When Christ comes I don't think any of us will be thinking about sex, do you? I don't think it will be an issue, but then who knows? Maybe your acceptance level would be there since we all will be changed. No bigotry I imagine would be allowed.
Jonny, I don't think anywhere in my post I called anyone a bigot. I just stated that when Christ comes back that everything would be changed including bigotry.
Ok, out in the world you treat gay people with respect...why not here in our forums?
I am not a lesbian but I do believe that each one of us has a right to believe what we want to. God gave us that freedom of will. It is not up to us to judge others on what is right or wrong. Your right and wrong might be different with others right and wrong.
TWI put it in us that there was only one way. I believe that in itself is wrong. For one thing a lot of egotism goes into that don't you think? I mean hey I know more than anyone else because I know the one truth and everyone else knows dung. Isn't that what the attitude is?
You might be wrong or I could be wrong or all of us could be wrong. But I would like to think that this God that I worship and love would not be so harsh in His judgement of us. I have sins myself as with anyone and would not like the aspect of having to cower when Christ returns.
And about the PC thing. Don't you think you could look at it the other way too on how you believe? You beleive what we were taught in twi as far as homosexuality. That was very pc,imho anyways.
I have the ABILITY to kill whomever I choose. I do not have the RIGHT to do so. Free will gives one the ability to make choices, it doesn't make all choices RIGHT.
quote: Which succinctly depicts why I abandoned that kind of mindset, .... and haven't looked back.
Haven't looked back? Yeah, right! You look back in terror every time myself or somebody else posts something you don't like. If you would mind your own business and quit trying to be the thought policeman of GSC you'd be a lot more peaceful.
"And as an aside, has anybody here noticed that just about every ex-TWIer who still has a very positive opinion of VPW and/or PFAL are all window cleaners?"
I realize that at this point you have already been bitch-slapped for this, but I feel that I should point out [not to further beat you down here].
I hold PFAL in a positive opinion and still run classes.
I do not clean windows for a living.
Not that I would never clean a windows, I do when they get dirty. And I find myself constantly cleaning MS-Windows XP.
I have known a few professional window cleaners. It seemed to me that it allowed a person to be a self-employed businessman, with cheap start-up. I knew one guy [Gary Durbin] who had a bunch of clients, all his restaurants gave him a free meal for his family and guests rather than pay him money. His wife did not cook, so it worked out well for him. everyday of the week they ate out at a different restaurant. Really enjoyed it too.
Come to think of it, everyone that I know [outside of GS'ers] who still holds dear to PFAL, all do work other than window cleaning. As I think of them now, their professions are: Computer Systems Analyst, Computer Systems sales, Construction General Contractor, Elementary School Teacher, Master Chemist for Lidden Paints, Steam Plant Mechanic for University of RI, Nuclear Reactor Operator and of course sailors. And me an Apartment buildings Manager.
quote: You look back in terror every time myself or somebody else posts something you don't like.
In terror? ..... uhh ok, whatever. -->
quote: If you would mind your own business and quit trying to be the thought policeman of GSC you'd be a lot more peaceful.
Is this your attempt at 'spiritual perception'? ... I've seen LCM do better.
Why is it that when I (and other non-orthodox posters) post our viewpoints on the matter, it is 'not minding our own business' and 'being thought policeman'? Yet you post with just as much conviction what your viewpoint is, and if somebody makes the same accusation against you, I know you would heatedly deny it, and/or whine about being persecuted and 'Christians not being able to speak freely'.
Just be honest about it, ok? You don't like what I post cause it contradicts what you believe. Simple. And I know this to be the case because I used to believe the same way. People who dared to speak things contrary to 'The Word of GOD' were committing a grave offense, and should be stopped, etc., etc. That was our 'spiritual perception', due to our own sense that WE had The Truth.
A viewpoint which you are legally and socially entitled to.
Just as I am legally and socially entitled to my viewpoints.
quote: Which succinctly depicts why I abandoned that kind of mindset, .... and haven't looked back.
Haven't looked back? Yeah, right! You look back in terror every time myself or somebody else posts something you don't like. If you would mind your own business and quit trying to be the thought policeman of GSC you'd be a lot more peaceful.
Now that is so funny!!!!! LMAO!!!!! Hey ...Now that is surely the Love of God....Can I have some of that? NOT!!!!!
You know, whether you agree or disagree with a person's decisions, his status as a human being entitles him to a certain amount of basic human dignity. I have yet to meet anybody who has truly changed his life as the result of belittling.
(For those who are non-Christian, please skip the following section. It is not intended to offend you. Thanks.)
I constantly go back to the encounter that Jesus had with the adultress. He did not pick up a stone with the rest of them. He protected her from them. He did not condemn her; in fact, he explicitly denied any condemnation to her. He then said, only after it was all said and done, "Go and sin no more." I think there is some great learning in that passage.
You know, whether you agree or disagree with a person's decisions, his status as a human being entitles him to a certain amount of basic human dignity. I have yet to meet anybody who has truly changed his life as the result of belittling.
(For those who are non-Christian, please skip the following section. It is not intended to offend you. Thanks.)
I constantly go back to the encounter that Jesus had with the adultress. He did not pick up a stone with the rest of them. He protected her from them. He did not condemn her; in fact, he explicitly denied any condemnation to her. He then said, only after it was all said and done, "Go and sin no more." I think there is some great learning in that passage.
Maybe I should start practicing what I preach.
Mark, thank you. I've read some wonderful things on this thread, great hearts of honesty but this one I couldn't let pass without comment.
is this the gay thread that wasn't really supposed to be the gay thread ?
i just got back from a family party. two of the most wonderful people in my life (a male couple) were there
around 25 years ago or however long ago, i was at a family party and spent my whole time shoving the bible down the throat of a fellow (the brother of one of the gay guys tonight)
i can't tell you how thankful i am to be myself tonight and show the love i feel
a big part of it is, is that michael died and his younger brother thomas, is the one i was with tonight
I don't think I have claimed to be "damned special" nor do I recall throwing my sex life in your face.
Some heterosexuals appear to make a far better job of that. You cite gay pride parades - I can cite the constant bombardment of heterosexual propoganda that is in our faces 24/7. Your concept of civic freedoms is very limited as is your concept of the difference between "special" and "equal."
I have no doubt that we could work together quite amicably. I would respect your desire not for me to "come on to you" and no doubt we could enjoy some robust discussions over a pint or two after work :)-->
I wish that those who claim a biblical foundation could satisfactarily explain why it's ok for God to let thousands of innocent people die in natural disasters whilst it's not ok for two people of the same sex to love each other and express that physically. I find it much easier to make a biblical case for the latter rather than the former.
But both are realities that we have to try and deal with.
myseestorEx10: to your original question... I guess I haven't really seen it (the different treatments) much... I think what I've seen is what I've seen here tonight reading this thread that went where you didn't intend for it to go but we all knew probably would go... that people treat them differently because they're "different" from them... that's all I've got, sorry...
But a question did come up in my little pea brain while reading the preceding pages...
How can it be considered "sin" if a person has no choice in the matter?
And while I know that folks line up on both sides of the choice issue, and I'm perfectly aware that sometimes hetero people do choose to have homosexual experiences, I don't think that those folks are homosexual... I'm talking about folks who are "born into" homosexuality, that have felt that being with someone of their same sex was natural and that heterosexuality was un-natural... how can they be considered "sinners"? It wasn't a choice they made... and many of them, for whatever reason, tried to be hetero and it didn't work because it was un-natural to them...
And I do agree with the folks who say "don't shove it in my face"... I think that about the hetero's who do that as well... I don't think that homosexuals have a corner on the market for bad behavior... I think that's just a "people" thing... there's jerks and arse holes everywhere...
P.S. how come some of those people can type the word ....?
One observation, then I will shut up for a while… (but not for too long)
One pivotal event in the gay rights movement took place in June, 1969. Judy Garland had just died, and a respectable segment of the gay community was in mourning. As was the habit of the New York City police department at the time, they decided to raid some of the gay bars during this time. They didn’t need any reasons to do so. It was a gay bar, which made it a target. That’s just the way things happened then. One of them was called the Stonewall Inn. And a strange thing happened.
The usually passive, limp-wristed “queers” fought back. All of them. The leather bear types, the transvestites, and everyone in between. And it lasted for days. It made headlines around the world. At the time I was an Airman First Class based at Clark Air Base in the Philippines, and this story was published in “The Stars & Stripes,” a military newspaper that was free. I sat there eating my breakfast, reading this. My face was pointed at a different article on the page, but my eyes were drilling holes in this article. Inside, I was screaming, jumping, shouting, “Go, baby, go!!!!” Outside, I was stone-faced, apparently looking at a piece on runway improvements on the island of Guam, or some such thing while I ate my bacon and eggs.
That is when the Gay Pride Movement began. It is now called “The Stonewall Revolution,” or, more simply, “Stonewall.”
The police don’t raid gay bars any more, unless there is a very good reason to do so. The Chicago Police Department actively recruits gays and lesbians. One friend of mine, a guy who is straight, and a Chicago cop, has an on-the-job partner who is a lesbian. These two depend on each other on a daily basis, trusting their lives to one another. (Chicago, if you haven’t heard, isn’t the healthiest place to live if you’re a uniformed cop.) Neither one of them has a problem with the other’s sexual orientation.
While we’re getting into professions, I know gay people who also don’t wash windows. I know at least 2 school teachers, one of whom taught at Lake Forest College prior to retiring. The other teaches music for the Chicago Public School system and is a concert organist. (I did the calligraphy for his two CDs, both of which were released in order to raise funds for AIDS research and treatment.) I know an Emergency Room nurse. A mainframe programmer. Another mainframe programmer who is blind and has a seeing-eye dog. Two people who work at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, “Fermilab,” one of whom is a physicist.
Shall we talk about famous gay people? Socrates. Walt Whitman. Oscar Wilde. Congressmen Gerry Studds and Barney Frank. Cole Porter. Leonard Bernstein. T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). James Baldwin. Truman Capote. The late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. Economist Milton Friedman, also a Nobel Laureate.
There are many more, but I think you get the point.
At one point, I said that we are the same in all the ways that really count.
I never said that I didn't expect to see any homosexuals in Paradise. I have a good friend from the Corps who went back to "guys", and I am thankful to know that he is born again and will be there at the Gathering Together. I rejoice at that, for he was a fine friend, and most likely would still be so, if I could find out where he is. I never said a thing about salvation for those who choose to either go back to their homo lifestyle, or those who never leave it but accept Jesus Christ as their Lord. So don't ASSume and jump to conclusions as to what I believe. I only stated simply _from the Scriptures_ that this particular activity-which happens to be a LARGE PART OF THIS TOPIC-is wrong in the eyes of the Bible. I pronounced no judgement for the future of those who participate in homosexuality. So, just chill, ok?
Jonny, number one, I wasn't addressing YOU personally, I was addressing the FORUM!!!! (but there's the old saying, if the shoe fits...) You want me to chill out?? On one condition Jonny, you acknowledge the eventual salvation of EVERY MAN AND WOMAN that has ever lived. If you are of the popular camp that say man choses Jesus by his own free will, GUESS AGAIN!!!! Jesus himself said you didn't choose him, but rather, HE CHOSE YOU! Question, why would Jesus choose YOU and NOT Hitler? I can't say, but I believe that God through Christ will eventually transform Hilter from an evil tryant to a holy saint, just like he did you and I. You disagree with me? Then what assurance do you have of your OWN salvation? Maybe then there are a few things impossible with God after all. The bible says NOTHING is impossible with God!!!! Therefore shall we say the bible is a lie???? Is it not said that if one part of the bible is lie, it's ALL A LIE????? I made a brash comment about the bible this past summer, much to the chagrin of a few people in the forums.
Like Daryl said, he didn't choose to be gay, he was born that way. Are you saying that only the gays that "accept Jesus" are going to paradise? Jonny, did you know that you too are a Christ rejecter??? IT"S TRUE. Let God remove his GRACE, and that's exactly what we ALL will be, nothing but a crowd of CHRIST REJECTERS! Some freedom of will THAT is!!!!!!!
Ok, you say homosexuality is wrong? Daryl has the courage to admit to his lifestyle, which is very difficult seeing the astigma that people see gays through. Why don't you tell us what YOUR sins are, Jonny?? Speak for yourself Chuck, you say??? OK, I'll tell you what my particular sin is, gluttony!!!! Also wrong according to the bible. I have a compulsive eating problem, and I have a difficult time dealing with it. I just lust for food you say? Hey, believe me, I wished I could get along on meager amounts of food. With my budget, I could save quite a bit of money that way!!! And I'm paying for it dearly, with being overweight, and it could possibly impair my health. But did I CHOOSE BY MY FREEDOM OF WILL???? NO WAY JOSE!!!! There's this little thing of pain, it's called HUNGER!!!! It's the cause of my choice to eat! Also, I was the only one four children my mother attempted to breast feed. According to my mother, she had nutritionally deficient mother's milk. Therefore she was virtually starving me. Perhaps that's the reason I became a voracious eater, because of the fear of starvation. Believe me, I wished I didn't need food, then I could save money and spend it on something else. Perhaps you don't see gluttony as an abomination the way you see homosexuality, but the bible calls it just as wrong!
Ok, now that Daryl told us what his sin is, and I told you what my sin is, now it's YOUR TURN, Jonny!!!!! Be a man and tell us what YOUR sin is!!!
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Jonny, I don't think anywhere in my post I called anyone a bigot. I just stated that when Christ comes back that everything would be changed including bigotry.
Please don't put words in our mouths, ok?
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Ok, out in the world you treat gay people with respect...why not here in our forums?
I am not a lesbian but I do believe that each one of us has a right to believe what we want to. God gave us that freedom of will. It is not up to us to judge others on what is right or wrong. Your right and wrong might be different with others right and wrong.
TWI put it in us that there was only one way. I believe that in itself is wrong. For one thing a lot of egotism goes into that don't you think? I mean hey I know more than anyone else because I know the one truth and everyone else knows dung. Isn't that what the attitude is?
You might be wrong or I could be wrong or all of us could be wrong. But I would like to think that this God that I worship and love would not be so harsh in His judgement of us. I have sins myself as with anyone and would not like the aspect of having to cower when Christ returns.
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And about the PC thing. Don't you think you could look at it the other way too on how you believe? You beleive what we were taught in twi as far as homosexuality. That was very pc,imho anyways.
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God gave us freedom of will so that we CAN choose what to believe. He also told us WHAT to believe; we don't have the RIGHT to believe otherwise.
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Ok READ your bible and live your life exactly as your bible dictates. Then get back to me a hundred years.
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Which succinctly depicts why I abandoned that kind of mindset, .... and haven't looked back.
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If we didn't have the right to believe otherwise, we wouldn't have free will.
"... He also told us WHAT to believe; we don't have the RIGHT to believe otherwise."
That statement simply makes no sense whatsoever.
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I have the ABILITY to kill whomever I choose. I do not have the RIGHT to do so. Free will gives one the ability to make choices, it doesn't make all choices RIGHT.
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quote: Which succinctly depicts why I abandoned that kind of mindset, .... and haven't looked back.
Haven't looked back? Yeah, right! You look back in terror every time myself or somebody else posts something you don't like. If you would mind your own business and quit trying to be the thought policeman of GSC you'd be a lot more peaceful.
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"And as an aside, has anybody here noticed that just about every ex-TWIer who still has a very positive opinion of VPW and/or PFAL are all window cleaners?"
I realize that at this point you have already been bitch-slapped for this, but I feel that I should point out [not to further beat you down here].
I hold PFAL in a positive opinion and still run classes.
I do not clean windows for a living.
Not that I would never clean a windows, I do when they get dirty. And I find myself constantly cleaning MS-Windows XP.
I have known a few professional window cleaners. It seemed to me that it allowed a person to be a self-employed businessman, with cheap start-up. I knew one guy [Gary Durbin] who had a bunch of clients, all his restaurants gave him a free meal for his family and guests rather than pay him money. His wife did not cook, so it worked out well for him. everyday of the week they ate out at a different restaurant. Really enjoyed it too.
Come to think of it, everyone that I know [outside of GS'ers] who still holds dear to PFAL, all do work other than window cleaning. As I think of them now, their professions are: Computer Systems Analyst, Computer Systems sales, Construction General Contractor, Elementary School Teacher, Master Chemist for Lidden Paints, Steam Plant Mechanic for University of RI, Nuclear Reactor Operator and of course sailors. And me an Apartment buildings Manager.
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In terror? ..... uhh ok, whatever.
Is this your attempt at 'spiritual perception'? ... I've seen LCM do better.
Why is it that when I (and other non-orthodox posters) post our viewpoints on the matter, it is 'not minding our own business' and 'being thought policeman'? Yet you post with just as much conviction what your viewpoint is, and if somebody makes the same accusation against you, I know you would heatedly deny it, and/or whine about being persecuted and 'Christians not being able to speak freely'.
Just be honest about it, ok? You don't like what I post cause it contradicts what you believe. Simple. And I know this to be the case because I used to believe the same way. People who dared to speak things contrary to 'The Word of GOD' were committing a grave offense, and should be stopped, etc., etc. That was our 'spiritual perception', due to our own sense that WE had The Truth.
A viewpoint which you are legally and socially entitled to.
Just as I am legally and socially entitled to my viewpoints.
No more, and no less.
So chill out, and Happy New Year!
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Point taken (especially the one about Windows XP
:D--> )
Thanks for the further info.
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Now that is so funny!!!!! LMAO!!!!! Hey ...Now that is surely the Love of God....Can I have some of that? NOT!!!!!
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You know, whether you agree or disagree with a person's decisions, his status as a human being entitles him to a certain amount of basic human dignity. I have yet to meet anybody who has truly changed his life as the result of belittling.
(For those who are non-Christian, please skip the following section. It is not intended to offend you. Thanks.)
I constantly go back to the encounter that Jesus had with the adultress. He did not pick up a stone with the rest of them. He protected her from them. He did not condemn her; in fact, he explicitly denied any condemnation to her. He then said, only after it was all said and done, "Go and sin no more." I think there is some great learning in that passage.
Maybe I should start practicing what I preach.
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Mark, thank you. I've read some wonderful things on this thread, great hearts of honesty but this one I couldn't let pass without comment.
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is this the gay thread that wasn't really supposed to be the gay thread ?
i just got back from a family party. two of the most wonderful people in my life (a male couple) were there
around 25 years ago or however long ago, i was at a family party and spent my whole time shoving the bible down the throat of a fellow (the brother of one of the gay guys tonight)
i can't tell you how thankful i am to be myself tonight and show the love i feel
a big part of it is, is that michael died and his younger brother thomas, is the one i was with tonight
this is coming out all wrong but i don't care
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Good for you, sisex.
Tis good to be free to be yourself, and allow others to be themselves as well, eh?
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Trefor Heywood
I don't think I have claimed to be "damned special" nor do I recall throwing my sex life in your face.
Some heterosexuals appear to make a far better job of that. You cite gay pride parades - I can cite the constant bombardment of heterosexual propoganda that is in our faces 24/7. Your concept of civic freedoms is very limited as is your concept of the difference between "special" and "equal."
I have no doubt that we could work together quite amicably. I would respect your desire not for me to "come on to you" and no doubt we could enjoy some robust discussions over a pint or two after work
I wish that those who claim a biblical foundation could satisfactarily explain why it's ok for God to let thousands of innocent people die in natural disasters whilst it's not ok for two people of the same sex to love each other and express that physically. I find it much easier to make a biblical case for the latter rather than the former.
But both are realities that we have to try and deal with.
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J0nny Ling0
And what would we drinkin' lad? Guiness?
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J0nny Ling0
I don't know why God allows those things to happen, these natural disasters...
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Tom Strange
myseestorEx10: to your original question... I guess I haven't really seen it (the different treatments) much... I think what I've seen is what I've seen here tonight reading this thread that went where you didn't intend for it to go but we all knew probably would go... that people treat them differently because they're "different" from them... that's all I've got, sorry...
But a question did come up in my little pea brain while reading the preceding pages...
How can it be considered "sin" if a person has no choice in the matter?
And while I know that folks line up on both sides of the choice issue, and I'm perfectly aware that sometimes hetero people do choose to have homosexual experiences, I don't think that those folks are homosexual... I'm talking about folks who are "born into" homosexuality, that have felt that being with someone of their same sex was natural and that heterosexuality was un-natural... how can they be considered "sinners"? It wasn't a choice they made... and many of them, for whatever reason, tried to be hetero and it didn't work because it was un-natural to them...
And I do agree with the folks who say "don't shove it in my face"... I think that about the hetero's who do that as well... I don't think that homosexuals have a corner on the market for bad behavior... I think that's just a "people" thing... there's jerks and arse holes everywhere...
P.S. how come some of those people can type the word ....?
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Maybe it's a new dispensation.
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One observation, then I will shut up for a while… (but not for too long)
One pivotal event in the gay rights movement took place in June, 1969. Judy Garland had just died, and a respectable segment of the gay community was in mourning. As was the habit of the New York City police department at the time, they decided to raid some of the gay bars during this time. They didn’t need any reasons to do so. It was a gay bar, which made it a target. That’s just the way things happened then. One of them was called the Stonewall Inn. And a strange thing happened.
The usually passive, limp-wristed “queers” fought back. All of them. The leather bear types, the transvestites, and everyone in between. And it lasted for days. It made headlines around the world. At the time I was an Airman First Class based at Clark Air Base in the Philippines, and this story was published in “The Stars & Stripes,” a military newspaper that was free. I sat there eating my breakfast, reading this. My face was pointed at a different article on the page, but my eyes were drilling holes in this article. Inside, I was screaming, jumping, shouting, “Go, baby, go!!!!” Outside, I was stone-faced, apparently looking at a piece on runway improvements on the island of Guam, or some such thing while I ate my bacon and eggs.
That is when the Gay Pride Movement began. It is now called “The Stonewall Revolution,” or, more simply, “Stonewall.”
The police don’t raid gay bars any more, unless there is a very good reason to do so. The Chicago Police Department actively recruits gays and lesbians. One friend of mine, a guy who is straight, and a Chicago cop, has an on-the-job partner who is a lesbian. These two depend on each other on a daily basis, trusting their lives to one another. (Chicago, if you haven’t heard, isn’t the healthiest place to live if you’re a uniformed cop.) Neither one of them has a problem with the other’s sexual orientation.
While we’re getting into professions, I know gay people who also don’t wash windows. I know at least 2 school teachers, one of whom taught at Lake Forest College prior to retiring. The other teaches music for the Chicago Public School system and is a concert organist. (I did the calligraphy for his two CDs, both of which were released in order to raise funds for AIDS research and treatment.) I know an Emergency Room nurse. A mainframe programmer. Another mainframe programmer who is blind and has a seeing-eye dog. Two people who work at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, “Fermilab,” one of whom is a physicist.
Shall we talk about famous gay people? Socrates. Walt Whitman. Oscar Wilde. Congressmen Gerry Studds and Barney Frank. Cole Porter. Leonard Bernstein. T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). James Baldwin. Truman Capote. The late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. Economist Milton Friedman, also a Nobel Laureate.
There are many more, but I think you get the point.
At one point, I said that we are the same in all the ways that really count.
That statement stands.
Armed, but only dangerous if shot at
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Jonny, number one, I wasn't addressing YOU personally, I was addressing the FORUM!!!! (but there's the old saying, if the shoe fits...) You want me to chill out?? On one condition Jonny, you acknowledge the eventual salvation of EVERY MAN AND WOMAN that has ever lived. If you are of the popular camp that say man choses Jesus by his own free will, GUESS AGAIN!!!! Jesus himself said you didn't choose him, but rather, HE CHOSE YOU! Question, why would Jesus choose YOU and NOT Hitler? I can't say, but I believe that God through Christ will eventually transform Hilter from an evil tryant to a holy saint, just like he did you and I. You disagree with me? Then what assurance do you have of your OWN salvation? Maybe then there are a few things impossible with God after all. The bible says NOTHING is impossible with God!!!! Therefore shall we say the bible is a lie???? Is it not said that if one part of the bible is lie, it's ALL A LIE????? I made a brash comment about the bible this past summer, much to the chagrin of a few people in the forums.
Like Daryl said, he didn't choose to be gay, he was born that way. Are you saying that only the gays that "accept Jesus" are going to paradise? Jonny, did you know that you too are a Christ rejecter??? IT"S TRUE. Let God remove his GRACE, and that's exactly what we ALL will be, nothing but a crowd of CHRIST REJECTERS! Some freedom of will THAT is!!!!!!!
Ok, you say homosexuality is wrong? Daryl has the courage to admit to his lifestyle, which is very difficult seeing the astigma that people see gays through. Why don't you tell us what YOUR sins are, Jonny?? Speak for yourself Chuck, you say??? OK, I'll tell you what my particular sin is, gluttony!!!! Also wrong according to the bible. I have a compulsive eating problem, and I have a difficult time dealing with it. I just lust for food you say? Hey, believe me, I wished I could get along on meager amounts of food. With my budget, I could save quite a bit of money that way!!! And I'm paying for it dearly, with being overweight, and it could possibly impair my health. But did I CHOOSE BY MY FREEDOM OF WILL???? NO WAY JOSE!!!! There's this little thing of pain, it's called HUNGER!!!! It's the cause of my choice to eat! Also, I was the only one four children my mother attempted to breast feed. According to my mother, she had nutritionally deficient mother's milk. Therefore she was virtually starving me. Perhaps that's the reason I became a voracious eater, because of the fear of starvation. Believe me, I wished I didn't need food, then I could save money and spend it on something else. Perhaps you don't see gluttony as an abomination the way you see homosexuality, but the bible calls it just as wrong!
Ok, now that Daryl told us what his sin is, and I told you what my sin is, now it's YOUR TURN, Jonny!!!!! Be a man and tell us what YOUR sin is!!!
Edited by CKnapp3Link to comment
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