I guess.
Love to you from both of us..
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TED Ferrell
act2 Sure will send you a couple of sets.If your sis was around in 75 think she will like one of the CD'S titled The Comforter Has Come cause that one has a lot of songs that was recorded that year. Geez!! that was 30 years ago how time does fly by. Makes me feel like an old f_ _ t
Got your new address from you know who.Took her awhile to find it cause she had it stuck in a old hat somewhere ha ha ha.
Take care my friend
Ted F.
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HA!! The treasures one finds in *old hats*.
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TED Ferrell
Hello You All;
Those of you that have responded to my offer by email know that I have not forgot you The CD'S will be in the mail soon.
Been kind of busy helping a believer friend of mine from NJ put together her next CD.
Another project that is on the agenda is by no later then next July there will be a David Bailey recording available.
David is a great talent,singer songwriter and Iv'e benn after him for sometime to lay his songs down.He says he will, Praise The Lord.
Have a wondeful day and keep on a truckin'
God Bless You
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Thanks Ted! Keep on truckin too yourself- just don't get busted down on Burbon Street or anything..
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TED Ferrell
Hey Hammeroni;
Been there done that ha ha Think they are still looking for me at Pat Obrien's.
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ChattyKathy has asked me to post this for her. It is from Ted's CD. Click HERE for Bridging The Canyon. It's 4 meg, so if you have a slow connection, it may take a while to start. I will try to convert it to a smaller wave file later today.
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Music arrived Ted, thanks!
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Ron G.
Mine got here last Friday. I picked my mail up just before our Scout meeting, so I played a couple of tunes for the Scouts. We all LOVE them!!!!!
They want to hear more this afternoon. The other asst. Scoutmaster, Pastor Norm, also the Methodist minister here loves them, too.
Thanks so much!! They're wonderful!!
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Hey there Ted.
Got home from work late tonight, and found your package of cd's in the mailbox. What timing! Had a stressful day at work, and then came home to find some
*relaxation* in the mailbox!
Thanks for your generous, giving heart. It's appreciated.
God bless, and take care.
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ditto Dmiller.
I also thank you for great pleasure of listening to your heart warming music.
It must be putting a great
:)--> on Gods heart.
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