So while wee ones anxiously wait for the wee hours when a fictional tale of a wee wizard will be released. I'll be waiting also, for the risen Son of God to return.
I wasn't aware one hope precluded another Hope.
Not that you should become a Potterphile if you don't want to. But I am.
I spent some time looking through the first one at least until I could not stomach anymore. The spiritual kingdom does not hold any facination over me, I am well aware of their motives.
And with that, I present to you someone's attempt to do empirical research on this....
Well, Dovey, you're in good company. You and the pope can sit around with all the TWIts and discuss how we're all stoopid for enjoying these fantasy stories.
It's okay if you don't like Harry, but I wonder what the purpose was for your comments. I mean, if you don't like Harry then why even bother? Do you want us to try to convince you to like him or did you just want to throw a wet blanket on our enthusiasm or were you looking to start a fight?
Aw, be nice. Best as I can tell, all Dovey said was he doesn't like the stuff. Gotta be okay with that.
The spiritual kingdom does not hold any facination over me, I am well aware of their motives.
Dovey, are you implying here that anyone who does like Harry Potter is allowing the "spiritual kingdom" to hold fascination over their lives (as opposed to, say, just enjoying a well-written book)?
Why Raf, doncha know that there is *always* a 'spurchal' reason for everything. ... From the green light that *just happens* to turn red *just* as you're approaching it, ... to that innocent looking yet purple Teletubby that just might be giving off less-than-manly vibes as you walk past it to, ... well you know, all kinds of things that 'they' warn us about. ;)-->
Thankyou Dove, I understand and respect your concerns truly, as they were once my own.
Out of curiosity though, do you have a problem with the fairy tales that we were exposed to when we grew up?
Dragons, witches, monsters and magic, children have been reading and enjoying these tales long before rowling wrote her stories......
How is Harry Potter any more dangerous than Grimm`s fairy tales or hans christian anderson that children have been reading for generations.
How are the witches any more sinister than in snow white or Hansel and Gretal?....or the magic utilized by the fairies in sleeping beauty or cinderella any different than the magic preformed at hogwarts? the possession involved in the pied piper any more alarming, than the mythical characters in RK Rowlings stories?
None of these monsters or goblins, witches or fairies tempted us to seek satan as children ...I tend to think that our children will weather the fantasies of their childhood as well.
Dove, comparing an entertaining childs tale with child molestation is sick and just plain wrong....
I`ll tell you this my friend... RK Rowling and her entertaining tales of wizards haven`t done nearly the spiritual harm, or caused the enormous pain in this world than those claiming to know and teach the scriptures, claiming to represent God`s will, the people who were supposedly representing God almighty by teaching the *truth* in twi.
Far as I can tell, it is more the oh so rightious Christians of twi that have blackend the eye of God and led people away into the spiritual darkness.
It is the deception perpetrated by those we knew who rightiously beat their chest claiming to be God`s representatives that have caused the enormous damage in folks far as I can tell...rk`s stories have never inspired anyone to intimidate, seduce and rape, extort, molest.....all of which our christian representatives in twi were guilty of indulging in and promoting........
How can you be so offended with someone who`s stories have inspired million of children to learn to love to read....
Knowing what we are guilty of, the harm perpetrated by those we enabled, supported and vigorously lives promoted to unsuspecting victims....we of all people have no business pointing our collective fingers of judgement at ANYONE else.
My God, as I see it, it is the people claiming to speak for God that have done the MOST to destroy peoples lives and rob them of their faith.
VIGILANCE ????? Come ON......darkness actually flourished on our spite of our honorable intentions.....and for any of us to have the nerve to condemn another person .....whew, seems to be hypocracy at it`s worst.
Dove, I have a lot of respect for you, but I am deeply offended that you would accuse me of allowing and promoting something akin to child molestation.
WD, I didn't come out swinging. Tone of voice doesn't really come across correctly sometimes. I had genuine questions and I apologize if it sounded that way. The thread is obviously one where people who all enjoy the HP books are sharing their enthusiasm and I just didn't see where your comments were well placed. I would have started another thread to discuss the "devilishness" of HP and how "ungodly" you seem to think it is. There may be others on here who feel the same way, but wouldn't comment because they wouldn't read this thread based on the content in the first posts.
You keep saying that you're not calling us stupid, however, your comments are very subtle in implying such opinions of us. Then you actually clarify it with this statement:
This dumbing down of society to relax and accept more and more spiritual trash is growing worse day by day. What ever became of watch?, be vigilant?
So, you DO consider us HP fans to be "dumbed down" members of society!
Watch? Be Vigiliant? Not all of us on the board are Christians and not all of us subscribe to your same Christian values who are still Christians. I respect you and think you're pretty wise, but you are coming across as the "holier than thou" people whom I left church originally to avoid and then again left behind in TWI.
Parents are responsible for teaching their children. That kid who believed everyone gets up after being knocked down had a mom who was taking drugs and who harldy ever supervised her child, much less made sure that he was properly taught. Can't blame that on wrestling, my friend. Same with any kids who believe they can fly on brooms. Just because we enjoy HP, enjoy reading it with our children doesn't mean we're encouraging or teaching them to become sorcerers.
This "dumbing down of society" is because there is no personal accountability anymore. People are suing left and right and expect the government to "babysit" grown adults. It is insulting to have you insinuate that you are better than us because you happen to think a little fantasy is opening us up to devil spirits and that we aren't smart enough to know the difference, much less teach that difference to our kids.
I don't see why another thread needs to be started. This one was for those anticipating the release of the book. Now that the book has been released, why not continue the conversation here?
Agreed.....I also think that we are reasonable adults that can disguss our point of view.
I was on the other side of this argument when the fourth book came out, and am really apreciative of the folks who patiently addressed my concerns, allaying my fears so that eventually I embarked on one of the most exciting reading adventure of my life.
There is much to be learn that villains don`t always look like villains, heroes don`t always appear wholesom on the surface.....evil doesn`t always have a neat little warning lable plastered in view to warn the unwary....
Good verses evil, bravery, the consequences of cowardice....the list is endless....
We got ours at 12:01, following a Potter party with pizza, butterbeer and games. My oldest has already finished it, but there are two more ahead of me. I'm trying not to look at spoilers!!
I started to read the other Potter thread, but right now I'm really swamped. Too tired for that thread.
Bramble, I'm with ya! I still haven't picked it up, but I'm dying to read it and I'm so tempted to check out the spoilers thread, but I'm going to wait......I'm just afraid by then the other HP enthusiasts will have moved on....
Butterbeer ( from the We Love Harry Potter book, by Sharon Moore)
"I like the name "Butterbeer" and wanted to taste it. I heard that some kids staged a protest against banning the Harry Potter books at their school and they made Butterbeer and drank it.
Here's how I tried to make it. First, I took some root beer and put some butter in it and heated it in the microwave until the butter melted. Then I stirred it and tried it. It tasted good, but it was warm and it wasn't fizzy anymore. Then I tried heating the butter first until it melted, heating the root beer just a little bit and stirring them together. That worked pretty well.
My friend Sancho thought we could melt down a lot of butterscotch Life Savers, but they just melted into puddles and then got hard again when we took them out of the microwave.
We tried stirring the melted butter into ginger ale and it really tasted good, but I don't think you could call it Butterbeer. We tried putting cream in it, too, the kind they put in coffee, and that was even better. It was also good in the root beer. But again I don't think you could call it Butterbeer.
from Manny Mauricio, 9 years old"
My daughter, Katryna made some from this passage and I tasted it...was pretty good!
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I wasn't aware one hope precluded another Hope.
Not that you should become a Potterphile if you don't want to. But I am.
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And with that, I present to you someone's attempt to do empirical research on this....
Learning the occult from Harry Potter and D & D
Presenting the opposing point of view,
Jack T Chick's "Dark Dungeons"
Rebutting the opposing point of view,
MST3K meets Dark Dungeons!
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Well, Dovey, you're in good company. You and the pope can sit around with all the TWIts and discuss how we're all stoopid for enjoying these fantasy stories.
It's okay if you don't like Harry, but I wonder what the purpose was for your comments. I mean, if you don't like Harry then why even bother? Do you want us to try to convince you to like him or did you just want to throw a wet blanket on our enthusiasm or were you looking to start a fight?
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Aw, be nice. Best as I can tell, all Dovey said was he doesn't like the stuff. Gotta be okay with that.
Dovey, are you implying here that anyone who does like Harry Potter is allowing the "spiritual kingdom" to hold fascination over their lives (as opposed to, say, just enjoying a well-written book)?
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Why Raf, doncha know that there is *always* a 'spurchal' reason for everything.
... From the green light that *just happens* to turn red *just* as you're approaching it, ... to that innocent looking yet purple Teletubby that just might be giving off less-than-manly vibes as you walk past it to, ... well you know, all kinds of things that 'they' warn us about.
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Thankyou Dove, I understand and respect your concerns truly, as they were once my own.
Out of curiosity though, do you have a problem with the fairy tales that we were exposed to when we grew up?
Dragons, witches, monsters and magic, children have been reading and enjoying these tales long before rowling wrote her stories......
How is Harry Potter any more dangerous than Grimm`s fairy tales or hans christian anderson that children have been reading for generations.
How are the witches any more sinister than in snow white or Hansel and Gretal?....or the magic utilized by the fairies in sleeping beauty or cinderella any different than the magic preformed at hogwarts? the possession involved in the pied piper any more alarming, than the mythical characters in RK Rowlings stories?
None of these monsters or goblins, witches or fairies tempted us to seek satan as children ...I tend to think that our children will weather the fantasies of their childhood as well.
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Tom Strange
well I never have read any of the books... (they look so long)... but I do own/enjoy the movies that have been made so far!
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Oh. Okay, I get it now. We've surrendered our Biblical call to vigilance. Gotcha.
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Dove, comparing an entertaining childs tale with child molestation is sick and just plain wrong....
I`ll tell you this my friend... RK Rowling and her entertaining tales of wizards haven`t done nearly the spiritual harm, or caused the enormous pain in this world than those claiming to know and teach the scriptures, claiming to represent God`s will, the people who were supposedly representing God almighty by teaching the *truth* in twi.
Far as I can tell, it is more the oh so rightious Christians of twi that have blackend the eye of God and led people away into the spiritual darkness.
It is the deception perpetrated by those we knew who rightiously beat their chest claiming to be God`s representatives that have caused the enormous damage in folks far as I can tell...rk`s stories have never inspired anyone to intimidate, seduce and rape, extort, molest.....all of which our christian representatives in twi were guilty of indulging in and promoting........
How can you be so offended with someone who`s stories have inspired million of children to learn to love to read....
Knowing what we are guilty of, the harm perpetrated by those we enabled, supported and vigorously lives promoted to unsuspecting victims....we of all people have no business pointing our collective fingers of judgement at ANYONE else.
My God, as I see it, it is the people claiming to speak for God that have done the MOST to destroy peoples lives and rob them of their faith.
VIGILANCE ????? Come ON......darkness actually flourished on our spite of our honorable intentions.....and for any of us to have the nerve to condemn another person .....whew, seems to be hypocracy at it`s worst.
Dove, I have a lot of respect for you, but I am deeply offended that you would accuse me of allowing and promoting something akin to child molestation.
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WD, I didn't come out swinging. Tone of voice doesn't really come across correctly sometimes. I had genuine questions and I apologize if it sounded that way. The thread is obviously one where people who all enjoy the HP books are sharing their enthusiasm and I just didn't see where your comments were well placed. I would have started another thread to discuss the "devilishness" of HP and how "ungodly" you seem to think it is. There may be others on here who feel the same way, but wouldn't comment because they wouldn't read this thread based on the content in the first posts.
You keep saying that you're not calling us stupid, however, your comments are very subtle in implying such opinions of us. Then you actually clarify it with this statement:
So, you DO consider us HP fans to be "dumbed down" members of society!
Watch? Be Vigiliant? Not all of us on the board are Christians and not all of us subscribe to your same Christian values who are still Christians. I respect you and think you're pretty wise, but you are coming across as the "holier than thou" people whom I left church originally to avoid and then again left behind in TWI.
Parents are responsible for teaching their children. That kid who believed everyone gets up after being knocked down had a mom who was taking drugs and who harldy ever supervised her child, much less made sure that he was properly taught. Can't blame that on wrestling, my friend. Same with any kids who believe they can fly on brooms. Just because we enjoy HP, enjoy reading it with our children doesn't mean we're encouraging or teaching them to become sorcerers.
This "dumbing down of society" is because there is no personal accountability anymore. People are suing left and right and expect the government to "babysit" grown adults. It is insulting to have you insinuate that you are better than us because you happen to think a little fantasy is opening us up to devil spirits and that we aren't smart enough to know the difference, much less teach that difference to our kids.
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Well said, Belle.
Hey... can we talk about Harry now?
Has anyone else finished the book? Not finished? I want to discuss details but don't want to be a *SPOILER* for anyone.
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There's a spoiler thread in the Gallery and Reading Room.
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Agreed what was a one time post seems to have drug on. I'll move my posts to a new thread and respond there.
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i am 57yo have no kids around and i love hp so does my wife
devil is as devil does
gee to think i can read stuff that i enjoy without hiding it is great
i used to keep my s,king books hidden!!
didn't say christmass either
f333k the debile
my God is stronger than him!
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I don't see why another thread needs to be started. This one was for those anticipating the release of the book. Now that the book has been released, why not continue the conversation here?
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Agreed.....I also think that we are reasonable adults that can disguss our point of view.
I was on the other side of this argument when the fourth book came out, and am really apreciative of the folks who patiently addressed my concerns, allaying my fears so that eventually I embarked on one of the most exciting reading adventure of my life.
There is much to be learn that villains don`t always look like villains, heroes don`t always appear wholesom on the surface.....evil doesn`t always have a neat little warning lable plastered in view to warn the unwary....
Good verses evil, bravery, the consequences of cowardice....the list is endless....
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I hope I was not short with you or disrespectful during that time, rascal (but I probably was.
;)--> )
Ah! My pensieve is alerting me to the creation of the new thread as we speak...
At least, I think that's what a pensieve does. Maybe it's my Spider-sense, which, for some reason, is acceptable.
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Nope raf, you (as always) were a perfect gentleman :-)
It took people rationally addressing my preconcieved notions, my irrational previously unadressed symptoms of way brain ...etc
I am gratefull for everyones patience back then.
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Tom Strange
What's a "pensieve"???
Is that the sense that you were displaying at The Flying Saucer which was followed by "God Bless Texas"???
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Umm, yes! That's exactly what it was.
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We got ours at 12:01, following a Potter party with pizza, butterbeer and games. My oldest has already finished it, but there are two more ahead of me. I'm trying not to look at spoilers!!
I started to read the other Potter thread, but right now I'm really swamped. Too tired for that thread.
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Bramble, I'm with ya! I still haven't picked it up, but I'm dying to read it and I'm so tempted to check out the spoilers thread, but I'm going to wait......I'm just afraid by then the other HP enthusiasts will have moved on....
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how do you make butter beer???
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Butterbeer ( from the We Love Harry Potter book, by Sharon Moore)
"I like the name "Butterbeer" and wanted to taste it. I heard that some kids staged a protest against banning the Harry Potter books at their school and they made Butterbeer and drank it.
Here's how I tried to make it. First, I took some root beer and put some butter in it and heated it in the microwave until the butter melted. Then I stirred it and tried it. It tasted good, but it was warm and it wasn't fizzy anymore. Then I tried heating the butter first until it melted, heating the root beer just a little bit and stirring them together. That worked pretty well.
My friend Sancho thought we could melt down a lot of butterscotch Life Savers, but they just melted into puddles and then got hard again when we took them out of the microwave.
We tried stirring the melted butter into ginger ale and it really tasted good, but I don't think you could call it Butterbeer. We tried putting cream in it, too, the kind they put in coffee, and that was even better. It was also good in the root beer. But again I don't think you could call it Butterbeer.
from Manny Mauricio, 9 years old"
My daughter, Katryna made some from this passage and I tasted it...was pretty good!
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