Oh, and Simon, I have a solution to your spewing Squirt problem: keep a soft, damp cloth next to your monitor and don't forget to turn your head when you cough...er, spew Squirt.
And waddaya mean Hallmark doesn't want me? I'm crushed. I thought "this mess" and "Christmas" made for a perfect rhyme. They're sooooooooooo darned conventional.
I find it very interesting that Jonny boy has issues with male homosexuality but remains silent regarding female homosexuality. Does your Bible abhor only gay men but embrace lesbian women? Or is it simply that you like to watch the women but are terrified of the men?
quote: Who is to say that Jesus was not a homosexual? He was hardly found amongst women. He traveled with 12 men. He ate with them, slept with them and lived with them. He did have contact with one woman and that was mary magdalene and she was a prostitute.
One woman, huh?
Luke 8:2,3 - and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene out of whom went seven devils, and Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others which ministered unto him of their substance.
Did you catch the 'many others' part? Remember how the man born blind whom Jesus healed was cast out of the synagogue? Which meant he could no longer buy or sell at the marketplace? If they'd do that to someone who merely said that Jesus healed him, then they certainly wouldn't let Jesus himself buy or sell, right? That's why he needed someone to buy or make stuff for him. He either chose to ask these many women, or they volunteered to do it. Neither scenario fits the profile of a male homosexual. Do you really think God's going to buy..."bible has been translated so many times in so many languages. Who knows what that means?"?
It's BRAVO to you for your non-comprimising stand on God's Word. You have done well.
Linda, vickles, I'm not sure but someone in this thread said to Jonny "Who are you to judge?"
Hell, I'll judge then. I won't even use the Bible. I'll use freakin' cosmic common sense. Homosexuality is on the upside down portion of the universe. I'll voice my opinion, state it loud and clear, have often said it right back to gays and lesbians who decided, after I was minding my own business in college, to just say it as straight as they said it "queer", to use their very own term.
If they don't speak about it to me, I don't bring it up. If they bring it up in public or to me directly, they will hear from me if it is within earshot. I will vote and I have to judge to vote.
I will judge and keep judging. I will speak and speak loud, hard and clear. I don't need the Bible for that.
This is America. Go ahead. Pass a "hate crime" law that says I can't disagree with this. I'll laugh at it and speak anyway. What are they going to do...send the thought and anti-free speech police?
I hadda feeling this topic might cause um, uh, a little trouble.
I asked the question originally because I see a bias in my workplace against female homosexuals that doesn't include males. Like I said, it's just my experience, in my profession, at my workplace.
Personally, I believe in treating all humans with respect and dignity. This includes female "couples" who come into my place of employment. It's not my job to pass moral judgement on them. My job is to work with them as I would any other pedestrians who want to buy furniture and use my design services. I just don't get why male couples are ok, and female couples nobody wants to wait on, or deal with.
I was in fact addressing you, not Vickles. It was a response to your comment after Daryl gave his "we are just like you in every way that counts" speech. After he said it all, you said;
quote: Bravo, Daryl. Well said.
To which I responded:
quote: "And oh Linda Z, you are sooo PC! Far be it from you to consider that the twisted passions of one who defies the laws of nature is wrong in order to appear before humankind as one who 'accepts all'!
"But yes, you should receive the 'I accept all award' because of your 'brave' and 'avante gard' view of human sexuality.
And, that was rude of me. Sorry. :o-->
And so, that was not to Vickles, but rather to you. But maybe I was wrong. Maybe I jumped the gun? Maybe you were being sarcastic to Daryl? Maybe you gave a little "yawn" after you said "Bravo, Daryl". But I didn't read it that way. I thought you were applauding him for his brave recitation...Perhaps I was wrong, and if so, I am sorry..
And Vickles, I confess, you never did say that I couldn't post here. And Garth Patterson, you are right, Vickles never did say that I wasn't allowed to post here. I just felt a little "persecuted" for what I had posted which was in opposition to Vickles's thinking. And so, for that I am srory as well. But my opinion stands on the homo thing.
And, Abigail (now let me go back and make sure that it was you who said this)....Oh yes, here it is:
quote: I find it very interesting that Jonny boy has issues with male homosexuality but remains silent regarding female homosexuality. Does your Bible abhor only gay men but embrace lesbian women? Or is it simply that you like to watch the women but are terrified of the men?
That is hardly the truth my dear, if you had read this thread thoroughly, you would have noticed this post that I made:
quote: I didn't make that judgement, God did.
Romans 1:26
And for this cause God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Verse 27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet (adequate).
And even as they did not like to (emphasis added) retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things that are not convenient;
Verse 29;
Being filled with all unrighteousness , fornication, wickedness, covetnousness, maliciousness (emphasis added)," and on and on and on...
And so, you think that I am doing the "judging"? I think that is fairly clear that the Almighty has already done that through His Word!~ Oh, but you do not have the same attitude to the Written Word that I do....
And so, if you will read the first verse of this quotation, you will see that it contains God's judgement of the lesbian thing. And if you want to ASSume that I like to watch "lesbians in action", then go ahead. But I think that male and female activites in the homo world are activities that are contrary to these particular scriptures, that's all. Could I be tempted to enjoy watching a couple of lesbian chicks get it on? Sure. I'm human. But it still doesn't make it right. It is still contrary to the scriptures, God's holy Word. Not to coin an old TWI phrase, but it doesn't matter if I agree with it or not, it is still God's Word...
And Abigail, I made that post exactly seven posts before your assumption that I don't take exception to the female side of the gay question. So, make sure you read things correctly before you post. I need to do that too, we all do. Passions get in the way to be sure, but it's the only way to conduct a productive disagreement...
And so, Ex10, you metioned a "Can OF Worms" when you started this thread? Well, you knew, and you are right. There are still people who have serious convictions on this subject, on both sides, and you were right...
Now, concerning the "acceptance of gay guys in the workplace more so than gay women in the workplace", I think some very enlightening information has been offered, and I agree with it, particularly DMiller's first post, and of course, my own earlier post. Vickles also made a great point about gay men being more in touch with women's feelings and that and I quote:
quote: Women lesbians are more hard core and unfeeling.
Like I said before, I too have seen that. But Ex10, don't feel bad at all about "opening this can of worms", for, this is a topic that has not found a place to rest yet, and probably never will. This is America where many a diverse belief still prevails, and thank God that we still have the right to argue about it..
It is "Waybrain" to have a Biblical, non positive view of homosexuality? Gee, I wonder how many millions of people there are out in the world who have never even heard of The Way ministry, who have a negative Biblical view of homosexuality. Care to take a guess Hairy? Waybrain? Geez dude...
Eagle, great post! I didn’t agree with a word you said. However, I like the way you said it. You stated your opinion without trashing anyone in the process
ex10 said, “I just don't get why male couples are ok, and female couples nobody wants to wait on, or deal with.”
I think that is true in most areas, whether homo or hetero. Generally speaking: In restaurants, female tables are known to be cheap and lousy tippers. In retail situations, males are more decisive making them easier to wait on, females shop.
I think it is has more to do with them being male or female, not gay or lesbian. But that is just my experience. Attitude does have a lot to do with it. But I tend to think the attitude will be there whether sexual orientation is an issue or not.
ExWayDaryl, I hope Gay Pride in Chicago handles itself better than Gay Pride in New Orleans. I went a couple of times and left wondering what the hell they had to be proud of. They gave the rest of us a bad name!
We have a weekend called Southern Decadence, in September I think. Hundreds of drag queens are in the French Quarter drinking, limping in their heels, and showing their foot, some of them literally. Thousands come to town to participate in the decadence. I guess it is in the name, but I don’t have any problems with that event.
It is "Waybrain" to have a Biblical, non positive view of homosexuality? Gee, I wonder how many _millions_ of people there are out in the world who _have never even heard of The Way ministry_, who have a negative Biblical view of homosexuality. Care to take a guess Hairy? Waybrain? Geez dude...
ANYONE who accepts the Bible as the Word of God (and, I expect, this includes at least A FEW people who have not been associated with The Way) must conclude that homosexuality is sin. Every verse relating to homosexuality and homosexual acts, in the New and Old Testaments, affirms this. If you don't want to believe that that's God's view of the subject, fine. But that IS the biblical perspective.
And to LindaZ, are you tolerant of someone who would sacrifice his child to an idol? The Bible uses the same word, toebah (abomination) to describe human sacrifice and homosexuality (as well as other forms of idolatry). It's not a matter of translation, it's a matter of refusing to believe what's written.
I find both male and female homosexuality abhorrent. But I answered Ex10's question a while ago. Our culture may be more accepting of male couples because they dress nicer. ;)-->
Vickles has cast aspersions on the bible because "it has been translated into so many languages"
That's not scholarly work vicks, the Old Testament is extremely accurate, having been meticuously copied over the years. We have more examples of it and the New Testament than we do of Homer, Plato or Socrates.
As a Christian I accept the Bible's definition of sin. Homosexuality is right up there with the biggies like lust and gossip and drunkenness.
But I live in a sinful secular world that does not accept the Bible as God's word. So initially I am more interested in getting people into the kingdom and then letting God show people where they need to change.
But don't blame mistranslations for the Bible's stance on the subject.
And by the way God considers male and female homosexuality as an abomination and calls the practitioners to come to him and let him change them.
"And by the way God considers male and female homosexuality as an abomination and calls the practitioners to come to him and let him change them."
What if He doesn't? What if they come to God and remain homosexuals? Impossible? I bet there are a number of peopl who can say that is exactly what has occured in their lives.
“Except for the fact that you play with other mens' penis's...Twisted!”
With all due respect, Jonny, bite me. Who are you to judge me? Who are you to say that what I do or do not do, with whomever I choose, in a consenting adult environment, is “twisted?”
In terms of biblical context, isn’t it just as much of an abomination to touch the skin of a dead pig? Have you ever played football, or watched the NFL on television?
Are you married? If so, does your wife have periods? If so, do YOU bring two turtledoves or pigeons to the temple during that time?
Why not?
You people, every last one of you who says the Bible is the be-all and end-all of mankind’s existence are living in the Neo-Dark Ages. And you have managed to .... me off.
If your oh, so holy deity condemns homosexuality in the way that you folks say he-she-it-they does, then why is it that I am a homosexual, undeniably, unchangeably, now and forever? If this is such a huge sin, why did El What’s His Name “permit” me to become this way, without any input or approval from me ahead of time? And once done, why didn’t aforesaid Cosmic Muffin give me a way out of it that ACTUALLY F*CKING WORKS?
Don't give me your “Way” crap.
(Sorry, did I mention I’m ....ed?)
You say that God says that we do things which are “against nature.” Then why is it that homosexuality also exists in nature, something which is thoroughly documented? (Look it up for yourself.) That’s also your god. Don’t include me in your narrow minded, black and white, discriminatory view of the universe. Don’t bother to quote me your verses from someone (Paul) who had his own sexual issues.
Since we’re talking about your holy bible, how about the woman who was caught “in the act” as it were? They were going to stone her to death until Jesus came by and said “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” I see NOTHING there about the guy. From my perspective, “it takes two to tango.” He can get laid, maybe even forcibly rape the poor woman, then go home and have a smoke, take a nap, but she gets horribly and painfully executed in the process. So where’s your holy, pure, biblical justice there?
I don’t see it. If you see justice there, (and hey, it’s in YOUR bible,) then YOU are the one who’s twisted!
As far as being gay, there are some things you should know.
First, I never chose it. Given that opportunity, who would, given the fact that there are folks like you around, as well as those who brutally murdered Matthew Shepard and Alan Schindler?
If it sounds like I’m including you with them, well, then OK, I am. Because it’s not that far of a stretch from hating homos to justifying the murdering of them.
Or me.
Second: TWI caught up with me when I was at a vulnerable period. I was “in the closet,” and I wanted to be “out”, or “straight.” I tried to “become” straight. Nothing worked.
Let me say that again: NOTHING WORKED.
So when these folks came along, I took the bait, hook, line and sinker. I thought, “OK, then maybe this is my ticket!” NOT!!!
Almost a decade and a half of trying to become a breeder, and guess what? I’m still gay.
According to your bible, your way of looking at things, I’m an abomination. And I’ve done nothing wrong. You can’t tell me why, (you don’t have clue number one) and your holy book is no bargain either.
Again, I have done nothing wrong. Yet, your deity condemns me for what I am, for what he caused me to be, or, for what he “permitted” me to become.
So please don’t wonder why it is that I totally reject Christianity in any form.
I thank my God that he is a god of love not a God of loathing and abomination. My God looks at the heart of an individual and looks at the good in us. He is not a God that thinks in black and white. He loves us no matter what!!! He doesn't look at someone and say oh he is an abomination to me.
I second the amen to what Daryl says. Your right Daryl this kind of thinking of hate is what get people killed.
If this is truly what God is about with that kind of narrow thinking then I just don't believe in Him. But, I believe He isn't.
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Linda Z
Oh, and Simon, I have a solution to your spewing Squirt problem: keep a soft, damp cloth next to your monitor and don't forget to turn your head when you cough...er, spew Squirt.
And waddaya mean Hallmark doesn't want me? I'm crushed. I thought "this mess" and "Christmas" made for a perfect rhyme. They're sooooooooooo darned conventional.
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Now that makes me what to go...hmmmmm
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First of all, I don't think anyone said that you couldn't post here...I certainly didn't.
And with Daryl's post, I didn't see anyone disagree with that except one.
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Oh and if you want to go bible on us...it also says to the effect, Don't judge lest ye be judged.
There are a lot of places that talk about people judging others that I'm sure a lot of us could go into. But you get my drift, don't you?
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My first time derailing a thread and I screwed it up
Thanks for reading my rant I feel better now
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still trying to decide if i should read this thread
(i hope i'm not embarrassing myself and find out i responded on it)
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quote: Who is to say that Jesus was not a homosexual? He was hardly found amongst women. He traveled with 12 men. He ate with them, slept with them and lived with them. He did have contact with one woman and that was mary magdalene and she was a prostitute.
One woman, huh?
Luke 8:2,3 - and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene out of whom went seven devils, and Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others which ministered unto him of their substance.
Did you catch the 'many others' part? Remember how the man born blind whom Jesus healed was cast out of the synagogue? Which meant he could no longer buy or sell at the marketplace? If they'd do that to someone who merely said that Jesus healed him, then they certainly wouldn't let Jesus himself buy or sell, right? That's why he needed someone to buy or make stuff for him. He either chose to ask these many women, or they volunteered to do it. Neither scenario fits the profile of a male homosexual. Do you really think God's going to buy..."bible has been translated so many times in so many languages. Who knows what that means?"?
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It's BRAVO to you for your non-comprimising stand on God's Word. You have done well.
Linda, vickles, I'm not sure but someone in this thread said to Jonny "Who are you to judge?"
Hell, I'll judge then. I won't even use the Bible. I'll use freakin' cosmic common sense. Homosexuality is on the upside down portion of the universe. I'll voice my opinion, state it loud and clear, have often said it right back to gays and lesbians who decided, after I was minding my own business in college, to just say it as straight as they said it "queer", to use their very own term.
If they don't speak about it to me, I don't bring it up. If they bring it up in public or to me directly, they will hear from me if it is within earshot. I will vote and I have to judge to vote.
I will judge and keep judging. I will speak and speak loud, hard and clear. I don't need the Bible for that.
This is America. Go ahead. Pass a "hate crime" law that says I can't disagree with this. I'll laugh at it and speak anyway. What are they going to do...send the thought and anti-free speech police?
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Excie -- you did. Back when everyone was saying the "f" word!
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good grief.
I hadda feeling this topic might cause um, uh, a little trouble.
I asked the question originally because I see a bias in my workplace against female homosexuals that doesn't include males. Like I said, it's just my experience, in my profession, at my workplace.
Personally, I believe in treating all humans with respect and dignity. This includes female "couples" who come into my place of employment. It's not my job to pass moral judgement on them. My job is to work with them as I would any other pedestrians who want to buy furniture and use my design services. I just don't get why male couples are ok, and female couples nobody wants to wait on, or deal with.
Call me simplistic, naive, whatever.
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J0nny Ling0
Linda Z,
I was in fact addressing you, not Vickles. It was a response to your comment after Daryl gave his "we are just like you in every way that counts" speech. After he said it all, you said;
To which I responded:And, that was rude of me. Sorry.
And so, that was not to Vickles, but rather to you. But maybe I was wrong. Maybe I jumped the gun? Maybe you were being sarcastic to Daryl? Maybe you gave a little "yawn" after you said "Bravo, Daryl". But I didn't read it that way. I thought you were applauding him for his brave recitation...Perhaps I was wrong, and if so, I am sorry..
And Vickles, I confess, you never did say that I couldn't post here. And Garth Patterson, you are right, Vickles never did say that I wasn't allowed to post here. I just felt a little "persecuted" for what I had posted which was in opposition to Vickles's thinking. And so, for that I am srory as well. But my opinion stands on the homo thing.
And, Abigail (now let me go back and make sure that it was you who said this)....Oh yes, here it is:
That is hardly the truth my dear, if you had read this thread thoroughly, you would have noticed this post that I made:
And so, if you will read the first verse of this quotation, you will see that it contains God's judgement of the lesbian thing. And if you want to ASSume that I like to watch "lesbians in action", then go ahead. But I think that male and female activites in the homo world are activities that are contrary to these particular scriptures, that's all. Could I be tempted to enjoy watching a couple of lesbian chicks get it on? Sure. I'm human. But it still doesn't make it right. It is still contrary to the scriptures, God's holy Word. Not to coin an old TWI phrase, but it doesn't matter if I agree with it or not, it is still God's Word...
And Abigail, I made that post exactly seven posts before your assumption that I don't take exception to the female side of the gay question. So, make sure you read things correctly before you post. I need to do that too, we all do. Passions get in the way to be sure, but it's the only way to conduct a productive disagreement...
And so, Ex10, you metioned a "Can OF Worms" when you started this thread? Well, you knew, and you are right. There are still people who have serious convictions on this subject, on both sides, and you were right...
Now, concerning the "acceptance of gay guys in the workplace more so than gay women in the workplace", I think some very enlightening information has been offered, and I agree with it, particularly DMiller's first post, and of course, my own earlier post. Vickles also made a great point about gay men being more in touch with women's feelings and that and I quote:
Like I said before, I too have seen that. But Ex10, don't feel bad at all about "opening this can of worms", for, this is a topic that has not found a place to rest yet, and probably never will. This is America where many a diverse belief still prevails, and thank God that we still have the right to argue about it..
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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So...when it comes to human sexuality, Lingo still embraces "waybrain"...
Lingo...When the guy kissed your neck did you giggle?
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J0nny Ling0
So Hairy,
It is "Waybrain" to have a Biblical, non positive view of homosexuality? Gee, I wonder how many millions of people there are out in the world who have never even heard of The Way ministry, who have a negative Biblical view of homosexuality. Care to take a guess Hairy? Waybrain? Geez dude...
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Eagle, great post! I didn’t agree with a word you said. However, I like the way you said it. You stated your opinion without trashing anyone in the process
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ex10 said, “I just don't get why male couples are ok, and female couples nobody wants to wait on, or deal with.”
I think that is true in most areas, whether homo or hetero. Generally speaking: In restaurants, female tables are known to be cheap and lousy tippers. In retail situations, males are more decisive making them easier to wait on, females shop.
I think it is has more to do with them being male or female, not gay or lesbian. But that is just my experience. Attitude does have a lot to do with it. But I tend to think the attitude will be there whether sexual orientation is an issue or not.
ExWayDaryl, I hope Gay Pride in Chicago handles itself better than Gay Pride in New Orleans. I went a couple of times and left wondering what the hell they had to be proud of. They gave the rest of us a bad name!
We have a weekend called Southern Decadence, in September I think. Hundreds of drag queens are in the French Quarter drinking, limping in their heels, and showing their foot, some of them literally. Thousands come to town to participate in the decadence. I guess it is in the name, but I don’t have any problems with that event.
Go figure.
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you're right, dmiller
that was really hysterical !!!!!and now i see we've been sent to the principal's office !!!!
to answer sis ex10, i have not noticed a wider acceptance of male homosexuality vs. female, at least around where i live
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ANYONE who accepts the Bible as the Word of God (and, I expect, this includes at least A FEW people who have not been associated with The Way) must conclude that homosexuality is sin. Every verse relating to homosexuality and homosexual acts, in the New and Old Testaments, affirms this. If you don't want to believe that that's God's view of the subject, fine. But that IS the biblical perspective.
And to LindaZ, are you tolerant of someone who would sacrifice his child to an idol? The Bible uses the same word, toebah (abomination) to describe human sacrifice and homosexuality (as well as other forms of idolatry). It's not a matter of translation, it's a matter of refusing to believe what's written.
I find both male and female homosexuality abhorrent. But I answered Ex10's question a while ago. Our culture may be more accepting of male couples because they dress nicer.
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Vickles has cast aspersions on the bible because "it has been translated into so many languages"
That's not scholarly work vicks, the Old Testament is extremely accurate, having been meticuously copied over the years. We have more examples of it and the New Testament than we do of Homer, Plato or Socrates.
As a Christian I accept the Bible's definition of sin. Homosexuality is right up there with the biggies like lust and gossip and drunkenness.
But I live in a sinful secular world that does not accept the Bible as God's word. So initially I am more interested in getting people into the kingdom and then letting God show people where they need to change.
But don't blame mistranslations for the Bible's stance on the subject.
And by the way God considers male and female homosexuality as an abomination and calls the practitioners to come to him and let him change them.
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"And by the way God considers male and female homosexuality as an abomination and calls the practitioners to come to him and let him change them."
What if He doesn't? What if they come to God and remain homosexuals? Impossible? I bet there are a number of peopl who can say that is exactly what has occured in their lives.
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J0nny Ling0
And Eagle, by the way, thanks...
And Shelly, aka Jessie Joe, were you ever in the Tenth Corps?
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JL, no Tenth Corps. That Corps was in training when I got involved with TWI, I think. 1980?
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Quote, posted Dec 27, 8:24 PM
“Except for the fact that you play with other mens' penis's...Twisted!”
With all due respect, Jonny, bite me. Who are you to judge me? Who are you to say that what I do or do not do, with whomever I choose, in a consenting adult environment, is “twisted?”
In terms of biblical context, isn’t it just as much of an abomination to touch the skin of a dead pig? Have you ever played football, or watched the NFL on television?
Are you married? If so, does your wife have periods? If so, do YOU bring two turtledoves or pigeons to the temple during that time?
Why not?
You people, every last one of you who says the Bible is the be-all and end-all of mankind’s existence are living in the Neo-Dark Ages. And you have managed to .... me off.
If your oh, so holy deity condemns homosexuality in the way that you folks say he-she-it-they does, then why is it that I am a homosexual, undeniably, unchangeably, now and forever? If this is such a huge sin, why did El What’s His Name “permit” me to become this way, without any input or approval from me ahead of time? And once done, why didn’t aforesaid Cosmic Muffin give me a way out of it that ACTUALLY F*CKING WORKS?
Don't give me your “Way” crap.
(Sorry, did I mention I’m ....ed?)
You say that God says that we do things which are “against nature.” Then why is it that homosexuality also exists in nature, something which is thoroughly documented? (Look it up for yourself.) That’s also your god. Don’t include me in your narrow minded, black and white, discriminatory view of the universe. Don’t bother to quote me your verses from someone (Paul) who had his own sexual issues.
Since we’re talking about your holy bible, how about the woman who was caught “in the act” as it were? They were going to stone her to death until Jesus came by and said “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” I see NOTHING there about the guy. From my perspective, “it takes two to tango.” He can get laid, maybe even forcibly rape the poor woman, then go home and have a smoke, take a nap, but she gets horribly and painfully executed in the process. So where’s your holy, pure, biblical justice there?
I don’t see it. If you see justice there, (and hey, it’s in YOUR bible,) then YOU are the one who’s twisted!
As far as being gay, there are some things you should know.
First, I never chose it. Given that opportunity, who would, given the fact that there are folks like you around, as well as those who brutally murdered Matthew Shepard and Alan Schindler?
If it sounds like I’m including you with them, well, then OK, I am. Because it’s not that far of a stretch from hating homos to justifying the murdering of them.
Or me.
Second: TWI caught up with me when I was at a vulnerable period. I was “in the closet,” and I wanted to be “out”, or “straight.” I tried to “become” straight. Nothing worked.
Let me say that again: NOTHING WORKED.
So when these folks came along, I took the bait, hook, line and sinker. I thought, “OK, then maybe this is my ticket!” NOT!!!
Almost a decade and a half of trying to become a breeder, and guess what? I’m still gay.
According to your bible, your way of looking at things, I’m an abomination. And I’ve done nothing wrong. You can’t tell me why, (you don’t have clue number one) and your holy book is no bargain either.
Again, I have done nothing wrong. Yet, your deity condemns me for what I am, for what he caused me to be, or, for what he “permitted” me to become.
So please don’t wonder why it is that I totally reject Christianity in any form.
Armed and dangerous
Somewhere in Illinois
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Amen !
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I thank my God that he is a god of love not a God of loathing and abomination. My God looks at the heart of an individual and looks at the good in us. He is not a God that thinks in black and white. He loves us no matter what!!! He doesn't look at someone and say oh he is an abomination to me.
I second the amen to what Daryl says. Your right Daryl this kind of thinking of hate is what get people killed.
If this is truly what God is about with that kind of narrow thinking then I just don't believe in Him. But, I believe He isn't.
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