We cant let this thread die...heehee... Hi Chatty ... going to Mom's to make fudge today (again)... I feel my 'behind' getting bigger just thinking about that fudge!!!
quote: 1) Have we preconceived a person of race, religion etc based on what the world defines of them only, as well as, my personal opinion guiding me on what I want them to look like, as well as, not liking what they do as in prayer practice as example, as well as, it just looks so different that I seem unable to see it? Are these things that affect how we view others? Or what about the ones that are just insane and should not be considered and seen by me?
After a phone chat with someone never known before and to then meet with that person face to face!!!~~~ was the face at the phone chat the same face at the face to face?
And to you! (son is stranded at airport not 2 hours from here, can't get there) (you'd crack up at his stories to me via text message on my cell about each and every thing going on) (last one said HAVE FOOD!!!!!) (they don't grow up do they) (must leave again, enjoy your kids)
Shell, he finally showed up but he flew all night and waited most of the day in an airport he entertained himself in. Telling me at one point how the snow plow was out on the runway doing figure 8's, he thought to be deliberate. His thinking was they had all gone a tad bonkers by then. :)-->
Since the last time he slept was Thursday night I suspect he isn't going to open his door till sometime this afternoon.
Your account of Kelly's gift must have just grabbed your heart big time. Bless her heart, and Sam's...they've had to learn something about life and death we rather they not know as youth. Wonderful they have you with your fire and determination, heck Sam already displays it quite well doesn't she? And Kelly has a heart of powdered sugar it sounds.
Okay best make some breakfast and have ready just in case he actually does get up. ;)-->
With SongRemainsTheSame's permission I'm posting the beginning of his latest email to me just because it's fun, and I thought y'all might agree. Thanks Song. :)-->
"Somehow I deleted your last email to me before I responded to you. Dadgumit! Do you still have it to resend? If not, I'm terribly sorry fun man."
Ahh dear friend so you did read my last em. Should I invoke my read between the lines skills?
I read your email and would have responded. But instead, I decided to subunconsciencely and Main Entry: crise de conscience delete your em as a response and just hoped you can not resend. Well, if you do have it to resend, I suppose I will deal with it again. If not, I'm terribly sorry (insert snickers), but it was fun man.
Ahh dear friend, but I do have a copy... oh I bet you were good with the "dog ate my homework this morning" and your espanola teacher for some reason believed you eh! Or the ole "flat tire home late gig". Or the ~~~ Oh, never mind~~~ I believe you!
I am going to rewrite it from my photo Egraphic memory~~~ ready? One "Dadgumit" coming up (what does "dadgumit" mean?)~~~>>>
Why do I understand this so well. I have not been able to put it in a category or a paragraph what you shared in your first post here. WOW!! so many hurdles I have tried to leap and seem to fail. I am afraid of failure at times cause of the lose in my last 10 yrs of life. I am not perfect nor do I want to be perfect. But I seem to analyse many things into a depth that I dont understand. Its like putting a square peg in a round hole.
It seems easier for someone outside yourself to see your growth. And then have the care to bring it to your attention. I've not followed all of your life but I do know some of it and you've shown great heart and courage. I would have to disagree on some of your self-description likeaeagle.
I don't need a box that locks for my screws thank you very kindly Songster. But I'll take a box of oceans edge sand. (y'all he does know I won't share lockbox stuff, just in case y'all don't know he's kidding) ;)-->
BAArat eh hahahah ahhhh thanks. Did you not know, or haven't you heard, have I been so long with you Chatty that you do not know who I AM!!!! hahahahah
Nah no way I'll post the whole em for public viewing. Why someone may get the wrong idea The SnowMan Boxer part~~~~ hahahahhahahahaaaa
Sometimes my humour is a little dry concerning my above reply's the partial post.
Let me step it up a notch!
That partial piece you posted by permission oh my em to ya just seemed like a photograph of someones big toe!!! wohahhahhaha.
AND TO EVERYONE ~~~All the lock boxes I ever had~~~ I threw away the master key along with the boxes!!!
Rok On CK
post script~~~ I do read between the lines so many times, I wonder what I am really reading!!!
Song, I can hear your voice doing some weird cackle right now....stop it! :P-->
BAArat eh hahahah ahhhh thanks. Did you not know, or haven't you heard, have I been so long with you Chatty that you do not know who I AM!!!! hahahahah
You're seriously freaking me out now!
Nah no way I'll post the whole em for public viewing. Why someone may get the wrong idea The SnowMan Boxer part~~~~ hahahahhahahahaaaa
Well YOU brought up your boxers not I, was I to just ignore the topic? :o-->
Sometimes my humour is a little dry concerning my above reply's the partial post.
Let me step it up a notch!
Come on fess up, sometimes your humor is whacked to the max man. And if you stop it I'll come smack you. :)-->
That partial piece you posted by permission oh my em to ya just seemed like a photograph of someones big toe!!! wohahhahhaha.
I've never had anyone describe his writing as a big toe before. Um, don't do it again man. :D-->
AND TO EVERYONE ~~~All the lock boxes I ever had~~~ I threw away the master key along with the boxes!!!
He tells the truth y'all. He's a good friend to have. ;)-->
Rok On CK
Rok On Songster
post script~~~ I do read between the lines so many times, I wonder what I am really reading!!!
Well it helps when you don't delete un-responded emails, just ask me. :)-->
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We cant let this thread die...heehee... Hi Chatty ... going to Mom's to make fudge today (again)... I feel my 'behind' getting bigger just thinking about that fudge!!!
See ya, my friend.
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Hiya "hat" buddy, tell your mom hi for me, and send me some fudge.
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We're to get 8-10" of snow. Talk of even being stranded from going into work tomorrow.
Ouch, on dental appointment.
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Our son flies in on Christmas. Sounds like he'll recognize he's not home in California upon arrival.
Kewl you get to see Sam!
And about this thread....
I don't want to talk about it....
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Well you know I get all wordy and try to explain what I really meant and yada yada...spare yourself girl...run!
Did you say babies, yup they'll always be our babies.
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After a phone chat with someone never known before and to then meet with that person face to face!!!~~~ was the face at the phone chat the same face at the face to face?
justa thot
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And to you! (son is stranded at airport not 2 hours from here, can't get there) (you'd crack up at his stories to me via text message on my cell about each and every thing going on) (last one said HAVE FOOD!!!!!) (they don't grow up do they) (must leave again, enjoy your kids)
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Song, okay so I was a bonehead and deleted the email before I replied, send it back dude.
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Thank you Song, I'll reply to this one, I promise.
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Shell, brb.
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Shell, he finally showed up but he flew all night and waited most of the day in an airport he entertained himself in. Telling me at one point how the snow plow was out on the runway doing figure 8's, he thought to be deliberate. His thinking was they had all gone a tad bonkers by then.
Since the last time he slept was Thursday night I suspect he isn't going to open his door till sometime this afternoon.
Your account of Kelly's gift must have just grabbed your heart big time. Bless her heart, and Sam's...they've had to learn something about life and death we rather they not know as youth. Wonderful they have you with your fire and determination, heck Sam already displays it quite well doesn't she? And Kelly has a heart of powdered sugar it sounds.
Okay best make some breakfast and have ready just in case he actually does get up.
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With SongRemainsTheSame's permission I'm posting the beginning of his latest email to me just because it's fun, and I thought y'all might agree. Thanks Song.
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With your permission ChattyKathy~~~
May I post the thought the host this thread?
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here is what was actually written~~~
do i have permission
would take on a whole nother dimension this thread~~~
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screw lockbox
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Why do I understand this so well. I have not been able to put it in a category or a paragraph what you shared in your first post here. WOW!! so many hurdles I have tried to leap and seem to fail. I am afraid of failure at times cause of the lose in my last 10 yrs of life. I am not perfect nor do I want to be perfect. But I seem to analyse many things into a depth that I dont understand. Its like putting a square peg in a round hole.
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It seems easier for someone outside yourself to see your growth. And then have the care to bring it to your attention. I've not followed all of your life but I do know some of it and you've shown great heart and courage. I would have to disagree on some of your self-description likeaeagle.
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Well at this point I might call that a miracle since none of us know what the heck I was saying.
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Well um, okay I think.
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I don't need a box that locks for my screws thank you very kindly Songster. But I'll take a box of oceans edge sand. (y'all he does know I won't share lockbox stuff, just in case y'all don't know he's kidding)
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Thank you for your kindness. we left around the same time Kathy.
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Well CK hahahahhahhh
BAArat eh hahahah ahhhh thanks. Did you not know, or haven't you heard, have I been so long with you Chatty that you do not know who I AM!!!! hahahahah
Nah no way I'll post the whole em for public viewing. Why someone may get the wrong idea The SnowMan Boxer part~~~~ hahahahhahahahaaaa
Sometimes my humour is a little dry concerning my above reply's the partial post.
Let me step it up a notch!
That partial piece you posted by permission oh my em to ya just seemed like a photograph of someones big toe!!! wohahhahhaha.
AND TO EVERYONE ~~~All the lock boxes I ever had~~~ I threw away the master key along with the boxes!!!
Rok On CK
post script~~~ I do read between the lines so many times, I wonder what I am really reading!!!
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