Save your money. Accurate or not, that book is way overpriced IMHO, and contains info that can be gotten in other books, online, and from people like herbie and mh.
I recently picked up this book for $4 from a used bookstore: Alternative Medicine Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Environmental Illness. The publishers have a website -- . I have no idea how credible the site or the book are, but I wanted to get a book that seemed to cover many of the alternative medicine treatments that are used in Lyme, yeast, CFS, fibro, and RA. I have Lyme.
And while you're at it, you may want to look into Lyme disease. It is often misdiagnosed as rheumatoid or fibro, among others.
Thanks Shaz for the info. I am hopelessly ignorant when it comes to things natural lol thats why I need help. Whats lymes deasese? I heard of it but don't know what it is or what causes it or what the symtoms are. But I really would like to read that book cuz I don't trust the drug industry any more then I trust our government. lol They're both polecats and warthogs IMHO. LOL
Lyme disease (named after Lyme, CT, where it was uncovered in the 1970's) is a bacterial infection caused by a bite from an infected deer tick, about the size of the period on this sentence. People have been infected in nearly every state, but mostly in the Northeast, as well as CA, PA, MN, and WI. I caught mine in CT.
In its early stage, the infection may cause a flu-like illness and a rash. But sometimes it doesn't. (I never saw a rash, don't recall having the flu, and when I first had symptoms, I was mis-diagnosed.) Left untreated or under-treated, the bacteria can travel almost anywhere in the body and cause havoc, but it is common for the disease to cause fatigue, brain fog, joint or muscle pain, Bell's palsy, tingling, and/or depression and mental problems. It is the fastest-growing infectious disease in the country.
Author Amy Tan has it -- it gave her hallucinations, among other symptoms. ESPN freelancer Brooke Landau wa recently featured in a very good article about it on the "Today" show. She was practically paralyzed, and needed IV antibiotics and hyperbaric oxygen to recover. Most chronic Lyme patients wind up on long-term antibiotics.
Thanks Shaz, I do have some of the symptoms of Lymes but they are also symptoms of my fibromyalgia and arthris so I will talk to my doctor about it. Do you know any natural meds for pain? I'm alsmost always in pain that leaves me homebound and bedridden and I do want to get off the vicodan and other pain meds cuz I'm afraid of getting addicted.
If you go off the pain pills, be sure and talk to your doctor and go off slowly. I reduced my medication every two weeks instead of every week. I was on a drug called nerotin. I can't remember how to spell it. Made me sleep a lot! If you your stomach can handle it, try eating the hottest spiciest food you can. This is suppose to help you deal with the pain. Evening oil of primrose has helped me along with cod liver oil capsules, vitamines C & B complex (time release solaray brand), & vitamine E. Not getting upset for any length of time has helped before, too. When I get angry and stay mad for awhile that aggravates my sore spots.
Ask the herbal experts about natural remedies. The problem is always in getting a consistent dose -- slippery elm, for example, is natural aspirin, but how do you control the dosage if you make a tea of it?
I have taken the supplement SAM-E in the past (am on a prescription NSAID now). Cost about $1 a pill, so it's not all that cheap. Found it helped raise my mood/energy levels in a couple of days, relieved achy joints in a couple of weeks. When it stopped working was when I knew I was relapsing from the Lyme.
Hi Dove, I did a paper recently for my abnormal psych class dealing with stressors and health. From my few years on this board I've come to the conclusion that we all had more than our share of them.
Anxiety and panic disorders are common today. They affect close to 15% of Americans in any given year. These disorders are generally caused by major life stressors such as physical or emotional trauma coupled with a biological vulnerability. These events cause a flight or fight reaction in the body which if left untreated can cause heart disease, angina irregular heart rhythms headaches and in extreme cases, death. Cognitive behavior therapy shows promise as a viable treatment option for patients exhibiting stress related disorders by allowing them control over their thought process and thereby mitigating the effects of this disease.
This paper is designed to explore the connection between anxiety disorders and their relation to physical sickness and disease. Is there is a connection between the two and can treating one lessen the severity of the other? Are there treatment options that can mitigate the effects of long term stress and how does this relate to the primary diagnostician, the nurse in determining the most beneficial treatment program for a patient suffering from physical symptoms of undetermined origin.
I have used online psychiatric journals as well as medical textbooks and reference books to obtain the data for this paper. I have initiated a Galileo search using key words anxiety, stress attacks as well as searched the above stated material looking for references to anxiety attacks and physiology.
Anxiety disorders are quite prevalent today.
According to the National Institute of Health, “Approximately 19.1 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or about 13.3 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have an anxiety disorder” and “approximately 2.4 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or about 1.7 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have panic disorder.” (NIH)
Stress is the body’s physiological response to a stressor which is an event or change requiring adaptation. (Barlow et al. G-14). Stress can cause the body to release hormones and chemicals in response to the flight or fight syndrome. “Because the hypothalamus is the neural clearinghouse for both autonomic (visceral) function and emotional response, it is not surprising that some people under acute or unrelenting emtional stress fall prey to visceral illnesses, such as high blood pressure and heartburn.” (Marieb 455)
These chemicals while beneficial in the short term can cause the body great harm if allowed to continue.
Anxiety attacks cause negative mood states coupled with physical tension and apprehension over the future. Physical symptoms of anxiety disorders may include:
• Sensation of shortness of breath or smothering
• Dizziness or faintness
• Palpitations or pounding heart
• Trembling or shaking
• Sweating, chills, or hot flashes
• Feeling of choking
• Nausea or upset stomach
• Numbness or tingling
• Chest pain or discomfort
• Fear of dying
• Fear of losing control
• Feelings of unreality
• Feelings of detachment ( Smyth)
According the National Institute of Mental Health :
“Depression and anxiety disorders may affect heart rhythms, increase blood pressure, and alter blood clotting. They can also lead to elevated insulin and cholesterol levels. These risk factors, with obesity, form a group of signs and symptoms that often serve as both a predictor of and a response to heart disease. Furthermore, depression or anxiety may result in chronically elevated levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. As high levels of stress hormones are signaling a "fight or flight" reaction, the body's metabolism is diverted away from the type of tissue repair needed in heart disease.” (Depression and Heart Disease)
There is also a suggested link between certain types of behavior known as low emotional expressiveness and cancer: “In addition to work in the cardiovascular area, emotional suppression/repression has been examined in relation to caner, Indeed, low emotional expression is a key feature of a “type C” behavior pattern that has been suggested as a possible cancer risk factor.” (Contrada et al. 67)
Thus it becomes clear that anxiety and panic attacks (and mood disorders in general) can cause significant physical problems. This becomes problematic when the patient shows up at his or her Physicians office complaining of them particularly if such symptoms are taken on their own and not considered in terms of their co-morbidity with psychological issues.
This then poses a dilemma to the nurse practitioner in that treatment of the physical symptoms may provide little genuine relief without psychological treatment as well. It then becomes clear that it is vital to conduct a life history study to determine if the presenting problem (irregular heartbeat, abdominal pain etc.) are caused by a physical problem or if in fact they are psychological in origin particularly if the patient presents the same problems through repeated visits without significant improvement via traditional medical care.
“The nurse can expect to see symptoms in any of the dimensions of the person; for example, the stress of the crisis may exhibit as an emotional instability, a physical illness or an inability to concentrate. These reactions to the stress of crisis are highly individual; information from the client about past history and coping will assist the nurse to recognize and interpret the varied symptoms of crisis for an individual.” (Frisch et al. 167)
Marieb, Elaine. Human Anatomy & Phsyiology. 6th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2004.
Barlow, David , and V.Mark Durand. Abnormal Psychology. 4th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 2004.
, . (2002, may ). Depression and heart disease. National Institute of Mental Health, NIH Publication No. 02-5004. Retrieved Nov 21, 2004, from
Contrada, Richard, and Max Guyll. Handbook ofHealth Psychology. 1st ed. Mahway: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2001.
Frisch, Noreen , and Lawrence Frisch. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. 2nd ed. Albany: Delmar Thomson, 2002.
Now I am not suggesting your symptoms are *all in your head* or that any of us are more crazy than the rest of us (we are all damaged to one extent or another) but simply include what is going on in your head along with any natural or conventional treatment options you should choose to use.
btw I seem to have forgotten to include my conclusion so when I find it I'll post it.
Chronic stress releases hormones, most notably cortisol and adrenaline which, if allowed to run amuck can cause the bodys immune system to start attacking itself which is what causes rheumatiod arthritus and several other quite common ailments.
Now I realise what I just said makes no sense for someone looking for a cure for chronic pain, but it will if I relate it to ya in terms of what happened (and worked) for me.
A number of years ago I was under a great deal of stress. I was also suffering from head and abdominal pain of undetermined origion and ocassionally heart palpitations.
I spoke with my therapist about it and she suggested I practice meditation to lessen the symptoms. So I did
I first began with my headaches (which were almost unbearable). I lay on my bed with the room darkened and focused on that area of my body, imagining the knot up there unwinding itself. This took several tries but eventually the pain went away never to return :)-->. Since then I have shared this with other folks who have achieved similar results.
My abdominal pain was a bit more stubborn. It included short stabbing pains that felt like a hot poker was stuck in there and a constant ache but it too left as I cleansed my mind of the stress and visualized the tension I had stored there going away :)--> this took several months to unwind but did.
My heart palpitations took the shortest time of all as I only had two attacks and both times immediately sat down, calmed myself and began telling myself over and over, this is not a heart attack, just my bodies reaction to the stress I was under and if I didn't panic them worse just might go away on their own. This calmed me (and prevented them from becoming worse due to stressing needlessly over them) :)-->
My chronic fatigue also responded in similar fashion as I reduced the stress and took better care of myself. My energy increased to the point where today I have a good level of energy tho not near as much as when I was 20...
So what I humbly suggest is, practice meditation eat healthy, drink PLENTY of purified water, get a handle on any stressors in your life and (if your daring) take a toke and see if that helps.
There are still a few outdated medical practitioners who poo poo anything outside of their little world as being quack medicine but they are closed minded arrogant fools (imo) as there are plenty of practioners getting great (documented) results by treating physical problems from the holist point of view (not necessarly herbal).
Hi! This is my kind of topic! I've been informally studying naturopathic remedies for over 30 years and use the very simple principles that God gave us. Amazing how it's not that hard. One very effective natural pain substance is MSM---it's sulphur, NOT to be confused with sulfa drugs. Experts/chemists have not found a level that is toxic for humans [although I'm sure there is an out of balance level at some point]. But, NO SIDE EFFECTS have been shown ever.
It comes in 1000 mg tablets; when I've had sore muscles or joint pain for any reason, I've taken 2 and the pain melts away. Seems we are all deficient in sulphur because the soils are so depleted.
I've seen the infomercial you talk about and most of what he states I've learned already, but it's taken years and many books. I'm waiting for the price to come down.
A book I can recommend to get you started is M Ted Morter's book "Fells Your Health and Wellness". [no idea what Fells means and his original book, Your Health, Your Choice is out of print but both available on Amazon at used prices]. This book will open your eyes about the foundations of how to get well naturally without a taking a ton of supplements -- which in itself is a financial rip off.
Good health is at your fingertips if you're willing to make some basic changes. I'm in my mid 50's and my doctor is amazed. My looks and my lab work indicates a much younger person.
Dr Richard Schulze has gotten people to get healed by giving them "radical" herbal rememdies.
"radical, not really, compaired to Chemo and radiation.
Some one told me about this deal I could not believe it at first.
callthis number it is in NC
HEAL Marketplace.
They are GIVING AWAY the ENTIRE DVD's of Richard Schulze series for the membership of $20 and $5 shipping,. :D-->
(they carry his formulas if you don't want to made them yourself).
My jar of Echinacea tincture would go for $450 and it will last me a very long time.
It cost me the $4.oo jar and a trip to Yerington NV to harvest the Echenacea.
A couple tanks of gas.....
The video series used to be $1500.00!!!!
I made the call and am now enjoying a liver-gall bladder flush with my husband and have made Cayenne tincture and Echenacea tuncure....
This series has saved peoples lives, it is full of tesitmonies and recipes etc.
I don't know how long this will last, they are giving it away, so I HIGHLY suggest you order it now,
Call on Monday!!
I don't know these people, other than they told me they want the information out there so people can heal themselves and be well, and be responsible for their own health.
Well, the thing about Echinacea is that it works pretty okay at first but then it doesn't take too long before your body ignores it.
In order for it to regain its efficacy, you have to avoid all Echinacea for at least a couple of months, and then it will work pretty okay for a couple of weeks again.
FWIW, homeopathy is practiced widely in Germany -- has been for years. I remember getting some good results for some allergies I had to some local plants through homeopathic medicines I was prescribed when over there.
I think like all things, there is a place for it. It would be nice if the various healing arts would be able to get together and try to work collaboratively to find what is best for each patient.
Thank you all for your input. After I posted this I think my daughter suggested I get a full on physical including scans, upper and lower GI's the whole bannana so I did the first thing I found out was the excrutiating pain in my left hip that kept me bedridden so much of the time is due to a slipped disk in my lower back and I had two eppidurals since Oct. and will have another one next Wed. They worked very well and by the second one all the pain was gone. But beleive it or not while walking down the hospital hall on my way for an upper GI I tripped on a metal strip across the hall much like a threshold strip the was not flush with the floor and I flew head first on the floor cracking my left eyebrow and landing on my left side requiring stitches to an inch long gash to my left eyebrow, and reinjuring my back so thats why I'm having the the third epidural done. After I got out of the emergency room I went and had the Upper GI done and found out what was once was a tiny ulcer is now a great big one thus the pain in my stomach and inablity to keep food or water down. He gave me previcid which so far is working pretty well. I'm still on pain meds but have tried to cut down on them and using ibuprophen to help I also have an infection in my lower left gum due to bone chips working thier way out, boy does that hurt lol but my daughter wrote a Rx for me for an antibiotic and I have an appointment get the bone chips removed ( many of my friends in here know that I haven't had any bottom teeth in about 2 years cuz of the bone chips). Only then can I get my bottom teeth to fit and I couldn't wear them because of the swelling. Please friends pray for my teeth I want to eat regular foods again uh oh a steak would be so good. lol. Because of the ulcer I can't eat spicey food but thats OK cuz I don't like hot stuff anyway.
I did learn after many times of having cracks that hurt in the corners of my lips that riboflavin will heal this in just a few days. This is for you who may have the same problem. and the B vitamins are great I love em.
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Hi, wyteduv,
Save your money. Accurate or not, that book is way overpriced IMHO, and contains info that can be gotten in other books, online, and from people like herbie and mh.
I recently picked up this book for $4 from a used bookstore: Alternative Medicine Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Environmental Illness. The publishers have a website -- . I have no idea how credible the site or the book are, but I wanted to get a book that seemed to cover many of the alternative medicine treatments that are used in Lyme, yeast, CFS, fibro, and RA. I have Lyme.
And while you're at it, you may want to look into Lyme disease. It is often misdiagnosed as rheumatoid or fibro, among others.
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Thanks Shaz for the info. I am hopelessly ignorant when it comes to things natural lol thats why I need help. Whats lymes deasese? I heard of it but don't know what it is or what causes it or what the symtoms are. But I really would like to read that book cuz I don't trust the drug industry any more then I trust our government. lol They're both polecats and warthogs IMHO. LOL
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Hey duv,
Lyme disease (named after Lyme, CT, where it was uncovered in the 1970's) is a bacterial infection caused by a bite from an infected deer tick, about the size of the period on this sentence. People have been infected in nearly every state, but mostly in the Northeast, as well as CA, PA, MN, and WI. I caught mine in CT.
In its early stage, the infection may cause a flu-like illness and a rash. But sometimes it doesn't. (I never saw a rash, don't recall having the flu, and when I first had symptoms, I was mis-diagnosed.) Left untreated or under-treated, the bacteria can travel almost anywhere in the body and cause havoc, but it is common for the disease to cause fatigue, brain fog, joint or muscle pain, Bell's palsy, tingling, and/or depression and mental problems. It is the fastest-growing infectious disease in the country.
Author Amy Tan has it -- it gave her hallucinations, among other symptoms. ESPN freelancer Brooke Landau wa recently featured in a very good article about it on the "Today" show. She was practically paralyzed, and needed IV antibiotics and hyperbaric oxygen to recover. Most chronic Lyme patients wind up on long-term antibiotics.
For more information, go here.
Hope that helps -- feel free to email me .
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PS -- and don't get me started on insurance companies, and the government, when it comes to disease...
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Thanks Shaz, I do have some of the symptoms of Lymes but they are also symptoms of my fibromyalgia and arthris so I will talk to my doctor about it. Do you know any natural meds for pain? I'm alsmost always in pain that leaves me homebound and bedridden and I do want to get off the vicodan and other pain meds cuz I'm afraid of getting addicted.
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If you go off the pain pills, be sure and talk to your doctor and go off slowly. I reduced my medication every two weeks instead of every week. I was on a drug called nerotin. I can't remember how to spell it. Made me sleep a lot! If you your stomach can handle it, try eating the hottest spiciest food you can. This is suppose to help you deal with the pain. Evening oil of primrose has helped me along with cod liver oil capsules, vitamines C & B complex (time release solaray brand), & vitamine E. Not getting upset for any length of time has helped before, too. When I get angry and stay mad for awhile that aggravates my sore spots.
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I think it's spelled neurontin, reiki
Ask the herbal experts about natural remedies. The problem is always in getting a consistent dose -- slippery elm, for example, is natural aspirin, but how do you control the dosage if you make a tea of it?
I have taken the supplement SAM-E in the past (am on a prescription NSAID now). Cost about $1 a pill, so it's not all that cheap. Found it helped raise my mood/energy levels in a couple of days, relieved achy joints in a couple of weeks. When it stopped working was when I knew I was relapsing from the Lyme.
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Hi Dove, I did a paper recently for my abnormal psych class dealing with stressors and health. From my few years on this board I've come to the conclusion that we all had more than our share of them.
Anxiety and panic disorders are common today. They affect close to 15% of Americans in any given year. These disorders are generally caused by major life stressors such as physical or emotional trauma coupled with a biological vulnerability. These events cause a flight or fight reaction in the body which if left untreated can cause heart disease, angina irregular heart rhythms headaches and in extreme cases, death. Cognitive behavior therapy shows promise as a viable treatment option for patients exhibiting stress related disorders by allowing them control over their thought process and thereby mitigating the effects of this disease.
This paper is designed to explore the connection between anxiety disorders and their relation to physical sickness and disease. Is there is a connection between the two and can treating one lessen the severity of the other? Are there treatment options that can mitigate the effects of long term stress and how does this relate to the primary diagnostician, the nurse in determining the most beneficial treatment program for a patient suffering from physical symptoms of undetermined origin.
I have used online psychiatric journals as well as medical textbooks and reference books to obtain the data for this paper. I have initiated a Galileo search using key words anxiety, stress attacks as well as searched the above stated material looking for references to anxiety attacks and physiology.
Anxiety disorders are quite prevalent today.
According to the National Institute of Health, “Approximately 19.1 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or about 13.3 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have an anxiety disorder” and “approximately 2.4 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or about 1.7 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have panic disorder.” (NIH)
Stress is the body’s physiological response to a stressor which is an event or change requiring adaptation. (Barlow et al. G-14). Stress can cause the body to release hormones and chemicals in response to the flight or fight syndrome. “Because the hypothalamus is the neural clearinghouse for both autonomic (visceral) function and emotional response, it is not surprising that some people under acute or unrelenting emtional stress fall prey to visceral illnesses, such as high blood pressure and heartburn.” (Marieb 455)
These chemicals while beneficial in the short term can cause the body great harm if allowed to continue.
Anxiety attacks cause negative mood states coupled with physical tension and apprehension over the future. Physical symptoms of anxiety disorders may include:
• Sensation of shortness of breath or smothering
• Dizziness or faintness
• Palpitations or pounding heart
• Trembling or shaking
• Sweating, chills, or hot flashes
• Feeling of choking
• Nausea or upset stomach
• Numbness or tingling
• Chest pain or discomfort
• Fear of dying
• Fear of losing control
• Feelings of unreality
• Feelings of detachment ( Smyth)
According the National Institute of Mental Health :
“Depression and anxiety disorders may affect heart rhythms, increase blood pressure, and alter blood clotting. They can also lead to elevated insulin and cholesterol levels. These risk factors, with obesity, form a group of signs and symptoms that often serve as both a predictor of and a response to heart disease. Furthermore, depression or anxiety may result in chronically elevated levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. As high levels of stress hormones are signaling a "fight or flight" reaction, the body's metabolism is diverted away from the type of tissue repair needed in heart disease.” (Depression and Heart Disease)
There is also a suggested link between certain types of behavior known as low emotional expressiveness and cancer: “In addition to work in the cardiovascular area, emotional suppression/repression has been examined in relation to caner, Indeed, low emotional expression is a key feature of a “type C” behavior pattern that has been suggested as a possible cancer risk factor.” (Contrada et al. 67)
Thus it becomes clear that anxiety and panic attacks (and mood disorders in general) can cause significant physical problems. This becomes problematic when the patient shows up at his or her Physicians office complaining of them particularly if such symptoms are taken on their own and not considered in terms of their co-morbidity with psychological issues.
This then poses a dilemma to the nurse practitioner in that treatment of the physical symptoms may provide little genuine relief without psychological treatment as well. It then becomes clear that it is vital to conduct a life history study to determine if the presenting problem (irregular heartbeat, abdominal pain etc.) are caused by a physical problem or if in fact they are psychological in origin particularly if the patient presents the same problems through repeated visits without significant improvement via traditional medical care.
“The nurse can expect to see symptoms in any of the dimensions of the person; for example, the stress of the crisis may exhibit as an emotional instability, a physical illness or an inability to concentrate. These reactions to the stress of crisis are highly individual; information from the client about past history and coping will assist the nurse to recognize and interpret the varied symptoms of crisis for an individual.” (Frisch et al. 167)
Smyth, Angela . "Panic Disorder." 19 2004. Medical Encyclopedia. National Institute of Health. 23 Nov. 2004
Marieb, Elaine. Human Anatomy & Phsyiology. 6th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2004.
Barlow, David , and V.Mark Durand. Abnormal Psychology. 4th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 2004.
, . (2002, may ). Depression and heart disease. National Institute of Mental Health, NIH Publication No. 02-5004. Retrieved Nov 21, 2004, from
Contrada, Richard, and Max Guyll. Handbook ofHealth Psychology. 1st ed. Mahway: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2001.
Frisch, Noreen , and Lawrence Frisch. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. 2nd ed. Albany: Delmar Thomson, 2002.
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Now I am not suggesting your symptoms are *all in your head* or that any of us are more crazy than the rest of us (we are all damaged to one extent or another) but simply include what is going on in your head along with any natural or conventional treatment options you should choose to use.
btw I seem to have forgotten to include my conclusion so when I find it I'll post it.
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Chronic stress releases hormones, most notably cortisol and adrenaline which, if allowed to run amuck can cause the bodys immune system to start attacking itself which is what causes rheumatiod arthritus and several other quite common ailments.
Now I realise what I just said makes no sense for someone looking for a cure for chronic pain, but it will if I relate it to ya in terms of what happened (and worked) for me.
A number of years ago I was under a great deal of stress. I was also suffering from head and abdominal pain of undetermined origion and ocassionally heart palpitations.
I spoke with my therapist about it and she suggested I practice meditation to lessen the symptoms. So I did
I first began with my headaches (which were almost unbearable). I lay on my bed with the room darkened and focused on that area of my body, imagining the knot up there unwinding itself. This took several tries but eventually the pain went away never to return
:)-->. Since then I have shared this with other folks who have achieved similar results.
My abdominal pain was a bit more stubborn. It included short stabbing pains that felt like a hot poker was stuck in there and a constant ache but it too left as I cleansed my mind of the stress and visualized the tension I had stored there going away
:)--> this took several months to unwind but did.
My heart palpitations took the shortest time of all as I only had two attacks and both times immediately sat down, calmed myself and began telling myself over and over, this is not a heart attack, just my bodies reaction to the stress I was under and if I didn't panic them worse just might go away on their own. This calmed me (and prevented them from becoming worse due to stressing needlessly over them)
My chronic fatigue also responded in similar fashion as I reduced the stress and took better care of myself. My energy increased to the point where today I have a good level of energy tho not near as much as when I was 20...
So what I humbly suggest is, practice meditation eat healthy, drink PLENTY of purified water, get a handle on any stressors in your life and (if your daring) take a toke and see if that helps.
There are still a few outdated medical practitioners who poo poo anything outside of their little world as being quack medicine but they are closed minded arrogant fools (imo) as there are plenty of practioners getting great (documented) results by treating physical problems from the holist point of view (not necessarly herbal).
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Hi! This is my kind of topic! I've been informally studying naturopathic remedies for over 30 years and use the very simple principles that God gave us. Amazing how it's not that hard. One very effective natural pain substance is MSM---it's sulphur, NOT to be confused with sulfa drugs. Experts/chemists have not found a level that is toxic for humans [although I'm sure there is an out of balance level at some point]. But, NO SIDE EFFECTS have been shown ever.
It comes in 1000 mg tablets; when I've had sore muscles or joint pain for any reason, I've taken 2 and the pain melts away. Seems we are all deficient in sulphur because the soils are so depleted.
I've seen the infomercial you talk about and most of what he states I've learned already, but it's taken years and many books. I'm waiting for the price to come down.
A book I can recommend to get you started is M Ted Morter's book "Fells Your Health and Wellness". [no idea what Fells means and his original book, Your Health, Your Choice is out of print but both available on Amazon at used prices]. This book will open your eyes about the foundations of how to get well naturally without a taking a ton of supplements -- which in itself is a financial rip off.
Good health is at your fingertips if you're willing to make some basic changes. I'm in my mid 50's and my doctor is amazed. My looks and my lab work indicates a much younger person.
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Dr Richard Schulze has gotten people to get healed by giving them "radical" herbal rememdies.
"radical, not really, compaired to Chemo and radiation.
Some one told me about this deal I could not believe it at first.
callthis number it is in NC
HEAL Marketplace.
They are GIVING AWAY the ENTIRE DVD's of Richard Schulze series for the membership of $20 and $5 shipping,.
(they carry his formulas if you don't want to made them yourself).
My jar of Echinacea tincture would go for $450 and it will last me a very long time.
It cost me the $4.oo jar and a trip to Yerington NV to harvest the Echenacea.
A couple tanks of gas.....
The video series used to be $1500.00!!!!
I made the call and am now enjoying a liver-gall bladder flush with my husband and have made Cayenne tincture and Echenacea tuncure....
This series has saved peoples lives, it is full of tesitmonies and recipes etc.
I don't know how long this will last, they are giving it away, so I HIGHLY suggest you order it now,
Call on Monday!!
I don't know these people, other than they told me they want the information out there so people can heal themselves and be well, and be responsible for their own health.
I agree with that!!
It is sooo worth it!!
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Well, the thing about Echinacea is that it works pretty okay at first but then it doesn't take too long before your body ignores it.
In order for it to regain its efficacy, you have to avoid all Echinacea for at least a couple of months, and then it will work pretty okay for a couple of weeks again.
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FWIW, homeopathy is practiced widely in Germany -- has been for years. I remember getting some good results for some allergies I had to some local plants through homeopathic medicines I was prescribed when over there.
I think like all things, there is a place for it. It would be nice if the various healing arts would be able to get together and try to work collaboratively to find what is best for each patient.
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Kit Sober
what about Noni juice?
Does this have any integrity among people who have been into natural medicines/ homeopathy with knowledge?
The noni juice discussion
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I love Dr Schulze's stuff! I'm going to call and see if I can still get the DVDs, they don't mention it on their website.
Thanks so much!
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Thank you all for your input. After I posted this I think my daughter suggested I get a full on physical including scans, upper and lower GI's the whole bannana so I did the first thing I found out was the excrutiating pain in my left hip that kept me bedridden so much of the time is due to a slipped disk in my lower back and I had two eppidurals since Oct. and will have another one next Wed. They worked very well and by the second one all the pain was gone. But beleive it or not while walking down the hospital hall on my way for an upper GI I tripped on a metal strip across the hall much like a threshold strip the was not flush with the floor and I flew head first on the floor cracking my left eyebrow and landing on my left side requiring stitches to an inch long gash to my left eyebrow, and reinjuring my back so thats why I'm having the the third epidural done. After I got out of the emergency room I went and had the Upper GI done and found out what was once was a tiny ulcer is now a great big one thus the pain in my stomach and inablity to keep food or water down. He gave me previcid which so far is working pretty well. I'm still on pain meds but have tried to cut down on them and using ibuprophen to help I also have an infection in my lower left gum due to bone chips working thier way out, boy does that hurt lol but my daughter wrote a Rx for me for an antibiotic and I have an appointment get the bone chips removed ( many of my friends in here know that I haven't had any bottom teeth in about 2 years cuz of the bone chips). Only then can I get my bottom teeth to fit and I couldn't wear them because of the swelling. Please friends pray for my teeth I want to eat regular foods again uh oh a steak would be so good. lol. Because of the ulcer I can't eat spicey food but thats OK cuz I don't like hot stuff anyway.
I did learn after many times of having cracks that hurt in the corners of my lips that riboflavin will heal this in just a few days. This is for you who may have the same problem. and the B vitamins are great I love em.
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