That is SUCH great news! Hopefully, with all the "regrouping" you have done in your life since leaving TWI and your experiences here on GSC, you will be able to help your children fill in some blanks, connect some dots and find out what really happened in certain situations relating to your family.
Thanks for sharing that and best of luck reclaiming your family!
Good going. Now that all of you are out and can rightly blame TWI for much of it.. yous can all take a roadtrip to New Knoxville together... and water the graves of the founders.
Comparing notes about what "leadership" had said and done in certain situations was enlightening...for all of us.
A side note about the meeting. My son Ben, as it turns out, has learned to enjoy many of the same local bands as I do. We have gone to some of the same bars, just never at the same time.
After the initial hugging and such, B remarked how much he liked the band that was playing, a pair of brothers who had toured worldwide and moved to Lincoln to semi-retire. When they finished the set one of the musicians came over to sit at my table and retrieve the beer that I was "guarding" for him. My son's eyes got real wide and he said "You KNOW these guys?"
Hmmm...maybe some new candidates for the Weenie Roast
quote: After the initial hugging and such, B remarked how much he liked the band that was playing, a pair of brothers who had toured worldwide and moved to Lincoln to semi-retire. When they finished the set one of the musicians came over to sit at my table and retrieve the beer that I was "guarding" for him. My son's eyes got real wide and he said "You KNOW these guys?"
*Bonding* at it's best, especially if breakfast is included afterwards, and you're picking up the tab! :)-->
Tears are running down my cheeks and I have goosebumps I'm so pleased for you!!!!!
This is the first holiday season my husband has been able to have a conversation with his oldest son in over 20 years. It's also the first holiday season I've spent with my family in 30 years.
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Miracle will follow Miracle and wonders will never cease!
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This gives me hope! How wonderful for you and your children. yooooooooohoooooooooo
Makes my eyes leak.
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That is SUCH great news! Hopefully, with all the "regrouping" you have done in your life since leaving TWI and your experiences here on GSC, you will be able to help your children fill in some blanks, connect some dots and find out what really happened in certain situations relating to your family.
Thanks for sharing that and best of luck reclaiming your family!
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That is fantastic, Oakman!
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Awwwww! I'm so happy for you, Oak! What a great Yuletide indeed and you of all people certainly deserve it!
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very great news Oak!
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Watered Garden
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This is so great!! Thanks for sharing with all of us!!
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Radar OReilly
Oak....AWESOME......all good things come to those who wait....(who said that??)
I can't imagine your go guy!!
ror stole that from t-cat!!!!
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That's a great tale, Oak.
"Brought a tear to me eye" ("Oh shut up").
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Stole what from Tcat?
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Good going. Now that all of you are out and can rightly blame TWI for much of it.. yous can all take a roadtrip to New Knoxville together... and water the graves of the founders.
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i'm very very glad for you oak
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Thanks for all the good wishes
Comparing notes about what "leadership" had said and done in certain situations was enlightening...for all of us.
A side note about the meeting. My son Ben, as it turns out, has learned to enjoy many of the same local bands as I do. We have gone to some of the same bars, just never at the same time.
After the initial hugging and such, B remarked how much he liked the band that was playing, a pair of brothers who had toured worldwide and moved to Lincoln to semi-retire. When they finished the set one of the musicians came over to sit at my table and retrieve the beer that I was "guarding" for him. My son's eyes got real wide and he said "You KNOW these guys?"
Hmmm...maybe some new candidates for the Weenie Roast
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*Bonding* at it's best, especially if breakfast is included afterwards, and you're picking up the tab!
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I'm so happy for you!!! Must be so exciting to see your family starting to bond again!!!!!
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Way to go, Oak. I am so happy for ALL of you.
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Linda Z
That's so wonderful, Oak!! I can't imagine being estranged from my son, and it must do your heart so much good to be reuiniting with yours!!
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Fantastic, Oak...we are soooo happy for you.
Of course those of us who know you KNEW this would happen one are just too great of a person for your kids to stay away.
Edited by Cindy!Link to comment
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Oh {{{{{Oak!}}}}}
Tears are running down my cheeks and I have goosebumps I'm so pleased for you!!!!!
This is the first holiday season my husband has been able to have a conversation with his oldest son in over 20 years. It's also the first holiday season I've spent with my family in 30 years.
These reunions are just awesome!!!!
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Another one of Grandma's prayers answered.
Three more Oakkids to go!!
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