Ive stayed out of this- read some of it, it is a bit lengthy for my tastes and the bickering has no appeal to me whatsoever,
But just to add my two cents I'll tell you Ive been drinking Penta water for about 2-- 2 1/2 years. No research,no big reason, a friend I trust just gave some to to me and I said OK. I drank it , I liked it.
I drink about a gallon a day, and feel the best that I have in years..more energy than Ive had in decades...and I haven't taken one medication (not so much as an aspirin) in all that time.
Coincidence? maybe.
I don't really care, I like it and it works for me.
Maybe the fact that its a gallon a day might have more to do with it than the fact that its superoxygenated. For one thing, it does beat city water, what with all the gunk in it. (Atlanta's water is like that anyway.)
But keep in mind that drinking a lot of water, even city water, beats by far drinking little water, and that will most likely be the tell-tale indicator.
(Now beer, on the other hand, is a different animal altogether. ;)--> I wonder how much like research Norm from Cheers has put into that. :D-->)
Zix, my man,
Doncha know that its just a matter of faith, brother. Gotta take it on faith.
Hhmmmm, maybe that's why James isn't supposed to be in the Bible. He doesn't talk about the benefits of superoxygenated water. Hhmmpphh, that self-righteous pharisee!
Garth: You're probably right about drinking a lot of water--the kidneys and liver do function best when there is ample water in the system.
On a side note, are Grif & Donut as huge as Scooter is now? Scoot's already bigger than his mother...and his little brother Stormy isn't far behind him! :)-->
Grif and Donut are already, at 8 months old, full size tom cats. :-) And they are quite healthy and they look out after each other quite well when they are outside. (My apartment is too small for them to play and stay in all the time. And its quiet enough here away from the many dangers of the open street)
Mstar1, how much does that cost you? I did some checking around, and where I live it costs $1.99 for the 16.9 ounce and $2.99 for the 33.8 ounce. So by my calculations, a gallon would be say around $12.00?
Well, I pulled the luck of the draw on the price, I get it from a friend who owns a healthfood store , is an evangelist for the stuff, and is a bad businessman to boot but a good friend who thinks everyone should be drinking it.
He gives me a case of the 16 oz botts for $15.00 which is probably less than he pays, and less than I'd pay for normal store water but I send a lot of people his way and give him alot of other business so it balances out...
quote: This is what I mean by "quack chemistry". Not all bleach is sodium hypochlorite, but even a cursory examination of the formula would be a big giveaway to most people:
sodium hypochlorite: NaOCl
table salt: NaCl
I'm beginning to think you are the quack chemist on this thread. My bottle of generic bleach says 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite, Inert ingredients 94.75%, for a total of 100%. It's the bleach sold in stores to whiten clothes and I really don't care to know what all the inerts are in the bottle, whether salt, dirt, water or whatever.
Obviously there are many bleaching agents in the world, but you brought up the subject to suggest that molecular oxygen is bleach. It is not. Quack, quack. The common understanding of the word bleach is the stuff I have in front of me in a gallon bottle, "Austins A-1 BLEACH" (the cheeper dealer in competition with Chlorox).
But you're not alone in wanting to confuse molecular oxygen with the "baddies" of the world. It seems the medical profession has changed the old term "free radical" to "oxygen free radical" and then to "reactive oxygen species" in an effort to include molecular oxygen as a baddie when reading all the studies done over the years using the former terms.
As anybody in the field of hyperbarics will tell you, adding molecular oxygen to one's body will decrease the formation of free radicals, not increase them. It's the reason that hyperbarics works in the healing of so many diseases and physical damage, and it's the reason that oxygenated water works. I'm not talking about ozone or about hydrogen peroxide, both of which will increase the formation of free radicals and are poisons. I'm talking about molecular oxygen.
As far as welding-grade oxygen contaminants go, welding-grade is generally required to be only 99.5% pure, instead of the 99.9% and up of the higher grades. Where the remainder of the contaminants can come in is in backflush into the cylinders from other contaminant gases in the system as the cylinder pressure drops, typically carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, acetylene, etc. If the welding supply company does not routinely exhaust the cylinders they refill, there is a real possibility that the next cylinder you get can be highly contaminated. In welding, that doesn't mean a whole lot, although fuel efficiency will suffer in a contaminated-oxygen environment.
If you're trying to put it into your body, though, you're rolling the dice.
Quack, Quack! Ain't fear tactics wonderful. I suppose I could take my oxygen bottle, run it completely dry (which nobody does anyway), then put my vacuum pump on the valve (after rigging up the fittings required to do so), then close the vale tightly, then take the tank to the back of my car, start the engine, slowly open the valve to get any carbon monoxide coming out of the tail pipe, close the valve again, take the cylinder to my oxygen supplier, and after he fills it to 2,500 psi, perhaps have 99.5% oxygen rather than 99.9999%.
Even so, I rather expect that any carbon monoxide in the bottle would react with the oxygen to form carbon dioxide since the equalibrium point for the reaction of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is around 1700-1900 degrees Farhenheit, CO2 being favored below that temperature and CO being favored above it. The lower the temperature, the more CO2 and the less CO, and the higher the oxygen pressure, the more CO2 and the less CO. So with 1 atmosphere of CO and 170 atmosphere's of O2, and room temperature, I'll leave it to you to figure out how much carbon monoxide could possibly be in the bottle if one were to deliberately try to maximize it at atmospheric pressure.
I suppose I could also be stupid enough to take my coffee cup with me while stopping to fill my gas tank and decide I was thirsty while doing so and say, "hey, there's some clear liquid, it must be water, I think I'll drink some", fill my cup with gasoline, drink it and die.
The only reason I'm answering this is because it seems you're telling people that they can't make their own oxygenated water because they can't get medical grade oxygen without a doctors prescription and welding grade is dangerous. Backflush, ..... Quack, Quack.
quote:The common understanding of the word bleach is the stuff I have in front of me in a gallon bottle, "Austins A-1 BLEACH" (the cheeper dealer in competition with Chlorox).
It may be the common understanding among homemakers and in laundry mats, but certainly not among those with more than average scientific understanding. And certainly not among those claiming or implying vast scientific understanding.
Definition: (From Hyperdictionary)
1. [n] the act of whitening something by bleaching it (exposing it to sunlight or using a chemical bleaching agent)
2. [n] the whiteness that results from removing the color from something; "a complete bleach usually requires several applications"
3. [n] an agent that makes things white or colorless
4.. [v] make whiter or lighter; "bleach the laundry"
5. [v] remove color from; "The sun bleached the red shirt"
Nowhere is "chlorine bleach" implied in the term bleach. Chlorine bleach is simply one or many "bleaching agents".
David: As Goey said, not all bleach is chlorine bleach, and oxygen most certainly is a bleaching agent.
As for your petulant scoffing at my claims of possible contamination of industrial-grade oxygen, perhaps the FDA's own warning might persuade you. (Probably not, since it's part of the Evil FEDGOV™ who has been beaming mind-control microwaves at your tinfoil hat again...)
quote:Medical gases not filled in accordance with the current good manufacturing practice regulations can and have resulted in medical gases that are contaminated which can cause serious injury and/or death to patients who were administered the gas. In fact, injury and death of patients has occurred in the past due to CGMP problems. (emphasis mine)
And that's a warning against medical-grade oxygen cylinders, which are supposed to be filled under much more scrutinized conditions than your local welding-supply shop! For those interested, here's the whole FDA article: FDA Medical Gas Requirements
David, you are an ignorant poser who needs to shut the hell up before your stupidity kills an innocent victim before it kills you.
quote:He gives me a case of the 16 oz botts for $15.00 ...
Mstar1, that's an incredible price! The least expensive I've been able to find it is a case of the 1 liter (12 - 33.8 oz.) for $31.00, plus tax. That's still double what you pay.
Ya think the guy might give me a decent discount if I go up there to Boston and buy a few cases from time to time?
quote: And, let's see...it isn't oxygen in the bloodstream, it's oxygen in lymph, right? Oh, okay. Except for the fact that the lymphatic system drains directly into the bloodstream via the subclavian veins. Oops. Think I learned that in 9th grade biology. Pity all of us didn't, apparently.
Obviously they didn't teach you in 9th grade that the lymph begins as Chyle in the small intestine and ENDS being dumped off into the blood stream at the lymph nodes. In other words, it's the sewer water that gets dumpted into the circulatory system, not the fresh water we drink, which bathes every cell of the body to dump off oxygen and neutrants and pick up the trash on it's way to the lymph nodes.
From your last post it sounds to me like you're the Tin Man in need of a drop of oil to stop the squeeking instead of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck. Krys has given me good reason for her not reavealing her true identity here. You have given nothing and your latest scurrilous attacks require an attorney to defend against- at least a good trial lawyer will tell you that eye witness testimony beats double blind, placebo studies all to hell.
And your latest attack on medical grade oxygen (with the implication that the folks that make, distribute and sell welding grade oxygen are far inferior to those that handle medical grade) has only caused those that may need medical grade oxygen to breathe to wonder if they will get poisoned in the process.
Perhaps you do not know that all oxygen made these days comes from the cooling of air down to around minus 200 degrees C and then boiling off the oxygen (b.p. -182.962 C) after boiling off the nitrogen (b.p. -195.8 C). In the process, all the other gasses are seperated and sold, but these consist of less than 1% of the total weight of air.
I will tell you that when I visited the plant on the Ohio River, I didn't examine all the design details of the plant to insure purity, but the plant manager did say to let him know when any horses running at Mountaineer were given oxygneated water because he wanted to bet on them. But that was a real, live, engineeer talking to a real, live, engineer, not an engineer talking to a cyberspace fiction.
If you have anything further to say to me, use your real name instead of being a coward and a fear-monger!
As for your early defamation attempts, please be advised that I am a Christian, and am not in the least embarrassed or regretful about promomting PFAL. I'd still recommend it as VPW was an excellent bible teacher and lots of folks learned a great deal of bible knowledge from him. What they did or didn't do with the information is their business. I just don't rcommend the outfit he set up, especially The Way Corps and it's "leadership" training. To me it was the blind leading the blind and they both fell into the ditch. Perhaps you were one of those trainees and that's what makes you so obnoxous now. Or maybe you're just an imposter here, intent on spreading hatred, misinformation, and discontent.
quote: Or maybe you're just an imposter here, intent on spreading hatred, misinformation, and discontent.
Or maybe, just maybe, he's spreading healthy skepticism (which, as mentioned before, is required in the scientific and engineering fields, rather than 'faith'), an alternative point of view, and a legit challenge for you to prove your point, rather than your expectation to accept what you say as tho' it was 'gospel'.
Your points and logic in challenging the book of James, valid as they may be, fail here, and become insignificant, as you cannot treat this kind of physical science from the premise of 'by faith, and not by sight'. Evidently you have no idea what a scientist who has come up with a new hypothesis must go thru (MUST, mind you), before his hypothesis accepted as a more solid theory. And that's *well* before it can be proven and accepted as fact.
One thing for sure, with your attitude, you would stand no chance of having ANY of your pet theories and hypotheses accepted by any scientific body, getting your panties all tied up in a knot like you do.
Maybe we can all get together for a reality show: "The Scientific Apprentice on Survivor Island!" (why does that have an eerie similar ring to "Gilligan's Island"? ;)-->) with Donald Trump as your host.
There are a few things which need addressing here.
#1. I'm looking for something I can link to which which will give everybody a visual to explain what lymph is and how it moves through the body. I can't find something satisfactory yet, but I'm still looking....I'll post what I find when I find it. The current description is not adequate and is incorrect because it is only partly complete.
#2. There are plenty of reasons why folks post here using psudonyms instead of real names. That is true of lots of forums. This particular forum folks from all over twi come and share their stuff.
David alluded to the fact that I shared some stuff with him about my real name and he respected that. Sometimes many of us do that one on one with a few posters....but that is not the norm. Yes, I have a good reason for using a psudoname...but so does every body else who uses one.
Zixar, Goey, oldiesman, excathedra...in fact anybody who uses one is just as valid as anyone who uses a real name. That is how it is on these GreaseSpot Cafe forums. We had many discussions about this over the years, and we have all agreed to honor and respect everyone's wishes regarding their posting name.
It's not the same on other forums I belong to, but it is here. Everyone who uses a handle instead of a real name has the same value as someone who uses a name. Please don't use that as a posting "weapon" or "defense" again...it does not apply here.
quote: And, let's see...it isn't oxygen in the bloodstream, it's oxygen in lymph, right? Oh, okay. Except for the fact that the lymphatic system drains directly into the bloodstream via the subclavian veins. Oops. Think I learned that in 9th grade biology. Pity all of us didn't, apparently.
Obviously they didn't teach you in 9th grade that the lymph begins as Chyle in the small intestine and ENDS being dumped off into the blood stream at the lymph nodes. In other words, it's the sewer water that gets dumpted into the circulatory system, not the fresh water we drink, which bathes every cell of the body to dump off oxygen and neutrants and pick up the trash on it's way to the lymph nodes.
Can't have it both ways, genius. You were saying that your Oxygenated water went straight into the lymph via the small intestine, it wasn't absorbed into the bloodstream. The lymph is nothing more than interstitial cellular fluid that has leaked out of the other tissues via capillary loss and whatnot. All that precious oxygen has nowhere to go in the lymphatic system until it's dumped as "sewer water" back into the bloodstream.
From your last post it sounds to me like you're the Tin Man in need of a drop of oil to stop the squeeking instead of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck. Krys has given me good reason for her not reavealing her true identity here. You have given nothing and your latest scurrilous attacks require an attorney to defend against- at least a good trial lawyer will tell you that eye witness testimony beats double blind, placebo studies all to hell.
Utter ..... If eyewitness testimony were so vastly superior to scientific studies, George Aar and Sudo would hang up their atheism in a second and be falling all over each other trying to get into my prayer group.
And your latest attack on medical grade oxygen (with the implication that the folks that make, distribute and sell welding grade oxygen are far inferior to those that handle medical grade) has only caused those that may need medical grade oxygen to breathe to wonder if they will get poisoned in the process.
No, it has only triggered your massive paranoia complex. Anyone who actually read the report would realize that Evil FEDGOV™ is doing all it can to insure that doesn't happen. Nice try at changing the subject, but, no.
Perhaps you do not know that all oxygen made these days comes from the cooling of air down to around minus 200 degrees C and then boiling off the oxygen (b.p. -182.962 C) after boiling off the nitrogen (b.p. -195.8 C). In the process, all the other gasses are seperated and sold, but these consist of less than 1% of the total weight of air.
I will tell you that when I visited the plant on the Ohio River, I didn't examine all the design details of the plant to insure purity, but the plant manager did say to let him know when any horses running at Mountaineer were given oxygneated water because he wanted to bet on them. But that was a real, live, engineeer talking to a real, live, engineer, not an engineer talking to a cyberspace fiction.
Yes, Dave, I'm just an imaginary cyberspace fiction, and your eyewitness testimony is oh, so wonderful. Of course, as usual, it misses the point entirely, because the contamination comes mostly from mishandling the welding cylinders, not at the point of manufacture. (Which was in the report, but of course, Evil FEDGOV™ rays would shoot out of your monitor and tax all your oxygen if you bothered to read it. Wise move.)
If you have anything further to say to me, use your real name instead of being a coward and a fear-monger!
I almost wish you'd use a pseudonym and stop being a complete ....tard in public, but wishes are tightly monitored and controlled by Secret FEDGOV Conspiracy Organizations™ and I've used up my quota for the month. Pity, that.
As for your early defamation attempts, please be advised that I am a Christian, and am not in the least embarrassed or regretful about promomting PFAL. I'd still recommend it as VPW was an excellent bible teacher and lots of folks learned a great deal of bible knowledge from him. What they did or didn't do with the information is their business. I just don't rcommend the outfit he set up, especially The Way Corps and it's "leadership" training. To me it was the blind leading the blind and they both fell into the ditch. Perhaps you were one of those trainees and that's what makes you so obnoxous now. Or maybe you're just an imposter here, intent on spreading hatred, misinformation, and discontent.
The only reason I even bother with your smug, self-righteous, pompous idiocy is that these people are my friends, and I'm not about to let some half-wit with an unread copy of "Chemistry for Dummies" possibly endanger their health with a bunch of snake-oil hucksterism that anyone with a working knowledge of chemistry and fifteen minutes worth of searching can prove is a bald-faced lie. Now, you can take your acrimonious bluster, fold it until it's all sharp corners and angles, and test your own chyle with it.
Spoke with my doctor today, and it turns out I was right about the lymphatic system after all. He, too, said that the notion was ludicrous, since there's no way for anything in the lymph to affect other tissues until it's cycled back into the bloodstream. Of course, he's only a medical doctor....not an engineer or anything smart like that... -->
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Ive stayed out of this- read some of it, it is a bit lengthy for my tastes and the bickering has no appeal to me whatsoever,
But just to add my two cents I'll tell you Ive been drinking Penta water for about 2-- 2 1/2 years. No research,no big reason, a friend I trust just gave some to to me and I said OK. I drank it , I liked it.
I drink about a gallon a day, and feel the best that I have in years..more energy than Ive had in decades...and I haven't taken one medication (not so much as an aspirin) in all that time.
Coincidence? maybe.
I don't really care, I like it and it works for me.
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Maybe the fact that its a gallon a day might have more to do with it than the fact that its superoxygenated. For one thing, it does beat city water, what with all the gunk in it. (Atlanta's water is like that anyway.)
But keep in mind that drinking a lot of water, even city water, beats by far drinking little water, and that will most likely be the tell-tale indicator.
(Now beer, on the other hand, is a different animal altogether.
;)--> I wonder how much like research Norm from Cheers has put into that.
Zix, my man,
Doncha know that its just a matter of faith, brother. Gotta take it on faith.
Hhmmmm, maybe that's why James isn't supposed to be in the Bible. He doesn't talk about the benefits of superoxygenated water. Hhmmpphh, that self-righteous pharisee!
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Garth: You're probably right about drinking a lot of water--the kidneys and liver do function best when there is ample water in the system.
On a side note, are Grif & Donut as huge as Scooter is now? Scoot's already bigger than his mother...and his little brother Stormy isn't far behind him!
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Grif and Donut are already, at 8 months old, full size tom cats. :-) And they are quite healthy and they look out after each other quite well when they are outside. (My apartment is too small for them to play and stay in all the time. And its quiet enough here away from the many dangers of the open street)
And now, back to Dr. Science.
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Well, I pulled the luck of the draw on the price, I get it from a friend who owns a healthfood store , is an evangelist for the stuff, and is a bad businessman to boot but a good friend who thinks everyone should be drinking it.
He gives me a case of the 16 oz botts for $15.00 which is probably less than he pays, and less than I'd pay for normal store water but I send a lot of people his way and give him alot of other business so it balances out...
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David Anderson
I'm beginning to think you are the quack chemist on this thread. My bottle of generic bleach says 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite, Inert ingredients 94.75%, for a total of 100%. It's the bleach sold in stores to whiten clothes and I really don't care to know what all the inerts are in the bottle, whether salt, dirt, water or whatever.
Obviously there are many bleaching agents in the world, but you brought up the subject to suggest that molecular oxygen is bleach. It is not. Quack, quack. The common understanding of the word bleach is the stuff I have in front of me in a gallon bottle, "Austins A-1 BLEACH" (the cheeper dealer in competition with Chlorox).
But you're not alone in wanting to confuse molecular oxygen with the "baddies" of the world. It seems the medical profession has changed the old term "free radical" to "oxygen free radical" and then to "reactive oxygen species" in an effort to include molecular oxygen as a baddie when reading all the studies done over the years using the former terms.
As anybody in the field of hyperbarics will tell you, adding molecular oxygen to one's body will decrease the formation of free radicals, not increase them. It's the reason that hyperbarics works in the healing of so many diseases and physical damage, and it's the reason that oxygenated water works. I'm not talking about ozone or about hydrogen peroxide, both of which will increase the formation of free radicals and are poisons. I'm talking about molecular oxygen.
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Now ya done it, Zix. You done went and got Dr. David MAD now.
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Definition: (From Hyperdictionary)
1. [n] the act of whitening something by bleaching it (exposing it to sunlight or using a chemical bleaching agent)
2. [n] the whiteness that results from removing the color from something; "a complete bleach usually requires several applications"
3. [n] an agent that makes things white or colorless
4.. [v] make whiter or lighter; "bleach the laundry"
5. [v] remove color from; "The sun bleached the red shirt"
Nowhere is "chlorine bleach" implied in the term bleach. Chlorine bleach is simply one or many "bleaching agents".
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I bought some Penta water this weekend and it tastes quite good.
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David: As Goey said, not all bleach is chlorine bleach, and oxygen most certainly is a bleaching agent.
As for your petulant scoffing at my claims of possible contamination of industrial-grade oxygen, perhaps the FDA's own warning might persuade you. (Probably not, since it's part of the Evil FEDGOV™ who has been beaming mind-control microwaves at your tinfoil hat again...)
And that's a warning against medical-grade oxygen cylinders, which are supposed to be filled under much more scrutinized conditions than your local welding-supply shop! For those interested, here's the whole FDA article: FDA Medical Gas RequirementsDavid, you are an ignorant poser who needs to shut the hell up before your stupidity kills an innocent victim before it kills you.
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Ya think the guy might give me a decent discount if I go up there to Boston and buy a few cases from time to time?
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David Anderson
From Zixar:
Obviously they didn't teach you in 9th grade that the lymph begins as Chyle in the small intestine and ENDS being dumped off into the blood stream at the lymph nodes. In other words, it's the sewer water that gets dumpted into the circulatory system, not the fresh water we drink, which bathes every cell of the body to dump off oxygen and neutrants and pick up the trash on it's way to the lymph nodes.
From your last post it sounds to me like you're the Tin Man in need of a drop of oil to stop the squeeking instead of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck. Krys has given me good reason for her not reavealing her true identity here. You have given nothing and your latest scurrilous attacks require an attorney to defend against- at least a good trial lawyer will tell you that eye witness testimony beats double blind, placebo studies all to hell.
And your latest attack on medical grade oxygen (with the implication that the folks that make, distribute and sell welding grade oxygen are far inferior to those that handle medical grade) has only caused those that may need medical grade oxygen to breathe to wonder if they will get poisoned in the process.
Perhaps you do not know that all oxygen made these days comes from the cooling of air down to around minus 200 degrees C and then boiling off the oxygen (b.p. -182.962 C) after boiling off the nitrogen (b.p. -195.8 C). In the process, all the other gasses are seperated and sold, but these consist of less than 1% of the total weight of air.
I will tell you that when I visited the plant on the Ohio River, I didn't examine all the design details of the plant to insure purity, but the plant manager did say to let him know when any horses running at Mountaineer were given oxygneated water because he wanted to bet on them. But that was a real, live, engineeer talking to a real, live, engineer, not an engineer talking to a cyberspace fiction.
If you have anything further to say to me, use your real name instead of being a coward and a fear-monger!
As for your early defamation attempts, please be advised that I am a Christian, and am not in the least embarrassed or regretful about promomting PFAL. I'd still recommend it as VPW was an excellent bible teacher and lots of folks learned a great deal of bible knowledge from him. What they did or didn't do with the information is their business. I just don't rcommend the outfit he set up, especially The Way Corps and it's "leadership" training. To me it was the blind leading the blind and they both fell into the ditch. Perhaps you were one of those trainees and that's what makes you so obnoxous now. Or maybe you're just an imposter here, intent on spreading hatred, misinformation, and discontent.
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Or maybe, just maybe, he's spreading healthy skepticism (which, as mentioned before, is required in the scientific and engineering fields, rather than 'faith'), an alternative point of view, and a legit challenge for you to prove your point, rather than your expectation to accept what you say as tho' it was 'gospel'.
Your points and logic in challenging the book of James, valid as they may be, fail here, and become insignificant, as you cannot treat this kind of physical science from the premise of 'by faith, and not by sight'. Evidently you have no idea what a scientist who has come up with a new hypothesis must go thru (MUST, mind you), before his hypothesis accepted as a more solid theory. And that's *well* before it can be proven and accepted as fact.
One thing for sure, with your attitude, you would stand no chance of having ANY of your pet theories and hypotheses accepted by any scientific body, getting your panties all tied up in a knot like you do.
Dr. Science has more validity than this. (http://www.drscience.com/)
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This highly scientific debate is better than The War of the Gargantuas.
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Think we'll make it on The Discovery Channel?
Maybe we can all get together for a reality show: "The Scientific Apprentice on Survivor Island!" (why does that have an eerie similar ring to "Gilligan's Island"?
;)-->) with Donald Trump as your host.
"You're fired!"
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Ahoy There Matey
Have you ordered your Gilligan's Island
DVD set yet?
Order Here
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There are a few things which need addressing here.
#1. I'm looking for something I can link to which which will give everybody a visual to explain what lymph is and how it moves through the body. I can't find something satisfactory yet, but I'm still looking....I'll post what I find when I find it. The current description is not adequate and is incorrect because it is only partly complete.
#2. There are plenty of reasons why folks post here using psudonyms instead of real names. That is true of lots of forums. This particular forum folks from all over twi come and share their stuff.
David alluded to the fact that I shared some stuff with him about my real name and he respected that. Sometimes many of us do that one on one with a few posters....but that is not the norm. Yes, I have a good reason for using a psudoname...but so does every body else who uses one.
Zixar, Goey, oldiesman, excathedra...in fact anybody who uses one is just as valid as anyone who uses a real name. That is how it is on these GreaseSpot Cafe forums. We had many discussions about this over the years, and we have all agreed to honor and respect everyone's wishes regarding their posting name.
It's not the same on other forums I belong to, but it is here. Everyone who uses a handle instead of a real name has the same value as someone who uses a name. Please don't use that as a posting "weapon" or "defense" again...it does not apply here.
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My Real Name is Rafael Olmeda.
Penta Water is bunk.
Thank you.
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Krys: Please check your Private Topics.
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George Aar
Re:"at least a good trial lawyer will tell you that eye witness testimony beats double blind, placebo studies all to hell."
Well, David, at least you're as well versed in the law as you are in chemistry. Gotta love the consistency, anyway...
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A good trial lawyer will tell you that juries believe eye witnesses over double-blind, placebo studies. Such a trial lawyer is insulting juries.
We're supposed to believe this stuff now because of the insults leveled at juries by trial lawyers?
My name is Rafael Olmeda, and Penta Water is bunk.
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Spoke with my doctor today, and it turns out I was right about the lymphatic system after all. He, too, said that the notion was ludicrous, since there's no way for anything in the lymph to affect other tissues until it's cycled back into the bloodstream. Of course, he's only a medical doctor....not an engineer or anything smart like that...
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