I don't mind the race issue in diversity. But as far back as 1998 many corporations in Ohio are puching to include 'gay' tolerance and force employees to take it or it is their job.
This has not happened to me yet because my company obviously knows the trouble it would cause here but it is true. They are in fact pushing sexuality into diversity.
I am shocked the foster parent program makes one sign statements about not speaking against homosexuality. This means the foster parents have no right to train the children they are helping to raise in a moral or religious environment, therefore, the state has taken one of at least four courses of action, foster parents are discrimated against based on religion, which is a crime, or, the program, all government run, is stating that a religion that says homosexuality is okay, or those that traditionally do not believe in God or give a damn about gay or straight may foster the children, or, while you can not teach against homosexuality, you are allowed to teach in favor of it.
This foster care program is so ripe for a constitutional lawsuit and possible monetary or punitive damages. Perhaps even cancellation.
Good luck. Only a matter of time. I would just take the foster kid and teach him the Bible anyway. You can sign the document under protest, and state that. What are they going to do about it? Take the children because I actually took them to church or taught them some biblical morality?
This is an excellent topic. Thank you for starting it. Now I will proceed to add my own can of worms. Or should I say, Pandora’s box?
In general, it’s hazardous to generalize. That said, there are certain stereotypes that tend to have their basis in what most folks perceive. Among those is the difference between gay males and females. Here is a joke to make this point:
What does a lesbian bring on a second date?
A U-Haul.
What does a gay man bring on a second date?
WHAT second date?
The common belief, based largely in truth, is that lesbian relationships are more stable than gay male relationships. Why this is I can only surmise. I am guessing that it is the male’s proclivity to mate with anything that moves, while the female’s task is to preserve a stable home, keep the “family” together, maintain the camp while the male goes out hunting and gathering, and maybe mating with another should the opportunity arise. Again, this is just a guess on my part. An anthropologist I ain’t.
Stereotypes, of course, don’t fit across the board. In general, however, there is evidence to support my supposition. In Chicago and the surrounding area, there are numerous gay bars. The vast majority of these cater to males. Precious few are lesbian bars. There are 3 gay bathhouses in Chicago. There are no similar places for women that I’m aware of.
In my experience, lesbians are welcome in bars populated by guys. The red carpet isn’t necessarily laid out, but they are not turned away or in any manner meant to feel unwanted. This is particularly true during Gay Pride Week. Gay Pride Week culminates in the Gay Pride Parade, which always occurs on the last Sunday in June. (That is the subject of another topic.) The Gay Pride Parade of 2004 in Chicago had an estimated official attendance of 400,000 people. Official estimates have always been conservative.
Much like straight folks, we gay people also have issues that we have to deal with. And being gay sometimes tends to make things a bit more difficult. Not always, just sometimes. We’re human too. We have the same likes, dislikes, wants, desires, fears, and everything else that you do. We bleed red, just like you do. We get hangovers. We clean our homes. We pick up the dry cleaning. We clean out the cat’s litter box. We wash the dishes. Some of us have served our country, like I did. (USAF, active duty 1968-1972, honorably discharged in 1974.)
We’re your brothers, your sisters, your nieces & nephews, aunts, uncles, and sometimes even your parents.
We’re just like you are, in all the ways that really count.
And oh Linda Z, you are sooo PC! Far be it from you to consider that the twisted passions of one who defies the laws of nature is wrong in order to appear before humankind as one who "accepts all"!
But yes, you should receive the "I accept all award" because of your "brave" and "avante gard" view of human sexuality...
But hey, you will fit in with a certain vocal group who will praise you for your Tolerance and Diversity, and "that's what it's all about", right?
$heeit...for a man to play with another man's penis is simply twisted and wrong, and to take a stand for it is simply SIN...
Galen,I always thought it was pronounced 'herass-ment until the Clarence Thomas hearings when he was appointed to the Supreme Court and Anita Hill acused him of sexual 'hair'es ment...I thought the politicions deliberately changed the pronunciation so they wouldn't be heard on tv saying 'herass' all day..."Ummmmm,Mr. Thomas,did you grab her a$$ when you harassed her?"
All right,Linda...Next time you warn me before I spew my can of Squirt all over the monitor....Oh....And I sent Hallmark your 9th corps post....They said for you not to call them,they'll call you....
quote: Just who are you to put that judgement in, huh? Who is it that determines what is twisted?
I didn't make that judgement, God did.
Romans 1:26
And for this cause God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Verse 27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet (adequate).
And even as they did not like to (emphasis added) retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things that are not convenient;
Verse 29;
Being filled with all unrighteousness , fornication, wickedness, covetnousness, maliciousness (emphasis added)," and on and on and on...
And so, you think that I am doing the "judging"? I think that is fairly clear that the Almighty has already done that through His Word!~ Oh, but you do not have the same attitude to the Written Word that I do....Well, if you do in fact believe that the Bible is Gods' Word, then how can you argue this point Vickles?
But then again, maybe you don't think of the Bible as God's Word. And if you don't, I respect your decision to give the queer thing a "pass" when it comes to God's judgement. But if you do have respect for God's Word, how can you give this thing as "pass"?
God says;
quote: their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And if somemething is "against nature", it is " TWISTED!! ".
Edited by Jonny Lingo
I'm not going to argue bible with you...you have done this before in other threads ages ago...ad nauseam.
Besides, this is not the subject of the thread whether homosexuality is right or wrong.
And nature? That is something twi taught that it was against nature. Have you ever seen animals of the same sex do it? I have. I know the reason for it but they still try to hump.
Besides the bible has been translated so many times in so many languages. Who knows what that means?
It sounds like there was a heck of a lot going on more than homosexuality.
Who is to say that Jesus was not a homosexual? He was hardly found amongst women. He traveled with 12 men. He ate with them, slept with them and lived with them. He did have contact with one woman and that was mary magdalene and she was a prostitute.
I find it very interesting that Jonny boy has issues with male homosexuality but remains silent regarding female homosexuality. Does your Bible abhor only gay men but embrace lesbian women? Or is it simply that you like to watch the women but are terrified of the men?
Sorry LindaZ,that rebuttal was intended for Vickles, but, you can read it too..
And Vickles, of course I argued these same points before, I am one of those people who believe that the Bible is God's Word and will for man. Are only those who believe otherwise allowed to post here? Am I not allowed to express my opinion here?
And, don't accuse me of de-railing this thread, for it was ExWay Daryl who said:
quote: We’re just like you are, in all the ways that really count.
To which I took acception, to which a couple of people disagreed, to which I further disagreed.
And so goes the continuous exchange of ideas and dialogue at the Greasespot Cafe, be the exchanges happy and without conflict, or contentious and not so happy...
First off, where did anyone actually tell you that you had no right to voice your opinion? Mebbe I'm blind, but I can't see anywhere where this occured.
Two, ExWay Daryl said,
quote: We’re just like you are, in all the ways that really count.
To which you replied,
quote: To which I took acception, ...
Now why, sir, is it that you take exception to gays being just like you are. I mean, is regarding them as equal human beings really an affront to the God that you believe in? Equal protection and regard in a civilized society is really that ungodly for you?
Plus I also find it rather ironic how some verses (like those regarding homosexuality) get defended almost to the death, yet other verses (like regarding greed, swearing, bearing false witness, et al), don't seem to be regarded as so important -- especially by those who just might be involved with such in one way or another.
Garthman...you need to retake piffle, it'll answer ALL your questions ;)-->
but in all seriousness, our local conservative baptist church is adamantly opposed to homos yet you never hear mention of the sex affairs theri members are having amoungst themselves, not do you hear much said about the *pillars of the community* lying to the citizens in order to get their favored project approved NOR do you hear much from them about slanderous talk when one solitary voice said, hey wait a minute these guys are lying through their teeth about this
I guess to put my last post into perspective and to be fair to those folks I ought to say that I attended their church for almost 4 yrs and have known most of them for 20 yrs.
This particular church's members and I have enjoyed a tolerant peace betwixt us since I spoke against their pet project several years ago. What I find amazing tho and what finally made me leave was a sunday school class I attended a few months back. The sunday school teacher, a high school teacher in real life was visibly upset. He spoke for a little bit on how the community at large had this perception of them as being haughty. He said they weren't being haughty but were simply trying to distance themselves from sin.
I found this amusing
He then spoke at length about a crisis they were facing and everybody had to pull together to make things turn out ok.
After awhile the HS Principal, spoke up and said "What crisis?" Mr Teacher replied: "oh no, I didn't mean a crisis, not a crisis, we just need to work together to solve this problem" (not exact quotes)
When drug dealers are standing out in front of city hall and nothing is done, when teenage pregnancy and dropout rates are the highest in the state, when the meth and crack is so bad that their daughters are coming home well used, when the town is facing insolvancy because of their choices...
Somehow I sense a disparity between their world and reality
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Hi Steve!
I don't mind the race issue in diversity. But as far back as 1998 many corporations in Ohio are puching to include 'gay' tolerance and force employees to take it or it is their job.
This has not happened to me yet because my company obviously knows the trouble it would cause here but it is true. They are in fact pushing sexuality into diversity.
I am shocked the foster parent program makes one sign statements about not speaking against homosexuality. This means the foster parents have no right to train the children they are helping to raise in a moral or religious environment, therefore, the state has taken one of at least four courses of action, foster parents are discrimated against based on religion, which is a crime, or, the program, all government run, is stating that a religion that says homosexuality is okay, or those that traditionally do not believe in God or give a damn about gay or straight may foster the children, or, while you can not teach against homosexuality, you are allowed to teach in favor of it.
This foster care program is so ripe for a constitutional lawsuit and possible monetary or punitive damages. Perhaps even cancellation.
Good luck. Only a matter of time. I would just take the foster kid and teach him the Bible anyway. You can sign the document under protest, and state that. What are they going to do about it? Take the children because I actually took them to church or taught them some biblical morality?
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This is an excellent topic. Thank you for starting it. Now I will proceed to add my own can of worms. Or should I say, Pandora’s box?
In general, it’s hazardous to generalize. That said, there are certain stereotypes that tend to have their basis in what most folks perceive. Among those is the difference between gay males and females. Here is a joke to make this point:
What does a lesbian bring on a second date?
A U-Haul.
What does a gay man bring on a second date?
WHAT second date?
The common belief, based largely in truth, is that lesbian relationships are more stable than gay male relationships. Why this is I can only surmise. I am guessing that it is the male’s proclivity to mate with anything that moves, while the female’s task is to preserve a stable home, keep the “family” together, maintain the camp while the male goes out hunting and gathering, and maybe mating with another should the opportunity arise. Again, this is just a guess on my part. An anthropologist I ain’t.
Stereotypes, of course, don’t fit across the board. In general, however, there is evidence to support my supposition. In Chicago and the surrounding area, there are numerous gay bars. The vast majority of these cater to males. Precious few are lesbian bars. There are 3 gay bathhouses in Chicago. There are no similar places for women that I’m aware of.
In my experience, lesbians are welcome in bars populated by guys. The red carpet isn’t necessarily laid out, but they are not turned away or in any manner meant to feel unwanted. This is particularly true during Gay Pride Week. Gay Pride Week culminates in the Gay Pride Parade, which always occurs on the last Sunday in June. (That is the subject of another topic.) The Gay Pride Parade of 2004 in Chicago had an estimated official attendance of 400,000 people. Official estimates have always been conservative.
Much like straight folks, we gay people also have issues that we have to deal with. And being gay sometimes tends to make things a bit more difficult. Not always, just sometimes. We’re human too. We have the same likes, dislikes, wants, desires, fears, and everything else that you do. We bleed red, just like you do. We get hangovers. We clean our homes. We pick up the dry cleaning. We clean out the cat’s litter box. We wash the dishes. Some of us have served our country, like I did. (USAF, active duty 1968-1972, honorably discharged in 1974.)
We’re your brothers, your sisters, your nieces & nephews, aunts, uncles, and sometimes even your parents.
We’re just like you are, in all the ways that really count.
Franklin Park, Illinois
Serves as the staff for Alex T. Cat
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Linda Z
Bravo, Daryl. Well said.
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J0nny Ling0
Except for the fact that you play with other mens' penis's...Twisted!
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J0nny Ling0
And oh Linda Z, you are sooo PC! Far be it from you to consider that the twisted passions of one who defies the laws of nature is wrong in order to appear before humankind as one who "accepts all"!
But yes, you should receive the "I accept all award" because of your "brave" and "avante gard" view of human sexuality...
But hey, you will fit in with a certain vocal group who will praise you for your Tolerance and Diversity, and "that's what it's all about", right?
$heeit...for a man to play with another man's penis is simply twisted and wrong, and to take a stand for it is simply SIN...
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"Sexual Her-foot-Ment"??
I have pronounced that word in that exact manner [rather than: Hair-foot-ment] and spelled it the samy way for years and you are the first to notice.
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Galen,I always thought it was pronounced 'herass-ment until the Clarence Thomas hearings when he was appointed to the Supreme Court and Anita Hill acused him of sexual 'hair'es ment...I thought the politicions deliberately changed the pronunciation so they wouldn't be heard on tv saying 'herass' all day..."Ummmmm,Mr. Thomas,did you grab her a$$ when you harassed her?"
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Just who are you to put that judgement in, huh? Who is it that determines what is twisted?
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Linda Z
Jonny the Righteous:
Kiss my tolerant donkey.
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All right,Linda...Next time you warn me before I spew my can of Squirt all over the monitor....Oh....And I sent Hallmark your 9th corps post....They said for you not to call them,they'll call you....
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J0nny Ling0
I didn't make that judgement, God did.
Romans 1:26
And for this cause God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Verse 27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet (adequate).
And even as they did not like to (emphasis added) retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things that are not convenient;
Verse 29;
Being filled with all unrighteousness , fornication, wickedness, covetnousness, maliciousness (emphasis added)," and on and on and on...
And so, you think that I am doing the "judging"? I think that is fairly clear that the Almighty has already done that through His Word!~ Oh, but you do not have the same attitude to the Written Word that I do....Well, if you do in fact believe that the Bible is Gods' Word, then how can you argue this point Vickles?
But then again, maybe you don't think of the Bible as God's Word. And if you don't, I respect your decision to give the queer thing a "pass" when it comes to God's judgement. But if you do have respect for God's Word, how can you give this thing as "pass"?
God says;
And if somemething is "against nature", it is " TWISTED!! ". Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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I'm not going to argue bible with you...you have done this before in other threads ages ago...ad nauseam.
Besides, this is not the subject of the thread whether homosexuality is right or wrong.
And nature? That is something twi taught that it was against nature. Have you ever seen animals of the same sex do it? I have. I know the reason for it but they still try to hump.
So stick that in your ear!!!!!
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Besides the bible has been translated so many times in so many languages. Who knows what that means?
It sounds like there was a heck of a lot going on more than homosexuality.
Who is to say that Jesus was not a homosexual? He was hardly found amongst women. He traveled with 12 men. He ate with them, slept with them and lived with them. He did have contact with one woman and that was mary magdalene and she was a prostitute.
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Isn't that a little bit twisted!!!???
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Yeah, but it might make him feel better....
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I find it very interesting that Jonny boy has issues with male homosexuality but remains silent regarding female homosexuality. Does your Bible abhor only gay men but embrace lesbian women? Or is it simply that you like to watch the women but are terrified of the men?
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J0nny Ling0
Sorry LindaZ,that rebuttal was intended for Vickles, but, you can read it too..
And Vickles, of course I argued these same points before, I am one of those people who believe that the Bible is God's Word and will for man. Are only those who believe otherwise allowed to post here? Am I not allowed to express my opinion here?
And, don't accuse me of de-railing this thread, for it was ExWay Daryl who said:
To which I took acception, to which a couple of people disagreed, to which I further disagreed.
And so goes the continuous exchange of ideas and dialogue at the Greasespot Cafe, be the exchanges happy and without conflict, or contentious and not so happy...
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First off, where did anyone actually tell you that you had no right to voice your opinion? Mebbe I'm blind, but I can't see anywhere where this occured.
Two, ExWay Daryl said,
To which you replied,
Now why, sir, is it that you take exception to gays being just like you are. I mean, is regarding them as equal human beings really an affront to the God that you believe in? Equal protection and regard in a civilized society is really that ungodly for you?
Plus I also find it rather ironic how some verses (like those regarding homosexuality) get defended almost to the death, yet other verses (like regarding greed, swearing, bearing false witness, et al), don't seem to be regarded as so important -- especially by those who just might be involved with such in one way or another.
Makes ya wanna go 'Hhhmmmmm'.
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Garthman...you need to retake piffle, it'll answer ALL your questions
but in all seriousness, our local conservative baptist church is adamantly opposed to homos yet you never hear mention of the sex affairs theri members are having amoungst themselves, not do you hear much said about the *pillars of the community* lying to the citizens in order to get their favored project approved NOR do you hear much from them about slanderous talk when one solitary voice said, hey wait a minute these guys are lying through their teeth about this
nope not one word
funny isn't it
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I guess to put my last post into perspective and to be fair to those folks I ought to say that I attended their church for almost 4 yrs and have known most of them for 20 yrs.
This particular church's members and I have enjoyed a tolerant peace betwixt us since I spoke against their pet project several years ago. What I find amazing tho and what finally made me leave was a sunday school class I attended a few months back. The sunday school teacher, a high school teacher in real life was visibly upset. He spoke for a little bit on how the community at large had this perception of them as being haughty. He said they weren't being haughty but were simply trying to distance themselves from sin.
I found this amusing
He then spoke at length about a crisis they were facing and everybody had to pull together to make things turn out ok.
After awhile the HS Principal, spoke up and said "What crisis?" Mr Teacher replied: "oh no, I didn't mean a crisis, not a crisis, we just need to work together to solve this problem" (not exact quotes)
When drug dealers are standing out in front of city hall and nothing is done, when teenage pregnancy and dropout rates are the highest in the state, when the meth and crack is so bad that their daughters are coming home well used, when the town is facing insolvancy because of their choices...
Somehow I sense a disparity between their world and reality
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Well, if this thread wasn't derailed before, it sure is NOW!
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